/* symbol2.c Symbolic processing: type analysis and code generation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gSOAP XML Web services tools Copyright (C) 2000-2016, Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. All Rights Reserved. This part of the software is released under one of the following licenses: GPL or Genivia's license for commercial use. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GPL license. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Author contact information: engelen@genivia.com / engelen@acm.org This program is released under the GPL with the additional exemption that compiling, linking, and/or using OpenSSL is allowed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A commercial use license is available from Genivia, Inc., contact@genivia.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "soapcpp2.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "soapcpp2_yacc.h" #else #include "soapcpp2_yacc.tab.h" #endif const char *envURI = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"; const char *encURI = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"; const char *rpcURI = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-rpc"; const char *xsiURI = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; const char *xsdURI = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; const char *tmpURI = "http://tempuri.org"; static Symbol *symlist = (Symbol*) 0; /* pointer to linked list of symbols */ static Symbol *nslist = (Symbol*) 0; /* pointer to linked list of namespace prefix symbols */ static Tnode *Tptr[TYPES]; Service *services = NULL; XPath *xpaths = NULL; /* TODO */ FILE *fout = NULL, *fhead = NULL, *fclient = NULL, *fserver = NULL, *fheader = NULL, *freport = NULL, *flib = NULL, *fmatlab = NULL, *fmheader = NULL; int partnum = 0; int typeNO = 1; /* unique nonzero type no. assigned to all types */ static int is_anytype_flag = 0; /* anytype is used */ static int is_anyType_flag = 0; /* anyType XML DOM is used */ static int has_nsmap = 0; static char soapStub[1024]; static char soapH[1024]; static char soapC[1024]; static char soapClient[1024]; static char soapServer[1024]; static char soapClientLib[1024]; static char soapServerLib[1024]; static char soapReadme[1024]; static char soapProxyH[1024]; static char soapProxyC[1024]; static char soapServiceH[1024]; static char soapServiceC[1024]; static char soapTester[1024]; static char pathsoapTester[1024]; static char pathsoapStub[1024]; static char pathsoapH[1024]; static char pathsoapC[1024]; static char pathsoapClient[1024]; static char pathsoapServer[1024]; static char pathsoapClientLib[1024]; static char pathsoapServerLib[1024]; static char pathsoapReadme[1024]; static char pathsoapProxyH[1024]; static char pathsoapProxyC[1024]; static char pathsoapServiceH[1024]; static char pathsoapServiceC[1024]; static char soapMatlab[1024]; static char pathsoapMatlab[1024]; static char soapMatlabHdr[1024]; static char pathsoapMatlabHdr[1024]; int tagcmp(const char *s, const char *t); int tagncmp(const char *s, const char *t, size_t n); int is_qname(Tnode*); int is_stdqname(Tnode*); long minlen(Tnode *typ); long maxlen(Tnode *typ); int is_soap12(const char*); int has_detail_string(void); int has_Detail_string(void); void needs_lang(Entry *e); int is_mutable(Entry *e); int is_header_or_fault(Tnode *typ); int is_body(Tnode *typ); int is_volatile(Tnode* typ); int is_untyped(Tnode* typ); int is_primclass(Tnode* typ); int is_imported(Tnode* typ); int is_smart(Tnode*); int is_smart_shared(Tnode*); const char * make_shared(Tnode*); int is_container(Tnode* typ); int is_template(Tnode* typ); int is_mask(Tnode* typ); int is_attachment(Tnode* typ); int is_void(Tnode* typ); int has_external(Tnode *typ); int has_volatile(Tnode *typ); int is_unmatched(Symbol *sym); int is_invisible(const char *name); int is_invisible_empty(Tnode *p); int is_element(Tnode *typ); int is_eq_nons(const char *s, const char *t); int is_eq(const char *s, const char *t); int is_item(Entry *p); int is_self(Entry *p); const char *cstring(const char*, int); const char *xstring(const char*); const char *get_mxClassID(Tnode*); const char *t_ident(Tnode*); const char *c_ident(Tnode*); const char *ident(const char*); const char *soap_type(Tnode*); const char *soap_union_member(Tnode*, Entry*); const char *c_storage(Storage); const char *c_const(Storage); const char *c_init(Entry*); const char *c_type(Tnode*); const char *c_type_constptr_id(Tnode*, const char*); const char *c_type_id(Tnode*, const char*); const char *c_type_sym(Tnode*); const char *c_type_synonym_id(Tnode*, const char*); const char *xsi_type_cond(Tnode*, int); const char *xsi_type(Tnode*); const char *xsi_type_cond_u(Tnode*, int); const char *xsi_type_u(Tnode*); const char *the_type(Tnode*); const char *wsdl_type(Tnode*, const char*); const char *base_type(Tnode*, const char*); const char *xml_tag(Tnode*); const char *ns_qualifiedElement(Tnode*); const char *ns_qualifiedAttribute(Tnode*); const char *ns_tag_convert(Entry*); const char *ns_convert(const char*); const char *field(Entry *p, const char *ns); const char *field_overridden(Table *t, Entry *p, const char *ns); const char *ns_add(Entry *p, const char *ns); const char *ns_addx(const char *tag, const char *ns); const char *ns_add_overridden(Table *t, Entry *p, const char *ns); const char *ns_tag_remove(Entry*); const char *ns_remove(const char*); const char *ns_remove1(const char*); const char *ns_remove2(const char*, const char*); const char *res_remove(const char*); const char *ns_name(const char*); const char *ns_cname(const char*, const char*); const char *ns_fname(const char*); int has_class(Tnode*); const char *union_member(Tnode*); int has_union(Tnode*); void gen_constructor(FILE *fd, Tnode*); int has_constructor(Tnode*); int has_destructor(Tnode*); int has_getter(Tnode*); int has_setter(Tnode*); int has_ns(Tnode*); int has_ns_t(Tnode*); int has_ns_eq(const char*, const char*); const char *strict_check(void); const char *ns_of(const char*); int eq_ns(const char*, const char*); const char *prefix_of(const char*); int has_offset(Tnode*); int is_bool(Tnode*); int is_boolean(Tnode*); int reflevel(Tnode *typ); Tnode* reftype(Tnode *typ); int is_response(Tnode*); int is_XML(Tnode*); int is_stdXML(Tnode *p); Entry *get_response(Tnode*); const char *kind_of(Tnode*); int is_primitive_or_string(Tnode*); int is_primitive(Tnode*); Entry *is_discriminant(Tnode*); Entry *is_dynamic_array(Tnode*); int is_transient(Tnode*); int is_external(Tnode*); int is_anyType(Tnode*); int is_anyAttribute(Tnode*); int is_binary(Tnode*); int is_hexBinary(Tnode*); int is_fixedstring(Tnode*); int is_string(Tnode*); int is_wstring(Tnode*); int is_stdstring(Tnode*); int is_stdwstring(Tnode*); int is_stdstr(Tnode*); int is_typedef(Tnode*); int is_synonym(Tnode*); int get_dimension(Tnode*); const char *has_soapref(Tnode*); int is_soapref(Tnode*); int is_document(const char*); int is_literal(const char*); int is_keyword(const char *); int is_repetition(Entry*); int is_choice(Entry*); int required_choice(Tnode*); int is_sequence(Entry*); int is_anytype(Entry*); const char *xsi_type_Tarray(Tnode*); const char *xsi_type_Darray(Tnode*); void matlab_def_table(Table*); void generate_defs(void); void generate_type(Tnode *); int no_of_var(Tnode*); const char *pointer_stuff(Tnode*); void in_defs(void); void in_defs2(void); void in_defs3(void); void out_defs(void); void mark_defs(void); void dup_defs(void); void del_defs(void); void in_attach(void); void soap_serialize(Tnode*); void soap_traverse(Tnode*); void soap_default(Tnode*); void soap_put(Tnode*); void soap_out(Tnode*); void soap_out_Darray(Tnode *); void soap_get(Tnode*); void soap_in(Tnode*); void soap_in_Darray(Tnode *); void soap_instantiate(Tnode *); void soap_dup(Tnode *); void soap_del(Tnode *); int get_Darraydims(Tnode *typ); const char* get_Darraysize(const char *a, int d); const char *nillable(Tnode *typ); void soap_serve(Table*); void generate_proto(FILE*, Table*, Entry*); /* void generate_call(Table*, Entry*); void generate_server(Table*, Entry*); */ void detect_cycles(void); void detect_recursive_type(Tnode*); void generate_header(Table*); void get_namespace_prefixes(void); void generate_schema(Table*); void gen_schema(FILE*, Table*, const char*, const char*, int, const char*, const char*); void gen_schema_type(FILE *, Table*, Entry *, const char*, const char*, int, const char*, const char*); void gen_report_hr(); void gen_report_operation(const char *name, Entry *method, int service); void gen_report_type(Tnode*, const char*); void gen_report_type_doc(Entry *); void gen_report_members(Entry *type, const char*, const char*); void gen_report_member(Entry*, Entry*); void gen_method_documentation(FILE *fd, Entry *p, const char *ns); void gen_type_documentation(FILE *fd, Entry *type, const char *ns); int gen_member_documentation(FILE *fd, Symbol *type, Entry *member, const char *ns, int scope); void gen_schema_elements_attributes(FILE *fd, Table *t, const char *ns, const char *ns1, const char *encoding, const char *style); void gen_schema_elements(FILE *fd, Tnode *p, const char *ns, const char *ns1); int gen_schema_element(FILE *fd, Tnode *p, Entry *q, const char *ns, const char *ns1); void gen_schema_attributes(FILE *fd, Tnode *p, const char *ns, const char *ns1); void gen_wsdl(FILE*, Table*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*); void gen_nsmap(FILE*); void gen_proxy(FILE*, Table*, Symbol*, const char*, const char*); void gen_object(FILE*, Table*, const char*); void gen_proxy_header(FILE*, Table*, Symbol*, const char*); void gen_proxy_code(FILE*, Table*, Symbol*, const char*); void gen_object_header(FILE*, Table*, Symbol*, const char*); void gen_object_code(FILE*, Table*, Symbol*, const char*); void gen_method(FILE *fd, Entry *method, int server); void gen_report_params(Entry *p, Entry *result, int server); void gen_report_req_params(Tnode *typ); void gen_report_set_params(Tnode *typ); void gen_params(FILE *fd, Table *params, Entry *result, int flag); void gen_args(FILE *fd, Table *params, Entry *result, int flag); void gen_query_url(FILE *fd, Table *params, int soap); void gen_query_form(FILE *fd, Table *params); const char* gen_format(Tnode *typ); void gen_call_proto(FILE *fd, Entry *method); void gen_call_method(FILE *fd, Entry *method, const char *name); void gen_serve_method(FILE *fd, Table *table, Entry *param, const char *name); void gen_data(const char*, Table*, const char*, const char*); FILE *gen_env(const char*, const char*, int, const char*, int); void gen_xmlns(FILE*, int soap); void gen_field(FILE*, int, Entry*, const char*, const char*, const char*); void gen_val(FILE*, int, Tnode*, const char*, const char*, const char*); void gen_atts(FILE*, Table*, const char*); /* install - add new symbol */ Symbol * install(const char *name, Token token) { Symbol *p; p = (Symbol*)emalloc(sizeof(Symbol)); p->name = (char*)emalloc(strlen(name)+1); strcpy(p->name, name); p->token = token; p->next = symlist; symlist = p; return p; } /* lookup - search for an identifier's name. If found, return pointer to symbol table entry. Return pointer 0 if not found. */ Symbol * lookup(const char *name) { Symbol *p; for (p = symlist; p; p = p->next) if (!strcmp(p->name, name)) return p; return NULL; } /* gensymidx - generate new symbol from base name and index */ Symbol * gensymidx(const char *base, int idx) { char buf[1024]; Symbol *s; sprintf(buf, "%s_%d", base, idx); s = lookup(buf); if (s) return s; return install(buf, ID); } /* gensym - generate new symbol from base name */ Symbol * gensym(const char *base) { static int num = 1; return gensymidx(base, num++); } /* mktable - make a new symbol table with a pointer to a previous table */ Table * mktable(Table *table) { Table *p; p = (Table*)emalloc(sizeof(Table)); p->sym = lookup("/*?*/"); p->list = (Entry*) 0; if (table == (Table*) 0) p->level = INTERNAL; else p->level = (enum Level)(((int)table->level) + 1); p->prev = table; return p; } /* mkmethod - make a new method by calling mktype */ Tnode * mkmethod(Tnode *ret, Table *args) { FNinfo *fn = (FNinfo*)emalloc(sizeof(FNinfo)); fn->ret = ret; fn->args = args; return mktype(Tfun, fn, 0); } /* freetable - free space by removing a table */ void freetable(Table *table) { Entry *p, *q; if (table == (Table*) 0) return; for (p = table->list; p != (Entry*) 0; p = q) { q = p->next; free(p); } free(table); } /* unlinklast - unlink last entry added to table */ Entry * unlinklast(Table *table) { Entry **p, *q; if (table == (Table*)0) return (Entry*)0; for (p = &table->list; *p != (Entry*)0 && (*p)->next != (Entry*)0; p = &(*p)->next) ; q = *p; *p = (Entry*)0; return q; } /* enter - enter a symbol in a table. Error if already in the table */ Entry * enter(Table *table, Symbol *sym) { Entry *p, *q = NULL; again: for (p = table->list; p; q = p, p = p->next) { if (p->sym == sym && p->info.typ->type != Tfun) { char *s; sprintf(errbuf, "Duplicate declaration of '%s' (already declared at line %d), changing conflicting identifier name to new name '%s_'. Note: this problem may be caused by importing invalid XML schemas", sym->name, p->lineno, sym->name); semwarn(errbuf); s = (char*)emalloc(strlen(sym->name) + 2); strcpy(s, sym->name); strcat(s, "_"); sym = lookup(s); if (!sym) sym = install(s, ID); free(s); goto again; } } p = (Entry*)emalloc(sizeof(Entry)); p->sym = sym; p->tag = NULL; p->info.typ = NULL; p->info.sto = Snone; p->info.hasval = False; p->info.minOccurs = 1; p->info.maxOccurs = 1; p->info.offset = 0; p->level = table->level; p->filename = filename; p->lineno = yylineno; p->next = NULL; if (!q) table->list = p; else q->next = p; return p; } /* entry - return pointer to table entry of a symbol */ Entry * entry(Table *table, Symbol *sym) { Table *t; Entry *p; for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) if (p->sym == sym) return p; return (Entry*)0; } /* reenter - re-enter a symbol in a table. */ Entry * reenter(Table *table, Symbol *sym) { Entry *p, *q = NULL; for (p = table->list; p; q = p, p = p->next) if (p->sym == sym) break; if (p && p->next) { if (q) q->next = p->next; else table->list = p->next; for (q = p->next; q->next; q = q->next) ; q->next = p; p->next = NULL; } return p; } /* merge - append two tables if members are not duplicated */ int merge(Table *dest, Table *src) { Entry *p, *q; for (p = src->list; p; p = p->next) { q = entry(dest, p->sym); if (!q) { q = enter(dest, p->sym); q->info = p->info; } else if (q->info.typ != p->info.typ) return 1; } return 0; } Entry * enumentry(Symbol *sym) { const char *s = strstr(sym->name, "::"); if (s && s[2]) { Entry *e; char *t = (char*)emalloc(s - sym->name + 1); strncpy(t, sym->name, s - sym->name); t[s - sym->name] = '\0'; e = entry(enumtable, lookup(t)); free(t); if (!e) return NULL; return entry((Table*)e->info.typ->ref, lookup(s + 2)); } else { Table *t; for (t = enumtable; t; t = t->prev) { Entry *p; for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { Entry *e = entry((Table*)p->info.typ->ref, sym); if (e) return e; } } } return NULL; } /* mktype - make a (new) type with a reference to additional information and the width in bytes required to store objects of that type. A pointer to the type is returned which can be compared to check if types are identical. */ Tnode * mktype(Type type, void *ref, int width) { Tnode *p; if (type != Tstruct && type != Tclass && type != Tunion && ((type != Tenum && type != Tenumsc) || ref)) { for (p = Tptr[type]; p; p = p->next) { if (p->ref == ref && p->sym == (Symbol*)0 && p->width == width && ((p->transient == 1 && transient == 1) || (p->transient != 1 && transient != 1))) { if (imported && !p->imported) p->imported = imported; return p; /* type already exists in table */ } } } p = (Tnode*)emalloc(sizeof(Tnode)); /* install new type */ p->type = type; p->ref = ref; p->id = lookup("/*?*/"); p->base = NULL; p->sym = NULL; p->synonym = NULL; p->extsym = NULL; p->response = NULL; p->width = width; p->visited = False; p->recursive = False; p->generated = False; p->wsdl = False; p->next = Tptr[type]; p->transient = transient; p->imported = imported; p->hasmin = False; p->hasmax = False; p->incmin = True; p->incmax = True; p->min = 0.0; p->max = 0.0; p->pattern = NULL; p->num = typeNO++; Tptr[type] = p; DBGLOG(fprintf(stderr, "New type %s %s\n", c_type(p), p->imported)); if (type == Tpointer && ((Tnode*)ref)->imported && (((Tnode*)ref)->type == Tenum || ((Tnode*)ref)->type == Tenumsc || ((Tnode*)ref)->type == Tstruct || ((Tnode*)ref)->type == Tclass)) p->imported = ((Tnode*)ref)->imported; else if (lflag && !is_transient(p) && (type == Tenum || type == Tenumsc || type == Tstruct || type == Tclass)) mkpointer(p); return p; } Tnode * mksymtype(Tnode *typ, Symbol *sym) { Tnode *p; p = (Tnode*)emalloc(sizeof(Tnode)); /* install new type */ p->type = typ->type; p->ref = typ->ref; if (typ->id == lookup("/*?*/")) p->id = sym; else p->id = typ->id; p->sym = sym; p->synonym = NULL; p->extsym = typ->extsym; p->response = (Entry*)0; p->width = typ->width; p->visited = False; p->recursive = False; p->generated = False; p->wsdl = False; p->next = Tptr[typ->type]; p->transient = transient; p->imported = imported; p->hasmin = False; p->hasmax = False; p->incmin = True; p->incmax = True; p->min = 0.0; p->max = 0.0; p->pattern = NULL; p->num = typeNO++; Tptr[typ->type] = p; DBGLOG(fprintf(stderr, "New typedef %s %s\n", c_type(p), p->imported)); return p; } Tnode * mktemplate(Tnode *typ, Symbol *id) { Tnode *p; for (p = Tptr[Ttemplate]; p; p = p->next) { if (p->ref == typ && p->id == id && ((p->transient == 1 && transient == 1) || (p->transient != 1 && transient != 1))) { if (imported && !p->imported) p->imported = imported; return p; /* type alrady exists in table */ } } p = (Tnode*)emalloc(sizeof(Tnode)); /* install new type */ p->type = Ttemplate; p->ref = typ; p->id = id; p->sym = NULL; p->synonym = NULL; p->extsym = NULL; p->response = (Entry*)0; p->width = 0; p->generated = False; p->wsdl = False; p->next = Tptr[Ttemplate]; p->transient = transient; p->imported = imported; p->hasmin = False; p->hasmax = False; p->incmin = True; p->incmax = True; p->min = 0.0; p->max = 0.0; p->pattern = NULL; p->num = typeNO++; Tptr[Ttemplate] = p; return p; } /* DO NOT REMOVE OR ALTER (SEE LICENCE AGREEMENT AND COPYING.txt) */ void copyrightnote(FILE *fd, const char *fn) { fprintf(fd, "/* %s\n Generated by gSOAP " VERSION " for %s\n\ \n\ gSOAP XML Web services tools\n\ Copyright (C) 2000-2016, Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n\ The soapcpp2 tool and its generated software are released under the GPL.\n\ This program is released under the GPL with the additional exemption that\n\ compiling, linking, and/or using OpenSSL is allowed.\n\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\ A commercial use license is available from Genivia Inc., contact@genivia.com\n\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\ */", fn, filename); } void banner(FILE *fd, const char *text) { int i; fprintf(fd, "\n\n/"); for (i = 0; i < 78; i++) fputc('*', fd); fprintf(fd, "\\\n *%76s*\n * %-75s*\n *%76s*\n\\", "", text, ""); for (i = 0; i < 78; i++) fputc('*', fd); fprintf(fd, "/\n"); } void identify(FILE *fd, const char *fn) { time_t t = time(NULL), *p = &t; char tmp[256]; strftime(tmp, 256, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(p)); fprintf(fd, "\n\nSOAP_SOURCE_STAMP(\"@(#) %s ver " VERSION " %s\")\n", fn, tmp); } void compile(Table *table) { Entry *p; Tnode *typ; Pragma *pragma; int classflag = 0; int found; int filenum; const char *s; char base[1024]; found = 0; for (p = table->list; p; p = p->next) if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(p->info.sto & Sextern)) found = 1; if (!found) Sflag = Cflag = Lflag = 1; /* no service operations were found */ if (*dirpath) fprintf(fmsg, "Using project directory path: %s\n", dirpath); if (namespaceid) { prefix = namespaceid; fprintf(fmsg, "Using code namespace: %s\n", namespaceid); } strcpy(base, prefix); if (cflag) s = ".c"; else s = ".cpp"; strcpy(soapMatlab, base); strcat(soapMatlab, "Matlab.c"); strcpy(pathsoapMatlab, dirpath); strcat(pathsoapMatlab, soapMatlab ); strcpy(soapMatlabHdr, base); strcat(soapMatlabHdr, "Matlab.h"); strcpy(pathsoapMatlabHdr, dirpath); strcat(pathsoapMatlabHdr, soapMatlabHdr); strcpy(soapStub, base); strcat(soapStub, "Stub.h"); strcpy(pathsoapStub, dirpath); strcat(pathsoapStub, soapStub); strcpy(soapH, base); strcat(soapH, "H.h"); strcpy(pathsoapH, dirpath); strcat(pathsoapH, soapH); strcpy(soapC, base); if (fflag) strcat(soapC, "C_nnn"); else strcat(soapC, "C"); strcat(soapC, s); strcpy(pathsoapC, dirpath); strcat(pathsoapC, soapC); strcpy(soapClient, base); strcat(soapClient, "Client"); strcat(soapClient, s); strcpy(pathsoapClient, dirpath); strcat(pathsoapClient, soapClient); strcpy(soapServer, base); strcat(soapServer, "Server"); strcat(soapServer, s); strcpy(pathsoapServer, dirpath); strcat(pathsoapServer, soapServer); strcpy(soapClientLib, base); strcat(soapClientLib, "ClientLib"); strcat(soapClientLib, s); strcpy(pathsoapClientLib, dirpath); strcat(pathsoapClientLib, soapClientLib); strcpy(soapServerLib, base); strcat(soapServerLib, "ServerLib"); strcat(soapServerLib, s); strcpy(pathsoapServerLib, dirpath); strcat(pathsoapServerLib, soapServerLib); strcpy(soapReadme, base); strcat(soapReadme, "Readme.md"); strcpy(pathsoapReadme, dirpath); strcat(pathsoapReadme, soapReadme); if (mflag) { fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s Matlab definitions\n", pathsoapMatlab); fmatlab = fopen(pathsoapMatlab, "w"); if (!fmatlab) execerror("Cannot write to file"); copyrightnote(fmatlab, soapMatlab); fprintf(fmatlab, "\n#include \"%s\"\n", soapMatlabHdr); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s Matlab definitions\n", pathsoapMatlabHdr); fmheader = fopen(pathsoapMatlabHdr, "w"); if (!fmheader) execerror("Cannot write to file"); copyrightnote(fmheader, soapMatlabHdr); fprintf(fmheader, "\n#include \"mex.h\"\n#include \"%s\"\n", soapStub); } if (rflag) { fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s report\n", pathsoapReadme); freport = fopen(pathsoapReadme, "w"); if (!freport) execerror("Cannot write to file"); } fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s annotated copy of the source interface file\n", pathsoapStub); fheader = fopen(pathsoapStub, "w"); if (!fheader) execerror("Cannot write to file"); copyrightnote(fheader, soapStub); fprintf(fheader, "\n"); for (pragma = pragmas; pragma; pragma = pragma->next) fprintf(fheader, "\n%s", pragma->pragma); fprintf(fheader, "\n\n#ifndef %sStub_H\n#define %sStub_H", prefix, prefix); if (nflag) fprintf(fheader, "\n#ifndef WITH_NONAMESPACES\n#define WITH_NONAMESPACES\n#endif"); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fheader, "\n#ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL\n#define WITH_NOGLOBAL\n#endif"); fprintf(fheader, "\n#include \"stdsoap2.h\""); fprintf(fheader, "\n#if GSOAP_VERSION != %d\n# error \"GSOAP VERSION %d MISMATCH IN GENERATED CODE VERSUS LIBRARY CODE: PLEASE REINSTALL PACKAGE\"\n#endif\n", GSOAP_VERSION, GSOAP_VERSION); if (cflag) fprintf(fheader, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif"); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fheader, "\n\nnamespace %s {", namespaceid); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s serialization functions to #include in projects\n", pathsoapH); fhead = fopen(pathsoapH, "w"); if (!fhead) execerror("Cannot write to file"); copyrightnote(fhead, soapH); fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifndef %sH_H\n#define %sH_H", prefix, prefix); fprintf(fhead, "\n#include \"%s\"", soapStub); if (cflag) fprintf(fhead, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif"); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fhead, "\n\nnamespace %s {", namespaceid); fprintf(fhead, "\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF"); if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif"); fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_markelement(struct soap*, const void*, int);"); if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif"); fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_putindependent(struct soap*);"); fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_getindependent(struct soap*);"); fprintf(fhead, "\n#endif"); if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif"); fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void *SOAP_FMAC4 soap_getelement(struct soap*, int*);"); fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_putelement(struct soap*, const void*, const char*, int, int);"); if (Ecflag) fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_dupelement(struct soap*, const void*, int);"); if (Edflag) fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_delelement(const void*, int);"); if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif"); fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_ignore_element(struct soap*);"); detect_cycles(); generate_header(table); generate_schema(table); if (!Sflag && !iflag && !jflag) { fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s client call stub functions\n", pathsoapClient); fclient = fopen(pathsoapClient, "w"); if (!fclient) execerror("Cannot write to file"); copyrightnote(fclient, soapClient); fprintf(fclient, "\n\n#if defined(__BORLANDC__)"); fprintf(fclient, "\n#pragma option push -w-8060"); fprintf(fclient, "\n#pragma option push -w-8004"); fprintf(fclient, "\n#endif"); fprintf(fclient, "\n#include \"%sH.h\"", prefix); if (cflag) fprintf(fclient, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif"); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fclient, "\n\nnamespace %s {", namespaceid); identify(fclient, soapClient); if (!Lflag) { flib = fopen(pathsoapClientLib, "w"); if (!flib) execerror("Cannot write to file"); copyrightnote(flib, soapClientLib); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s client stubs with serializers (use only for libs)\n", pathsoapClientLib); fprintf(flib, "\n\n/** Use this file in your project build instead of the two files %s and %s. This hides the serializer functions and avoids linking problems when linking multiple clients and servers. */\n", soapC, soapClient); fprintf(flib, "\n#ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL\n#define WITH_NOGLOBAL\n#endif"); fprintf(flib, "\n#define SOAP_FMAC3 static"); fprintf(flib, "\n#include \"%s\"", soapC); fprintf(flib, "\n#include \"%s\"", soapClient); fprintf(flib, "\n\n/* End of %s */\n", soapClientLib); fclose(flib); } } if (!Cflag && !iflag && !jflag) { fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s server request dispatcher\n", pathsoapServer); fserver = fopen(pathsoapServer, "w"); if (!fserver) execerror("Cannot write to file"); copyrightnote(fserver, soapServer); fprintf(fserver, "\n\n#if defined(__BORLANDC__)"); fprintf(fserver, "\n#pragma option push -w-8060"); fprintf(fserver, "\n#pragma option push -w-8004"); fprintf(fserver, "\n#endif"); fprintf(fserver, "\n#include \"%sH.h\"", prefix); if (cflag) fprintf(fserver, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif"); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fserver, "\n\nnamespace %s {", namespaceid); identify(fserver, soapServer); if (!Lflag) { flib = fopen(pathsoapServerLib, "w"); if (!flib) execerror("Cannot write to file"); copyrightnote(flib, soapServerLib); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s server request dispatcher with serializers (use only for libs)\n", pathsoapServerLib); fprintf(flib, "\n\n/** Use this file in your project build instead of the two files %s and %s. This hides the serializer functions and avoids linking problems when linking multiple clients and servers. */\n", soapC, soapServer); fprintf(flib, "\n#ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL\n#define WITH_NOGLOBAL\n#endif"); fprintf(flib, "\n#define SOAP_FMAC3 static"); fprintf(flib, "\n#include \"%s\"", soapC); fprintf(flib, "\n#include \"%s\"", soapServer); fprintf(flib, "\n\n/* End of %s */\n", soapServerLib); fclose(flib); } } if (!iflag && !jflag) soap_serve(table); classflag = 0; for (p = classtable->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && p->info.typ->transient <= 0) { classflag = 1; break; } } for (p = enumtable->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tenumsc && p->info.typ->transient <= 0) { classflag = 1; break; } } if (classflag || Tptr[Ttemplate]) { if (cflag) semwarn("Option -c conflicts with the use of class definitions in the specified input"); } for (filenum = 1; partnum == 0; filenum++) { if (fflag) { char *t = strrchr(pathsoapC, '.'); sprintf(t-3, "%03d", filenum); *t = '.'; fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s serialization functions (part %d)\n", pathsoapC, filenum); partnum = fflag; /* number of defs per file */ } else { fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s serialization functions\n", pathsoapC); partnum = 1; } fout = fopen(pathsoapC, "w"); if (!fout) execerror("Cannot write to file"); copyrightnote(fout, soapC); fprintf(fout, "\n\n#if defined(__BORLANDC__)"); fprintf(fout, "\n#pragma option push -w-8060"); fprintf(fout, "\n#pragma option push -w-8004"); fprintf(fout, "\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\n\n#include \"%sH.h\"", prefix); if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif"); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fout, "\n\nnamespace %s {", namespaceid); identify(fout, soapC); fflush(fout); if (filenum == 1) { if (!lflag) { fprintf(fout, "\n\n#ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_getheader(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tsoap->part = SOAP_IN_HEADER;\n\tsoap->header = soap_in_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap, \"SOAP-ENV:Header\", soap->header, NULL);\n\tsoap->part = SOAP_END_HEADER;\n\treturn soap->header == NULL;\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_putheader(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tif (soap->version && soap->header)\n\t{\tsoap->part = SOAP_IN_HEADER;\n\t\tif (soap_out_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap, \"SOAP-ENV:Header\", 0, soap->header, NULL))\n\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t\tsoap->part = SOAP_END_HEADER;\n\t}\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}"); if (cflag) { fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serializeheader(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tif (soap->version && soap->header)\n\t\tsoap_serialize_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap, soap->header);\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_header(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tif (soap->header == NULL)\n\t{\tif ((soap->header = (struct SOAP_ENV__Header*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct SOAP_ENV__Header))))\n\t\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap, soap->header);\n\t}\n}"); } else if ((p = entry(classtable, lookup("SOAP_ENV__Header"))) && p->info.typ->type == Tstruct) { fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serializeheader(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tif (soap->version && soap->header)\n\t\tsoap_serialize_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap, soap->header);\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_header(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tif (soap->header == NULL)\n\t{\tif ((soap->header = soap_new_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap)))\n\t\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap, soap->header);\n\t}\n}"); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serializeheader(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tif (soap->version && soap->header)\n\t\tsoap->header->soap_serialize(soap);\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_header(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tif (soap->header == NULL)\n\t{\tif ((soap->header = soap_new_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap)))\n\t\t\tsoap->header->soap_default(soap);\n\t}\n}"); } if (cflag) { fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_fault(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tif (soap->fault == NULL)\n\t{\tsoap->fault = (struct SOAP_ENV__Fault*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct SOAP_ENV__Fault));\n\t\tif (soap->fault == NULL)\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Fault(soap, soap->fault);\n\t}\n\tif (soap->version == 2 && !soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code)\n\t{\tsoap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code = (struct SOAP_ENV__Code*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct SOAP_ENV__Code));\n\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Code(soap, soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code);\n\t}\n\tif (soap->version == 2 && !soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Reason)\n\t{\tsoap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Reason = (struct SOAP_ENV__Reason*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct SOAP_ENV__Reason));\n\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Reason(soap, soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Reason);\n\t}\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serializefault(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tif (soap->fault)\n\t\tsoap_serialize_SOAP_ENV__Fault(soap, soap->fault);\n}"); } else if ((p = entry(classtable, lookup("SOAP_ENV__Fault"))) && p->info.typ->type == Tstruct) { fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_fault(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tif (soap->fault == NULL)\n\t{\tsoap->fault = soap_new_SOAP_ENV__Fault(soap);\n\t\tif (soap->fault == NULL)\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Fault(soap, soap->fault);\n\t}\n\tif (soap->version == 2 && !soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code)\n\t{\tsoap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code = soap_new_SOAP_ENV__Code(soap);\n\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Code(soap, soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code);\n\t}\n\tif (soap->version == 2 && !soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Reason)\n\t{\tsoap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Reason = soap_new_SOAP_ENV__Reason(soap);\n\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Reason(soap, soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Reason);\n\t}\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serializefault(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tsoap_fault(soap);\n\tif (soap->fault)\n\t\tsoap_serialize_SOAP_ENV__Fault(soap, soap->fault);\n}"); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_fault(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tif (soap->fault == NULL)\n\t{\tsoap->fault = soap_new_SOAP_ENV__Fault(soap);\n\t\tsoap->fault->soap_default(soap);\n\t}\n\tif (soap->version == 2 && !soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code)\n\t{\tsoap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code = soap_new_SOAP_ENV__Code(soap);\n\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Code(soap, soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code);\n\t}\n\tif (soap->version == 2 && !soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Reason)\n\t{\tsoap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Reason = soap_new_SOAP_ENV__Reason(soap);\n\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Reason(soap, soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Reason);\n\t}\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serializefault(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tsoap_fault(soap);\n\tif (soap->fault)\n\t\tsoap->fault->soap_serialize(soap);\n}"); } if ((p = entry(classtable, lookup("SOAP_ENV__Fault"))) && p->info.typ->type == Tstruct) { fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_putfault(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tif (soap->fault)\n\t\treturn soap_put_SOAP_ENV__Fault(soap, soap->fault, \"SOAP-ENV:Fault\", NULL);\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_getfault(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\treturn (soap->fault = soap_get_SOAP_ENV__Fault(soap, NULL, \"SOAP-ENV:Fault\", NULL)) == NULL;\n}"); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_putfault(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tsoap_fault(soap);\n\tif (soap->fault)\n\t\treturn soap->fault->soap_put(soap, \"SOAP-ENV:Fault\", NULL);\n\treturn SOAP_EOM;\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_getfault(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tsoap_fault(soap);\n\tif (soap->fault)\n\t\treturn soap->fault->soap_get(soap, \"SOAP-ENV:Fault\", NULL) == NULL;\n\treturn SOAP_EOM;\n}"); } fprintf(fhead, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 const char ** SOAP_FMAC4 soap_faultcode(struct soap *soap);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 const char ** SOAP_FMAC4 soap_faultcode(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tsoap_fault(soap);\n\tif (soap->version == 2 && soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code)\n\t\treturn (const char**)(void*)&soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code->SOAP_ENV__Value;\n\treturn (const char**)(void*)&soap->fault->faultcode;\n}"); if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 const char ** SOAP_FMAC4 soap_faultsubcode(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tsoap_fault(soap);\n\tif (soap->version == 2)\n\t{\tif (soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code->SOAP_ENV__Subcode == NULL)\n\t\t{\tsoap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code->SOAP_ENV__Subcode = (struct SOAP_ENV__Code*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct