------------------- Release notes for G4MICE 2.4.1 ------------------------ The following bugs were fixed: * A bug in MiceModules resulting in slow loading of modules has been repaired * A bug in BTMultipole resulting in erroneous end fields for multipoles (e.g. quadrupoles and dipoles) has been repaired. Note that some changes in the User Interface have been made necessary by this change. Chris Rogers, February 2011 ------------------- Release notes for G4MICE 2.4 -------------------------- As well as a number of bug fixes, the following improvements have been made: * New Optics algorithm, PolyFit, finds a polynomial of arbitrary order that fits tracking within some user-specified tolerance * Added the ability to transport individual particles in Optics application by defining a BeamType in the module that the Envelope is defined * Optics optimiser should now run quicker. * G4MICE now uses GEANT4 physics packages for tracking. QGSP_BERT is the default, although alternate packages can be selected using the PhysicsModel datacard. Hadronic processes can be controlled using the HadronicModel datacard. Note that this does change the energy loss and multiple scattering distribution slightly for muons. There is a significant change in the energy loss and multiple scattering distribution for electrons. Chris Rogers, December 2010 ------------------- Release notes for G4MICE 2.3 -------------------------- As well as a number of bug fixes, the following improvements have been made: * Updated tracker simulation, used for the analysis of the cosmic ray data taken in Lab 7 * Updated tracker analysis application used for the generation of plots used in the tracker NIM paper * Numerous new and updated online applications, including OnlineScalers, OnlineReconstruction, DataQualityCheck TofTree and TofTrace Malcolm Ellis, 1 August 2010 ------------------- Release notes for G4MICE 2.2 -------------------------- As well as a number of bug fixes, the following improvements have been made: * Expressions in MiceModules - can evaluate expressions like PropertyDouble Energy (200.**2..+105.658**2.)**0.5 MeV * Substitutions in MiceModules - can evaluate substitutions: Define substitution at the level of the configuration file Substitution $mu_mass 105.658 Use it: PropertyDouble Energy (200.**2.+$mu_mass**2.)**0.5 MeV * New option for repeating mice modules - RepeatModule2, passes the number of the repeat as a parameter. This powerful tool can be used to quickly set up adiabatic tapers, etc * Optics application (currently a beta release): can now quickly push beam envelopes through an arbitrary lattice without tracking individual particles. See the documentation in MiceModules. * General speed improvement, especially when handling long or complicated lattices. * Improvements to the stability of AnalysisGUI application. * Improved algorithm for calculating weight inside an amplitude in Analysis application * Polynomial weighting algorithm added to CovarianceMatrix.hh (only available as a C++ library function right now) * Option to check for GEANT4 physical volume overlaps in datacards * Extra options added to Virtual planes - radial cut, make output relative to virtual plane position * A few further bug fixes and stability improvements Chris Rogers, April 2010 --------------------- Release Notes for G4MICE 1.2 --------------------- Release 1.2 builds on the transition to the new persistency and applications scheme of release 1.1 and adds Digitisation functionality for the Scintillating Fibre tracker, Electromagnetic Calorimeter and Time Of Flight stations. A number of minor changes have been made to prepare the way for migration to g++ 4.0.2 without compile warnings due to G4MICE code. The Applications area now contains: Analysis - The analysis executable used for emittance calculation. Digitization - The digitisation executable reads in persistent Monte Carlo truth hits and creates the corresponding digits. EventDisplay - The prototype Event Display developed for the KEK beam test in 2005, requires the libsx library to compile. FileSplitter - A utility to take one file generated with the new persistency scheme and extract a subset of the events from it. KekOct2005 - Sample code for analysing the data produced in the test beam at KEK in 2005. Optics - A program to perform Optics calculations and eventually attempt beam line optimisations. PawHistograms - Reads in