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// $Id$
// ClassName:  G4StoppingPhysics
// Author:     Alberto Ribon
// Date:       27 July 2012
// Modified:  
// 20120921  M. Kelsey -- Move MuonMinusCapture.hh here; replace G4MMCAtRest
//		with new G4MuonMinusCapture.
// 16-Oct-2012 A. Ribon: renamed G4BertiniAndFritiofStoppingPhysics as 
//                       G4StoppingPhysics.
// Class Description:
// This class provides the nuclear capture at rest of negatively charged
// particles, using: Bertini for pi-, K-, Sigma-, Xi-, and Omega-. 
//                   Fritiof/Precompound for anti-proton and anti-Sigma+;
//                   another model for mu-.

#ifndef G4StoppingPhysics_h
#define G4StoppingPhysics_h 1

#include "globals.hh"
#include "G4VPhysicsConstructor.hh"

class G4HadronicAbsorptionBertini;
class G4HadronicAbsorptionFritiof;
class G4MuonMinusCapture;

class G4StoppingPhysics : public G4VPhysicsConstructor {


  G4StoppingPhysics( G4int ver = 1 );

  G4StoppingPhysics( const G4String& name,
		                      G4int ver = 1,
		                      G4bool UseMuonMinusCapture=true );

  virtual ~G4StoppingPhysics();


  // This method will be invoked in the Construct() method. 
  // each particle type will be instantiated
  virtual void ConstructParticle();
  // This method will be invoked in the Construct() method.
  // each physics process will be instantiated and
  // registered to the process manager of each particle type 
  virtual void ConstructProcess();


  G4MuonMinusCapture* muProcess;
  G4HadronicAbsorptionBertini* hBertiniProcess;
  G4HadronicAbsorptionFritiof* hFritiofProcess;
  G4int  verbose;
  G4bool wasActivated;
  G4bool useMuonMinusCapture;
