/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include "src/common_cpp/Recon/SciFi/SciFiGeometryHelper.hh" namespace MAUS { SciFiGeometryHelper::SciFiGeometryHelper() : _modules {}, _module {NULL}, _geometry_map {}, UseActiveRotations {true}, _default_momentum {0.0}, _pr_correction {0.0}, _pr_bias {0.0} { // Do nothing } SciFiGeometryHelper::SciFiGeometryHelper(const std::vector& modules) : _modules {modules}, _module {NULL}, _geometry_map {}, UseActiveRotations {true}, _default_momentum {0.0}, _pr_correction {0.0}, _pr_bias {0.0} { Json::Value *json = Globals::GetConfigurationCards(); // Set Fibre Parameters. FibreParameters.Z = (*json)["SciFiParams_Z"].asDouble(); FibreParameters.Plane_Width = (*json)["SciFiParams_Plane_Width"].asDouble(); FibreParameters.Radiation_Length = (*json)["SciFiParams_Radiation_Length"].asDouble(); FibreParameters.Density = (*json)["SciFiParams_Density"].asDouble(); FibreParameters.Mean_Excitation_Energy = (*json)["SciFiParams_Mean_Excitation_Energy"].asDouble(); FibreParameters.A = (*json)["SciFiParams_A"].asDouble(); FibreParameters.Pitch = (*json)["SciFiParams_Pitch"].asDouble(); FibreParameters.Station_Radius = (*json)["SciFiParams_Station_Radius"].asDouble(); FibreParameters.Density_Correction = (*json)["SciFiParams_Density_Correction"].asDouble(); MylarParameters.Z = (*json)["MylarParams_Z"].asDouble(); MylarParameters.Plane_Width = (*json)["MylarParams_Plane_Width"].asDouble(); MylarParameters.Radiation_Length = (*json)["MylarParams_Radiation_Length"].asDouble(); MylarParameters.Density = (*json)["MylarParams_Density"].asDouble(); MylarParameters.Mean_Excitation_Energy = (*json)["MylarParams_Mean_Excitation_Energy"].asDouble(); MylarParameters.A = (*json)["MylarParams_A"].asDouble(); MylarParameters.Density_Correction = (*json)["MylarParams_Density_Correction"].asDouble(); GasParameters.Z = (*json)["GasParams_Z"].asDouble(); GasParameters.Radiation_Length = (*json)["GasParams_Radiation_Length"].asDouble(); GasParameters.Density = (*json)["GasParams_Density"].asDouble(); GasParameters.Mean_Excitation_Energy = (*json)["GasParams_Mean_Excitation_Energy"].asDouble(); GasParameters.A = (*json)["GasParams_A"].asDouble(); GasParameters.Density_Correction = (*json)["GasParams_Density_Correction"].asDouble(); UseActiveRotations = (*json)["geometry_use_active_rotations"].asBool(); _default_momentum = (*json)["SciFiDefaultMomentum"].asDouble(); _pr_correction = (*json)["SciFiPRCorrection"].asDouble(); _pr_bias = (*json)["SciFiPRBias"].asDouble(); } SciFiGeometryHelper::~SciFiGeometryHelper() {} void SciFiGeometryHelper::Build() { // Iterate over existing modules, adding planes to the map. std::vector::iterator iter; for ( iter = _modules.begin(); iter != _modules.end(); iter++ ) { const MiceModule* module = (*iter); if ( module->propertyExists("Tracker", "int") && module->propertyExists("Station", "int") && module->propertyExists("Plane", "int") ) { int tracker_n = module->propertyInt("Tracker"); int station_n = module->propertyInt("Station"); int plane_n = module->propertyInt("Plane"); double pitch = module->propertyDouble("Pitch"); double centralfibre = module->propertyDouble("CentralFibre"); int plane_id = 3*(station_n-1) + (plane_n+1); const MiceModule* station = module->mother(); const MiceModule* trackerModule = station->mother(); const MiceModule* referencePlane = FindPlane(tracker_n, 1, 0); ThreeVector referencePos = clhep_to_root(referencePlane->globalPosition()); HepRotation internal_fibre_rotation(module->relativeRotation(module->mother() // station ->mother())); // tracker ThreeVector direction(0., 1., 0.); if (UseActiveRotations == true) { direction *= internal_fibre_rotation; } else { direction *= internal_fibre_rotation.inverse(); } HepRotation station_rotation(trackerModule->globalRotation()); ThreeVector plane_position = clhep_to_root(module->globalPosition()); ThreeVector tracker_ref_frame_pos = plane_position-referencePos; if (UseActiveRotations == true) { tracker_ref_frame_pos *= station_rotation.inverse(); } else { tracker_ref_frame_pos *= station_rotation; } SciFiPlaneGeometry this_plane; this_plane.Direction = direction.Unit(); this_plane.Position = tracker_ref_frame_pos; this_plane.GlobalPosition = plane_position; this_plane.CentralFibre = centralfibre; this_plane.Pitch = pitch; SciFiTrackerGeometry trackerGeo = _geometry_map[tracker_n]; trackerGeo.Position = referencePos; if (UseActiveRotations == true) { trackerGeo.Rotation = trackerModule->globalRotation(); } else { trackerGeo.Rotation = trackerModule->globalRotation().inverse(); } FieldValue(trackerModule, trackerGeo); trackerGeo.Planes[plane_id] = this_plane; _geometry_map[tracker_n] = trackerGeo; } } } double SciFiGeometryHelper::FieldValue(ThreeVector global_position, HepRotation plane_rotation) { double EMfield[6] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}; double position[4] = {global_position.x(), global_position.y(), global_position.z(), 0.