This file contains a brief overview of the changes made in each release. A detailed description of changes is available at: Release Notes ============= MAUS-v2.7.0 The following changes were made: - Tracker: pattern recognition sz cut increased -> performance boost - Tracker: pattern recognition efficiency analysis code upgraded - Tracker: python mc-recon bridge module added - Tracker: calibration script update - Global recon: various updated, including better KL data processing - Geometry: ParentFileCreation updated to handle focus coil off mode - Utilities: New utils added for offline reconstruction (analyze_data_fast_turnaround) - Third party: CMake added - Third party: gtest upgraded to version 1.8.0 - Third party: Xerces upgraded to version 3.1.4 - Third party: Numpy upgraded to version 1.11.2 - Third party: pylint upgraded to version 1.6.3 - Third party: ROOT upgraded to 5.34.36, now uses CMake MAUS-v2.6.0 The following changes were made: - Global reconstruction TRef issue fixed, solving issue #1858 - Global reconstruction other updates - TrackerRecon mapper deprecated, split into new mappers for each stage - Tracker Kalman integration tests added - ReduceCppTofCalib now inherits from ReduceBase - EpicsInterface, ParticleTrigger and TriggerEngine added to the data structure - Squeak (the logger) ported out of legacy into main code base and expanded - Squeak example app added, and description added to user guide - Minor refactor of the MAUS exception code - bin/utilities/ added, gives run, beamline and cooling channel info from CDB - SGE batch cluster running framework added - Event Viewer updated - Disabled MAUSGeant4ManagerTest.RunParticlePGTest due to intermittent failures - Third party G4BL random number fix for issue #1852 - Third party unpacker version upgraded to 4.0.3 - Third party MAUS side CDB code update, geometry corrections may now be downloaded from CDB Known issues: - Tracker Kalman fit sometimes produces NaNs Notes: - Particle trigger unpacking is not enabled MAUS-v2.5.0 The following changes were made: - Global reconstruction updates - EMR updates - Kalman updates - Workbook updated - Third party CDB interface updated, old interface is no longer supported MAUS-v2.4.0 The following changes were made: - Event viewer added - Scifi Kalman filter updates - Scifi spacepoint recon upgraded, better noise discrimination - execute_against_data* tests fixed - Data download helper added: bin/utilities/ - Third party cloc script updated - Third party MPFR script version number bug fixed MAUS-v2.3.1 The following changes were made: - Hot fix - Django version updated MAUS-v2.3.0 The following changes were made: - Minor EMR update - Scifi kalman filter updates, pz residual offset fix - Scifi trackpoints datastructure update - Geometry test fix - Doxygen updates MAUS-v2.2.0 The following changes were made: - Geometry updates - Scifi Kalman fit updates - Scifi pattern recognition updates - Scifi geometry bug fix - EMR updates - Global tracking bug fix - Test framework updates - Third part library SCons version updated to 2.4.1 MAUS-v2.1.0 The following changes were made: - Final fixes for scifi geometry issues - Scifi kalman filter updates - Scifi onrec plots expanded - EMR performance updates - Geometry handling updates - New unpacker version (4.0.2) MAUS-v2.0.0 The following changes were made: - Extensive global tracking updates, first full working version - Scifi kalman fit complete - Scifi 'star' and 'slide' bugs fixed - Scifi pattern recognition debug mode added - Scifi straight track pattern recognition optimised - Scifi calibration pull down updated - TOF reducer updates - EMR updates - Geometry updates - All updates from patch release 1.4.1 included MAUS-v1.4.0 The following changes were made: - Further extensive EMR updates - Extensive tracker updates, including real data sign flip fix - Small ROOT based event viewer added - numpy upgraded to 1.6.0 - Workbook updated - All updates from patch releases 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 included MAUS-v1.3.0 The following changes were made: - Extensive updates to the EMR - TOF calibration code updates - Tracker kalman fit updates - Geometry updates - Building GCC as a third party now the default - C++11 build flag added (developers may now use C++11) - Main memory leak removed - Third party libraries tarball locations updated - Debugging output cleaned up - Documentation updated MAUS-v1.2.0 The following changes were made: - TOF Cpp reducer added - Third party libraries cleaned up and build output improved - G4Beamline updates MAUS-v1.1.1 This is a patch release for MLCR operations - Bug fix in channel map loading for online operation - Bug fixes in geometry parent file creation, gdml schema url handling - SciFi reconstruction distinguishes between fields on/off in either solenoid MAUS-v1.1.0 The following changes were made: - CKOV MC digitizer added - TOF, KL and CKOV MC digitizers now handle MAUS::Data - MC reconstruction setup now handles MAUS::Data - TOF interface updated, now supplies positions in global coordinates - TOF legacy geometry fix, vertical slabs now upstream for all TOFs - EMR updates, including addition of a reducer - Tracker mapping and calibration updated (fixes plane ordering bug) - Tracker CDB interface added for configuration data - Old tracker cosmic test file now downloads from micewww - DAQ channel maps