SOAP_ENV__Code));\n\t\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Code(soap, soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code->SOAP_ENV__Subcode);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn (const char**)(void*)&soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code->SOAP_ENV__Subcode->SOAP_ENV__Value;\n\t}\n\treturn (const char**)(void*)&soap->fault->faultcode;\n}"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 const char ** SOAP_FMAC4 soap_faultsubcode(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tsoap_fault(soap);\n\tif (soap->version == 2)\n\t{\tif (soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code->SOAP_ENV__Subcode == NULL)\n\t\t{\tsoap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code->SOAP_ENV__Subcode = soap_new_SOAP_ENV__Code(soap);\n\t\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Code(soap, soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code->SOAP_ENV__Subcode);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn (const char**)(void*)&soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code->SOAP_ENV__Subcode->SOAP_ENV__Value;\n\t}\n\treturn (const char**)(void*)&soap->fault->faultcode;\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 const char * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_check_faultsubcode(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tsoap_fault(soap);\n\tif (soap->version == 2)\n\t{\tif (soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code && soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code->SOAP_ENV__Subcode)\n\t\t\treturn soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Code->SOAP_ENV__Subcode->SOAP_ENV__Value;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}\n\treturn soap->fault->faultcode;\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 const char ** SOAP_FMAC4 soap_faultstring(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tsoap_fault(soap);\n\tif (soap->version == 2)\n\t\treturn (const char**)(void*)&soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Reason->SOAP_ENV__Text;\n\treturn (const char**)(void*)&soap->fault->faultstring;\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 const char ** SOAP_FMAC4 soap_faultdetail(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tsoap_fault(soap);"); if (has_Detail_string()) { if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->version == 2)\n\t{\tif (soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail == NULL)\n\t\t{\tsoap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail = (struct SOAP_ENV__Detail*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct SOAP_ENV__Detail));\n\t\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Detail(soap, soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn (const char**)(void*)&soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail->__any;\n\t}"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->version == 2)\n\t{\tif (soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail == NULL)\n\t\t{\tsoap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail = soap_new_SOAP_ENV__Detail(soap);\n\t\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Detail(soap, soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn (const char**)(void*)&soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail->__any;\n\t}"); } if (has_detail_string()) { if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->fault->detail == NULL)\n\t{\tsoap->fault->detail = (struct SOAP_ENV__Detail*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct SOAP_ENV__Detail));\n\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Detail(soap, soap->fault->detail);\n\t}\n\treturn (const char**)(void*)&soap->fault->detail->__any;\n}"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->fault->detail == NULL)\n\t{\tsoap->fault->detail = soap_new_SOAP_ENV__Detail(soap);\n\t\tsoap_default_SOAP_ENV__Detail(soap, soap->fault->detail);\n\t}\n\treturn (const char**)(void*)&soap->fault->detail->__any;\n}"); } if (!has_detail_string() && !has_Detail_string()) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn NULL;\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 const char * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_check_faultdetail(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tsoap_fault(soap);"); if (has_Detail_string()) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->version == 2 && soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail)\n\t\treturn soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail->__any;"); if (has_detail_string()) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->fault->detail)\n\t\treturn soap->fault->detail->__any;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn NULL;\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\n\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF"); fprintf(fout, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_getindependent(struct soap *soap)\n{"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tint t;\n\tif (soap->version == 1)\n\t{\tfor (;;)\n\t\t{\tif (!soap_getelement(soap, &t))\n\t\t\t\tif ((soap->error && soap->error != SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH) || soap_ignore_element(soap))\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_NO_TAG || soap->error == SOAP_EOF)"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap->error = SOAP_OK;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap->error;"); fprintf(fout, "\n}\n#endif"); if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fout, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_getelement(struct soap *soap, int *type)\n{\t(void)type;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_peek_element(soap))\n\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF\n\tif (!*soap->id || !(*type = soap_lookup_type(soap, soap->id)))\n\t\t*type = soap_lookup_type(soap, soap->href);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tswitch (*type)\n\t{"); DBGLOG(fprintf(stderr, "\n Calling in_defs( ).")); fflush(fout); in_defs(); DBGLOG(fprintf(stderr, "\n Completed in_defs( ).")); fprintf(fout, "\n\tdefault:\n#else\n\t*type = 0;\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tconst char *t = soap->type;\n\t\tif (!*t)\n\t\t\tt = soap->tag;"); fflush(fout); in_defs2(); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tt = soap->tag;"); in_defs3(); fprintf(fout, "\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF\n\t}\n#endif\n\t}\n\tsoap->error = SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH;\n\treturn NULL;\n}"); if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fout, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_ignore_element(struct soap *soap)\n{"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_peek_element(soap))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint t;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tDBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, \"Unexpected element '%%s' in input (level = %%u, %%d)\\n\", soap->tag, soap->level, soap->body));"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap->mustUnderstand && !soap->other && !soap->fignore)"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\treturn soap->error = SOAP_MUSTUNDERSTAND;"); /* old code: without option -s required SOAP_XML_STRICT to detect and flag extra elements; fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (((soap->mode & SOAP_XML_STRICT) && soap->part != SOAP_IN_HEADER) || !soap_match_tag(soap, soap->tag, \"SOAP-ENV:\"))\n\t\t{\tDBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, \"REJECTING element '%%s'\\n\", soap->tag));\n\t\t\treturn soap->error = SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH;\n\t\t}"); */ fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif ((%ssoap->part != SOAP_IN_HEADER) || !soap_match_tag(soap, soap->tag, \"SOAP-ENV:\"))\n\t\t{\tDBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, \"REJECTING element '%%s'\\n\", soap->tag));\n\t\t\treturn soap->error = SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH;\n\t\t}", strict_check()); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!*soap->id || !soap_getelement(soap, &t))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t{\tsoap->peeked = 0;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->fignore)\n\t\t\t\tsoap->error = soap->fignore(soap, soap->tag);\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tsoap->error = SOAP_OK;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tDBGLOG(TEST, if (!soap->error) SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, \"IGNORING element '%%s'\\n\", soap->tag));"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (!soap->error && soap->body)"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t{\tsoap->level++;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_ignore(soap) || soap_element_end_in(soap, NULL))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\treturn soap->error;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap->error;"); fprintf(fout, "\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF"); fprintf(fout, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_putindependent(struct soap *soap)\n{\n\tint i;\n\tstruct soap_plist *pp;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->version == 1 && soap->encodingStyle && !(soap->mode & (SOAP_XML_TREE | SOAP_XML_GRAPH)))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < SOAP_PTRHASH; i++)"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (pp = soap->pht[i]; pp; pp = pp->next)"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (pp->mark1 == 2 || pp->mark2 == 2)"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tif (soap_putelement(soap, pp->ptr, SOAP_MULTIREFTAG, pp->id, pp->type))\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn soap->error;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}\n#endif"); if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fout, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_putelement(struct soap *soap, const void *ptr, const char *tag, int id, int type)\n{\t(void)tag;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tswitch (type)\n\t{"); fflush(fout); out_defs(); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}"); if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fout, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\n\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF"); if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fout, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif"); if (is_anytype_flag) { fprintf(fout, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_markelement(struct soap *soap, const void *ptr, int type)\n{"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; (void)ptr; (void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tswitch (type)\n\t{"); fflush(fout); mark_defs(); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n}"); } else { fprintf(fout, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_markelement(struct soap *soap, const void *ptr, int type)\n{"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; (void)ptr; (void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); fprintf(fout, "\n}"); } if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fout, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\n#endif"); if (Ecflag) { if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fout, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_dupelement(struct soap *soap, const void *ptr, int type)\n{"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tswitch (type)\n\t{"); fflush(fout); dup_defs(); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\treturn NULL;\n}"); if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fout, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif"); } if (Edflag) { if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fout, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_delelement(const void *ptr, int type)\n{"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tswitch (type)\n\t{"); fflush(fout); del_defs(); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n}"); if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fout, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif"); } } if (!cflag) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void * SOAP_FMAC4 %s_instantiate(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);", prefix); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void * SOAP_FMAC4 %s_instantiate(struct soap *soap, int t, const char *type, const char *arrayType, size_t *n)\n{\t(void)type;\n\tswitch (t)\n\t{", prefix); if (classtable) { for (p = classtable->list; p; p = p->next) { if ((p->info.typ->type == Tclass || p->info.typ->type == Tstruct) && !is_transient(p->info.typ)) { if (is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ) || is_body(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n#ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn (void*)%s_instantiate_%s(soap, -1, type, arrayType, n);", soap_type(p->info.typ), namespaceid ? "soap" : prefix, c_ident(p->info.typ)); if (is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ) || is_body(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n#endif"); } } } if (typetable) { for (p = typetable->list; p; p = p->next) { if ((p->info.typ->type == Tclass || p->info.typ->type == Tstruct) && !is_transient(p->info.typ)) { if (is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ) || is_body(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n#ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn (void*)%s_instantiate_%s(soap, -1, type, arrayType, n);", soap_type(p->info.typ), namespaceid ? "soap" : prefix, c_ident(p->info.typ)); if (is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ) || is_body(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n#endif"); } } } for (typ = Tptr[Ttemplate]; typ; typ = typ->next) if (typ->ref && !is_transient(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn (void*)%s_instantiate_%s(soap, -1, type, arrayType, n);", soap_type(typ), namespaceid ? "soap" : prefix, c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\treturn NULL;\n}"); fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 %s_fdelete(struct soap_clist*);", prefix); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 %s_fdelete(struct soap_clist *p)", prefix); fprintf(fout, "\n{\tswitch (p->type)\n\t{"); if (classtable) { for (p = classtable->list; p; p = p->next) { if ((p->info.typ->type == Tclass || p->info.typ->type == Tstruct) && !is_transient(p->info.typ)) { if (is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ) || is_body(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n#ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p->size < 0)\n\t\t\tSOAP_DELETE(static_cast<%s*>(p->ptr));\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tSOAP_DELETE_ARRAY(static_cast<%s*>(p->ptr));\n\t\tbreak;", c_type(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ)); if (is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ) || is_body(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n#endif"); } } } if (typetable) { for (p = typetable->list; p; p = p->next) if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass || p->info.typ->type == Tstruct) /* && is_external(p->info.typ)) */ { if (is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ) || is_body(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n#ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p->size < 0)\n\t\t\tSOAP_DELETE(static_cast<%s*>(p->ptr));\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tSOAP_DELETE_ARRAY(static_cast<%s*>(p->ptr));\n\t\tbreak;", c_type(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ)); if (is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ) || is_body(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n#endif"); } } for (typ = Tptr[Ttemplate]; typ; typ = typ->next) { if (typ->ref && !is_transient(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p->size < 0)\n\t\t\tSOAP_DELETE(static_cast<%s*>(p->ptr));\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tSOAP_DELETE_ARRAY(static_cast<%s*>(p->ptr));\n\t\tbreak;", c_type(typ), c_type(typ)); } } fprintf(fout, "\n\tdefault:\n\t\treturn SOAP_ERR;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\treturn SOAP_OK;"); fprintf(fout, "\n}"); fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 %s_fbase(int, int);", prefix); fprintf(fout, "\n\n#ifdef WIN32\n#pragma warning(push)\n// do not warn on switch w/o cases\n#pragma warning(disable:4065)\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 %s_fbase(int t, int b)", prefix); fprintf(fout, "\n{\n\tdo\n\t{\tswitch (t)\n\t\t{"); if (classtable) { for (p = classtable->list; p; p = p->next) { if ((p->info.typ->type == Tclass || p->info.typ->type == Tstruct) && p->info.typ->base && !is_transient(p->info.typ)) { Entry *e = entry(classtable, p->info.typ->base); if (e && !is_transient(e->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tcase %s: t = %s; break;", soap_type(p->info.typ), soap_type(e->info.typ)); } } } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tdefault: return 0;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\twhile (t != b);\n\treturn 1;\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n#ifdef WIN32\n#pragma warning(pop)\n#endif"); if (Tptr[Ttemplate] || classtable) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 %s_finsert(struct soap*, int, int, void*, size_t, const void*, void**);", prefix); if (!lflag) { fprintf(fout, "\n\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF"); fprintf(fout, "\n#ifdef WIN32\n#pragma warning(push)\n// do not warn on switch w/o cases\n#pragma warning(disable:4065)\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 %s_finsert(struct soap *soap, int t, int tt, void *p, size_t index, const void *q, void **x)", prefix); fprintf(fout, "\n{\n\t(void)soap; (void)t; (void)p; (void)index; (void)q; (void)x; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tswitch (tt)\n\t{"); for (typ = Tptr[Ttemplate]; typ; typ = typ->next) { if (typ->ref && !is_transient(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_type(typ)); if (is_smart(typ)) { if (is_smart_shared(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (t == %s)\n\t\t{\tDBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, \"Smart pointer %s type=%%d location=%%p object=%%p\\n\", t, p, q));\n\t\t\tif (!*x)\n\t\t\t\t*(%s)(*x = (void*)p) = %s<%s>(**(%s)q);", soap_type(reftype(typ->ref)), c_type(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*"), make_shared(typ), c_type(typ->ref), c_type_id(typ->ref, "**")); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t*(%s)p = *(%s)(*x);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_type_id(typ, "*")); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (t == %s)\n\t\t{\tDBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, \"Smart pointer %s type=%%d location=%%p object=%%p\\n\", t, p, q));", soap_type(reftype(typ->ref)), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t*(*(%s)p = %s(SOAP_NEW(%s))) = **(%s)q;", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_type(typ), c_type(typ->ref), c_type_id(typ->ref, "**")); } } else { Tnode *ref = (Tnode*)typ->ref; if (is_smart(ref) && strcmp(typ->id->name, "std::set")) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (t == %s)\n\t\t{\tDBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, \"Container %s insert type=%%d in %%d location=%%p object=%%p at index=%%lu\\n\", t, tt, p, q, (unsigned long)index));", soap_type(reftype(ref)), c_type(typ)); if (!strcmp(ref->id->name, "std::vector") || !strcmp(ref->id->name, "std::deque")) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t%s::iterator i = ((%s)p)->begin() + index;", c_type(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t%s::iterator i = ((%s)p)->begin();\n\t\t\twhile (index--)\n\t\t\t\t++i;", c_type(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); if (is_smart_shared(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (!*x)\n\t\t\t\t*(%s)(*x = &*i) = %s<%s>(**(%s)q);\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t*i = *(%s)*x;", c_type_id(ref, "*"), make_shared(ref), c_type(ref->ref), c_type_id(ref->ref, "**"), c_type_id(ref, "*")); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t*(*i = %s(SOAP_NEW(%s))) = **(%s)q;", c_type(ref), c_type(ref->ref), c_type_id(ref->ref, "**")); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (t == %s)\n\t\t{\tDBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, \"Container %s insert type=%%d in %%d location=%%p object=%%p at index=%%lu\\n\", t, tt, p, q, (unsigned long)index));", soap_type(reftype(ref)), c_type(typ)); if (!strcmp(typ->id->name, "std::vector") || !strcmp(typ->id->name, "std::deque")) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t(*(%s)p)[index] = *(%s)q;", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_type_id(ref, "*")); else if (!strcmp(typ->id->name, "std::set")) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t((%s)p)->insert(*(%s)q);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_type_id(ref, "*")); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t%s::iterator i = ((%s)p)->begin();\n\t\t\twhile (index--)\n\t\t\t\t++i;\n\t\t\t*i = *(%s)q;", c_type(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_type_id(ref, "*")); } } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}\n\t\tbreak;"); } } if (classtable) { for (p = classtable->list; p; p = p->next) { if (!is_transient(p->info.typ)) { if (is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ) || is_body(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n#ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tDBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, \"Copy %s type=%%d location=%%p object=%%p\\n\", t, p, q));", c_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t*(%s*)p = *(%s*)q;\n\t\tbreak;", c_type(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ)); if (is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ) || is_body(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n#endif"); } } } if (typetable) { for (p = typetable->list; p; p = p->next) { if ((p->info.typ->type == Tclass || p->info.typ->type == Tstruct) && !is_transient(p->info.typ)) { if (is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ) || is_body(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n#ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tDBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, \"Copy %s type=%%d location=%%p object=%%p\\n\", t, p, q));", c_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t*(%s*)p = *(%s*)q;\n\t\tbreak;", c_type(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ)); if (is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ) || is_body(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n#endif"); } } } fprintf(fout, "\n\tdefault:\n\t\tDBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, \"Could not insert type = %%d in %%d\\n\", t, tt));"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n#ifdef WIN32\n#pragma warning(pop)\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\n#endif"); } } } } generate_defs(); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fout, "\n\n} // namespace %s\n", namespaceid); if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\n\n#if defined(__BORLANDC__)"); fprintf(fout, "\n#pragma option pop"); fprintf(fout, "\n#pragma option pop"); fprintf(fout, "\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\n\n/* End of %s */\n", soapC); fclose(fout); } if (namespaceid) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n} // namespace %s\n", namespaceid); if (cflag) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif"); fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#endif"); fprintf(fhead, "\n\n/* End of %s */\n", soapH); fclose(fhead); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fheader, "\n\n} // namespace %s\n", namespaceid); if (cflag) fprintf(fheader, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif"); fprintf(fheader, "\n\n#endif"); fprintf(fheader, "\n\n/* End of %s */\n", soapStub); fclose(fheader); if (mflag) { DBGLOG(fprintf(stderr, "\n Calling matlab_def_table( ).")); matlab_def_table(table); DBGLOG(fprintf(stderr, "\n Completed matlab_def_table( ).")); fclose(fmatlab); fclose(fmheader); } if (!Sflag && !iflag && !jflag) { if (namespaceid) fprintf(fclient, "\n\n} // namespace %s\n", namespaceid); if (cflag) fprintf(fclient, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif"); fprintf(fclient, "\n\n#if defined(__BORLANDC__)"); fprintf(fclient, "\n#pragma option pop"); fprintf(fclient, "\n#pragma option pop"); fprintf(fclient, "\n#endif"); fprintf(fclient, "\n\n/* End of %s */\n", soapClient); fclose(fclient); } if (!Cflag && !iflag && !jflag) { if (namespaceid) fprintf(fserver, "\n\n} // namespace %s\n", namespaceid); if (cflag) fprintf(fserver, "\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif"); fprintf(fserver, "\n\n#if defined(__BORLANDC__)"); fprintf(fserver, "\n#pragma option pop"); fprintf(fserver, "\n#pragma option pop"); fprintf(fserver, "\n#endif"); fprintf(fserver, "\n\n/* End of %s */\n", soapServer); fclose(fserver); } if (rflag) { char tmp[256]; time_t T = time(NULL); strftime(tmp, 256, "%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S UTC", gmtime(&T)); fprintf(freport, "\n [1]: http://www.genivia.com/images/go-up.png\n\n"); fprintf(freport, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n_Generated on %s by soapcpp2 v" VERSION " for %s._\n_The gSOAP XML Web services tools are Copyright (C) Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. All Rights Reserved._\n", tmp, filename); fclose(freport); } } void gen_class(FILE *fd, Entry *p) { Entry *q; Tnode *typ = p->info.typ; const char *x, *s; const char *nse = ns_qualifiedElement(typ); const char *nsa = ns_qualifiedAttribute(typ); if (!typ->ref) { if (!is_transient(typ) && !is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ) && !is_imported(typ)) { sprintf(errbuf, "%s declared in %s:%d has no content", c_type(typ), p->filename, p->lineno); semwarn(errbuf); } return; } if (fd == freport) { fprintf(freport, "\n\n", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(freport, "### `%s`\n\n", c_type(typ)); if (soap_version < 0 && (is_header_or_fault(typ) || is_body(typ))) { fprintf(freport, "This %s is for internal use only\n\n", typ->type == Tstruct ? "struct" : typ->type == Tclass ? "class" : "union"); return; } else { fprintf(freport, "This %s is declared in [%s](%s) at line %d, ", typ->type == Tstruct ? "struct" : typ->type == Tclass ? "class" : "union", p->filename, p->filename, p->lineno); } } if (is_imported(typ)) return; x = xsi_type(typ); if (!x || !*x) x = wsdl_type(typ, ""); if (fd != freport) { fprintf(fd, "\n\n/* %s:%d */", p->filename, p->lineno); if (is_header_or_fault(typ) || is_body(typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n#ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL"); fprintf(fd, "\n#ifndef %s\n", soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fd, "#define %s (%d)\n", soap_type(typ), typ->num); } if (typ->recursive) { if (fd == freport) fprintf(freport, "is recursive, meaning it may (in)directly reference itself through its (base or derived class) members, and "); else fprintf(fd, "/* Type %s is a recursive data type, (in)directly referencing itself through its (base or derived class) members */\n", typ->id->name); } if (is_volatile(typ)) { if (fd == freport) fprintf(freport, "is volatile, meaning it is declared external of the data binding interface and not redeclared here"); else fprintf(fd, "#if 0 /* Volatile: declared external of the data binding interface and not redeclared here */\n"); } else if (is_transient(typ)) { if (fd == freport) fprintf(freport, "is transient, meaning not serializable"); else fprintf(fd, "/* Transient type: */\n"); } else if (is_invisible(typ->id->name)) { if (fd == freport) fprintf(freport, "is a wrapper, meaning that it wraps data and is not visible in XML"); else fprintf(fd, "/* Wrapper: */\n"); x = ""; } else if (is_attachment(typ)) { if (fd == freport) fprintf(freport, "is an attachment, meaning binary data attached as a MTOM/MIME/DIME attachment or included as xsd:base64Binary base64 with `__ptr` pointing to the data of length `__size` and `id`, `type`, and `options` identifying and describing the attachment data (use the `SOAP_ENC_MTOM` or the `SOAP_ENC_MIME` flag and set at least `type` to create an attachment )"); else fprintf(fd, "/* binary data attached as MTOM/MIME/DIME attachment or included as xsd:base64Binary base64: */\n"); } else if (is_hexBinary(typ)) { if (fd == freport) fprintf(freport, "is binary, meaning serialized as xsd:hexBinary hex binary data with `__ptr` pointing to the data of length `__size`"); else fprintf(fd, "/* hexBinary XSD type: */\n"); } else if (is_binary(typ)) { if (fd == freport) fprintf(freport, "is binary, meaning serialized as xsd:base64Binary base64 binary data with `__ptr` pointing to the data of length `__size`"); else fprintf(fd, "/* base64Binary XSD type: */\n"); } else if (is_discriminant(typ)) { if (fd == freport) fprintf(freport, "is a choice, meaning a union with a union variant selector"); else fprintf(fd, "/* Choice: */\n"); } else if ((q = is_dynamic_array(typ))) { if (has_ns(typ) || is_untyped(typ)) { if (fd == freport) fprintf(freport, "is a sequence of elements, meaning that it has a pointer member `%s` pointing to an array of `%s` values and has an array size `%s`", ident(q->sym->name), c_type(q->info.typ->ref), ident(q->next->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, "/* Sequence of %s schema type: */\n", x); } else { if (fd == freport) { int d = get_Darraydims(typ); if (!d) fprintf(freport, "is a SOAP-encoded array, meaning that the type name lacks a prefix and it has a member `%s` pointing to an array of `%s` values and has an array size member `%s`", ident(q->sym->name), c_type(q->info.typ->ref), ident(q->next->sym->name)); else fprintf(freport, "is a %dD SOAP-encoded array, meaning that the type name lacks a prefix and it has a member `%s` pointing to an array of `%s` values and has an array `%s[%d]` of sizes for each dimension", d, ident(q->sym->name), c_type(q->info.typ->ref), ident(q->next->sym->name), d); } else { if (!eflag && soap_version >= 0) { sprintf(errbuf, "using SOAP-encoded array '%s' is not compliant with WS-I Basic Profile 1.0a", c_type(typ)); compliancewarn(errbuf); } fprintf(fd, "/* SOAP encoded array of %s schema type: */\n", x); } } } else if (is_primclass(typ)) { if (fd == freport) fprintf(freport, "is a simple content wrapper *`%s`*, meaning it wraps a primitive type", x); else fprintf(fd, "/* simple XSD type '%s': */\n", x); } else if (is_header_or_fault(typ)) { if (fd == freport) { s = ident(typ->id->name); fprintf(freport, "is the SOAP protocol *`<%s>`* element", ns_convert(p->sym->name)); if (!strcmp(s, "SOAP_ENV__Header")) { int flag = 0; fprintf(freport, " with message-specific child elements that are mandatory to process when attributed with *`mustUnderstand=\"true\"`*. Headers are usually added and processed by plugins. To remove the SOAP Header when sending or returning a message, set `soap->header = NULL`. Use `soap_header(struct soap *soap)` to allocate a `%s` which will be pointed to by `soap->header`, then initialize it with `soap_default_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap, soap->header)` and set one or more of its data members (if any):\n\n", c_type(typ)); if (typ->ref && ((Table*)typ->ref)->list) { for (q = ((Table*)typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { if (q->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_transient(q->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, "- `%s%s` ", c_storage(q->info.sto), c_type_id(q->info.typ, q->sym->name)); if (q->info.sto & SmustUnderstand) fprintf(fd, "element %s with mustUnderstand=\"true\">", ns_add(q, nse)); else fprintf(fd, "element %s", ns_add(q, nse)); if ((q->info.typ->type == Tclass || q->info.typ->type == Tstruct || q->info.typ->type == Tenum || q->info.typ->type == Tenumsc || is_typedef(q->info.typ)) && !is_stdstr(q->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, ", see also %s ", ident(q->info.typ->id->name), ident(q->info.typ->id->name)); fprintf(freport, "\n"); } } flag = 1; } if (!flag) fprintf(freport, "*No SOAP headers are applicable*"); fprintf(freport, "\n\nThis struct will be auto-generated when it is not explicitly declared in an interface file,"); } else if (!strcmp(s, "SOAP_ENV__Fault")) { fprintf(freport, " with fault information and details returned by a service that triggered the error. At the server side, a fault can be explicitly set within a service operation by calling and returning:\n\n- `int soap_sender_fault(struct soap *soap, const char *faultstring, const char *XML)` return this error code when the sender is at fault (irrecoverable)\n- `int soap_receiver_fault(struct soap *soap, const char *faultstring, const char *XML)` return this error code when the receiver is at fault (recoverable, sender may retry)\n\nA service operation may also return an HTTP status/error code (201 to 999).\n\nAt the client side the (proxy) call returns the error code which is also stored in `soap->error`. The fault structure is pointed to by `soap->fault`. The fault can be displayed with:\n\n- `void soap_print_fault(struct soap *soap, FILE *fd)` display fault\n- `void soap_print_fault_location(struct soap *soap, FILE *fd)` display the location of the fault in the XML message that caused it\n- `void soap_sprint_fault(struct soap *soap, char *buf, size_t len)` write fault to buffer\n- `void soap_stream_fault(struct soap *soap, std::ostream&)` write fault to stream\n- `const char **soap_faultstring(struct soap *soap)` returns a pointer to the SOAP Fault string/reason to get or set this string\n- `const char **soap_faultdetail(struct soap *soap)` returns a pointer to the SOAP Fault detail XML to get or set this string"); fprintf(freport, "\n\nThis struct will be auto-generated when it is not explicitly declared in an interface file"); } else if (!strcmp(s, "SOAP_ENV__Detail")) { int flag = 0; fprintf(freport, " with details returned by a service that triggered the error. Fault details are added and processed by plugins by setting the `detail` (for SOAP 1.1) or `SOAP_ENV__Detail` (for SOAP 1.2) member of `struct SOAP_ENV__Fault` and then setting one ore more of the detail members:\n\n"); if (typ->ref && ((Table*)typ->ref)->list) { for (q = ((Table*)typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { if (q->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_transient(q->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, "- `%s%s` ", c_storage(q->info.sto), c_type_id(q->info.typ, q->sym->name)); if (is_XML(q->info.typ) && is_invisible(q->sym->name)) fprintf(fd, "catch-all XML in literal XML string"); else if (is_XML(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "element *`<%s>`* with XML in literal XML string", ns_add(q, nse)); else if (is_anyType(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "catch-all XML in DOM"); else if (is_anytype(q)) { fprintf(fd, "element *`<%s>`* serialized with C/C++ type `%s` = `SOAP_TYPE_Name`", ns_add(q->next, nse), ident(q->sym->name)); q = q->next; } else fprintf(fd, "element *`<%s>`*", ns_add(q, nse)); if ((q->info.typ->type == Tclass || q->info.typ->type == Tstruct || q->info.typ->type == Tenum || q->info.typ->type == Tenumsc || is_typedef(q->info.typ)) && !is_stdstr(q->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, ", see also %s ", ident(q->info.typ->id->name), ident(q->info.typ->id->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n"); } } flag = 1; } if (!flag) fprintf(freport, "No SOAP Fault details are applicable"); fprintf(freport, "\n\nThis struct will be auto-generated when it is not explicitly declared in an interface file,"); } else { fprintf(freport, ". This struct is for internal use and will be auto-generated when not explicitly declared.\n\n"); gen_report_hr(); return; } } else fprintf(fd, "/* %s: */\n", ident(typ->id->name)); } else if (typ->type == Tunion) { if (fd == freport) fprintf(freport, "is serializable, but only when used as a member of a struct or class with a union variant selector"); else fprintf(fd, "/* union serializable only when used as a member of a struct or class with a union variant selector */\n"); } else if (x && *x) { if (fd == freport) fprintf(freport, "is serialized as XSD type *`%s`*", x); else fprintf(fd, "/* complex XSD type '%s': */\n", x); } else if (fd == freport) fprintf(freport, "is serializable"); if (fd == freport && is_mutable(p)) fprintf(freport, " and is declared mutable, meaning that multiple declarations in interface files are collected into one structure"); if (fd == freport && typ->type == Tstruct) { int flag = 0; Tnode *r; for (r = Tptr[Tfun]; r; r = r->next) { if (!strcmp(r->id->name, p->sym->name)) { if (*x) fprintf(freport, " and is internally used as the operation request element *`<%s>`* with the request parameters of service operation `%s()`", x, ident(r->id->name)); else fprintf(freport, " and is internally used to wrap the request element(s) of the service operation `%s()`", ident(r->id->name)); flag = 1; } else if (r->response == p) { fprintf(freport, " and is internally used as the operation response element *`<%s>`* with the response parameters of service operation `%s()`", x, ident(r->id->name)); flag = 1; } } if (flag) { fprintf(freport, ".