From Andreas Enge 31 August 2011: implement mul_karatsuba with three multiplications at precision around p, instead of two at precision 2*p and one at precision p requires analysis of error propagation From Andreas Enge 30 August 2011: As soon as dependent on mpfr>=3, remove auxiliary functions from get_version.c and update mpc.h. Use MPFR_RND? instead of GMP_RND?, and remove workarounds for MPFR_RNDA from mpc-impl.h. From Andreas Enge 05 July 2012: Add support for rounding mode MPFR_RNDA. From Andreas Enge and Paul Zimmermann 6 July 2012: Improve speed of Im (atan) for x+i*y with small y, for instance by using the Taylor series directly. Bench: - from Andreas Enge 9 June 2009: Scripts and web page comparing timings with different systems, as done for mpfr at New functions to implement: - from Joseph S. Myers <joseph at codesourcery dot com> 19 Mar 2012: mpc_erf, mpc_erfc, mpc_exp2, mpc_expm1, mpc_log1p, mpc_log2, mpc_lgamma, mpc_tgamma - from Andreas Enge and Philippe Théveny 17 July 2008 agm (and complex logarithm with agm ?) - from Andreas Enge 25 June 2009: correctly rounded roots of unity zeta_n^i - implement a root-finding algorithm using the Durand-Kerner method (cf See also the CEVAL algorithm from Yap and Sagraloff: New tests to add: - from Andreas Enge and Philippe Théveny 9 April 2008 correct handling of Nan and infinities in the case of intermediate overflows while the result may fit (we need special code)