/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ // NOTE: Equipment list to be changed // when tracker moved to MICE Hall. // A few assertions to be removed. // ES #include "src/common_cpp/Recon/SciFi/RealDataDigitization.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/DAQData.hh" namespace MAUS { #define MIN_ADC 0.000000001 RealDataDigitization::RealDataDigitization() : _npe_cut(0.0), _chan_map(_n_entries) { // Do nothing } RealDataDigitization::~RealDataDigitization() { // Do nothing } void RealDataDigitization::initialise(double npe_cut, const std::string& map_file, const std::string& calib_file, const std::string& bad_channels_file) { // Load calibration, mapping and bad channel list. // These calls are to be replaced by CDB interface. _npe_cut = npe_cut; bool map = load_mapping(map_file.c_str()); bool calib = load_calibration(calib_file.c_str()); bool bad_channels = load_bad_channels(bad_channels_file.c_str()); if ( !calib || !map || !bad_channels ) { throw(Exceptions::Exception(Exceptions::recoverable, "Could not load Tracker calibration, mapping or bad channel list.", "RealDataDigitization::process")); } } void RealDataDigitization::process(Spill *spill) { // Check for DAQData if ( spill->GetDAQData() == NULL ) { // std::cerr << "RealDataDigitization::process No DAQ data found, aborting" << std::endl; return; } // Pull out the tracker daq objects Tracker0DaqArray tracker0 = spill->GetDAQData()->GetTracker0DaqArray(); Tracker1DaqArray tracker1 = spill->GetDAQData()->GetTracker1DaqArray(); if (!spill->GetReconEvents()) spill->SetReconEvents(new std::vector()); std::vector* revts = spill->GetReconEvents(); if ( (tracker0.size() != revts->size()) || (tracker1.size() != revts->size()) ) { std::cout << "WARNING: Tracker RealDataDigitization: " << "DAQ data size does not match Recon data size, aborting\n"; return; } // Process the VLSB data to produce SciFiDigits for (size_t i = 0; i < tracker0.size(); ++i) { if (!revts->at(i)->GetSciFiEvent()) revts->at(i)->SetSciFiEvent(new SciFiEvent()); std::vector digits0 = process_VLSB(spill->GetSpillNumber(), tracker0[i]); std::vector digits1 = process_VLSB(spill->GetSpillNumber(), tracker1[i]); digits0.insert(digits0.end(), digits1.begin(), digits1.end()); revts->at(i)->GetSciFiEvent()->set_digits(digits0); } } std::vector RealDataDigitization::process_VLSB(int SpillNum, TrackerDaq* td) { std::vector digits; // Loop over the VLSB channels of this event. unsigned int xVLSBArraySize = td->GetVLSBArraySize(); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < xVLSBArraySize; ++i ) { VLSB vlsb1 = td->GetVLSBArrayElement(i); int bank = vlsb1.GetBankID(); int channel_ro = vlsb1.GetChannel(); double adc = vlsb1.GetADC(); if (!is_good_channel(bank, channel_ro)) { continue; } // Get pedestal and gain from calibration. // int new_bank = bank + 4*board; double adc_pedestal = _calibration[bank][channel_ro]["adc_pedestal"].asDouble(); double adc_gain = _calibration[bank][channel_ro]["adc_gain"].asDouble(); // double tdc_pedestal = _calibration[bank][channel_ro]["tdc_pedestal"].asDouble(); // double tdc_gain = _calibration[bank][channel_ro]["tdc_gain"].asDouble(); // Calculate the number of photoelectrons. double pe; if ( adc_pedestal > MIN_ADC && adc_gain > MIN_ADC ) { pe = (adc-adc_pedestal)/adc_gain; } else { pe = -10.0; } // Get the time double time = -10.0; /* No TDC calibration yet if ( tdc_pedestal > tdc_pedestal_min && tdc_gain > 0 ) { time = (tdc-tdc_pedestal)/tdc_gain; } else { time = -10.0; } */ // Find tracker, station, plane, channel. int board = floor(bank/4); int old_bank = bank%4; int tracker(-1); int station(-1); int plane(-1); int channel(-1); int extWG(-1); int inWG(-1); int WGfib(-1); bool found = get_StatPlaneChannel(board, old_bank, channel_ro, tracker, station, plane, channel, extWG, inWG, WGfib); // Exclude missing modules. if ( found && (pe > _npe_cut ) ) { SciFiDigit *digit = new