g4beamline HISTORY.txt


04/23:	Improve G4blData.java to check for presence of each dataset, and
	update each status appropriately. G4blGui.java now runs G4bldata
	if Geant4Data is missing; can also (re-)run it via a special link
	in Help.html.

04/17:	Several minor cosmetic improvements: re-organized the examples;
	made configure display library versions.

04/15:	Improved probefield: uses positional arguments as input lines, and
	can write to an outputFile.

04/15:	Added function "if(condition,truevalue,falsevalue)" to BLEvaluator.
	Added an expression using it to test40. Documented it in Users Guide.

04/14:	Add Bphi to fieldexpr. Required adding Bphi to BLFieldMap for
	cylindrical maps created with createCylinderMap(). BLFieldMap
	supports Bphi for maps created with createCylinderMap(), but
	not when read or written to a file.

04/10:	Geant4.9.5.p01. Still needs workaround for secondary track weighting
	bug (#1283). Minor update to test14.

04/09:	Moved BLManager::initialize() updating parameters to start of
	initialize() so BLManager::getSteppingVerbose() is valid during
	construct(). This is a long-standing bug (related only to printing
	with steppingVerbose>0); it's now fixed, and all elements that
	kill tracks now print a message if steppingVerbose > 0.

03/29:	Added kill argument to newparticlentuple. Does not kill track if
	require test fails.

03/28:	spinTracking is now complete. It includes: tracking the polarization
	of mu+, mu-, e+, e-, pion decay to polarized muons, and polarized
	muon decay. Polarized muon decay gives the correct distribution for
	the electron, but not the neutrinos; all muon decay products are

03/19:	Added spinTracking argument to physics command. Still not complete,
	but can do g-2 ring and pion decay. Also test95. 

	Added for command and test94.

03/12:	The new build system is now complete. Everything is in the configure
	script; it constructs a Makefile that builds the libraries and
	g4beamline. The .config file is bi-lingual, in that it is read
	by both bash and make -- this makes it impossible to support
	directories with whitespace in their names.

	Finally got Windows to build. Required reverting to Root 5.24.

01/28:	I reported the secondary track weighting bug as Geant4 problem 1283.
	I also implemented a work-around in Geant4.9.5-tjrob.

01/25:	Working on a completely new build system and Geant4 9.5.
	Geant4 9.5 depends on CLHEP >, which has a unary minus
	bug in Evaluator that I cannot work around. So I created
	clhep- that has Evaluator from CLHEP
	but is otherwise Still have problems: Open Inventor
	has problems, and there are weight errors in the tests (even
	though I made the modification to G4VParticleChange)..

01/18:	Using Geant4 9.5. Starting new build system for G4beamline.

01/17:	Modify configure to properly configure Root for macosx/macosx64
	based on the compiler, not the OS (which has been 64 bits since
	Leopard). On Linux and Windows it presumably still gets the
	architecture correct.

01/13:	I found the problem with Root, it is in BLRootNtuple.cc:
	i!=string.npos is not portable when i is unsigned.
	unsigned => G4String::size_type. There were a few other instances
	of this.
	There are a lot of "for(unsigned i=0; i<vector.size(); ++i)",
	but this is OK as long as the vector contains fewer than 4
	billion entries. Now all tests pass in 64-bit mode, on Mac OS X
	10.7.2 (Lion), except test72 (g4blmake).

01/11:	There are two problems in 64-bit mode: Root hangs when creating
	a TNtuple, and ~20% of the tests fail. The latter was found to be
	the use of G4Event::operator=. The code was modified to avoid it, and
	it was reported as Geant4 problem 1277. Now only 4 tests fail -- the
	four tests using Root (they hang forever as Root creates a HUGE .root
	file). Still working on this...

01/10:	Release 2.10a for Mu2E, Linux only. They need the stack trace.

01/09:	Enhance BLSignal to print a stack trace for the first signal received.
	Modify g4bl_exit() to print it. Prints demangled C++ names.
	Works on Mac and Linux; doesn't work on Windows (yet ?).

01/04:	Release 2.10, using Geant4 9.4.p03


12/17:	Use Geant4.9.4.p03. Requires an additional fix to G4VParticleChange.cc,
	fSetSecondaryWeightByProcess(true) => false. Reported as Geant4 
	Problem 1273

12/15:	Add BLCMDrfdevice from Kevin Beard. This is an updated pillbox command,
	but is different enough that the old pillbox is retained and the new
	one is called rfdevice. Need test(s) for it.

12/15:	Add traceTune argument to the trace command, to permit the user to
	suppress the Tune particle trace (it gan be enormous with lots of

12/15:	Add BLFieldMap::getFieldValueNoTimeNoScale() for Kevin's new

12/08:	Modify BLCommand::getNextCommand() to permit spaces after a \
	to still continue the line (happens sometimes in Windows, or
	converting a file Windows->Linux).

11/18:	Remove MICEPhysicsList and LISAPhysicsList. Nobody uses them, and
	they haven't worked for a long time.

11/18:	Modify BLAlarm.cc to use BLTime::time() instead of ::time(0).
	For some reason, the latter now fails to compile on Windows; this 
	is better.  Also fixup portability issues related to NaN in
	BLCommand.cc, and related to SIGUSR[12] in BLSignal.cc.

11/2:	Build with geant4.9.4.p02.

10/13:	Make --disable-MPI be the default for MAC OS also -- Lion does not
	have it (can be installed via MacPorts or Fink).

08/30:	Add command reweightprocess, which modifies the cross-section of
	a physics process, re-weighting tracks appropriately. Also test93.

08/25:	Reported Problem 1243 to the Geant4 collaboration. Weighting of the 
	parent track is broken. There is a workaround that is in the code,
	so it works.

08/10:	Reported documentation Problem 1241 to the Geant4 collaboration. The
	Users Guide does not mention G4PhysListFactory for constructing
	physics lists. G4beamline already uses it, so this does not affect it.

08/09:	Fixed up some calls to G4ProcessManager::AddProcess; ordering was
	wrong (3 insead of ordDefault). All Tests Passed.

07/29:	Fixed G4SynchrotronRadiation.cc -- had old-style arguments to
	GetFieldValue(), twice. Remarkably, using double[3] where double[6] 
	was expected did not crash. Reported to Geant4 collaboration as 
	problem 1236.

07/27:	New command lilens, a simple model of a Li lens. Also test92.

07/18:	Reported documentation Problem 1233 to the Geant4 collaboration. The
	decription of muon decay in the Physics Manual is highly misleading.

07/13:	Made BLManager print the signal # when a signal is received.
	Also modified BLSignal.hh.

07/13:	Fix setup to handle spaces in directory names. MUST BE TESTED ON

07/05:	Have tune command print the expression when complete.

07/05:	Have cornerarc update Zcl, so elements can be placed sequentially.

07/03:	Enhance material command to filter tracks. Added arguments
	keep, kill, require, plus code to implement this. Added test91.

06/13:	Add setCustomHandler() to BLAlarm. Add clear() to BLSignal.
	Intended to let BLCMDneutrino separate the external genie_interface
	delay from the event time limit, but that is not yet implemented.

05/16:	Modify Makefile to fail a make wthout a preceeding ./configure.

04/14:	Add union to ntuple command, to union detectors instead of combining
	them. Added test90.

04/11:	Modified BLNTuple so format=ascii prints the integer fields as ints,
	avoiding PDGid's like 1.000001E9. Integer fields are: PDGid, EventID,
	TrackID, ParentID. Now in the ASCII NTuple formats, any EventID should
	be properly preserved exactly, as long as it fits into a 32-bit
	unsigned int. Root NTuples still will round off values larger than
	16,777,215 (all int fields). Modified test01 to use event
	numbers 1.00010E9 and 800000001.

04/11:	Revised the interface to BLNTuple to use doubles instead of floats.
	This avoids the problems with integer truncation, which affects
	both EventID and PDGid. Also made the ASCII prints set to zero any
	values too small for a float (fabs(data)<1.0E-44) -- affected
	format=ascii and format=bltrackfile). The 6th significant digit
	changed in the following tests, forcing minor changes: test86, test64,
	test54, test50.

04/11:	NOTE: At present, BLMPI is disabled (non-trivial changes are required).

03/29:	pillbox problems -- with stochastics off, still get small run-to-run
	variations. Seems to be related to starting tuning at 
	timeOffset=-4.7E21 (!). Fixed by zeroing it before starting tuning.
	Also fixed bug that DC cavities' E field is not rotated.
	Also fixed bug where point[] was used instead of local[].

03/15:	Add argument referenceParticle to timentuple, so it can optionally 
	include the reference Particle in the NTuple.

03/09:	In trackermode, document that its input filename must not be equal to
	histoFile, and issue an immediate fatal exception if so.

03/08:	In BLRunManager in collective mode, revise adding TimeStepLimiter
	to all particles to happen before the Tune particle, but with
	stepTime=DBL_MAX. stepTime is re-set after all beam tracks are obtained.
	This fixes the crash when disabling processes in collective mode --
	that was a subtle one!

03/08:	Make disabling physics processes while tracking beam generate a
	G4Exception(JustWarning), so they get tabulated at end of job. 

03/08:	Make default NTuple format be "" (rather than "root"), so when ROOT
	is disabled the default becomes "ascii" (via #ifdef in BLNTuple.cc).
	Affected: trace, zntuple, virtualdetector.

03/07:	Remove obsolete functions G4Step::GetDeltaEnergy() and 
	GetDeltaMomentum(); replace with obvious differences.

03/04:	Change handling stuck tracks (100 steps in a row, each less than 0.1 
	micron and 0.1 ps) -- if beta < 0.010, silently stop it, otherwise
	kill it with an exception printed. Print # Stuck Tracks (stopped)
	in summary at exit.

03/04:	In BLManager::Notify() print the KE of tracks that generate a
	G4Exception. Involved adding currentTrack into BLManager.

02/22:	Fixed commands with PostUserTrackingAction() to either work properly
	in collective mode (BLCMDtotalenergy.cc), or to be documented to not
	work correctly in collective tracking mode (BLCMDntuple.cc,
	BLCMDtracker.cc), and throw a fatal G4Exception. The trace command
	works in collective mode only if oneNtuple is nonzero.

02/22:	Fixed all warnings to use G4Exception(), so they get tallied at the
	end of the run. Affected: BLCMDcorner.cc BLCMDparam.cc BLCMDplace.cc
	BLCMDstart.cc BLCMDtotalenergy.cc BLFOR009.cc BLRootNtuple.cc
	BLTrackFile.cc. This was already done for fatal errors and abort(),
	for all G4beamline code.

02/22:	Fix probefield -- it erroneously used BLAsciiFile for its input,
	which caused it to truncate the file, and not work. Add test89.

02/21:	Make beamlossntuple ignore tracks that were suspended (i.e. every
	time step in collective tracking mode).

02/21:	Added BLSignal::sigusr1() and BLSignal::sigusr2(); make
	BLManager::EndOfEventAction() call BLNtuple::flushAll() if sigusr1
	is received (just as for histoUpdate). Now on Linux and Mac you can 
	do "killall -USR1 g4beamline" to have them update their Root files.

02/12:	Release 2.08, using Geant4 9.4.

02/12:	Add gsl_error_handler() to BLManager. Ignores underflows in GSL
	functions, and aborts the event for other errors.

02/11:	Added helicalharmonic command, from V. Morozov. Added test88.

02/09:	Added spacecharge and spacechargelw commands. Added test87.

02/03:	Add gammaToMuPair argument to physics command; when set, and add the
	G4GammaConversionToMuons process to the gamma.

01/18:	Fixed beam command so beamZ does not overwrite the z position
	for gaussian, rectangular, and ellipse beams (it is added).
	Still overwrites for root and ascii beams, as documented.

01/18:	Increased grace period for BLAlarm from 2 to 10 seconds. Remember this 
	is wall-clock time, not CPU time.

01/18:	Modified BLSignal so when reading from stdin in BLCommand, a sigle
	^C will exit the program.

01/11:	Improved collective command to generate NTuple-s of E and B field
	values at specified points in space at each time step.

01/07:	Added --debug flag to configure. It sets G4DEBUG and does
	--disable-visual, --disble-root, and --disable-mpi. Probably
	doesn't work on Windows (not tested -- works on Mac OS X).

01/06:	Implemented BLAsciiFile that keeps track of the FILE * for each
	file opened for writing, and returns the same FILE * for multiple
	opens. Used for all data-output commands. This means that multiple
	NTuple-s can be sent to a single ASCII file simply by usng the same
	filename. Ditto for printf-s, etc. Added test86.

01/06:	In BLManager.cc, incremented eventsProcessed in EndOfRunAction
	for TUNE and REFERENCE. Avoids users being puzzled by "0 Events".

01/05:	Improved BLSignal and BLAlarm. The latter now works on Windows.
	I also modified G4blGui.java so when the Abort button is pushed it
	sends a SIGINT to g4beamline and waits 2 seconds before destroying
	the process and closing the copy to the screen. So on Linux and Mac,
	^C in g4bl and Abort in g4blgui both close up cleanly.
	Neither works on Windows for two different reasons:
	A) in Cygwin, this is a fundamental incompatibility between Cygwin's
	   bash and non-Cygwin Windows programs (such as g4beamline.exe).
	   Running g4beamline without bash could work, but is hard.
	B) in g4blgui, Windows has no way to send a signal from the parent
	   to the child; alternatives are 'way too cumbersome.

01/03:	Added BLSignal, and improved signal handling in BLManager.


