The tutorial gtime.C shows the evolution of a set of points with time and it produces the following picture.
The tutorial gtime2.C is an example of TGraphTime showing how the class could be used to visualize a set of particles with their time stamp in a MonteCarlo program. It produces the following picture.
{ TH1F *hgaus1 = new TH1F("Hgaus1", "", 100, -10, 10); TH1F *hgaus2 = new TH1F("Hgaus2", "", 100, -20, 20); THStack *hst = new THStack(); hgaus1->FillRandom("gaus", 30000); hst->Add(hgaus1, "ep"); hgaus2->FillRandom("gaus", 30000); hst->Add(hgaus2, "ep"); hst->Draw("nostack"); hst->GetHistogram()->SetLabelSize(0.07, "xy"); }
{ TH1D *h1 = new TH1D("h1","h1",10,0,10); TH1D *h2 = new TH1D("h2","h2",10,0,10); THStack h; h1->SetLineColor(kRed); h1->SetMarkerStyle(20), h2->SetLineColor(kBlue); h2->SetMarkerStyle(21); for(int i=0; i<11; i++){ h1->SetBinContent(i,1.5-i/10); h1->SetBinError(i,0.5*i); h2->SetBinContent(i,10.5-i/10); h2->SetBinError(i,0.7*i); } h.Add(h1); h.Add(h2); h.Draw("nostack E1"); }
Int_t x[5] = {0,1,2,3,4}; Int_t y[5] = {10,1,2,3,0}; Int_t n = 5; TGraph *gr = new TGraph(n,x,y); gr->Draw("AB*");This problem was submited here:
{ TH1F *hgaus1 = new TH1F("Hgaus1", "", 100, -10, 10); TH1F *hgaus2 = new TH1F("Hgaus2", "", 100, -20, 20); THStack *hst = new THStack(); hgaus1->FillRandom("gaus", 30000); hst->Add(hgaus1, "ep"); hgaus2->FillRandom("gaus", 30000); hst->Add(hgaus2, "ep"); hst->Draw("nostack"); hst->GetHistogram()->SetLabelSize(0.07, "xy"); }
TFitResult r = h->Fit("myFunc","S"); TMatrixDSym cov = r->GetCovarianceMatrix(); // to access the covariance matrix Double_t chi2 = r->Chi2(); // to retrieve the fit chi2 Double_t par0 = r->Value(0); // retrieve the value for the parameter 0 Double_t err0 = r->Error(0); // retrieve the error for the parameter 0 r->Print("V"); // print full information of fit including covariance matrix r->Write(); // store the result in a file