// @(#)root/eve:$Id$ // Author: Matevz Tadel 2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TEveCalo #define ROOT_TEveCalo #include "TEveElement.h" #include "TEveProjectionBases.h" #include "TEveProjectionManager.h" #include "TAtt3D.h" #include "TAttBBox.h" #include "TEveCaloData.h" class TClass; class TEveRGBAPalette; class TEveCaloViz : public TEveElement, public TNamed, public TAtt3D, public TAttBBox, public TEveProjectable { friend class TEveCaloVizEditor; private: TEveCaloViz(const TEveCaloViz&); // Not implemented TEveCaloViz& operator=(const TEveCaloViz&); // Not implemented protected: TEveCaloData* fData; // event data reference Bool_t fCellIdCacheOK; // data cell ids cache state Double_t fEtaMin; Double_t fEtaMax; Double_t fPhi; Double_t fPhiOffset; // phi range +/- offset Bool_t fAutoRange; // set eta phi limits on DataChanged() Float_t fBarrelRadius; // barrel raidus in cm Float_t fEndCapPosF; // forward end cap z coordinate in cm Float_t fEndCapPosB; // backward end cap z coordinate in cm (should be < 0) Float_t fPlotEt; // plot E or Et. Float_t fMaxTowerH; // bounding box z dimesion Bool_t fScaleAbs; Float_t fMaxValAbs; Bool_t fValueIsColor; // Interpret signal value as RGBA color. TEveRGBAPalette* fPalette; // Pointer to signal-color palette. void AssignCaloVizParameters(TEveCaloViz* cv); void SetupColorHeight(Float_t value, Int_t slice, Float_t& height) const; virtual void BuildCellIdCache() = 0; public: TEveCaloViz(TEveCaloData* data=0, const char* n="TEveCaloViz", const char* t=""); virtual ~TEveCaloViz(); virtual TEveElement* ForwardSelection(); virtual TEveElement* ForwardEdit(); virtual void Paint(Option_t* option=""); virtual TClass* ProjectedClass(const TEveProjection* p) const; virtual Float_t GetValToHeight() const; virtual void CellSelectionChanged() {} virtual void SetScaleAbs(Bool_t x) { fScaleAbs = x; } TEveCaloData* GetData() const { return fData; } void SetData(TEveCaloData* d); void DataChanged(); Float_t GetMaxVal() const; Bool_t AssertCellIdCache() const; void InvalidateCellIdCache() { fCellIdCacheOK=kFALSE; ResetBBox(); }; Float_t GetDataSliceThreshold(Int_t slice) const; void SetDataSliceThreshold(Int_t slice, Float_t val); Color_t GetDataSliceColor(Int_t slice) const; void SetDataSliceColor(Int_t slice, Color_t col); Float_t GetBarrelRadius() const { return fBarrelRadius; } void SetBarrelRadius(Float_t r) { fBarrelRadius = r; ResetBBox(); } Float_t GetEndCapPos () const { return fEndCapPosF; } // get end cap position, assuming fEndCapPosF = -fEndCapPosB Float_t GetForwardEndCapPos () const { return fEndCapPosF; } Float_t GetBackwardEndCapPos () const { return fEndCapPosB; } void SetEndCapPos (Float_t z) { fEndCapPosF = z; fEndCapPosB = -z; ResetBBox(); } void SetForwardEndCapPos (Float_t z) { fEndCapPosF = z; ResetBBox(); } void SetBackwardEndCapPos(Float_t z) { fEndCapPosB = z; ResetBBox(); } Bool_t GetPlotEt() const { return fPlotEt; } void SetPlotEt(Bool_t x); void SetMaxTowerH(Float_t x) { fMaxTowerH = x; } Float_t GetMaxTowerH() const { return fMaxTowerH; } Bool_t GetScaleAbs() const { return fScaleAbs; } void SetMaxValAbs(Float_t x) { fMaxValAbs = x; } Float_t GetMaxValAbs() const { return fMaxValAbs; } Float_t GetTransitionEta() const; Float_t GetTransitionEtaForward() const; Float_t GetTransitionEtaBackward() const; Float_t GetTransitionTheta() const; Float_t GetTransitionThetaForward() const; Float_t GetTransitionThetaBackward() const; TEveRGBAPalette* GetPalette() const { return fPalette; } void SetPalette(TEveRGBAPalette* p); TEveRGBAPalette* AssertPalette(); Bool_t GetValueIsColor() const { return fValueIsColor;} void SetValueIsColor(Bool_t x) { fValueIsColor = x;} Bool_t GetAutoRange() const { return fAutoRange; } void SetAutoRange(Bool_t x) { fAutoRange = x; } void SetEta(Float_t l, Float_t u); Float_t GetEta() const { return 0.5f*(fEtaMin+fEtaMax); } Float_t GetEtaMin() const { return fEtaMin; } Float_t GetEtaMax() const { return fEtaMax; } Float_t GetEtaRng() const { return fEtaMax-fEtaMin; } void SetPhi(Float_t phi) { SetPhiWithRng(phi, fPhiOffset); } void SetPhiRng(Float_t rng) { SetPhiWithRng(fPhi, rng); } void SetPhiWithRng(Float_t x, Float_t r); Float_t GetPhi() const { return fPhi; } Float_t GetPhiMin() const { return fPhi-fPhiOffset; } Float_t GetPhiMax() const { return fPhi+fPhiOffset; } Float_t GetPhiRng() const { return 2.0f*fPhiOffset; } Bool_t CellInEtaPhiRng (TEveCaloData::CellData_t&) const; ClassDef(TEveCaloViz, 0); // Base-class for visualization of calorimeter eventdata. }; /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ class TEveCalo3D : public TEveCaloViz { friend class TEveCalo3DGL; private: TEveCalo3D(const TEveCalo3D&); // Not implemented TEveCalo3D& operator=(const TEveCalo3D&); // Not implemented protected: TEveCaloData::vCellId_t fCellList; Bool_t fRnrEndCapFrame; Bool_t fRnrBarrelFrame; Float_t fFrameWidth; Color_t fFrameColor; Char_t fFrameTransparency; virtual void BuildCellIdCache(); public: TEveCalo3D(TEveCaloData* d=0, const char* n="TEveCalo3D", const char* t="xx"); virtual ~TEveCalo3D() {} virtual void ComputeBBox(); void SetFrameWidth(Float_t w) { fFrameWidth = w; } Float_t GetFrameWidth() const { return fFrameWidth; } void SetRnrFrame(Bool_t e, Bool_t b) { fRnrEndCapFrame = e; fRnrBarrelFrame = b; } void GetRnrFrame(Bool_t &e, Bool_t &b) const { e = fRnrEndCapFrame; b = fRnrBarrelFrame; } void SetRnrEndCapFrame(Bool_t r) { fRnrEndCapFrame = r; } void SetRnrBarrelFrame(Bool_t r) { fRnrBarrelFrame = r; } Bool_t GetRnrEndCapFrame() const { return fRnrEndCapFrame; } Bool_t GetRnrBarrelFrame() const { return fRnrBarrelFrame; } void SetFrameTransparency(Char_t x) { fFrameTransparency = x; } Char_t GetFrameTransparency() const { return fFrameTransparency; } ClassDef(TEveCalo3D, 0); // Class for 3D visualization of calorimeter event data. }; /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ class TEveCalo2D : public TEveCaloViz, public TEveProjected { friend class TEveCalo2DGL; public: typedef std::vector<TEveCaloData::vCellId_t*> vBinCells_t; typedef std::vector<TEveCaloData::vCellId_t*>::iterator vBinCells_i; private: TEveCalo2D(const TEveCalo2D&); // Not implemented TEveCalo2D& operator=(const TEveCalo2D&); // Not implemented TEveProjection::EPType_e fOldProjectionType; void CellSelectionChangedInternal(TEveCaloData::vCellId_t& cells, std::vector<TEveCaloData::vCellId_t*>& cellLists); protected: std::vector<TEveCaloData::vCellId_t*> fCellLists; std::vector<TEveCaloData::vCellId_t*> fCellListsSelected; std::vector<TEveCaloData::vCellId_t*> fCellListsHighlighted; Float_t fMaxESumBin; Float_t fMaxEtSumBin; virtual void BuildCellIdCache(); virtual void SetDepthLocal(Float_t x) { fDepth = x; } public: TEveCalo2D(const char* n="TEveCalo2D", const char* t=""); virtual ~TEveCalo2D(); virtual void SetProjection(TEveProjectionManager* proj, TEveProjectable* model); virtual void UpdateProjection(); virtual void ComputeBBox(); virtual void