read from CDB - Various CDB geometry updates - CDB third party lib now on version 1.1.3 (DAQ and tracker added) - libmonitor third party source now downlaods from micewww - MAUS now compatible with GCC 4.9 - Workbook added to documentation - Various other bug fixes and improvements MAUS-v1.0.0 The following changes were made: - MAUS speedup implemented --- All reconstruction mappers and reducers process MAUS::Data --- MapCppSimulation processes MAUS::Data - Tracker Kalman improvements - Tracker mapping and calibration updated for 01b data (#1721) - ROOT document store, Image data type, prototype GUI added for online reconstruction (#1312) - Fixed some memory leaks (#1704, #1712) - MAUS version number encoding changed to satisfy ROOT (#1725) If upgrading from a previous version, you must redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.9.7 The following changes were made: - ROOT installation modified to support deployment on GRID - Tracker real data digitisation improvements - Tracker mapping and calibration updated If upgrading from a previous version, please redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.9.6 The following changes were made: - Unpacker and associated libraries updated - Tracker Kalman fit extensively updated - Tracker real data digitization updated - Tracker online plots added - Geometry bug fixes - Online reconstruction bug fixes - Speed up work: some JSON removed in favour of Data* data passing - Build system improvements - ROOT upgraded to version 5.34.30 If upgrading from a previous version, please redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.9.5 The following changes were made: - StepIV unpacker now used by default - Script for switching unpacker easily added - Fast Geometry GDML parser added - Extensive EMR updates - DAQ channel map update If upgrading from a previous version, please redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.9.4 The following changes were made: - StepIV unpacker added, StepI unpacker remains the default - Geometry navigator for GEANT4 added - EMR updates If upgrading from a previous version, please redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.9.3 The following changes were made: - Documentation - Doxygen fix The following changes were made: - Documentation - Doxygen fix - G4Beamline - a few updates, including to the deck - Global - PIDVarC added - Grid - updates to Grid execution scripts - ROOT - MINUIT2 support added - Tracker - a few miscellaneous updates - install_build_test.bash updated to allow multi-core builds (use -j N) If upgrading from a previous version, please redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.9.2 The following changes were made: - EMR - extensive updates - G4Beamline - changes to the deck for Grid running - Geometry - Tracker He window added to legacy - Grid - added script for MC running on the Grid (bin/utilities/ - Tracker - various updates, including to Kalman filter and final track datastructure MAUS-v0.9.1 The following changes were made: - Memory leak fixes #1489 - KL - MC tuning, calibrations in CDB - TOF - calibrations by run-number - MC - fine grained production thresholds by volume and particle type - MC - add LiH material definition - Geometry - updates, Ckov added - Bug fixes MAUS-v0.9.0 The following changes were made: - Data handling API changes propagated to inputers and mappers - Memory leak fix #1489 - KL - tuning and calibration update - Geometry - added diffuser irises, updated MiceModule translation - Tracker - improvements, bug fixes, and additional tests - Global PID framework - added Ckov, KL - Updated documentation - Bug fixes in build system - JsonCpp version upgraded to 0.6.0-rc2 If upgrading from a previous version, please redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.8.5 The following changes were made: - Bug fix - pi/mu decays in physics list (1470) - Bug fix - SL6 build (1476) - Bug fix - empty data handling in ckov reco - Updated documentaiton MAUS-v0.8.4 The following changes were made: - Added EMR geometry and sensitive detector hits - Implemented polarized decays and spin tracking - API to handle conversions between json/string/cpp types - Tracker added to global PID - Geometry updates - Fixed memory leak - Bug fixes MAUS-v0.8.3 The following changes were made: - Added G4Beamline as a third party package - bugfixes and cleanup of build system If upgrading from a previous version, redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.8.2 The following changes were made: - Global PID framework - KL: geometry update and first revision of MC digitizer - Geometry: added detector-survey fits - XBoa upgrade to v0.15.3 - cleanup and fixes to build system If upgrading from a previous version, redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.8.1 The following changes were made: - fix bug with geometry id integration test - clean up obsolete third parties MAUS-v0.8.0 The following changes were made: - Upgraded to GEANT 4.9.6p02 - several changes in SciFi tracker -- pattern-recognition, reducer, hits-digits lookup, Kalman - added SciFi documentation - added doxygen third party for building improved documentation -- requires flex version >= 2.5.35, flex provided as third party If upgrading from a previous version, redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.7.7 The following changes were made: - updated third party daq