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// $Id$
// $Id: 
// ------------------------------------------------------------
//      GEANT 4 class header file 
//      History: first implementation, based on object model of
//      2nd December 1995, G.Cosmo
//      ---------- G4hEnergyLoss physics process -----------
//                by Laszlo Urban, 30 May 1997 
// ************************************************************             
// It is the first implementation of the NEW UNIFIED ENERGY LOSS PROCESS.
// It calculates the continuous energy loss for charged hadrons.
// Processes giving contribution to the continuous loss :
//   ionisation (= cont.ion.loss + delta ray production)
//   can be added more easily ..........
// This class creates static proton/antiproton dE/dx and range tables ,
// which tables can be used by other processes.
// The energy loss for other charged hadrons is calculated from the p/pbar
// tables with scaled kinetic energy.
// 7/10/98  L.Urban some bugs fixed + some cleanup 
// 22/10/98 L.Urban cleanup
// 02/02/99 L.Urban several bugs fixed
// 31/03/00 V.Ivanchenko rename to lowenergy as G4hLowEnergyLoss.hh 
// 09/08/00 V.Ivanchenko remove GetContinuousStepLimit and IsApplicable
// 23/11/01 V.Ivanchenko Move static member-functions from header to source
// 22/01/03 V.Ivanchenko Cuts per region
// 18/04/03 V.Ivanchenko Make dRoverRange protected
// 31 Jul 2008 MGP     Short term supply of energy loss of hadrons through clone of 
//                     former G4hLowEnergyLoss (with some initial cleaning)
//                     To be replaced by reworked class to deal with condensed/discrete 
//                     issues properly
// --------------------------------------------------------------

// Class description:
// Short term supply of energy loss of hadrons through clone of former G4hLowEnergyLoss 
// (with some initial cleaning)
// To be replaced by reworked class to deal with condensed/discrete issues properly

// --------------------------------------------------------------


#include "G4ios.hh"
#include "globals.hh"
#include "Randomize.hh"
#include "G4VContinuousDiscreteProcess.hh"
#include "G4Material.hh"
#include "G4Element.hh"
#include "G4Proton.hh"
#include "G4AntiProton.hh"
#include "G4Electron.hh"
#include "G4VParticleChange.hh"
#include "G4Track.hh"
#include "G4Step.hh"
#include "G4PhysicsLogVector.hh"
#include "G4PhysicsLinearVector.hh"

class G4EnergyLossMessenger;

class G4hRDEnergyLoss : public G4VContinuousDiscreteProcess

  G4hRDEnergyLoss(const G4String& );
  virtual G4double GetMeanFreePath(
				   const G4Track& track,
				   G4double previousStepSize,
				   enum  G4ForceCondition* condition
				   ) = 0 ;
  virtual G4VParticleChange* PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& track,
					  const G4Step& Step) = 0 ;
  // ---- MGP ---- All this static stuff is expected to disappear in a future 
  // development cycle
  //  get the number of processes contributing to the cont.energy loss
  static G4int GetNumberOfProcesses();
  //  set the number of processes contributing to the cont.energy loss
  static void SetNumberOfProcesses(G4int number);
  //  Increment the number of processes contributing to the cont.energy loss
  static void PlusNumberOfProcesses();
  //  decrement the number of processes contributing to the cont.energy loss
  static void MinusNumberOfProcesses();
  static void SetdRoverRange(G4double value);
  static void SetRndmStep     (G4bool   value);
  static void SetEnlossFluc   (G4bool   value);
  static void SetStepFunction (G4double c1, G4double c2);

