/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Global/SpacePoint.hh" #include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Global/TrackPoint.hh" #include "gtest/gtest.h" namespace MAUS { class TrackPointTestDS : public ::testing::Test { protected: TrackPointTestDS() {} virtual ~TrackPointTestDS() {} virtual void SetUp() {} virtual void TearDown() {} }; TEST_F(TrackPointTestDS, test_getters_setters) { std::string mapper_name = "0"; double charge = 1.0; double x = -2.0; double y = -3.0; double z = -4.0; double t = -5.0; TLorentzVector pos(x, y, z, t); double ex = -6.0; double ey = -7.0; double ez = -8.0; double et = -9.0; TLorentzVector epos(ex, ey, ez, et); double px = 2.0; double py = 3.0; double pz = 4.0; double pt = 5.0; TLorentzVector mom(px, py, pz, pt); double epx = 6.0; double epy = 7.0; double epz = 8.0; double ept = 9.0; TLorentzVector emom(epx, epy, epz, ept); MAUS::DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint det = MAUS::DataStructure::Global::kTracker1_1; // 8 std::string geom_path = "11"; MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint* sp = new MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint(); TObject* sp_test = sp; MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint tp; tp.set_mapper_name(mapper_name); tp.set_charge(charge); tp.set_position(pos); tp.set_position_error(epos); tp.set_momentum(mom); tp.set_momentum_error(emom); tp.set_detector(det); tp.set_geometry_path(geom_path); tp.set_space_point(sp); EXPECT_EQ(mapper_name, tp.get_mapper_name()); EXPECT_EQ(charge, tp.get_charge()); EXPECT_EQ(x, tp.get_position().X()); EXPECT_EQ(y, tp.get_position().Y()); EXPECT_EQ(z, tp.get_position().Z()); EXPECT_EQ(t, tp.get_position().T()); EXPECT_EQ(ex, tp.get_position_error().X()); EXPECT_EQ(ey, tp.get_position_error().Y()); EXPECT_EQ(ez, tp.get_position_error().Z()); EXPECT_EQ(et, tp.get_position_error().T()); EXPECT_EQ(px, tp.get_momentum().X()); EXPECT_EQ(py, tp.get_momentum().Y()); EXPECT_EQ(pz, tp.get_momentum().Z()); EXPECT_EQ(pt, tp.get_momentum().T()); EXPECT_EQ(epx, tp.get_momentum_error().X()); EXPECT_EQ(epy, tp.get_momentum_error().Y()); EXPECT_EQ(epz, tp.get_momentum_error().Z()); EXPECT_EQ(ept, tp.get_momentum_error().T()); EXPECT_EQ(det, tp.get_detector()); EXPECT_EQ(geom_path, tp.get_geometry_path()); EXPECT_EQ(sp_test, tp.get_space_point()); } TEST_F(TrackPointTestDS, test_default_constructor) { MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint tp; EXPECT_EQ("", tp.get_mapper_name()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_charge()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_position().X()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_position().Y()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_position().Z()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_position().T()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_position_error().X()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_position_error().Y()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_position_error().Z()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_position_error().T()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_momentum().X()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_momentum().Y()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_momentum().Z()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_momentum().T()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_momentum_error().X()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_momentum_error().Y()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_momentum_error().Z()); EXPECT_EQ(0., tp.get_momentum_error().T()); EXPECT_EQ(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::kUndefined, tp.get_detector()); EXPECT_EQ("", tp.get_geometry_path()); EXPECT_TRUE(tp.get_space_point() == NULL); } TEST_F(TrackPointTestDS, test_copy_constructor) { std::string mapper_name = "0"; double charge = 1.0; double x = -2.0; double y = -3.0; double z = -4.0; double t = -5.0; TLorentzVector pos(x, y, z, t); MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint* sp = new MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint(); TObject* sp_test = sp; MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint tp1; tp1.set_mapper_name(mapper_name); tp1.set_charge(charge); tp1.set_position(pos); tp1.set_space_point(sp); MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint tp2(tp1); EXPECT_EQ(mapper_name, tp2.get_mapper_name()); EXPECT_EQ(charge, tp2.get_charge()); EXPECT_EQ(x, tp2.get_position().X()); EXPECT_EQ(y, tp2.get_position().Y()); EXPECT_EQ(z, tp2.get_position().Z()); EXPECT_EQ(t, tp2.get_position().T()); EXPECT_EQ(sp_test, tp2.get_space_point()); } TEST_F(TrackPointTestDS, test_assignment_operator) { std::string mapper_name = "0"; double charge = 1.0; double x = -2.0; double y = -3.0; double z = -4.0; double t = -5.0; TLorentzVector pos(x, y, z, t); MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint* sp = new MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint(); TObject* sp_test = sp; MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint tp1; tp1.set_mapper_name(mapper_name); tp1.set_charge(charge); tp1.set_position(pos); tp1.set_space_point(sp); MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint tp2; tp2 = tp1; EXPECT_EQ(mapper_name, tp2.get_mapper_name()); EXPECT_EQ(charge, tp2.get_charge()); EXPECT_EQ(x, tp2.get_position().X()); EXPECT_EQ(y, tp2.get_position().Y()); EXPECT_EQ(z, tp2.get_position().Z()); EXPECT_EQ(t, tp2.get_position().T()); EXPECT_EQ(sp_test, tp2.get_space_point()); } TEST_F(TrackPointTestDS, test_clone) { std::string mapper_name = "0"; double charge = 1.0; double x = -2.0; double y = -3.0; double z = -4.0; double t = -5.0; TLorentzVector pos(x, y, z, t); MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint sp; TObject* sp_test = &sp; MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint *tp1 = new MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint(); tp1->set_mapper_name(mapper_name); tp1->set_charge(charge); tp1->set_position(pos); tp1->set_space_point(&sp); MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint *tp2 = tp1->Clone(); delete tp1; EXPECT_EQ(mapper_name, tp2->get_mapper_name()); EXPECT_EQ(charge, tp2->get_charge()); EXPECT_EQ(x, tp2->get_position().X()); EXPECT_EQ(y, tp2->get_position().Y()); EXPECT_EQ(z, tp2->get_position().Z()); EXPECT_EQ(t, tp2->get_position().T()); // As of 29/10/2012. Clone creates and stores a Clone of the // space_point, rather than a direct copy. Therefore, this test // confirms that they have different pointer values. This may // change in the future. // Changed 14/01/2013. EXPECT_EQ(sp_test, tp2->get_space_point()); } } // ~namespace MAUS