persistent classes and generate PAW histograms in an HBOOK file. PawNtuples - Reads in persistent classes and generates a PAW ntuple. RootEvent - An example application used for EmCal studies that generates a ROOT tree. RootHistograms - Reads in persistent classes and generates ROOT histograms. RootTrees - Reads in persistent classes and generates a simple ROOT tree. Simulation - The simulation executable for MICE. Malcolm Ellis, 10th March, 2006 --------------------- Release Notes for G4MICE 1.0 --------------------- This release (cvs tag mice-1-0) of the MICE software distribution includes a full simulation of the experiment with o A modular set of package libraries with documentation and unit tests for most packages and subsystems o A chain of user applications for - energy deposition in particle detectors (Simulation) - raw data output from detector electronics (Digitization) - pattern recognition and track reconstruction (Reconstruction) - emittance calculation (Analysis) and a complete set of tools for building and running them o Muon beam options including - an internal model with choice of sign and adjustable parameters for position and time offsets, energy, transverse size, bunch length, energy spread as well as contamination levels from electrons, pions, protons and kaons - externally generated track sets from programs G4BeamLine, ICOOL, TURTLE and G4MICE itself as well as the HEPEvt format - generation of track sets with user-defined phase space distribution o A model of the downstream portion of the MICE beamline around the MICE detectors (after the last bend) which currently consists of the final two quadrupole triplets with their materials and magnetic fields including fringe effects and the beam diffuser o A model for the rf induced background from the cavities using electron and/or photon sources with adjustable position, size and energy distributions as well as support for an externally generated set of background tracks o A model of the nominal (stage VI) MICE cooling channel including - magnetic fields constructed from individual coils and support for an external field map as well as a constant field - electromagnetic fields with proper time and spatial dependence and support for constant static field within the rf cavities - liquid hydrogen absorber vessels with curved windows (spherical and torispherical shells) and support for simpler cylindrical versions - the magnetic shields at the outer ends o A model of tracking and particle identification detectors including - scintillating fiber tracker (SciFi) geometry with individual fibers, planes, stations and support frames and glue - time projection chamber with GEM readout (TPG) geometry including active and high voltage gas and membranes, hexaboard and GEM plate layers - 3 time-of-flight walls (TOF) with 2-plane scintillator slab geometry - 2 aerogel Cherenkov detectors (Ckov) with radiators, mirrors and windows - Electromagnetic calorimeter (EMCal) with lead-scintillator spaghetti geometry including individual fibers - Analysis planes (Virtual detectors) to record the Monte Carlo truth information o A model of the readout electronics for all the detectors including - Light generation and transport (TOF, SciFi, Ckov, EMCal): scintillation and trapping efficiency, attenuation, transmission loss at connectors, reflectivity at mirror surfaces - Light detection: quantum efficiency of VLPC and PMT detectors, gain - Generation and transport of electron clusters (TPG) - Gain and electronics noise - Dead channels o Track reconstruction including - Pattern recognition for hit clusters in the SciFi tracker - Space points in SciFi and TOF - Road finding and extraction of optimal track parameters for the 2 SciFi trackers through a Kalman filter - Matching of SciFi tracks to TOF space points o Calculation of beam dynamics quantities for physics analysis including - 2, 4, and 6-dimensional emittance in longitudinal (time-energy) and transverse (x-px, y-py) coordinates - Moments and covariance matrices - Kinematic cuts and statistical weighting Yagmur Torun, February 12, 2005 --------------------- Release Notes for G4MICE 0.9 --------------------- This release (cvs tag mice-0-9) of the MICE software distribution includes bug fixes and updates: o Kalman: - implemented unit test with reference output (M. Ellis) o Interface: - added/modified TPG digitization parameters in dataCards (R. Sandstrom) o Config: - fixed memory leak in EmCalGeometry (L. Tong) - updated SpecialGeomParameters (S. Kahn) o Calib: - updated TpgDigitsParameters (R. Sandstrom) o DetModel: - updated TpgHits and TpgSensitiveDetector (R. Sandstrom) - updated SpecialVirtualSD, SpecialVirtualStation, SpecialHit (S. Kahn) o Recon: - fixed memory leak in SciFiTrack (L. Tong) - fixed divide by zero in SciFiTrack (A. Tapper) o DetResp: - fixed memory leak in EmCalDigits (L. Tong) - updated TpgDigits (R. Sandstrom) - added SpecialVirtual to digitization event loop (S. Kahn) September 30, 2003 --------------------- Release Notes for G4MICE 0.8 --------------------- This release (cvs tag mice-0-8) of the MICE software distribution includes bug fixes and updates: o setup o Documentation: - added/updated parameter descriptions in dataCards for * SciFi (A. Tapper) * TPG (R. Sandstrom) o GEANT4 - a patch to 5.2 is now available and should be used as the new default o STL: - updated language constructs to modern versions in various files under BeamTools, EngModel (Y. Torun) o Interface: - changed default coil geometry/currents to those presented by R. Palmer at the August 27 video conference (Y. Torun) - added/updated TPG gas mixture and GEM parameters (R. Sandstrom) o Config: - updated geometry/material parameters in TpgTrackerGeometry (R. Sandstrom) o DetModel: - updated gas initialization in TpgTracker (R. Sandstrom) o Recon: - fixed memory leak in SciFiDoubletCluster (L. Tong) o Analysis: - updated EMCal blocks in mice2root (H. Wilson) o Tests: still none September 17, 2003 --------------------- Release Notes for G4MICE 0.7 --------------------- This release (cvs tag mice-0-7) of the MICE software distribution includes bug fixes, updates and source for a new package: o setup - added floating point initialization to all executables with strict default handling (Y. Torun) You can control the mode by setting the GSL_IEEE_MODE environment variable before running an executable (eg. GSL_IEEE_MODE='mask-all' to ignore all problems) o Documentation: - added/updated parameter descriptions in dataCards for * TPG (R. Sandstrom) * EMCal (A. Tonazzo) o STL: - gcc3 is now mandatory - updated language constructs to modern versions in various files under BeamTools, Interface, DetResp, Recon, Analysis (Y. Torun) o Kalman: - committed modified package source and makefile (M. Ellis) Since it's not used yet, the package is not compiled by default in the global Makefile, you can make under Kalman/mgr if you want to test compilation. o Interface: - added more EMCal geometry parameters to dataCards (A. Tonazzo) - added more TPG geometry parameters to dataCards (R. Sandstrom) o Config: - updated parameter class EmCalGeometry (A. Tonazzo) - updated parameter class TpgTrackerGeometry (R. Sandstrom) o DetModel: - updated EMCal construction implementing variable Pb/fiber ratio and correct layering (A. Tonazzo) - updated TPG construction implementing correct geometry including hexaboard, high voltage plane, GEMs, gas mixtures and isolation layers (R. Sandstrom) o Analysis: - added Recon blocks to mice2root header (H. Wilson) o DetResp: - added TPG and EMCal to digitization event loop (Y. Torun) o Tests: still none September 4, 2003 --------------------- Release Notes for G4MICE 0.6 --------------------- This release (cvs tag mice-0-6) of the MICE software distribution includes bug fixes and updates: o setup o Makefiles: - fixed bug related to object files under mgr directories (Y. Torun) - enabled debug option for main() in executables (Y. Torun) o Documentation: - added/updated parameter descriptions in dataCards for * absorbers, beam, rf, rf background, SciFi (Y. Torun) * Ckov1 (R. Godang) * TOF, Ckov2, Virtual (S. Kahn) * TPG (R. Sandstrom) o BeamTools: - added access method for coil physical volume in BTSolenoidPhysVol class (Y. Torun) o Interface: - updated VirtualHitBank, implemented SpecialHitBank for partitioned Virtual detectors(S. Kahn) - added parameters for magnetic field map output (Y. Torun) - updated file interfaces for detector HitBank classes (Y. Torun) o Config: - implemented parameter class for partitioned Virtual detectors and updated Virtual parameter class (S. Kahn) o Calib: - language cleanup (Y. Torun) o EngModel: - added access to coil and absorber names and logical volumes in AbsorberVessel and MICESFoFoConstruct (Y. Torun) o DetModel: - implemented partitioned Virtual