SciFiDigit(SpillNum, vlsb1.GetPartEventNumber(), tracker, station, plane, channel, pe, time); digit->set_adc(adc); digits.push_back(digit); } } // ends loop over channels return digits; } void RealDataDigitization::process_VLSB_c(Json::Value input_event, SciFiEvent* event, TrackerDaq *tracker0daq_event, TrackerDaq *tracker1daq_event) { VLSB_CArray vlsb_c_tracker0_array; VLSB_CArray vlsb_c_tracker1_array; // Loop over the VLSB channels of this event. for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < input_event.size(); ++j ) { Json::Value channel_in = input_event[j]; int ldc = channel_in["ldc_id"].asInt(); std::string detector = channel_in["detector"].asString(); int discriminator = channel_in["discriminator"].asInt(); int equip_type = channel_in["equip_type"].asInt(); int time_stamp = channel_in["time_stamp"].asInt(); int spill = channel_in["phys_event_number"].asInt(); int eventNo = channel_in["part_event_number"].asInt(); int board = channel_in["geo"].asInt()-1; int bank = channel_in["bank"].asInt(); int channel_ro = channel_in["channel"].asInt(); int adc = channel_in["adc"].asInt(); int tdc = channel_in["tdc"].asInt(); VLSB_C vlsb_c; vlsb_c.SetEquipType(equip_type); vlsb_c.SetPhysEventNumber(spill); vlsb_c.SetTimeStamp(time_stamp); vlsb_c.SetDetector(detector); vlsb_c.SetPartEventNumber(eventNo); vlsb_c.SetChannel(channel_ro); vlsb_c.SetBankID(bank); vlsb_c.SetADC(adc); vlsb_c.SetTDC(tdc); vlsb_c.SetDiscriminator(discriminator); vlsb_c.SetLdcId(ldc); vlsb_c.SetGeo(board); if ( board < 4 ) { vlsb_c_tracker0_array.push_back(vlsb_c); } else { vlsb_c_tracker1_array.push_back(vlsb_c); } if ( !is_good_channel(bank, channel_ro) ) { // continue; } // Get pedestal and gain from calibration. int new_bank = bank + 4*board; double adc_pedestal = _calibration[new_bank][channel_ro]["adc_pedestal"].asDouble(); double adc_gain = _calibration[new_bank][channel_ro]["adc_gain"].asDouble(); double tdc_pedestal = _calibration[new_bank][channel_ro]["tdc_pedestal"].asDouble(); double tdc_gain = _calibration[new_bank][channel_ro]["tdc_gain"].asDouble(); // Calculate the number of photoelectrons. double pe; if ( adc_pedestal > MIN_ADC && adc_gain > MIN_ADC ) { pe = (adc-adc_pedestal)/adc_gain; } else { pe = -10.0; } double time = -10.0; /* No TDC calibration yet. if ( tdc_pedestal > tdc_pedestal_min && tdc_gain > 0 ) { time = (tdc-tdc_pedestal)/tdc_gain; } else { time = -10.0; } */ // Find tracker, station, plane, channel. int tracker, station, plane, channel; int extWG, inWG, WGfib; bool found = get_StatPlaneChannel(board, bank, channel_ro, tracker, station, plane, channel, extWG, inWG, WGfib); // Exclude missing modules. if ( found ) { // pe > 1.0 && SciFiDigit *digit = new SciFiDigit(spill, eventNo, tracker, station, plane, channel, pe, time); digit->set_adc(adc); event->add_digit(digit); } } // ends loop over channels (j) // Fill event with all vlsb digits. tracker0daq_event->SetVLSB_CArray(vlsb_c_tracker0_array); tracker1daq_event->SetVLSB_CArray(vlsb_c_tracker1_array); } bool RealDataDigitization::load_calibration(std::string file) { char* pMAUS_ROOT_DIR = getenv("MAUS_ROOT_DIR"); std::string fname = std::string(pMAUS_ROOT_DIR)+"/files/calibration/"+file; std::ifstream inf(fname.c_str()); if (!inf) { throw(Exceptions::Exception(Exceptions::recoverable, "Could not load Tracker Calibration.", "RealDataDigitization::load_calibration")); } std::string calib((std::istreambuf_iterator(inf)), std::istreambuf_iterator()); Json::Reader reader; Json::Value calibration_data; if (!reader.parse(calib, calibration_data)) return false; size_t n_channels = calibration_data.size(); for ( Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < n_channels; ++i ) { int bank = calibration_data[i]["bank"].asInt(); int channel_n = calibration_data[i]["channel"].asInt(); double adc_pedestal = calibration_data[i]["adc_pedestal"].asDouble(); double adc_gain = calibration_data[i]["adc_gain"].asDouble(); double tdc_pedestal = calibration_data[i]["tdc_pedestal"].asDouble(); double