12/10:	Added argument exactComputation to the coil command, to make it
	not use a field map, but rather do the Biot-Savart computation
	at every call. Slows it down considerably, but it remains useful 
	for drawing field lines.

12/07:	randomseed command: improved error checking. Also add "set" as
	synonym to "now".

12/06:	New command setdecay to modify particles' lifetime, decay modes, and
	branching ratios. Can make stable particles decay.

12/06:	idealsectorbend computed its length and width incorrectly.
	Only mattered if the idealsectorbend determined the world size. 

12/03:	Extended the eventcuts command to have both keep and skip files.
	If the keep file is not empty, only events listed in it are analyzed.
	Events in the skip file are skipped (even if listed in both).

11/24:	edit Geant4 source, G4OpenInventorSceneHandler.cc, initialize
	fPreviewAndFull to true, "visible mothers + visible daughters".
	Also edit G4OpenInventorWinViewer.cc and G4OpenInventorXtViewer.cc
	to set transparency type to SORTEDOBJECTADD.
	This means that now by default transparency works, and that
	daughters are visible.

11/24:	Implemented fieldlines command to draw B field lines.

11/24:	In BLGroup::constructWorld(), make world invisible. Does not affect
	Open Inventor, but does affect other viewers.

11/20:	Transparency works in Open Inventor, but you must manually use the
	right button menu to set DrawStyle/TransparencyType to 'sorted
	object add'. The default type is 'blend', which lets you see some
	(but not all) objects through others, but not tracks or field lines
	(depends on drawing order).

11/18:	Fixed totalenergy to include the kinetic energy of tracks that are
	killed, except for tracks leaving the world.

11/04:	Implemented the alpha parameter in color. Transparency works
	in viewer=OGLIXm, but not viewer=OIX or viewer=best.

10/12:	Fix ntuple command so newparticlntuple will work with perTrack=1.
	Required its registerTrackingAction() to be put at the front of
	the vector, rather than at the back. Modify test81 to test this.

09/29:	beam command ascii will only accept format=BLTrackFile; any
	other value fails with an assert failure TrackID>=0 (!!). Fixed to
	give a proper error message.

09/22:	Release 2.06.

09/17:	Fixes/improvements to HistoRoot.C:
	1. extend limits in NPARTICLES to include Hyperons.
	2. fix problems with variables and multiple NTuples (again --
	   this time for sure).
	3. expand slider limits by 1 part per million in scanForLimits
	   (don't do this for limits in expr:min:max). Fixes off-by-1
	   event counts when restoring sliders (related to float==float).

09/15:	In physics command, added argument synchrotronRadiation to add
	G4SynchrotronRadiation process to e+ and e-. Also added
	synchrotronRadiationMuon for mu+ and mu- -- NOTE: this is
	experimental for muons and may not work (the process IsApplicable()
	only applies to e+ and e-, and commented out Charge()!=0).
	Added test85 (e- only).

09/15:	In g4blgui, removed the "rm *.root *.hst" when the Run button is 
	pushed. But still do "rm *.heprep" (images for the HepRep viewer).
	Also increase NPARTICLES to 8000 so hyperons are listed (no names).

09/14:	Implemented BLTrackNTuple, which replaces most of the UserSteppingAction
	in commands that generate a track NTuple. It implements the Extended
	formats that add additional fields to the NTuple. Commands updated:
	beamlossntuple, newparticlentuple, timentuple, trace, virtualdetector,
	zntuple. The new fields are appended to the end of the row, so the
	extended-format NTuples should still be readable by the beam command 
	(untested). All tests pass, without any changes to them. This replaces
	BLEvaluator::setTrackVariables(), but that is still needed for other
	commands (printf, profile, trace, tune). Added test84.

09/13:	Created BLAssert.hh and replaced all assert() with BLAssert(). This
	makes them call G4Exception() rather than abort() (which hangs for
	>1 minute on my Mac as it tries to print out the stack).

09/13:	Preparing for revision of track NTuples. Some commands mis-handled
	the default; fixed.

09/10:	Release 2.04c (for Mu2E).

09/09:	Added muminuscapturefix, which adds extra neutrons to the
	muMinusCaptureAtRest process. default parameters make it
	reproduce the MARS neutron spectrum for Al.

09/08:	In BLCMDlist, do handleCallbacks(0) after initializing the BLManager,
	so commands that change the process list affect the listing.

08/26:	In BLCMDfieldmap, timeOffset was inadvertently ignored.
	Kevin Beard provided the diagnosis and fix.

07/30:	In BLRunManager, getNextStepTime() has been renamed to getStepTime(),
	and the comments explain when it returns the current step time and
	when it returns the next step time. setNextStepTime() => setStepTime().

07/30:	Regularized names to EventID, TrackID, and ParentID in: BLEvaluator.hh
	BLTrackFile.hh BLCMDprintf.cc BLTrackFile.cc.

07/29:	Added EventID to the variables in particlefilter's require argument.
	Also renamed TrkId=>TrackID, Parent=>ParentID so they are the same
	names used elsewhere.

07/29:	reference command noEloss and noEfield did not work properly for
	multiple reference particles. Also only the first Tune and
	Reference particles are entered into the traces. Fixed by also
	requiring lastGen==this. Also, each reference command increments the
	TrackID of the tune and reference tracks.

07/28:	Code related to G4String::npos is not portable to 64-bit g++.
	Lots of fixups (unsigned -> G4String::size_type). In principle,
	all loops like "for(unsigned i=0; i<v.size(); ++i)" should also
	be fixed up, but there are so many of them that I did not do it;
	they work on 64-bit g++ and all 32-bit compilers that have been used.
	On ilcsim2 the custom 64-bit build (--disable-visual --disable-root)
	ran 20% faster than the distribution 32-bit build (testAUG05.in,
	using ascii NTuples and pre-computed coil maps). I did not
	investigate why SoXt and Root failed to build in 64-bit mode.
	BTW re-building on ilcsim (32-bit) ran 5% faster than the distribution
	(running on ilcsim2, on which each core is ~2X faster than on ilcsim).

07/28:	In BLNTuple.cc, make defaultFormat be "ascii" if Root is not enabled.

07/26:	Release 2.03. Using Geant4.9.3.patch01.

07/26:	Minor fix to g4bl-config: don't echo --include if the directory
	does not exist. Fixed test72 (user compiling via g4blmake) to
	omit itself if the include directory does not exist (was failing).

07/24:	New command fieldntuple, which generates an NTuple of positions and
	field values, using loops over coordinate values. Makes it easy to
	plot fields using existing NTuple plotting tools. test82.

07/07:	Added veto argument to ntuple command: veto is a comma-separated
	list of detector patterns; a hit in any of them prevents the
	event/track from being entered into the NTuple. Also added
	filename argument to ntuple command, to make it like the others.

07/06:	Added output command to redirect stdout and stderr to a file.
	Most useful when histoFile is set to parameter values, so output
	is redirected to a similarly-named output file. test58.

07/06:	Added printing CreatorProcess for each track when steppingVerbose=1.
	Also in ZStepLimiter, remove SetProcessOrdering(this,idxAtRest)
	because it is not needed at rest, and overwrites the actual
	process name that killed the track.

06/29:	Added test80 to test the particlesource command. It's a very
	basic test using almost none of the many fatures of the GPS.
	Also fixed particlesource to properly seed the random number

06/24:	Permit users to select ICOOL-style Tune and Reference particles
	by adding two new arguments to the reference command:
	noEloss=1 makes Tune and Reference not experience any ionization
	energy loss; noEfield=1 makes Tune and Reference not respond to
	any electric fields. Applies only to this Tune/Reference particle.
	Added test79.

05/10:	Fixed HistoRoot problem with variables in multiple NTuples.

05/07:	Added argment perTrack to BCLMDntuple -- generates a row in the 
	NTuple for each track (default is a row for each event).

04/19:	Release 2.02.

04/19:	Bug in BLEvaluator handling unary minus. This is difficult to fix 
	correctly, which requires complete parsing of the expression.
	Instead, a scan for an operator followed by - or + is performed,
	surrounding the unary expression in parens; repeated until no change.
	The underlying HepTool::Evaluator does handle unary - after a '('.
	This handles all test cases I threw at it. Added test77.

04/15:	Major restructuring of G4blGui.java in the handling of G4beamline's
	stderr and stdout. There was a deadlock when enough exceptions were
	printed to stderr to fill up the pipe -- this caused g4beamline to
	block writing to stderr, while G4blGui was blocked waiting for a
	line from stdout. This was much more common on Windows than on Mac.
	Now there are two threads, one each for stdout and stderr, and a
	synchronized outputLine(). This causes the exception lines to
	sometimes interleave in an ugly way with lines from stdout, so
	BLManager::Notify() was changed to write exception text to stdout
	(not stderr -- this is better in all respects), EXCEPT when running
	in MPI (need exceptions written to stderr so they are seen). This is
	belt and suspenders -- a large amount of text written to stderr
	doesn't cause the deadlock, and the amount of text written to stderr
	was greatly reduced.

04/14:	Made g4bl_exit() call exit() (instead of _exit()). Now LisaPhysicsList
	fails (Mac: un-aligned pointers freed; Windows: general program fault).
	Omitted test41.

04/14:	Modify BLManager::Notify() to thin out the printing of many similar
	exceptions. Also add exceptionSummary() to print a summary of all
	exceptions during handleCallbacks(2). Also convert some printf-s
	to G4Exception-s in BLCMDbeam and clean up a printf in BLTrackFile.

04/12:	Modified g4bl script for Cygwin to use a mixed path for G4BL_DIR.
	This fixed test41 for the case when the data directory is copied. 
	It should have been this way from the start, and I'm surprised no
	other tests failed. g4blgui already does this OK. Now all tests
	pass for either a linked or copied data directory (but some are skipped
	on Cygwin when it is linked).

04/12:	physics command updated for the new physics lists.

04/12:	test41 (LISAPhysicsList) failed on Windows because the prepare script
	used a Cygwin symbolic link for the data directory. The bash shell
	understands such links, but G4beamline does not and could not read
	the dataset. Modified test41 to be omitted if data is a symbolic link.

04/05:	Re-did the handling of event numbers in all ascii formats. Involved
	mapping ascii->bltrackfile formats for all track NTuple commands,
	changing %.2f to %.6g formats in BLTrackFile::write(), and fixing up
	a lot of tests that use ./compare. Now BLTrackFile::read() reads
	everyting into a double array, and converts from there, so files with
	event numbers like 1.0e6 will work. It remains true that in Root files
	event numbers >16,777,215 get truncated, as float-s are used in
	TNtuple. BLTrackFile format now has a work-around in BLNTuple.cc to
	avoid EventID truncation, and the following commands map format=ascii
	to format=bltrackfile: beamlossntuple, newparticlentuple, timentuple,
	virtualdetector, zntuple. Note that format=ascii in the ntuple command
	still has 24-bit EventID truncation (there's no obvious way to avoid 

04/04:	Re-designed the ntuple command so it uses new callbacks in the
	BLNTuple class. Cleans up the need to #include "BLCMDntuple.cc"
	and write special code to be able to include an NTuple in the
	ntuple command. Now the NTuples from timentuple, newparticlentuple,
	and beamlossntuple can be used in the ntuple command, and new NTuple
	commands need do nothing to be included. A side effect is that now
	an empty NTuple may be created with noSingles=1. test76 added.

03/19:	Added note in the EM Field section of the User's Guide to beware
	of placing elements with fields such that their bounding boxes
	share a side. There can be a region in which neither or both are
	evaluated. All tests were OK, but in theory the possibility exists.

03/19:	Updated G4blGui.java and g4bl to look for all Geant4 data sets.
	There were typos in G4blGui.java that made this fail; works now.

03/12:	Added the particlesource command to interface to the Geant4 General
	Particle Source. It inherently uses global coordinates, and for
	simplicity, no global <-> centerline conversion is done (instead,
	it is documented to use global coordinates).

03/10:	Improved help text for place and group to highlight the need for
	rename to begin with "+" when placing into objects or groups.
	Modified place to issue a warning when multiple placements of the 
	parent will generate multiple objects with identical names.

03/09:	Need to update physics command for new and obsolete physics lists.

03/09:	Bug in pillbox when wallThick>collarThick -- overall length is too
	short. Ditto for win1Thick and win2Thick. Fixed.

03/03:	Updated the description in the beam command, and renamed category
	to directory (with a deprecated synonym "category"). Added meanP as
	synonym for meanMomentum. HISTOSCOPE has now been removed everywhere
	(it is no longer supported and no longer works, even on Linux systems).

03/01:	Modified source/GNUmakefile to warn the user if make was run from
	the wrong directory (i.e. not <install>). Modified <install>/Makefile
	to do "rsync -av source/* $G4SYSTEM/source" so changes to the source
	get built.

02/10:	Modified BLParam::getString() to define an undefined parameter from
	the environment if possible. Especially useful in Grid jobs (e.g.
	$OSG_WN_TMP in every filename).

02/02:	Fixed bug in BLCoordinates: the correction is invalid in the first
	segmentRC[], because minZ is -DBL_MAX. Omit the correction in the
	first segmentRC. This fixed the movie problem in linac.in.

02/01:	test41 (LISAPhysicsList) now works again. No change.
	Modified g4bl to echo G4BL_DIR later (after special args).

01/29:	Modified BLCMDextrusion to check the traversal of the polygon's
	vertices, and invert the order if needed. G4ExtrudedSolid makes
	gross errors if the traversal order is wrong. This was easier and
	better than trying to document to users how to get the order correct.