  G4bool CutsWhereModified();
  //  G4Material *lastMaterial ;
  const G4double MaxExcitationNumber ;
  const G4double probLimFluct ;
  const long nmaxDirectFluct,nmaxCont1,nmaxCont2 ;
  static void BuildDEDXTable(const G4ParticleDefinition& aParticleType);
  static G4PhysicsTable* theDEDXpTable ;
  static G4PhysicsTable* theDEDXpbarTable ;
  static G4PhysicsTable* theRangepTable ;
  static G4PhysicsTable* theRangepbarTable ;
  //inverse of the range tables
  static G4PhysicsTable* theInverseRangepTable ;
  static G4PhysicsTable* theInverseRangepbarTable ;
  //lab and proper time tables
  static G4PhysicsTable* theLabTimepTable ;
  static G4PhysicsTable* theLabTimepbarTable ;
  static G4PhysicsTable* theProperTimepTable ;
  static G4PhysicsTable* theProperTimepbarTable ;
  //  processes inherited from G4hRDEnergyLoss
  //   register themselves  in the static array Recorder
  static G4PhysicsTable** RecorderOfpProcess;
  static G4PhysicsTable** RecorderOfpbarProcess;
  static G4int CounterOfpProcess ;
  static G4int CounterOfpbarProcess ;
  // particle mass
  static G4double ParticleMass ;
  // cut in range
  static G4double ptableElectronCutInRange;
  static G4double pbartableElectronCutInRange;
  static G4double Charge ;
  static G4double LowestKineticEnergy;
  static G4double HighestKineticEnergy;
  static G4int TotBin; // number of bins in table,
  // calculated in BuildPhysicsTable
  static G4double RTable,LOGRTable; // LOGRTable=std::log(HighestKineticEnergy
  //          /LowestKineticEnergy)/TotBin
  //   RTable = std::exp(LOGRTable)

  G4PhysicsTable* theLossTable ;
  G4double linLossLimit ;
  G4double MinKineticEnergy ;
  static G4double dRoverRange ; // maximum allowed deltarange/range
  //  in one step
  static G4double finalRange ;  // last step before stop
  static G4double c1lim,c2lim,c3lim ; // coeffs for computing steplimit
  static G4bool rndmStepFlag ;
  static G4bool EnlossFlucFlag ;

  // hide  assignment operator
  G4hRDEnergyLoss(G4hRDEnergyLoss &);
  G4hRDEnergyLoss & operator=(const G4hRDEnergyLoss &right);
  // variables for the integration routines
  static G4double Mass,taulow,tauhigh,ltaulow,ltauhigh;
  // ====================================================================
  //  static part of the class
  static void BuildRangeTable(const G4ParticleDefinition& aParticleType);
  static void BuildInverseRangeTable(const G4ParticleDefinition& aParticleType);
  static void BuildTimeTables(const G4ParticleDefinition& aParticleType);
  static void BuildLabTimeVector(G4int materialIndex,
				 G4PhysicsLogVector* rangeVector);
  static void BuildProperTimeVector(G4int materialIndex,
				    G4PhysicsLogVector* rangeVector);
  static void InvertRangeVector(G4int materialIndex,
				G4PhysicsLogVector* rangeVector);
  static void BuildRangeVector(G4int materialIndex,
			       G4PhysicsLogVector* rangeVector);
  static G4double LabTimeIntLog(G4PhysicsVector* physicsVector, G4int nbin);
  static G4double ProperTimeIntLog(G4PhysicsVector* physicsVector, G4int nbin);
  static G4double RangeIntLin(G4PhysicsVector* physicsVector, G4int nbin);
  static G4double RangeIntLog(G4PhysicsVector* physicsVector, G4int nbin);
  static void BuildRangeCoeffATable( const G4ParticleDefinition& aParticleType);
  static void BuildRangeCoeffBTable( const G4ParticleDefinition& aParticleType);
  static void BuildRangeCoeffCTable(const G4ParticleDefinition& aParticleType);
  // ====================================================================
  static G4PhysicsTable* theDEDXTable;
  static G4PhysicsTable* theRangeTable;
  static G4PhysicsTable* theInverseRangeTable;
  static G4PhysicsTable* theLabTimeTable;
  static G4PhysicsTable* theProperTimeTable;
  static G4PhysicsTable** RecorderOfProcess;
  static G4int CounterOfProcess;
  static G4PhysicsTable* thepRangeCoeffATable;
  static G4PhysicsTable* thepRangeCoeffBTable;
  static G4PhysicsTable* thepRangeCoeffCTable;
  static G4PhysicsTable* thepbarRangeCoeffATable;
  static G4PhysicsTable* thepbarRangeCoeffBTable;
  static G4PhysicsTable* thepbarRangeCoeffCTable;
  static G4PhysicsTable* theRangeCoeffATable;
  static G4PhysicsTable* theRangeCoeffBTable;
  static G4PhysicsTable* theRangeCoeffCTable;
  static G4int NumberOfProcesses ;
