//BeamLine start is 0 0 0 m in this coordinate system which is at //-20.574 0.000000 -12.007 m //wrt the lead scatterer in MICE Module BeamLine { Volume Box PropertyString Material Galactic PropertyDouble G4StepMax 0.2 m Dimensions 41.2 5 30 m PropertyBool Invisible 1 //Uncomment to load beam from for003.g4mice.dat into your local directory //if datacard BeamType is set to MiceModule. Max number of events to read set in Tests/beam.dat // Module Tests/beam.dat // { // Position 0. 0.000000 0. m // Rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0 degree // } Module BeamLine/IsisPipe.dat //ISIS beam pipe - need to check dimensions, quite a bit of material here { Position 0.0 0.0 0.0 mm Rotation 0.0 90.0 0.0 degree } Module BeamLine/VacuumWindow.dat //ISIS beam pipe - need to check dimensions { Position 0.0 0.0 400.0 mm Rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0 degree } Module BeamLine/QuadTrip123.dat //Centred on start of Q2 { Position 0.0 0.0 3.973300 m Rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0 degree } Module BeamLine/PipeIsisToB1.dat { Position 0.0 0.0 3.8171 m Rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0 degree } //B1 tuned for initial pion momentum of 444.7 MeV/c at target //=> 433.057 MeV/c in the dipole Module BeamLine/BendMag.dat { Position 0.0 0.0 7.434200 m Rotation 0.0 -30.0 0.0 degree ScaleFactor -0.927685 } Module BeamLine/PipeB1ToSol.dat { Position 1.102268 0.000000 8.669884 m Rotation 0.0 -60.0 0.0 degree } Module BeamLine/DSAEastWall.dat { Position 3.775689 0.000000 10.213384 m Rotation 0.0 -60.0 0.0 degree } Module BeamLine/DecaySolenoid.dat //NO CURRENT { Position 3.775689 0.000000 10.213384 m Rotation 0.0 -60.0 0.0 degree ScaleFactor 0 } Module Tests/GVA1.dat { Position 6.2059445 0.000000 11.633384 m Rotation 0.0 -60.0 0.0 degree } //B2 tuned for muon momentum of 270.0 MeV/c Module BeamLine/BendMag.dat { Position 6.416200 0.000000 11.737884 m Rotation 0.0 -75.0 0.0 degree ScaleFactor -0.298981 //-0.42654 } Module BeamLine/QuadTrip456.dat //Centred on start of Q5 { Position 9.590731 0.000000 12.006539 m Rotation 0.0 -90.0 0.0 degree } Module Tests/GVA2.dat //Geneva 2 { Position 11.76281 0.000000 12.006539 m Rotation 0.0 -90.0 0.0 degree } Module TOF/TOF0.dat { Position 12.541831 0.000000 12.006539 m Rotation 0.0 -90.0 0.0 degree } Module Ckov/Cherenkov.dat { Position 13.184931 0.000000 12.006539 m Rotation 0.0 -90.0 0.0 degree } Module BeamLine/DSAWestWall.dat { Position 14.2 0.000000 12.006539 m Rotation 0.0 -90.0 0.0 degree } Module BeamLine/QuadTrip789.dat //Centred on start of Q8 { Position 17.222831 0.000000 12.006539 m Rotation 0.0 -90.0 0.0 degree } // Module TOF/TOF1.dat // { // Position 19.942831 0.000000 12.006539 m // Rotation 0.0 -90.0 0.0 degree // } //The downstream face of the lead scatterer would be at //20.566131 0.000000 12.006539 //in this coordinate system }