/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus
* MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MAUS. If not, see .
#include "src/common_cpp/Recon/Bayes/JointPDF.hh"
namespace MAUS {
JointPDF::JointPDF(): _joint(NULL),
_max(0.) {}
JointPDF::JointPDF(std::string name,
double bin_width,
double min,
double max) : _joint(NULL),
_bin_width(bin_width) {
_min = min - _bin_width/2.;
_max = max + _bin_width/2.;
const char *c_name = name.c_str();
_n_bins = static_cast ( ((max-min)/_bin_width)+1 );
_joint = new TH2D(c_name, c_name,
_n_bins, _min, _max,
_n_bins, _min, _max);
JointPDF::~JointPDF() {
delete _joint;
JointPDF& JointPDF::operator=(const JointPDF &rhs) {
if ( this == &rhs ) {
return *this;
_name = rhs._name;
const char *c_name = _name.c_str();
// _joint = TH2D(rhs._joint);
_joint = static_cast(rhs._joint->Clone(c_name));
_n_bins = rhs._n_bins;
_bin_width = rhs._bin_width;
_min = rhs._min;
_max = rhs._max;
return *this;
JointPDF::JointPDF(const JointPDF &joint) {
_name = joint._name;
const char *c_name = _name.c_str();
// _joint = TH2D(joint._joint);
_joint = static_cast(joint._joint->Clone(c_name));
_n_bins = joint._n_bins;
_bin_width = joint._bin_width;
_min = joint._min;
_max = joint._max;
void JointPDF::Build(std::string model, double sigma, int number_of_tosses) {
if ( model != "gaussian" ) {
std::cerr << "Model not implemented. Aborting" << std::endl;
TF1 *gaussian = new TF1("gaussian", "gaus(0)", _min*2., _max*2.);
gaussian->SetParameters(1, 0., sigma);
TH1F *h = new TH1F("temp", "temp", _n_bins*2, _min*2., _max*2.);
h->FillRandom("gaussian", number_of_tosses);
int centroid_shift = -1;
for ( int param_bin = 1; param_bin <= _n_bins; param_bin++ ) {
for ( int D_bin = 1; D_bin <= _n_bins; D_bin++ ) {
int corresponding_bin = D_bin+_n_bins-centroid_shift;
double probability = h->GetBinContent(corresponding_bin);
_joint->SetBinContent(param_bin, D_bin, probability);
delete h;
// Returns P(Data|parameter)
TH1D JointPDF::GetLikelihood(double data) {
// This is the histogram to be returned.
TH1D likelihood("", "", _n_bins, _min, _max);
// The value observed (the data) corresponds to some
// bin number in the Y axis of the TH2D.
int data_bin = static_cast ( (data+_max)*(_n_bins/(_max-_min)) + 1);
// Now, for this Y-bin, we are going to swipe all possible values
// in the paramenter axis (the x-axis) and fill our JointPDF histogram.
for ( int param_bin = 1; param_bin <= _n_bins; param_bin++ ) {
// The probability in a particular bin.
double p = _joint->GetBinContent(param_bin, data_bin);
// The parameter value the x-bin corresponds to.
// double parameter_value = _joint.GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(param_bin);
// And fill the histogram.
likelihood.SetBinContent(param_bin, p);
return likelihood;
} // ~namespace MAUS