01/29:	Put checks for valid expressions into BLCMDfieldexpr.

01/29:	Made BLNTuple with FOR009.DAT format print a non-fatal error message
	if multiple filenames are given. First one is used.

01/27:	Added kill argument to BLCMDpillbox to kill tracks that hit the
	pipe, walls, or collars. Added test75.

01/27:	Fixed problem with MaxEvents in Historoot.C. Was a typo in a
	for loop that executed once too often (<= instead of the correct <).
	It's not clear why setting MaxEvents triggered the failure (or rather
	why leaving MaxEvents unset did not fail).

01/27:	Re-did the logic for tuning timeOffset in BLCMDpillbox. Now it
	does not tune timeOffset when a value is given. Added test74.
	Fixes bug reported by Yuri Alexahin.

01/26:	Modify GNUmakefile, g4bl-config, and g4beamline.cc so the latter is
	always compiled, putting version and date into the program (with
	$USER if not a release build). Removed build.icc and tmp.icc (now
	it uses -D flags to the compiler).

01/26:	Increase # digits printed in printfield (to micron accuracy).
	Updated test02, test15.

01/19:	Release 2.01 for Linux. The Mac OS 2.0 distribution does not have
	the erroneous symbolic links, nor does the Windows installer.

01/19:	Disaster in release 2.0 for Linux (and potentially Mac OS): symbolic 
	links remain in the tarball -- links to my directories which don't 
	exist on other systems. Unfortunately, directories with these names DO 
	exist on my test VMs, so I never noticed this. So:
		1) add -L to all cp commands in distrib-*
		   (already done in distrib-WIN32-VC)
		2) Rename links in test VMs to G4blOnMac (etc.)

01/15:	Changed "Stuck Track" to kill just the track, not the whole event.

01/15:	Implement totalenergy command, which prints the total energy deposited
	into selected volumes, at the end of run.

01/14:	Remove G4VProcess *clone() from BLCMDbug1021 and BLCMDparticlefilter.
	These were the only ones that still had it (it is an artifact from
	an earlier attempt to manage processes in collective tracking).
	Not to be confused with BLElement::clone(), which remains throughout.

01/10:	Release 2.0

01/09:	Further testing. Everything seems to work.

01/06:	Mac OS X binary distribution installs and runs fine on "Leopard
	Bare Install" and on "Snow Leopard Bare Install". Does not work on
	Tiger. Constructing a new test machine "Leopard + XCode" to test
	building the source distribution.

01/05:	Developed the directories and code to create a Mac OS X installer.
	There are four directories in the installer .dmg: G4beamline.app,
	Historoot.app, G4beamlineExamples and G4beamlineDocumentation, plus
	README.txt. Implemented in distrib-Darwin-g++. Works great!
	Unfortunately, it does not look like there is a correspondingly
	simple installer for Linux -- it remains a .tgz file, but setup
	has been modified to create G4beamline.desktop and Historoot.desktop
	in $HOME/Desktop (if it exists and is writable). The format of such
	files is common between KDE and Gnome, so this works for both of them,
	and will probably work for other window managers.

01/04:	Release 2.0beta now builds on Windows/Cygwin/VC++. The key was
	adding --with-msvcrt=md to Coin's config. Clearly all libs must use
	the /MD switch to VC++.


12/16:	Added HH:MM to the date of the build in GNUmakefile. As g4beamline.cc
	is always compiled, this sets the displayed date and time for every

12/16:	Surrounded all refferences to BLLoad with #ifdef USE_SHARED_OBJECTS
	-- all that may be removed sometime....
	Closing in on getting release 2 to build on Windows/Cygwin.

10/23:	2.0beta now builds and runs on:
	Linux: RedHat 7.3*, SLF 309*, SLF 45, SLF53.
	MacOSX: Leopard, Snow Leopard.
	* = use --old-versions in configure.
	This was a major effort over more than a month to get it to work. 
	No G4beamline code was involved, the problems were related to
	selecting library versions that would compile, along with their
	configure options. Windows has not yet been attempted.

09/26:	Fixed movie command to work in global coordinates.

09/23:	HistoRoot bug: if you use a variable with multiple NTuples, the
	result is crazy -- it looks like the variable keeps the value from
	the last event in the first file for the other files. Using just
	one NTuple works fine, as does writing out the entire expression
	(without variables) for multiple NTuples.

08/24:	g4blmake now builds an executable, but it fails due to initialization
	ordering in BLManager. Re-structured BLManager to a) call BLSetParam
	in its constructor (rather than as static constructors), and b)
	have a new delayedConstruction() that creates the BLRunManager()
	(this cannot be done until all static initializers in Geant4 have
	been executed). Updated g4blmake and test72 (tests g4blmake).
	Now it all seems to work on Mac OS X.

08/17:	Having trouble building Root with "-j 4". Root developers seem to
	think there is no problem; it is indeed subtle and statistical.
	I'm now using "-j 1" for Root, even through it dominates the
	library build time.

08/17:	Found that shared libraries cause insurmountable problems in Linux.
	Re-did the build system to use static libraries for all non-standard
	libraries (coin, soxt, clhep, geant4, gsl), and use sharaed objects
	only for X-windows and the system. Builds now work on Mac OS X.
	The G4beamline source will now include the sources for all
	non-standard libraries, and the top-level makefile will build them.
	This will make a Supercomputer build rather easy (just configure
	using --disable-visual --mpi=... and then make it as usual).

08/01:	Moved *.txt into doc, to un-clutter the top directory.
	Also the .ppt and .pdf.

07/31:	renamed g4bl to g4bl1, and g4bl2 to g4bl. That is, the main g4bl
	login is now release 2.0.

07/31:	Finally got Geant4 to build properly with shared libraries.
	The problem was an invalid dependence on the order of static
	initializers. Reported as Problem 1075. Now g4beamline 2.0a
	builds and runs with shared libraries; all tests passed.
	Relies on a workaround that will make the hadronic RPG models fail
	(not used in QGSP_BIC or QGSP_BERT).
	This is replaced by the new 2.0 build structure.

07/27:	Forked the source into g4bl2 for the development of release 2.0
	(et seq). Intent is to:
	* build using shared objects, so user code can be added easily
	* abandon support of ancient Linux systems
	This is replaced by the new 2.0 build structure.

07/22:	Add coordinates argument to movie command, so a movie can use
	global or centerline coordinates. A reference particle is
	still needed (used for position panes, but always required).

07/17:	Re-do the handling of trackID and parentID. Created BLTrackInfo,
	which is put into G4UserTrackInformation. It is derived from
	BLCoordinates so existing code still works, and contains
	externalTrackID and externalParentID. Now the assignment of these
	IDs is correct for usertrackfilter, test70, and all other tests.

07/17:	Added -dir and -sys aguments to g4bl (print $G4BL_DIR and $G4SYSTEM),
	for shell scripting and Makefile-s. Will need this for the
	Makefile in UserTrackFilter.
	Replaced by the g4bl-config command.

07/16:	filtertracks command re-designed, renamed usertrackfilter. 
	The user code must derive a class from UserTrackFilter
	with a unique filterName, and link it into a shared object.
	The input file uses the load command to load the shared object,
	and then the usertrackfilter command can use the user's class to
	filter tracks. This is now in line with my intention to split
	the build into shared-objects, so user code can be added without
	users having to build the libraries or g4beamline itself.
	This is replaced by the new 2.0 build structure.

07/16:	load command added. BLLoad revised to provide a list of shared
	objects. Added WT to steppingFormat, to display the track's weight.
	This is replaced by the new 2.0 build structure.

07/02:	implemented the new filtertracks command, which permits users
	to compile a simple C++ function into a shared object; the
	command loads the .so at runtime and executes user code to
	filter tracks and/or to create secondaries.
	This is replaced by the new 2.0 build structure.

07/02:	Modified the beam command to accept integer PDGid-s for the
	particle argument, as well as particle names. So particle=mu+
	and particle=-13 are the same.

06/04:	In collective tracking mode, the UserSteppingAction-s are usually
	not called, because the track status is fSuspend and the BLManager
	quits its UserSteppingAction early unless status is fAlive.
	Changed to quit early only if status is fStopAndKill or 
	fKillTrackAndSecondaries, so now the UserSteppingAction-s are
	called correctly.

05/29:	In G4blMovie.C add the sideview command to display the apparatus
	from the side in reference coordinates, with a moving marker showing
	where the beam currently is. Reads the Movie/Elements NTuple.
	Add a sideview pad to examples/movie.in.

05/28:	In BLCMDmovie, generate the Movie/Elements NTuple which contains
	the extent of each visible Element in Reference coords, along with
	its color. It is quite difficult to draw the elements properly
	in the movie, but this pad is usually small, so a colored rectangle
	at each element's location should be good enough. The parent is
	processed before its daughters, so for a visible parent with visible
	daughters, the daughters will be drawn on top of the parent, and are
	thus visible (if they have contrasting colors).

05/27:	In BLCMDmovie, subtract Pref and Zref from Pz and Z of the
	beam tracks. In G4blMovie.C, add the position command to display
	the reference Z position. In examples/movie.in replace the
	Px,Py pad with z,Pz; extend it to lower Pz so the electrons and
	neutrinos are visible; also add a position pad.

05/27:	Bug in BLFieldMap -- if the E-factor in the time series is omitted,
	1.0 is used, rather than the value for B-factor as documented. Fixed.
	This bug affected all releases since 1.0.

05/12:	Add argument keepPrimaries to trackcuts. If nonzero it will keep
	all tracks with ParentID==0 regardless of the other tests.

04/24:	G4beamline 1.16c has a new version of BMinimize.hh that uses
	TMinuit instead of the GSL minimizer. Investigating whether
	this behaves better for fitting tracks....

04/22:	Another fix to TrackID from input beam files.
	In BLManager::setExternalTrackID() removed
	assert(primaryTrackID > 0) and replaced it with
	if(primaryTrackID < 0) primaryTrackID = 0 -- there's no need
	to abort, just set a legal value and proceed. User input file
	could have TrackID=0, and that's OK.

04/04:	Shahid found that 1.16 has an assert failure in fitting tracks.
	Traced to the case of fitting a secondary track -- in
	BLManager::setExternalTrackID() it is assumed that the parentID
	is already known, and for this case that is not true. Also would
	happen if beam read in a secondary from an input file. The fix is
	if primaryTrackID is set, use it (i.e. beam read in a secondary),
	otherwise punt and set external TrackID to the internal TrackID.

04/02:	Release 1.16

03/25:	Added the kill argument to virtualdetector. For generating input
	beam files from an existing simulation.

03/25:	Added noOutputFiles to BLNTuple, to ensure output files are not
	overwritten in visual mode.

03/25:	Eliminated the hadronic process table dump with a SetVerbose()
	call in BLmanager. Requested a command in the Geant4 forum.

03/24:	Fixed the assignment of TrackID-s in beam and BLManager and 
	BLRunManager. Added secondaryTrackID argument to the beam command
	to let users manage this. Now input TrackID-s are preserved for
	Root and ASCII input beam files, in both normal and collective
	tracking modes.

03/23:	tracker2 moved to tracker. The old tracker is removed. (The old
	tracker required every plane be hit; new one has minHits argument.)

03/23:	The exit() at the end of main() generates malloc errors. Changed
	to _exit() to eliminate them for now. This did not happen in 
	geant4.9.2. Reported as Geant4 Problem 1056. Affected help, list
	pillbox, pillbox2, printfield, BLManager, g4beamline.cc.

03/22:	Modified BLRunManager to maintain a map of "internal trackIDs"
	and "external trackIDs". It's not all working yet...

03/XX:	Added bin/G4blMovie.C and bin/g4blmovie to use Root to generate
	a movie from the Movie NTuples. Requires the ability to complie
	Root macros (ACLiC), and the ffmpeg program to convert a JPEG
	of each frame to a movie. Added examples/movie.in to generate
	a movie for example1.in.

03/11:	Added the movie command to genereate an NTuple suitable for the
	efficient generation of a movie. Also added test70. Still need to
	write a program to render the movie from the NTuple....

03/11:	Converted all references to G4VisAttributes::Invisible to
	GetInvisible(). The former is deprecated.

03/10:	Revised BLCMDphysics to use G4PhysListFactory, plus the local 
	physics lists from MICE and LISA. All tests pass without change.

03/10:	Switched to Geant4 9.2. Minor updates to test09 and test14.

03/10:	Modified genericbend to be able to be a parent (in its aperture,
	when openAperture=0). Added test69.

03/09:	Added StackingAction support to BLManager, and modified trackcuts
	to use it instead of TrackingAction. Now tracks killed immediately
	do not count in the trace command.

03/09:	Modified genericbend and genericquad to accept a comma-separated
	list of 6 values for their Enge functions.

03/07:	Added section 2.8.1 to the user's guide, Additional Visualization
	Techniques. It describes
	* different drawing scales
	* changing the background color
	* drawing axes
	* cut-away and section planes
	* starting up in wireframe mode
	* filters

03/07	Added when=4 (visualization) to g4ui.

03/07	Modified genericbend so it can be a parent when openAperture=0.

03/02:	In the GUI, the initial value of # Runs has been changed to 10.

02/25:	Fixed a bug in BLCoordinates that sometimes caused an assert to
	fail (segmentCL too large).

02/24:	Modified the following to use getList() or splitString() to improve
	syntax checking and permit expressions in lists of doubles:
	color, rotation, physics, particlefilter, trackcuts, polycone. 
	Added test67 and test68.