installation If upgrading from a previous version, redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.7.6 The following changes were made: - EMR Reconstruction - first version of Global Track Reconstruction - stability fixes for online reconstruction - calls to squeals replaced by exceptions - support for long long integers If upgrading from a previous version, redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.7.5 The following changes were made: - stability fixes If upgrading from a previous version, redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.7.4 The following changes were made: - Step IV geometry and CDB interface - Examples for Optics python API - Citation for MAUS - stability fixes If upgrading from a previous version, redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.7.3 The following changes were made: - OutputCppROOT now writes to EOR directory - Fixed memory leak from field map MAUS-v0.7.1 The following changes were made: - Memory leak fix for MAUS-Online - New KL reducer - Python-TofCalib reducer and updated TOF plots - Optics API - Various changes to MC, added MuScat data - New third party library - numpy If upgrading from a previous version, redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.7.0 The following functionality was added: - SciFi Track Reconstruction - Several changes to SciFi MC digitization - Documentation for SciFi reconstruction - Optional build for GEANT 4.9.6 - New third party library - expat If upgrading from a previous version, redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.6.0 The following functionality was added: - New DAQ build script - New daq test file 04234 in third_party/source - Several changes to online tests - New TOF Reducer for calibration - stability improvements MAUS-v0.5.5 The following functionality was added: - VRML viewer support - Datamover plots - Stability improvements If upgrading from a previous version, please redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.5.4 The following functionality was added: - Stability and testing of online code was improved If upgrading from a previous version, please redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.5.3 The following functionality was added: - The ROOT version was updated to the latest version 5.34.07 If upgrading from a previous version, the following third party library scripts need to be rerun - third_party/bash/21root.bash MAUS-v0.5.2 The following functionality was added: - An example was added for accessing the data structure from a standalone C++ application - TOF integration test was added - A bug preventing reconstruction of single station data was resolved If upgrading from a previous version, the following third party library scripts need to be rerun - third_party/bash/44cdb.bash - third_party/bash/51xboa.bash MAUS-v0.5.1 The following functionality was added: - Global recon data structure was added If upgrading from a previous version, the following third party library scripts need to be rerun - third_party/bash/40python_extras.bash - third_party/bash/51xboa.bash MAUS-v0.5.0 The following functionality was added: - Added online reconstruction code - Added KL reconstruction code from data - Build stability improved If upgrading from a previous version, please redo the entire installation MAUS-v0.4.3 The following functionality was added: - TOF Monte Carlo digitisation now produces more realistic TOF digits If upgrading from the previous version, the following third party library scripts need to be rerun: - third_party/bash/51xboa.bash MAUS-v0.4.2 The following functionality was added: - TOF calibration and cabling information is now indexed in the configuration database MAUS-v0.4.1 The following functionality was added: - JSON output format now supports references (internal links within JSON documents) - An API has been added for global (cross-detector) reconstruction routines. MAUS-v0.4.0 The following functionality was added: - The API was updated to facilitate adding new modules to MAUS. New modules should inherit from base classes in the src/common_cpp/API directory - Additional metadata was added to the data structure detailing job and run information - A new utility to access information on beamline data available on the Configuration Database was added If upgrading from the previous version, the following third party library scripts need to be rerun: - third_party/bash/45beamline_fieldmaps.bash MAUS-v0.3.3 The following functionality was added: - xboa accelerator physics library was updated to use the ROOT datastructure If upgrading from the previous version, the following third party library scripts need to be rerun: - third_party/bash/51xboa.bash MAUS-v0.3.2 The following functionality was added: - Code now optionally builds against Geant4.9.5.p01. Use script in third_party/install_build_test_geant4.9.5.p01.bash (a bit experimental) - New datacards were added enabling cuts on particle type and energy at production - The default geometry was changed from Stage6.dat to Test.dat If upgrading from the previous version, the following third party library scripts need to be rerun: - third_party/bash/31geant4.bash - third_party/bash/40python_extras.bash - third_party/bash/44cdb.bash MAUS-v0.3.1 The following functionality was added: - An example script to get the field at one or more points was added. In the example, the field on-axis