/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include "Utils/EMRAttenuationMap.hh" #include "Utils/EMRChannelMap.hh" namespace MAUS { EMRAttenuationMap::EMRAttenuationMap() { } EMRAttenuationMap::~EMRAttenuationMap() { _CkeyCA.clear(); _CkeyCFL.clear(); _caf_MA.resize(0); _caf_SA.resize(0); _cfl_MA.resize(0); _cfl_SA.resize(0); } bool EMRAttenuationMap::InitializeFromCards(Json::Value configJSON) { // Fetch variables _number_of_planes = configJSON["EMRnumberOfPlanes"].asInt(); _number_of_bars = configJSON["EMRnumberOfBars"].asInt(); _bar_length = configJSON["EMRbarLength"].asDouble(); _atten_WLSf = configJSON["EMRattenWLSf"].asDouble(); _atten_CLRf = configJSON["EMRattenCLRf"].asDouble(); // Fill the vector containing all EMR channel keys. this->MakeEMRChannelKeys(); // Load calibration file, return false if it fails char* pMAUS_ROOT_DIR = getenv("MAUS_ROOT_DIR"); if ( !pMAUS_ROOT_DIR ) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Could not find the $MAUS_ROOT_DIR environmental variable." << std::endl; Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Did you try running: source env.sh ?" << std::endl; return false; } std::string connectorAttenFile = std::string(pMAUS_ROOT_DIR) + configJSON["EMR_connector_attenuation_map"].asString(); std::string cfLengthFile = std::string(pMAUS_ROOT_DIR) + configJSON["EMR_clear_fiber_length_map"].asString(); return this->Initialize(connectorAttenFile, cfLengthFile); } bool EMRAttenuationMap::Initialize(std::string connectorAttenFile, std::string cfLengthFile) { return LoadConnectorAttenFile(connectorAttenFile) && LoadCfLengthFile(cfLengthFile); } int EMRAttenuationMap::MakeEMRChannelKeys() { for (int iPlane = 0; iPlane < _number_of_planes; iPlane++) for (int iBar = 1; iBar < _number_of_bars; iBar++) _CkeyCA.push_back(EMRChannelKey(iPlane, iPlane%2, iBar, "emr")); for (int iBar = 1; iBar < _number_of_bars; iBar++) _CkeyCFL.push_back(EMRChannelKey(-1, 0, iBar, "emr")); int nChannels = _CkeyCA.size(); _caf_MA.resize(nChannels); _caf_SA.resize(nChannels); nChannels = _CkeyCFL.size(); _cfl_MA.resize(nChannels); _cfl_SA.resize(nChannels); return nChannels; } bool EMRAttenuationMap::LoadConnectorAttenFile(std::string connectorAttenFile) { // Check the calibration file std::ifstream file(connectorAttenFile.c_str()); if ( !file ) { throw(Exceptions::Exception(Exceptions::recoverable, "Could not find EMR connector attenuation map", "EMRAttenuationMap::LoadConnectorAtten")); } // Fill the arrays of correction factors try { while ( !file.eof() ) { char pmt[10], fom[10]; int plane(-9), bar(-9); double att(-1.0); file >> pmt >> fom >> plane >> bar >> att; int n = FindEMRChannelKey(EMRChannelKey(plane, plane%2, bar, "emr")); if ( strcmp(fom, "mean") == 0 && n != NOATTEN ) { if (strcmp(pmt, "MA") == 0) { _caf_MA[n] = att; } else if (strcmp(pmt, "SA") == 0) { _caf_SA[n] = att; } } } } catch (MAUS::Exceptions::Exception e) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in EMRAttenuationMap::LoadConnectorAtten : Error during loading. " << std::endl << e.GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; } return true; } bool EMRAttenuationMap::LoadCfLengthFile(std::string cfLengthFile) { // Check the calibration file ifstream file(cfLengthFile.c_str()); if ( !file ) { throw(Exceptions::Exception(Exceptions::recoverable, "Could not find EMR clear fibre length", "EMRAttenuationMap::LoadCfLength")); } // Fill the arrays of correction factors try { while ( !file.eof() ) { char pmt[10]; int plane(-9), bar(-9); double len(-1.0); file >> pmt >> plane >> bar >> len; int n = FindEMRBarKey(EMRChannelKey(plane, plane%2, bar, "emr")); if ( n != NOATTEN ) { if (strcmp(pmt, "MA") == 0) { _cfl_MA[n] = len; } else if (strcmp(pmt, "SA") == 0) { _cfl_SA[n] = len; } } } } catch (MAUS::Exceptions::Exception e) { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Error in EMRAttenuationMap::LoadCfLength : Error during loading. " << std::endl << e.GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; } return true; } int EMRAttenuationMap::FindEMRChannelKey(EMRChannelKey key) const { int xPlane = key.GetPlane(); int xBar = key.GetBar(); if ( xPlane > -1 && xPlane < _number_of_planes && xBar > 0 && xBar < _number_of_bars ) return xPlane*(_number_of_bars-1)+(xBar-1); return NOATTEN; } int EMRAttenuationMap::FindEMRBarKey(EMRChannelKey key) const { int xBar = key.GetBar(); if ( xBar > 0 && xBar < _number_of_bars ) return xBar - 1; return NOATTEN; } double EMRAttenuationMap::connectorAtten(EMRChannelKey key, const char *pmt) const { int n = FindEMRChannelKey(key); double att(-1.); if ( n != NOATTEN ) { if ( strcmp(pmt, "MA") == 0 ) { att = _caf_MA[n]; } else if ( strcmp(pmt, "SA") == 0 ) { att = _caf_SA[n]; } else { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Wrong PMT ID in EMRAttenuationMap::connectorAtten" << std::endl; } if ( att > 0 ) return att; } return NOATTEN; } double EMRAttenuationMap::cfLength(EMRChannelKey key, const char *pmt) const { int n = FindEMRBarKey(key); double len(-1.); if ( n != NOATTEN ) { if ( strcmp(pmt, "MA") == 0 ) { len = _cfl_MA[n]; } else if (strcmp(pmt, "SA") == 0) { len = _cfl_SA[n]; } else { Squeak::mout(Squeak::error) << "Wrong PMT ID in EMRAttenuationMap::cfLength" << std::endl; } if ( len > 0 ) return len; } return NOATTEN; } double EMRAttenuationMap::fibreAtten(EMRChannelKey key, double x, double y, const char *pmt) const { /*------------ WLS fiber ---------*/ double WLSf_length(0.); // [m] if ( !key.GetOrientation() ) { // X plane - light travels along Y direction if ( strcmp(pmt, "MA") == 0 ) { WLSf_length = (_bar_length/2 - y)/pow(10, 3); } else { WLSf_length = (_bar_length/2 + y)/pow(10, 3); } } else { // Y plane - light travels along X direction if ( strcmp(pmt, "MA") == 0 ) { WLSf_length = (_bar_length/2 + x)/pow(10, 3); } else { WLSf_length = (_bar_length/2 - x)/pow(10, 3); } } double atten_wlsf = pow(10, -_atten_WLSf*WLSf_length/10.); /*---------- Clear fiber ---------*/ double clearf_length = cfLength(key, pmt)/pow(10, 3); // [m] double atten_clrf = pow(10, -_atten_CLRf*clearf_length/10); return atten_wlsf*atten_clrf; } double EMRAttenuationMap::fibreDelay(EMRChannelKey key, double x, double y, const char *pmt) const { int c = 299792458; // Speed of light in vacuum [m/s] double n = 1.59; // Polystyrene refractive index /*------------ WLS fiber ---------*/ double WLSf_length(0.); // [m] if ( !key.GetOrientation() ) { // X plane - light travels along Y direction if ( strcmp(pmt, "MA") == 0 ) { WLSf_length = (_bar_length/2 - y)/pow(10, 3); } else { WLSf_length = (_bar_length/2 + y)/pow(10, 3); } } else { // Y plane - light travels along X direction if ( strcmp(pmt, "MA") == 0 ) { WLSf_length = (_bar_length/2 + x)/pow(10, 3); } else { WLSf_length = (_bar_length/2 - x)/pow(10, 3); } } double delay_wlsf = WLSf_length*n*pow(10, 9)/c; // [ns] /*---------- Clear fiber ---------*/ double clearf_length = cfLength(key, pmt)/pow(10, 3); // [m] double delay_clrf = clearf_length*n*pow(10, 9)/c; // [ns] return delay_wlsf+delay_clrf; } void EMRAttenuationMap::Print() { std::cerr << "====================== EMRAttenuationMap =========================" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Connector attenuation map" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Number of channels : " << _CkeyCA.size() << std::endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _CkeyCA.size(); i++) std::cerr << _CkeyCA[i] << " CAF (MA): " << _caf_MA[i] << ", CAF (SA): " << _caf_SA[i] << std::endl; std::cerr << "\nClear fibre length map" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Number of fibres : " << _CkeyCFL.size() << std::endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _CkeyCFL.size(); i++) std::cerr << _CkeyCFL[i] << " CFL (MA): " << _cfl_MA[i] << ", CFL (SA): " << _cfl_SA[i] << std::endl; std::cerr<< "===================================================================" << std::endl; } } // namespace MAUS