02/23:	Modify profile, printf, and zntuple to use getList() for z and zloop.
	This fixed a bug related to more than 3 items in zloop, and improved
	overall syntax checking. It remains true that any value in z or zloop
	can be an expression.

02/23:	Added getList() to BLCommand that will parse a delimited list into
	a vector<double>. Uses BLEvaluator for each value. Changed extrusion
	to use it, so now any value in the list of vertices can be an

02/23:	In g4blgui, limit the output TextArea to 20,000 lines by deleting the
	first ~5,000 lines when exceeded. The full output text is kept in 
	the output file. This fixes a hang and then exception in java for
	very large outputs. Deleting one line at a time slowed it down greatly.

02/23:	Added the following variables to printf expressions: Bx,By,Bz,Ex,Ey,Ez.
	test28 now uses Bz.

02/23:	Fixed placing objects into the world at large negative z.
	Previously, max(z) was used for the world's half-length; now
	max(fabs(z)) is used for the world's half-length (max(z) is still
	used for the full length of other expandable groups, which
	cannot have negative z).

02/18:	Added splitString(), getInt(), and getDouble() to BLCommand. Also
	improved the syntax checking of vertices in extrusion. Other places
	that parse a delimited list could benefit from these routines.

02/18:	Added tracker2 command, which is quite similar to tracker, but it
	has a minHits argument and will fit tracks that don't hit all of
	the trackerplane-s. tracker2 will replace tracker once it has
	been tested.

02/18:	Updated help text for: group, param, tracker2,

02/17:	Fixed param command to only print program-control parameters when
	detailed help is requested.

02/11:	Added description to tracker that the trackerplanes must have
	unique names. Also added a check for this.

01/20:	Change the default value of kineticEnergyCut to 0 (in trackcuts).
	The idea is to force users to think about what value makes sense.

01/19:	Added getStochasticsEnabled(), isStochasticProcess(), and
	getRangeCut() to BLPhysics and BLCMDphysics. This permits space charge
	computations to efficiently disable stochastics on a per-track
	per-time-step basis (pre-tracking). Disabling and re-enabling for 100
	particles times 52 time-steps went from ~28 seconds to ~0.4 seconds.

01/17:	Added kineticEnergyMax to trackcuts.

01/17:	Added cylinder and tube as aliases for the tubs command.
	Added trackcolor as alias for particlecolor.
	Added lHe and LHe to the list of known materials.
	Cleaned up help text a bit.

01/12:	Fix typo in HistoRoot.C handling of MAXEV.

01/12:	Updated g4bl script to properly locate the G4NDL dataset, which
	changed the environment variable to G4NEUTRONHPDATA. Also
	updated G4blGui.java and recompiled it. Both of them set both
	environment variables (G4NEUTRONHPDATA and the old G4NDL).

01/11:	Add rejectCollectiveStep() to BLRunManager, along with the
	saving and restoring of the tracks and nextStepTime. Update
	comments in BLCollectiveComputation.hh.

01/09:	Fix BLManager and BLRunManager so the reference particle works
	when collective mode is selected. The tune and reference particles
	are tracked normally (not in collective mode, without a TStepLimiter).

01/08:	release 1.15.3

01/08:	BLCoil.cc -- apply Adam Lichtl's fix for detecting change.

01/06:	BLTrackFile.cc - apply Ajit Kurup's fix for reading integers.

01/05:	Add argument innerRadius to trackerplane.


12/23:	Minor change to the g4beamline.cc opening printout, making it look
	just like Geant4's. Also change to GNUmakefile.

12/23:	Minor fix to test06 and test45 to exit cleanly (on Windows they would
	pop up a dialog box about reporting error to Microsoft). Cleanup 
	an ugliness introduced by the new exception processing.

12/16:	Enhancements to HistoRoot: cleaned up the code, moved the help text
	to HistoRoot.help, implemented expr:min:max, implemented saveConfig
	and loadConfig, implemented EditVariables. Updated HistoRoot.help.

11/25:	Fixed the pillbox B field. Was a factor of 1E9 too small (!), a bug
	inherited from the Beam Tools, so this affected EVERY release of
	G4beamline until now. Now it agrees to 4 significant figures with a
	SuperFish output run by Al Moretti. test65 added. Also affects
	G4MICE (reported to them).

11/04:	Modified g4ui to better prompt the user, and in non-interactive mode
	to print commands executed and their failure code if they fail.

10/14:	Make "help param" print the pre-defined parameter help (as in "help").

10/14:	Print 3 decimal digits for time in printfield (was just 1).

09/30:	Remove the signal handler for ^C (arguments to G4UIterminal()) in
	a visualization. This makes it easier and faster to exit via ^C
	(used to need ^| which can be slow as it may take a core dump).

09/30:	Implement callback type 4: visualization. Handled just after
	visualization manager is created, before user commands are read.
	As a test, torus uses it to display 500 little red circles 
	scattered all over its surface -- GetPointOnSurface() works,
	including on the inside and the ends.

09/30:	Implement the torus command, plus test 64. Like sphere, it does not
	participate in the geometry test. I'm looking into 
	G4VSolid::GetPointOnSurface() for them.

09/12:	Added printf-s to the do command. Prints the command itself,
	and the new value of its param at the top of each loop.

09/10:	Added particle argument to the list command, to list the
	PDGid, mass, and processes of named particles.

09/09:	Release 1.15.2. Mac OS X only (for space charge development).

09/09:	Made BLRunManager::beamOnCollective() set the per-event time limit
	to -1 (no limit). Such a limit makes no sense in collective mode.

09/08:	Implemented a second algorithm for collective tracking: avoid
	the G4VProcess::clone() and simply re-start tracking at every time
	step. While this ought to be less CPU-efficient than the original
	algorithm, in practice the difference is not measurable. This has
	the MAJOR advantage that no changes to Geant4 source code are
	needed. And the new algorithm can handle a million tracks (the
	original floundered with 20,000). Tests comparing the normal tracking 
	algorithm to the two collective tracking algorithms are summarized
	in "Validating Collective Tracking.ppt" -- they are statistically
	indistinguishable. The first collective algorithm has been
	removed, as has the OMIT_COLLECTIVE_MODE #ifdef.

08/29:	Replaced most calls to abort() and exit() and their associated
	printf-s, with calls to G4Exception().  This gives a common 
	look-and-feel for all problems. A few calls to exit(0) remain,
	such as in list, help, and printfield for exit=1.

08/18:	Fixed bug in fieldexpr that ignored timeOffset.

08/14:	Make event time limit use G4Exception().

08/14:	In Windows installer, added a shortcut to G4beamlineUsersGuide.pdf
	to the user's desktop. Copied examples to "My Documents\G4beamline 
	Examples" ("My Documents" => "Documents" on Vista).

08/14:	Changed the way G4blGui.java selects the initial currentDirectory.
	Now on Linux and Mac it tries user.dir, and on Windows it tries
	"My Documents" (Xp, etc.), then "Documents" (Vista). In either
	case if that does not exist, then it uses user.home.

08/12:	Fixed G4blGui.java handling a histo_events file with spaces in the
	directory name (as on Windows).

08/08:	Improved printf-s in G4Exception handling, proper aborting of runs
	and events, and printing total counts of eventsAborted and warnings.

08/07:	Found invalid loop on std::vector<> in G4QGSParticipants.cc, of
	the same type I found before, which works fine in Linux and Mac OS,
	but crashes in Windows. Reported as Geant4 Problem 1018. Workaround
	put into G4beamline source.

08/01	Release 1.15 (omitting Windows)

07/27:	Improved checking expressions in historoot, requiring non-empty
	expression for x, and also for y if not 1d histogram.

07/27:	Fixed all ZSteps taking inordinate amount of time -- caused by
	a call to Param.getDouble() in BLManager::UserSteppingAction().
	Moved it to initialize() and sped up tracking by a factor of 
	10-20 (!). Affects any simulations with any of the following
	commands: printf, profile, reference (using momentum tuning),
	tracker, tune, zntuple.

07/27:	Abandoned the attempt to do tracking in a parallel world (code
	moved to directory ZSTEPWORLD).

07/26:	Improved error message for invalid particle name in beam and
	reference commands.

07/25:	Added meanP to the output of profile, at the end.

07/23:	In BLGroup::end(), expand the world by 20.1357*cm (was 20.0*cm).
	This is a workaround for the problem with parallel-world tracking
	when G4StepLimiter limits a step right at the edge of the world.
	This does not eliminate it, it just makes it much less likely.
	Bug reported to Geant4 Bugzilla; hopefully they'll fix it.
	Fixed up several tests correspondingly.

07/22:	Working on re-doing everything related to Z steps, by using tracking
	in a parallel world. This will GREATLY speed up tracking when some
	Z step is used (zntuple, tune, tracker, etc.). A test shows that
	using zntuples slows tracking by a FACTOR OF TEN OR MORE :-( -- the 
	new method tracks zntuples about 80-90% the speed of a virtualdetector.

07/21:	Release 1.14.3

07/20:	tracker modified to NOT re-track the true particle -- enhanced the
	TrackerHit NTuple to include both true and report values of the
	true track. The problem with re-tracking the true track is that
	stochastic processes will be different, and histograms of true-fit
	won't be valid.

07/17:	tracker failed if placed after a corner. Fixed.

07/16:	Fixed error in particlefilter -- nWait was ignored for

07/08:	Fixed for009 output in BLCMDtracker to include the reference
	particle (needed by ecalc9). Still need to handle the timing
	right, and still need a test of the tracker (in all 3 ways:
	simple wire planes with no timing or magnet, with magnet, and
	with good timing).

07/05:	Added for009 output to BLCMDtracker. We need a test of the tracker.

07/05:	Improved error messages and asserts in RootNTuple.cc. On Windows, 
	when historoot kept the root file open and G4beamline was re-run,
	the error message was "assert(ntuple!=0&&n==nfields) failed".
	This is less than useful, and the underlying problem was the failure
	to open the output .root file (error message earlier, but unlikely
	to be noticed). Now appendRow() simply returns silently, but
	flush() and close() and do Summary() give an appropriate message.

06/30:	Removed the missingDataFileMessage() from G4blGui.java, because
	g4beamline already has it. The Java code was too simplistic, and
	generated the messasge for other errors, which was confusing.

06/30:	Added default material=Cu to BLCoil.

06/19:	Release 1.14b.

06/10:	Added class BLKillTrack which prints the object that killed the track
	if steppingVerbose=1. Replaced many copies of KillTrack.

06/10:	Fixed the position error for beam after a corner. Added test59.

06/09:	Added argument openAperture to genericbend. When set nonzero it
	omits the physical volume in the aperture, so objects can be
	placed into the parent volume that are inside the aperture.
	Ditto for multipole and for genericquad when apertureRadius>0 --
	for the rounded-+ aperture the volume in the aperture is necessary.
	For genericbend, multipole, and genericquad with apertureRadius>0
	you can see through the magnet regardless of openAperture; for
	genericquad with apertureRadius<=0 the aperture is black, and is only
	visible with "visible daughters" (in the Etc. menu of OpenInventor).
	Note that omitting the aperture volume means with steppingVerbose=1
	the magnet does not get listed as a VOL for tracks going through the

05/14:	On Windows XP, test31 failed due to underflow in a Bessel function.
	Added a test: if(fabs(arg) < 1.0e-20) arg = 0.0; to fix it.

05/14:	Added #ifndef OMIT_COLLECTIVE_MODE to the relevant parts of
	BLRunManager.cc so I can compile G4beamline with an unmodified
	Geant4.9.0.p01 on Windows and Linux.

05/14:	Re-structured the group permissions in ~g4bl to have write permission
	to group g4bl. Added user tjrob to group g4bl. Now tjrob's virtual
	machines can access ~g4bl directly and build g4beamline.

05/12:	Added EXT to steppingFormat to toggle extended precision (3 more
	digits). Mods to BLParam, BLCMDhelp, BLManager. Also added help
	for program-control Params, including steppingFormat. Mods to
	all calls to BLSetParam.

05/06:	Fixed initialTheta and finalTheta arguments to sphere -- they
	had converted TWICE from degrees to internal units. The default
	final value did not convert properly, so the default worked OK.
	Phi was OK. It now displays correctly in OpenInventor for varous
	values of these arguments (in degrees).

05/05:	Added Stainless304 and Stainless316 to materials known by

04/25:	Modified pillbox to skip tuning if maxGradient==0. Was already
	skipped if frequency<=0.0.

04/25:	Updated HistoRoot.C after getting it to work on Root 5.18.
	Includes most #includes, and fixes some coding nits (e.g.
	passing a double to an int argument, avoid reserved word "register").
	This fixes the crash on ".q", and might fix the intermittent
	crash when closing a plot window.

04/25:	Modified cornerarc to fail if invalid centerRadius is given.

04/09:	Release 1.14a -- includes the collective mode tracking.

04/04:	Collective mode in BLRunManager now appears to work, sort of.
	It works for tracking leptons in vacuum, and probably would
	work for tracking other particles in vacuum. The basic issue is 
	that every physics process needs to be modified to have the new
	clone() function, and each processes's clone() must do the right
	thing for the process; I have done only transportation, decay, and
	electromagnetic processes.. So far, I've just used default (bitwise) 
	copy constructors EXCEPT for G4Transportation, which uses the default
	constructor (i.e. no copy, brand new object). G4Transportation
	includes a G4ReferenceCountedHandle, and the bitwise copy
	constructor doesn't work for that. For some unknown reason,
	the energy loss process doesn't crash, but gets the wrong answer
	(not yet investigated). The msc process got the correct answer.
	Note that random numbers are handled differently in normal and
	collective modes, so comparisons for stochastic processes can only
	be done statistically -- perhaps that can be fixed. Note this
	does not implement trajectories or multiple worlds.