\n\n"); gen_report_hr(); return; } } fflush(fd); if (fd == freport) fprintf(freport, ", and has the following auto-completed declaration in %s:\n", soapStub); if (typ->type == Tstruct) { int permission = -1; int flag = 0; DBGLOG(fprintf(stderr, "\nstruct %s\n", typ->id->name)); if (fd == freport) fprintf(freport, "\n struct %s {", ident(typ->id->name)); else fprintf(fd, "struct %s {", ident(typ->id->name)); for (q = ((Table*)typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { if (!cflag && permission != (q->info.sto & (Sprivate | Sprotected))) { if (q->info.sto & Sprivate) fprintf(fd, "\n private:"); else if (q->info.sto & Sprotected) fprintf(fd, "\n protected:"); else fprintf(fd, "\n public:"); permission = (q->info.sto & (Sprivate | Sprotected)); } if (cflag && q->info.typ->type == Tfun) continue; if (cflag && (q->info.sto & Stypedef)) continue; if (flag) flag = 0; else if (q->info.typ->type == Tfun || (q->info.sto & Stypedef)) ; else if (is_anyAttribute(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n /** XML DOM attribute list */"); else if (q->info.sto & Sattribute) { if (q->info.minOccurs >= 1) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Required attribute '%s' of XSD type '%s' */", ns_add(q, nsa), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); else fprintf(fd, "\n /** Optional attribute '%s' of XSD type '%s' */", ns_add(q, nsa), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); } else if (is_soapref(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Context that manages this object */"); else if (q->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Not serialized */"); else if (q->info.sto & SmustUnderstand) fprintf(fd, "\n /** MustUnderstand */"); else if (!is_dynamic_array(typ) && is_repetition(q)) { if (q->info.maxOccurs > 1) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Sequence of " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " to " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " elements '%s' of XSD type '%s'", q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs, ns_add(q->next, nse), wsdl_type(q->next->info.typ, "")); else if (q->info.minOccurs >= 1) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Sequence of at least " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " elements '%s' of XSD type '%s'", q->info.minOccurs, ns_add(q->next, nse), wsdl_type(q->next->info.typ, "")); else fprintf(fd, "\n /** Sequence of elements '%s' of XSD type '%s'", ns_add(q->next, nse), wsdl_type(q->next->info.typ, "")); fprintf(fd, " stored in dynamic array %s of length %s */", ident(q->next->sym->name), ident(q->sym->name)); flag = 1; } else if (is_anytype(q)) { fprintf(fd, "\n /** Any type of element '%s' assigned to %s with its SOAP_TYPE_T assigned to %s */\n /** Do not create a cyclic data structure throught this member unless SOAP encoding or SOAP_XML_GRAPH are used for id-ref serialization */", ns_add(q->next, nse), ident(q->next->sym->name), ident(q->sym->name)); flag = 1; } else if (is_choice(q)) { Entry *r; fprintf(fd, "\n /** Union with %s variant selector %s set to one of:", c_type(q->next->info.typ), ident(q->sym->name)); for (r = ((Table*)q->next->info.typ->ref)->list; r; r = r->next) fprintf(fd, " %s", soap_union_member(q->next->info.typ, r)); fprintf(fd, " */"); flag = 1; } else if (is_anyType(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n /** XML DOM element node graph */"); else if (is_item(q)) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Simple content of XSD type '%s' wrapped by this struct */", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); else if (q->info.typ->type != Tfun && q->info.typ->type != Tunion && !(q->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) && !(q->info.sto & Sattribute) && !is_transient(q->info.typ) && !is_external(q->info.typ) && strncmp(q->sym->name, "__", 2)) { if (q->info.maxOccurs > 1) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Sequence of " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " to " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " elements '%s' of XSD type '%s' */", q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs, ns_add(q, nse), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); else if (q->info.minOccurs >= 1) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Required element '%s' of XSD type '%s' */", ns_add(q, nse), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); else fprintf(fd, "\n /** Optional element '%s' of XSD type '%s' */", ns_add(q, nse), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); } else if (is_external(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Typedef %s with custom serializer for %s */", c_type_sym(q->info.typ), c_type(q->info.typ)); else if (is_transient(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Transient (not serialized) */"); else if (is_imported(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Type imported from %s */", q->info.typ->imported); if (fd != freport) { if (!is_dynamic_array(typ) && !is_primclass(typ)) { if ((q->info.typ->type == Tint || q->info.typ->type == Tsize) && !strncmp(q->sym->name, "__size", 6)) { if (!q->next || (q->next->info.typ->type != Tpointer && !is_smart(q->next->info.typ))) { sprintf(errbuf, "Member field '%s' is not followed by a pointer member field in struct '%s'", q->sym->name, typ->id->name); semwarn(errbuf); } } else if (q->info.typ->type == Tint && !strncmp(q->sym->name, "__type", 6)) { if (!q->next || ((q->next->info.typ->type != Tpointer || ((Tnode*)q->next->info.typ->ref)->type != Tvoid))) { sprintf(errbuf, "Member field '%s' is not followed by a void pointer member field in struct '%s'", q->sym->name, typ->id->name); semwarn(errbuf); } } else if (q->info.typ->type == Tint && !strncmp(q->sym->name, "__union", 7)) { if (!q->next || ((q->next->info.typ->type != Tunion))) { sprintf(errbuf, "Member field '%s' is not followed by a union member field in struct '%s'", q->sym->name, typ->id->name); semwarn(errbuf); } } else if ((q->info.typ->type == Tint || q->info.typ->type == Tsize) && (q->info.sto & Sspecial)) { if (!q->next || (q->next->info.typ->type != Tpointer && !is_smart(q->next->info.typ) && (q->next->info.typ->type != Tunion))) { sprintf(errbuf, "Member field '%s' is not followed by a pointer or union member field in struct '%s'", q->sym->name, typ->id->name); semwarn(errbuf); } } } } fprintf(fd, "\n %s", c_storage(q->info.sto)); if (q->sym == typ->id && q->info.typ->type == Tfun) /* to emit constructor in a struct: constructor has no return value */ ((FNinfo*)q->info.typ->ref)->ret = mknone(); fprintf(fd, "%s", c_type_id(q->info.typ, q->sym->name)); if (q->info.sto & Sconstobj) fprintf(fd, " const"); if (q->info.sto & Sfinal) fprintf(fd, " final"); if (q->info.sto & Soverride) fprintf(fd, " override"); if (q->info.sto & Sconst) fprintf(fd, "%s;", c_init(q)); else { fprintf(fd, ";"); if (q->info.hasval) fprintf(fd, "\t /**< default%s */", c_init(q)); } } if (!cflag && !is_transient(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fd, "\n public:\n /** Return unique type id %s */\n int soap_type() const { return %s; }", soap_type(typ), soap_type(typ)); if ((s = union_member(typ))) { if (fd != freport) { sprintf(errbuf, "struct '%s' cannot be assigned a default constructor because it is directly or indirectly used as a member of union '%s'", typ->id->name, ident(s)); semwarn(errbuf); } } else { if (!has_constructor(typ)) { Table *t; Entry *p; fprintf(fd, "\n /** Constructor with member initializations */"); gen_constructor(fd, typ); for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Treference || p->info.typ->type == Trvalueref) { sprintf(errbuf, "no constructor for '%s' to explicitly initialize the reference member '%s'", typ->id->name, p->sym->name); semwarn(errbuf); } } } } /* not necessary to add a default destructor, keep the C -> C++ transparency of structs if (!has_destructor(typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n\t ~%s() { }", ident(typ->id->name)); */ } if (Ecflag) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Friend duplicator */\n friend SOAP_FMAC1 %s * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dup_%s(struct soap*, %s*, %s);", c_type(typ), c_ident(typ), c_type(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*")); if (Edflag) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Friend deleter */\n friend SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_del_%s(%s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*")); fprintf(fd, "\n /** Friend allocator used by soap_new_%s(struct soap*, int) */\n friend SOAP_FMAC1 %s * SOAP_FMAC2 %s_instantiate_%s(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);", c_ident(typ), c_ident(typ), namespaceid ? "soap" : prefix, c_ident(typ)); } if (!((Table*)typ->ref)->list) { if (cflag && fd != freport) fprintf(fd, "\n#ifdef WITH_NOEMPTYSTRUCT\n\tchar dummy;\t/* empty struct is a GNU extension */\n#endif"); } if (fd == freport) { fprintf(freport, "\n };\n\n"); if (!is_transient(p->info.typ) && !is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ)) { const char *ns = prefix_of(p->sym->name); int uf = uflag; uflag = 1; gen_report_members(p, nsa, nse); fprintf(freport, "The following operations on `%s` are available:\n\n", c_type(p->info.typ)); if (cflag) fprintf(freport, "- `(%s *)soap_malloc(struct soap*, sizeof(%s))` managed allocation\n", c_type(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ)); else { fprintf(freport, "- `%s *soap_new_%s(struct soap*)` managed allocation with default initialization\n", c_type(p->info.typ), c_ident(p->info.typ)); fprintf(freport, "- `%s *soap_new_%s(struct soap*, int n)` managed allocation of array `%s[n]`\n", c_type(p->info.typ), c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(freport, "- `%s *soap_new_req_%s(struct soap*", c_type(p->info.typ), c_ident(p->info.typ)); gen_report_req_params(p->info.typ); fprintf(freport, ")` managed allocation with required members assigned the values of these parameters, with all other members default initialized\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `%s *soap_new_set_%s(struct soap*", c_type(p->info.typ), c_ident(p->info.typ)); gen_report_set_params(p->info.typ); fprintf(freport, ")` managed allocation with the public members assigned the values of these parameters\n"); } fprintf(freport, "- `void soap_default_%s(struct soap*, %s*)` (re)set members to default initialization values\n", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(freport, "- `int soap_read_%s(struct soap*, %s*)` deserialize from XML, returns `SOAP_OK` or error code\n", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(freport, "- `int soap_write_%s(struct soap*, const %s*)` serialize to XML, returns `SOAP_OK` or error code\n", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ)); if (!wflag) { if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name) && !has_ns_eq("xsd", p->sym->name) && !is_header_or_fault(typ)) { s = ns_of(p->sym->name); if (s && *s && has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name)) fprintf(freport, "\nThe XSD component of XSD type *`%s`* in schema \"[%s](#doc-namespaces)\" is:\n\n", x, s); else fprintf(freport, "\nThe XSD component of XSD type *`%s`* is:\n\n", x); gen_schema_type(freport, NULL, p, ns, ns, 1, NULL, NULL); } } fprintf(freport, "\n"); uflag = uf; } } else fprintf(fd, "\n};"); } else if (typ->type == Tclass) { int permission = -1; int flag = 0; DBGLOG(fprintf(stderr, "\nclass %s\n", typ->id->name)); if (fd == freport) fprintf(fd, "\n class SOAP_CMAC %s", ident(typ->id->name)); else fprintf(fd, "class SOAP_CMAC %s", ident(typ->id->name)); if (typ->base) fprintf(fd, " : public %s", ident(typ->base->name)); fprintf(fd, " {"); for (q = ((Table*)typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { if (permission != (q->info.sto & (Sprivate | Sprotected))) { if (q->info.sto & Sprivate) fprintf(fd, "\n private:"); else if (q->info.sto & Sprotected) fprintf(fd, "\n protected:"); else fprintf(fd, "\n public:"); permission = (q->info.sto & (Sprivate | Sprotected)); } if (is_anyAttribute(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n /// XML DOM attribute list"); else if (q->info.sto & Sattribute) { if (q->info.minOccurs >= 1) fprintf(fd, "\n /// required attribute '%s' of XSD type '%s'", ns_add(q, nsa), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); else fprintf(fd, "\n /// optional attribute '%s' of XSD type '%s'", ns_add(q, nsa), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); } if (flag) flag = 0; else if (q->info.typ->type == Tfun || (q->info.sto & Stypedef)) ; else if (is_soapref(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n /// Context that manages this object"); else if (q->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fd, "\n /// Not serialized"); else if (q->info.sto & SmustUnderstand) fprintf(fd, "\n /// MustUnderstand"); else if (!is_dynamic_array(typ) && is_repetition(q)) { if (q->info.maxOccurs > 1) fprintf(fd, "\n /// Sequence of " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " to " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " elements '%s' of XSD type '%s'", q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs, ns_add(q->next, nse), wsdl_type(q->next->info.typ, "")); else if (q->info.minOccurs >= 1) fprintf(fd, "\n /// Sequence of at least " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " elements '%s' of XSD type '%s'", q->info.minOccurs, ns_add(q->next, nse), wsdl_type(q->next->info.typ, "")); else fprintf(fd, "\n /// Sequence of elements '%s' of XSD type '%s'", ns_add(q->next, nse), wsdl_type(q->next->info.typ, "")); fprintf(fd, " stored in dynamic array %s of length %s", ident(q->next->sym->name), ident(q->sym->name)); flag = 1; } else if (is_anytype(q)) { fprintf(fd, "\n /// Any type of element '%s' assigned to %s with its SOAP_TYPE_T assigned to %s\n /// Do not create a cyclic data structure throught this member unless SOAP encoding or SOAP_XML_GRAPH are used for id-ref serialization", ns_add(q->next, nse), ident(q->next->sym->name), ident(q->sym->name)); flag = 1; } else if (is_choice(q)) { Entry *r; fprintf(fd, "\n /// Union with %s variant selector %s set to one of:", c_type(q->next->info.typ), ident(q->sym->name)); for (r = ((Table*)q->next->info.typ->ref)->list; r; r = r->next) fprintf(fd, " %s", soap_union_member(q->next->info.typ, r)); flag = 1; } else if (is_anyType(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n /// XML DOM element node graph"); else if (is_item(q)) fprintf(fd, "\n /// Simple content of XSD type '%s' wrapped by this struct", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); else if (q->info.typ->type != Tfun && q->info.typ->type != Tunion && !(q->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) && !(q->info.sto & Sattribute) && !is_transient(q->info.typ) && !is_external(q->info.typ) && strncmp(q->sym->name, "__", 2)) { if (q->info.maxOccurs > 1) fprintf(fd, "\n /// Sequence of " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " to " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " elements '%s' of XSD type '%s'", q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs, ns_add(q, nse), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); else if (q->info.minOccurs >= 1) fprintf(fd, "\n /// Required element '%s' of XSD type '%s'", ns_add(q, nse), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); else fprintf(fd, "\n /// Optional element '%s' of XSD type '%s'", ns_add(q, nse), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); } else if (is_external(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n /// Typedef %s with custom serializer for %s", c_type_sym(q->info.typ), c_type(q->info.typ)); else if (is_transient(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n /// Transient (not serialized)"); else if (is_imported(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n /// Type imported from %s", q->info.typ->imported); if (fd != freport) { if (!is_dynamic_array(typ) && !is_primclass(typ)) { if ((q->info.typ->type == Tint || q->info.typ->type == Tsize) && !strncmp(q->sym->name, "__size", 6)) { if (!q->next || (q->next->info.typ->type != Tpointer && !is_smart(q->next->info.typ))) { sprintf(errbuf, "Member field '%s' is not followed by a pointer member field in class '%s'", q->sym->name, typ->id->name); semwarn(errbuf); } } else if (q->info.typ->type == Tint && !strncmp(q->sym->name, "__type", 6)) { if (!q->next || ((q->next->info.typ->type != Tpointer || ((Tnode*)q->next->info.typ->ref)->type != Tvoid))) { sprintf(errbuf, "Member field '%s' is not followed by a void pointer member field in class '%s'", q->sym->name, typ->id->name); semwarn(errbuf); } } else if (q->info.typ->type == Tint && !strncmp(q->sym->name, "__union", 7)) { if (!q->next || ((q->next->info.typ->type != Tunion))) { sprintf(errbuf, "Member field '%s' is not followed by a union member field in class '%s'", q->sym->name, typ->id->name); semwarn(errbuf); } } else if ((q->info.typ->type == Tint || q->info.typ->type == Tsize) && (q->info.sto & Sspecial)) { if (!q->next || (q->next->info.typ->type != Tpointer && !is_smart(q->next->info.typ) && (q->next->info.typ->type != Tunion))) { sprintf(errbuf, "Member field '%s' is not followed by a pointer or union member field in class '%s'", q->sym->name, typ->id->name); semwarn(errbuf); } } } } fprintf(fd, "\n %s", c_storage(q->info.sto)); fprintf(fd, "%s", c_type_id(q->info.typ, q->sym->name)); if (q->info.sto & Sconstobj) fprintf(fd, " const"); if (q->info.sto & Sfinal) fprintf(fd, " final"); if (q->info.sto & Soverride) fprintf(fd, " override"); if (q->info.sto & Sabstract) fprintf(fd, " = 0;"); else if (q->info.sto & Sconst) fprintf(fd, "%s;", c_init(q)); else { fprintf(fd, ";"); if (q->info.hasval) fprintf(fd, "\t///< default%s", c_init(q)); } } if (!is_transient(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fd, "\n public:"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Return unique type id %s", soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int soap_type(void) const { return %s; }", soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fd, "\n /// (Re)set members to default values"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void soap_default(struct soap*);"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Serialize object to prepare for SOAP 1.1/1.2 encoded output (or with SOAP_XML_GRAPH) by analyzing its (cyclic) structures"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void soap_serialize(struct soap*) const;"); if (Etflag) fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void soap_traverse(struct soap*, const char *s, soap_walker, soap_walker);"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Output object in XML, compliant with SOAP 1.1 encoding style, return error code or SOAP_OK"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int soap_put(struct soap*, const char *tag, const char *type) const;"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Output object in XML, with tag and optional id attribute and xsi:type, return error code or SOAP_OK"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int soap_out(struct soap*, const char *tag, int id, const char *type) const;"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Get object from XML, compliant with SOAP 1.1 encoding style, return pointer to object or NULL on error"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void *soap_get(struct soap*, const char *tag, const char *type);"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Get object from XML, with matching tag and type (NULL matches any tag and type), return pointer to object or NULL on error"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void *soap_in(struct soap*, const char *tag, const char *type);"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Return a new object of type %s, default initialized and not managed by a soap context", c_type(typ)); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual %s *soap_alloc(void) const { return SOAP_NEW(%s); }", c_type(typ), c_type(typ)); if (Ecflag) { fprintf(fd, "\n /// Return a duplicate of this object by deep copying, replicating all deep cycles and shared pointers when a managing soap context is provided as argument.\n /// Deep copy is a tree when argument is NULL, but the presence of deep cycles will lead to non-termination.\n /// Use flag SOAP_XML_TREE with a managing context to copy into a tree without cycles and pointers to shared objects"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual %s *soap_dup(struct soap *soap = NULL, void *dest = NULL) const { return soap_dup_%s(soap, (%s*)dest, this); }", c_type(typ), c_ident(typ), c_type(typ)); } if (Edflag) { fprintf(fd, "\n /// Delete heap-allocated members of this object by deep deletion ONLY IF this object and all of its (deep) members are not managed by a soap context AND the deep structure is a tree (no cycles and co-referenced objects by way of multiple (non-smart) pointers pointing to the same data)\n /// Can be safely used after soap_dup(NULL) to delete the deep copy"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void soap_del(void) const { soap_del_%s(this); }", c_ident(typ)); } if ((s = union_member(typ))) { if (fd != freport) { sprintf(errbuf, "class '%s' cannot be assigned a default constructor because it is directly or indirectly used as a member of union '%s'", typ->id->name, ident(s)); semwarn(errbuf); } } else { if (!has_constructor(typ)) { Table *t; Entry *p; fprintf(fd, "\n public:\n /// Constructor with initializations"); gen_constructor(fd, typ); for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Treference || p->info.typ->type == Trvalueref) { sprintf(errbuf, "no constructor for '%s' to explicitly initialize the reference member '%s'", typ->id->name, p->sym->name); semwarn(errbuf); } } } } if (!has_destructor(typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n virtual ~%s() { }", c_ident(typ)); } if (Ecflag) fprintf(fd, "\n /// Friend duplicator\n friend SOAP_FMAC1 %s * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dup_%s(struct soap*, %s*, %s);", c_type(typ), c_ident(typ), c_type(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*")); if (Edflag) fprintf(fd, "\n /// Friend deleter\n friend SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_del_%s(%s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*")); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Friend allocator used by soap_new_%s(struct soap*, int)\n friend SOAP_FMAC1 %s * SOAP_FMAC2 %s_instantiate_%s(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);", c_ident(typ), c_ident(typ), namespaceid ? "soap" : prefix, c_ident(typ)); /* the use of 'friend' causes problems linking static functions. Adding these friends could enable serializing protected/private members (which is not implemented) fprintf(fd, "\n friend %s *soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s*, const char*);", typ->id->name, typ->id->name, typ->id->name); fprintf(fd, "\n friend int soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const %s*, const char*);", typ->id->name, typ->id->name); */ } if (fd == freport) { fprintf(freport, "\n };\n\n"); if (!is_transient(p->info.typ) && !is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ)) { const char *ns = prefix_of(p->sym->name); int uf = uflag; uflag = 1; gen_report_members(p, nsa, nse); fprintf(freport, "The following operations on `%s` are available:\n\n", c_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(freport, "- `%s *soap_new_%s(struct soap*)` managed allocation with default initialization\n", c_type(p->info.typ), c_ident(p->info.typ)); fprintf(freport, "- `%s *soap_new_%s(struct soap*, int n)` managed allocation of array `%s[n]`\n", c_type(p->info.typ), c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(freport, "- `%s *soap_new_req_%s(struct soap*", c_type(p->info.typ), c_ident(p->info.typ)); gen_report_req_params(p->info.typ); fprintf(freport, ")` managed allocation with required members assigned the values of these parameters, with all other members default initialized\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `%s *soap_new_set_%s(struct soap*", c_type(p->info.typ), c_ident(p->info.typ)); gen_report_set_params(p->info.typ); fprintf(freport, ")` managed allocation with public members assigned the values of these parameters\n"); if (is_external(p->info.typ) || is_volatile(p->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, "- `void soap_default_%s(struct soap*, %s*)` (re)set members to default initialization values\n", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ)); else fprintf(freport, "- `void %s::soap_default(struct soap*)` (re)set members to default values\n", c_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(freport, "- `int soap_read_%s(struct soap*, %s*)` deserialize from XML, returns `SOAP_OK` or error code\n", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(freport, "- `int soap_write_%s(struct soap*, const %s*)` serialize to XML, returns `SOAP_OK` or error code\n", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ)); if (!wflag) { if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name) && !has_ns_eq("xsd", p->sym->name) && !is_header_or_fault(typ)) { s = ns_of(p->sym->name); if (s && *s && has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name)) fprintf(freport, "\nThe XSD component of XSD type *`%s`* in schema \"[%s](#doc-namespaces)\" is:\n\n", x, s); else fprintf(freport, "\nThe XSD component of XSD type *`%s`* is:\n\n", x); gen_schema_type(freport, NULL, p, ns, ns, 1, NULL, NULL); } } fprintf(freport, "\n"); uflag = uf; } } else fprintf(fd, "\n};"); } else if (typ->type == Tunion) { int i = 1; if (fd == freport) fprintf(fd, "\n union %s\n {", ident(typ->id->name)); else fprintf(fd, "union %s\n{", ident(typ->id->name)); for (q = ((Table*)typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { fprintf(fd, "\n #define %s\t(%d)\t/**< union variant selector value for member %s */", soap_union_member(typ, q), i, ident(q->sym->name)); i++; if (q->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Not serialized */"); else if (is_transient(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Transient (not serialized) */"); else if (is_external(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n /** Typedef %s with custom serializer for %s */", c_type_sym(q->info.typ), c_type(q->info.typ)); if (q->info.sto & Sattribute) { sprintf(errbuf, "union '%s' contains attribute declarations", typ->id->name); semwarn(errbuf); } fprintf(fd, "\n %s", c_storage(q->info.sto)); fprintf(fd, "%s;", c_type_id(q->info.typ, q->sym->name)); } if (!((Table*)typ->ref)->list) { if (cflag && fd != freport) fprintf(fd, "\n#ifdef WITH_NOEMPTYSTRUCT\n\tchar dummy;\t/* empty union is a GNU extension */\n#endif"); } if (fd == freport) fprintf(fd, "\n };\n\n"); else fprintf(fd, "\n};"); } if (fd == freport) { gen_report_hr(); } else { if (is_volatile(typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n#endif"); fprintf(fd, "\n#endif"); if (is_header_or_fault(typ) || is_body(typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n#endif"); } fflush(fd); } void gen_constructor(FILE *fd, Tnode *typ) { Table *t = typ->ref; Entry *p; if (!t) return; fprintf(fd, "\n %s()\n {", c_ident(typ)); for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion) continue; if (p->info.sto & Sconst) continue; else if (is_choice(p)) { fprintf(fd, "\n %s = %d;", ident(p->sym->name), required_choice(p->next->info.typ)); p = p->next; } else if (is_repetition(p) || is_anytype(p)) { fprintf(fd, "\n %s = 0;\n %s = NULL;", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else { if (is_fixedstring(p->info.typ)) { if (p->info.hasval) fprintf(fd, "\n soap_strcpy(%s, %d, \"%s\");", ident(p->sym->name), get_dimension(p->info.typ), cstring(p->info.val.s, 0)); else fprintf(fd, "\n %s[0] = '\\0';", ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { Tnode *ref = p->info.typ->ref; if (is_primitive(ref) || ref->type == Tpointer) { fprintf(fd, "\n for (int i = 0; i < %d; i++)", get_dimension(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fd, "\n %s[i] = (%s)0;", ident(p->sym->name), c_type(ref)); } } else if (p->info.hasval) { if (is_smart(p->info.typ)) { if (is_smart_shared(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n %s = %s<%s>(%s\"%s\");", ident(p->sym->name), make_shared(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ->ref), is_stdwstring(p->info.typ->ref) ? "L" : "", p->info.val.s); else fprintf(fd, "\n %s = %s(SOAP_NEW(%s)(%s\"%s\"));", ident(p->sym->name), c_type(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ->ref), is_stdwstring(p->info.typ->ref) ? "L" : "", p->info.val.s); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_stdstring((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n static std::string soap_tmp_%s(\"%s\");\n %s = &soap_tmp_%s;", ident(p->sym->name), p->info.val.s, ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, "\n %s%s;", ident(p->sym->name), c_init(p)); } else if (is_primitive(p->info.typ) || p->info.typ->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fd, "\n %s = (%s)0;", ident(p->sym->name), c_type(p->info.typ)); } } fprintf(fd, "\n }"); fflush(fd); } void generate_header(Table *t) { Service *sp; Entry *p, *q; int i; if (rflag) { fprintf(freport, "
\n@tableofcontents @section README\n\nTo view this file in a browser, download readmeviewer.html from http://www.genivia.com/files/readmeviewer.html.zip, unzip and copy it to the same directory where this soapReadme.md file is located, then open it in a browser to view the contents of soapReadme.md.\n\nThis markdown file is compatible with Doxygen.\n
\n\n"); fprintf(freport, "## Overview {#doc-overview}\n\nThis report was generated by soapcpp2 v" VERSION " for interface file [%s](%s) with options -r %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n\n", filename, filename, soap_version < 0 ? "-0 " : "", cflag ? "-c " : c11flag ? "-c++11 " : "", Cflag ? "-C " : "", Sflag ? "-S " : "", Lflag ? "-L " : "", iflag ? "-i " : jflag ? "-j " : "", wflag ? "-w " : "", namespaceid ? "-q" : strcmp(prefix, "soap") ? "-p" : "", strcmp(prefix, "soap") ? prefix : ""); for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) if (sp->documentation) fprintf(freport, "%s\n\n", sp->documentation); fprintf(freport, "### Tools\n\nThe **wsdl2h** command line tool takes a set of WSDL and XSD files to generate a data binding interface file. This interface file is similar to a C/C++ header file and contains declarations of C/C++ types and functions with explanatory comments, directives, and annotations. Types are declared in this interface file as serializable. Functions are declared as Web service operations for the client and server sides.\n\nThe **soapcpp2** command line tool takes an interface file (i.e. a header file) such as [%s](%s) to generate the data binding implementation. This implementation includes XML serializers and source code for the client and server side. An interface file for soapcpp2 can be a regular C/C++ header file with type and function declarations (without code), and include annotations to declare XML schema-related properties.\n\n", filename, filename); fprintf(freport, "### Files\n\nThe following %s source code files were generated by soapcpp2 for interface file [%s](%s):\n\n", cflag ? "C" : c11flag ? "C++11" : "C++", filename, filename); fprintf(freport, "- [%s](%s) contains an annotated copy of [%s](%s) and of the imported files (if any), where most of the information in this report [%s](%s) is sourced from (this header file also #includes \"stdsoap2.h\")\n", soapStub, pathsoapStub, filename, filename, soapReadme, pathsoapReadme); fprintf(freport, "- [%s](%s) declares allocation and (de)serialization functions for each C/C++ type, to #include in projects (this header file also #includes \"%s\")\n", soapH, pathsoapH, soapStub); fprintf(freport, "- [%s](%s) defines allocation and (de)serialization functions for each C/C++ type, to compile with a project\n", soapC, pathsoapC); if (!Sflag) { if (!iflag && !jflag) { fprintf(freport, "- [%s](%s) defines client call stub functions for service invocation, to compile with a project\n", soapClient, pathsoapClient); if (!Lflag) fprintf(freport, "- [%s](%s) combines %s with %s into one \"library\" file, intended for combining multiple clients and servers that are separately generated with soapcpp2 option -p, thereby preventing serializer naming conflicts (this makes serialization functions locally visible to the client/server as static functions)\n", soapClientLib, pathsoapClientLib, soapC, soapClient); } else { fprintf(freport, "- See [Web client proxy class](#doc-client) for the client-side source code files to use\n"); } } if (!Cflag) { if (!iflag && !jflag) { fprintf(freport, "- [%s](%s) defines server functions, including the service dispatcher that calls back-end service operations, to compile with a project\n", soapServer, pathsoapServer); if (!Lflag) fprintf(freport, "- [%s](%s) combines %s with %s into one \"library\" file, intended for combining multiple clients and servers that are separately generated with soapcpp2 option -p, thereby preventing serializer function naming conflicts (this makes serialization functions locally visible to the client/server as static functions)\n", soapServerLib, pathsoapServerLib, soapC, soapServer); } else { fprintf(freport, "- See [Web service class](#doc-server) for the server-side source code files to use\n"); } } fprintf(freport, "\nAlso compile stdsoap2.%s (and dom.%s %s XML DOM is used) with a project (or link libgsoapssl%s.a) and use the following compile-time options:\n\n- `-DWITH_OPENSSL` to enable HTTPS with OpenSSL\n- `-DWITH_GNUTLS` to enable HTTPS with GNUTLS\n- `-DWITH_DOM` is required when using the WS-Security plugin\n- `-DWITH_GZIP` to enable message compression\n\nSee the gSOAP documentation for additional options.\n\n### Contents\n\nThis report has the following contents describing the data binding interface types, and the client- and the server-side operations (if any):\n\n", cflag ? "c" : "cpp", cflag ? "c" : "cpp", is_anyType_flag ? "because" : "if", cflag ? "" : "++"); if (enumtable && enumtable->list) fprintf(freport, "- [enumeration types](#doc-enums)\n"); if (classtable && classtable->list) fprintf(freport, "- [%sstruct and union types](#doc-classes)\n", cflag ? "" : "class, "); if (typetable && typetable->list) fprintf(freport, "- [typedefs](#doc-typedefs)\n"); fprintf(freport, "- [summary of serializable types](#doc-types)\n"); fprintf(freport, "- [schemas and namespaces](#doc-namespaces)\n"); if (!Sflag) { if (!iflag && !jflag) fprintf(freport, "- [Web client operations](#doc-client) lists the service operations to call\n"); else fprintf(freport, "- [Web client proxy class](#doc-client) lists the methods to invoke\n"); } if (!Cflag) { if (!iflag && !jflag) fprintf(freport, "- [Web server operations](#doc-server) lists the service operations to implement when developing a service\n"); else fprintf(freport, "- [Web service class](#doc-server) lists the methods to implement when developing a service\n"); } fprintf(freport, "\n"); gen_report_hr(); } if (enumtable && enumtable->list) { Table *r = mktable(NULL); banner(fheader, "Enumeration Types"); fflush(fheader); if (rflag) fprintf(freport, "## Enumeration Types {#doc-enums}\n\n\n\n"); for (p = enumtable->list; p; p = p->next) { if (rflag && p->info.typ->ref) fprintf(freport, "\n"); } freetable(r); if (rflag) { int uf = uflag; uflag = 1; fprintf(freport, "
Type Declared Serializable Bitmask Values
%s %s:%d %s %s ", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ), p->filename, p->lineno, !is_transient(p->info.typ) ? "yes" : "", is_mask(p->info.typ) ? "yes" : ""); if (!is_imported(p->info.typ) && (!is_transient(p->info.typ) || p->info.typ->ref)) { int enum64 = False; const char *x; x = xsi_type(p->info.typ); if (!x || !*x) x = wsdl_type(p->info.typ, ""); fprintf(fheader, "\n\n/* %s:%d */", p->filename, p->lineno); fprintf(fheader, "\n#ifndef %s", soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fheader, "\n#define %s (%d)", soap_type(p->info.typ), p->info.typ->num); if (is_volatile(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fheader, "\n#if 0 /* Volatile: not declared here */"); if (is_mask(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fheader, "\n/* Bitmask %s */", x); else fprintf(fheader, "\n/* %s */", x); if ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref) { for (q = ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { if (q->info.val.i > 0x7FFFLL || q->info.val.i < -0x8000LL) { enum64 = True; break; } } } if (cflag && p->info.typ->type == Tenum && p->sym->token == TYPE) fprintf(fheader, "\ntypedef "); else fprintf(fheader, "\n"); if (p->info.typ->width == 4 || is_mask(p->info.typ)) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tenumsc) { if (enum64) fprintf(fheader, "enum class %s : int64_t {", ident(p->info.typ->id->name)); else fprintf(fheader, "enum class %s {", ident(p->info.typ->id->name)); } else fprintf(fheader, "enum %s {", ident(p->info.typ->id->name)); } else { const char *t; switch (p->info.typ->width) { case 1: t = "int8_t"; break; case 2: t = "int16_t"; break; case 4: t = "int32_t"; break; default: t = "int64_t"; break; } if (p->info.typ->type == Tenumsc) fprintf(fheader, "enum class %s : %s {", ident(p->info.typ->id->name), t); else fprintf(fheader, "enum %s : %s {", ident(p->info.typ->id->name), t); } if ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref) { const char *c = ""; for (q = ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { Entry *e = NULL; if (rflag) fprintf(freport, "%s %s ", c, ident(q->sym->name)); if (p->info.typ->type == Tenum && (e = entry(r, q->sym)) && e->info.val.i == q->info.val.i) fprintf(fheader, " /* %s\n\t%s = " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " */", c, ident(q->sym->name), q->info.val.i); else { if (q->info.val.i > 0 && q->info.val.i < 128 && isalpha((int)q->info.val.i)) fprintf(fheader, "%s\n\t%s = '%c'", c, ident(q->sym->name), (int)q->info.val.i); else if (q->info.val.i <= 0x7FFFLL && q->info.val.i >= -0x8000LL) fprintf(fheader, "%s\n\t%s = " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, c, ident(q->sym->name), q->info.val.i); else fprintf(fheader, "%s\n\t%s = " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "LL", c, ident(q->sym->name), q->info.val.i); if (p->info.typ->type == Tenum && !e) { e = enter(r, q->sym); e->info.val.i = q->info.val.i; } c = ","; } } } if (cflag && p->info.typ->type == Tenum && p->sym->token == TYPE) fprintf(fheader, "\n} %s;", ident(p->sym->name)); else fprintf(fheader, "\n};"); if (is_volatile(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fheader, "\n#endif"); fprintf(fheader, "\n#endif"); } if (rflag && p->info.typ->ref) fprintf(freport, "
