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// $Id: G4Material.hh 67044 2013-01-30 08:50:06Z gcosmo $

// ClassName:   G4Material
// Description: Contains material properties
// Class description:
// Is used to define the material composition of Geant4 volumes.
// A G4Material is always made of G4Elements. It should has the name, 
// the list of G4Elements, material density, material state, temperature, 
// pressure. Other parameters are optional and may be set by the user code 
// or computed at initialisation. 
// There is several ways to construct G4Material:
//   - from single element;
//   - from a list of components (elements or other materials);
//   - from internal Geant4 database of materials
// A collection of constituent Elements/Materials should be defined 
// with specified weights by fractional mass or atom counts (only for Elements).
// Quantities, with physical meaning or not, which are constant in a given 
// material are computed and stored here as Derived data members.
// The class contains as a private static member the Table of defined
// materials (an ordered vector of materials).
// It is strongly not recommended to delete materials in user code.
// All materials will be deleted automatically at the end of Geant4 session.


// 10-07-96, new data members added by L.Urban
// 12-12-96, new data members added by L.Urban
// 20-01-97, aesthetic rearrangement. RadLength calculation modified
//           Data members Zeff and Aeff REMOVED (i.e. passed to the Elements).
//           (local definition of Zeff in DensityEffect and FluctModel...)
//           Vacuum defined as a G4State. Mixture flag removed, M.Maire  
// 29-01-97, State=Vacuum automatically set density=0 in the contructors.
//           Subsequent protections have been put in the calculation of 
//           MeanExcEnergy, ShellCorrectionVector, DensityEffect, M.Maire
// 20-03-97, corrected initialization of pointers, M.Maire
// 10-06-97, new data member added by V.Grichine (fSandiaPhotoAbsCof)
// 27-06-97, new function GetElement(int), M.Maire
// 24-02-98, fFractionVector become fMassFractionVector
// 28-05-98, kState=kVacuum removed: 
//           The vacuum is an ordinary gas vith very low density, M.Maire
// 12-06-98, new method AddMaterial() allowing mixture of materials, M.Maire
// 09-07-98, Ionisation parameters removed from the class, M.Maire
// 04-08-98, new method GetMaterial(materialName), M.Maire
// 05-10-98, change name: NumDensity -> NbOfAtomsPerVolume
// 18-11-98, SandiaTable interface modified.
// 19-07-99, new data member (chemicalFormula) added by V.Ivanchenko
// 12-03-01, G4bool fImplicitElement (mma)
// 30-03-01, suppression of the warning message in GetMaterial
// 17-07-01, migration to STL. M. Verderi.
// 14-09-01, Suppression of the data member fIndexInTable
// 31-10-01, new function SetChemicalFormula() (mma)
// 26-02-02, fIndexInTable renewed
// 06-08-02, remove constructors with ChemicalFormula (mma)
// 15-11-05, GetMaterial(materialName, G4bool warning=true)
// 13-04-12, std::map<G4Material*,G4double> fMatComponents (mma)
// 21-04-12, fMassOfMolecule (mma)


#define G4MATERIAL_HH 1

#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h>

#include "globals.hh"
#include "G4ios.hh"
#include "G4Element.hh"
#include "G4MaterialPropertiesTable.hh"
#include "G4IonisParamMat.hh"
#include "G4SandiaTable.hh"
#include "G4ElementVector.hh"
#include "G4MaterialTable.hh"

enum G4State { kStateUndefined = 0, kStateSolid, kStateLiquid, kStateGas };


class G4Material
public:  // with description

  // Constructor to create a material from single element
  G4Material(const G4String& name,				//its name
                   G4double  z, 				//atomic number
                   G4double  a,					//mass of mole
                   G4double  density, 				//density
                   G4State   state    = kStateUndefined,	//solid,gas
                   G4double  temp     = CLHEP::STP_Temperature,	//temperature
                   G4double  pressure = CLHEP::STP_Pressure);	//pressure

  // Constructor to create a material from a combination of elements
  // and/or materials subsequently added via AddElement and/or AddMaterial
  G4Material(const G4String& name,				//its name
                   G4double  density, 				//density
                   G4int     nComponents,			//nbOfComponents
                   G4State   state    = kStateUndefined,	//solid,gas
                   G4double  temp     = CLHEP::STP_Temperature,	//temperature
                   G4double  pressure = CLHEP::STP_Pressure);	//pressure

  // Constructor to create a material from the base material
  G4Material(const G4String& name,				//its name
                   G4double  density, 				//density
             const G4Material* baseMaterial,			//base material
                   G4State   state    = kStateUndefined,	//solid,gas
                   G4double  temp     = CLHEP::STP_Temperature,	//temperature
                   G4double  pressure = CLHEP::STP_Pressure);	//pressure

  // Add an element, giving number of atoms
  void AddElement(G4Element* element,				//the element
                  G4int      nAtoms);				//nb of atoms in
		    						// a molecule
  // Add an element or material, giving fraction of mass
  void AddElement (G4Element* element ,				//the element
                   G4double   fraction);			//fractionOfMass
  void AddMaterial(G4Material* material,			//the material
                   G4double   fraction);			//fractionOfMass
  virtual ~G4Material();
  inline void SetChemicalFormula (const G4String& chF) {fChemicalFormula=chF;}