04/04:	Added "PART" as value in steppingFormat, to print the particle name.
	Useful in collective mode.

03/10:	G4beamline command-line parsing has been enhanced to permit commands
	as arguments (in addition to parameter definitions). This makes it
	easier for g4blgui to insert an "eventcuts file=histo_event.txt"
	command into the input stream.

03/08:	Event numbering in BLManager revised again, so multiple /run/beamOn
	commands (with viewer=best) will not start over numbering at 1
	and process the same events.

03/08:	Implemented test58 to test the NIST material database.

03/07:	Implemented test57 to test eventcuts command. Required re-structuring
	BLManager handling of generating events, and also have
	BeginOfEventAction() and EndOfEventAction() return immediately
	if endRun or event->IsAborted(). This is all related to Geant4's
	inability to properly abort an event inside GeneratePrimaries().

03/06:	Implemented EventID in HistoRoot.C to write a file containing EventID-s
	for events kept by slider cuts in Scan(). Also implemented
	BLCMDeventcuts in G4beamline that reads a file containing event #s
	and skips events not in the file; the file is read at the start
	of each run. Together these implement the capability for a user to
	select events in HistoScope plots and then look at them in a
	G4beamline viewer.

02/29:	Release 1.14
	Has the following known bugs:
	* LISAPhysicsList compiles but does not execute (code changes
	  in Geant4).
	* WIN32 crashes in QGSP for Ptot>12 GeV/c (compiler or WIN32
	  library bug suspected); Linux and Mac OS versions are OK.

02/29:	Modified G4blGui.java to create $G4BL_DIR/include/bool.h to avoid
	the bogus "cannot open bool.h" error message when Root is not
	installed. Also modified setup to do the same.

02/28:	Modified make-help and GNUmakefile to put the version number at
	the top of Help.html, so g4blgui displays it upon startup.

02/27:	Fixed the G4NistManager: problem was calling GetNistMaterialNames()
	in the static constructor -- some essential part of G4NistManager
	was not yet initialized. Moved it to help() and all is well.
	Implemented aliases for LH2, H2O, Air, Vacuum, and Scintillator.
	Added error argument to BLCommand::getMaterial(), and then added
	a call to all necessary command-s to check the material(s) exist,
	and to permit the user to print the material table with the
	materials used.

02/26:	In tune command, made maxIter be an argument.

02/26:	Reinstate histoUpdate for Root files. Added "SaveSelf" as argument
	to AutoSave() so historoot can recover the file. Using histoUpdate
	increases the Root file size by ~6% in my tests (depends on how
	many NTuples are present).

02/26:	In virtualdetector and particlefilter, add innerRadius argument
	for cylidrical solid.

02/20:	Added the extrusion command to construct a G4ExtrudedSolid element.
	It displays well in Open Inventor.

02/19:	Some tests had intermittent results on all 3 OSs:
		test21 fails ~10% of the time
		test18 fails ~10% of the time
		test20 varies in user CPU time from 10 to 30 seconds, succeeds
	The common thread is BLCoil. For test20, variations in random points
	used to test tolerance caused variations in # points in the grid;
	adding tolerance=0.005 reduced the CPU time to 4-8 sec.
	Adding "randomseed now 1" just before the coil command(s) eliminated
	the variability in both success rate and CPU time for all 3 tests.

02/19:	Added type "Now" to randomseed; seeds the PRNG right now with value
	from an argument, thn acts like "None". This regularizes the
	result from coilmap tolerance testing (which depends on randomly-
	plced points near the coil).

02/19:	MAJOR CHANGE to the coil command: the default maxR is changed
	to be determined from tolerance, rather than be set to innerRadius.
	This is due to several users getting wrong results for solenoids
	tilted relative to the beam or each other. This costs a factor of
	5-10 in memory, but only costs CPU time if there are particles
	out there, in which case you need it.

02/19:	Revise BLCoil to avoid calling getSheetField() right on a sheet
	(where it is singular and aborts with a "Domain error").
	This fix is more general than the previous approach (which
	occasionally failed).

02/18:	test18 fails intermittently. Increased tolerance of B fields from
	0.0005 to 0.002. Seems to be fixed. Also fixed test07 by changing
	the printfield to not include the innerRadius of the solenoid.
	Also fixed test21 -- avoid 45 degree rotations, which put data
	points right on a field edge.

02/08:	BLCMDtrace had an error message that claimed it was beamlossntuple.

02/07:	There is a problem in BLCoordinates when a track is cut by
	radiusCut -- some other part of the system tries to call
	getRotation() which fails assert(segmentCL < segmentCLVector.size()).
	I tried to add segmentCLRadiusFailure which remembers the segment
	and effectively makes that segment's radius infinite, but the
	bomb still happens. Using a different approach to get an answer
	but I must come back and figure this out....

02/05:	Make the current parameter of the solenoid command be tunable.
	NOTE: I have built no test for this. Clearly the tune/reference
	particle cannot go down the axis of the solenoid if its current
	is to be tuned. NEED TO BUILD A TEST FOR THIS!!!

02/03:	The profile command did not process the particle argument correctly,
	which made it work only for mu+. It also gives a bogus error message
	(invalid expression '0') whenever particle is set to some other
	particle. Fixed.

01/24:	Implement 3 commands: tracker, trackerplane, and trackermode.
	All 3 are in BLCMDtracker.cc.

01/16:	Implement BLMinimize, a general function minimizer. Uses the
	Simplex method of the Gnu Scientific Library (minuit and c-minuit
	proved difficult, as did TMinuit from Root).

01/14:	Implement enhanced run control in BLRunManager. This is not yet the
	complete collective tracking manager, but it is enough to do the
	tracker reconstruction desired for MANX simulations.

01/07:	Remove directory argument to BLWindowShape(file) -- it prepended
	"Windows/" to the filename which is VERY confusing to users.
	I have no idea how it got designed that way originally.

01/04:	Add weight argument to beam command (default=1.0).

01/03:	In g4blgui, inclrease max ev/run to 9999.

01/02:	Start work on collective tracking manager. BLRunManager started....

01/02:	The place test for sequential placement of 0 length objects was in
	error, and no 0-length object could be placed into a parent
	(e.g. a fieldmap). Fixed.


10/30:	In place command, it is now an error to use front=1 when placing an
	element with 0 length (e.g. fieldexpr). Before for such elements
	front=1 was silently ignored (oops!). Ditto for sequential placement
	along Z.

10/23:	Add parameter Zcl -- set by the place command to the downstream
	Z position, whenever elements are placed into the world using
	Centerline coordinates. test54.

10/03:	Fix BLCommand::getLine() to not bomb on a line containing just
	whitespace. Empty lines are OK. Bug apparently introduced in 1.13.
	Added such a line to test01.

10/02:	Release 1.14pre.

09/28:	In fieldexpr, made factorB and factorE tunable: test52.
	In fieldmap, made gradient tunable (current was already tunable):

09/27:	Bug in genericquad fringe field -- for a "rounded +" aperture the
	fieldRadius was used for the half aperture in the fringe field
	computation -- changed to poleTipRadius (which is correct).

09/24:	Implemented newparticlentuple command to generate an NTuple
	for all new particles (incl. beam, but 'require=Parent>0' will
	omit the beam particles). test51.

09/20:	Release 1.13.

09/20:	Changed the name of zntuple-s to Z100 (was Z=100). This permits
	zntuples to be used with the ntuple command and have valid C
	identifiers for the field names (i.e. usable in historoot).

09/18:	Edit the g4bl script so if G4SYSTEM is already set to not change it.
	Also change the case on WIN32-VC to WIN32-*. This should permit Cygwin
	users to use g++ rather than MS VC++.

09/18:	"param histoFile=C" evaluated C as an expression, because C is defined
	as "Coulomb" by setSystemOfUnits(). To avoid this, require at least
	one operator {+-*/^<>=()!~&%|?} in the value before evaluating it as
	an expression.

09/06:	Build with Geant4 9.0p01. Looks OK. It has been reported that 9.0
	fixed the NIST manager, but it didn't. Everything else looks OK.
	Note the following physics use cases have been removed:
	LHEP_BIC is replaced with QGSP.

09/06:	The NIST database is not working, so #ifdef it away. The symptom is
	density=nan and radLength=nan in the printout of the material table;
	the nan-s cause tracking to hang.

09/03:	Add the Geant4 NIST manager to the material command, so it automatically
	defines elements with Z<=98, and a bunch of common compounds and

08/31:	Fixup the eventID determination in BLCMDbeam. Now the default first
	eventID is 1 (not 0); 0 is still a valid eventID, but must be 
	explicitly selected.

08/31:	Fixup loop in BLCMDbeam to skip over events from files that
	have invalid PDGid. A message is printed to stdout for each one.

08/31:	Change the header of BLTrackFile to emit EvNum instead of Ev#
	(so historoot will use it as a field name). Updated many tests.

08/29:	Enhance HistoRoot to handle errorbars (1d hist and graph only).
	Also permit selecting multiple NTuples. Also found that root
	crashes related to closing windows are mostly fixed in root 5.16
	and above.

08/21:	Change BLCMDbeam so that beamZ is handled differently: if beamZ
	is not set, the z value comes from the file (previously was forced
	to 0.0); if beamZ is set then it is the z value of all tracks.
	Gaussian and other beams without a file were changed but give the
	same result as before (beamZ unset gives z=0.0). Updated test38.

08/16:	Re-do the logic for all coordinate transforms checking whether or not
	they are rotated. Now BLCoordinatesTransform::isRotated() is used
	throughout. It tests 2 orthogonal vectors for rotation > 1e-8.

08/15:	Fringe field mystery solved: the computation of isRotated for
	genericbend is WRONG -- it does not detect rotations around Y.
	This disease also affects: helicaldipole and sectorbend.

08/13:	Make BLCMDfieldmap have argument "current" be tunable.
	Fixed BLEngeFunction::third(). Now plots of the first 3 derivatives of
	the Enge function look the same as Mathematica's plots.

08/02:	Fixed printf command so coordinates=reference will work. The problem
	was that it would attempt to use reference coordinates during the
	tune particle, when they are not valid; require=beam did not work
	because the coordinates were used before the expression is evaluated.
	Fixed all uses of reference coordinates to not do anything except
	while tracking beam. Add test48 for reference coordinates.

07/30:	In BLCoordinates::setGlobal() permit the particle to go into any
	higher-numbered region, not just the next region. Adjacent
	idealsesctorbend-s can have a 0-length segment which failed.

07/30:	Add SEG to the steppingVerbose format to print the CL segment #.

07/22:	New command "do" was added (do i 1 10 [1] // cmds ... // enddo)
	Multi-line if-s were also added (if // elseif // else // endif);
	the previous single-line if-s remain. (if expr CMD1 CMD2 ...).
	The BLParam and BLCMDdefine classes have been modified so $$paramname
	is evaluated when a macro is invoked ($paramname is evaluated as
	before, when the define comand is parsed). BLCommand was modified so
	the define command can re-define a macro without error, and also so the
	if and do commands can read and reposition the input command stream.
	test46 tests both types of if-s and do-s nested in various ways.

07/06:	Put limit of 90 degrees on corner, cornerarc, and idealsectorbend.
	Mention in user's guide and help.

06/07	Release 1.12. Minor fixes to test41 and BLTime.cc. Updated
	BUILD.txt and GNUmakefile to build source-distrib.

06/04:	Fixed problem in historoot when selecting empty NTuple.

05/30:	Working on why Windows gets time() wrong. Fixed enum names in
	BLTrackFileStatus because of conflict with ERROR in windows.h.
	Added src/BLTime.cc so functions are not inline (optimization
	problem?). Added "demo time" which repeatedly displays the time --
	works fine on Windows and Mac OS.

05/25:	Debugging the Windows version found config problems in Coin and
	code errors in Geant4 8.3. Now it seems to work. Compiling
	with g++ works for g4bl, Geant4, and CLHEP, but fails badly
	for Coin. Back to VC++.  BUILD.txt now has detailed instructions.

05/07:	Cygwin/g++ does not define M_PI, so put a definition of it into
	several files. Also had to add a workaround mysnprintf.hh and .cc
	becuase snprintf is missing in Cygwin. Also strcasecmp in
	BLCMDrandomseed.cc. Added __CYGWIN__ to BLCoil.cc.

05/07:	Windows version still bombs. Cary Yoshikawa made a heroic effort
	to debug it using VC++ debugger. We found a compiler bug in the
	2-argument constructor of stc::vector<G4int>, but fixing the code
	to work-around it did not fix the bomb. It always dies in either
	malloc() or free(). Trying to re-build using cygwin/g++.

04/04:	Andreas reported a bug in BLFieldMap related to points outside the
	grid on its lower side (any axis) by less than 1 grid spacing.
	(int)(x/dx) does not equal (int)floor(x/dx), but the code assumed
	it does -- fixed by inserting floor() where needed. NEED TO SEARCH

03/29:	The particlefilter command has a bug in enforcing nWait and
	referenceWait (values ignored). Fixed.

03/27:	I just noticed that pre-defined parameters cannot be changed with
	"param -unset". This cannot easily be changed, so I made the param
	command print unchanged parameters with -unset as "(already defined)".