\n\n"); for (p = enumtable->list; p; p = p->next) { const char *ns = prefix_of(p->sym->name); const char *x; x = xsi_type(p->info.typ); if (!x || !*x) x = wsdl_type(p->info.typ, ""); fprintf(freport, "\n\n", c_ident(p->info.typ)); fprintf(freport, "### `%s`\n\n", c_type(p->info.typ)); gen_report_type_doc(p); fprintf(freport, "This enum%s type is declared in [%s](%s) at line %d ", p->info.typ->type == Tenumsc ? " class" : "", p->filename, p->filename, p->lineno); if (is_mask(p->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, "and is a bitmask type, meaning that it represents a set of values created with bit-wise `|` (bitor) operations, "); if ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref) { const char *c = ""; fprintf(freport, "and has values "); for (q = ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { if (!is_mask(p->info.typ) && q->info.val.i > 0 && q->info.val.i < 128 && isalpha((int)q->info.val.i)) fprintf(freport, "%s `%s` (= '%c' ASCII " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")", c, ident(q->sym->name), (int)q->info.val.i, q->info.val.i); else fprintf(freport, "%s `%s` (= " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")", c, ident(q->sym->name), q->info.val.i); gen_report_member(p, q); c = ","; } } fprintf(freport, ".\n\n"); if (!is_transient(p->info.typ)) { if (cflag) fprintf(freport, "- `(%s *)soap_malloc(struct soap*, sizeof(%s))` managed allocation\n", c_type(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ)); else { fprintf(freport, "- `%s *soap_new_%s(struct soap*)` managed allocation\n", c_type(p->info.typ), c_ident(p->info.typ)); fprintf(freport, "- `%s *soap_new_%s(struct soap*, int n)` managed allocation of array `%s[n]`\n", c_type(p->info.typ), c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ)); } fprintf(freport, "- `void soap_default_%s(struct soap*, %s)` set to default value\n", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type_id(p->info.typ, "*value")); fprintf(freport, "- `const char *soap_%s2s(struct soap*, %s)` returns string-converted value in temporary string buffer\n", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type_id(p->info.typ, "value")); fprintf(freport, "- `int soap_s2%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s)` convert string to value, returns `SOAP_OK` or error code\n", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type_id(p->info.typ, "*value")); if (!wflag) { if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name) && !has_ns_eq("xsd", p->sym->name)) { const char *s = ns_of(p->sym->name); if (s && *s && has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name)) fprintf(freport, "\nThe XSD component of XSD type *`%s`* in schema \"[%s](#doc-namespaces)\" is:\n\n", x, s); else fprintf(freport, "\nThe XSD component of XSD type *`%s`* is:\n\n", x); gen_schema_type(freport, NULL, p, ns, ns, 1, NULL, NULL); } } fprintf(freport, "\n"); } gen_report_hr(); } uflag = uf; } } banner(fheader, "Types with Custom Serializers"); fflush(fheader); if (typetable) { for (p = typetable->list; p; p = p->next) { if (is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_imported(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fheader, "\n\n/* %s:%d */", p->filename, p->lineno); fprintf(fheader, "\n#ifndef %s", soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fheader, "\n#define %s (%d)", soap_type(p->info.typ), p->info.typ->num); fprintf(fheader, "\n%s%s;", c_storage(p->info.sto), c_type_synonym_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); fprintf(fheader, "\n#endif"); } } } if (typetable) { for (p = typetable->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && is_eq(p->info.typ->sym->name, "xsd__QName") && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_imported(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fheader, "\n\n/* %s:%d */", p->filename, p->lineno); fprintf(fheader, "\n#ifndef %s", soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fheader, "\n#define %s (%d)", soap_type(p->info.typ), p->info.typ->num); fprintf(fheader, "\n%sstd::string %s;", c_storage(p->info.sto), ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fheader, "\n#endif\n"); } } } if (classtable && classtable->list) { if (cflag) banner(fheader, "Structs and Unions"); else banner(fheader, "Classes, Structs and Unions"); fflush(fheader); if (rflag) fprintf(freport, "## %sStruct and Union Types {#doc-classes}\n\nThe table below lists the %sstructs and unions declared in [%s](%s) or that are imported:\n\n\n\n", cflag ? "" : "Class, ", cflag ? "" : "classes, ", filename, filename); for (p = classtable->list; p; p = p->next) { if (rflag && p->info.typ->ref && (soap_version >= 0 || (!is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ) && !is_body(p->info.typ)))) fprintf(freport, "\n", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ), p->filename, p->lineno, !is_transient(p->info.typ) ? "yes" : ""); if (!is_imported(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && p->info.typ->ref) { if (!is_header_or_fault(p->info.typ) && !is_body(p->info.typ)) { if (cflag && (p->info.typ->type == Tstruct || p->info.typ->type == Tunion) && p->sym->token == TYPE) fprintf(fheader, "\ntypedef "); else fprintf(fheader, "\n"); if (p->info.typ->type == Tstruct) fprintf(fheader, "struct %s", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (!cflag && p->info.typ->type == Tclass) fprintf(fheader, "class %s", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tunion) fprintf(fheader, "union %s", ident(p->sym->name)); if (cflag && (p->info.typ->type == Tstruct || p->info.typ->type == Tunion) && p->sym->token == TYPE) fprintf(fheader, " %s;", ident(p->sym->name)); else fprintf(fheader, ";"); fprintf(fheader, "\t/* %s:%d */", p->filename, p->lineno); } } } if (rflag) fprintf(freport, "
Type Declared Serializable
%s %s:%d %s
\n\n"); for (p = classtable->list; p; p = p->next) { if (rflag) gen_class(freport, p); gen_class(fheader, p); } } if (typetable) { banner(fheader, "Typedefs"); fflush(fheader); if (rflag) { fprintf(freport, "## Typedefs {#doc-typedefs}\n\n"); fprintf(freport, "A typedef type is serializable if its underlying base type is serializable. Typedefs may declare custom serializers, meaning their underlying types are custom-serialized in XML using serialization rules that differ from the serialization rules of the underlying base type:"); fprintf(freport, "\n\n\n"); } for (p = typetable->list; p; p = p->next) { if (rflag) { if (!is_transient(p->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, "\n", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ), p->filename, p->lineno, is_external(p->info.typ) || is_qname(p->info.typ) || is_stdqname(p->info.typ) || is_XML(p->info.typ) || is_stdXML(p->info.typ) ? "yes" : ""); else fprintf(freport, "\n", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ), p->filename, p->lineno); } if (!wflag && !is_primitive_or_string(p->info.typ) && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_XML(p->info.typ) && !is_transient(p->info.typ) && !has_ns_t(p->info.typ) && !is_imported(p->info.typ) && !is_template(p->info.typ)) { sprintf(errbuf, "serializable typedef '%s' is not namespace qualified: schema definition for '%s' in WSDL file output may be invalid", p->sym->name, p->sym->name); semwarn(errbuf); } if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && is_eq(p->info.typ->sym->name, "xsd__QName") && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_imported(p->info.typ)) continue; if ((!is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_imported(p->info.typ)) || is_synonym(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fheader, "\n\n/* %s:%d */", p->filename, p->lineno); fprintf(fheader, "\n#ifndef %s", soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fheader, "\n#define %s (%d)", soap_type(p->info.typ), p->info.typ->num); fprintf(fheader, "\n%s%s;", c_storage(p->info.sto), c_type_synonym_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); fprintf(fheader, "\n#endif"); } } if (rflag) { fprintf(freport, "
Typedef Type Declared Serializable Custom
%s %s %s:%d yes %s
%s %s %s:%d
\n\n"); for (p = typetable->list; p; p = p->next) { if (!is_transient(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(freport, "\n\n### `%s`\n\n", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_ident(p->info.typ)); gen_report_type_doc(p); fprintf(freport, "This typedef is declared in [%s](%s) at line %d", p->filename, p->filename, p->lineno); if (has_ns_t(p->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, ", is serialized as XSD type *`%s`*", xsi_type(p->info.typ)); if (is_XML(p->info.typ) || is_stdXML(p->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, " and is a built-in string type to serialize XML literally in a string by preserving the XML content"); else if (is_qname(p->info.typ) || is_stdqname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, " and is a built-in string type to normalize and serialize QName(s) in a string, such that namespace prefixes in this string correspond to the namespace prefixes defined in the [namespace table](#doc-namespaces)"); else if (is_anyType(p->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, " and is a built-in XML DOM element node graph"); else if (is_anyAttribute(p->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, " and is a built-in XML DOM attribute list"); else fprintf(freport, " and has underlying base type `%s`", c_type(p->info.typ)); if (is_primitive_or_string(p->info.typ) && (p->info.typ->pattern || p->info.typ->hasmin || p->info.typ->hasmax)) { fprintf(freport, ", which should be\n"); if (p->info.typ->pattern) { if (p->info.typ->pattern[0] == '%' && p->info.typ->pattern[1]) { unsigned int n = (unsigned int)strtoul(p->info.typ->pattern + 1, NULL, 10); unsigned int f = 0; const char *s = strchr(p->info.typ->pattern, '.'); if (s) f = (unsigned int)strtoul(s + 1, NULL, 10); if (n) fprintf(freport, "\n- number of total digits: %u", n); if (f) fprintf(freport, "\n- number of fraction digits: %u", f); } else fprintf(freport, "\n- matching regex pattern \"%s\"", p->info.typ->pattern); } if (p->info.typ->hasmin) { if (p->info.typ->type >= Tfloat && p->info.typ->type <= Tldouble) { if (p->info.typ->incmin) fprintf(freport, "\n- greater than or equal to %lG\n", p->info.typ->min); else fprintf(freport, "\n- greater than %lG\n", p->info.typ->min); } else if (p->info.typ->type >= Tchar && p->info.typ->type <= Tullong) { if (p->info.typ->incmin) fprintf(freport, "\n- greater than or equal to " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "\n", (LONG64)p->info.typ->min); else fprintf(freport, "\n- greater than " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "\n", (LONG64)p->info.typ->min); } else if (p->info.typ->hasmax && p->info.typ->max >= 0 && p->info.typ->incmin && p->info.typ->incmax && p->info.typ->min == p->info.typ->max) fprintf(freport, "\n- equal to " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " characters in length\n", (LONG64)p->info.typ->min); else fprintf(freport, "\n- longer than or equal to " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " characters in length\n", (LONG64)p->info.typ->min); } if (p->info.typ->hasmax) { if (p->info.typ->type >= Tfloat && p->info.typ->type <= Tldouble) { if (p->info.typ->incmax) fprintf(freport, "\n- less than or equal to %lG\n", p->info.typ->max); else fprintf(freport, "\n- less than %lG\n", p->info.typ->max); } else if (p->info.typ->type >= Tchar && p->info.typ->type <= Tullong) { if (p->info.typ->incmax) fprintf(freport, "\n- less than or equal to " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "\n", (LONG64)p->info.typ->max); else fprintf(freport, "\n- less than " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "\n", (LONG64)p->info.typ->max); } else if (p->info.typ->hasmax && p->info.typ->max >= 0 && p->info.typ->incmin && p->info.typ->incmax && p->info.typ->min == p->info.typ->max) ; else fprintf(freport, "\n- shorter than or equal to " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " characters in length\n", (LONG64)p->info.typ->min); } } fprintf(freport, "\n\n"); gen_report_hr(); } } } } banner(fheader, "Serializable Types"); fflush(fheader); if (rflag) { fprintf(freport, "## Summary of Serializable Types {#doc-types}\n\n"); fprintf(freport, "Each serializable %s *Type* with binding name *Name* has a set of auto-generated functions:\n\n", cflag ? "C" : "C/C++"); if (cflag) { fprintf(freport, "- `(Type *)soap_malloc(struct soap*, sizeof(Type))` managed allocation\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `void soap_default_Name(struct soap*, Type*)` initialize or reset *Type* to default\n"); } else { fprintf(freport, "- `Type *soap_new_Name(struct soap*)` managed allocation of class, struct, or enum *Type*\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `Type *soap_new_Name(struct soap*, int n)` managed allocation of an array of class, struct, or enum *Type*\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `(Type *)soap_malloc(struct soap*, sizeof(Type))` managed allocation of primitive *Type* (primitive types are types that are not structs or classes)\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `void soap_default_Name(struct soap*, Type*)` (re)set *Type* to default (see below for class *Type*)\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `void Type::soap_default(struct soap*)` non-volatile class *Type* (re)set to default\n"); } fprintf(freport, "- `const char *soap_strdup(struct saop*, const char*)` managed duplication of string\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `const wchar_t *soap_wstrdup(struct saop*, const wchar_t*)` managed duplication of wide string\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `int soap_read_Name(struct soap*, Type*)` deserialize *Type* from XML, returns `SOAP_OK` or error code\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `int soap_write_Name(struct soap*, Type*)` serialize *Type* to XML, returns `SOAP_OK` or error code\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `const char *soap_Name2s(struct soap*, Type)` primitive *Type* only, returns string-converted *Type* in temporary string buffer\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `int soap_s2Name(struct soap*, const char*, Type*)` primitive *Type* only, convert string to value, returns `SOAP_OK` or error code\n"); if (Ecflag) fprintf(freport, "- `Type *soap_dup_Name(struct soap*, Type *dst, const Type *src)` deep copy `src` to `dst` managed by context or NULL, returning `dst` (if `dst` is NULL then allocates `dst` copy)\n"); if (Edflag) fprintf(freport, "- `void soap_del_Name(struct soap*, Type*)` deep delete if *Type* is not managed\n"); fprintf(freport, "\nEach *Type* also has a unique type id `SOAP_TYPE_Name` that you can use to serialize `void*`\n\nFrom the toolkit documentation:\n\n"); if (cflag) fprintf(freport, "- Set `soap->sendfd = fd` to serialize to an `int fd` file descriptor\n- Set `soap->os = &cs` to serialize to a string `const char *cs`, which will be assigned by the engine and set to point to a managed string that is automatically deleted\n- Set `soap->recvfd = fd` to deserialize from an `int fd` file descriptor\n- Set `soap->is = cs` to deserialize from a `const char *cs` string\n- All managed allocated data is freed by `soap_end(soap)` with context `soap`\n"); else fprintf(freport, "- Set `soap->sendfd = fd` to serialize to an `int fd` file descriptor\n- Set `soap->os = &os` to serialize to a `std::ostream os`\n- Set `soap->recvfd = fd` to deserialize from an `int fd` file descriptor\n- Set `soap->is = &is` to deserialize from a `std::istream`\n- All managed allocated data is deleted by `soap_destroy(soap)` followed by `soap_end(soap)` with context `soap`\n"); fprintf(freport, "\nThe table below lists the serializable types by *Type*, binding *Name*, *Kind*, and the XSD data binding type and/or element. Pointers, arrays, and containers of these types are also serializable:\n\n\n\n", cflag ? "C" : "C/C++"); } for (i = 0; i < TYPES; i++) { if (i != Tnone && i != Tvoid && i != Tsize && i != Tunion && i != Treference && i != Trvalueref && i != Tfun) { Tnode *p; for (p = Tptr[i]; p; p = p->next) { if (!is_transient(p) && !is_invisible(p->id->name)) { fprintf(fheader, "\n\n/* %s has binding name '%s' for type '%s' */", c_type_sym(p), c_ident(p), xsi_type(p)); fprintf(fheader, "\n#ifndef %s", soap_type(p)); fprintf(fheader, "\n#define %s (%d)", soap_type(p), p->num); fprintf(fheader, "\n#endif"); if (rflag && (p->type != Tpointer || is_string(p) || is_wstring(p))) { if ((p->type == Tstruct || p->type == Tclass || p->type == Tenum || p->type == Tenumsc || is_typedef(p)) && !is_stdstr(p)) fprintf(freport, "\n", c_ident(p), c_type_sym(p), c_ident(p), kind_of(p), is_XML(p) ? "(literal XML string)" : is_anyType(p) ? "(XML DOM element)" : is_anyAttribute(p) ? "(XML DOM attribute list)" : xsi_type(p)); else fprintf(freport, "\n", c_type_sym(p), c_ident(p), kind_of(p), is_XML(p) ? "(literal XML string)" : is_anyType(p) ? "(XML DOM element node)" : is_anyAttribute(p) ? "(XML DOM attribute list)" : xsi_type(p)); } } } } } if (rflag) { fprintf(freport, "
%s Type Name Kind XSD
%s %s %s %s
%s %s %s %s
\n\n"); gen_report_hr(); } banner(fheader, "Externals"); fflush(fheader); if (t) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun || (p->info.sto & Sextern)) { fprintf(fheader, "\n\n/* %s:%d */\n", p->filename, p->lineno); if (!(p->info.sto & Sstatic)) fprintf(fheader, "extern "); fprintf(fheader, "%s", c_storage(p->info.sto)); fprintf(fheader, "%s;", c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); } } } fflush(fheader); } void get_namespace_prefixes(void) { Symbol *p, *q; int i, n; const char *s; char buf[256]; if (nslist) return; for (p = symlist; p; p = p->next) { s = p->name; while (*s == '_' || *s == '~') s++; n = (int)(strlen(s) - 2); for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { if (s[i] == ':' || (s[i-1] != '_' && s[i] == '_' && s[i+1] == '_' && s[i+2] && s[i+2] != '_') || (s[i-1] != '_' && (!strncmp(s+i, "___DOT", 6) || !strncmp(s+i, "___USCORE", 9) || (!strncmp(s+i, "___x", 4) && isxdigit(s[i+4]) && isxdigit(s[i+5]) && isxdigit(s[i+6]) && isxdigit(s[i+7]))))) { if (s[i+1] == ':') { i++; continue; } strncpy(buf, s, i); buf[i] = '\0'; if (!strcmp(buf, "SOAP_ENV") || !strcmp(buf, "SOAP_ENC") || !strcmp(buf, "xsd") || !strcmp(buf, "xsi") || !strcmp(buf, "xml") || !strcmp(buf, "std") || !strncmp(buf, "soap_", 5)) goto nsnext; for (q = nslist; q; q = q->next) if (!strcmp(q->name, buf)) goto nsnext; q = (Symbol*)emalloc(sizeof(Symbol)); q->name = (char*)emalloc(i+1); strcpy(q->name, buf); q->name[i] = '\0'; q->next = nslist; nslist = q; break; } } nsnext: ; } q = (Symbol*)emalloc(sizeof(Symbol)); q->name = (char*)emalloc(4); strcpy(q->name, "xsd"); q->next = nslist; nslist = q; q = (Symbol*)emalloc(sizeof(Symbol)); q->name = (char*)emalloc(4); strcpy(q->name, "xsi"); q->next = nslist; nslist = q; q = (Symbol*)emalloc(sizeof(Symbol)); q->name = (char*)emalloc(9); strcpy(q->name, "SOAP-ENC"); q->next = nslist; nslist = q; q = (Symbol*)emalloc(sizeof(Symbol)); q->name = (char*)emalloc(9); strcpy(q->name, "SOAP-ENV"); q->next = nslist; nslist = q; } void generate_schema(Table *t) { Entry *p = NULL; Symbol *ns; const char *name = NULL; const char *URL = NULL; const char *executable = NULL; const char *URI = NULL; const char *style = NULL; const char *encoding = NULL; const char *protocol = NULL; const char *import = NULL; Service *sp = NULL; char buf[1024]; FILE *fd; int flag = 0; get_namespace_prefixes(); for (ns = nslist; ns; ns = ns->next) { if (!strcmp(ns->name, "SOAP-ENV") || !strcmp(ns->name, "SOAP-ENC") || !strcmp(ns->name, "xsi") || !strcmp(ns->name, "xsd")) continue; name = NULL; URL = NULL; executable = NULL; URI = NULL; style = NULL; encoding = NULL; import = NULL; for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (!tagcmp(sp->ns, ns->name)) { name = ns_cname(sp->name, NULL); URL = sp->URL; executable = sp->executable; URI = sp->URI; style = sp->style; encoding = sp->encoding; protocol = sp->protocol; import = sp->import; break; } } if (!URI) { char *s = (char*)emalloc(strlen(tmpURI) + strlen(ns->name) + 6); sprintf(s, "%s/%s.xsd", tmpURI, ns_convert(ns->name)); URI = s; } if (soap_version >= 0 && is_document(style) && encoding && !*encoding) { semwarn("Cannot use document style with SOAP encoding"); encoding = NULL; } if (!name) name = "Service"; if (!import) flag = 1; if (t) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(p->info.sto & Sextern) && has_ns_eq(ns->name, p->sym->name)) { if (name) fprintf(fmsg, "Using %s service name: %s\n", ns->name, name); if (protocol) fprintf(fmsg, "Using %s service protocol: %s\n", ns->name, protocol); if (style && soap_version >= 0) fprintf(fmsg, "Using %s service style: %s\n", ns->name, style); else if (!eflag && soap_version >= 0) fprintf(fmsg, "Using %s service style: document\n", ns->name); if (encoding && *encoding) fprintf(fmsg, "Using %s service encoding: %s\n", ns->name, encoding); else if (encoding && !*encoding && soap_version >= 0) fprintf(fmsg, "Using %s service encoding: encoded\n", ns->name); else if (!eflag && soap_version >= 0) fprintf(fmsg, "Using %s service encoding: literal\n", ns->name); if (URL) fprintf(fmsg, "Using %s service location: %s\n", ns->name, URL); if (executable) fprintf(fmsg, "Using %s service executable: %s\n", ns->name, executable); if (import) fprintf(fmsg, "Using %s schema import namespace: %s\n", ns->name, import); else if (URI) fprintf(fmsg, "Using %s schema namespace: %s\n", ns->name, URI); if (sp && sp->name) sprintf(buf, "%s%s.wsdl", dirpath, ns_cname(name, NULL)); else sprintf(buf, "%s%s.wsdl", dirpath, ns_cname(ns->name, NULL)); if (!wflag && !import) { fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s Web Service description\n", buf); fd = fopen(buf, "w"); if (!fd) execerror("Cannot write WSDL file"); gen_wsdl(fd, t, ns->name, name, URL ? URL : "http://localhost:80", executable, URI, style, encoding, protocol); fclose(fd); } if (!cflag) { if (iflag || jflag) { const char *sname; if (sp && sp->name) sname = sp->name; else sname = ""; if (!Sflag) { const char *name1 = ns_cname(sname, "Proxy"); sprintf(soapProxyH, "%s%s.h", prefix, name1); sprintf(pathsoapProxyH, "%s%s", dirpath, soapProxyH); sprintf(soapProxyC, "%s%s.cpp", prefix, name1); sprintf(pathsoapProxyC, "%s%s", dirpath, soapProxyC); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s client proxy class\n", pathsoapProxyH); fd = fopen(pathsoapProxyH, "w"); if (!fd) execerror("Cannot write proxy class file"); copyrightnote(fd, soapProxyH); if (rflag) gen_proxy_header(freport, t, ns, name1); gen_proxy_header(fd, t, ns, name1); fclose(fd); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s client proxy class\n", pathsoapProxyC); fd = fopen(pathsoapProxyC, "w"); if (!fd) execerror("Cannot write proxy class file"); copyrightnote(fd, soapProxyC); gen_proxy_code(fd, t, ns, name1); fclose(fd); } if (!Cflag) { const char *name1 = ns_cname(sname, "Service"); sprintf(soapServiceH, "%s%s.h", prefix, name1); sprintf(pathsoapServiceH, "%s%s", dirpath, soapServiceH); sprintf(soapServiceC, "%s%s.cpp", prefix, name1); sprintf(pathsoapServiceC, "%s%s", dirpath, soapServiceC); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s service class\n", pathsoapServiceH); fd = fopen(pathsoapServiceH, "w"); if (!fd) execerror("Cannot write service class file"); copyrightnote(fd, soapServiceH); if (rflag) gen_object_header(freport, t, ns, name1); gen_object_header(fd, t, ns, name1); fclose(fd); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s service class\n", pathsoapServiceC); fd = fopen(pathsoapServiceC, "w"); if (!fd) execerror("Cannot write service class file"); copyrightnote(fd, soapServiceC); gen_object_code(fd, t, ns, name1); fclose(fd); } } else if (zflag == 1) { if (!Sflag && sp && sp->name) { sprintf(buf, "%s%s%s.h", dirpath, prefix, ns_cname(name, "Proxy")); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s simple client proxy (deprecated)\n", buf); fd = fopen(buf, "w"); if (!fd) execerror("Cannot write proxy file"); sprintf(buf, "%s%s.h", prefix, ns_cname(name, "Proxy")); copyrightnote(fd, buf); gen_proxy(fd, t, ns, name, URL ? URL : "http://localhost:80"); fclose(fd); } else if (!Sflag) { sprintf(buf, "%s%s.h", dirpath, ns_cname(prefix, "Proxy")); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s simple client proxy (deprecated)\n", buf); fd = fopen(buf, "w"); if (!fd) execerror("Cannot write proxy file"); sprintf(buf, "%s.h", ns_cname(prefix, "Proxy")); copyrightnote(fd, buf); gen_proxy(fd, t, ns, "Service", URL ? URL : "http://localhost:80"); fclose(fd); } if (!Cflag && sp && sp->name) { sprintf(buf, "%s%s%s.h", dirpath, prefix, ns_cname(name, "Object")); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s simple server object (deprecated)\n", buf); fd = fopen(buf, "w"); if (!fd) execerror("Cannot write server object file"); sprintf(buf, "%s%s.h", prefix, ns_cname(name, "Object")); copyrightnote(fd, buf); gen_object(fd, t, name); fclose(fd); } else if (!Cflag) { sprintf(buf, "%s%s.h", dirpath, ns_cname(prefix, "Object")); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s simple server object (deprecated)\n", buf); fd = fopen(buf, "w"); if (!fd) execerror("Cannot write server object file"); sprintf(buf, "%s.h", ns_cname(prefix, "Object")); copyrightnote(fd, buf); gen_object(fd, t, "Service"); fclose(fd); } } } if (!xflag) { strcpy(buf, dirpath); if (sp && sp->name) strcat(buf, ns_fname(name)); else strcat(buf, ns_fname(ns->name)); strcat(buf, "."); gen_data(buf, t, ns->name, encoding); } break; } } if (sp && sp->name) { has_nsmap = 1; if (nflag) sprintf(buf, "%s%s.nsmap", dirpath, prefix); else sprintf(buf, "%s%s.nsmap", dirpath, ns_cname(name, NULL)); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s namespace mapping table\n", buf); fd = fopen(buf, "w"); if (!fd) execerror("Cannot write nsmap file"); fprintf(fd, "\n#include \"%sH.h\"", prefix); if (nflag) fprintf(fd, "\nSOAP_NMAC struct Namespace %s_namespaces[] = ", prefix); else fprintf(fd, "\nSOAP_NMAC struct Namespace namespaces[] = "); gen_nsmap(fd); fclose(fd); if (rflag) { Symbol *ns1; fprintf(freport, "## Schemas and Namespaces {#doc-namespaces}\n\nThe following schemas and namespaces are used in addition to the predefined SOAP and built-in XSD namespaces:\n\n"); for (ns1 = nslist; ns1; ns1 = ns1->next) { if (strcmp(ns1->name, "SOAP-ENV") && strcmp(ns1->name, "SOAP-ENC") && strcmp(ns1->name, "xsi") && strcmp(ns1->name, "xsd")) { Service *sp1; for (sp1 = services; sp1; sp1 = sp1->next) if (!tagcmp(sp1->ns, ns1->name) && sp1->URI) break; if (sp1) fprintf(freport, "- Prefix `%s` is bound to namespace URI *`%s`*", ns_convert(ns1->name), sp1->URI); else fprintf(freport, "- Prefix `%s` is bound to namespace URI *`%s/%s.xsd`*", ns_convert(ns1->name), tmpURI, ns_convert(ns1->name)); if (!wflag) { if (sp1 && sp1->name) fprintf(freport, " of service WSDL [%s.wsdl](%s%s.wsdl) and schema [%s.xsd](%s%s.xsd)", ns_cname(sp1->name, NULL), dirpath, ns_cname(sp1->name, NULL), ns_cname(ns1->name, NULL), dirpath, ns_cname(ns1->name, NULL)); else fprintf(freport, " of schema [%s.xsd](%s%s.xsd)", ns_cname(ns1->name, NULL), dirpath, ns_cname(ns1->name, NULL)); } if (sp1 && (sp1->elementForm || sp1->attributeForm)) fprintf(freport, " with local element form default *`%s`* and attribute form default *`%s`*\n", sp->elementForm?sp->elementForm:"unqualified", sp->attributeForm?sp->attributeForm:"unqualified"); else fprintf(freport, " with local element and attribute form default *`unqualified`*\n"); } } fprintf(freport, "\nThe following namespace table is saved to %s%s.nsmap:\n\n", dirpath, nflag ? prefix : ns_cname(name, NULL)); if (nflag) fprintf(freport, " struct Namespace %s_namespaces[] = ", prefix); else fprintf(freport, " struct Namespace namespaces[] = "); gen_nsmap(freport); fprintf(freport, "\nThe table binds XML namespace prefixes (first column) to namespace URIs (second column), similar to xmlns:prefix=\"URI\" in XML. The third column is a URI pattern with `*` wildcards that is also accepted as a valid namespace URI for inbound XML messages. The fourth column is NULL. This table is globally defined for the gSOAP engine. The engine context will look for it unless you compiled the gSOAP source codes with `-DWITH_NONAMESPACES`. You must assign this or another namespace table with `soap_set_namespaces(struct soap *soap, struct Namespace *namespaces)` after initializing the context and before processing XML.\n\n"); gen_report_hr(); } if (Cflag) Tflag = 0; if (Tflag) { Entry *method; const char *name1 = NULL; Tflag = 0; strcpy(soapTester, prefix); strcat(soapTester, "Tester"); if (cflag) strcat(soapTester, ".c"); else strcat(soapTester, ".cpp"); strcpy(pathsoapTester, dirpath); strcat(pathsoapTester, soapTester); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s server auto-test code\n", pathsoapTester); fd = fopen(pathsoapTester, "w"); if (!fd) execerror("Cannot write to file"); copyrightnote(fd, soapTester); fprintf(fd, "\n/*\n Stand-alone server auto-test code:\n Takes request from standard input or over TCP/IP socket and returns\nresponse to standard output or socket\n\n Compile:\n cc soapTester.c soapServer.c soapC.c stdsoap2.c\n\n Command line usage with redirect over stdin/out:\n > ./a.out < SomeTest.req.xml\n > ./a.out 12288 < SomeTest.req.xml\n Note: 12288 = SOAP_XML_INDENT | SOAP_XML_STRICT (see codes in stdsoap2.h)\n Command line usage to start server at port 8080:\n > a.out 12288 8080\n*/\n\n#include \""); if (iflag || jflag) { const char *sname; if (sp && sp->name) sname = sp->name; else sname = ""; name1 = ns_cname(sname, "Service"); fprintf(fd, "%s%s%s.h\"\n\n#ifndef SOAP_DEFMAIN\n# define SOAP_DEFMAIN main\t/* redefine to use your own main() */\n#endif\n\nint SOAP_DEFMAIN(int argc, char **argv)\n{\n\t%s service(argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0);\n\tif (argc <= 2)\n\t\treturn service.serve();\n\twhile (service.run(atoi(argv[2])) != SOAP_OK && service.%serror != SOAP_TCP_ERROR)\n\t\tservice.soap_print_fault(stderr);\n\treturn 0;\n}\n", dirpath, prefix, name1, name1, iflag ? "" : "soap->"); } else fprintf(fd, "%s%s.nsmap\"\n\n#ifndef SOAP_DEFMAIN\n# define SOAP_DEFMAIN main\t/* redefine to use your own main() */\n#endif\n\nint SOAP_DEFMAIN(int argc, char **argv)\n{\n\tstruct soap *soap = soap_new1(argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0);\n\tif (argc <= 2)\n\t\treturn %s_serve(soap);\n\tif (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, atoi(argv[2]), 100)))\n\t\twhile (soap_valid_socket(soap_accept(soap)))\n\t\t{\tif (%s_serve(soap))\n\t\t\t\tsoap_print_fault(soap, stderr);\n\t\t\tsoap_destroy(soap);\n\t\t\tsoap_end(soap);\n\t\t}\n\tsoap_destroy(soap);\n\tsoap_end(soap);\n\tsoap_free(soap);\n\treturn 0;\n}\n", dirpath, nflag?prefix:ns_cname(name, NULL), nflag?prefix:"soap", nflag?prefix:"soap"); for (method = t->list; method; method = method->next) { if (method->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(method->info.sto & Sextern)) { Entry *p = NULL, *q = entry(t, method->sym); Table *r; if (q) p = (Entry*)q->info.typ->ref; else { fprintf(stderr, "Internal error: no table entry\n"); return; } q = entry(classtable, method->sym); r = (Table*)q->info.typ->ref; if (iflag || jflag) fprintf(fd, "\n\n/** Auto-test server operation %s */\nint %s::%s(", method->sym->name, name1, ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL)); else fprintf(fd, "\n\n/** Auto-test server operation %s */\nint %s(struct soap *soap", method->sym->name, ident(method->sym->name)); gen_params(fd, r, p, !iflag && !jflag); /* single param to single param echo */ if (p && r && r->list && r->list->info.typ == p->info.typ) fprintf(fd, "\n{\t/* Echo request-response parameter */\n\t*%s = *%s;\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}\n", ident(p->sym->name), ident(r->list->sym->name)); else if (p && r && r->list && p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && r->list->info.typ == (Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) fprintf(fd, "\n{\t/* Echo request-response parameter */\n\t*%s = %s;\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}\n", ident(p->sym->name), ident(r->list->sym->name)); else if (p && r && r->list && p->info.typ->type == Treference && r->list->info.typ == (Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) fprintf(fd, "\n{\t/* Echo request-response parameter */\n\t%s = %s;\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}\n", ident(p->sym->name), ident(r->list->sym->name)); else if (p && r && r->list && p->info.typ->type == Treference && r->list->info.typ->type == Tpointer && r->list->info.typ->ref == (Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) fprintf(fd, "\n{\t/* Echo request-response parameter */\n\t%s = *%s;\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}\n", ident(p->sym->name), ident(r->list->sym->name)); /* params to wrapped params echo */ else { fprintf(fd, "\n{\t(void)soap; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); if (r && p && p->info.typ->ref && ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref && (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct || ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass)) { const char *s, *a; int d = 1; s = ident(p->sym->name); if (p->info.typ->type == Treference || p->info.typ->type == Trvalueref) a = "."; else a = "->"; for (p = ((Table*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref)->list, q = r->list; p && q; p = p->next, q = q->next) { if (p->info.typ == q->info.typ) fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s%s%s = %s;", s, a, ident(p->sym->name), ident(q->sym->name)); else if (q->info.typ->type == Tpointer && p->info.typ == (Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref) fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s%s%s = *%s;", s, a, ident(p->sym->name), ident(q->sym->name)); else d = 0; } if (!d) fprintf(fd, "\n\t/* Returns incomplete response containing some default data values */"); } fprintf(fd, "\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}\n"); } fflush(fd); } } fclose(fd); } } } if (!wflag && !import) { sprintf(buf, "%s%s.xsd", dirpath, ns_cname(ns->name, NULL)); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s XML schema\n", buf); fd = fopen(buf, "w"); if (!fd) execerror("Cannot write schema file"); fprintf(fd, "\n"); gen_schema(fd, t, ns->name, ns->name, 1, style, encoding); fclose(fd); } } if (!has_nsmap) { if (Tflag) fprintf(fmsg, "Warning: cannot save soapTester, need directive //gsoap service name\n"); for (ns = nslist; ns; ns = ns->next) if (strcmp(ns->name, "SOAP-ENV") && strcmp(ns->name, "SOAP-ENC") && strcmp(ns->name, "xsi") && strcmp(ns->name, "xsd")) break; if (nflag) sprintf(buf, "%s%s.nsmap", dirpath, prefix); else if (ns && ns->name) sprintf(buf, "%s%s.nsmap", dirpath, ns_cname(ns->name, NULL)); else sprintf(buf, "%ssoap.nsmap", dirpath); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s namespace mapping table\n", buf); fd = fopen(buf, "w"); if (!fd) execerror("Cannot write nsmap file"); fprintf(fd, "\n#include \"%sH.h\"", prefix); if (nflag) fprintf(fd, "\nSOAP_NMAC struct Namespace %s_namespaces[] = ", prefix); else fprintf(fd, "\nSOAP_NMAC struct Namespace namespaces[] = "); gen_nsmap(fd); fclose(fd); if (rflag) { Symbol *ns1; fprintf(freport, "## Schemas and Namespaces {#doc-namespaces}\n\nThe following schemas and namespaces are used in addition to the predefined SOAP and built-in XSD namespaces:\n\n"); for (ns1 = nslist; ns1; ns1 = ns1->next) { if (strcmp(ns1->name, "SOAP-ENV") && strcmp(ns1->name, "SOAP-ENC") && strcmp(ns1->name, "xsi") && strcmp(ns1->name, "xsd")) { fprintf(freport, "- Prefix `%s` is bound to namespace URI *`%s/%s.xsd`*", ns_convert(ns1->name), tmpURI, ns_convert(ns1->name)); if (!wflag) fprintf(freport, " of schema [%s.xsd](%s%s.xsd)", ns_cname(ns1->name, NULL), dirpath, ns_cname(ns1->name, NULL)); else fprintf(freport, " with local element and attribute form default *`unqualified`*\n"); } } fprintf(freport, "\nThe following namespace table is saved to %s:\n\n", buf); if (nflag) fprintf(freport, " struct Namespace %s_namespaces[] = ", prefix); else fprintf(freport, " struct Namespace namespaces[] = "); gen_nsmap(freport); fprintf(freport, "\nThe table binds XML namespace prefixes (first column) to namespace URIs (second column), similar to xmlns:prefix=\"URI\" in XML. The third column is a URI pattern with `*` wildcards that is also accepted as a valid namespace URI for inbound XML messages. The fourth column is NULL (and can be omitted). This table is globally defined for the gSOAP engine and the engine context will look for it unless you compiled the gSOAP source codes with `-DWITH_NONAMESPACES`. Then assign this or another namespace table with `soap_set_namespaces(struct soap *soap, struct Namespace *namespaces)` after initializing the context and before processing XML.