CellSelectionChanged(); virtual void SetScaleAbs(Bool_t); virtual Float_t GetValToHeight() const; const TEveCalo2D::vBinCells_t& GetBinLists() const { return fCellLists; } ClassDef(TEveCalo2D, 0); // Class for visualization of projected calorimeter event data. }; /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ class TEveCaloLego : public TEveCaloViz { friend class TEveCaloLegoGL; friend class TEveCaloLegoOverlay; public: enum EProjection_e { kAuto, k3D, k2D }; enum E2DMode_e { kValColor, kValSize, kValSizeOutline }; enum EBoxMode_e { kNone, kFrontBack, kBack}; private: TEveCaloLego(const TEveCaloLego&); // Not implemented TEveCaloLego& operator=(const TEveCaloLego&); // Not implemented protected: TEveCaloData::vCellId_t fCellList; Color_t fFontColor; Color_t fGridColor; Color_t fPlaneColor; Char_t fPlaneTransparency; Int_t fNZSteps; // Z axis label step in GeV Float_t fZAxisStep; Bool_t fAutoRebin; Int_t fPixelsPerBin; Bool_t fNormalizeRebin; EProjection_e fProjection; E2DMode_e f2DMode; EBoxMode_e fBoxMode; // additional scale info Bool_t fDrawHPlane; Float_t fHPlaneVal; Bool_t fHasFixedHeightIn2DMode; Float_t fFixedHeightValIn2DMode; // 1% of whole height Int_t fDrawNumberCellPixels; Int_t fCellPixelFontSize; virtual void BuildCellIdCache(); public: TEveCaloLego(TEveCaloData* data=0, const char* n="TEveCaloLego", const char* t=""); virtual ~TEveCaloLego(){} virtual void ComputeBBox(); virtual void SetData(TEveCaloData* d); Color_t GetFontColor() const { return fFontColor; } void SetFontColor(Color_t ci) { fFontColor=ci; } Color_t GetGridColor() const { return fGridColor; } void SetGridColor(Color_t ci) { fGridColor=ci; } Color_t GetPlaneColor() const { return fPlaneColor; } void SetPlaneColor(Color_t ci) { fPlaneColor=ci; } Char_t GetPlaneTransparency() const { return fPlaneTransparency; } void SetPlaneTransparency(Char_t t) { fPlaneTransparency=t; } Int_t GetNZSteps() const { return fNZSteps; } void SetNZSteps(Int_t s) { fNZSteps = s;} Int_t GetPixelsPerBin() const { return fPixelsPerBin; } void SetPixelsPerBin(Int_t bw) { fPixelsPerBin = bw; } Bool_t GetAutoRebin() const { return fAutoRebin; } void SetAutoRebin(Bool_t s) { fAutoRebin = s;} Bool_t GetNormalizeRebin() const { return fNormalizeRebin; } void SetNormalizeRebin(Bool_t s) { fNormalizeRebin = s; fCellIdCacheOK=kFALSE;} EProjection_e GetProjection() const { return fProjection; } void SetProjection(EProjection_e p) { fProjection = p; } void Set2DMode(E2DMode_e p) { f2DMode = p; } E2DMode_e Get2DMode() { return f2DMode; } bool GetHasFixedHeightIn2DMode() const { return fHasFixedHeightIn2DMode; } void SetHasFixedHeightIn2DMode(bool x) { fHasFixedHeightIn2DMode = x; } float GetFixedHeightValIn2DMode() const { return fFixedHeightValIn2DMode; } void SetFixedHeightValIn2DMode(float x) { fFixedHeightValIn2DMode = x; } void SetBoxMode(EBoxMode_e p) { fBoxMode = p; } EBoxMode_e GetBoxMode() { return fBoxMode; } Bool_t GetDrawHPlane() const { return fDrawHPlane; } void SetDrawHPlane(Bool_t s) { fDrawHPlane = s;} Float_t GetHPlaneVal() const { return fHPlaneVal; } void SetHPlaneVal(Float_t s) { fHPlaneVal = s;} Int_t GetDrawNumberCellPixels() { return fDrawNumberCellPixels; } void SetDrawNumberCellPixels(Int_t x) { fDrawNumberCellPixels = x; } Int_t GetCellPixelFontSize() { return fCellPixelFontSize; } void SetCellPixelFontSize(Int_t x) { fCellPixelFontSize = x; } ClassDef(TEveCaloLego, 0); // Class for visualization of calorimeter histogram data. }; #endif