/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ /** * @file GlobalTools.hh * @brief A collection of helper functions for GlobalEvent objects * @author Jan Greis, University of Warwick * @date 2015/04/17 */ #ifndef _SRC_COMMON_CPP_RECON_GLOBALTOOLS_HH_ #define _SRC_COMMON_CPP_RECON_GLOBALTOOLS_HH_ // C++ headers #include #include #include // Geant4 headers #include "Geant4/G4Material.hh" // MAUS headers #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Spill.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/GlobalEvent.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Global/Track.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Global/TrackPoint.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Global/ReconEnums.hh" // Forward declaration class BTField; namespace MAUS { namespace GlobalTools { /** * @brief Returns a map of all detector points (as defined by * DataStructure/Global/ReconEnums.hh) with flags for whether a Track or * SpacePoint exists in the reconstructed event for each detector. * * @param global_event The global event */ std::map GetReconDetectors(GlobalEvent* global_event); /** * @brief Returns a vector of all Tracks in the Spill (i.e. across recon events * if applicable) that have the given mapper name and include TrackPoints in * the given detector * * @param spill The spill * @param detector Detector enum for the selection * @param mapper_name Mapper name for the selection */ std::vector* GetSpillDetectorTracks( Spill* spill, DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint detector, std::string mapper_name); std::vector* GetEventDetectorTracks( GlobalEvent* global_event, DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint detector, std::string mapper_name); /** * @brief Returns a vector of all SpacePoints in a spill (i.e. across recon * events) for a given detector * * @param spill The spill * @param detector Detector enum for the selection */ std::vector* GetSpillSpacePoints( Spill* spill, DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint detector); std::vector* GetEventSpacePoints( GlobalEvent* global_event, DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint detector); /** * @brief Returns a vector of all Tracks in in the global event with the given * mapper name * * @param global_even The global event * @param mapper_name Mapper name for the selection */ std::vector* GetTracksByMapperName( GlobalEvent* global_event, std::string mapper_name); /** * @brief Returns a vector of all Tracks in in the global event with the given * mapper name and the given PID * * @param global_even The global event * @param mapper_name Mapper name for the selection * @param pid PID for the selection */ std::vector* GetTracksByMapperName( GlobalEvent* global_event, std::string mapper_name, DataStructure::Global::PID pid); /** * @brief Returns a vector of ints denoting the tracker plane of a TrackPoint. * The first number indicates the tracker (0-1), the second the tracker station * (1-5), the third the tracker plane (0-2). For the latter two, numbers * increase away from the absorber * * @param track_point The trackpoint for which to determine the tracker plane * @param z_positions An ascending-sorted vector of the z positions of all * tracker planes from the geometry. * * @see GetTrackerPlaneZPositions() */ std::vector GetTrackerPlane(const DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint* track_point, std::vector z_positions); /** * @brief Returns a vector with the z positions of all tracker planes sorted * by ascending z position. * * @param geo_filename The filename of the used geometry file * * @see GetTrackerPlane() */ std::vector GetTrackerPlaneZPositions(std::string geo_filename); /** * @brief Returns the TrackPoint from a Track that is nearest to a given z * position. * * If the most upstream or most downstream TrackPoint should be returned, set * z_positions such as 0.0 or 1000000 * * @param track The Track from which to return the TrackPoint * @param z_position The z position to which the nearest TrackPoint should be * returned */ DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint* GetNearestZTrackPoint( const DataStructure::Global::Track* track, double z_position); /** * @brief Checks whether two numbers are the same to within a given tolerance */ bool approx(double a, double b, double tolerance); /** * @brief Calculates energy loss according to the Bethe-Bloch equation. This is * also implemented in G4hBetheBlochModel but we don't want to have to * instantiate a G4DynamicParticle object every time. Note that the output is in * MeV/mm, not MeV cm^2/g * * @param material the material the particle is passing through * @param the total energy of the particle * @param mass the mass of the particle */ double dEdx(const G4Material* material, double energy, double mass); /** * @brief Reimplementation of BTTracker::Integrate with only z propagation and * the option of energy loss. Reimplemented to avoid changing the interface that * might still be used by other functions and to pull it out of legacy * * @param x array of size 8 containing t, x, y, z, E, px, py, pz * @param target_z z coordinate to propagate to * @param field the magnetic field through which the particle is propagated * @param step_size the maximum step size in mm for the propagation * @param pid the PID of the particle being propagated * @param energy_loss whether energy loss should be calculated */ void propagate(double* x, double target_z, const BTField* field, double step_size, DataStructure::Global::PID pid, bool energy_loss = true); /** * @brief Required by GlobalTools::propagate() */ int z_equations_of_motion(double z, const double x[8], double dxdt[8], void* params); /** * @brief Scales the 4-momentum of the 8-vector to decrease the energy by deltaE * * @param x array of size 8 containing t, x, y, z, E, px, py, pz * @param deltaE change in energy applied to the particle * @param mass mass of the particle */ void changeEnergy(double* x, double deltaE, double mass); /** * @brief Returns whether the first TrackPoint has a lower z-position than the * second one. Used to perform an std::sort on a vector of TrackPoints. */ bool TrackPointSort(const DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint* tp1, const DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint* tp2); } // namespace GlobalTools } // namespace MAUS #endif