/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . * */ #include #include "src/common_cpp/Recon/SciFi/SciFiTools.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/ThreeVector.hh" namespace SciFiTools { void calc_straight_residual(const MAUS::SciFiSpacePoint *sp, const MAUS::SimpleLine &line_x, const MAUS::SimpleLine &line_y, double &dx, double &dy) { MAUS::ThreeVector pos = sp->get_position(); dx = pos.x() - ( line_x.get_c() + ( pos.z() * line_x.get_m() ) ); dy = pos.y() - ( line_y.get_c() + ( pos.z() * line_y.get_m() ) ); } // ~calc_straight_residual(...) double calc_circle_residual(const MAUS::SciFiSpacePoint *sp, double xc, double yc, double r) { MAUS::ThreeVector pos = sp->get_position(); double delta = sqrt(((pos.x()-xc) * (pos.x()-xc)) + ((pos.y()-yc) * (pos.y()-yc))) - r; return delta; } // ~calc_circle_residual(...) double calc_phi(double xpos, double ypos, const MAUS::SimpleCircle &circle) { // Note this function returns phi_i + phi_0, unless using x0, y0 in which case it returns phi_0 double angle = atan2(ypos - circle.get_y0(), xpos - circle.get_x0()); if ( angle < 0. ) angle += 2. * CLHEP::pi; // TODO is this ok if have different sign particles? // std::cerr << "calc_phi: x is " << xpos << ", y is " << ypos << ", R is " << circle.get_R(); // std::cerr << ", X0 is " << circle.get_x0() << ", Y0 is " << circle.get_y0(); // std::cerr << ", phi is " << angle << "\n"; return angle; } // ~calculate_phi(...) bool calc_xy_pulls(MAUS::SciFiHelicalPRTrack* trk) { if (!trk) return NULL; for (auto sp : trk->get_spacepoints_pointers()) { double delta = calc_circle_residual(sp, trk->get_circle_x0(), trk->get_circle_y0(), trk->get_R()); sp->set_prxy_pull(delta); } return true; } void draw_line(const MAUS::SciFiSpacePoint *sp1, const MAUS::SciFiSpacePoint *sp2, MAUS::SimpleLine &line_x, MAUS::SimpleLine &line_y) { MAUS::ThreeVector pos_outer = sp1->get_position(); MAUS::ThreeVector pos_inner = sp2->get_position(); line_x.set_m(( pos_inner.x() - pos_outer.x()) / (pos_inner.z() - pos_outer.z() )); line_x.set_c(pos_outer.x() - ( pos_outer.z() * line_x.get_m()) ); line_y.set_m(( pos_inner.y() - pos_outer.y()) / (pos_inner.z() - pos_outer.z() )); line_y.set_c(pos_outer.y() - ( pos_outer.z() * line_y.get_m() )); } // ~draw_line(...) double det3by3(const TMatrixD &m) { if ( m.GetNrows() == 3 && m.GetNcols() == 3 ) { double det = m(0, 0)*(m(1, 1)*m(2, 2)-m(1, 2)*m(2, 1)) + m(0, 1)*(m(1, 2)*m(2, 0)-m(1, 0)*m(2, 2)) + m(0, 2)*(m(1, 0)*m(2, 1)-m(1, 1)*m(2, 0)); return det; } else { std::cerr << "Error: SciFiTools::det3by3 says: Bad matrix given" << std::endl; return 0; } } // ~det3by3(...) MAUS::SimpleCircle make_3pt_circle(const MAUS::SciFiSpacePoint *sp1, const MAUS::SciFiSpacePoint *sp2, const MAUS::SciFiSpacePoint *sp3) { MAUS::SimpleCircle c; MAUS::ThreeVector pos1 = sp1->get_position(); MAUS::ThreeVector pos2 = sp2->get_position(); MAUS::ThreeVector pos3 = sp3->get_position(); // Calculate alpha Double_t arr_a[] = {pos1.x(), pos1.y(), 1.0, pos2.x(), pos2.y(), 1.0, pos3.x(), pos3.y(), 1.0}; TMatrixD mat_a(3, 3, arr_a); double alpha = det3by3(mat_a); c.set_alpha(alpha); // Calculate beta Double_t arr_b[] = {(pos1.x()*pos1.x())+(pos1.y()*pos1.y()), pos1.y(), 1.0, (pos2.x()*pos2.x())+(pos2.y()*pos2.y()), pos2.y(), 1.0, (pos3.x()*pos3.x())+(pos3.y()*pos3.y()), pos3.y(), 1.0}; TMatrixD mat_b(3, 3, arr_b); double beta = - det3by3(mat_b); c.set_beta(beta); // Calculate gamma Double_t arr_g[] = {(pos1.x()*pos1.x())+(pos1.y()*pos1.y()), pos1.x(), 1.0, (pos2.x()*pos2.x())+(pos2.y()*pos2.y()), pos2.x(), 1.0, (pos3.x()*pos3.x())+(pos3.y()*pos3.y()), pos3.x(), 1.0}; TMatrixD mat_g(3, 3, arr_g); double gamma = det3by3(mat_g); c.set_gamma(gamma); // Calculate kappa Double_t arr_k[] = {(pos1.x()*pos1.x())+(pos1.y()*pos1.y()), pos1.x(), pos1.y(), (pos2.x()*pos2.x())+(pos2.y()*pos2.y()), pos2.x(), pos2.y(), (pos3.x()*pos3.x())+(pos3.y()*pos3.y()), pos3.x(), pos3.y()}; TMatrixD mat_k(3, 3, arr_k); double kappa = - det3by3(mat_k); c.set_kappa(kappa); // Calculate the dependent parameters double x0 = - beta / (2 * alpha); c.set_x0(x0); double y0 = - gamma / (2 * alpha); c.set_y0(y0); double R = sqrt(((beta*beta+gamma*gamma)/(4*alpha*alpha))-(kappa/alpha)); c.set_R(R); return c; } // ~make_3pt_circle double my_mod(const double num, const double denom) { return num - (denom * floor(num / denom)); } // ~my_mod(...) std::vector phi_to_s(const double R, const std::vector &phi) { std::vector s_i; for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(phi.size()); ++i ) { s_i.push_back(phi[i] * R); } return s_i; } // ~phi_to_s(...) int num_stations_with_unused_spnts(const MAUS::SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station) { int stations_hit = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(spnts_by_station.size()); ++i ) { int unused_sp = 0; for ( int j = 0; j < static_cast(spnts_by_station[i].size()); ++j ) { if ( !spnts_by_station[i][j]->get_used() ) { ++unused_sp; } } if ( unused_sp > 0 ) { ++stations_hit; } } return stations_hit; } // ~num_stations_with_unused_spnts(...) void print_spacepoint_xyz(const std::vector &spnts) { for ( size_t i = 0; i < spnts.size(); ++i ) { MAUS::ThreeVector pos = spnts[i]->get_position(); std::cout << "( " << pos.x() << ", " << pos.y() << ", " << pos.z() << ") "; } std::cout << std::endl; } // print_spacepoint_xyz(...) void sort_by_station(const std::vector &spnts, MAUS::SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station) { for ( int st_num = 0; st_num < static_cast(spnts_by_station.size()); ++st_num ) { for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(spnts.size()); ++i ) { if ( spnts[i]->get_station() == st_num + 1 ) { spnts_by_station[st_num].push_back(spnts[i]); } } } } // ~sort_by_station(...) MAUS::SpacePoint2dPArray sort_by_tracker(const MAUS::SciFiSpacePointPArray &spnts) { const int n_trackers = 2; MAUS::SpacePoint2dPArray spnts_by_tracker(n_trackers); for ( int trker_no = 0; trker_no < n_trackers; ++trker_no ) { for ( size_t i = 0; i < spnts.size(); ++i ) { if ( spnts[i]->get_tracker() == trker_no ) { spnts_by_tracker[trker_no].push_back(spnts[i]); } } } return spnts_by_tracker; } // ~sort_by_tracker(...) void stations_with_unused_spnts(const MAUS::SpacePoint2dPArray &spnts_by_station, std::vector &stations_hit, std::vector &stations_not_hit) { stations_hit.clear(); stations_not_hit.clear(); for ( int i = 0; i < static_cast(spnts_by_station.size()); ++i ) { int unused_sp = 0; for ( int j = 0; j < static_cast(spnts_by_station[i].size()); ++j ) { if ( !spnts_by_station[i][j]->get_used() ) { ++unused_sp; } } if ( unused_sp > 0 ) { stations_hit.push_back(i); } else if ( unused_sp == 0 ) { stations_not_hit.push_back(i); } } } // ~stations_with_unused_spnts(...) } // ~namespace SciFiTools