03/27:	First iteration of reference coordinates now works. Has problem
	with a "Moire' pattern" between sampling of reference track
	and beam track -- Px shows unnatural regions of constancy separated
	by 1-step jumps that correspond to a slip between reference
	segments. Need to actually interpolate the direction of the
	reference track between reference steps.

03/20:	Re-arranged BLCoordinates to handle global, centerline, and
	reference coordinates (the last not yet implemented). Also
	added coordinates argument to all output commands, and test43
	to test them.

03/20:	Fixed BLCoordinates: first step in new segment did not recompute
	centerline coordinates; noticable only in trace. Added test42
	and minor fix to test13.good.

03/14:	Fixed profile, zntuple, and printf commands processing of zloop
	-- now either "," or ":" can separate values. Also made all
	commands with a format argument print the current list of valid
	formats in their detailed help.

03/07:	Made BLCommannd ignore \r on input, so DOS-formatted input files
	now work on Linux and Mac OS. Also improved g4blgui to include a
	list of commands and a list of particles (QGSP) in the help text,
	and added a Help button to get that screen back after Run.

03/06:	Made help accept multiple arguments. Made both help and list
	commands accept "-exit" as first argument, and exit when done
	if it is present. Removed the overview from the help command.

03/06:	Fixed MICEPhysicsList -- bombed because it did not define the
	Geantino particle.

03/06:	Fixed LISAPhysicsList -- bombed because it included a hard-coded
	region "sensor" and did not check that it exists.

03/05:	Fixed up G4blGui.java to scroll MUCH better.

03/04:	Edited profile, printf, and zntuple commands so arithmetic can be
	used in the z (list) and zloop arguments.

03/04:	Added list command: commands, particles, physics, processes, materials.
	Minor tweaks to physics and help commands to make it work. The
	particles and process lists are not populated until the physics list
	is selected. The process list requires a call to BLManager::initialize,
	which prevents any simulation from being performed.

03/03:	In place, print error message if parent has already been placed.

03/03:	In G4blGui.java check for "file" in lines written to stderr,
	and output additional help about downloading data files from
	http://geant4.cern.ch .

03/03:	Fixed BLCoil in Windows to read the cache file correctly. The
	problem was reading and writing in ascii mode, not binary.
	Also commented out the lines displaying progress (because they
	do not overwrite each other in g4blgui and it's difficult to
	correctly handle lines ending in \r there).

03/01:	Fix zntuple to use Centerline coordinates.

02/07:	Release 1.10. The windows installer works, except it is a trial
	version and puts up a message box telling the user. Needed a 
	workaround to install the MS VC++ Runtime DLL-s -- no amount of
	finagling would either let us use their installer within ours
	or load the DLL-s as a "private assembly" within our release.
	So G4blGui.java checks if the installer file is present, and if
	so it runs it and deletes it. This installs the DLL-s the first
	time the user runs the GUI program. Building the windows
	installer is not yet integrated into the build scripts, it must
	be done manually.

02/05:	Improved G4blGui.java -- better error messages, and put the viewer
	controls together visually.

01/31:	Now g4blgui works on Windows. needed a workaround to run Wired.bat.
	Cary Yoshikawa is making progress on the Windows installer.

01/27:	Added g4blgui, a graphical user interface to G4beamline. It includes
	visualization, using OpenInventor for Linux and Mac OS, and using
	Wired3 for Windows. Works great on Linux; must be tested on others.
	Added a "Wired" driver: includes HepRepFile in viewer.def, but
	runs Wired automatically in g4blgui (which requires that the Wired
	viewer is istalled into $G4BL_DIR/Wired).

01/27:	The tracking problem was due to the non-portability of the cache
	files of BLCoil. A windows-written file read on Mac OS caused the
	problem. A workaround is to delete them before running. BLCoil is
	now fixed, by using a different MAGIC value for each OS.  

01/26:	Release 1.09 withdrawn. Must investigate tracking problems. 

01/26:	Version 1.10 on Mac OS has serious tracking problems in 
	example2.in -- yet it passes all tests. 

01/26:	Make viewer=best be OIWin32 on Windows, and OIX on other 
	platforms. Done in g4beamline.cc, not viewer.def.
	OIWin32 still takes exceptions for some drawings.

01/22	Windows OpenInventor gets exceptions in malloc or free for
	example2.in and exampleAUG05.in. These are the more complicated
	drawings. example1.in and exampleN02.in work fine.

01/18:	Release 1.09. On all 3 platforms.

01/17:	Make root be the default format for all NTuples. Create the
	"setup" program to setup a fresh install. Note that on Windows
	it must do chmod 755 on g4beamline.exe, after it is extracted.
	Also add the historoot command and its HistoRoot.C into the
	distributions. Make 3 distributions: Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows

01/14:	HistoScope has died -- a recent update to Fedora Core 5 makes the
	histo program lock up X-windows. Older versions of Linux can
	still run it. In response I am writing HistoRoot, which will
	provide the major capabilities of HistoScope, in Root. A major
	benefit is that HistoRoot will be portable to every platform
	supported by Root, including all we are interested in.

01/03:	Fixed BLCMDfieldexpr to use the correct tolerance. This makes
	test15 execute much faster.

01/03:	All tests passed! On linux, Mac OS X, and WindowsXP/cygwin.


12/30:	Working on portability issues among Linux, Mac OS X, and 
	WindowsXp/Cygwin. Some code changes, mostly makefile and script

12/23:	Make BLNTuple use case-insensitive compares for type.
	Make INFINITY and similar go to DBL_MAX, for portability.
	fmax() => std::max<double> for portability.

12/18:	Release 1.8.

12/18:	Build with the new Geant4 8.2, which has new multiple scattering.
	The new version reproduces the MuScat experimental data (172 MeV/c
	muons on liquid hydrogen) much better than previous releases.
	Go back to static libraries and build a release; test it.
	Added a USEROOT define in the GNUmakefile and Root code.
	Put the required Root libraries into g4bl/lib so users don't
	need to install Root (but if they do, their installed version
	will be used; see the g4bl script handling of ROOTSYS).

	Modified HistoHandlerLoader and RootHandlerLoader to only register
	themselves if their formats are not already registered; this permits
	me to simply move the code from g4bl-histoscope and g4bl-root into
	the main src directory and not worry about initialization order 
	(with static libraries this ensures the real implementations are

12/15:	Trying to get it up on Mac OS X 10.4 on my Mac Pro (Intel).
	Naturally I do not make g4bl-histoscope, but do make g4bl-root.
	Problems persist....

12/01:	Split Root and HistoScope into separate shared objects.
	Seprating visualization doesn't work yet, so it's still part of
	the main program. Added RootHandlerLoader and HistoHandlerLoader
	into BLNTuple.c -- they load the correct shared object that
	implements the NTuple.

11/24:	Implemented Root support in BLNTuple.

11/21:	Working on separating g4beamline into multiple shared libraries,
	so visualization, HistoScope, and Root can be separated from the
	main program. Users who add new C++ code would only need to build
	a small shared object with their new code -- BIG WIN!
	Added the load command to load a shared object; it searches in the
	usual way, figures out .so/.dylib/.dll from the current OS, and
	prepends "lib" if necessary.

11/06:	Release 1.07.

11/05:	Use Geant4 8.1 patch-01.

11/2:	Initialized ALL Geant4 verbose prints to 0. This eliminates
	the large and uninteresting dump of material properties for
	the eLoss process. Now essentially all that is output are
	g4bl explicit prints (except for Geant4 errors, of course).

11/1:	Fixed the algorithm for stopping a step at a specified Z
	position. The old algorithm would occasionally step over a
	Z position and the corresponding callback would not get called.
	The new algorithm uses the value of zTolerance to set a minimum
	step length, and it ALWAYS calls the callback for the step that
	straddles the Z position, interpolating to the Z position. As there
	is always a step within zTolerance (2 mm) of the desired Z position,
	the interpolation is accurate. Applies to printf, profile, and
	zntuple commands.

10/31:	Enhanced test/comparecols with -v switch to print the failing line 
	and column #.

10/17:	Replace remaining HepTool::Evaluator declarations with BLEvalauator,
	to fix unary minus problems. And to make all expression evaluations
	behave the same (e.g. have floor() and ceil() also).

10/15:	Release 1.06. 

10/13:	Add zntuple command, and zloop argument to printf, profile, and 
	zntuple. Add emittance and beta to profile command output.

09/30:	Make By of idealsectorbend be tunable. Update G4BeamlineUsersGuide.doc
	for the recent changes.

09/25:	Add profile command, which prints sigmaX and sigmaY at a list
	of Z positions. This permits a simple graphical plot of the
	beam profile (using gnuplot). Put this together with gminuit
	in examples/triplet.sh that tunes a quad triplet to a
	point-to-point focus. There are subtleties in doing this
	(e.g. must disable decays, etc.).

09/18:	In BLCMDreference, added the ability to tune the reference
	momentum at any Z position.

09/18:	Add BLCMDtune that will tune any tunable arguments based on
	an expression. Tests for tuning By of genericbend and
	for maxGradient of pillbox. The new code is significantly
	simpler than the old tuning in BLCMDpillbox, and can tune
	other elements. The old tuning is left in for now.

09/17:	In BLManager::UserSteppingAction() move the print for
	steppingVerbose=1 to the top. Also re-do the way
	BLCoordinates is updated, so it happens before the print.

09/16:	To BLManager add registerZStep() and the ability to limit the
	step to the next ZStep registered. For BLCMDtune, BLCMDzntuple,
	and BLCMDprintf. Add BLCMDprintf, which till do a printf of
	expressions for tracks at a specified z position. Can be used
	to generate an output file with any desired precision or format.

09/06:	Add multiple methods of random number seeding for each event,
	and add randomize command to select them. Still defaults
	to seeding the PRNG with the event number.

09/03:	Fixup test/all so ./comparecols is used (people without . in
	their PATH get errors otherwise).

07/23:	Make file be a synonym for filename in BLCMDbeam.cc

07/08:	Release 1.05.

07/01:	Now using geant4 version 8.1. Yes, 1 day after release.
	It has further changes to multiple scattering that I think
	we want. No changes to g4bl code were required, and only
	a minor change to test05.

06/25:	add referenceWait to particlefilter so the reference can be
	killed after the first turn around a ring but particles can
	be tracked for more turns.

06/25:	Implement a change in the param command: if the value of a parameter
	is a valid real expression, the parameter is set to the numerical
	value of the expression (8 significant digits) rather than to
	the expression string. This permits one to compute values for
	rotation angles (and for colors).

06/25:	Fix all the failing tests. This was done by permitting small
	differences in track values: 20 microns, 5 keV/c, and 5 ps.
	Some of the means and sigmas of the histogram tests were changed,
	but none were greater than 0.5 sigma so this is not significant.
	A minor change in using G4cout.flush() in printfield was also needed.

06/18:	Make g4beamline work with Geant4 8.0p01. This involves re-
	structuring BLManager so the various constructors of Geant4
	user classes are not called until after the physics list is
	set to the RunManager (which now happens in the physics command).
	Many tests fail because they rely in _exact_ matching between
	tracking of particles, and when the physics processes change
	that's unrealistic.

06/14:	Omit tracks that were not tracked from beamlossntuple. These
	are killed immediately by trackcuts. So if you have trackcuts
	kill neutrinos, they no longer appear in beamlossntuple (they
	always had x=0,y=0,z=0 which was confusing).

06/03:	Fix BLCMDpillbox to print the placed name of the cavity, not
	the generic name. Also add printouts for tuning during Tune

05/25:	Fix virtualdetector so for FOR009.DAT the B and E fields are
	rotated to centerline coords (not global).

05/21:	release 1.04

05/21:	Have param print parameter definitions as they are done.

05/21:	Fix parameter expansion in arguments to leave $0-$9 and $# alone
	(for the define command). In the define command, change $$ to $#
	for the # of macro expansions, and change description to say that
	$paramname is expanded at define time, not expansion time. Also
	have define print the defined macro, and invocations print also.

05/21:	Fix BLCoil.cc so it does not keep re-computing the map if the
	cache file is present. Was a round-off of 40.9999999 to 40 instead 
	of 41. Bug introduced 5/10.

05/17:	Fix the place command for OFFSET so the offset is kept in the
	current BLGroup, and applies only to placements into the group
	(i.e. if parent is non-null it does not apply, nor inside a group 
	command unless another place OFFSET is given for it). Added
	test23 to test this.

05/13:	Implement any number of $name parameters in an argument value.
	So now one can do: param n1=$a$b$c n2="$a $b $c", etc.
	Parameters are expanded during parsing of the arguments.
	Also implement expressions for double and int arguments and params.
	Param expressions are evaluated in getDouble() and getInt();
	argument expressions are evaluated in argDouble() and argInt().
	Note: exponentiation is a^2, not a**2; standard math functions are
	available (even for ints). Added test22 to test all this.

05/10:	Release 1.03

05/10:	Fixed coil so if maxR, maxZ, dR, or dZ are set on the command,
	the cache file will be rebuilt unless they match the file.

05/08:	Fixed beamlossntuple, created test20 to test it.

04/29:	Added BLNTuple::getType() and an enum for the return value. In
	BLCMDvirtualdetector arranged it so the center particle is only
	included in the NTuple if either the new centerParticle arg is nonzero
	or format is BLNT_FOR009. The FOR009 format needs the center
	particle, but for other formats it is usually not wanted. This
	fixes the segfault in BLNTuple for the center particle.

04/20:	Added BLCommand::argChanged() for computations of class fields that are
	computed from arguments. Most commands won't need it. It can be called
	multiple times in certain situations. Used in BLCMDpillbox and

04/18:	Fixed BLCMDcornerarc::command() to not use argv[0] as a name,
	because argv can be empty (no name is required). That was the
	first segfault (no idea why it used to work). At least one more,
	related to the ntuple command.

04/15:	Still testing the major changes. The tests all work, but tracking
	the MICE beamline does not, segmentation faults.

04/08:	Completely rewrote the way arguments are handled. Now argDouble()
	has a units argument, and print() uses handleNamedArgs() to print
	args with the units specified. So now in all cases the class
	variable for any double argument is in internal units. Also added
	arguments to set the print format, and permitChanges that is used
	to prevent changes in the place command (and prints a # in the help
	to inform the user). Also added test18.

04/02:	Element arguments on the place command are often wrong, or cause
	errors. Mostly the units are wrong, but in come cases further
	confusion occurs. This is so because computations done in the
	command() function are not re-done for Element arguments on the
	place command-line. I'm re-vamping how units are handled by adding
	a units argument to argDouble(). I'm also using defineNamedArgs()
	to printout the arg values, so the units are correct.

03/26:	Release 1.02.

03/26:	Add kill argument to solenoid command.

03/25:	Add require argument to particlefilter. It is an expression in
	track variables that must evaluate nonzero or the track is killed.

03/25:	Add auto-map facility to fieldexpr so it determines the grid
	spacing needed to meet tolerance.

03/22:	Fix missing #include <assert.h>

03/18:	Add fieldexpr command to generate E and B fields from expressions.
	It really needs an auto-map facility to avoid users having to
	specify the details of the map.

03/18:	Add nWait to particlefilter, so it can be used to limit the #
	revolutions around a ring.

03/01:	Fixed trace command. B and E were just plain wrong if any corner is
	present, and there is no way to use global coords. Both fixed.

02/18:	Release 1.01

02/18:	Implement BLCMDmultipole, for dipole thru dodecapole.

02/11:	Fix logic in BLCMDtrace for primaryOnly=1 (previously counted
	non-primary tracks in nTrace but did not generate a trace).
	Also fix "name.txt.txt" disease in the filename.

02/10:	in BLCMDparticlefilter add instance# to the ProcessName.

02/10:	Added filename argument to the trace command (for format=ascii).
	Is either Ev%dTrk%d.txt for oneNTuple=0, or the actual filename for

02/10:	Fix BLFOR009 and BLCMDvirtualdetector to handle the center particle
	correctly. This was in the old asciifile command and did not get
	brought forward properly.

02/08:	document # in rename parameter of place.
	Add BLCMDtimentuple.

02/07:	Fix BLCMDparticlefilter, because its G4VProcess was not being
	called. Add the process "BLCMDpartiflefilter*" to the list of
	non-stochastic processes in BLCMDphysics.

02/06:	Release 1.0

02/02:	Major improvements in G4beamlineUsersGuide.doc, and all other
	documentation files (INSTALL.txt, README.txt, etc.).

01/22:	Reimplement ntuple command to use the new infrastructure.
	Add trace command to control tracing. Remove param nTrace and
	code in BLManager specific to tracing. Remove BLTraceNTuple.

02/21:	Reimplement virtualdetecor to include ASCII formats of NTuple-s.
	Remove asciifile command.

01/19:	Major code restructuring. All commands are now class BLCMDname,
	in file src/BLCMDname.cc. Infrastructure classes are BLClassname.
	Exception: BLGroup is both the infrastructure and the command,
	but the command functions are in BLCMDgroup.cc.

01/04:	Improved BLAlarm to kill the job if an event times out. Made
	the alarm be 2 sec longer than the kill in UserSteppingAction.

01/02	BLTrackFile now writes using mm (was cm). On reading, mm is the
	default but a comment containing "cm cm cm" switches to cm, so
	old files can be read correctly. Also added TrackID to HistoScope
	NTuples so they are now the same as BLTrackFile (does not affect
	reading them in the beam command; they were already mm).
	BLBeam now uses Weight from HistoScope files (already did for
	BLTrackFile input).

	Added parameter sigmaE to BLBeam, for use in ellipse. If undefined,
	sigmaP is used. The mean E is computed from meanMomentum.

01/01	Made default color in particlefilter be white.

	Added test3, test4, and test5. And a script "all" to run them all.

	Fixed the longitudinal variables in BLBeam type=ellipse.


12/29	re-vamped test1 and test2; now they are self-contained shell scripts
	with minimal output.

12/29	Made NTuple::write(filename) not do the write if filename
	is null (avoids error message if no items).

12/27	Merged BLSteppingAction back into BLManager.

12/20:	Working on segment fault in AUG05 beamline design --
	three in 100M events have NaN from the hIoni process in
	a beam pipe. G4 experts are not around until January.

11/??	Made the default color be white for all elements.

10/27:	Release 0.96beta.

10/27:	Changed GNUmakefile so the GSL library is linked statically.
	(Some systems don't have it installed, and SLES9 dosn't even
	make it available; this makes it needed only during build.)

10/27:	Fixed handling of quoted arguments on command line (shell eats
	" and ').

10/26:	Fixed the G4Exception handling for missing physics data.

10/23:	Brought in the BLphysics use-cases source from Geant4 7.2p01.
	For LHEP_BIC: production from protons on the MICE target looks
	virtually the same as 0.95beta, but mu+ mscat and Eloss are
	crazy. Use old snapshot of use-cases for now.

10/18:	Implemented ellipse beam in BLBeam. Note that for now the
	longitudinal ellipse is in t and Ptot, not Z and Pz -- need to fix 

10/09:	Fixed BLFieldMap units for E (used to multiply by megavolt/meter
	for both values and gradient; now just for values).

10/09:	Changed all NTuple units to mm and MeV.

10/07:	Changed the default color for all physical objects to 1,1,1 (except
	pillbox, which has several different colors, so leave it red).
	It's better to see them by default.

10/07:	Fixed errors in copy constructor of BLPillbox and BLPillbox2.
	The old code set non-arguments to initial values rather than
	r.values. This caused arguments on the place command to place
	objects with unphysical values (e.g. overallLength=UNDEFINED
	which is enormous and negative(!)). Touched numerous other
	elements' copy constructors (all fixes were copies of solids,
	which should not affect anything as place happens before solids
	are generated).

09/10:	Fixed WorldWorld => World as name of the world volume.

09/10:	Fixed maxStep in genericquad with "rounded +" aperture (was OK for
	circular aperture).

09/10:	Added parameter front to the place command, so you can place
	objects by specifying z for their front face rather than their center.

09/03:	Fixed up the printing for steppingVerbose. Fixed negative seed
	in BLBeam.hh. NOTE: format for steppingVerbose is now MUCH
	different (and better!); everything is on 1 line per step.

08/20:	Change GNUmakefile and g4beamline.cc so the build date is
	always correct.

08/20:	Move the following to obsolete: BLMappedMagnet, BLMagnetMap,

08/20:	Create source/doc and move documentation files to it. Update

08/16:	In BLBeam.cc, do not abort on unknown particle type, just print
	the error message and get the next event.

08/15:	Implement time-dependent fields in BLFieldMap. Still need to be

08/07:	Fix the handling of weights.

08/1:	As of now everything works on Fedora Core 4, as long as I build
	in the chroot environment for RH 7.3. The gcc 4.0.0 of FC4
	cannot compile the physics use cases (problem in functor
	template which is unclear to me).

08/1:	Fix BLParticleColor -- in Geant4 7.1 the allocator for
	BLTrajectory started causing segfaults. Tracked the problem to
	the use of BLAllocator -- it allocated sizeof(G4Trajectory)
	so the extra field in BLTrajectory caused a bomb. Made a
	G4Allocator specific to BLTrajectory and all is well. This
	fixed the segfaults in OpenINventor also.

07/25:	Remove /vis/scene/notifyHandlers from all viewer.def sections,
	as it can cause the detector to be erased. Also re-do the way
	color strings are turned into G4VisAttributes: now part of
	BLVisManager (no longer in BLCommand). Now at the end of run
	OpenInventor comes up properly with detector and events.

07/19:	In BLPhysicsCmd add MICEPhysicsList and LISAPhysicsList.
	This permits running even if the standard physics lists
	don't compile.

07/17:	Continue efforts to make g4beamline work on Fedora Core 4.
	This includes gcc 4.0.0, which cannot compile the physics use
	cases as they are (changes in functor templates).
	OpenInventor/Coin segfault sometimes (e.g. on my laptop
	using nvidia driver) but not others (on my laptop using the
	nv driver adn an external display). Even version 0.94beta does 

05/19:	fix BLPrintField.cc (details forgotten). BLFieldMap.cc and
	BLSteppingAction.cc were also touched.

04/09:	Add #!/bin/bash to histo script (for tcsh/csh users).
	Already in g4bl script.

03/17:	Make BLHelicalDipole draw markers along the centerline of the
	helix, 10 per period.

03/13:	Re-implement the visualization of the center particle. The old
	method does not work since geant4 v 6.x. Now we save the entire
	trajectory for each track in state=CENTER, and append them all
	to the first event with state=VISUAL. Now we can see them again.

03/08:	Implement -unset in BLParam, so defaults can be given in the input
	file, and overridden on the command line.

02/26:	tweak BLPrintField.cc

02/12:	Update BlHelicalDipole.cc from Katsuya Yonehara. Now model 4 is for
	300 MeV/c input muons.

01/18:	BLFieldMap units fixed.


12/14:	fieldmap still seems to have a units problem.

12/14:	Implement BLTimeNTuple.

12/04:	Release 0.94beta. The OpenInventor driver has been improved
	significantly, and the bugs related to invisible objects have
	been fixed. Those fixes won't be released until Geant4 7, due
	out in mid December, so this is built with a patched version of
	Geant4 6.2p02.

11/20:	I'm working in earnest with Geant4 developers on the OpenInventor
	problem. They are fixing it and I am testing their fixes and
	suggesting better user interface implementation. This joint
	effort will really pay off! At long last the OI menus are back,
	and have useful functions.

11/17:	Update BLFieldMap and BLPillbox. Now they work. Includes the
	grid data format. The grid block format is not yet implemented.

11/13:	Add BLFieldMap. So far implemented only cylinder map. Ultimately this
	should replace all field maps in the program, including coil, so it
	needs to be able to construct a map from a coil and write it, etc.

11/02:	Fixed bug in BLCommand::getVisAttributes() that caused a color
	beginning with '.' (e.g. ".3,1,0") to be treated as invisible.

09/19:	OpenInventor DISASTER -- all of a sudden some MICE quads are
	invisible! Posted an inquiry on the user forum.

09/10:	Modify genericquad to always have a sub-volume in the aperture,
	and fieldMaterial for it.

09/06:	Added showmaterial command, so I can visually verify the vacuum
	pipes in MICE, etc.

09/04:	Added parameter worldMaterial, so I can set the world to be air.

08/23:	To make it build on Fedora Core 2, I added #include <assert.h> to
	BLCoil.cc, BLCosmicRayBeam.cc, and BLMagnetMap.cc -- no idea why it
	is no longer defined. Was OK on FermiLinux 7.3 and on RedHat 9.
	Also moved CLHEP definition in g4bl.setup so it overwrites the
	geant4 values (uses version in $PRODUCT).

08/23:	updated 0.92beta
	Included geant4.6.2.p01-gcc3.2.2 in packages, and fixed g4bl.setup
	to use it, based on the same grep of libc used in histo. Needed
	to avoid the dreaded __ctype_b problem of libc versions.

08/22:	Release 0.92beta

08/22:	Minor fixes to compile with Geant 4 6.2p01. The big fix was to
	remove the visualization of the Center particle, because the new
	geant segfaults if you switch the energy-loss process eIoni from
	no-stochastics mode to stochastics mode within a run. I'll have
	to think up some workaround to do that, but for now it seems to
	work except for that. Note there are a handful of warnings about
	IsApplicable() being hidden (they are from the physics use-cases

08/18:	fix bug in BLTubs::isWithin() for phi < 0.0. and isOutside().

07/30:	Fixup asciifile for format=for009.dat.

07/22:	Implemented BLFOR009.cc and put format=for009.dat into
	BLAsciiFile. It's not as useful as I thought, as you really
	need to impose cuts before running ecalc9f (such as requiring
	all tracks to hit all asciifile-s). And ecalc9f is obscure....

07/18:	Renamed BLForceDecay to BLParticleFilter, and implemented kill= and
	keep= arguments (as in trackcuts, but for the volume). Manage
	maxStep so at least 2 steps happen within the volume.

07/11:	Implemented BLPolycone.

07/11:	Implemented g4ui to permit Geant4 User Interface commands.

07/11:	Implemented BLForceDecay to force a decay when a specified particle
	enters its physical volume. For some reason it won't set the stepsize
	to DBL_MIN, so the decay happens one step into the volume; for a
	thin (1 mm) volume that is when it exits.

07/11:	Updated BLHelicalDipole.cc from Kevin Beard's version 4/27/04.

06/26:	Finished the first draft of G4beamlineUsersGuide.doc. The command
	descriptions are just the help text, so they should be expanded.
	It would be nice to have a scriptable way to convert that .doc
	into a .pdf; for now it must be done manually.

06/26:	minor corrections to ~/g4 and source/g4bl.setup.