detector class for energy deposition calculation in coils and absorbers (S. Kahn) - updated file interfaces for detector SD classes (Y. Torun) o Recon: - updated multiple hit handling in TOF reconstruction (S. Kahn) - moved TofReconParams from Calib to here (Y. Torun) - updated file interfaces for detector Recon classes (Y. Torun) o Analysis: - updated mice2root header (Y. Torun) - updated file interface for Event class (Y. Torun) o Simulation: - updated Virtual detector access in MICEDetectorConstruction (S. Kahn) - added partitioned Virtual absorber and coil instrumentation to MICEDetectorConstruction (Y. Torun) - added magnetic field map output option (Y. Torun) - implemented MICERunAction, updated MICEEventAction (Y. Torun) - updated output file interface to single global ofstream (Y. Torun) o DetResp: - implemented SpecialDigits for partitioned Virtual detectors (S. Kahn) - updated file interfaces for detector digits classes (Y. Torun) o Tests: still none August 20, 2003 ------------------ Release Notes for G4MICE 0.5 ---------------------- This release (cvs tag mice-0-5) of the MICE software distribution includes bug fixes and updates: o setup o Makefiles o Documentation: filled in parameter descriptions in dataCards (Y. Torun) o GEANT4: we are now using version 5.2 o ROOT: move to the latest production version (3.05/07) o BeamTools o Kalman o Interface: - added EMCal and TPG geometry parameters to dataCards (V. Grichine) - added Ckov1 geometry parameters to dataCards (R. Godang) o Config: - updated geometry parameters for EMCal and TPG (V. Grichine) - updated geometry parameters for Ckov1 (R. Godang) o Calib: - updated digitization parameters for EMCal and TPG (V. Grichine) o EngModel o DetModel: - fixed null detector output problem (Y. Torun) - extended Virtual detectors to support coils and absorbers (S. Kahn) o Recon: o Analysis: - new mice2root tool to generate ROOT format output (H. Wilson) o Simulation: - fixed null generator output problem (Y. Torun) - added interactive menu with dataCards get-value command (H. Wilson) - fixed uninitialized pionGun bug (Y. Torun) o DetResp: - fixed divide-by-zero bug in Ckov2 (S. Kahn) o Tests: still none August 6, 2003 ------------------ Release Notes for G4MICE 0.4 ---------------------- This release (cvs tag mice-0-4) of the MICE software distribution includes lots of new functionality and has the following updates: o setup: pointed CVSROOT to new alias (mice.iit.edu) o Makefiles: added support for - another Analysis executable (S. Kahn) - static linking (E. McKigney) o Documentation: added POD (perl) type manual to dataCards (Y. Torun) o STL: The code now compiles with gcc-3.x gcc-2.95 should still work but users of G4MICE should migrate to gcc3 o GEANT4: We are now compatible with the 4.5.1.p01 patchlevel, move to this version right away o ROOT: Some problems were reported with earlier versions, move to the latest production release (3.04/02) o BeamTools: upgraded to the 1.50 release by D. Elvira, modified for G4MICE and cleaned up for compilation by gcc3 (Y. Torun) o Kalman: no change o Interface: - added hit bank for Ckov1 (R. Godang) - added hit bank for Ckov2 and Analysis (S. Kahn) - updated TOF and Virtual hit bank (S. Kahn) - language cleanup for gcc3 o Config: - updated geometry parameters for SciFi (E. McKigney) - updated geometry parameters for EMCal and TPG (V. Grichine) - updated parameters for beam, absorber and rf background (Y. Torun) - added geometry parameters for Ckov1 (R. Godang) - added geometry parameters for Ckov2 (S. Kahn) - language cleanup (Y. Torun) o Calib: - added analysis and downstream Ckov digitization parameters (S. Kahn) - added upstream Ckov digitization parameters (R. Godang) - added new downstream Ckov digitization parameters (S. Kahn) - updated TOF digitization parameters (S. Kahn) - updated SciFi digitization, reconstruction parameters (E. McKigney) o EngModel: cleaned up cooling channel implementation, added vacuum and safety windows, simplified interface to BeamTools (Y. Torun) o DetModel: - added Ckov2 (new downstream Cerenkov) implementation (S. Kahn) - added Ckov1 (upstream Cerenkov) implementation (R. Godang) - updated Virtual hit output (S. Kahn, Y. Torun) - language cleanup (Y. Torun) o Recon: - added support for multiplexing, track fitting with five stations and dead channels to SciFi (E. McKigney) - added TOF reconstruction classes (S. Kahn) - added