#pylint: disable = C0103
basic test of TOFDigitizer to see if digits come out on real spills
and if errors come out on empty
import unittest
import os
import json
import maus_cpp.converter
import MAUS

from Configuration import Configuration

#from MapCppTOFMCDigitizer import MapCppTOFMCDigitizer

class MapCppTOFMCDigitizer(unittest.TestCase):  #pylint: disable = R0904
    """ basic MapCppTOFMCDigitizer test to check
    if we get digits on good evts and errors on bad
    def setUpClass(cls):  # pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """ Class Initializer.
            The set up is called before each test function
            is called.
        cls.mapper = MAUS.MapCppTOFMCDigitizer()
        conf_json = json.loads(Configuration().getConfigJSON())
        conf_json["reconstruction_geometry_filename"] = "Stage6.dat"
        # Test whether the configuration files were loaded correctly at birth

    def test_death(self):
        """ Test to make sure death occurs """

    def test_process(self):
        """ Test of the process function """
        root_dir = os.environ.get("MAUS_ROOT_DIR")
        assert root_dir != None
        assert os.path.isdir(root_dir)
        _filename = \
        '%s/src/map/MapCppTOFMCDigitizer/mc_test.json' % root_dir
        assert os.path.isfile(_filename)
        _file = open(_filename, 'r')
        # File is open.
        # Spill 1 is corrupted.
        spill = "{}"
        output = self.mapper.process(spill)
        self.assertTrue("errors" in maus_cpp.converter.json_repr(output))
        # a real spill
        #spill = _file.readline().rstrip()
        spill = _file.read()
        output = self.mapper.process(spill)
        doc = maus_cpp.converter.json_repr(output)
        tof_event = doc["recon_events"][0]["tof_event"]
        self.assertTrue("tof_digits" in tof_event)

    def tear_down_class(cls):

if __name__ == '__main__':