06/23:	Make BLVisManager search for viewer.def in $G4BL_DIR if it is not
	found in the current directory. This avoids the need to keep linking
	it into every working directory. Also made the g4bl script and
	source/g4bl.setup set that variable appropriately.

05/30:	Release g4beamline-0.9beta.

05/30:	Complete revision of building and installation. There are now two
	tarballs: g4beamline-0.9beta.tgz and g4beamline-devel-0.9beta.tgz.
	The first contains files neded to run the program; the second
	contains files needed to build the program, including geant4,
	CLHEP, OpenInventor, and HEPVis. They both work on the following
	flavors of Linux: RedHat 7.3, RH 8, RH 9, FermiLinux 7.3. Note
	building requires gcc 3.X (it was not possible to support 2.96
	because of the numerous library incompatibilities). The histo
	program is now a shell script that selects a version of the 
	executable based on glibc version symbols. g4bl.setup also 
	selects a HistoScope version based on glibc version symbols.

	INSTALL.txt is completely rewritten (and will eventually find
	its way into an Appendix of G4beamlineUsersGuide.doc).

05/28:	Added BLGeometry to give user control over the geometry test.

05/22:	Started writing G4beamline User's Guide.

05/02:	Release g4beamline-0.8beta. Now working on g4beamline-0.9beta.

05/02:	Fixed bug in BLSolenoid that prevented place parameters from working.
	In the copy constructor, coil=0 instead of coil=r.coil.

05/01:	added offsets to the place command. This permits one to offset the
	coordinate system when desired.

04/30:	Added Btot and Etot to BLPrintField.

04/27:	Extended the geometry test to all elements, fixing up minor bugs
	in getWidth() and getHeight() for BLPillbox and BLSolenoid (whose
	width and height were set to radius, not 2*radius). Now JAN04f.in
	has no geometry errors. BLSphere and BLTrap do not participate,
	and BLIdealSectorBend is only approximate.

04/27:	Added radius parameter to BLGroup, so the group can be implemented
	with either a Tubs or a Box: the default is Box, but if you explicitly
	specify radius=0 then a Tubs is used with radius=fmax(width,height)/2;
	if radius>0 then it is the fixed radius.

04/27:	Set the outer flange radius of Windows/safe480 to 255, so it will
	fit inside the Focus coil.

04/25:	Fixed a long-standing bug in BLTubs: finalPhi was incorrectly used
	as if it were (finalPhi-initialPhi) in constructing the solid.
	It seems nobody is using tubs less than a full circle, and my earlier
	testing did not catch this.

04/25:	Added BLSphere.cc implementing a sphere; it can have children.

04/24:	Removed the detector= parameter from BLAbsorber, BLTubs, BLBox.
	Modified BLVirtualDetector so if material is not specified, it uses
	the material of its parent. Removed BLDetector.cc (deprecated).
	Now you simply place a virtualdetector into the element (you can also
	place other objects into them).

04/24:	Implemented BLGroupElement for elements that contain children. Added
	parent=name parameter to place, which places a child into a parent 
	BLGroupElement object. To make an element able to contain children:
	 1. Derive it from BLGroupElement instead of BLElement
	 2. At the end of construct(), call constructChildren() with the
	    appropriate LogicalVolume pointer.
	BLGroup derives from BLGroupElement, but implements its own methods
	so the group can grow to enclose all children. Nesting limit is 64.

04/18:	Another BLHelicalDipole.cc update from Kevin.

04/17:	Updated BLHelicalDipole.cc with Kevin's latest version.
	Fixed up print() with units.

04/16:	Enhanced particlecolor with a reference=1,1,1 parameter, and modified
	BLManager so in visual mode the center particle is tracked, and
	displayed with that color. Defaults to invisible.

04/14:	Added meanXp and meanYp to BLReference. Also made beamXp and beamYp
	synonyms for them, in both BLReference and BLBeam. Verified that
	they really are dx/dz and dy/dz.

04/13:	BLBeam - fix meanXp and meanYp to be correct.
	BLHelicalDipole - initialize psi in QUADRUPOLEFIELD(), and
	fix the units of bprime.

04/10	Fixed Roland's BLHelicalDipole, converting the parameters to mm.
	There is still a problem in QUADRUPOLEFIELD() -- variable psi is
	used before being initialized.
	Fixed BLPillbox so it uses the x and y parameters to place, and
	so it can now be rotated -- used an enclosing LogicalVolume.

04/09:	Replaced BLHelicalDipole with Roland's version. 

04/03:	Fixed bug in BLGenericQuad that applied the parent's material
	to the iron instead of to the aperture.

03/25:	Modified BLSolenoid so it will not create a coil if length==0.
	This is for the Tracker field map for MICE.

03/21:	Augmented BLCoil to read a mapFile to define the field. Also
	generated such a file using opera-2d to model the MICE DecaySolenoid,
	and put it into Magnets/DecaySolenoid. Note that opera-2d has bugs
	in its write commands, and you MUST cleanup the file manually.

03/06:	Release g4beamline-0.7beta

03/06:	Fixed a bug in the fringe field computations. Also a bug in
	BLMagnetMap constructor. The COSY fringe field computation is
	now reasonably consistent with the Laplace computation I did
	last May for the RAL Type I Bending Magnet.

03/03:	Implemented genericquad and genericbend, which replace idealquad
	and idealbend. They add the fringe field computation as used in COSY.
	To get block fields, set fringe=0. Includes BLEngeFunction.hh.

02/29:	Enhanced idealquad to have the "rounded +" aperture. This uses
	circles to approximate the "hyperbolic" pole pieces; note that for
	the DESY Typ QC quads, the hyperbola misses the measured points on
	the drawing by ~6 mm, and the circle through the measured points
	looks fine -- without real measurements the circle is probably
	a better model for the actual magnet aperture than the hyperbola. 
	The outside profile is still a G4Tubs. The implementation is correct,
	but the aperture is visualized as an opaque black object so you 
	cannot see through it (you can see through the circular aperture).

02/22:	Implemented printfield, a command that prints an E or B field
	component in any coordinate plane. It's quite flexible -- see
	the code or help text.

01/23:	Implemented the ability to use multiple beam commands, which now
	create no reference particle. Also implemented the reference command,
	which generates a reference particle (multiple can be used).
	Removed param referenceParticle -- a reference particle is tracked
	iff one or more reference commands are given.

01/22:	Finished implementing Element parameters in the place command.
	This included adding a clone() function to every element, and
	modifications to BLPlace. Any parameter to the element can be
	put on the place command. Note that since this works by cloning
	the original BLElement instance, it breaks tuning RF cavities
	(so don't use place parameters for them). If both place and the
	element have the same parameter name, the place parameter wins.

01/18:	Implemented global bounding boxes in BLGlobalField and most
	BLElementField-s. This is purely an optimization in computing the
	global E&M field. For micebeam+det it sped up the tracking by a
	factor of 15, which surpassed my wildest hopes! 13 ev/sec =>
	200 ev/sec.

01/17	Added meanXp and meanYp to the beam command. Essentially the same
	thing can be done with the rotation parameter.

01/17:	fixed g4beamline.cc and ~BLManager() so main() can call exit()
	(instead of _exit()). Profile the program --  80% of the time is
	in BLGlobalField::GetFieldValue(), and most of that is in the
	solenoids (for micebeam+det). rather than implement zmin and zmax
	(which require a global->centerline coordinate transform), implement
	a global bounding box for each field, so no global->local transform
	is needed to determine if a given BLElementField should be evaluated.

01/17:	in BLPillbox, don't require a reference particle if dc or if
	maxGradient is 0.0.

01/16:	Fixed problems in BLPlace for the situation when placing objects
	without specifying z (i.e. sequentially along z) with a rotated
	centerline. Was OK if either z was specified or centerline was not
	rotated. Now the example2 plot of XvsY for the final detector
	does not change for any rotation in start, as expected (after setting
	doStochastics=0 in the physics command).

01/16:	fixed problem computing size of the World when placing an object
	with a rotated centerline.

01/14:	Implemented rotations in BLAbsorber and BLSolenoid. Still no
	rotations in BLPillbox (but that's the only one).

01/12:	Started implementing Element parameters in place command. This involves 
	moving parameter units in the following commands, so new param values 
	can be applied at place time: BLHelicalDipole, BLIdealBend, BLIdealQuad,
	BLIdealSectorBend, BLMappedMagnet BLPillbox, BLTubs. Due to
	difficulties related to tuning, in BLPillbox maxGradient,
	tuneTolerance, and initialStep cannot be set via a place argument.

01/12:	Modified BLBeam histo to read the virtualdetector output. Sometime
	earlier I had changed the histoscope NTuple output format. Now
	format=Study2 reads the old HistoScope file format, any other
	value (e.g. the default) reads the new format.

01/11:	Release g4beamline-0.6beta

01/11:	Fixed a bug in BLNTuple, BLBeamLossNTuple, and BLNTuple2TrackVertex
	that references argv[1] instead of argv[0]. Caused intermittent
	coredumps when those commands are used.

01/08:	Implemented noSingles in virtualdetector.


12/21:	Implemented BLIdealSectorMagnet and BLCornerArc.

12/21:	Added cavityMaterial to BLPillbox; default is Vacuum (had been
	hard-coded to Vacuum).

12/13:	Fixed comments in BLTrackFile.cc

12/3:	Fixed units problems and printouts in BLMaterial.

11/16:	Release g4beamline-0.5beta

11/15:	Resolved issues related to .so-s in different Linux distributions.
	By building on tjrob.dhcp.fnal.gov (FermiLinux 7.3.1), and by
	including all graphics .so-s but not System .so-s, the resulting
	executable+libraries will execute OK on:
		lx2.hep.uiuc.edu	RedHat 7.3
		batch at hep.uiuc.edu	RedHat 7.1
		tjrob.dhcp.fnal.gov	FermiLinux 7.3.1
		tjrob2 (my laptop)	RedHat 9
		flxi02.fnal.gov		FermiLinux 7.3
	These are varied enough that I think this will work on any
	reasonably-modern Linux system.

11/15:	Cleaned up BLManager to avoid the memory leak of BLCoordinates.
	Also minor changes in RunAction, TrackAction, and EventAction to
	clean up event counting, etc.

11/15:	Implemented BLVirtualDetector, deprecated BLDetector.
	The problem is that the name "detector" implies a real one, which
	this definitely is not. So I changed it to virtualdetector, the
	same name used in G4MICE.

11/14:	Implemented BLHelicalDipole.

11/04:	Code cleanup -- fix the last few compiler warnings. There is
	clearly a compiler bug triggered by the iterator code of
	BLGlobalField, fixed by indexing the vector rather than iterating
	over it.  Twice -- changing just the first moves the warning from
	the first to the second instance of this loop -- but the third
	instance of the loop never generates a warning. Note no code
	execution errors occur for any of these variations, and this is
	just a compilation warning about converting 
	"const BLElementField *const*const" to "const BLElementField **".
	AFAICT there is no error. Original code is in "#ifdef ORIG_CODE".

	There are still 4 linker symbol-redefinition warnings in
	lib/libgcc_s.so.1, and HistoScope's warning about tempnam.

	There are also two warnings in the BLphysics library (not my code).

11/04:	Fixed a bug in BLCoil that caused long and thin solenoids to never
	converge in finding maxZ.

10/21:	Fixed bug in BLAbsorber that failed every placement with
	"BLAbsorber does not implement rotation" even for un-rotated

10/16:	release 0.4beta. I'm having difficulty generating a single
	executable and lib that work on both RH 8.0 and RH9 -- it seems
	/lib/ld-linux.so.2 is different and core-dumps on RH 8.0 for
	RH 9 libraries. FermiLinux 7.3.1 behaves like RH 8.0.

10/15:	restructured the distribution directories. Now the version is
	in both the tarball and the install directory names (e.g.
	g4beamline-0.4beta). Also got OpenInventor to work again (but
	there is a bug that makes its menus fail (:-().

10/05:	Re-implemented visualization. It now uses the viewer.def file to
	define commands for multiple viewers simultaneously, and the user
	selects one via the viewer=OGLIXm parameter. OpenInventor is
	problematical, but OGLIXm can rotate, zoom, and pan via mouse
	commands (but is still MUCH less capable than OpenInventor).

10/04:	Switched to geant4 5.2p02, and gcc 3.2.2 (RedHat 9). On tjrob2
	it now links in ~6 seconds (used to be ~3 minutes on tjrob).
	tjrob2 is a Dell i5150 laptop with a 3.0 GHz P4, and 512 MB of
	333 MHz RAM. The main speedup seems to be in the linker, and
	from removing OpenInventor (and the factor of 2.5 in memory speed).

08/22	Added random number management to BLManager. It uses the event #
	as a new seed at the start of each event (the period of the generator
	is vastly larger than the 4 billion possible event numbers). It also
	uses the param startEvent to set the initial event #, so parallel
	jobs won't duplicate events. Also made NTuple and BLAsciiFile add
	extensions .hst and .txt to extensionless filenames, so their files
	can be $startEvent (just set startEvent on the command line).

08/12	Added initial support for HepRep files and the WIRED event viewer.
	This has promise, but the viewer has some bugs that make it less
	than perfect.

08/11	Reimplemented the ASCII Track file input and output, so it is
	now in class BLTrackFile.

07/25	Version 0.2beta released.

07/20	Discovered BIG DISASTER in BLBeam --  for histo input all particles
	are muons! Changed to do the right thing.

07/15	BLAsciiFile.cc added

07/10	Version 0.1 released as beta.