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// $Id$
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// GEANT4 Class header file
// File name:     G4ICRU73QOModel
// Author:        Alexander Bagulya
// Creation date: 21.05.2010
// Modifications:
// Class Description:
// Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Model for energy loss using atomic shell 
// structure of atoms taking into account Q^2 (main for projectile charge Q), 
// Q^3 and Q^4 terms for computation of energy loss due to binary collisions. 
// Can be applied on heavy negatively charged particles for the energy interval 
// 10 keV - 10 MeV scaled to the proton mass.
// Used data and formula of 
// 1. G4QAOLowEnergyLoss class, S.Chauvie, P.Nieminen, M.G.Pia. IEEE Trans. 
//    Nucl. Sci. 54 (2007) 578.
// 2. ShellStrength and ShellEnergy from ICRU'73 Report 2005,
// 3. Data for Ta (Z=73) from P.Sigmund, A.Shinner. Eur. Phys. J. D15 (2001) 
//    165-172
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef G4ICRU73QOModel_h
#define G4ICRU73QOModel_h 1

#include <CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h>

#include "G4VEmModel.hh"
#include "G4AtomicShells.hh"
#include "G4DensityEffectData.hh"

class G4ParticleChangeForLoss;

class G4ICRU73QOModel : public G4VEmModel


  G4ICRU73QOModel(const G4ParticleDefinition* p = 0,
		  const G4String& nam = "ICRU73QO");

  virtual ~G4ICRU73QOModel();

  virtual void Initialise(const G4ParticleDefinition*, const G4DataVector&);

  virtual G4double ComputeCrossSectionPerElectron(
				 const G4ParticleDefinition*,
				 G4double kineticEnergy,
				 G4double cutEnergy,
				 G4double maxEnergy);
  virtual G4double ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom(
				 const G4ParticleDefinition*,
				 G4double kineticEnergy,
				 G4double Z, G4double A,
				 G4double cutEnergy,
				 G4double maxEnergy);
  virtual G4double CrossSectionPerVolume(const G4Material*,
				 const G4ParticleDefinition*,
				 G4double kineticEnergy,
				 G4double cutEnergy,
				 G4double maxEnergy);
  virtual G4double ComputeDEDXPerVolume(const G4Material*,
					const G4ParticleDefinition*,
					G4double kineticEnergy,

  virtual void SampleSecondaries(std::vector<G4DynamicParticle*>*,
				 const G4MaterialCutsCouple*,
				 const G4DynamicParticle*,
				 G4double tmin,
				 G4double maxEnergy);

  // add correction to energy loss and compute non-ionizing energy loss
  virtual void CorrectionsAlongStep(const G4MaterialCutsCouple*,
				    const G4DynamicParticle*,
				    G4double& eloss,
				    G4double& niel,
				    G4double length);


  virtual G4double MaxSecondaryEnergy(const G4ParticleDefinition*,
				      G4double kinEnergy);


  inline void SetParticle(const G4ParticleDefinition* p);
  inline void SetLowestKinEnergy(const G4double val);

  G4double DEDX(const G4Material* material, G4double kineticEnergy);

  G4double DEDXPerElement(G4int Z, G4double kineticEnergy);

  // hide assignment operator
  G4ICRU73QOModel & operator=(const  G4ICRU73QOModel &right);
  G4ICRU73QOModel(const  G4ICRU73QOModel&);

  const G4ParticleDefinition* particle;
  G4ParticleDefinition*       theElectron;   
  G4ParticleChangeForLoss*    fParticleChange;
  G4DensityEffectData*        denEffData;

  G4double mass;
  G4double charge;
  G4double chargeSquare;
  G4double massRate;
  G4double ratio;
  G4double lowestKinEnergy;

  G4bool   isInitialised;

  // get number of shell, energy and oscillator strenghts for material
  G4int GetNumberOfShells(G4int Z) const;

  G4double GetShellEnergy(G4int Z, G4int nbOfTheShell) const; 
  G4double GetOscillatorEnergy(G4int Z, G4int nbOfTheShell) const; 
  G4double GetShellStrength(G4int Z, G4int nbOfTheShell) const;

  // calculate stopping number for L's term
  G4double GetL0(G4double normEnergy) const;
  // terms in Z^2
  G4double GetL1(G4double normEnergy) const;
  // terms in Z^3
  G4double GetL2(G4double normEnergy) const;
  // terms in Z^4

  // Z of element at now avaliable for the model
  static const G4int NQOELEM  = 26;
  static const G4int NQODATA  = 130;
  static const G4int ZElementAvailable[NQOELEM];
  // number, energy and oscillator strenghts
  // for an harmonic oscillator model of material
  static const G4int startElemIndex[NQOELEM];
  static const G4int nbofShellsForElement[NQOELEM];
  static const G4double ShellEnergy[NQODATA];
  static const G4double SubShellOccupation[NQODATA];  // Z * ShellStrength

  G4int indexZ[100];

  //  variable for calculation of stopping number of L's term
  static const G4double L0[67][2];
  static const G4double L1[22][2];
  static const G4double L2[14][2];
  G4int sizeL0;
  G4int sizeL1;
  G4int sizeL2;

  static const G4double factorBethe[99];


inline void G4ICRU73QOModel::SetParticle(const G4ParticleDefinition* p)
  particle = p;
  mass = particle->GetPDGMass();
  charge = particle->GetPDGCharge()/CLHEP::eplus;
  chargeSquare = charge*charge;
  massRate     = mass/CLHEP::proton_mass_c2;
  ratio = CLHEP::electron_mass_c2/mass;


inline G4int G4ICRU73QOModel::GetNumberOfShells(G4int Z) const
  G4int nShell = 0;

  if(indexZ[Z] >= 0) { nShell = nbofShellsForElement[indexZ[Z]]; 
  } else { nShell = G4AtomicShells::GetNumberOfShells(Z); }

  return nShell;


inline G4double 
G4ICRU73QOModel::GetShellEnergy(G4int Z, G4int nbOfTheShell) const
  G4double shellEnergy = 0.;

  G4int idx = indexZ[Z];

  if(idx >= 0) { shellEnergy = ShellEnergy[startElemIndex[idx] + nbOfTheShell]*CLHEP::eV; 
  } else { shellEnergy = GetOscillatorEnergy(Z, nbOfTheShell); }

  return  shellEnergy;


inline G4double 
G4ICRU73QOModel::GetShellStrength(G4int Z, G4int nbOfTheShell) const
  G4double shellStrength = 0.;

  G4int idx = indexZ[Z];

  if(idx >= 0) { shellStrength = SubShellOccupation[startElemIndex[idx] + nbOfTheShell] / Z; 
  } else { shellStrength = G4double(G4AtomicShells::GetNumberOfElectrons(Z,nbOfTheShell))/Z; }
  return shellStrength;


inline void G4ICRU73QOModel::SetLowestKinEnergy(const G4double val)
  lowestKinEnergy = val;
