//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File and Version Information: // $Id: HepRepXMLWriter.cc,v 1.5 2002/02/05 12:04:25 perl Exp $ // // Description: // Utility for the creation of HepRep XML Files (HepRep version 1). // // For details, see: // http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~perl/HepRepXMLWriter.html // // Environment: // Software developed for the general High Energy Physics community. // // Author : // Joseph Perl Original Author // // Copyright Information: // Copyright (C) 2002 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include "HepRepXMLWriter.hh" using namespace std; HepRepXMLWriter::HepRepXMLWriter() { isOpen = false; init(); } void HepRepXMLWriter::init() { typeDepth = -1; int i = -1; while (i++<49) { prevTypeName[i] = new char[1]; strcpy(prevTypeName[i],""); inType[i] = false; inInstance[i] = false; } inPrimitive = false; inPoint = false; } void HepRepXMLWriter::addType(const char* name,int newTypeDepth) { if (fout.good()) { // Flatten structure if it exceeds maximum allowed typeDepth of 49. if (newTypeDepth > 49) newTypeDepth = 49; if (newTypeDepth < 0) newTypeDepth = 0; // Insert any layers that are missing from the hierarchy (protects against // callers that skip from, say, layer 1 to layer 3 with no layer 2). while (typeDepth < (newTypeDepth-1)) { addType("Layer Inserted by HepRepXMLWriter", typeDepth + 1); addInstance(); } // If moving closer to the root, close previously open types. while (newTypeDepth" << endl; typeDepth = newTypeDepth; } } else { cout << "HepRepXMLWriter:addType No file is currently open." << endl; } } void HepRepXMLWriter::addInstance() { if (fout.good()) { if (inType[typeDepth]) { endInstance(); inInstance[typeDepth] = true; indent(); fout << "" << endl; } else { cout << "HepRepXMLWriter:addInstance No HepRep Type is currently open" << endl; } } else { cout << "HepRepXMLWriter:addInstance No file is currently open" << endl; } } void HepRepXMLWriter::addPrimitive() { if (fout.good()) { if (inInstance[typeDepth]) { endPrimitive(); inPrimitive = true; indent(); fout << "" << endl; } else { cout << "HepRepXMLWriter:addPrimitive No HepRep Instance is currently open" << endl; } } else { cout << "HepRepXMLWriter:addPrimitive No file is currently open" << endl; } } void HepRepXMLWriter::addPoint(double x, double y, double z) { if (fout.good()) { if (inPrimitive) { endPoint(); inPoint = true; indent(); fout << "" << endl; } else { cout << "HepRepXMLWriter:addPoint No HepRep Primitive is currently open" << endl; } } else { cout << "HepRepXMLWriter:addPoint No file is currently open" << endl; } } void HepRepXMLWriter::addAttDef(const char* name, const char* desc, const char* type, const char* extra) { if (fout.good()) { indent(); fout << "" << endl; } else { cout << "HepRepXMLWriter:addAttDef No file is currently open" << endl; } } // Four methods to fill attValues void HepRepXMLWriter::addAttValue (const char* name, const char* value) { if (fout.good()) { indent(); fout << " " << endl; } else { cout << "HepRepXMLWriter:addAttValue No file is currently open" << endl; } } void HepRepXMLWriter::addAttValue (const char* name, double value) { if (fout.good()) { indent(); fout << " " << endl; } else { cout << "HepRepXMLWriter:addAttValue No file is currently open" << endl; } } void HepRepXMLWriter::addAttValue (const char* name, int value) { if (fout.good()) { indent(); fout << " " << endl; } else { cout << "HepRepXMLWriter:addAttValue No file is currently open" << endl; } } void HepRepXMLWriter::addAttValue (const char* name, bool value) { if (fout.good()) { indent(); fout << " " << endl; else fout << " value=\"False\"/>" << endl; } else { cout << "HepRepXMLWriter:addAttValue No file is currently open" << endl; } } void HepRepXMLWriter::addAttValue (const char* name, double value1, double value2, double value3) { if (fout.good()) { int redness = int(value1*255.); int greenness = int(value2*255.); int blueness = int(value3*255.); indent(); fout << " " << endl; } else { cout << "HepRepXMLWriter:addAttValue No file is currently open" << endl; } } void HepRepXMLWriter::open(const char* fileSpec) { if (isOpen) close(); fout.open(fileSpec); if (fout.good()) { fout << "" << endl; fout << "" << endl; isOpen = true; init(); } else { cout << "HepRepXMLWriter:open Unable to write to file " << fileSpec << endl; } } void HepRepXMLWriter::close() { // Close any remaining open Types endTypes(); if (fout.good()) { fout << "" << endl; fout.close( ); isOpen = false; } else { cout << "HepRepXMLWriter:close No file is currently open" << endl; } } void HepRepXMLWriter::endTypes() { // Close any remaining open Types while(typeDepth>-1) endType(); } void HepRepXMLWriter::endType() { endInstance(); indent(); fout << "" << endl; inType[typeDepth] = false; delete [] prevTypeName[typeDepth]; prevTypeName[typeDepth] = new char[1]; strcpy(prevTypeName[typeDepth],""); typeDepth--; } void HepRepXMLWriter::endInstance() { if (inInstance[typeDepth]) { endPrimitive(); indent(); fout << "" << endl; inInstance[typeDepth] = false; } } void HepRepXMLWriter::endPrimitive() { if (inPrimitive) { endPoint(); indent(); fout << "" << endl; inPrimitive = false; } } void HepRepXMLWriter::endPoint() { if (inPoint) { indent(); fout << "" << endl; inPoint = false; } } void HepRepXMLWriter::indent() { if (fout.good()) { int i = 0; while (inType[i] && i<12) { fout << " "; if (inInstance[i]) fout << " "; i++; } if (inPrimitive) fout << " "; if (inPoint) fout << " "; } }