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// $Id:$
// GEANT4 tag $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
//      GEANT 4 class header file
//  G4Physics2DVector.hh 
//  Class description:
//  A 2-dimentional vector with linear interpolation.

//  Author:        Vladimir Ivanchenko
//  Creation date: 25.09.2011

#ifndef G4Physics2DVector_h
#define G4Physics2DVector_h 1

#include "globals.hh"
#include "G4ios.hh"

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>

#include "G4Physics2DVectorCache.hh"
#include "G4PhysicsVectorType.hh"

typedef std::vector<G4double> G4PV2DDataVector;

class G4Physics2DVector 
public:  // with description

  G4Physics2DVector(size_t nx, size_t ny);
  // constructors

  G4Physics2DVector(const G4Physics2DVector&);
  G4Physics2DVector& operator=(const G4Physics2DVector&);
  // Copy constructor and assignment operator.

  // destructor

  inline G4double Value(G4double x, G4double y);
  // Main method to interpolate 2D vector

  inline void PutX(size_t idx, G4double value);
  inline void PutY(size_t idy, G4double value);
  inline void PutValue(size_t idx, size_t idy, G4double value);
  void PutVectors(const std::vector<G4double>& vecX,
		  const std::vector<G4double>& vecY);
  // Methods to fill vector 
  // Take note that the 'index' starts from '0'.

  void ScaleVector(G4double factor);
  // Scale all values of the vector by factor, 
  // This method may be applied 
  // for example after Retrieve a vector from an external file to 
  // convert values into Geant4 units

  inline G4double GetX(size_t index) const;
  inline G4double GetY(size_t index) const;
  inline G4double GetValue(size_t idx, size_t idy) const;
  // Returns simply the values of the vector by index
  // of the energy vector. The boundary check will not be done. 

  inline size_t GetLengthX() const;
  inline size_t GetLengthY() const;
  // Get the lengths of the vector. 

  inline G4PhysicsVectorType GetType() const;
  // Get physics vector type

  inline void SetBicubicInterpolation(G4bool);
  // Activate/deactivate bicubic interpolation.

  void Store(std::ofstream& fOut);
  G4bool Retrieve(std::ifstream& fIn);
  // To store/retrieve persistent data to/from file streams.

  inline G4double GetLastX() const;
  inline G4double GetLastY() const;
  inline G4double GetLastValue() const;
  inline size_t GetLastBinX() const;
  inline size_t GetLastBinY() const;
  // Get cache values 

  inline void SetVerboseLevel(G4int value);
  inline G4int GetVerboseLevel() const;
  // Set/Get Verbose level


  void PrepareVectors();

  void ClearVectors();

  void CopyData(const G4Physics2DVector& vec);

  void ComputeValue(G4double x, G4double y);
  // Main method to interpolate 2D vector 
  //   by default by linear interpolation

  void BicubicInterpolation(size_t idx, size_t idy);
  // Bicubic interpolation of 2D vector  

  size_t FindBinLocation(G4double z, const G4PV2DDataVector&);
  // Main method to local bin

  inline void FindBin(G4double z, const G4PV2DDataVector&, 
			size_t& lastidx);
  inline void FindBinLocationX(G4double x);
  inline void FindBinLocationY(G4double y);
  // Find the bin# in which theEnergy belongs
  // Starting from 0 


  inline G4double DerivativeX(size_t idx, size_t idy, G4double fac);
  inline G4double DerivativeY(size_t idx, size_t idy, G4double fac);
  inline G4double DerivativeXY(size_t idx, size_t idy, G4double fac);
  // computation of derivatives

  G4int operator==(const G4Physics2DVector &right) const ;
  G4int operator!=(const G4Physics2DVector &right) const ;

  G4PhysicsVectorType type;   // The type of PhysicsVector (enumerator)    

  size_t numberOfXNodes;
  size_t numberOfYNodes;

  G4Physics2DVectorCache*  cache;

  G4PV2DDataVector  xVector;
  G4PV2DDataVector  yVector;
  std::vector<G4PV2DDataVector*> value;

  G4int  verboseLevel;
  G4bool useBicubic;

#include "G4Physics2DVector.icc"
