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// $Id$
// G4 Gheisha friend class G4KinematicParticle  -- header file
// J.L. Chuma, TRIUMF, 22-Feb-1996
// last modified: H. Fesefeldt 18-November-1996

#ifndef G4HEVector_hh
#define G4HEVector_hh 1

// Class description:
// Instances of this class are used by the high energy parameterized models
// to store particle type, charge, mass, energy and momentum, among other
// things. Many operations are available with G4HEVectors, including 
// addition, subtraction, and Lorentz boosting. 

// Class Description - End

#include "G4ParticleMomentum.hh"
#include "Randomize.hh"
#include "G4HadProjectile.hh"

class G4HEVector
     G4double px;
     G4double py;
     G4double pz;
     G4double energy;
     G4double kineticEnergy;
     G4double mass;
     G4double charge;
     G4double timeOfFlight;
     G4int  side;
     G4bool flag;
     G4int  code;
     G4String particleName;
     G4String particleType;
     G4int    baryon;
     G4int    strangeness;
     enum {NumberOfQuarkFlavor = 8};
     G4int theQuarkContent[NumberOfQuarkFlavor];
     G4int theAntiQuarkContent[NumberOfQuarkFlavor];


  G4HEVector(const G4HadProjectile * aParticle);
     px               = 0.0;
     py               = 0.0;
     pz               = 0.0;
     energy           = 0.0;
     kineticEnergy    = 0.0;
     mass             = 0.0;
     charge           = 0.0;
     timeOfFlight     = 0.0;
     side             = 0;
     flag             = false;
     code             = 0;
     particleName     = "";
     particleType     = "";
     baryon           = 0;
     strangeness      = 0;
     for (G4int i = 0; i < NumberOfQuarkFlavor; i++) {
       theQuarkContent[i] = 0;
       theAntiQuarkContent[i] = 0;

  G4HEVector( const G4HEVector & p )
     px            = p.px;
     py            = p.py;
     pz            = p.pz;
     energy        = p.energy;
     kineticEnergy = p.kineticEnergy;
     mass          = p.mass;
     charge        = p.charge;
     timeOfFlight  = p.timeOfFlight;
     side          = p.side;
     flag          = p.flag;
     code          = p.code;
     particleName  = p.particleName;
     particleType  = p.particleType;
     baryon        = p.baryon;
     strangeness   = p.strangeness;

  G4HEVector & operator = ( const G4HEVector & p )
     px            = p.px;
     py            = p.py;
     pz            = p.pz;
     energy        = p.energy;
     kineticEnergy = p.kineticEnergy;
     mass          = p.mass;
     charge        = p.charge;
     timeOfFlight  = p.timeOfFlight;
     side          = p.side;
     flag          = p.flag;
     code          = p.code;
     particleName  = p.particleName;
     particleType  = p.particleType;
     baryon        = p.baryon;
     strangeness   = p.strangeness;
     return *this;

   ~G4HEVector(){ };

   G4double Amax(G4double a, G4double b);

   G4String getParticleName(G4int code, G4int baryon);
   void setMomentum( const G4ParticleMomentum mom ); 

   void setMomentum( const G4ParticleMomentum * mom ); 

   void setMomentumAndUpdate( const G4ParticleMomentum mom );

   void setMomentumAndUpdate( const G4ParticleMomentum * mom );

   const G4ParticleMomentum getMomentum() const ;

   G4double getTotalMomentum() const;

   void setMomentum( G4double x, G4double y, G4double z);

   void setMomentumAndUpdate( G4double x, G4double y, G4double z );

   void setMomentum( G4double x, G4double y );

   void setMomentumAndUpdate( G4double x, G4double y );

   void setMomentum( G4double z );

   void setMomentumAndUpdate( G4double z );

   void setEnergy( G4double e ); 

   void setEnergyAndUpdate( G4double e );

   void setKineticEnergy( G4double ekin ); 

   void setKineticEnergyAndUpdate(G4double ekin); 

   G4double getEnergy() const; 

   G4double getKineticEnergy() const; 

   void setMass( G4double m ); 

   void setMassAndUpdate( G4double m );

   G4double getMass() const; 

   void setCharge( G4double c ); 

   G4double getCharge() const; 

   void setTOF( G4double t ); 

   G4double getTOF(); 

   void setSide( G4int s ); 

   G4int getSide(); 

   void setFlag( G4bool f ); 

   G4bool getFlag(); 

   void setCode( G4int c ); 

   G4int getCode() const; 

   G4String getName() const;

   G4int getBaryonNumber() const;

   G4int getStrangenessNumber() const;

   G4int getQuarkContent(G4int flavor);

   G4int getAntiQuarkContent(G4int flavor);

   void setZero();

   G4String getType() const;

   void Add( const G4HEVector & p1, const G4HEVector & p2 );

   void Sub( const G4HEVector & p1, const G4HEVector & p2 );

   void Lor( const G4HEVector & p1, const G4HEVector & p2 );

   G4double CosAng(const G4HEVector& p) const;

   G4double Ang(const G4HEVector & p );

   G4double Dot4( const G4HEVector & p1, const G4HEVector & p2);

   G4double Impu( const G4HEVector & p1, const G4HEVector & p2);

   void Add3( const G4HEVector & p1, const G4HEVector & p2);

   void Sub3( const G4HEVector & p1, const G4HEVector & p2);

   void Cross( const G4HEVector & p1, const G4HEVector & p2);

   G4double Dot( const G4HEVector & p1, const G4HEVector & p2);

   void Smul( const G4HEVector & p, G4double h);

   void SmulAndUpdate( const G4HEVector & p, G4double h);

   void Norz( const G4HEVector & p );

   G4double Length() const;

   void Exch( G4HEVector & p1);

   void Defs1( const G4HEVector & p1, const G4HEVector & p2);

   void Defs( const G4HEVector & p1, const G4HEVector & p2,
                    G4HEVector & my,       G4HEVector & mz );

   void Trac( const G4HEVector & p1, const G4HEVector & mx,
              const G4HEVector & my, const G4HEVector & mz);

   void setDefinition(G4String name);

   G4int FillQuarkContent();

   void Print(G4int L) const;
