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// $Id$
// Class G4AssemblyTriplet
// Class description:
// A class to help place logical or assembly volumes inside a generic 
// containers (like STL vector ) together with information about its rotation, 
// placement and eventually reflection.
// How to interpret the rotation and translation depends on the class which
// uses a container of these triplets. The first class using G4AssemblyTriplet
// is G4AssemblyVolume class.
// The pointer to the logical or assembly volume is copied so this class 
// does not take its ownership and does not delete the object behind.

// Author:      Radovan Chytracek
// Version:     1.0
// Date:        November 2000
// History:
// March 2006, I.Hrivnacova - Extended to support assembly of assemblies
//             of volumes and reflections
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
#include "G4RotationMatrix.hh"

class G4LogicalVolume;
class G4AssemblyVolume;

class G4AssemblyTriplet
 public:  // with description

      // Default constructor

    G4AssemblyTriplet( G4LogicalVolume* pVolume,
                       G4ThreeVector& translation,
                       G4RotationMatrix* pRotation,
                       G4bool isReflection = false);
      // An explicit constructor for a logical volume
    G4AssemblyTriplet( G4AssemblyVolume* pAssembly,
                       G4ThreeVector& translation,
                       G4RotationMatrix* pRotation,
                       G4bool isReflection = false);
      // An explicit constructor for an assembly volume
    G4AssemblyTriplet( const G4AssemblyTriplet& second );
      // Copy constructor

      // Destructor

    G4AssemblyTriplet& operator=( const G4AssemblyTriplet& second );
      // Assignment operator

    inline G4LogicalVolume* GetVolume() const;
      // Retrieve the logical volume reference

    inline void SetVolume( G4LogicalVolume* pVolume );
      // Update the logical volume reference

    inline G4AssemblyVolume* GetAssembly() const;
      // Retrieve the assembly volume reference

    inline void SetAssembly( G4AssemblyVolume* pAssembly );
      // Update the assembly volume reference

    inline G4ThreeVector GetTranslation() const;
      // Retrieve the logical volume translation

    inline void SetTranslation( G4ThreeVector& pVolume );
      // Update the logical volume translation

    inline G4RotationMatrix* GetRotation() const;
      // Retrieve the logical volume rotation

    inline void SetRotation( G4RotationMatrix* pVolume );
      // Update the logical volume rotation

    inline G4bool IsReflection() const;
      // Return true if the logical or assembly volume has reflection


    G4LogicalVolume*  fVolume;
      // A logical volume

    G4ThreeVector     fTranslation;
      // A logical volume translation

    G4RotationMatrix* fRotation;
      // A logical volume rotation


    // Member data for handling assemblies of assemblies and reflections

    G4AssemblyVolume* fAssembly;
      // An assembly volume

    G4bool            fIsReflection;
      // True if the logical or assembly volume has reflection  

#include "G4AssemblyTriplet.icc"