\n\n"); gen_report_hr(); } } } int chkhdr(const char *part) { Entry *p; p = entry(classtable, lookup("SOAP_ENV__Header")); if (p) for (p = ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref)->list; p; p = p->next) if (has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name) && (!strcmp(part, p->sym->name) || is_eq_nons(part, p->sym->name))) return 1; sprintf(errbuf, "Cannot define method-header-part in WSDL: SOAP_ENV__Header \"%s\" member field is not qualified", part); semwarn(errbuf); return 0; } void gen_wsdl(FILE *fd, Table *t, const char *ns, const char *name, const char *URL, const char *executable, const char *URI, const char *style, const char *encoding, const char *protocol) { Entry *p, *q, *r; Symbol *s; Service *sp, *sp2; Method *m; const char *mimein = NULL, *mimeout = NULL; int prot, mask = 0x00; /* 0x01 = SOAP, 0x02 = GET, 0x04 = PUT, 0x08 = DELETE, 0x10 = POST */ const char *action, *method_style = NULL, *method_encoding = NULL, *method_response_encoding = NULL; const char *portname; const char *binding; fprintf(fd, "\n"); for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) if (!tagcmp(sp->ns, ns)) break; if (sp && sp->definitions) fprintf(fd, "definitions); else fprintf(fd, "WSDL) fprintf(fd, " targetNamespace=\"%s\"\n xmlns:tns=\"%s\"", sp->WSDL, sp->WSDL); else fprintf(fd, " targetNamespace=\"%s/%s.wsdl\"\n xmlns:tns=\"%s/%s.wsdl\"", URI, name, URI, name); if (sp && sp->binding) binding = ns_cname(sp->binding, NULL); else binding = name; if (sp && sp->portname) portname = ns_cname(sp->portname, NULL); else portname = name; for (s = nslist; s; s = s->next) { for (sp2 = services; sp2; sp2 = sp2->next) if (!tagcmp(sp2->ns, s->name) && sp2->URI) break; if (sp2) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:%s=\"%s\"", ns_convert(s->name), sp2->URI); else if (!strcmp(s->name, "SOAP-ENV")) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"%s\"", envURI); else if (!strcmp(s->name, "SOAP-ENC")) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:SOAP-ENC=\"%s\"", encURI); else if (!strcmp(s->name, "xsi")) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:xsi=\"%s\"", xsiURI); else if (!strcmp(s->name, "xsd")) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:xsd=\"%s\"", xsdURI); else fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:%s=\"%s/%s.xsd\"", ns_convert(s->name), tmpURI, ns_convert(s->name)); } if (is_soap12(encoding)) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:SOAP=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/\""); else fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:SOAP=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/\""); fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:HTTP=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/\""); fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:MIME=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/mime/\""); fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:DIME=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2002/04/dime/wsdl/\""); fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:WSDL=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/\""); fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/\">\n\n"); fprintf(fd, "\n\n"); for (s = nslist; s; s = s->next) gen_schema(fd, t, ns, s->name, !strcmp(s->name, ns), style, encoding); fprintf(fd, "\n\n"); fflush(fd); if (t) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(p->info.sto & Sextern) && has_ns_eq(ns, p->sym->name)) { mimein = NULL; mimeout = NULL; method_style = style; method_encoding = encoding; method_response_encoding = NULL; if (sp) { for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) { if (is_eq_nons(m->name, p->sym->name)) { if (m->mess&MIMEIN) mimein = m->part; if (m->mess&MIMEOUT) mimeout = m->part; if (m->mess == ENCODING) method_encoding = m->part; else if (m->mess == RESPONSE_ENCODING) method_response_encoding = m->part; else if (m->mess == STYLE) method_style = m->part; } } } if (!method_response_encoding) method_response_encoding = method_encoding; if (get_response(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, "\n", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); fflush(fd); if (is_document(method_style)) { if (is_invisible(p->sym->name)) { q = entry(classtable, p->sym); if (q) { q = ((Table*)q->info.typ->ref)->list; if (q) { if (is_invisible(q->sym->name)) { r = entry(classtable, q->sym); if (r) { r = ((Table*)r->info.typ->ref)->list; if (r) { fprintf(fd, " sym, r, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } } else { fprintf(fd, " sym, q, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } } } else { fprintf(fd, " sym, p, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } else { q = entry(classtable, p->sym); if (q) { for (q = ((Table*)q->info.typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { if (!is_transient(q->info.typ) && !(q->info.sto & Sattribute) && q->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_repetition(q) && !is_anytype(q)) { if (is_XML(q->info.typ) || is_stdXML(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else { fprintf(fd, " sym->name), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns)); if (gen_member_documentation(fd, p->sym, q, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } } } } if (mimein) fprintf(fd, " \n"); fprintf(fd, "\n\n"); fflush(fd); q = (Entry*)p->info.typ->ref; for (r = t->list; r; r = r->next) if (r != p && r->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(r->info.sto & Sextern) && q == (Entry*)r->info.typ->ref) q = NULL; if (q && is_transient(q->info.typ)) ; else if (q && !is_response(q->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, "\n", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); if (is_document(method_style)) fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_add(p, ns)); else if (is_literal(method_response_encoding)) { fprintf(fd, " sym->name), ns_add(q, ns)); if (gen_member_documentation(fd, p->sym, q, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } else if (is_XML((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref) || is_stdXML((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else { fprintf(fd, " sym->name), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns)); if (gen_member_documentation(fd, p->sym, q, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } if (mimeout) fprintf(fd, " \n"); fprintf(fd, "\n\n"); } else if (q && q->info.typ->wsdl == False) { q->info.typ->wsdl = True; fprintf(fd, "\n", ns_remove(((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->id->name)); if (is_document(method_style)) { if (has_ns_eq(NULL, ((Entry*)p->info.typ->ref)->sym->name)) fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_convert(((Entry*)p->info.typ->ref)->sym->name)); else if (is_invisible(((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->id->name)) { r = ((Table*)((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->ref)->list; if (r) { fprintf(fd, " sym, r, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } else { fprintf(fd, " info.typ->ref)->id->name)); if (gen_member_documentation(fd, p->sym, q, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } else { if (((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->ref) { for (q = ((Table*)((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { if (!is_transient(q->info.typ) && !(q->info.sto & Sattribute) && q->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_repetition(q) && !is_anytype(q)) { if (is_XML(q->info.typ) || is_stdXML(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else { fprintf(fd, " sym->name), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns)); if (gen_member_documentation(fd, p->sym, q, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } } } } if (mimeout) fprintf(fd, " \n"); fprintf(fd, "\n\n"); } fflush(fd); } } if (custom_header) { Table *r; fprintf(fd, "\n", name); r = (Table*)entry(classtable, lookup("SOAP_ENV__Header"))->info.typ->ref; if (r) { for (q = r->list; q; q = q->next) { if (!is_transient(q->info.typ) && !(q->info.sto & Sattribute) && q->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_repetition(q) && !is_anytype(q)) fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_remove(q->sym->name), ns_add(q, ns)); } } fprintf(fd, "\n\n"); } if (custom_fault) { Table *r; fprintf(fd, "\n", name); r = (Table*)entry(classtable, lookup("SOAP_ENV__Detail"))->info.typ->ref; if (r) for (q = r->list; q; q = q->next) if (!is_transient(q->info.typ) && !is_repetition(q) && !is_anytype(q) && !(q->info.sto & Sattribute) && q->info.typ->type != Tfun && has_ns_eq(NULL, q->sym->name)) { fprintf(fd, " sym->name), ns_add(q, ns)); if (gen_member_documentation(fd, q->sym, q, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } fprintf(fd, "\n\n"); } if (sp) { for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) { if (m->mess&FAULT && m->part) { Method *m2; int flag = 0; for (m2 = sp->list; m2 && m2 != m; m2 = m2->next) if (m2->mess&FAULT && !strcmp(m2->part, m->part)) flag = 1; if (!flag) { if (typetable) for (p = typetable->list; p; p = p->next) if ((m->mess&FAULT) && is_eq(m->part, p->info.typ->sym->name)) break; if (!p && classtable) for (p = classtable->list; p; p = p->next) if ((m->mess&FAULT) && is_eq(m->part, p->info.typ->id->name)) break; if (p) { fprintf(fd, "\n", ns_remove(m->part)); fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_convert(m->part)); fprintf(fd, "\n\n"); flag = 0; if (custom_fault) { Table *r; r = (Table*)entry(classtable, lookup("SOAP_ENV__Detail"))->info.typ->ref; if (r) for (q = r->list; q; q = q->next) if (!is_transient(q->info.typ) && !is_repetition(q) && !is_anytype(q) && !(q->info.sto & Sattribute) && q->info.typ->type != Tfun && (!strcmp(q->sym->name, m->part) || !strcmp(q->sym->name + 1, m->part))) { flag = 1; break; } } if (!flag) { sprintf(errbuf, "//gsoap %s method-fault %s %s directive does not refer to a member of struct SOAP_ENV__Detail: suggest to define struct SOAP_ENV__Detail with member %s", sp->ns, m->name, m->part, m->part); semwarn(errbuf); } } else { sprintf(errbuf, "//gsoap %s method-fault %s %s directive does not refer to struct/class or typedef: should globablly define fault %s as type (typedef or struct/class)", sp->ns, m->name, m->part, m->part); semwarn(errbuf); } } } } } fflush(fd); if (sp && sp->porttype) fprintf(fd, "\n", sp->porttype); else fprintf(fd, "\n", ns_cname(name, "PortType")); if (protocol) { if (strncmp(protocol, "SOAP", 4)) { if (strstr(protocol, "GET")) mask = 0x02; else if (strstr(protocol, "PUT")) mask = 0x04; else if (strstr(protocol, "DELETE")) mask = 0x08; else /* POST */ mask = 0x10; } else mask = 0x01; } for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(p->info.sto & Sextern) && has_ns_eq(ns, p->sym->name)) { if (sp) { for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) { if (m->mess == PROTOCOL) { if (strncmp(m->part, "SOAP", 4)) { if (strstr(m->part, "GET")) mask |= 0x02; else if (strstr(m->part, "PUT")) mask |= 0x04; else if (strstr(m->part, "DELETE")) mask |= 0x08; else /* POST */ mask |= 0x10; } else mask |= 0x01; } } } if (!mask) { if (soap_version < 0) mask = 0x10; /* -0 option: use POST */ else mask = 0x01; } fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_method_documentation(fd, p, ns); if (get_response(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); q = (Entry*)p->info.typ->ref; if (q && is_transient(q->info.typ)) ; else if (q && !is_response(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); else if (q) fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_remove(((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->id->name)); if (sp) for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) if ((m->mess&FAULT) && is_eq_nons(m->name, p->sym->name)) fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_remove(m->part), ns_remove(m->part)); fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } fprintf(fd, "\n\n"); for (prot = 0x01; prot <= 0x10; prot <<= 1) { if ((prot & mask)) { const char *v = "", *b = ""; switch (prot) { case 0x01: v = ""; b = "SOAP"; break; case 0x02: v = "GET"; b = "HTTP"; break; case 0x04: v = "PUT"; b = "HTTP"; break; case 0x08: v = "DELETE"; b = "HTTP"; break; case 0x10: v = "POST"; b = "HTTP"; break; } fprintf(fd, "porttype) fprintf(fd, "type=\"tns:%s\">\n porttype); else fprintf(fd, "type=\"tns:%s\">\n porttype) fprintf(fd, "type=\"tns:%s\">\n porttype); else fprintf(fd, "type=\"tns:%s\">\n transport) fprintf(fd, " transport=\"%s\"/>\n", sp->transport); else fprintf(fd, " transport=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http\"/>\n"); } else { if (sp && sp->porttype) fprintf(fd, "type=\"tns:%s\">\n \n", sp->porttype, v); else fprintf(fd, "type=\"tns:%s\">\n \n", ns_cname(name, "PortType"), v); } fflush(fd); for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(p->info.sto & Sextern) && has_ns_eq(ns, p->sym->name)) { action = ""; mimein = NULL; mimeout = NULL; method_style = style; method_encoding = encoding; method_response_encoding = NULL; if (sp) { int v = 0x01; if (sp->protocol) { if (strncmp(sp->protocol, "SOAP", 4)) { if (strstr(sp->protocol, "GET")) v = 0x02; else if (strstr(sp->protocol, "PUT")) v = 0x04; else if (strstr(sp->protocol, "DELETE")) v = 0x08; else /* POST */ v = 0x10; } } for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) { if (is_eq_nons(m->name, p->sym->name)) { if (m->mess&MIMEIN) mimein = m->part; if (m->mess&MIMEOUT) mimeout = m->part; if (m->mess == ENCODING) method_encoding = m->part; else if (m->mess == RESPONSE_ENCODING) method_response_encoding = m->part; else if (m->mess == STYLE) method_style = m->part; else if (m->mess == ACTION || m->mess == REQUEST_ACTION) action = m->part; else if (m->mess == RESPONSE_ACTION) action = m->part; else if (m->mess == PROTOCOL) { if (strncmp(m->part, "SOAP", 4)) { if (strstr(m->part, "GET")) v = 0x02; else if (strstr(m->part, "PUT")) v = 0x04; else if (strstr(m->part, "DELETE")) v = 0x08; else /* POST */ v = 0x10; } else v = 0x1; } } } if (soap_version < 0) v = 0x10; /* -0 option: POST */ if (prot != v) continue; } if (!method_response_encoding) method_response_encoding = method_encoding; fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); if (prot == 0x01) { if (is_document(style)) { if (is_document(method_style)) { if (is_soap12(encoding) && !*action) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else if (*action == '"') fprintf(fd, " \n", action); else fprintf(fd, " \n", action); } else if (is_soap12(encoding) && !*action) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else if (*action == '"') fprintf(fd, " \n", action); else fprintf(fd, " \n", action); } else { if (is_document(method_style)) { if (is_soap12(encoding) && !*action) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else if (*action == '"') fprintf(fd, " \n", action); else fprintf(fd, " \n", action); } else if (is_soap12(encoding) && !*action) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else if (*action == '"') fprintf(fd, " \n", action); else fprintf(fd, " \n", action); } } else { if (!*action) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else if (*action == '"') fprintf(fd, " \n", action); else fprintf(fd, " \n", action); } fprintf(fd, " \n"); q = entry(classtable, p->sym); if (prot == 0x01) { if (mimein) fprintf(fd, " \n \n"); if (is_literal(method_encoding) || (q && (q = (((Table*)q->info.typ->ref)->list)) && q && is_XML(q->info.typ))) { if (is_document(method_style)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else fprintf(fd, " \n", URI); } else { if (encoding && *encoding) fprintf(fd, " \n", URI, encoding); else if (method_encoding && *method_encoding) fprintf(fd, " \n", URI, method_encoding); else fprintf(fd, " \n", URI, encURI); if (!eflag) { sprintf(errbuf, "operation '%s' is not compliant with WS-I Basic Profile 1.0a, reason: uses SOAP encoding", p->sym->name); compliancewarn(errbuf); } } if (custom_header) { m = NULL; if (sp) { for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) if (is_eq_nons(m->name, p->sym->name) && (m->mess&HDRIN)) { if (chkhdr(m->part)) fprintf(fd, " \n", name, ns_remove(m->part)); } } } if (mimein) { if (sp) { for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) { if (is_eq_nons(m->name, p->sym->name) && (m->mess&MIMEIN)) fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n", m->part); } } fprintf(fd, " \n \n"); } } else if (prot == 0x02) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else { if (mimein) fprintf(fd, " \n", mimein); else if (!q || is_document(method_style)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_remove(q->sym->name)); } fprintf(fd, " \n"); q = (Entry*)p->info.typ->ref; if (!q || !q->info.typ->ref) { fprintf(fd, " \n"); continue; } if (prot != 0x04) { fprintf(fd, " \n"); if (prot == 0x01) { if (mimeout) fprintf(fd, " \n \n"); if (is_literal(method_response_encoding) || is_XML((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)) { if (is_document(method_style)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else fprintf(fd, " \n", URI); } else if (encoding && *encoding) fprintf(fd, " \n", URI, encoding); else if (method_response_encoding && *method_response_encoding) fprintf(fd, " \n", URI, method_response_encoding); else fprintf(fd, " \n", URI, encURI); if (custom_header) { if (sp) for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) if (is_eq_nons(m->name, p->sym->name) && (m->mess&HDROUT)) { if (chkhdr(m->part)) fprintf(fd, " \n", name, ns_remove(m->part)); } } if (mimeout) { if (sp) { for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) { if (is_eq_nons(m->name, p->sym->name) && (m->mess&MIMEOUT)) fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n", m->part); } } fprintf(fd, " \n \n"); } } else { q = (Entry*)p->info.typ->ref; if (is_document(method_style)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else if (q && !is_transient(q->info.typ) && !is_response(q->info.typ) && is_literal(method_response_encoding)) fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_remove(q->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, " \n"); } fprintf(fd, " \n"); } if (sp) for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) if ((m->mess&FAULT) && is_eq_nons(m->name, p->sym->name)) fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n", ns_remove(m->part), ns_remove(m->part)); fprintf(fd, " \n"); fflush(fd); } } fprintf(fd, "\n\n"); } } } fprintf(fd, "\n", name); if (sp && sp->documentation) fprintf(fd, " %s\n", sp->documentation); else fprintf(fd, " gSOAP " VERSION " generated service definition\n"); if (executable) fprintf(fd, " \n \n ", portname, binding, URL, executable); for (prot = 0x01; prot <= 0x10; prot <<= 1) { if ((prot & mask)) { const char *s, *t, *v = "", *b = ""; switch (prot) { case 0x01: v = ""; b = "SOAP"; break; case 0x02: v = "GET"; b = "HTTP"; break; case 0x04: v = "PUT"; b = "HTTP"; break; case 0x08: v = "DELETE"; b = "HTTP"; break; case 0x10: v = "POST"; b = "HTTP"; break; } fprintf(fd, " \n", portname, v, binding, v); for (s = URL; s; s = t) { int n; t = strchr(s, ' '); if (t) { n = (int)(t - s); t++; } else n = (int)strlen(s); fprintf(fd, " <%s:address location=\"%.*s\"/>\n", b, n, s); } fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } fprintf(fd, "\n\n\n"); } const char * default_value(Entry *e) { const char *a; Entry *q; static char buf[4096]; buf[0] = '\0'; if (e->info.sto & Sconst) a = "fixed"; else a = "default"; if (e->info.hasval) { switch (e->info.typ->type) { case Tchar: case Twchar: case Tuchar: case Tshort: case Tushort: case Tint: case Tuint: case Tlong: case Tllong: case Tulong: case Tullong: case Tsize: sprintf(buf, " %s=\"" SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "\"", a, e->info.val.i); break; case Tfloat: case Tdouble: case Tldouble: sprintf(buf, " %s=\"%g\"", a, e->info.val.r); break; case Ttime: break; /* should get value? */ case Tenum: case Tenumsc: for (q = ((Table*)e->info.typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { if (q->info.val.i == e->info.val.i) { sprintf(buf, " %s=\"%s\"", a, ns_remove2(q->sym->name, c_ident(e->info.typ))); break; } } break; default: if (e->info.val.s && strlen(e->info.val.s) < sizeof(buf)-12) sprintf(buf, " %s=\"%s\"", a, xstring(e->info.val.s)); break; } } return buf; } const char * nillable(Tnode *typ) { if (typ->type == Tpointer) return "true"; return "false"; } void gen_schema(FILE *fd, Table *t, const char *ns1, const char *ns, int all, const char *style, const char *encoding) { Entry *p, *q, *r; Tnode *n; Symbol *s; Service *sp, *sp2; Method *m; int flag; if (!strcmp(ns, "SOAP-ENV") || !strcmp(ns, "SOAP-ENC") || !strcmp(ns, "xsi") || !strcmp(ns, "xsd")) return; for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) if (!tagcmp(sp->ns, ns) && sp->URI) break; if (sp && sp->import) return; fprintf(fd, " URI); else fprintf(fd, "targetNamespace=\"%s/%s.xsd\"", tmpURI, ns_convert(ns)); for (s = nslist; s; s = s->next) { for (sp2 = services; sp2; sp2 = sp2->next) if (!tagcmp(sp2->ns, s->name) && sp2->URI) break; if (sp2) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:%s=\"%s\"", ns_convert(s->name), sp2->URI); else if (!strcmp(s->name, "SOAP-ENV")) { if (soap_version >= 0) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"%s\"", envURI); } else if (!strcmp(s->name, "SOAP-ENC")) { if (soap_version >= 0) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:SOAP-ENC=\"%s\"", encURI); } else if (!strcmp(s->name, "xsi")) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:xsi=\"%s\"", xsiURI); else if (!strcmp(s->name, "xsd")) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:xsd=\"%s\"", xsdURI); else fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:%s=\"%s/%s.xsd\"", ns_convert(s->name), tmpURI, ns_convert(s->name)); } fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns=\"%s\"\n", xsdURI); if (sp && (sp->elementForm || sp->attributeForm)) fprintf(fd, " elementFormDefault=\"%s\"\n attributeFormDefault=\"%s\">\n", sp->elementForm?sp->elementForm:"unqualified", sp->attributeForm?sp->attributeForm:"unqualified"); else fprintf(fd, " elementFormDefault=\"unqualified\"\n attributeFormDefault=\"unqualified\">\n"); fflush(fd); flag = 0; for (s = nslist; s; s = s->next) { for (sp2 = services; sp2; sp2 = sp2->next) if (sp2 != sp && !tagcmp(sp2->ns, s->name) && sp2->URI) break; if (sp2) { fprintf(fd, " URI); if (sp2->import) fprintf(fd, " schemaLocation=\"%s\"", sp2->import); fprintf(fd, "/>\n"); if (!strcmp(sp2->URI, encURI)) flag = 1; } } if (!flag) fprintf(fd, " ", encURI); fprintf(fd, "\n"); fflush(fd); if (typetable) { for (p = typetable->list; p; p = p->next) { if (is_transient(p->info.typ) || is_invisible(p->sym->name) || p->info.typ->type == Ttemplate) continue; if (is_element(p->info.typ) && (p->info.typ->type == Tclass || p->info.typ->type == Tstruct) && !is_stdstr(p->info.typ)) continue; if ((!is_external(p->info.typ) || is_volatile(p->info.typ)) && ((has_ns_eq(ns, p->sym->name)))) { /* typedefs that are used for SOAP Fault details */ m = NULL; if (p->info.typ->type != Tstruct && p->info.typ->type != Tclass) { for (sp2 = services; sp2 && !m; sp2 = sp2->next) { for (m = sp2->list; m; m = m->next) { if ((m->mess&FAULT) && m->part && is_eq(m->part, p->sym->name)) break; } } } if (m) { if (!uflag) fprintf(fd, " \n"); fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_tag_remove(p), base_type(p->info.typ, ns1)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n"); continue; } if (is_primitive_or_string(p->info.typ) || (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_primitive_or_string((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref))) { fprintf(fd, " ", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); if (p->info.typ->pattern && p->info.typ->pattern[0] == '%' && p->info.typ->pattern[1]) { unsigned int n = (unsigned int)strtoul(p->info.typ->pattern + 1, NULL, 10); unsigned int f = 0; const char *s = strchr(p->info.typ->pattern, '.'); if (s) f = (unsigned int)strtoul(s + 1, NULL, 10); if (s && f && (p->info.typ->type == Tfloat || p->info.typ->type == Tdouble || p->info.typ->type == Tldouble)) { fprintf(fd, " \n", base_type(p->info.typ, ns1)); if (n) fprintf(fd, " \n", n); fprintf(fd, " \n", f); } else if (n && (p->info.typ->type == Tfloat || p->info.typ->type == Tdouble || p->info.typ->type == Tldouble)) { fprintf(fd, " \n", base_type(p->info.typ, ns1)); fprintf(fd, " \n", n); } else if (n && p->info.typ->type >= Tchar && p->info.typ->type <= Tullong) { fprintf(fd, " \n", base_type(p->info.typ, ns1)); fprintf(fd, " \n", n); } else { fprintf(fd, " \n", base_type(p->info.typ, ns1)); } } else { fprintf(fd, " \n", base_type(p->info.typ, ns1)); if (p->info.typ->pattern) fprintf(fd, " \n", p->info.typ->pattern); } if (is_primitive(p->info.typ) || (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_primitive((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_string(p->info.typ) && !is_wstring(p->info.typ))) { if (p->info.typ->hasmin) { if (p->info.typ->type >= Tfloat && p->info.typ->type <= Tldouble) { if (p->info.typ->incmin) fprintf(fd, " \n", p->info.typ->min); else fprintf(fd, " \n", p->info.typ->min); } else { if (p->info.typ->incmin) fprintf(fd, " \n", (LONG64)p->info.typ->min); else fprintf(fd, " \n", (LONG64)p->info.typ->min); } } if (p->info.typ->hasmax) { if (p->info.typ->type >= Tfloat && p->info.typ->type <= Tldouble) { if (p->info.typ->incmax) fprintf(fd, " \n", p->info.typ->max); else fprintf(fd, " \n", p->info.typ->max); } else { if (p->info.typ->incmax) fprintf(fd, " \n", (LONG64)p->info.typ->max); else fprintf(fd, " \n", (LONG64)p->info.typ->max); } } } else { if (p->info.typ->hasmax && p->info.typ->max >= 0 && p->info.typ->incmin && p->info.typ->incmax && p->info.typ->min == p->info.typ->max) fprintf(fd, " \n", (ULONG64)p->info.typ->max); else { if (p->info.typ->hasmin && p->info.typ->min >= 0) { if (p->info.typ->incmin) fprintf(fd, " \n", (ULONG64)p->info.typ->min); else fprintf(fd, " \n", (ULONG64)p->info.typ->min + 1); } if (p->info.typ->hasmax && p->info.typ->max >= 0) { if (p->info.typ->incmax) fprintf(fd, " \n", (ULONG64)p->info.typ->max); else fprintf(fd, " \n", (ULONG64)p->info.typ->max - 1); } } } fprintf(fd, " \n \n"); } else if (is_fixedstring(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, " ", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n", base_type(p->info.typ, ns1)); if (p->info.typ->hasmin && p->info.typ->min >= 0) { if (p->info.typ->incmin) fprintf(fd, " \n", (ULONG64)p->info.typ->min); else fprintf(fd, " \n", (ULONG64)p->info.typ->min + 1); } if (p->info.typ->hasmax && p->info.typ->max >= 0) { if (p->info.typ->incmax) fprintf(fd, " \n", (ULONG64)p->info.typ->max); else fprintf(fd, " \n", (ULONG64)p->info.typ->max - 1); } else fprintf(fd, " \n", get_dimension(p->info.typ) - 1); fprintf(fd, " \n \n"); } else { fprintf(fd, " ", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n \n", base_type(p->info.typ, ns1)); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n"); } } } } fflush(fd); if (enumtable) for (p = enumtable->list; p; p = p->next) gen_schema_type(fd, t, p, ns1, ns, all, style, encoding); fflush(fd); if (classtable) { for (p = classtable->list; p; p = p->next) { if (is_transient(p->info.typ) || is_invisible(p->sym->name)) continue; for (q = t->list; q; q = q->next) if (q->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(q->info.sto & Sextern) && p == get_response(q->info.typ)) break; /* omit the auto-generated and user-defined response struct/class (when necessary) */ if (!q) for (q = t->list; q; q = q->next) if (q->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(q->info.sto & Sextern) && !has_ns_eq(NULL, ((Entry*)q->info.typ->ref)->sym->name)) { r = entry(t, q->sym); if (r && r->info.typ->ref && is_response(((Entry*)r->info.typ->ref)->info.typ) && p->info.typ == (Tnode*)((Entry*)r->info.typ->ref)->info.typ->ref) break; } if (q) continue; /* classes that are used for SOAP Fault details */ m = NULL; for (sp2 = services; sp2 && !m; sp2 = sp2->next) for (m = sp2->list; m; m = m->next) if ((m->mess&FAULT) && m->part && is_eq(m->part, p->sym->name)) break; if (m) { if ((!has_ns(p->info.typ) && all) || has_ns_eq(ns, p->sym->name)) { if (!uflag) fprintf(fd, " \n"); fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_tag_remove(p), base_type(p->info.typ, ns1)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } gen_schema_type(fd, t, p, ns1, ns, all, style, encoding); } } fflush(fd); for (n = Tptr[Tarray]; n; n = n->next) { if (is_transient(n) || is_fixedstring(n)) continue; if (is_literal(encoding)) fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n \n \n", c_ident(n), wsdl_type((Tnode*)n->ref, ns1), get_dimension(n)); else fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n", c_ident(n), xsi_type((Tnode*)n->ref), get_dimension(n)); fflush(fd); } gen_schema_elements_attributes(fd, t, ns, ns1, style, encoding); fprintf(fd, " \n\n"); } void gen_schema_type(FILE *fd, Table *t, Entry *p, const char *ns1, const char *ns, int all, const char *style, const char *encoding) { int i, d; char cbuf[4]; Entry *q; Tnode *typ = p->info.typ; if (!typ->ref) return; if (typ->type == Tenum || typ->type == Tenumsc) { int flag; if (!is_transient(p->info.typ) && !is_invisible(p->sym->name) && ((!has_ns(p->info.typ) && all) || has_ns_eq(ns, p->sym->name))) { flag = 0; if ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref) { for (q = ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { if (!has_ns_eq(NULL, ns_remove2(q->sym->name, c_ident(p->info.typ)))) { flag = 1; break; } } if (flag == 1) { for (q = ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { const char *s = ns_remove2(q->sym->name, c_ident(p->info.typ)); while (*s && isdigit(*s)) s++; if (*s) { flag = 2; break; } } } } fprintf(fd, " ", wsdl_type(p->info.typ, NULL)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); if (is_mask(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, " \n"); if (flag == 0) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else if (flag == 1) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else fprintf(fd, " \n"); if ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref) { for (q = ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { fprintf(fd, " sym->name, c_ident(p->info.typ))); if (gen_member_documentation(fd, p->sym, q, ns, q->info.typ->type == Tenumsc)) fprintf(fd, " "); if (!uflag) fprintf(fd, "\n", q->info.val.i); } } fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n"); } else { if (flag == 0) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else if (flag == 1) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else fprintf(fd, " \n"); if ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref) { for (q = ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { fprintf(fd, " sym->name, c_ident(p->info.typ))); if (gen_member_documentation(fd, p->sym, q, ns, q->info.typ->type == Tenumsc)) fprintf(fd, " "); if (!uflag) fprintf(fd, "\n", q->info.val.i); } } fprintf(fd, " \n \n"); } } } else if (is_binary(typ)) { if ((!has_ns(typ) && all) || has_ns_eq(ns, p->sym->name)) { if (is_attachment(typ)) { fprintf(fd, " ", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n \n"); if (!eflag) fprintf(fd, " \n"); gen_schema_attributes(fd, typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n"); } else { fprintf(fd, " ", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n"); if (typ->hasmax && typ->max >= 0 && typ->incmin && typ->incmax && typ->min == typ->max) fprintf(fd, " \n", (ULONG64)typ->min); else { if (typ->hasmin && typ->min >= 0) { if (typ->incmin) fprintf(fd, " \n", (ULONG64)typ->min); else fprintf(fd, " \n", (ULONG64)typ->min + 1); } if (typ->hasmax && typ->max >= 0) { if (typ->incmax) fprintf(fd, " \n", (ULONG64)typ->max); else fprintf(fd, " \n", (ULONG64)typ->max - 1); } } fprintf(fd, " \n \n"); } } } else if (!is_transient(typ) && is_primclass(typ)) { if ((!has_ns(typ) && all) || has_ns_eq(ns, p->sym->name)) { q = ((Table*)typ->ref)->list; if (q && strncmp(q->sym->name, "xsd__anyType", 12)) { if (is_string(q->info.typ) || is_wstring(q->info.typ) || is_stdstring(q->info.typ) || is_stdwstring(q->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, " ", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n \n", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns1)); gen_schema_attributes(fd, typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n"); } else if (is_primitive(q->info.typ) && q->info.typ->type != Tenum && q->info.typ->type != Tenumsc) { fprintf(fd, " ", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n \n", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns1)); gen_schema_attributes(fd, typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n"); } else if (!has_ns(q->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, " ", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n \n", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns1)); gen_schema_attributes(fd, typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n"); } } } } else if (!is_transient(typ)) { q = ((Table*)typ->ref)->list; if (t && entry(t, p->sym) && (!q || !is_XML(q->info.typ))) ; else if (is_dynamic_array(typ)) { if (eflag || (!has_ns(typ) && !is_untyped(typ))) { if (all) { d = get_Darraydims(typ)-1; for (i = 0; i < d; i++) cbuf[i] = ','; cbuf[i] = '\0'; if (q->info.maxOccurs == 1) { fprintf(fd, " \n \n", wsdl_type(typ, NULL)); if (!is_literal(encoding)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n", q->tag?ns_tag_remove(q):q->sym->name[5]?ns_remove(q->sym->name+5):"item", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns1), nillable((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)); if (!is_literal(encoding)) fprintf(fd, " \n \n", wsdl_type(typ, NULL), cbuf); fprintf(fd, " \n \n"); } else { fprintf(fd, " \n \n", wsdl_type(typ, NULL)); if (!is_literal(encoding)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n", q->tag?ns_tag_remove(q):q->sym->name[5]?ns_remove(q->sym->name+5):"item", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns1), q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs, nillable((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)); if (!is_literal(encoding)) fprintf(fd, " \n \n", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns1), cbuf); fprintf(fd, " \n \n"); } } } else if (typ->ref && ((Table*)typ->ref)->prev && !is_transient(entry(classtable, ((Table*)typ->ref)->prev->sym)->info.typ) && strncmp(((Table*)typ->ref)->prev->sym->name, "xsd__anyType", 12)) { if (q->info.maxOccurs == 1) { fprintf(fd, " ", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n", ns_convert(((Table*)typ->ref)->prev->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, " \n", q->tag?ns_tag_remove(q):q->sym->name[5]?ns_remove(q->sym->name+5):"item", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns1)); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n"); gen_schema_attributes(fd, typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n"); } else { fprintf(fd, " ", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n", ns_convert(((Table*)typ->ref)->prev->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, " \n", q->tag?ns_tag_remove(q):q->sym->name[5]?ns_remove(q->sym->name+5):"item", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns1), q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs, nillable((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n"); gen_schema_attributes(fd, typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } else { if (q->info.maxOccurs == 1) { fprintf(fd, " ", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n \n", q->tag?ns_tag_remove(q):q->sym->name[5]?ns_remove(q->sym->name+5):"item", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns1), nillable((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)); } else { fprintf(fd, " ", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n \n", q->tag?ns_tag_remove(q):q->sym->name[5]?ns_remove(q->sym->name+5):"item", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns1), q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs, nillable((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)); } } } else if (is_discriminant(typ) && ((!has_ns(typ) && all) || has_ns_eq(ns, p->sym->name))) { if (typ->ref) { fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_schema_elements(fd, typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } else if (typ->type == Tstruct && ((!has_ns(typ) && all) || has_ns_eq(ns, p->sym->name))) { if (typ->ref) { fprintf(fd, " ", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n"); gen_schema_elements(fd, typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n"); gen_schema_attributes(fd, typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } else if (typ->type == Tclass && ((!has_ns(typ) && all) || has_ns_eq(ns, p->sym->name))) { if (typ->ref) { if (((Table*)typ->ref)->prev && !is_transient(entry(classtable, ((Table*)typ->ref)->prev->sym)->info.typ) && strncmp(((Table*)typ->ref)->prev->sym->name, "xsd__anyType", 12)) { fprintf(fd, " ", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n", ns_convert(((Table*)typ->ref)->prev->sym->name)); gen_schema_elements(fd, typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n"); gen_schema_attributes(fd, typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n"); } else { fprintf(fd, " ", ns_remove(p->sym->name)); gen_type_documentation(fd, p, ns); fprintf(fd, " \n"); gen_schema_elements(fd, typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n"); gen_schema_attributes(fd, typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } } } fflush(fd); } void gen_schema_elements(FILE *fd, Tnode *p, const char *ns, const char *ns1) { Entry *q; for (q = ((Table*)p->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) if (gen_schema_element(fd, p, q, ns, ns1)) q = q->next; } int gen_schema_element(FILE *fd, Tnode *p, Entry *q, const char *ns, const char *ns1) { const char *s, *t; if (is_transient(q->info.typ) || (q->info.sto & Sattribute) || q->info.typ->type == Tfun || q->info.typ->type == Tunion) return 0; if (is_repetition(q)) { if (is_sequence(q->next)) { fprintf(fd, " \n"); if (q->next->info.typ->ref) gen_schema_elements(fd, (Tnode*)q->next->info.typ->ref, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n"); return 1; } t = ns_tag_convert(q->next); if (*t == '-') { fprintf(fd, " "); if (!uflag) fprintf(fd, "", q->next->sym->name); fprintf(fd, "\n"); } else if ((s = strchr(t+1, ':')) && (!strchr(q->next->sym->name+1, ':') || !has_ns_eq(ns, q->next->sym->name))) { if (((Tnode*)q->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer) { if (q->info.maxOccurs == 1) fprintf(fd, " info.minOccurs); else fprintf(fd, " info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs); } else