/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include "Utils/CppErrorHandler.hh" #include "Utils/JsonWrapper.hh" #include "Utils/Exception.hh" #include "Interface/dataCards.hh" #include "API/PyWrapMapBase.hh" #include "src/map/MapCppReconSetup/MapCppReconSetup.hh" namespace MAUS { PyMODINIT_FUNC init_MapCppReconSetup(void) { PyWrapMapBase<MAUS::MapCppReconSetup>::PyWrapMapBaseModInit ("MapCppReconSetup", "", "", "", ""); } MapCppReconSetup::MapCppReconSetup() : MapBase<MAUS::Data>("MapCppReconSetup") { } void MapCppReconSetup::_birth(const std::string& argJsonConfigDocument) {} void MapCppReconSetup::_death() {} void MapCppReconSetup::_process(MAUS::Data *data) const { // Get spill, break if there's no DAQ data Spill *spill = data->GetSpill(); if (spill->GetDAQData() == NULL) return; if (spill->GetDaqEventType() != "physics_event") return; TriggerArray *tr_data = spill->GetDAQData()->GetTriggerArrayPtr(); // get number of triggers in this spill int nTrigs = tr_data->size(); // get size of recon event buffer ReconEventPArray *recEvts = new ReconEventPArray(); int recPartEvents = spill->GetReconEventSize(); // if no recon events, resize recon event array to hold events=num.triggers for (int iPe = 0; iPe < nTrigs; iPe++) recEvts->push_back(new ReconEvent); // std::cerr << "nTriggers = " << nTrigs << std::endl; for (int xPE = 0; xPE < nTrigs; xPE++) { int evNumber = (tr_data->at(xPE))->GetV1290Array()[0].GetPartEventNumber(); recEvts->at(xPE)->SetPartEventNumber(evNumber); recEvts->at(xPE)->SetTOFEvent(new TOFEvent()); recEvts->at(xPE)->SetTriggerEvent(new TriggerEvent()); recEvts->at(xPE)->SetSciFiEvent(new SciFiEvent()); recEvts->at(xPE)->SetCkovEvent(new CkovEvent()); recEvts->at(xPE)->SetKLEvent(new KLEvent()); recEvts->at(xPE)->SetEMREvent(new EMREvent()); recEvts->at(xPE)->SetGlobalEvent(new GlobalEvent()); } spill->SetReconEvents(recEvts); } }