tdc_gain = calibration_data[i]["tdc_gain"].asDouble(); Json::Value channel; channel["adc_pedestal"] = adc_pedestal; channel["adc_gain"] = adc_gain; channel["tdc_pedestal"] = tdc_pedestal; channel["tdc_gain"] = tdc_gain; _calibration[bank][channel_n] = channel; } return true; } int RealDataDigitization::calc_uid(int chan_ro, int bank, int board) const { return chan_ro + (bank*_number_channels) + (board*_banks_per_board*_number_channels); } bool RealDataDigitization::load_mapping(std::string file) { char* pMAUS_ROOT_DIR = getenv("MAUS_ROOT_DIR"); std::string fname = std::string(pMAUS_ROOT_DIR)+"/files/cabling/"+file; std::ifstream inf(fname.c_str()); if (!inf) { throw(Exceptions::Exception(Exceptions::recoverable, "Could not load Tracker Mapping.", "RealDataDigitization::load_mapping")); } std::string line; int line_count = 0; while ( getline(inf, line) ) { ++line_count; std::istringstream ist1(line.c_str()); ChanMap cmap; ist1 >> cmap.board >> cmap.bank >> cmap.chan_ro >> cmap.tracker >> cmap.station >> cmap.plane >> cmap.channel >> cmap.extWG >> cmap.inWG >> cmap.WGfib; int UId = calc_uid(cmap.chan_ro, cmap.bank, cmap.board); // Check the UId does not exceed the bounds of the vector holding the channel map data if (static_cast(UId) > (_chan_map.size() - 1)) { std::cerr << "WARNING:: RealDataDigitisation: Channel ID found outside bounds of map\n"; std::cerr << "line number: " << line_count << ", UId: " << UId << ", size: " << _chan_map.size() << ", chan_ro: " << cmap.chan_ro << ", bank: " << cmap.bank << ", board: " << cmap.board << "\n"; continue; } // Check the channel map entry for this UId is not uninitialised if (_chan_map[UId].tracker != -1) { std::cerr << "WARNING: UId " << UId << " not unique! "; std::cerr << "chan_ro: " << cmap.chan_ro << ", bank: " << cmap.bank << ", board: " << cmap.board << "\n"; } _chan_map[UId] = cmap; } return true; } bool RealDataDigitization::get_StatPlaneChannel(int& board, int& bank, int& chan_ro, int& tracker, int& station, int& plane, int& channel, int &extWG, int &inWG, int &WGfib) { bool found = false; tracker = station = plane = channel = -1; int UId = calc_uid(chan_ro, bank, board); // Check the UId does not exceed the bounds of the vector holding the channel map data if (static_cast(UId) > (_chan_map.size() - 1)) { std::cerr << "WARNING:: RealDataDigitisation: Channel ID found outside bounds of channel map\n"; std::cerr << "chan_ro: " << chan_ro << ", bank: " << bank << ", board: " << board << "\n"; return false; } // Check the channel map entry for this UId is not uninitialised if (_chan_map[UId].tracker == -1) { // std::cerr << "WARNING: UId " << UId << " not present! "; // std::cerr << "chan_ro: " << chan_ro << ", bank: " << bank << ", board: " << board << "\n"; return false; } tracker = _chan_map[UId].tracker; station = _chan_map[UId].station; plane = _chan_map[UId].plane; channel = _chan_map[UId].channel; extWG = _chan_map[UId].extWG; inWG = _chan_map[UId].inWG; WGfib = _chan_map[UId].WGfib; found = true; return found; } bool RealDataDigitization::is_good_channel(const int bank, const int chan_ro) const { if ( bank < _number_banks && chan_ro < _number_channels ) { return _good_chan[bank][chan_ro]; } else { return false; } } bool RealDataDigitization::load_bad_channels(std::string file) { char* pMAUS_ROOT_DIR = getenv("MAUS_ROOT_DIR"); std::string fname = std::string(pMAUS_ROOT_DIR)+"/files/calibration/"+file; std::ifstream inf(fname.c_str()); if (!inf) { throw(Exceptions::Exception(Exceptions::recoverable, "Could not load Tracker bad channel list.", "RealDataDigitization::load_bad_channels")); } for ( int bank = 0; bank < _number_banks; ++bank ) { for ( int chan_ro = 0; chan_ro < _number_channels; ++chan_ro ) { _good_chan[bank][chan_ro] = true; } } int bad_bank, bad_chan_ro; while ( !inf.eof() ) { inf >> bad_bank >> bad_chan_ro; _good_chan[bad_bank][bad_chan_ro] = false; } return true; } } // ~namespace MAUS