}; BTFieldConstructor* field = Globals::GetReconFieldConstructor(); field->GetElectroMagneticField()->GetFieldValue(position, EMfield); ThreeVector B_field(EMfield[0], EMfield[1], EMfield[2]); B_field *= plane_rotation; double Tracker_Bz = B_field.z(); return Tracker_Bz; } void SciFiGeometryHelper::FieldValue(const MiceModule* trackerModule, SciFiTrackerGeometry& geom) { // Hep3Vector hepGlobalPos = trackerModule->globalPosition(); if (trackerModule == NULL) { std::cerr << "No tracker module inited!\n"; throw Exceptions::Exception(Exceptions::nonRecoverable, "Invalid MiceModule provided", "SciFiGeometryHelper::FieldValue()"); } Hep3Vector globalPos = trackerModule->globalPosition(); Hep3Vector relativePos(0., 0., 0.); HepRotation trackerRotation = (trackerModule->globalRotation()).inverse(); if (UseActiveRotations == true) HepRotation trackerRotation = (trackerModule->globalRotation()); double EMfield[6] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}; double position[4] = {0., 0., 0., 0.}; BTFieldConstructor* field = Globals::GetReconFieldConstructor(); Hep3Vector dims = trackerModule->dimensions(); double stepSize = 0.1; // mm double halfLength = 0.5*dims[1]; double z_pos = - halfLength; double sumBz = 0.0; double sumBz_sq = 0.0; double maxBz = -1.0E+20; double minBz = 1.0E+20; int numSteps = static_cast(2.0 * halfLength / stepSize); do { relativePos.setZ(z_pos); Hep3Vector testPosition = ( trackerRotation*relativePos ) + globalPos; position[0] = testPosition[0]; position[1] = testPosition[1]; position[2] = testPosition[2]; field->GetElectroMagneticField()->GetFieldValue(position, EMfield); ThreeVector B_field(EMfield[0], EMfield[1], EMfield[2]); B_field *= trackerRotation; sumBz += B_field[2]; sumBz_sq += B_field[2]*B_field[2]; if (B_field[2] > maxBz) { maxBz = B_field[2]; } if (B_field[2] < minBz) { minBz = B_field[2]; } z_pos += stepSize; } while (z_pos < halfLength); geom.Field = sumBz / numSteps; geom.FieldVariance = ( sumBz_sq / numSteps ) - ( geom.Field*geom.Field ); geom.FieldRange = maxBz - minBz; } const MiceModule* SciFiGeometryHelper::FindPlane(int tracker, int station, int plane) const { const MiceModule* this_plane = NULL; for ( unsigned int j = 0; !this_plane && j < _modules.size(); ++j ) { // Find the right module if ( _modules[j]->propertyExists("Tracker", "int") && _modules[j]->propertyExists("Station", "int") && _modules[j]->propertyExists("Plane", "int") && _modules[j]->propertyInt("Tracker") == tracker && _modules[j]->propertyInt("Station") == station && _modules[j]->propertyInt("Plane") == plane ) { // Save the module this_plane = _modules[j]; } } if ( this_plane == NULL ) { throw(Exceptions::Exception(Exceptions::nonRecoverable, "Failed to find tracker plane.", "SciFiGeometryHelper::find_plane")); } return this_plane; } double SciFiGeometryHelper::GetPlanePosition(int tracker, int station, int plane) const { int id = ( ((station-1)*3) + plane + 1 ); return _geometry_map.find(tracker)->second.Planes.find(id)->second.Position.z(); } ThreeVector SciFiGeometryHelper::FindReferenceFramePosition(int tracker) const { int station = 1; int plane = 0; const MiceModule* reference_plane = NULL; reference_plane = FindPlane(tracker, station, plane); assert(reference_plane != NULL); ThreeVector reference_pos = clhep_to_root(reference_plane->globalPosition()); return reference_pos; } double SciFiGeometryHelper::GetSeedDistance(int tracker) const { SciFiPlaneMap::const_reverse_iterator last_plane = _geometry_map.find(tracker)->second.Planes.rbegin(); return last_plane->second.Position.z(); } double SciFiGeometryHelper::HighlandFormula(double L, double beta, double p) { static double HighlandConstant = Recon::Constants::HighlandConstant; // Note that the z factor (charge of the incoming particle) is omitted. // We don't need to consider |z| > 1. double result = HighlandConstant*TMath::Sqrt(L)*(1.