/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include "TCanvas.h" #include "src/common_cpp/Utils/JsonWrapper.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/Utils/CppErrorHandler.hh" #include "Utils/Squeak.hh" #include "Utils/Exception.hh" #include "Interface/dataCards.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/SciFiEvent.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Spill.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/ReconEvent.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/JsonCppProcessors/SpillProcessor.hh" #include "src/reduce/ReduceCppPatternRecognition/ReduceCppPatternRecognition.hh" namespace MAUS { bool ReduceCppPatternRecognition::birth(std::string aJsonConfigDocument) { mClassname = "ReduceCppPatternRecognition"; mDataManager.set_print_tracks(false); // Do not print info about the PR tracks mDataManager.set_print_seeds(false); // Do not print info about track seeds mXYZPlotter = new TrackerDataPlotterXYZ(); // The spacepoint and track plotter mInfoBoxPlotter = new TrackerDataPlotterInfoBox(); // The infobox plotter mPlotters.push_back(mXYZPlotter); mPlotters.push_back(mInfoBoxPlotter); // JsonCpp setup - check file parses correctly, if not return false Json::Value configJSON; try { configJSON = JsonWrapper::StringToJson(aJsonConfigDocument); return true; } catch (Exceptions::Exception exc) { MAUS::CppErrorHandler::getInstance()->HandleExceptionNoJson(exc, mClassname); } catch (std::exception exc) { MAUS::CppErrorHandler::getInstance()->HandleStdExcNoJson(exc, mClassname); } return false; } std::string ReduceCppPatternRecognition::process(std::string aDocument) { bool read_success = read_in_json(aDocument); if (read_success) { try { if ( mSpill->GetReconEvents() ) { mDataManager.process(mSpill); mDataManager.draw(mPlotters); } } catch (Exceptions::Exception exc) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << exc.GetMessage() << std::endl; mRoot = MAUS::CppErrorHandler::getInstance()->HandleException(mRoot, exc, mClassname); } catch (std::exception exc) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << exc.what() << std::endl; mRoot = MAUS::CppErrorHandler::getInstance()->HandleStdExc(mRoot, exc, mClassname); } mDataManager.clear_spill(); } else { std::cerr << mClassname << ": Failed to import json to spill\n"; } return JsonWrapper::JsonToString(mRoot); } bool ReduceCppPatternRecognition::death() { return true; } bool ReduceCppPatternRecognition::read_in_json(std::string aJsonData) { Json::FastWriter writer; Json::Reader reader; try { mRoot = JsonWrapper::StringToJson(aJsonData); SpillProcessor spill_proc; mSpill = spill_proc.JsonToCpp(mRoot); return true; } catch (...) { Json::Value errors; std::stringstream ss; ss << mClassname << ": Failed when importing JSON to Spill"; errors["bad_json_document"] = ss.str(); mRoot["errors"] = errors; writer.write(mRoot); return false; } } } // ~namespace MAUS