  // retrieval methods
  inline const G4String& GetName()            const {return fName;}
  inline const G4String& GetChemicalFormula() const {return fChemicalFormula;}
  inline G4double GetDensity()     const {return fDensity;}
  inline G4State  GetState()       const {return fState;}
  inline G4double GetTemperature() const {return fTemp;}
  inline G4double GetPressure()    const {return fPressure;}
  //number of elements constituing this material:    
  inline size_t GetNumberOfElements()  const {return fNumberOfElements;}
  //vector of pointers to elements constituing this material:          
  inline const
  G4ElementVector* GetElementVector()  const {return theElementVector;}
  //vector of fractional mass of each element:
  inline const  
  G4double* GetFractionVector() const {return fMassFractionVector;}
  //vector of atom count of each element:
  inline const  
  G4int*    GetAtomsVector()    const {return fAtomsVector;}

  //return a pointer to an element, given its index in the material:
  inline const 
  G4Element* GetElement(G4int iel) const {return (*theElementVector)[iel];}
  //vector of nb of atoms per volume of each element in this material:
  inline const
  G4double* GetVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume() const {return VecNbOfAtomsPerVolume;}
  //total number of atoms per volume:
  G4double  GetTotNbOfAtomsPerVolume() const {return TotNbOfAtomsPerVolume;}
  //total number of electrons per volume:
  G4double  GetTotNbOfElectPerVolume() const {return TotNbOfElectPerVolume;}

  //obsolete names (5-10-98) see the 2 functions above
  inline const
  G4double* GetAtomicNumDensityVector() const {return VecNbOfAtomsPerVolume;}
  inline G4double  GetElectronDensity() const {return TotNbOfElectPerVolume;}
  // Radiation length:     
  inline G4double  GetRadlen()          const {return fRadlen;}
  // Nuclear interaction length:     
  inline G4double GetNuclearInterLength() const {return fNuclInterLen;}
  // ionisation parameters:
  inline G4IonisParamMat* GetIonisation() const {return fIonisation;}
  // Sandia table:
  inline G4SandiaTable*  GetSandiaTable() const {return fSandiaTable;}

  // Base material:
  const G4Material* GetBaseMaterial()     const {return fBaseMaterial;}
  // material components:
  std::map<G4Material*,G4double> GetMatComponents() const 
                                               {return fMatComponents;}
  //for chemical compound
  G4double GetMassOfMolecule()     const {return fMassOfMolecule;}
  //meaningful only for single material:
  G4double GetZ() const;
  G4double GetA() const;
  //the MaterialPropertiesTable (if any) attached to this material:
  inline void SetMaterialPropertiesTable(G4MaterialPropertiesTable* anMPT)
  {fMaterialPropertiesTable = anMPT;}
  inline G4MaterialPropertiesTable* GetMaterialPropertiesTable() const
  {return fMaterialPropertiesTable;}

  //the (static) Table of Materials:
  static const G4MaterialTable* GetMaterialTable();
  static size_t GetNumberOfMaterials();
  //the index of this material in the Table:    
  inline size_t GetIndex() const {return fIndexInTable;}
  //return  pointer to a material, given its name:    
  static G4Material* GetMaterial(const G4String& name, G4bool warning=true);
  //printing methods
  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, G4Material*);    
  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, G4Material&);    
  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, G4MaterialTable);
public:  // without description 
  G4int operator==(const G4Material&) const;
  G4int operator!=(const G4Material&) const;
    // Fake default constructor for usage restricted to direct object
    // persistency for clients requiring preallocation of memory for
    // persistifiable objects.

  inline void SetName (const G4String& name) {fName=name;}


  G4Material(const G4Material&);
  const G4Material& operator=(const G4Material&);

  void InitializePointers();
  // Header routine for all derived quantities
  void ComputeDerivedQuantities();

  // Compute Radiation length
  void ComputeRadiationLength();
  // Compute Nuclear interaction length
  void ComputeNuclearInterLength();

  // Copy pointers of base material
  void CopyPointersOfBaseMaterial();

  // Basic data members ( To define a material)
  G4String         fName;                 // Material name
  G4String         fChemicalFormula;      // Material chemical formula
  G4double         fDensity;              // Material density
  G4State          fState;                // Material state (determined 
                                          // internally based on density)
  G4double         fTemp;                 // Temperature (defaults: STP)
  G4double         fPressure;             // Pressure    (defaults: STP)

  G4int            maxNbComponents;       // totalNbOfComponentsInTheMaterial 
  G4int            fArrayLength;          // the length of fAtomsVector 
  size_t           fNumberOfComponents;   // Nb of components declared so far

  size_t           fNumberOfElements;     // Nb of Elements in the material
  G4ElementVector* theElementVector;      // vector of constituent Elements
  G4bool           fImplicitElement;      // implicit Element created by this?
  G4double*        fMassFractionVector;   // composition by fractional mass
  G4int*           fAtomsVector;          // composition by atom count

  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* fMaterialPropertiesTable;

  G4MaterialTable theMaterialTable;       // the material table
  size_t fIndexInTable;                   // the position in the table 

  // Derived data members (computed from the basic data members)
  // some general atomic properties
  G4double* VecNbOfAtomsPerVolume;        // vector of nb of atoms per volume
  G4double  TotNbOfAtomsPerVolume;        // total nb of atoms per volume 
  G4double  TotNbOfElectPerVolume;        // total nb of electrons per volume 
  G4double  fRadlen;                      // Radiation length
  G4double  fNuclInterLen;                // Nuclear interaction length  
  G4IonisParamMat* fIonisation;           // ionisation parameters
  G4SandiaTable*   fSandiaTable;          // Sandia table
  // utilities
  const G4Material* fBaseMaterial;        // Pointer to the base material
  G4double fMassOfMolecule; 		  // for materials built by atoms count
  std::map<G4Material*,G4double> fMatComponents; // for composites built via
                                                 // AddMaterial()