if (q->info.maxOccurs == 1) fprintf(fd, " info.minOccurs); else fprintf(fd, " info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs); if (gen_member_documentation(fd, p->id, q, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } else { const char *form = ""; if (!s) { s = t; if (*s == ':') { s++; form = " form=\"unqualified\""; } } else { s++; form = " form=\"qualified\""; } if (((Tnode*)q->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer) { if (q->info.maxOccurs == 1) fprintf(fd, " next->info.typ->ref, ns1), q->info.minOccurs, form); else fprintf(fd, " next->info.typ->ref, ns1), q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs, form); } else if (q->info.maxOccurs == 1) fprintf(fd, " next->info.typ->ref, ns1), q->info.minOccurs, form); else fprintf(fd, " next->info.typ->ref, ns1), q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs, form); if (gen_member_documentation(fd, p->id, q, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } return 1; } else if ((q->info.typ->type == Ttemplate && !is_smart(q->info.typ)) || (q->info.typ->type == Tpointer && ((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->type == Ttemplate) || (q->info.typ->type == Treference && ((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->type == Ttemplate) || (q->info.typ->type == Trvalueref && ((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->type == Ttemplate)) { t = ns_tag_convert(q); if (*t == '-') { fprintf(fd, " "); if (!uflag) fprintf(fd, "", q->sym->name); fprintf(fd, "\n"); } else if ((s = strchr(t+1, ':')) && (!strchr(q->sym->name+1, ':') || !has_ns_eq(ns, q->sym->name))) { if (((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer) { if (q->info.maxOccurs == 1) fprintf(fd, " info.minOccurs); else fprintf(fd, " info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs); } else if (q->info.maxOccurs == 1) fprintf(fd, " info.minOccurs); else fprintf(fd, " info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs); if (gen_member_documentation(fd, p->id, q, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } else { const char *form = ""; if (!s) { s = t; if (*s == ':') { s++; form = " form=\"unqualified\""; } } else { s++; form = " form=\"qualified\""; } if (((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer) { if (q->info.maxOccurs == 1) fprintf(fd, " info.typ->ref, ns1), q->info.minOccurs, form); else fprintf(fd, " info.typ->ref, ns1), q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs, form); } else if (q->info.maxOccurs == 1) fprintf(fd, " info.typ->ref, ns1), q->info.minOccurs, form); else fprintf(fd, " info.typ->ref, ns1), q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs, form); if (gen_member_documentation(fd, p->id, q, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } else if (is_anytype(q)) /* ... maybe need to show all possible types rather than xsd:anyType */ { fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_tag_convert(q->next), q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs); return 1; } else if (is_choice(q)) { if (q->info.minOccurs == 0) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else fprintf(fd, " \n"); if (q->next->info.typ->ref) gen_schema_elements(fd, q->next->info.typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n"); return 1; } else if (is_sequence(q)) { if (q->info.minOccurs == 0) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else fprintf(fd, " \n"); if (q->info.typ->type == Tpointer) gen_schema_elements(fd, (Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref, ns, ns1); else if (q->info.typ->ref) gen_schema_elements(fd, q->info.typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n"); return 0; } else { t = ns_tag_convert(q); if (*t == '-') { fprintf(fd, " "); if (!uflag) fprintf(fd, "", q->sym->name); fprintf(fd, "\n"); } else if ((s = strchr(t+1, ':')) && (!strchr(q->sym->name+1, ':') || !has_ns_eq(ns, q->sym->name))) { if (is_smart(q->info.typ) || q->info.typ->type == Tpointer || q->info.typ->type == Tarray || is_dynamic_array(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, " info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs); else fprintf(fd, " info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs); if (gen_member_documentation(fd, p->id, q, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } else { const char *form = ""; if (!s) { s = t; if (*s == ':') { s++; form = " form=\"unqualified\""; } } else { s++; form = " form=\"qualified\""; } if (is_smart(q->info.typ) || q->info.typ->type == Tpointer || q->info.typ->type == Tarray || is_dynamic_array(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, " info.typ, ns1), q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs, default_value(q), form); else fprintf(fd, " info.typ, ns1), q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs, default_value(q), form); if (gen_member_documentation(fd, p->id, q, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } fflush(fd); return 0; } void gen_schema_elements_attributes(FILE *fd, Table *t, const char *ns, const char *ns1, const char *style, const char *encoding) { Entry *p, *q, *e; Table *elt, *att; Service *sp; Method *m; Symbol *sym; const char *s, *method_style, *method_encoding, *method_response_encoding; int all = !strcmp(ns, ns1); elt = mktable(NULL); att = mktable(NULL); if (t && all) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (!eflag && p->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(p->info.sto & Sextern) && has_ns_eq(ns, p->sym->name)) { method_encoding = encoding; method_response_encoding = NULL; method_style = style; for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (!tagcmp(sp->ns, ns)) { for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) { if (is_eq_nons(m->name, p->sym->name)) { if (m->mess == ENCODING) method_encoding = m->part; else if (m->mess == RESPONSE_ENCODING) method_response_encoding = m->part; else if (m->mess == STYLE) method_style = m->part; } } } } if (!method_response_encoding) method_response_encoding = method_encoding; q = entry(classtable, p->sym); if (q) { if (is_document(method_style)) { if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name)) { sym = p->sym; s = sym->name; if (*s == '_' && !(sym = lookup(s + 1))) sym = install(s + 1, ID); if (!entry(elt, sym)) { if (!uflag) fprintf(fd, " \n"); fprintf(fd, " \n \n \n", ns_tag_remove(p)); gen_schema_elements(fd, q->info.typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n"); gen_schema_attributes(fd, q->info.typ, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n \n"); e = enter(elt, sym); e->info = p->info; } } else { for (q = ((Table*)q->info.typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { if (!(q->info.sto & Sextern) && !has_ns_eq(NULL, q->sym->name)) { sym = q->sym; s = sym->name; if (*s == '_' && !(sym = lookup(s + 1))) sym = install(s + 1, ID); if (!entry(elt, sym)) /* enter/entry w/o prefix is not useful to avoid clashes */ { if (!uflag) fprintf(fd, " \n"); fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_tag_remove(q), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns1)); e = enter(elt, sym); e->info = q->info; } } } } } q = (Entry*)p->info.typ->ref; for (e = t->list; e; e = e->next) if (e != p && e->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(e->info.sto & Sextern) && q == (Entry*)e->info.typ->ref) q = NULL; if (q && !is_transient(q->info.typ)) { if (!is_response(q->info.typ)) { if (is_document(method_style)) { if (!uflag) fprintf(fd, " \n"); fprintf(fd, " \n \n", ns_tag_remove(p)); fprintf(fd, " \n"); gen_schema_element(fd, p->info.typ, q, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n"); fprintf(fd, " \n \n"); } } else if (((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->ref) { if (is_document(method_style)) { if (!has_ns_eq(NULL, q->sym->name)) { sym = ((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->id; s = sym->name; if (*s == '_' && !(sym = lookup(s + 1))) sym = install(s + 1, ID); if (!entry(elt, sym)) { if (!uflag) fprintf(fd, " \n"); fprintf(fd, " \n \n", ns_remove(((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->id->name)); fprintf(fd, " \n"); gen_schema_elements(fd, (Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n"); gen_schema_attributes(fd, (Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref, ns, ns1); fprintf(fd, " \n \n"); e = enter(elt, sym); e->info = q->info; } } } } } } } } } if (t && !eflag) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(p->info.sto & Sextern)) { q = (Entry*)p->info.typ->ref; if (q && !is_transient(q->info.typ)) { if (is_response(q->info.typ)) { if (has_ns_eq(ns, q->sym->name)) { sym = q->sym; s = sym->name; if (*s == '_' && !(sym = lookup(s + 1))) sym = install(s + 1, ID); if (!entry(elt, sym)) { if (!uflag) fprintf(fd, " \n"); fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_tag_remove(q), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns1)); e = enter(elt, sym); e->info = q->info; } } } } } } } for (p = typetable->list; p; p = p->next) { if (is_transient(p->info.typ) || is_primclass(p->info.typ) || is_dynamic_array(p->info.typ)) continue; if (is_element(p->info.typ) && has_ns_eq(ns, p->sym->name)) { m = NULL; for (sp = services; sp && !m; sp = sp->next) for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) if ((m->mess&FAULT) && m->part && is_eq(m->part, p->sym->name)) break; if (!m) { sym = p->sym; s = sym->name; if (*s == '_' && !(sym = lookup(s + 1))) sym = install(s + 1, ID); if (!entry(elt, sym)) { fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_tag_remove(p), base_type(p->info.typ, ns1)); e = enter(elt, sym); e->info = p->info; } } } } for (p = classtable->list; p; p = p->next) { if (!p->info.typ->ref || /* is_invisible(p->info.typ->id->name) || */ is_transient(p->info.typ) || is_primclass(p->info.typ) || is_dynamic_array(p->info.typ)) continue; for (q = ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { if (!is_repetition(q) && !is_anytype(q) && (!strchr(q->sym->name+1, ':') || !eq_ns(p->sym->name, q->sym->name)) && has_ns_eq(ns, q->sym->name) && !is_transient(q->info.typ) && q->info.typ->type != Tfun) { m = NULL; for (sp = services; sp && !m; sp = sp->next) for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) if ((m->mess&FAULT) && m->part && is_eq(m->part, q->sym->name)) break; if (m) continue; /* already generated element for fault */ if (!(q->info.sto & Sattribute) && (q->info.typ->type == Tclass || q->info.typ->type == Tstruct || is_typedef(q->info.typ))) if (is_element(q->info.typ) || is_eq(q->info.typ->id->name, q->sym->name)) continue; /* type is already an element or type name matches member name */ sym = q->sym; s = sym->name; if (*s == '_' && !(sym = lookup(s + 1))) sym = install(s + 1, ID); if (q->info.sto & Sattribute) { e = entry(att, sym); if (e) { if ((!is_primitive(q->info.typ) || e->info.typ->type != q->info.typ->type) && reftype(e->info.typ) != reftype(q->info.typ)) { sprintf(errbuf, "Member '%s::%s' of type '%s' at line %d has a type that does not correspond to the required unique type '%s' defined for root-level attribute '%s'", p->sym->name, q->sym->name, c_type(q->info.typ), q->lineno, c_type(e->info.typ), ns_convert(q->sym->name)); semwarn(errbuf); } } else { fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_tag_remove(q), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns1)); e = enter(att, sym); e->info = q->info; } } else { e = entry(elt, sym); if (e) { if ((!is_primitive(q->info.typ) || e->info.typ->type != q->info.typ->type) && reftype(e->info.typ) != reftype(q->info.typ)) { sprintf(errbuf, "Member '%s::%s' of type '%s' at line %d has a type that does not correspond to the required unique type '%s' defined for root-level element '%s'", p->sym->name, q->sym->name, c_type(q->info.typ), q->lineno, c_type(e->info.typ), ns_convert(q->sym->name)); semwarn(errbuf); } } else { fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_tag_remove(q), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ns1)); e = enter(elt, sym); e->info = q->info; } } } } if (is_element(p->info.typ) && has_ns_eq(ns, p->sym->name)) { m = NULL; for (sp = services; sp && !m; sp = sp->next) for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) if ((m->mess&FAULT) && m->part && is_eq(m->part, p->sym->name)) break; if (!m) { sym = p->sym; s = sym->name; if (*s == '_' && !(sym = lookup(s + 1))) sym = install(s + 1, ID); if (!entry(elt, sym)) { fprintf(fd, " \n", ns_tag_remove(p), wsdl_type(p->info.typ, ns1)); e = enter(elt, sym); e->info = p->info; } } } } freetable(elt); freetable(att); } void gen_schema_attributes(FILE *fd, Tnode *p, const char *ns, const char *ns1) { Entry *q; const char *t, *s, *r; for (q = ((Table*)p->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { if (q->info.sto & Sattribute && !(q->info.sto & (Sprivate | Sprotected))) { r = default_value(q); t = ns_tag_convert(q); if (*t == '-' || is_anyAttribute(q->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, " "); if (!uflag) fprintf(fd, "", q->sym->name); fprintf(fd, "\n"); } else if ((s = strchr(t+1, ':')) && (!strchr(q->sym->name+1, ':') || !has_ns_eq(ns, q->sym->name))) { if (r && *r) fprintf(fd, " \n", t, r); else if ((!is_smart(q->info.typ) && q->info.typ->type != Tpointer) || q->info.minOccurs) fprintf(fd, " \n", t); else if (q->info.maxOccurs == 0) fprintf(fd, " \n", t); else fprintf(fd, " \n", t); } else { const char *form = ""; if (!s) { s = t; if (*s == ':') { s++; form = " form=\"unqualified\""; } } else { s++; form = " form=\"qualified\""; } if (r && *r) fprintf(fd, " info.typ, ns1), r, form); else if ((!is_smart(q->info.typ) && q->info.typ->type != Tpointer) || q->info.minOccurs) fprintf(fd, " info.typ, ns1), form); else if (q->info.maxOccurs == 0) fprintf(fd, " info.typ, ns1)); else fprintf(fd, " info.typ, ns1), form); if (gen_member_documentation(fd, p->id, q, ns, 1)) fprintf(fd, " \n"); } fflush(fd); } } } void gen_report_hr() { fprintf(freport, "[![][1] To top](#)\n\n\n"); } void gen_report_operation(const char *name, Entry *method, int service) { Service *sp; Method *m; int soap = (soap_version >= 0); int version = soap_version; int get = 0; int put = 0; int del = 0; int post = 0; int mime = 0; const char *style = NULL, *encoding = NULL; const char *action = NULL, *response_action = NULL, *method_encoding = NULL, *method_response_encoding = NULL; Entry *result, *p; result = (Entry*)method->info.typ->ref; p = entry(classtable, method->sym); if (!p) execerror("no table entry"); if (name) { if (service) fprintf(freport, "### Service Operation `%s::%s()`\n\n", name, ns_remove(method->sym->name)); else fprintf(freport, "### Proxy Operation `%s::%s()`\n\n", name, ns_remove(method->sym->name)); } else { if (service) fprintf(freport, "### Service Operation `%s()`\n\n", ident(method->sym->name)); else fprintf(freport, "### Invoking Operation `%s()`\n\n", ident(method->sym->name)); } for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (has_ns_eq(sp->ns, method->sym->name)) { style = sp->style; encoding = sp->encoding; method_encoding = encoding; method_response_encoding = NULL; if (sp->protocol) { if (strstr(sp->protocol, "GET")) get = 1; else if (strstr(sp->protocol, "PUT")) put = 1; else if (strstr(sp->protocol, "DELETE")) del = 1; else if (strstr(sp->protocol, "POST")) post = 1; if (strncmp(sp->protocol, "SOAP", 4)) soap = 0; else if (strlen(sp->protocol) > 6) version = sp->protocol[6] - '0'; } for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) { if (is_eq_nons(m->name, method->sym->name)) { if (m->mess == ACTION || m->mess == REQUEST_ACTION) action = m->part; else if (m->mess == RESPONSE_ACTION) response_action = m->part; else if (m->mess == ENCODING) method_encoding = m->part; else if (m->mess == RESPONSE_ENCODING) method_response_encoding = m->part; else if (m->mess == PROTOCOL) { if (strstr(m->part, "GET")) get = 1; else if (strstr(m->part, "PUT")) put = 1; else if (strstr(m->part, "DELETE")) del = 1; else if (strstr(m->part, "POST")) post = 1; if (strncmp(m->part, "SOAP", 4)) soap = 0; else if (strlen(m->part) > 6) version = m->part[6] - '0'; } else if (m->mess&MIMEIN && !strcmp(m->part, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) mime = 1; } } break; } } gen_report_type_doc(p); fprintf(freport, "This service operation is declared in [%s](%s) at line %d and has the following properties:\n\n", method->filename, method->filename, method->lineno); if (soap) { fprintf(freport, "- SOAP 1.%d protocol\n", version ? version : 1); fprintf(freport, "- SOAP %s style\n", is_document(style) ? "document" : "rpc"); if (sp && sp->URI && method_encoding) { if (is_literal(method_encoding)) fprintf(freport, "- SOAP literal\n"); else if (method_encoding && *method_encoding) fprintf(freport, "- SOAP %s\n", method_encoding); else if (method_encoding) fprintf(freport, "- SOAP encoded\n"); } else if (eflag) fprintf(freport, "- SOAP encoded\n"); else fprintf(freport, "- SOAP literal\n"); if (action && *action == '"') fprintf(freport, "- SOAP action %s\n", action); else if (action) fprintf(freport, "- SOAP action \"%s\"\n", action); else fprintf(freport, "- SOAP action \"\"\n"); if (response_action && *response_action == '"') fprintf(freport, "- SOAP response action %s\n", response_action); else if (response_action) fprintf(freport, "- SOAP response action \"%s\"\n", response_action); } else fprintf(freport, "- REST operation\n"); if (mime) fprintf(freport, "- HTTP application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n"); if (post) fprintf(freport, "- POST method\n"); else if (get) fprintf(freport, "- GET method\n"); else if (put) fprintf(freport, "- PUT method\n"); else if (del) fprintf(freport, "- DELETE method\n"); if (sp && sp->URL) fprintf(freport, "- Default service endpoint URL \"%s\"\n", sp->URL); if (!soap && action) fprintf(freport, "- Operation location \"%s\"\n", action); if (sp && sp->URI) fprintf(freport, "- Operation namespace prefix `%s` and URI \"[%s](#doc-namespaces)\"\n", sp->ns, sp->URI); if (name) { if (service) { if (!is_transient(result->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, "\nThe following service class method must be defined in the service back-end code and will be called by the service dispatcher `%s::serve(soap)`, and should return `SOAP_OK` with the result value `%s` set or return an error code:\n", name, ident(result->sym->name)); else fprintf(freport, "\nThe following service class method must be defined in the service back-end code and will be called by the service dispatcher `%s::serve(soap)`, and should return `SOAP_OK` by returning `int %s::send_empty_%s_response(struct soap *soap, int httpcode)` when using HTTP:\n", name, name, ns_remove(method->sym->name)); } else { if (!is_transient(result->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, "\nTo invoke the service operation, use one of the following methods:\n"); else fprintf(freport, "\nTo invoke the service operation, use one of the following methods, where the recv method can be used by an asynchronous receiver:\n"); } } else { if (service) { if (!is_transient(result->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, "\nThe following service operation function declared in [%s](%s) must be defined in the service back-end code and will be called by the service dispatcher `%s_serve(soap)` defined in [%s](%s), and should return `SOAP_OK` with the result value `%s` set or return an error code:\n", soapStub, pathsoapStub, nflag?prefix:"soap", soapServer, pathsoapServer, ident(result->sym->name)); else fprintf(freport, "\nThe following service operation function declared in [%s](%s) must be defined in the service back-end code and will be called by the service dispatcher `%s_serve(soap)` defined in [%s](%s), and should return `SOAP_OK` by returning `int soap_send_empty_response(struct soap *soap, int httpcode)` when using HTTP:\n", soapStub, pathsoapStub, nflag?prefix:"soap", soapServer, pathsoapServer); } else { if (!is_transient(result->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, "\nTo invoke the service operation, use the following auto-generated function declared in [%s](%s) and defined in [%s](%s):\n", soapStub, pathsoapStub, soapClient, pathsoapClient); else fprintf(freport, "\nTo invoke the service operation, use the following auto-generated send function declared in [%s](%s) and defined in [%s](%s), where the recv function can be used by an asynchronous receiver:\n", soapStub, pathsoapStub, soapClient, pathsoapClient); } } } void gen_report_type(Tnode *typ, const char *what) { if (!is_transient(typ) && ((typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass || typ->type == Tenum || typ->type == Tenumsc || is_typedef(typ)) && !is_stdstr(typ)) && !is_bool(typ)) fprintf(freport, ", where the type of this %s is %s ", what, ident(typ->id->name), ident(typ->id->name)); else if (typ->type == Tpointer && !is_string(typ) && !is_wstring(typ) && !is_soapref(typ)) { Tnode *ref = typ->ref; if ((ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tenum || ref->type == Tenumsc || is_typedef(ref)) && !is_stdstr(ref) && !is_bool(typ)) fprintf(freport, ", where the type of this %s is a pointer to %s ", what, ident(ref->id->name), ident(ref->id->name)); } else if (is_smart(typ)) { Tnode *ref = typ->ref; if ((ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tenum || ref->type == Tenumsc || is_typedef(ref)) && !is_stdstr(ref) && !is_bool(typ)) fprintf(freport, ", where the type of this %s is a smart pointer to %s ", what, ident(ref->id->name), ident(ref->id->name)); } else if (is_template(typ)) { Tnode *ref = typ->ref; if (ref->type == Tpointer || is_smart(ref)) { ref = (Tnode*)ref->ref; if ((ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tenum || ref->type == Tenumsc || is_typedef(ref)) && !is_stdstr(ref) && !is_bool(typ)) fprintf(freport, ", where the type of this %s is a container of pointers to %s ", what, ident(ref->id->name), ident(ref->id->name)); } else if ((ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tenum || ref->type == Tenumsc || is_typedef(ref)) && !is_stdstr(ref) && !is_bool(typ)) fprintf(freport, ", where the type of this %s is a container of %s ", what, ident(ref->id->name), ident(ref->id->name)); } } void gen_report_type_doc(Entry *type) { Service *sp; Data *d; if (!type->sym) return; for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) if (has_ns_eq(sp->ns, type->sym->name)) for (d = sp->data; d; d = d->next) if (d->name && d->text && !strstr(d->name, "::") && is_eq_nons(d->name, type->sym->name)) fprintf(freport, "%s\n\n", d->text); } void gen_report_members(Entry *type, const char *nsa, const char *nse) { Entry *q; int flag = 0; if (!(Table*)type->info.typ->ref) return; if (is_dynamic_array(type->info.typ) || is_choice(type)) return; fprintf(freport, "where:\n\n"); if (type->info.typ->base) fprintf(freport, "- %s is the base class\n", ident(type->info.typ->base->name), ident(type->info.typ->base->name)); for (q = classtable->list; q; q = q->next) if (q->info.typ->base == type->sym) fprintf(freport, "- %s is a derived class of this base class\n", c_type(q->info.typ), c_type(q->info.typ)); for (q = ((Table*)type->info.typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { if (q->info.typ->type == Tfun) continue; if ((q->info.sto & Stypedef)) continue; if (flag) { flag = 0; continue; } fprintf(freport, "- `%s`", c_type_id(q->info.typ, q->sym->name)); gen_report_member(type, q); if (is_anyAttribute(q->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, " is an XML DOM attribute list"); else if (q->info.sto & Sattribute) { if (q->info.minOccurs >= 1) fprintf(freport, " is a required attribute *`%s`* of XSD type *`%s`*", ns_add(q, nsa), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); else fprintf(freport, " is an optional attribute *`%s`* of XSD type *`%s`*", ns_add(q, nsa), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); if (is_external(q->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, " with a custom serializer `%s`", c_type_sym(q->info.typ)); } else if (is_soapref(q->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, " the context that manages this object"); else if (q->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) { fprintf(freport, " is not serialized\n"); continue; } else if (!is_dynamic_array(type->info.typ) && is_repetition(q)) { if (q->info.maxOccurs > 1) fprintf(freport, " is a sequence of " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " to " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " elements *`<%s>`* of XSD type *`%s`*", q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs, ns_add(q->next, nse), wsdl_type(q->next->info.typ, "")); else if (q->info.minOccurs >= 1) fprintf(freport, " is a sequence of at least " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " elements *`<%s>`* of XSD type *`%s`*", q->info.minOccurs, ns_add(q->next, nse), wsdl_type(q->next->info.typ, "")); else fprintf(freport, " is a sequence of elements *`<%s>`* of XSD type *`%s`*", ns_add(q->next, nse), wsdl_type(q->next->info.typ, "")); fprintf(freport, " stored in dynamic array `%s` of length `%s`", ident(q->next->sym->name), ident(q->sym->name)); flag = 1; } else if (is_anytype(q)) { fprintf(freport, " is any type of element *`<%s>`* assigned to member `%s` as a `void*` pointer cast, with its `SOAP_TYPE_Name` assigned to member `%s`", ns_add(q->next, nse), ident(q->next->sym->name), ident(q->sym->name)); flag = 1; } else if (is_choice(q)) { Entry *r; fprintf(freport, " is a union `%s` with variant selector `%s` set to one of:", c_type(q->next->info.typ), ident(q->sym->name)); for (r = ((Table*)q->next->info.typ->ref)->list; r; r = r->next) fprintf(freport, " `%s`", soap_union_member(q->next->info.typ, r)); flag = 1; } else if (is_anyType(q->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, " is an XML DOM element node graph"); else if (is_item(q)) fprintf(freport, " is simple content of XSD type *`%s`* wrapped in *`%s`*", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ""), wsdl_type(type->info.typ, "")); else if (is_self(q)) fprintf(freport, " is *`%s`* wrapped in *`%s`*, where `__self` matches the element tag of the struct/class member with the `%s` type", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ""), wsdl_type(type->info.typ, ""), c_type(type->info.typ)); else if (q->info.typ->type != Tfun && q->info.typ->type != Tunion && !(q->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) && !(q->info.sto & Sattribute) && !is_transient(q->info.typ) && !is_external(q->info.typ) && strncmp(q->sym->name, "__", 2)) { if (q->info.maxOccurs > 1) fprintf(freport, " is a sequence of " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " to " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT " elements *`<%s>`* of XSD type *`%s`*", q->info.minOccurs, q->info.maxOccurs, ns_add(q, nse), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); else if (q->info.minOccurs >= 1) fprintf(freport, " is a required element *`<%s>`* of XSD type *`%s`*", ns_add(q, nse), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); else fprintf(freport, " is an optional element *`<%s>`* of XSD type *`%s`*", ns_add(q, nse), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, "")); } else if (is_external(q->info.typ) && q->info.minOccurs >= 1) fprintf(freport, " is a required element *`<%s>`* of XSD type *`%s`* with a custom serializer `%s`", ns_add(q, nse), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ""), c_type_sym(q->info.typ)); else if (is_external(q->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, " is an optional element *`<%s>`* of XSD type *`%s`* with a custom serializer `%s`", ns_add(q, nse), wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ""), c_type_sym(q->info.typ)); else if (is_transient(q->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, " is transient and not serialized"); gen_report_type(q->info.typ, "member"); if (is_invisible(q->sym->name)) fprintf(freport, " (the leading underscores of the member name make this member invisible in XML, meaning it has no element tag)"); else if (is_unmatched(q->sym)) fprintf(freport, " (the leading underscore of the member name makes this member a wildcard that matches any XML element tag)"); fprintf(freport, "\n"); } fprintf(freport, "\n"); } void gen_report_member(Entry *type, Entry *member) { Service *sp; const char *t; if (!type->sym || !member->sym->name) return; t = ns_remove(type->sym->name); for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) { Data *d; if (has_ns_eq(sp->ns, type->sym->name)) { for (d = sp->data; d; d = d->next) { const char *s = strstr(d->name, "::"); if (s && !strncmp(t, d->name, s - d->name) && !t[s - d->name] && !strcmp(s + 2, member->sym->name)) fprintf(freport, " %s", d->text); } } } } void gen_method_documentation(FILE *fd, Entry *p, const char *ns) { Service *sp; Data *d; if (!p->sym) return; for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (!tagcmp(sp->ns, ns)) { for (d = sp->data; d; d = d->next) { if (d->name && d->text && !strstr(d->name, "::") && is_eq_nons(d->name, p->sym->name)) { fprintf(fd, " %s\n", d->text); return; } } } } if (!uflag) fprintf(fd, " Service definition of function %s\n", p->sym->name); } void gen_type_documentation(FILE *fd, Entry *type, const char *ns) { Service *sp; Data *d; if (!type->sym) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); return; } for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (!tagcmp(sp->ns, ns)) { for (d = sp->data; d; d = d->next) { if (d->name && d->text && !strstr(d->name, "::") && is_eq_nons(d->name, type->sym->name)) { fprintf(fd, "\n \n %s\n \n", d->text); return; } } } } if (!uflag) fprintf(fd, "", type->sym->name); fprintf(fd, "\n"); } int gen_member_documentation(FILE *fd, Symbol *type, Entry *member, const char *ns, int scope) { Service *sp; Data *d; const char *t; if (!type || !member->sym) { fprintf(fd, "/>\n"); return 0; } t = ns_remove(type->name); for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (!tagcmp(sp->ns, ns)) { for (d = sp->data; d; d = d->next) { if (d->name && d->text) { const char *s = strstr(d->name, "::"); if (s && !strncmp(t, d->name, s - d->name) && !t[s - d->name] && !strcmp(s + 2, member->sym->name)) { fprintf(fd, ">\n \n %s\n \n", d->text); return 1; } } } } } fprintf(fd, "/>"); if (!uflag) { if (scope) fprintf(fd, "", type->name, member->sym->name); else fprintf(fd, "", member->sym->name); } fprintf(fd, "\n"); return 0; } void gen_nsmap(FILE *fd) { Symbol *ns1; Service *sp; fprintf(fd, "{\n"); for (ns1 = nslist; ns1; ns1 = ns1->next) { for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) if (!tagcmp(sp->ns, ns1->name) && sp->URI) break; if (sp) { if (!strcmp(ns1->name, "SOAP-ENV")) { if (soap_version < 0) fprintf(fd, " {\"SOAP-ENV\", NULL, NULL, NULL},\n"); else fprintf(fd, " {\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", NULL},\n", ns_convert(ns1->name), sp->URI, sp->URI2 ? sp->URI2 : envURI); } else if (!strcmp(ns1->name, "SOAP-ENC")) { if (soap_version < 0) fprintf(fd, " {\"SOAP-ENC\", NULL, NULL, NULL},\n"); else fprintf(fd, " {\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", NULL},\n", ns_convert(ns1->name), sp->URI, sp->URI2 ? sp->URI2 : encURI); } else if (sp->URI2) fprintf(fd, " {\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", NULL},\n", ns_convert(ns1->name), sp->URI, sp->URI2); else fprintf(fd, " {\"%s\", \"%s\", NULL, NULL},\n", ns_convert(ns1->name), sp->URI); } else if (!strcmp(ns1->name, "SOAP-ENV")) { if (soap_version < 0) fprintf(fd, " {\"SOAP-ENV\", NULL, NULL, NULL},\n"); else if (is_soap12(NULL)) fprintf(fd, " {\"SOAP-ENV\", \"%s\", \"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\", NULL},\n", envURI); else fprintf(fd, " {\"SOAP-ENV\", \"%s\", \"http://www.w3.org/*/soap-envelope\", NULL},\n", envURI); } else if (!strcmp(ns1->name, "SOAP-ENC")) { if (soap_version < 0) fprintf(fd, " {\"SOAP-ENC\", NULL, NULL, NULL},\n"); else if (is_soap12(NULL)) fprintf(fd, " {\"SOAP-ENC\", \"%s\", \"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\", NULL},\n", encURI); else fprintf(fd, " {\"SOAP-ENC\", \"%s\", \"http://www.w3.org/*/soap-encoding\", NULL},\n", encURI); } else if (!strcmp(ns1->name, "xsi")) fprintf(fd, " {\"xsi\", \"%s\", \"http://www.w3.org/*/XMLSchema-instance\", NULL},\n", xsiURI); else if (!strcmp(ns1->name, "xsd")) fprintf(fd, " {\"xsd\", \"%s\", \"http://www.w3.org/*/XMLSchema\", NULL},\n", xsdURI); else fprintf(fd, " {\"%s\", \"%s/%s.xsd\", NULL, NULL},\n", ns_convert(ns1->name), tmpURI, ns_convert(ns1->name)); } fprintf(fd, " {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}\n };\n"); } void gen_proxy(FILE *fd, Table *table, Symbol *ns, const char *name, const char *URL) { Entry *p, *q, *r; Table *t, *output; Service *sp; int flag; const char *name1; name1 = ns_cname(name, NULL); for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) if (!tagcmp(sp->ns, ns->name)) break; fprintf(fd, "\n\n#ifndef %s%sProxy_H\n#define %s%sProxy_H\n#include \"%sH.h\"", prefix, name1, prefix, name1, prefix); if (nflag) fprintf(fd, "\nextern SOAP_NMAC struct Namespace %s_namespaces[];", prefix); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fd, "\n\nnamespace %s {", namespaceid); fprintf(fd, "\nclass %s\n{ public:\n\t/// Runtime engine context allocated in constructor\n\tstruct soap *soap;\n\t/// Endpoint URL of service '%s' (change as needed)\n\tconst char *endpoint;\n\t/// Constructor allocates soap engine context, sets default endpoint URL, and sets namespace mapping table\n", name1, name); if (nflag) fprintf(fd, "\t%s() { soap = soap_new(); if (soap) soap->namespaces = %s_namespaces; endpoint = \"%s\"; }\n", name1, prefix, URL); else { fprintf(fd, "\t%s()\n\t{ soap = soap_new(); endpoint = \"%s\"; if (soap && !soap->namespaces) { static const struct Namespace namespaces[] = ", name1, URL); gen_nsmap(fd); fprintf(fd, "\tsoap->namespaces = namespaces; } }\n"); } fprintf(fd, "\t/// Destructor deletes deserialized data and engine context\n\tvirtual ~%s() { if (soap) { soap_destroy(soap); soap_end(soap); soap_free(soap); } }\n", name1); fflush(fd); for (r = table->list; r; r = r->next) { if (r->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(r->info.sto & Sextern) && has_ns_eq(ns->name, r->sym->name)) { p = entry(table, r->sym); if (p) q = (Entry*)p->info.typ->ref; else { fprintf(stderr, "Internal error: no table entry\n"); return; } p = entry(classtable, r->sym); if (!p) { fprintf(stderr, "Internal error: no parameter table entry\n"); return; } output = (Table*)p->info.typ->ref; fprintf(fd, "\t/// Invoke '%s' of service '%s' and return error code (or SOAP_OK)\n", ns_remove(r->sym->name), name); fprintf(fd, "\tvirtual int %s(", ident(r->sym->name)); flag = 0; for (t = output; t; t = t->prev) { p = t->list; if (p) { fprintf(fd, "%s%s", c_storage(p->info.sto), c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); for (p = p->next; p; p = p->next) fprintf(fd, ", %s%s", c_storage(p->info.sto), c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); flag = 1; } } if (is_transient(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, ") { return soap ? soap_send_%s(soap, endpoint, NULL", ident(r->sym->name)); else if (flag) fprintf(fd, ", %s%s) { return soap ? soap_call_%s(soap, endpoint, NULL", c_storage(q->info.sto), c_type_id(q->info.typ, q->sym->name), ident(r->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, "%s%s) { return soap ? soap_call_%s(soap, endpoint, NULL", c_storage(q->info.sto), c_type_id(q->info.typ, q->sym->name), ident(r->sym->name)); /* the action is now handled by the soap_call/soap_send operation when we pass NULL */ #if 0 m = NULL; if (sp && (s = strstr(r->sym->name, "__"))) for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) if (m->part && m->mess == ACTION && !strcmp(m->name, s+2)) { if (*m->part == '"') fprintf(fd, "%s", m->part); else fprintf(fd, "\"%s\"", m->part); break; } if (!m) fprintf(fd, "NULL"); #endif for (t = output; t; t = t->prev) for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) fprintf(fd, ", %s", ident(p->sym->name)); if (is_transient(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, ") : SOAP_EOM; }\n"); else fprintf(fd, ", %s) : SOAP_EOM; }\n", ident(q->sym->name)); fflush(fd); } } fprintf(fd, "};"); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fd, "\n\n} // namespace %s\n", namespaceid); fprintf(fd, "\n#endif\n"); } void gen_object(FILE *fd, Table *table, const char *name) { const char *name1; Entry *method; name1 = ns_cname(name, NULL); fprintf(fd, "\n\n#ifndef %s%sObject_H\n#define %s%sObject_H\n#include \"%sH.h\"", prefix, name1, prefix, name1, prefix); banner(fd, "Service Object"); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fd, "\n\nnamespace %s {", namespaceid); fprintf(fd, "\nclass %sService : public soap\n{ public:", name1); fprintf(fd, "\n\t%sService()\n\t{ static const struct Namespace namespaces[] = ", name1); gen_nsmap(fd); fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_init(this); this->namespaces = namespaces; };"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t/// Destructor deletes deserialized data and engine context"); fprintf(fd, "\n\tvirtual ~%sService() { soap_destroy(this); soap_end(this); };", name1); fprintf(fd, "\n\t/// Bind service to port (returns master socket or SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\tvirtual\tSOAP_SOCKET bind(const char *host, int port, int backlog) { return soap_bind(this, host, port, backlog); };"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t/// Accept next request (returns socket or SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\tvirtual\tSOAP_SOCKET accept() { return soap_accept(this); };"); fprintf(fd, "\n#if defined(WITH_OPENSSL) || defined(WITH_GNUTLS)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t/// Then accept SSL handshake, when SSL is used"); fprintf(fd, "\n\tvirtual\tint ssl_accept() { return soap_ssl_accept(this); };"); fprintf(fd, "\n#endif"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t/// Serve this request (returns SOAP_OK or error code)"); if (nflag) fprintf(fd, "\n\tvirtual\tint serve() { return %s_serve(this); };", prefix); else fprintf(fd, "\n\tvirtual\tint serve() { return soap_serve(this); };"); fprintf(fd, "\n};"); banner(fd, "Service Operations (you should define these globally)"); for (method = table->list; method; method = method->next) { if (method->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(method->info.sto & Sextern)) { Entry *p, *q = entry(table, method->sym); Table *output; if (q) p = (Entry*)q->info.typ->ref; else { fprintf(stderr, "Internal error: no table entry\n"); return; } q = entry(classtable, method->sym); output = (Table*)q->info.typ->ref; fprintf(fd, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 %s(struct soap*", ident(method->sym->name)); gen_params(fd, output, p, 1); fprintf(fd, ";"); } } if (namespaceid) fprintf(fd, "\n\n} // namespace %s\n", namespaceid); fprintf(fd, "\n\n#endif\n"); } void gen_proxy_header(FILE *fd, Table *table, Symbol *ns, const char *name) { static int first_class = 1; Entry *p, *method; Table *t; if (fd != freport) fprintf(fd, "\n\n#ifndef %s%s_H\n#define %s%s_H\n#include \"%sH.h\"", prefix, name, prefix, name, prefix); else { Service *sp; if (first_class) fprintf(fd, "## Web Client Proxy Class %s {#doc-client}\n\n", name); else fprintf(fd, "## Web Client Proxy Class %s {#%s}\n\n", name, name); first_class = 0; for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) if (sp->documentation) fprintf(freport, "%s\n\n", sp->documentation); fprintf(fd, "This client proxy class is declared in [%s](%s) and defined in [%s](%s):", soapProxyH, pathsoapProxyH, soapProxyC, pathsoapProxyC); } if (namespaceid) fprintf(fd, "\n\n namespace %s {", namespaceid); if (iflag) fprintf(fd, "\n\n class SOAP_CMAC %s : public soap {\n public:", name); else { fprintf(fd, "\n\n class SOAP_CMAC %s {\n public:", name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Context to manage proxy IO and data\n struct soap *soap;\n bool soap_own; ///< flag indicating that this context is owned by this proxy when context is shared"); } fprintf(fd, "\n /// Endpoint URL of service '%s' (change as needed)", name); fprintf(fd, "\n const char *soap_endpoint;"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Variables globally declared in %s, if any", filename); for (p = table->list; p; p = p->next) if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !(p->info.sto & Sstatic)) fprintf(fd, "\n %s%s;", c_storage(p->info.sto), c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Construct a proxy with new managing context"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s();", name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Copy constructor"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s(const %s& rhs);", name, name); if (iflag) { fprintf(fd, "\n /// Construct proxy given a managing context"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s(const struct soap&);", name); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n /// Construct proxy given a shared managing context"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s(struct soap*);", name); } fprintf(fd, "\n /// Constructor taking an endpoint URL"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s(const char *endpoint);", name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Constructor taking input and output mode flags for the new managing context"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s(soap_mode iomode);", name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Constructor taking endpoint URL and input and output mode flags for the new managing context"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s(const char *endpoint, soap_mode iomode);", name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Constructor taking input and output mode flags for the new managing context"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s(soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode);", name); if (iflag) fprintf(fd, "\n /// Destructor deletes deserialized data and managing context"); else fprintf(fd, "\n /// Destructor deletes non-shared managing context only (use destroy() to delete deserialized data)"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual ~%s();", name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Initializer used by constructors"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void %s_init(soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode);", name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Return a copy that has a new managing context with the same engine state"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual %s *copy() SOAP_PURE_VIRTUAL;", name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Copy assignment"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s& operator=(const %s&);", name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Delete all deserialized data (uses soap_destroy() and soap_end())"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void destroy();"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Delete all deserialized data and reset to default"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void reset();"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Disables and removes SOAP Header from message by setting soap->header = NULL"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void soap_noheader();"); if (!namespaceid) { p = entry(classtable, lookup("SOAP_ENV__Header")); if (p) { t = (Table*)p->info.typ->ref; if (t && t->list && !is_void(t->list->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, "\n /// Add SOAP Header to message"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void soap_header("); gen_params(fd, t, NULL, 0); fprintf(fd, ";"); } } } else fprintf(fd, "\n // virtual void soap_header(...) method removed due to option -q or -Q"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Get SOAP Header structure (i.e. soap->header, which is NULL when absent)"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual ::SOAP_ENV__Header *soap_header();"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Get SOAP Fault structure (i.e. soap->fault, which is NULL when absent)"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual ::SOAP_ENV__Fault *soap_fault();"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Get SOAP Fault string (NULL when absent)"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual const char *soap_fault_string();"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Get SOAP Fault detail as string (NULL when absent)"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual const char *soap_fault_detail();"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Close connection (normally automatic, except for send_X ops)"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int soap_close_socket();"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Force close connection (can kill a thread blocked on IO)"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int soap_force_close_socket();"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Print fault"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void soap_print_fault(FILE*);"); fprintf(fd, "\n #ifndef WITH_LEAN"); fprintf(fd, "\n #ifndef WITH_COMPAT"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Print fault to stream"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void soap_stream_fault(std::ostream&);"); fprintf(fd, "\n #endif"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Write fault to buffer"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual char *soap_sprint_fault(char *buf, size_t len);"); fprintf(fd, "\n #endif"); for (method = table->list; method; method = method->next) if (method->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(method->info.sto & Sextern) && has_ns_eq(ns->name, method->sym->name)) gen_method(fd, method, 0); fprintf(fd, "\n };"); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fd, "\n\n } // namespace %s\n", namespaceid); if (fd != freport) fprintf(fd, "\n#endif\n"); else { fprintf(freport, "\n\n"); for (method = table->list; method; method = method->next) { Entry *result, *p; result = (Entry*)method->info.typ->ref; p = entry(classtable, method->sym); if (!p) execerror("no table entry"); if (method->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(method->info.sto & Sextern) && has_ns_eq(ns->name, method->sym->name)) { gen_report_operation(name, method, 0); gen_method(freport, method, 0); fprintf(freport, "\n\nwhere:\n\n- `const char *soap_endpoint` is the endpoint URL or NULL to use the default\n- `const char *soap_action` is the SOAP action header or NULL to use the default\n"); gen_report_params(p, result, 0); if (!is_transient(result->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, "These methods return `SOAP_OK` and set the last parameter `%s` to the result, or return an error code\n\n", ident(result->sym->name)); else fprintf(freport, "These methods return `SOAP_OK` or return an error code\n\nNote that `int soap_recv_empty_response(struct soap*)` is called in `%s` after the send operation, which is required when communicating over HTTP to receive the HTTP acknowledgment\n\n", ns_remove(method->sym->name)); gen_report_hr(); } } } } void gen_proxy_code(FILE *fd, Table *table, Symbol *ns, const char *name) { Entry *p, *method, *param; Table *t; const char *soap; if (iflag) soap = "this"; else soap = "this->soap"; fprintf(fd, "\n\n#include \"%s%s.h\"", prefix, name); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fd, "\n\nnamespace %s {", namespaceid); if (iflag) { fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s() : soap(SOAP_IO_DEFAULT)\n{\t%s_init(SOAP_IO_DEFAULT, SOAP_IO_DEFAULT);\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(const %s& rhs)\n{\tsoap_copy_context(this, &rhs);\n\tthis->soap_endpoint = rhs.soap_endpoint;\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(const struct soap &_soap) : soap(_soap)\n{ }", name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(const char *endpoint) : soap(SOAP_IO_DEFAULT)\n{\t%s_init(SOAP_IO_DEFAULT, SOAP_IO_DEFAULT);\n\tsoap_endpoint = endpoint;\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(soap_mode iomode) : soap(iomode)\n{\t%s_init(iomode, iomode);\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(const char *endpoint, soap_mode iomode) : soap(iomode)\n{\t%s_init(iomode, iomode);\n\tsoap_endpoint = endpoint;\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode) : soap(imode, omode)\n{\t%s_init(imode, omode);\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::~%s()\n{\n\tthis->destroy();\n\t}", name, name); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s()\n{\tthis->soap = soap_new();\n\tthis->soap_own = true;\n\t%s_init(SOAP_IO_DEFAULT, SOAP_IO_DEFAULT);\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(const %s& rhs)\n{\tthis->soap = rhs.soap;\n\tthis->soap_own = false;\n\tthis->soap_endpoint = rhs.soap_endpoint;\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(struct soap *_soap)\n{\tthis->soap = _soap;\n\tthis->soap_own = false;\n\t%s_init(_soap->imode, _soap->omode);\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(const char *endpoint)\n{\tthis->soap = soap_new();\n\tthis->soap_own = true;\n\t%s_init(SOAP_IO_DEFAULT, SOAP_IO_DEFAULT);\n\tsoap_endpoint = endpoint;\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(soap_mode iomode)\n{\tthis->soap = soap_new();\n\tthis->soap_own = true;\n\t%s_init(iomode, iomode);\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(const char *endpoint, soap_mode iomode)\n{\tthis->soap = soap_new();\n\tthis->soap_own = true;\n\t%s_init(iomode, iomode);\n\tsoap_endpoint = endpoint;\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode)\n{\tthis->soap = soap_new();\n\tthis->soap_own = true;\n\t%s_init(imode, omode);\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::~%s()\n{\tif (this->soap_own)\n\t\tsoap_free(this->soap);\n}", name, name); } fprintf(fd, "\n\nvoid %s::%s_init(soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode)\n{\tsoap_imode(%s, imode);\n\tsoap_omode(%s, omode);\n\tsoap_endpoint = NULL;\n\tstatic const struct Namespace namespaces[] = ", name, name, soap, soap); gen_nsmap(fd); fprintf(fd, "\tsoap_set_namespaces(%s, namespaces);\n}", soap); if (iflag) { fprintf(fd, "\n\n#ifndef WITH_PURE_VIRTUAL\n%s *%s::copy()\n{\t%s *dup = SOAP_NEW_COPY(%s(*(struct soap*)%s));\n\treturn dup;\n}\n#endif", name, name, name, name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s& %s::operator=(const %s& rhs)\n{\tsoap_copy_context(this, &rhs);\n\tthis->soap_endpoint = rhs.soap_endpoint;\n\treturn *this;\n}", name, name, name); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n\n#ifndef WITH_PURE_VIRTUAL\n%s *%s::copy()\n{\t%s *dup = SOAP_NEW_COPY(%s);\n\tif (dup)\n\t\tsoap_copy_context(dup->soap, this->soap);\n\treturn dup;\n}\n#endif", name, name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s& %s::operator=(const %s& rhs)\n{\tif (this->soap_own)\n\t\tsoap_free(this->soap);\n\tthis->soap = rhs.soap;\n\tthis->soap_own = false;\n\tthis->soap_endpoint = rhs.soap_endpoint;\n\treturn *this;\n}", name, name, name); } fprintf(fd, "\n\nvoid %s::destroy()\n{\tsoap_destroy(%s);\n\tsoap_end(%s);\n}", name, soap, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nvoid %s::reset()\n{\tthis->destroy();\n\tsoap_done(%s);\n\tsoap_initialize(%s);\n\t%s_init(SOAP_IO_DEFAULT, SOAP_IO_DEFAULT);\n}", name, soap, soap, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\nvoid %s::soap_noheader()\n{\t%s->header = NULL;\n}", name, soap); if (!namespaceid) { p = entry(classtable, lookup("SOAP_ENV__Header")); if (p) { t = (Table*)p->info.typ->ref; if (t && t->list && !is_void(t->list->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\nvoid %s::soap_header(", name); gen_params(fd, t, NULL, 0); fprintf(fd, "\n{\t::soap_header(%s);", soap); for (param = t->list; param; param = param->next) { if (namespaceid) fprintf(fd, "\n\t((%s::SOAP_ENV__Header*)%s->header)->%s = %s;", namespaceid, soap, ident(param->sym->name), ident(param->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s->header->%s = %s;", soap, ident(param->sym->name), ident(param->sym->name)); } fprintf(fd, "\n}"); } } } fprintf(fd, "\n\n::SOAP_ENV__Header *%s::soap_header()\n{\treturn %s->header;\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\n::SOAP_ENV__Fault *%s::soap_fault()\n{\treturn %s->fault;\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nconst char *%s::soap_fault_string()\n{\treturn *soap_faultstring(%s);\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nconst char *%s::soap_fault_detail()\n{\treturn *soap_faultdetail(%s);\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nint %s::soap_close_socket()\n{\treturn soap_closesock(%s);\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nint %s::soap_force_close_socket()\n{\treturn soap_force_closesock(%s);\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nvoid %s::soap_print_fault(FILE *fd)\n{\t::soap_print_fault(%s, fd);\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\n#ifndef WITH_LEAN\n#ifndef WITH_COMPAT\nvoid %s::soap_stream_fault(std::ostream& os)\n{\t::soap_stream_fault(%s, os);\n}\n#endif", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nchar *%s::soap_sprint_fault(char *buf, size_t len)\n{\treturn ::soap_sprint_fault(%s, buf, len);\n}\n#endif", name, soap); for (method = table->list; method; method = method->next) if (method->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(method->info.sto & Sextern) && !is_imported(method->info.typ) && has_ns_eq(ns->name, method->sym->name)) gen_call_method(fd, method, name); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fd, "\n\n} // namespace %s\n", namespaceid); fprintf(fd, "\n/* End of client proxy code */\n"); } void gen_object_header(FILE *fd, Table *table, Symbol *ns, const char *name) { static int first_class = 1; Entry *p, *method; Table *t; if (fd != freport) fprintf(fd, "\n\n#ifndef %s%s_H\n#define %s%s_H\n#include \"%sH.h\"", prefix, name, prefix, name, prefix); else { Service *sp; if (first_class) fprintf(fd, "## Web Service Class %s {#doc-server}\n\n", name); else fprintf(fd, "## Web Service Class %s {#%s}\n\n", name, name); first_class = 0; for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) if (sp->documentation) fprintf(freport, "%s\n\n", sp->documentation); fprintf(fd, "This service class is declared in [%s](%s) and defined in [%s](%s):", soapServiceH, pathsoapServiceH, soapServiceC, pathsoapServiceC); } if (namespaceid) fprintf(fd, "\n\n namespace %s {", namespaceid); if (iflag) fprintf(fd, "\n\n class SOAP_CMAC %s : public soap {\n public:", name); else { fprintf(fd, "\n\n class SOAP_CMAC %s {\n public:", name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Context to manage service IO and data\n struct soap *soap;\n bool soap_own; ///< flag indicating that this context is owned by this service when context is shared"); } fprintf(fd, "\n /// Variables globally declared in %s, if any", filename); for (p = table->list; p; p = p->next) if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !(p->info.sto & Sstatic)) fprintf(fd, "\n %s%s;", c_storage(p->info.sto), c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Construct a service with new managing context"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s();", name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Copy constructor"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s(const %s&);", name, name); if (iflag) { fprintf(fd, "\n /// Construct service given a managing context"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s(const struct soap&);", name); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n /// Construct service given a shared managing context"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s(struct soap*);", name); } fprintf(fd, "\n /// Constructor taking input+output mode flags for the new managing context"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s(soap_mode iomode);", name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Constructor taking input and output mode flags for the new managing context"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s(soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode);", name); if (iflag) fprintf(fd, "\n /// Destructor deletes deserialized data and managing context"); else fprintf(fd, "\n /// Destructor deletes non-shared managing context only (use destroy() to delete deserialized data)"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual ~%s();", name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Delete all deserialized data (with soap_destroy() and soap_end())"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void destroy();"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Delete all deserialized data and reset to defaults"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void reset();"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Initializer used by constructors"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void %s_init(soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode);", name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Return a copy that has a new managing context with the same engine state"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual %s *copy() SOAP_PURE_VIRTUAL;", name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Copy assignment"); fprintf(fd, "\n %s& operator=(const %s&);", name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Close connection (normally automatic)"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int soap_close_socket();"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Force close connection (can kill a thread blocked on IO)"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int soap_force_close_socket();"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Return sender-related fault to sender"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int soap_senderfault(const char *string, const char *detailXML);"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Return sender-related fault with SOAP 1.2 subcode to sender"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int soap_senderfault(const char *subcodeQName, const char *string, const char *detailXML);"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Return receiver-related fault to sender"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int soap_receiverfault(const char *string, const char *detailXML);"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Return receiver-related fault with SOAP 1.2 subcode to sender"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int soap_receiverfault(const char *subcodeQName, const char *string, const char *detailXML);"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Print fault"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void soap_print_fault(FILE*);"); fprintf(fd, "\n #ifndef WITH_LEAN"); fprintf(fd, "\n #ifndef WITH_COMPAT"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Print fault to stream"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void soap_stream_fault(std::ostream&);"); fprintf(fd, "\n #endif"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Write fault to buffer"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual char *soap_sprint_fault(char *buf, size_t len);"); fprintf(fd, "\n #endif"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Disables and removes SOAP Header from message by setting soap->header = NULL"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void soap_noheader();"); if (!namespaceid) { p = entry(classtable, lookup("SOAP_ENV__Header")); if (p) { t = (Table*)p->info.typ->ref; if (t && t->list && !is_void(t->list->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, "\n /// Add SOAP Header to message"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual void soap_header("); gen_params(fd, t, NULL, 0); fprintf(fd, ";"); } } } else fprintf(fd, "\n // virtual void soap_header(...) method removed due to option -q or -Q"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Get SOAP Header structure (i.e. soap->header, which is NULL when absent)"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual ::SOAP_ENV__Header *soap_header();"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Run simple single-thread (iterative, non-SSL) service on port until a connection error occurs (returns SOAP_OK or error code), use this->bind_flag = SO_REUSEADDR to rebind for immediate rerun"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int run(int port);"); fprintf(fd, "\n #if defined(WITH_OPENSSL) || defined(WITH_GNUTLS)"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Run simple single-thread SSL service on port until a connection error occurs (returns SOAP_OK or error code), use this->bind_flag = SO_REUSEADDR to rebind for immediate rerun"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int ssl_run(int port);"); fprintf(fd, "\n #endif"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Bind service to port (returns master socket or SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET)"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual SOAP_SOCKET bind(const char *host, int port, int backlog);"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Accept next request (returns socket or SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET)"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual SOAP_SOCKET accept();"); fprintf(fd, "\n #if defined(WITH_OPENSSL) || defined(WITH_GNUTLS)"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// When SSL is used, after accept() should perform and accept SSL handshake"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int ssl_accept();"); fprintf(fd, "\n #endif"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// After accept() serve this request (returns SOAP_OK or error code)"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int serve();"); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Used by serve() to dispatch a request (returns SOAP_OK or error code)"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int dispatch();"); if (jflag) fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int dispatch(struct soap *soap);"); fprintf(fd, "\n ///\n /// Service operations are listed below (you should define these)\n /// Note: compile with -DWITH_PURE_VIRTUAL for pure virtual methods\n ///"); for (method = table->list; method; method = method->next) if (method->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(method->info.sto & Sextern) && has_ns_eq(ns->name, method->sym->name)) gen_method(fd, method, 1); fprintf(fd, "\n };"); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fd, "\n\n } // namespace %s\n", namespaceid); if (fd != freport) fprintf(fd, "\n#endif\n"); else { fprintf(freport, "\n\nUse the service request dispatcher to accept and process service requests:\n\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `int serve()` serves requests by calling one of the service methods that matches the request. Returns `SOAP_OK` or an error code. This function supports CGI by accepting a request on stdin and sending the response to stdout, and FastCGI. To serve over HTTP(S), use the following functions to establish a connection:\n\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `SOAP_SOCKET bind(const char *host, int port, int backlog)` returns master socket bound to port (and restricted to host name, if not NULL) or `SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET`\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `SOAP_SOCKET accept()` accepts connection and returns socket when accepted, or `SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET`\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `int soap_ssl_accept()` performs SSL handshake and returns `SOAP_OK` when successful or an error code, invoke this method after `accept()` to accept SSL/TLS connection\n\n"); for (method = table->list; method; method = method->next) { Entry *result, *p; result = (Entry*)method->info.typ->ref; p = entry(classtable, method->sym); if (!p) execerror("no table entry"); if (method->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(method->info.sto & Sextern) && has_ns_eq(ns->name, method->sym->name)) { gen_report_operation(name, method, 1); gen_method(freport, method, 1); fprintf(freport, "\n\nwhere:\n\n"); gen_report_params(p, result, 1); if (!is_transient(result->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, "This service method should be implemented as part of the service back-end code and return `SOAP_OK` and set the last parameter `%s` to the result, or return an error code\n\n", ident(result->sym->name)); else fprintf(freport, "This service method should be implemented as part of the service back-end code and call `int %s::send_%s_empty_response(int httpcode)` with a HTTP status/error code (200 to 999) to return, when communicating over HTTP to return a HTTP header\n\n", name, ns_remove(method->sym->name)); gen_report_hr(); } } } } void gen_method(FILE *fd, Entry *method, int server) { Table *params; Entry *result, *p; const char *soap; if (iflag) soap = "this"; else soap = "this->soap"; result = (Entry*)method->info.typ->ref; p = entry(classtable, method->sym); if (!p) execerror("no table entry"); params = (Table*)p->info.typ->ref; if (server || !is_transient(result->info.typ)) { if (is_transient(result->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n /// Web service one-way operation '%s' (return SOAP_OK (no response) or error code, or use send_%s_empty_response())", ns_remove(method->sym->name), ns_remove(method->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, "\n /// Web service operation '%s' (returns SOAP_OK or error code)", ns_remove(method->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int %s(", ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL)); gen_params(fd, params, result, 0); if (!server) { fprintf(fd, "\n { return this->%s(NULL, NULL", ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL)); gen_args(fd, params, result, 1); fprintf(fd, "; }"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int %s(const char *soap_endpoint, const char *soap_action", ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL)); gen_params(fd, params, result, 1); } if (server) fprintf(fd, " SOAP_PURE_VIRTUAL;"); else fprintf(fd, ";"); if (is_transient(result->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int send_%s_empty_response(int httpcode)\n { return soap_send_empty_response(%s, httpcode); }", ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL), soap); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n /// Web service one-way send operation 'send_%s' (returns SOAP_OK or error code)", ns_remove(method->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int send_%s(", ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL)); gen_params(fd, params, result, 0); fprintf(fd, "\n { return this->send_%s(NULL, NULL", ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL)); gen_args(fd, params, result, 1); fprintf(fd, "; }"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int send_%s(const char *soap_endpoint, const char *soap_action", ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL)); gen_params(fd, params, result, 1); fprintf(fd, ";\n /// Web service one-way receive operation 'recv_%s' (returns SOAP_OK or error code)", ns_remove(method->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, ";\n virtual int recv_%s(", ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL)); fprintf(fd, "struct %s&);", ident(method->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Web service receive of HTTP Accept acknowledgment for one-way send operation 'send_%s' (returns SOAP_OK or error code)", ns_remove(method->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int recv_%s_empty_response()\n { return soap_recv_empty_response(%s); }", ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL), soap); fprintf(fd, "\n /// Web service one-way synchronous send operation '%s' with HTTP Accept/OK response receive (returns SOAP_OK or error code)", ns_remove(method->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int %s(", ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL)); gen_params(fd, params, result, 0); fprintf(fd, "\n { return this->%s(NULL, NULL", ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL)); gen_args(fd, params, result, 1); fprintf(fd, "; }"); fprintf(fd, "\n virtual int %s(const char *soap_endpoint, const char *soap_action", ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL)); gen_params(fd, params, result, 1); fprintf(fd, "\n {\n if (this->send_%s(soap_endpoint, soap_action", ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL)); gen_args(fd, params, result, 1); fprintf(fd, " || soap_recv_empty_response(%s))\n return %s->error;\n return SOAP_OK;\n }", soap, soap); } } void gen_report_params(Entry *type, Entry *result, int server) { Table *params = (Table*)type->info.typ->ref; Entry *param; for (param = params->list; param; param = param->next) { fprintf(freport, "- `%s` %s", c_type_id(param->info.typ, param->sym->name), param->info.minOccurs > 0 ? "required" : "optional"); gen_report_member(type, param); gen_report_type(param->info.typ, "parameter"); if (is_unmatched(param->sym)) fprintf(freport, " (the leading underscore makes this parameter a wildcard that matches any XML element tag)"); fprintf(freport, "\n"); } if (!is_transient(result->info.typ)) { Tnode *ref = (Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref; if (result->info.typ->type == Tpointer) fprintf(freport, "- `%s` is the service operation response, which is a non-NULL pointer to a `%s`%s", c_type_id(result->info.typ, result->sym->name), c_type(result->info.typ->ref), server ? " that the service operation should populate with the response data" : " that the client provides with the call and is populated by the service operation as the result of the call"); else fprintf(freport, "- `%s` is the service operation response data populated by the service operation", c_type_id(result->info.typ, result->sym->name)); gen_report_type(ref, "result parameter"); if (is_unmatched(result->sym)) fprintf(freport, " (the leading underscore makes this result parameter a wildcard that matches any XML element tag)"); fprintf(freport, "\n"); } fprintf(freport, "\n"); } void gen_report_req_params(Tnode *typ) { Table *Tptr; Entry *Eptr; int derclass = 0, flag = 0; if (!is_dynamic_array(typ)) { for (Tptr = (Table*)typ->ref, derclass = 0; Tptr; Tptr = Tptr->prev, derclass++) { for (Eptr = Tptr->list; Eptr; Eptr = Eptr->next) { if (is_repetition(Eptr) || is_anytype(Eptr)) flag = 2; if ((Eptr->info.minOccurs > 0 || flag) && !(Eptr->info.sto & (Sprivate | Sprotected | Sconst | Sstatic | Stypedef)) && Eptr->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_soapref(Eptr->info.typ)) { if (flag) flag--; if (is_smart(Eptr->info.typ)) { if (is_smart_shared(Eptr->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, ", %s %s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ, "&"), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else fprintf(freport, ", %s %s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ->ref, "*"), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); } else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Ttemplate && is_smart(Eptr->info.typ->ref) && !is_smart_shared(Eptr->info.typ->ref)) continue; else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Tclass || Eptr->info.typ->type == Tstruct || Eptr->info.typ->type == Tunion || Eptr->info.typ->type == Ttemplate) fprintf(freport, ", const %s& %s", c_type(Eptr->info.typ), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else if ((Eptr->info.sto & Sconstptr)) fprintf(freport, ", const %s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ, Eptr->sym->name)); else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(freport, ", %s const*%s", c_type(Eptr->info.typ->ref), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else fprintf(freport, ", %s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ, Eptr->sym->name)); if (derclass) fprintf(freport, "%d", derclass); } } } } } void gen_report_set_params(Tnode *typ) { Table *Tptr; Entry *Eptr; int derclass = 0; for (Tptr = (Table*)typ->ref, derclass = 0; Tptr; Tptr = Tptr->prev, derclass++) { for (Eptr = Tptr->list; Eptr; Eptr = Eptr->next) { if (!