for MICE stage VI is plotted. MAUS-v0.3.0 The following functionality was added: - Documentation for MiceModules was included in the main documentation - The code now builds in gcc 4.7.1 MAUS-v0.2.5 The following functionality was added: - A new example for json analysis was added - The CDB version was update to 0.3.0 - The documentation was extended and is now available from the MAUS wiki If upgrading from the previous version, the following third party library scripts need to be rerun: - third_party/bash/44cdb.bash MAUS-v0.2.4 The following functionality was added: - Visualisation options were added to select colour of different particle species and to accumulate tracks into one file - A new utility was added to find a list of valid geometries within a specified time period. MAUS-v0.2.3 The following functionality was added: - The default data format is now ROOT. For further information on handling this data format, please see the instructions in the MAUS user guide (doc/maus_user_guide.pdf) - MAUS now builds on Ubuntu 11.10 (tested against Linux Mint 12) If upgrading from the previous version, the following third party library scripts need to be rerun: - third_party/bash/21root.bash - third_party/bash/51xboa.bash MAUS-v0.2.2 The following functionality was added: - Production version of the distributed processing framework and online histogramming If upgrading from the previous version, the following third party library scripts need to be rerun: - third_party/bash/40python_extras.bash MAUS-v0.2.1 The following functionality was added: - Fixed a bug preventing the code from building on some machines MAUS-v0.2.0 The following functionality was added: - Ckov reconstruction to digits - First TOF digitisation - Documentation was added for Monte Carlo Simulation If upgrading from the previous version, the following third party library scripts need to be rerun: - third_party/bash/44cdb.bash MAUS-v0.1.4 The following functionality was added: - Tracker reconstruction to space points If upgrading from the previous version, the following third party library scripts need to be rerun: - third_party/bash/01python.bash - third_party/bash/21root.bash - third_party/bash/40python_extras.bash - third_party/bash/60recpack.bash MAUS-v0.1.3 The following functionality was added: - A python interface to ROOT for online histogramming has been introduced - TOF calibration for the december run is now available MAUS-v0.1.2 The following functionality was added: - Input beams can now be read from maus, ICOOL and G4Beamline formatted files MAUS-v0.1.1 The following functionality was added: - Prototype functionality to run MAUS online added If upgrading from the previous version, the following third party libraries need to be rerun: - third_party/bash/40python_extras.bash - third_party/bash/51xboas.bash - third_party/bash/53unpacking.bash Additionally the configure script needs to be rerun and re-sourced. MAUS-v0.1.0 The following functionality was added: - Functionality to import geometries direct from GDML files into GEANT4 added MAUS-v0.0.9 The following functionality was added: - TOF reconstruction to space points added - Controls for geant4 physics processes added - Generalised histogramming functionality for online data quality added - Skeleton documentation outline added - Tracker geant4 modelling code was added - Tracker digitization code was added - TOF digitization code was removed as it did not meet required quality# checks The following third party libraries need to be rerun: - 40python_extras.bash MAUS-v0.0.8 - Merged DAQ unpacking code - Refactor of execution framework to prepare for multiprocessing and online reconstruction - Documentation skeleton introduced - Executable (bin/utilities/ to browse formatted json output in more human readable form MAUS-v0.0.7 - New functions to generate input beam -- Multivariate gaussian in x, px, y, py, time, energy -- Additionally sawtooth or uniform distribution in time -- Either fixed number of particles or selected from binomial distribution per spill -- Multiple distributions can be generated with difference particle types, etc - simulate_mice run control is now entirely through datacards -- Number of spills input and output filenames can all be selected in datacards - datacards can be specified on the command line or in an external file -- -configuration_file specifies the python file to use for datacards MAUS-v0.0.6 - Added calls to geant4 inline visualisation MAUS-v0.0.5 - Added some new compile flags to control C++ optimisation, profiling, debugging, code coverage - Added documentation for the Monte Carlo data structure (doc/run_control/spill.pdf) - Better testing and speed optimisation in Simulation MAUS-v0.0.4 - Added SpecialVirtual detectors - Updated to xboa-0.11.0 MAUS-v0.0.3: - Added RF cavity phasing routine - Added a test to check for python style - Streamlined the routines for handling errors between python and C++ MAUS-v0.0.2: - Added BeamMaker prototype MAUS-v0.0.1: - Initial version - Core map-reduce infrastructure - Partial implementaton of monte carlo tracking simulation at application level -- Port of geometry, fields, geant4 set-up, virtual planes algorithm - Abiity to analyze low-level DAQ data - Build system of all dependencies that is tested on a wide range of systems - Partial port, testing, and clean up of legacy code - Configuration database interface