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// $Id: G4ExtrudedSolid.hh 67011 2013-01-29 16:17:41Z gcosmo $
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// GEANT 4 class header file
// G4ExtrudedSolid
// Class description:
// G4ExtrudedSolid is a solid which represents the extrusion of an arbitrary
// polygon with fixed outline in the defined Z sections.
// The z-sides of the solid are the scaled versions of the same polygon.
// The solid is implemented as a specification of G4TessellatedSolid.
// Parameters in the constructor:
// const G4String& pName             - solid name
// std::vector<G4TwoVector> polygon  - the vertices of the outlined polygon
//                                     defined in clockwise or anti-clockwise order     
// std::vector<ZSection>             - the z-sections defined by
//                                     z position, offset and scale
//                                     in increasing z-position order
// Parameters in the special constructor (for solid with 2 z-sections:
// G4double halfZ                    - the solid half length in Z
// G4TwoVector off1                  - offset of the side in -halfZ
// G4double scale1                   - scale of the side in -halfZ
// G4TwoVector off2                  - offset of the side in +halfZ
// G4double scale2                   - scale of the side in -halfZ

// Author:
//   Ivana Hrivnacova, IPN Orsay
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef G4ExtrudedSolid_HH
#define G4ExtrudedSolid_HH

#include <vector>

#include "G4TwoVector.hh"

#include "G4TessellatedSolid.hh"

class G4VFacet;

class G4ExtrudedSolid : public G4TessellatedSolid

  public:  // without description

    struct ZSection
      ZSection(G4double z, G4TwoVector offset, G4double scale)
        : fZ(z), fOffset(offset), fScale(scale) {}

      G4double    fZ;
      G4TwoVector fOffset;
      G4double    fScale;

  public:  // with description

     G4ExtrudedSolid( const G4String&                 pName,
                            std::vector<G4TwoVector>  polygon,
                            std::vector<ZSection>     zsections);
       // General constructor

     G4ExtrudedSolid( const G4String&                 pName,
                            std::vector<G4TwoVector>  polygon,
                            G4double                  halfZ,
                            G4TwoVector off1, G4double scale1,
                            G4TwoVector off2, G4double scale2 );
       // Special constructor for solid with 2 z-sections

     virtual ~G4ExtrudedSolid();
       // Destructor

    // Accessors

    inline G4int       GetNofVertices() const;
    inline G4TwoVector GetVertex(G4int index) const;
    inline std::vector<G4TwoVector> GetPolygon() const;

    inline G4int       GetNofZSections() const;
    inline ZSection    GetZSection(G4int index) const;
    inline std::vector<ZSection> GetZSections() const;

    // Solid methods                                

    EInside  Inside (const G4ThreeVector &p) const;
    G4double DistanceToOut(const G4ThreeVector &p,
                           const G4ThreeVector &v,
                           const G4bool calcNorm=false,
                                 G4bool *validNorm=0, G4ThreeVector *n=0) const;
    G4double DistanceToOut (const G4ThreeVector &p) const;
    G4GeometryType GetEntityType () const;
    G4VSolid* Clone() const;

    std::ostream& StreamInfo(std::ostream &os) const;

  public:  // without description

      // Fake default constructor for usage restricted to direct object
      // persistency for clients requiring preallocation of memory for
      // persistifiable objects.

    G4ExtrudedSolid(const G4ExtrudedSolid& rhs);
    G4ExtrudedSolid& operator=(const G4ExtrudedSolid& rhs); 
      // Copy constructor and assignment operator.


    void ComputeProjectionParameters();
    G4ThreeVector GetVertex(G4int iz, G4int ind) const;
    G4TwoVector ProjectPoint(const G4ThreeVector& point) const;

    G4bool IsSameLine(G4TwoVector p,
                      G4TwoVector l1, G4TwoVector l2) const;
    G4bool IsSameLineSegment(G4TwoVector p,
                      G4TwoVector l1, G4TwoVector l2) const;
    G4bool IsSameSide(G4TwoVector p1, G4TwoVector p2, 
                      G4TwoVector l1, G4TwoVector l2) const;
    G4bool IsPointInside(G4TwoVector a, G4TwoVector b, G4TwoVector c, 
                      G4TwoVector p) const;
    G4double GetAngle(G4TwoVector p0, G4TwoVector pa, G4TwoVector pb) const;                      
    G4VFacet* MakeDownFacet(G4int ind1, G4int ind2, G4int ind3) const;      
    G4VFacet* MakeUpFacet(G4int ind1, G4int ind2, G4int ind3) const;      

    G4bool AddGeneralPolygonFacets();
    G4bool MakeFacets();
    G4bool IsConvex() const;


    G4int       fNv;
    G4int       fNz;
    std::vector<G4TwoVector> fPolygon;
    std::vector<ZSection>    fZSections;
    std::vector< std::vector<G4int> > fTriangles;
    G4bool          fIsConvex;
    G4GeometryType  fGeometryType;

    std::vector<G4double>      fKScales;
    std::vector<G4double>      fScale0s;
    std::vector<G4TwoVector>   fKOffsets;
    std::vector<G4TwoVector>   fOffset0s;

#include "G4ExtrudedSolid.icc"
