// MAUS WARNING: THIS IS LEGACY CODE. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// KLFiber /// /// \brief A piece of material used in the calorimeter, read out at two opposite ends. /// /// This class creates a rectangular cell which is read out at two ends /// using PMTs. For now, only a lead fiber glue spaghetti layer is handled /// by this class. /// /// \author 2006-03-04 Rikard Sandstrom //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef KLFiber_h #define KLFiber_h 1 #include "Geant4/G4Tubs.hh" #include "Geant4/G4Box.hh" #include "Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "Geant4/globals.hh" #include "Config/MiceModule.hh" class G4LogicalVolume; class G4VPhysicalVolume; class G4PVPlacement; class G4Material; class KLFiber { public: /// The constructor KLFiber(MiceModule*, G4Material*, G4VPhysicalVolume*); /// The destructor, deletes volumes it has created ~KLFiber(); G4LogicalVolume* logicalFiber() const { return fLogicFiber; }; G4PVPlacement* placementFiber() const { return fPlaceFiber; }; private: G4Tubs* fSolidFiber; G4LogicalVolume* fLogicFiber; G4PVPlacement* fPlaceFiber; }; // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif