#	SpaceCharge.g4bl
#	The beamline is a quad triplet tuned to do parallel to point focusing
#	at z=6000mm.
#	To plot sigmaX and -sigmaY using gnuplot, do:
#		plot "profile.txt" using 1:4 with lines, \
#		     "profile.txt" using 1:(-$6) with lines
#	HistoRoot can also be used to plot profile.txt.
#	Note the simulation ends when tracks start leaving the world, making
#	the number of tracks in the bunch drop below 95% of the initial 
#	number, around meanZ=10000.
#	NOTE: the spacecharge command currently has the limitation that the
#	reference particle must be parallel to the z axis. The spacechargelw
#	command uses no reference and has no such limitation, but is
#	computationally limited to about 1,000 macro-particles.
#	nMP=5000 takes ~ 3 min on my Mac, gives same plot as nMP=50000.
#	The default deltaT is 0.100 ns, which may well be too large for
#	practical use.
#	At the default P=200, the effects of space charge start to become
#	visible around totalCharge=1E10. At 1E12 the focus is very washed out,
#	and at 1E13 is gone. The default bunch has sigmaX=sigmaY=sigmaZ=20mm.
#	The default quadrupole strengths are scaled with momentum, so the 
#	focus remains at z=6000 independent of P.
#	These parameters can be given on the command line to explore variations:
#	Bunch parameters:
#		nMP		# macro particles
#		totalCharge	total charge of the bunch (number of e+).
#				    (totalCharge=1 makes spacecharge negligible)
#	Beam parameters:
#		P		momentum of the reference and bunch center
#		sigmaP		sigmaP of the initial beam
#		sigmaX,sigmaY,sigmaZ,sigmaXp,sigmaYp - other beam parameters
#	spacecharge parameters:
#		deltaT		time step (ns)
#		nGrid		# points in each dimension of the grid
#		nApprox		# points in each dimension of the approximation
#		maxBeta		max beta in reference frome for bunch
#		percentile	percentile of charge distribution used for
#				    grid sizing
#		verbose		verbose print control

param -unset P=200 sigmaP=0 sigmaX=20 sigmaY=20 sigmaZ=20 sigmaXp=0 sigmaYp=0
param -unset deltaT=0.100 nGrid=65 nApprox=7 maxBeta=0.1 percentile=99 verbose=0
param -unset nMP=5000 totalCharge=1
# parallel-to-point focus at z=6000, determined using triplet.sh, scaled by P:
param -unset QF=2.79310*$P/200 QD=-4.95221*$P/200

physics QGSP_BERT disable=Decay
spacecharge deltaT=0.100 charge=$totalCharge/$nMP dx=3*$sigmaX dy=3*$sigmaY \
	dz=3*$sigmaZ verbose=0 deltaT=$deltaT nx=$nGrid ny=$nGrid nz=$nGrid \
	nxApprox=$nApprox nyApprox=$nApprox nzApprox=$nApprox maxBeta=$maxBeta \
	percentile=$percentile verbose=$verbose
param worldMaterial=Vacuum

beam gaussian particle=mu+ nEvents=$nMP meanMomentum=$P sigmaP=$sigmaP \
  sigmaX=$sigmaX sigmaY=$sigmaY sigmaZ=$sigmaZ sigmaXp=$sigmaXp sigmaYp=$sigmaYp
reference particle=mu+ referenceMomentum=$P

genericquad Quad fieldLength=100 ironLength=100 apertureRadius=100 \
	ironRadius=200 kill=1
box Box height=50 width=50 length=1

place Box z=0 rename=Beam color=0,1,0
place Quad z=2000 rename=Q1 gradient=$QF
place Quad z=3000 rename=Q2 gradient=$QD
place Quad z=4000 rename=Q3 gradient=$QF
place Box z=10000 rename=End color=1,0,0

profile file=profile.txt particle=mu+ zloop=0.01:10000:100