// @(#)root/minuit2:$Id$
// Author: A. Lazzaro 2009
 * Package: Minuit2                                                        *
 *    File: $Id$         *
 *  Author: Alfio Lazzaro, alfio.lazzaro@mi.infn.it                        *
 *                                                                         *
 * Copyright: (C) 2008 by Universita' and INFN, Milan                      *

#ifndef ROOT_Minuit2_MPIProcess
#define ROOT_Minuit2_MPIProcess

// disable MPI calls
//#define MPIPROC

#include "Minuit2/MnMatrix.h"

#ifdef MPIPROC
#include "mpi.h"

namespace ROOT {

namespace Minuit2 {

   class MPITerminate {
      ~MPITerminate() { 
#ifdef MPIPROC
         if (MPI::Is_initialized() && !(MPI::Is_finalized())) {
            std::cout << "Info --> MPITerminate:: End MPI on #"
                      << MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() << " processor"
                      << std::endl;



   class MPIProcess {
      MPIProcess(unsigned int nelements, unsigned int indexComm);

      inline unsigned int NumElements4JobIn() const { return fNumElements4JobIn; }
      inline unsigned int NumElements4JobOut() const { return fNumElements4JobOut; }

      inline unsigned int NumElements4Job(unsigned int rank) const
      { return NumElements4JobIn()+((rank<NumElements4JobOut()) ? 1 : 0); }

      inline unsigned int StartElementIndex() const 
      { return ((fRank<NumElements4JobOut()) ? (fRank*NumElements4Job(fRank)) :
                (fNelements-(fSize-fRank)*NumElements4Job(fRank))); }

      inline unsigned int EndElementIndex() const
      { return StartElementIndex()+NumElements4Job(fRank); }

      inline unsigned int GetMPISize() const { return fSize; }
      inline unsigned int GetMPIRank() const { return fRank; }

      bool SyncVector(ROOT::Minuit2::MnAlgebraicVector &mnvector);  
      bool SyncSymMatrixOffDiagonal(ROOT::Minuit2::MnAlgebraicSymMatrix &mnmatrix);  

      static unsigned int GetMPIGlobalRank() { StartMPI(); return fgGlobalRank; }
      static unsigned int GetMPIGlobalSize() { StartMPI(); return fgGlobalSize; }
      static inline void StartMPI() {
#ifdef MPIPROC  
         if (!(MPI::Is_initialized())) {    
            std::cout << "Info --> MPIProcess::StartMPI: Start MPI on #" 
                      << MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() << " processor"
                      << std::endl;
         fgGlobalSize = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size();
         fgGlobalRank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();

      static void TerminateMPI() { 
#ifdef MPIPROC
         if (fgCommunicators[0]!=0 && fgCommunicators[1]!=0) {
            delete fgCommunicators[0]; fgCommunicators[0] = 0; fgIndecesComm[0] = 0;
            delete fgCommunicators[1]; fgCommunicators[1] = 0; fgIndecesComm[1] = 0;


      static bool SetCartDimension(unsigned int dimX, unsigned int dimY);
      static bool SetDoFirstMPICall(bool doFirstMPICall = true);

      inline void SumReduce(const double& sub, double& total) {
         total = sub;

#ifdef MPIPROC
         if (fSize>1) {


#ifdef MPIPROC
      void MPISyncVector(double *ivector, int svector, double *ovector);

      unsigned int fNelements;
      unsigned int fSize;
      unsigned int fRank;  

      static unsigned int fgGlobalSize;
      static unsigned int fgGlobalRank;  

      static unsigned int fgCartSizeX;
      static unsigned int fgCartSizeY;
      static unsigned int fgCartDimension;
      static bool fgNewCart;

      unsigned int fNumElements4JobIn;
      unsigned int fNumElements4JobOut;

#ifdef MPIPROC
      static MPI::Intracomm *fgCommunicator;
      static int fgIndexComm; // maximum 2 communicators, so index can be 0 and 1
      static MPI::Intracomm *fgCommunicators[2]; // maximum 2 communicators
      static unsigned int fgIndecesComm[2];


} // namespace Minuit2
} // namespace ROOT