reconstruction output for Virtual (S. Kahn) o Analysis: - added new classes for standard emittance calculation (S. Kahn) - language cleanup (Y. Torun) o Simulation: - fixed misfeature in stacking action (S. Kahn) - updated rf background model, added photon gun, enabled support for uniform electron and photon background (Y. Torun) - updated primary generator, enabled support for contamination in the beam (Y. Torun) - language cleanup (Y. Torun) o DetResp: - added multiplexing and dead channels to SciFi (E. McKigney) - added digitization for Ckov1 (R. Godang) - added digitization for Ckov2 (S. Kahn) - added Virtual digits (S. Kahn) o Tests: no change May 29, 2003 ------------------ Release Notes for G4MICE 0.3 ---------------------- This release (cvs tag mice-0-3) of the MICE software distribution is intended for preproduction testing. It has the following updates: o setup: no changes o Makefiles: added support for Digitization, Reconstruction and Analysis executables (Y. Torun, E. McKigney), debugging and optimization options (Y. Torun) o Documentation: is limited to this file o BeamTools: cleanup to remove compilation warnings (Y. Torun) o Kalman: no change o Interface: added support for RF background parameters (V. Grichine), updated input parameters for Virtual (S. Kahn) and rf (Y. Torun) and hit output for TOF (S. Kahn, Y. Torun) o Config: added class for RF background parameters (V. Grichine), updates to TOF (S. Kahn) and rf parameters (Y. Torun) o Calib: update to SciFi (E. McKigney) o EngModel: o DetModel: bug fix in Ckov implementation (R. Godang, Y. Torun), bug fixes and updates to TOF and Virtual (S. Kahn, Y. Torun), support for unified hit output (E. McKigney) o Recon: update to SciFi (E. McKigney), bugfix in main (Y. Torun) o Analysis: added executable, updated (E. McKigney) o Simulation: added simple RF background model (V. Grichine), Virtual detector placement, generated track output and fixed field no cooling run mode (Y. Torun) o DetResp: updates to support single textfile interface (E. McKigney) o Tests: all the test subdirectories are still empty, here is how you can test the system (assuming bash) - Move any existing MICE source tree out of the way to avoid problems - Check out the source export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@hep04.phys.iit.edu:/home/mice/cvsroot cvs co -r mice-0-3 MICE - Set up your environment edit MICE/setup/micesetup.sh . MICE/setup/micesetup.sh If you want visualization, set the relevant G4 variable, eg. export G4VIS_USE_OPENGLX=1 which is the only one I have tested so far - Compile cd $MICESRC/mgr; make If all goes well, you should get the following executables $MICESRC/Simulation/object/$MICEPLATFORM/Simulation $MICESRC/DetResp/object/$MICEPLATFORM/Digitization $MICESRC/Recon/object/$MICEPLATFORM/Reconstruction $MICESRC/Analysisobject/$MICEPLATFORM/Analysis - Run the chain * Hits touch dummy.in; Simulation dummy.in which will generate an output file named Sim.out * Digits Digitization dummy.in which will generate an output file named Digits.out * Tracks Reconstruction dummy.in which will generate Rec.out This will track 100 muons through a fixed 4T field, generate raw data and reconstruct tracks from the SciFi data. You can also try running with visualization as Simulation dummy.in 1 (note the extra argument) which will start an interactive session. - If anything goes wrong during any of these steps, report the problem right away December 5, 2002 ------------------ Release Notes for G4MICE 0.2 ---------------------- This release (cvs tag mice-0-2) of the MICE software distribution is intended to be the first working system. It has the following updates: o setup: no changes o Makefiles: a bug in the subpackage makefile has been fixed, support for visualization is included and a Simulation executable has been added (Y. Torun) o Documentation: is limited to this file o BeamTools: no changes o Kalman: no change o Interface: added support for TPG, EMCal (V. Grichine), TOF, Virtual detector (S. Kahn), Ckov (R. Godang), magnet, absorber and RF system (Y. Torun) parameters o Configuration: added classes for TPG, EMCal (V. Grichine), TOF, Virtual (S. Kahn), Ckov (R. Godang), magnet, absorber, RF and beam (Y. Torun) parameters o Calibration: added digitization parameters for TPG, EMCal (V. Grichine), TOF (S. Kahn), Ckov (R. Godang) o EngModel: moved magnetic and electric