+0.038*TMath::Log(L))/(beta*p); return result; } double SciFiGeometryHelper::BetheBlochStoppingPower(double p, const SciFiMaterialParams* material) { // if ( p < 5.0 ) { // throw Exceptions::Exception(Exceptions::recoverable, // "Track Momentum Outside region modelled by Bethe-Bloch", // "SciFiGeometryHelper::BetheBlochStoppingPower()"); // } double muon_mass = Recon::Constants::MuonMass; double electron_mass = Recon::Constants::ElectronMass; double muon_mass2 = muon_mass*muon_mass; double E = TMath::Sqrt(muon_mass2+p*p); double beta = p/E; double beta2 = beta*beta; double gamma = E/muon_mass; double gamma2 = gamma*gamma; double K = Recon::Constants::BetheBlochParameters::K(); double A = material->A; double I = material->Mean_Excitation_Energy; double I2= I*I; double Z = material->Z; double density = material->Density; double density_correction = material->Density_Correction; double outer_term = K*Z/(A*beta2); double Tmax = 2.*electron_mass*beta2*gamma2/(1.+(2.*gamma*electron_mass/muon_mass) + (electron_mass*electron_mass/(muon_mass*muon_mass))); double log_term = TMath::Log(2.*electron_mass*beta2*gamma2*Tmax/(I2)); double dEdx = outer_term*(0.5*log_term-beta2-density_correction/2.); return density*dEdx; } double SciFiGeometryHelper::LandauVavilovStoppingPower(double p, const SciFiMaterialParams* material, double length) { double muon_mass = Recon::Constants::MuonMass; double electron_mass = Recon::Constants::ElectronMass; double muon_mass2 = muon_mass*muon_mass; double E = TMath::Sqrt(muon_mass2+p*p); double beta = p/E; double beta2 = beta*beta; double gamma = E/muon_mass; double gamma2 = gamma*gamma; double K = Recon::Constants::BetheBlochParameters::K(); double A = material->A; double I = material->Mean_Excitation_Energy; double Z = material->Z; double density = material->Density; double density_correction = material->Density_Correction; double j = 0.2; double zeta = (K/2.0)*(Z/A)*(length*density/beta2); double term1 = TMath::Log(2.0*electron_mass*beta2*gamma2/I); double term2 = TMath::Log(zeta/I); return zeta * ( term1 + term2 + j - beta2 - density_correction ); } void SciFiGeometryHelper::FillMaterialsList(int start_id, int end_id, SciFiMaterialsList& materials_list) { int increment; start_id = abs(start_id); end_id = abs(end_id); if (start_id < end_id) increment = 1; else increment = -1; for (int current_id = start_id; current_id != end_id; current_id += increment) { materials_list.push_back(std::make_pair(&MylarParameters, MylarParameters.Plane_Width)); materials_list.push_back(std::make_pair(&FibreParameters, FibreParameters.Plane_Width)); switch (current_id) { case 4: materials_list.push_back(std::make_pair(&GasParameters, 200.0)); break; case 7: materials_list.push_back(std::make_pair(&GasParameters, 250.0)); break; case 10: materials_list.push_back(std::make_pair(&GasParameters, 300.0)); break; case 13: materials_list.push_back(std::make_pair(&GasParameters, 350.0)); break; default: break; } } } ThreeVector SciFiGeometryHelper::TransformPositionToGlobal(const ThreeVector& pos, int tracker) const { ThreeVector reference_position = GetReferencePosition(tracker); CLHEP::HepRotation reference_rotation = GetReferenceRotation(tracker); ThreeVector global_position = pos; global_position *= reference_rotation; global_position += reference_position; return global_position; } std::vector SciFiGeometryHelper::TransformStraightParamsToGlobal( const std::vector& params, int tracker) const { // Paramters of the fit in tracker local coordinates double x0 = params[0]; double mzx = params[1]; double y0 = params[2]; double mzy = params[3]; // Paramters of the fit in global coordinates double gx0 = 0.0; double gmzx = 0.0; double gy0 = 0.0; double gmzy = 0.0; // Calculate the global coordinates of the point at the ref. plane double z = GetPlanePosition(1, 1, 0); ThreeVector pos(x0, y0, z); ThreeVector global_pos = TransformPositionToGlobal(pos, tracker); // The gradients are rotated around the tracker centre ThreeVector grad(mzx, mzy, 1); CLHEP::HepRotation reference_rotation = GetReferenceRotation(tracker); grad *= reference_rotation; gmzx = grad.x()/grad.z(); gmzy = grad.y()/grad.z(); // Calculate the y-intercepts at the z=0 (D2 in global coordinates) gx0 = global_pos.x()-gmzx*global_pos.z(); gy0 = global_pos.y()-gmzy*global_pos.z(); // Return the result as a vector std::vector global_params{ gx0, gmzx, gy0, gmzy }; // NOLINT return global_params; } } // ~namespace MAUS