// ********************************************************************
// * License and Disclaimer                                           *
// *                                                                  *
// * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
// * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
// * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
// * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
// * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
// *                                                                  *
// * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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// * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
// *                                                                  *
// * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
// * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
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// ********************************************************************
// File: G4PersistencyManager.hh
// History:
//   01.07.17  Youhei Morita  Initial creation (with "fadsclass")


#include "G4Event.hh"

#include "G4VMCTruthIO.hh"
#include "G4HCIOcatalog.hh"
#include "G4DCIOcatalog.hh"
#include "G4VPEventIO.hh"
#include "G4VPHitIO.hh"
#include "G4VPDigitIO.hh"
#include "G4VTransactionManager.hh"
#include <string>

class G4PersistencyCenter;

// Class inherited:
#include "G4VPersistencyManager.hh"

// Class Description:
//   Manager base class to handle event store and retrieve operation.
//   Actual persistency implementation should be handled with 
//   derived classes.
//   Each persistency package should implement derived classes of
//   G4VHepMCIO, G4VMCTruthIO, G4VPHitIO, G4VPDigitIO, G4VPEventIO.
//   Concreate G4PersistencyManager should implement the methods
//   HepMCIO(), MCTruthIO(), HitIO(), DigitIO() and EventIO() to
//   return the pointers of the above classes.
//   G4PersistencyManager handles the sequence of the storing and
//   retrieving of the persistent object of each type, along with
//   the transaction handling.
//   Retrieving a HepMC event:
//        G4PersistencyManager::Retrieve( HepMC::GenEvent*& )
//         |
//         |  ... StartRead() ...
//         |
//         |  ... Commit() ...
//         V
//   Storing a Geant4 event:
//        G4PersistencyManager::Store( G4Pevent* )
//         |
//         |  ... StartUpdate() ...
//         |
//         |  ... MCTruthIO()->Store( MCTruth event ) ...
//         |
//         |  ... HitIO()->Store( hit_collection_of_event ) ...
//         |
//         |  ... DigitIO()->Store( digit_collection_of_event ) ...
//         |
//         |  ... EventIO()->Store( event with hits and digits ) ...
//         |
//         |  ... Commit() ...
//         V
//   Retrieving a Geant event:
//        G4PersistencyManager::Retrieve( event )
//         |
//         |  ... StartRead() ...
//         |
//         |  ... EventIO()->Retrieve( event ) ...
//         |
//         |  ... Commit() ...
//         V
//   Hit collection and digit collection of each detector component
//   should be handled by detector specific I/O manager, which
//   should be registered to the G4PersistencyCenter with
//   AddHCIOmanager() and AddDCIOmanager().  Usually this is done
//   through a command
//      /Persistency/Store/Using/HitIO <detector_io_manager_name>
//   which is handled by G4PersistencyCenterMessenger.
//   A static template declaration of G4HCIOentryT<class> must be
//   implementated for each I/O manager.

class G4PersistencyManager
 : public G4VPersistencyManager
    friend class G4PersistencyCenter;

    public: // With description
      G4PersistencyManager(G4PersistencyCenter* pc, std::string n);
      // Constructor

      virtual ~G4PersistencyManager();
      // Destructor

    public: // With description
      virtual G4PersistencyManager* Create() {return 0;};
      // Create a new persistency manager.  To be used by G4PersistencyManagerT<>.

      std::string GetName() {return nameMgr;};
      // Get the name of persistency manager

      virtual G4VPEventIO* EventIO() { return 0; };
      // Returns the current event I/O handling manager
      // Each derived class should return the pointer of actual manager.

      virtual G4VPHitIO* HitIO() { return 0; };
      // Returns the current hit I/O handling manager
      // Each derived class should return the pointer of actual manager.

      virtual G4VPDigitIO* DigitIO() { return 0; };
      // Returns the current digit I/O handling manager
      // Each derived class should return the pointer of actual manager.

      virtual G4VMCTruthIO* MCTruthIO() { return 0; };
      // Returns the current MCTruth I/O handling manager
      // Each derived class should return the pointer of actual manager.

      virtual G4VTransactionManager* TransactionManager() { return 0; };
      // Returns the current transaction manager
      // Each derived class should return the pointer of actual manager.

      virtual void Initialize() {};
      // Initialize the persistency package.
      // Each derived class should implement the acutal initialization sequence.

      void SetVerboseLevel(int v);
      // Set verbose level.

      G4bool Store(const G4Event* evt);
      // Store the G4Event and its associated objects

      G4bool Retrieve(G4Event*& evt);
      // Retrieve the G4Event and its associated objects

      G4bool Store(const G4Run*) {return false;};
      // not used

      G4bool Retrieve(G4Run*&) {return false;};
      // not used

      G4bool Store(const G4VPhysicalVolume*) {return false;};
      // not used

      G4bool Retrieve(G4VPhysicalVolume*&) {return false;};
      // not used

      static G4PersistencyManager* GetPersistencyManager();
      // Get the instance of persistency manager

      G4PersistencyCenter* f_pc;
      int m_verbose;

      std::string      nameMgr;
      G4bool           f_is_initialized;

}; // End of class G4PersistencyManager