fields, coil, absorber and cavity construction from Simulation to this package (Y. Torun). Coil geometry now follows MICE-Note 9 by Palmer and Fernow o DetModel: added support for TPG, EMCal (V. Grichine), TOF, Virtual (S. Kahn), Ckov (R. Godang) o Recon: added executable main() and event model (E. McKigney) o Analysis: no change o Simulation: MICEDetectorConstruction class now does the physical placement of the cooling channel and detector volumes and initializes sensitive detectors, also added executable main() (Y. Torun) o DetResp: added executable main() and event model (E. McKigney) o Tests: all the test subdirectories are empty but you can do something like this to test the system (assuming bash) - Check out the source export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@hep04.phys.iit.edu:/home/mice/cvsroot cvs co -r mice-0-2 MICE - Set up your environment edit MICE/setup/micesetup.sh . MICE/setup/micesetup.sh If you want visualization, set the relevant G4 variable, eg. export G4VIS_USE_OPENGLX=1 which is the only one I have tested so far - Compile cd $MICESRC/mgr; make If all goes well, you should get a Simulation executable under $MICESRC/Simulation/object/$MICEPLATFORM - Play Run the program on an empty input file to generate the field maps touch dummy.in Simulation dummy.in 1 This should create a few files named Focus.dat, Coupling.dat, etc. After that, you can insert the line SolDataFiles useFiles into the input file and the program will read the field maps from the files for quick startup November 18, 2002 --------------- Release Notes for MICE release 0.1 ------------------- This release (cvs tag mice-0-1) of the MICE software distribution is intended just to get things rolling. It has the following functionality: - Environment: a shell script is provided in two flavors (bash and tcsh) under the setup toplevel directory to generate the appropriate shell environment for development work (Y. Torun) - Makefiles: a basic build system is provided as makefiles under the mgr subdirectories to generate package libraries and also maintain a local site installation if desired (Y. Torun) There's no support for building executables (this release doesn't contain any) or shared objects. The next update will include these and other features. The makefiles assume gnumake and gcc/g++ - Documentation: is limited to this file and a README file located in the toplevel doc subdirectory that contains instructions for getting and compiling the code - BeamTools: this package now contains the latest version of the package from Fermilab (D. Elvira) that works with standard GEANT4 (no need for patches to GEANT4 source to get correct tracking in time varying electromagnetic fields). Some modifications were necessary to make it fit into our framework (Y. Torun) - Kalman: is just a placeholder with a makefile - Interface: the MICE Interface Library was adapted from BeamTools classes and now has support for SciFi calibration and configuration parameters (E. McKigney) - Configuration: has SciFi parameters implemented (E. McKigney) - Calibration: has SciFi parameters implemented (E. McKigney) - EngModel: is also a placeholder for now, some of the code that is currently under Simulation will be moved to this package later - DetModel: has full SciFi implementation (E. McKigney) - Recon: has SciFi reconstruction classes implemented (E. McKigney) - Analysis: has a basic emittance calculation class (E. McKigney) - Simulation: a basic Super-FOFO channel implementation with coils, RF cavities, absorbers and the experimental hall is included (Y. Torun) - DetResp: has SciFi digits and hits fully implemented (E. McKigney) - Tests: all the test subdirectories are empty but you can do something like this to test the build system (assuming bash) export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@hep04.phys.iit.edu:/home/mice/cvsroot cvs co -r mice-0-1 MICE edit MICE/setup/micesetup.sh to set up the environment correctly . MICE/setup/micesetup.sh mkdir sitetest; cd sitetest; cvs co siteobj cd $MICESRC/mgr; make; make install; make siteinstall If all goes well, you should get the following libraries under $MICESRC/object/$MICEPLATFORM and $MICEROOT/object/$MICEPLATFORM libAnalysis.a, libBeamTools.a, libCalib.a, libConfig.a, libInterface.a, libKalman.a, libSciFiDetModel.a, libSciFiDetResp.a, libSciFiRecon.a, libSimulation.a some of which will be empty August 26, 2002