(Eptr->info.sto & (Sprivate | Sprotected | Sconst | Sstatic | Stypedef)) && Eptr->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_soapref(Eptr->info.typ)) { if (is_smart(Eptr->info.typ)) { if (is_smart_shared(Eptr->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, ", %s %s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ, "&"), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else fprintf(freport, ", %s %s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ->ref, "*"), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); } else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Ttemplate && is_smart(Eptr->info.typ->ref) && !is_smart_shared(Eptr->info.typ->ref)) continue; else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Tclass || Eptr->info.typ->type == Tstruct || Eptr->info.typ->type == Tunion || Eptr->info.typ->type == Ttemplate) fprintf(freport, ", const %s& %s", c_type(Eptr->info.typ), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else if ((Eptr->info.sto & Sconstptr)) fprintf(freport, ", const %s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ, Eptr->sym->name)); else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(freport, ", %s const*%s", c_type(Eptr->info.typ->ref), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else fprintf(freport, ", %s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ, Eptr->sym->name)); if (derclass) fprintf(freport, "%d", derclass); } } } } void gen_params(FILE *fd, Table *params, Entry *result, int flag) { Entry *param; for (param = params->list; param; param = param->next) fprintf(fd, "%s%s%s", flag || param != params->list ? ", " : "", c_storage(param->info.sto), c_type_id(param->info.typ, param->sym->name)); if (!result || is_transient(result->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, ")"); else fprintf(fd, "%s%s%s)", flag || params->list ? ", " : "", c_storage(result->info.sto), c_type_id(result->info.typ, result->sym->name)); } void gen_args(FILE *fd, Table *params, Entry *result, int flag) { Entry *param; for (param = params->list; param; param = param->next) fprintf(fd, "%s%s", flag || param != params->list ? ", " : "", param->sym->name); if (!result || is_transient(result->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, ")"); else fprintf(fd, "%s%s)", flag || params->list ? ", " : "", result->sym->name); } void gen_query_url(FILE *fd, Table *params, int soap) { Entry *param; int flag = 0; if (soap) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_extend_url_query(soap, soap_endpoint, NULL);"); else fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_extend_url_query(soap, soap_endpoint, soap_action);"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t(SOAP_SNPRINTF(soap->msgbuf + strlen(soap->msgbuf), sizeof(soap->msgbuf) - strlen(soap->msgbuf), 0), \""); for (param = params->list; param; param = param->next) if (!is_transient(param->info.typ) && is_primitive_or_string(param->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "%s%s=%s", flag++ ? "&" : "", ns_remove(param->sym->name), gen_format(param->info.typ)); fprintf(fd, "\""); for (param = params->list; param; param = param->next) { if (!is_transient(param->info.typ) && is_primitive_or_string(param->info.typ)) { if (is_stdstring(param->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, ", soap_encode_url_string(soap, %s.c_str())", ident(param->sym->name)); else if (is_string(param->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, ", soap_encode_url_string(soap, %s)", ident(param->sym->name)); else if (is_primitive(param->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, ", %s", ident(param->sym->name)); } } fprintf(fd, ");"); } void gen_query_form(FILE *fd, Table *params) { Entry *param; int flag = 0; fprintf(fd, "\n\tif ("); for (param = params->list; param; param = param->next) { if (!is_transient(param->info.typ) && is_primitive_or_string(param->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, "soap_send(soap, \"%s%s=\")", flag++ ? "&" : "", ns_remove(param->sym->name)); if (is_stdstring(param->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, " || soap_send(soap, soap_encode_url_string(soap, %s.c_str()))\n\t || ", ident(param->sym->name)); else if (is_string(param->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, " || soap_send(soap, soap_encode_url_string(soap, %s))\n\t || ", ident(param->sym->name)); else if (is_primitive(param->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, " || soap_send(soap, soap_%s2s(soap, %s))\n\t || ", c_ident(param->info.typ), ident(param->sym->name)); } } } const char* gen_format(Tnode *typ) { if (is_string(typ) || is_stdstring(typ)) return "%s"; switch (typ->type) { case Tchar: return "%hhd"; case Tshort: return "%hd"; case Tint: return "%d"; case Tlong: return "%ld"; case Tllong: return SOAP_LONG_FORMAT; case Tfloat: return "%.9G"; case Tdouble: return "%.17lG"; case Tuchar: return "%hhu"; case Tushort: return "%hu"; case Tuint: return "%u"; case Tulong: return "%lu"; case Tullong: return SOAP_ULONG_FORMAT; default: return ""; } } void gen_call_proto(FILE *fd, Entry *method) { Table *params; Entry *result, *p; result = (Entry*)method->info.typ->ref; p = entry(classtable, method->sym); if (!p) execerror("no table entry"); params = (Table*)p->info.typ->ref; if (fd == freport) gen_report_operation(NULL, method, 0); if (!is_transient(result->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, "\n SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 soap_call_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *soap_endpoint, const char *soap_action", ident(method->sym->name)); gen_params(fd, params, result, 1); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 soap_send_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *soap_endpoint, const char *soap_action", ident(method->sym->name)); gen_params(fd, params, result, 1); } fprintf(fd, ";"); if (is_transient(result->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 soap_recv_%s(struct soap *soap, struct %s *%s);", ident(method->sym->name), ident(method->sym->name), ident(result->sym->name)); if (fd == freport) { fprintf(freport, "\n\nwhere:\n\n- `struct soap *soap` is the context\n- `const char *soap_endpoint` is the endpoint URL or NULL to use the default\n- `const char *soap_action` is the SOAP action header or NULL to use the default\n"); gen_report_params(p, result, 0); if (!is_transient(result->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, "This function returns `SOAP_OK` and sets the last parameter `%s` to the result, or returns an error code\n\n", ident(result->sym->name)); else fprintf(freport, "These functions return `SOAP_OK` or return an error code\n\nNote that `int soap_recv_empty_response(struct soap *soap)` should be called after the send function, which is required when communicating over HTTP to receive the HTTP acknowledgement\n\n"); gen_report_hr(); } } void gen_call_method(FILE *fd, Entry *method, const char *name) { Service *sp; Method *m; int soap = (soap_version >= 0); int version = soap_version; int get = 0; int put = 0; int del = 0; int post = 0; int mime = 0; const char *style = NULL, *encoding = NULL; const char *xtag; const char *action = NULL, *method_encoding = NULL, *method_response_encoding = NULL; Table *params; Entry *param, *result, *p, *response = NULL; result = (Entry*)method->info.typ->ref; p = entry(classtable, method->sym); if (!p) execerror("no table entry"); params = (Table*)p->info.typ->ref; if (!is_response(result->info.typ) && !is_XML(result->info.typ)) response = get_response(method->info.typ); if (name) { if (!is_transient(result->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n\nint %s::%s(const char *endpoint, const char *soap_action", name, ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL)); else fprintf(fd, "\n\nint %s::send_%s(const char *endpoint, const char *soap_action", name, ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL)); gen_params(fd, params, result, 1); } else if (!is_transient(result->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 soap_call_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *soap_endpoint, const char *soap_action", ident(method->sym->name)); gen_params(fd, params, result, 1); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 soap_send_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *soap_endpoint, const char *soap_action", ident(method->sym->name)); gen_params(fd, params, result, 1); } if (name) { if (iflag) fprintf(fd, "\n{\tstruct soap *soap = this;\n"); else fprintf(fd, "\n{\tstruct soap *soap = this->soap;\n"); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n{"); } for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (has_ns_eq(sp->ns, method->sym->name)) { style = sp->style; encoding = sp->encoding; method_encoding = encoding; method_response_encoding = NULL; if (sp->protocol) { if (strstr(sp->protocol, "GET")) get = 1; else if (strstr(sp->protocol, "PUT")) put = 1; else if (strstr(sp->protocol, "DELETE")) del = 1; else if (strstr(sp->protocol, "POST")) post = 1; if (strncmp(sp->protocol, "SOAP", 4)) soap = 0; else if (strlen(sp->protocol) > 6) version = sp->protocol[6] - '0'; } for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) { if (is_eq_nons(m->name, method->sym->name)) { if (m->mess == ACTION || m->mess == REQUEST_ACTION) action = m->part; else if (m->mess == ENCODING) method_encoding = m->part; else if (m->mess == RESPONSE_ENCODING) method_response_encoding = m->part; else if (m->mess == PROTOCOL) { if (strstr(m->part, "GET")) get = 1; else if (strstr(m->part, "PUT")) put = 1; else if (strstr(m->part, "DELETE")) del = 1; else if (strstr(m->part, "POST")) post = 1; if (strncmp(m->part, "SOAP", 4)) soap = 0; else if (strlen(m->part) > 6) version = m->part[6] - '0'; } else if (m->mess&MIMEIN && !strcmp(m->part, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) mime = 1; } } break; } } if (!get && !mime) fprintf(fd, "\tstruct %s soap_tmp_%s;", ident(method->sym->name), ident(method->sym->name)); if (response) fprintf(fd, "\n\tstruct %s *soap_tmp_%s;", c_ident(response->info.typ), c_ident(response->info.typ)); if (name) fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (endpoint)\n\t\tsoap_endpoint = endpoint;"); if (sp && sp->URL) fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_endpoint == NULL)\n\t\tsoap_endpoint = \"%s\";", sp->URL); if (action) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_action == NULL)\n\t\tsoap_action = "); if (*action == '"') fprintf(fd, "%s;", action); else fprintf(fd, "\"%s\";", action); } if (!method_response_encoding) method_response_encoding = method_encoding; if (!get && !del && !mime) { for (param = params->list; param; param = param->next) { if (param->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_memcpy(soap_tmp_%s.%s, sizeof(%s), %s, sizeof(%s));", ident(method->sym->name), ident(param->sym->name), c_type(param->info.typ), ident(param->sym->name), c_type(param->info.typ)); else fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_tmp_%s.%s = %s;", ident(method->sym->name), ident(param->sym->name), ident(param->sym->name)); } fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_begin(soap);"); if (!soap) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_set_version(soap, 0); /* no SOAP */"); else if (version > 0) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_set_version(soap, %d); /* SOAP1.%d */", version, version); if (soap && sp && sp->URI && method_encoding) { if (is_literal(method_encoding)) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->encodingStyle = NULL;"); else if (method_encoding) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->encodingStyle = \"%s\";", method_encoding); } else if (!eflag) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->encodingStyle = NULL;"); if (soap) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_serializeheader(soap);"); fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s);", ident(method->sym->name), ident(method->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_begin_count(soap))\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap->mode & SOAP_IO_LENGTH)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t{\tif (soap_envelope_begin_out(soap)"); if (soap) { fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || soap_putheader(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || soap_body_begin_out(soap)"); } fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || soap_put_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\", NULL)", ident(method->sym->name), ident(method->sym->name), ns_convert(method->sym->name)); if (soap) fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || soap_body_end_out(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || soap_envelope_end_out(soap))"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t\t return soap->error;"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t}"); fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_end_count(soap))\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); if (soap) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_connect(soap, soap_endpoint, soap_action)"); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->http_content = \"text/xml\";"); if (put) fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_connect_command(soap, SOAP_PUT, soap_extend_url(soap, soap_endpoint, soap_action), soap_action)"); else fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_connect_command(soap, SOAP_POST_FILE, soap_extend_url(soap, soap_endpoint, soap_action), soap_action)"); } fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_envelope_begin_out(soap)"); if (soap) { fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_putheader(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_body_begin_out(soap)"); } fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_put_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\", NULL)", ident(method->sym->name), ident(method->sym->name), ns_convert(method->sym->name)); if (soap) fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_body_end_out(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_envelope_end_out(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_end_send(soap))"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\treturn soap_closesock(soap);"); } else if (get) { if (params->list) { gen_query_url(fd, params, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_connect_command(soap, SOAP_GET, soap->msgbuf, soap_action))"); } else if (soap) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_connect_command(soap, SOAP_GET, soap_endpoint, soap_action))"); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_connect_command(soap, SOAP_GET, soap_extend_url(soap, soap_endpoint, soap_action), soap_action))"); } fprintf(fd, "\n\t\treturn soap_closesock(soap);"); } else if (del) { if (params->list) { gen_query_url(fd, params, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_connect_command(soap, SOAP_DEL, soap->msgbuf, soap_action))"); } else if (soap) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_connect_command(soap, SOAP_DEL, soap_endpoint, soap_action))"); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_connect_command(soap, SOAP_DEL, soap_extend_url(soap, soap_endpoint, soap_action), soap_action))"); } fprintf(fd, "\n\t\treturn soap_closesock(soap);"); } else if (mime) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->http_content = \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\";"); if (put) fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_connect_command(soap, SOAP_PUT, soap_extend_url(soap, soap_endpoint, soap_action), soap_action))"); else fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_connect_command(soap, SOAP_POST_FILE, soap_extend_url(soap, soap_endpoint, soap_action), soap_action))"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\treturn soap_closesock(soap);"); gen_query_form(fd, params); fprintf(fd, "soap_end_send(soap))\n\t\treturn soap_closesock(soap);"); } if (is_transient(result->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}"); if (name) { fprintf(fd, "\n\nint %s::recv_%s(", name, ns_cname(method->sym->name, NULL)); fprintf(fd, "struct %s& tmp)", ident(method->sym->name)); if (iflag) fprintf(fd, "\n{\tstruct soap *soap = this;\n"); else fprintf(fd, "\n{\tstruct soap *soap = this->soap;\n"); fprintf(fd, "\n\tstruct %s *%s = &tmp;", ident(method->sym->name), ident(result->sym->name)); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 soap_recv_%s(struct soap *soap, ", ident(method->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "struct %s *%s)\n{", ident(method->sym->name), ident(result->sym->name)); } fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, %s);", ident(method->sym->name), ident(result->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_begin(soap);"); } else if (result->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, %s);", c_ident(result->info.typ), ident(result->sym->name)); else if (result->info.typ->type == Treference && ((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (!&%s)\n\t\treturn soap_closesock(soap);\n\t%s.soap_default(soap);", ident(result->sym->name), ident(result->sym->name)); else if (((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (!%s)\n\t\treturn soap_closesock(soap);\n\t%s->soap_default(soap);", ident(result->sym->name), ident(result->sym->name)); else if (result->info.typ->type == Treference && ((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s = NULL;", ident(result->sym->name)); else if (((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (!%s)\n\t\treturn soap_closesock(soap);\n\t*%s = NULL;", ident(result->sym->name), ident(result->sym->name)); else if (result->info.typ->type == Treference) fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (!&%s)\n\t\treturn soap_closesock(soap);\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, &%s);", ident(result->sym->name), c_ident((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref), ident(result->sym->name)); else if (!is_void(result->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (!%s)\n\t\treturn soap_closesock(soap);\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, %s);", ident(result->sym->name), c_ident((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref), ident(result->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_begin_recv(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_envelope_begin_in(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_recv_header(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_body_begin_in(soap))"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\treturn soap_closesock(soap);"); if (is_transient(result->info.typ)) { if (sflag) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->mode |= SOAP_XML_STRICT;"); fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_get_%s(soap, %s, \"%s\", NULL);", ident(method->sym->name), ident(result->sym->name), ns_convert(method->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && soap->level == 2)\n\t\tsoap->error = SOAP_OK;"); fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap->error"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_body_end_in(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_envelope_end_in(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_end_recv(soap))"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\treturn soap_closesock(soap);"); fprintf(fd, "\n\treturn soap_closesock(soap);\n}"); fflush(fd); return; } /* With RPC encoded responses, try to parse the fault first */ if (!is_literal(method_response_encoding)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_recv_fault(soap, 1))\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); xtag = ""; } else if (has_ns_eq(NULL, result->sym->name)) { if (response) xtag = xml_tag(response->info.typ); else xtag = ns_convert(result->sym->name); } else { if (response) xtag = xml_tag(response->info.typ); else xtag = xml_tag(result->info.typ); } if (sflag) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->mode |= SOAP_XML_STRICT;"); if (response) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_tmp_%s = soap_get_%s(soap, NULL, \"%s\", NULL);", c_ident(response->info.typ), c_ident(response->info.typ), xtag); fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (!soap_tmp_%s || soap->error)\n\t\treturn soap_recv_fault(soap, 0);", c_ident(response->info.typ)); } else if ((result->info.typ->type == Treference || result->info.typ->type == Tpointer) && !is_invisible_empty((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref)) { if (result->info.typ->type == Treference && ((Tnode *) result->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref) && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s.soap_get(soap, \"%s\", NULL);", ident(result->sym->name), xtag); else if (result->info.typ->type == Tpointer && ((Tnode *) result->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref) && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s->soap_get(soap, \"%s\", NULL);", ident(result->sym->name), xtag); else if (result->info.typ->type == Treference && ((Tnode *) result->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct && !is_external((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref) && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_get_%s(soap, &%s, \"%s\", NULL);", c_ident((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref), ident(result->sym->name), xtag); } else if (result->info.typ->type == Tpointer && ((Tnode *) result->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_get_%s(soap, %s, \"%s\", NULL);", c_ident((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref), ident(result->sym->name), xtag); } else if (result->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_XML((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_inliteral(soap, NULL, (char**)%s);", ident(result->sym->name)); } else if (result->info.typ->type == Treference && is_XML((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_inliteral(soap, NULL, (char**)&%s);", ident(result->sym->name)); } else if (result->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_XML((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_inwliteral(soap, NULL, (wchar_t**)%s);", ident(result->sym->name)); } else if (result->info.typ->type == Treference && is_XML((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)result->info.typ->ref)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_inwliteral(soap, NULL, (wchar_t**)&%s);", ident(result->sym->name)); } else if (result->info.typ->type == Treference) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_get_%s(soap, &%s, \"%s\", NULL);", c_ident(result->info.typ), ident(result->sym->name), xtag); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_get_%s(soap, %s, \"%s\", NULL);", c_ident(result->info.typ), ident(result->sym->name), xtag); } fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap->error)\n\t\treturn soap_recv_fault(soap, 0);"); } else if (is_literal(method_response_encoding)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_recv_fault(soap, 1))\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); } fflush(fd); fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_body_end_in(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_envelope_end_in(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_end_recv(soap))"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\treturn soap_closesock(soap);"); if (response) { if (result->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_memcpy(%s, sizeof(%s), soap_tmp_%s->%s, sizeof(%s));", ident(result->sym->name), c_ident(response->info.typ), c_type(result->info.typ), ident(result->sym->name), c_type(result->info.typ)); else if (result->info.typ->type == Treference) fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s = soap_tmp_%s->%s;", ident(result->sym->name), c_ident(response->info.typ), ident(result->sym->name)); else { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (%s && soap_tmp_%s->%s)", ident(result->sym->name), c_ident(response->info.typ), ident(result->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t*%s = *soap_tmp_%s->%s;", ident(result->sym->name), c_ident(response->info.typ), ident(result->sym->name)); } } fprintf(fd, "\n\treturn soap_closesock(soap);"); fprintf(fd , "\n}"); fflush(fd); } void gen_serve_method(FILE *fd, Table *table, Entry *param, const char *name) { Service *sp = NULL; const char *style, *encoding; Entry *result, *p, *q, *pin, *pout, *response = NULL; Table *input; const char *xtag; Method *m; const char *method_encoding = NULL, *method_response_encoding = NULL; result = (Entry*)param->info.typ->ref; p = entry(classtable, param->sym); if (!p) execerror("no table entry"); if (!is_response(result->info.typ) && !is_XML(result->info.typ)) response = get_response(param->info.typ); q = entry(table, param->sym); if (!q) execerror("no table entry"); pout = (Entry*)q->info.typ->ref; if (name) { if (iflag) fprintf(fd, "\n\nstatic int serve_%s(%s *soap)\n{", ident(param->sym->name), name); else fprintf(fd, "\n\nstatic int serve_%s(struct soap *soap, %s *service)\n{", ident(param->sym->name), name); } else { fprintf(fheader, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 soap_serve_%s(struct soap*);", ident(param->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 soap_serve_%s(struct soap *soap)\n{", ident(param->sym->name)); } fprintf(fd, "\tstruct %s soap_tmp_%s;", ident(param->sym->name), ident(param->sym->name)); for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (has_ns_eq(sp->ns, param->sym->name)) { style = sp->style; encoding = sp->encoding; method_encoding = encoding; method_response_encoding = NULL; for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) { if (is_eq_nons(m->name, param->sym->name)) { if (m->mess == ENCODING) method_encoding = m->part; else if (m->mess == RESPONSE_ENCODING) method_response_encoding = m->part; } } break; } } if (!method_response_encoding) method_response_encoding = method_encoding; fflush(fd); if (!is_transient(pout->info.typ)) { if (pout->info.typ->type == Tarray && response) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tstruct %s soap_tmp_%s;", c_ident(response->info.typ), c_ident(response->info.typ)); fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s);", c_ident(response->info.typ), c_ident(response->info.typ)); } else if (pout->info.typ->type == Tpointer && !is_stdstring(pout->info.typ) && !is_stdwstring(pout->info.typ) && response) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tstruct %s soap_tmp_%s;", c_ident(response->info.typ), c_ident(response->info.typ)); fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s soap_tmp_%s;", c_type((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)); fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s);", c_ident(response->info.typ), c_ident(response->info.typ)); if (((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_tmp_%s.soap_default(soap);", c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)); else if (((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_tmp_%s = NULL;", c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s);", c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)); fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_tmp_%s.%s = &soap_tmp_%s;", c_ident(response->info.typ), ident(pout->sym->name), c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)); } else if (response) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tstruct %s soap_tmp_%s;", c_ident(response->info.typ), c_ident(response->info.typ)); fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s);", c_ident(response->info.typ), c_ident(response->info.typ)); } else if (((Tnode *)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_stdstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_stdwstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && (is_external((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) || is_volatile((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) || is_typedef((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s %s;", c_type((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), ident(pout->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, &%s);", c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), ident(pout->sym->name)); } else if (((Tnode *)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_stdstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_stdwstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s %s;", c_type((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), ident(pout->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s.soap_default(soap);", ident(pout->sym->name)); } else if (((Tnode *)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s %s;", c_type((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), ident(pout->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, &%s);", c_ident((Tnode *)pout->info.typ->ref), ident(pout->sym->name)); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s soap_tmp_%s;", c_type((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)); if (is_string((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) || is_wstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_tmp_%s = NULL;", c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s);", c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)); } } fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s);", ident(param->sym->name), ident(param->sym->name)); fflush(fd); q = entry(classtable, param->sym); if (!is_invisible_empty(q->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (!soap_get_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\", NULL))", ident(param->sym->name), ident(param->sym->name), ns_convert(param->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); } fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_body_end_in(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_envelope_end_in(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_end_recv(soap))\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); if (name) { if (iflag) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->error = soap->%s(", ns_cname(param->sym->name, NULL)); else fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->error = service->%s(", ns_cname(param->sym->name, NULL)); } else fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->error = %s(soap", ident(param->sym->name)); fflush(fd); input = (Table*) q->info.typ->ref; for (pin = input->list; pin; pin = pin->next) { if (pin->info.typ->type == Trvalueref) fprintf(fd, "%sstd::move(soap_tmp_%s.%s)", !name || pin != input->list ? ", " : "", ident(param->sym->name), ident(pin->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, "%ssoap_tmp_%s.%s", !name || pin != input->list ? ", " : "", ident(param->sym->name), ident(pin->sym->name)); } if (is_transient(pout->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, ");"); else { if (!name || input->list) fprintf(fd, ", "); if (response) fprintf(fd, "soap_tmp_%s.%s);", c_ident(response->info.typ), ident(pout->sym->name)); else if (pout->info.typ->type == Treference && (((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct || ((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass) && !is_stdstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_stdwstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "%s);", ident(pout->sym->name)); else if ((((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct || ((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass) && !is_stdstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_stdwstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "&%s);", ident(pout->sym->name)); else if (pout->info.typ->type == Treference) fprintf(fd, "soap_tmp_%s);", c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fd, "&soap_tmp_%s);", c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)); } fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap->error)\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); if (!is_transient(pout->info.typ)) { if (sp && sp->URI && method_response_encoding) { if (is_literal(method_response_encoding)) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->encodingStyle = NULL;"); else if (sp->encoding) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->encodingStyle = \"%s\";", sp->encoding); else if (method_response_encoding) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->encodingStyle = \"%s\";", method_response_encoding); else if (!eflag) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->encodingStyle = NULL;"); } else if (!eflag) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->encodingStyle = NULL;"); fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_serializeheader(soap);"); if (pout->info.typ->type == Tarray && response) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s);", c_ident(response->info.typ), c_ident(response->info.typ)); else if (response) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s);", c_ident(response->info.typ), c_ident(response->info.typ)); else if (((Tnode *)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_stdstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_stdwstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && (is_external((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) || is_volatile((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) || is_typedef((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, &%s);", c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), ident(pout->sym->name)); else if (((Tnode *)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_stdstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_stdwstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s.soap_serialize(soap);", ident(pout->sym->name)); else if (((Tnode *)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, &%s);", c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), ident(pout->sym->name)); else if (!is_XML((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s);", c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)); if (is_literal(method_response_encoding) && has_ns_eq(NULL, pout->sym->name)) xtag = ns_convert(pout->sym->name); else xtag = xml_tag(pout->info.typ); fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_begin_count(soap))\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap->mode & SOAP_IO_LENGTH)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t{\tif (soap_envelope_begin_out(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || soap_putheader(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || soap_body_begin_out(soap)"); if (response) fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || soap_put_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\", NULL)", c_ident(response->info.typ), c_ident(response->info.typ), xml_tag(response->info.typ)); else if (((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_stdstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_stdwstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && (is_external((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) || is_volatile((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) || is_typedef((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || soap_put_%s(soap, &%s, \"%s\", NULL)", c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), ident(pout->sym->name), ns_convert(pout->sym->name)); else if (((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_stdstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_stdwstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || %s.soap_put(soap, \"%s\", \"\")", ident(pout->sym->name), xtag); else if (((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || soap_put_%s(soap, &%s, \"%s\", NULL)", c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), ident(pout->sym->name), xtag); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || soap_outliteral(soap, \"%s\", &soap_tmp_%s, NULL)", ns_convert(pout->sym->name), c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || soap_outwliteral(soap, \"%s\", &soap_tmp_%s, NULL)", ns_convert(pout->sym->name), c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || soap_put_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\", NULL)", c_ident(pout->info.typ), c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), ns_convert(pout->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || soap_body_end_out(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t || soap_envelope_end_out(soap))"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\t\t return soap->error;"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t};"); fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (soap_end_count(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_response(soap, SOAP_OK)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_envelope_begin_out(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_putheader(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_body_begin_out(soap)"); if (response) fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_put_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\", NULL)", c_ident(response->info.typ), c_ident(response->info.typ), xml_tag(response->info.typ)); else if (((Tnode *)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_stdstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_stdwstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && (is_external((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) || is_volatile((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) || is_typedef((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_put_%s(soap, &%s, \"%s\", NULL)", c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), ident(pout->sym->name), ns_convert(pout->sym->name)); else if (((Tnode *)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_stdstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_stdwstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\t || %s.soap_put(soap, \"%s\", \"\")", ident(pout->sym->name), xtag); else if (((Tnode *)pout->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_put_%s(soap, &%s, \"%s\", NULL)", c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), ident(pout->sym->name), xtag); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_outliteral(soap, \"%s\", &soap_tmp_%s, NULL)", ns_convert(pout->sym->name), c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_outwliteral(soap, \"%s\", &soap_tmp_%s, NULL)", ns_convert(pout->sym->name), c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_put_%s(soap, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\", NULL)", c_ident(pout->info.typ), c_ident((Tnode*)pout->info.typ->ref), ns_convert(pout->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_body_end_out(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_envelope_end_out(soap)"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t || soap_end_send(soap))"); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); } fprintf(fd, "\n\treturn soap_closesock(soap);"); fprintf(fd, "\n}"); fflush(fd); } void gen_object_code(FILE *fd, Table *table, Symbol *ns, const char *name) { Entry *p, *method, *catch_method, *param; Table *t; const char *soap, *catch_action; if (iflag) soap = "this"; else soap = "this->soap"; fprintf(fd, "\n\n#include \"%s%s.h\"", prefix, name); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fd, "\n\nnamespace %s {", namespaceid); if (iflag) { fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s() : soap(SOAP_IO_DEFAULT)\n{\t%s_init(SOAP_IO_DEFAULT, SOAP_IO_DEFAULT);\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(const %s& rhs)\n{\tsoap_copy_context(this, &rhs);\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(const struct soap &_soap) : soap(_soap)\n{ }", name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(soap_mode iomode) : soap(iomode)\n{\t%s_init(iomode, iomode);\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode) : soap(imode, omode)\n{\t%s_init(imode, omode);\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::~%s()\n{\n\tthis->destroy();\n}", name, name); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s()\n{\tthis->soap = soap_new();\n\tthis->soap_own = true;\n\t%s_init(SOAP_IO_DEFAULT, SOAP_IO_DEFAULT);\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(const %s& rhs)\n{\tthis->soap = rhs.soap;\n\tthis->soap_own = false;\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(struct soap *_soap)\n{\tthis->soap = _soap;\n\tthis->soap_own = false;\n\t%s_init(_soap->imode, _soap->omode);\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(soap_mode iomode)\n{\tthis->soap = soap_new();\n\tthis->soap_own = true;\n\t%s_init(iomode, iomode);\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::%s(soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode)\n{\tthis->soap = soap_new();\n\tthis->soap_own = true;\n\t%s_init(imode, omode);\n}", name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s::~%s()\n{\tif (this->soap_own)\n\t\tsoap_free(this->soap);\n}", name, name); } fprintf(fd, "\n\nvoid %s::%s_init(soap_mode imode, soap_mode omode)\n{\tsoap_imode(%s, imode);\n\tsoap_omode(%s, omode);\n\tstatic const struct Namespace namespaces[] = ", name, name, soap, soap); gen_nsmap(fd); fprintf(fd, "\tsoap_set_namespaces(%s, namespaces);\n}", soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nvoid %s::destroy()\n{\tsoap_destroy(%s);\n\tsoap_end(%s);\n}", name, soap, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nvoid %s::reset()\n{\tthis->destroy();\n\tsoap_done(%s);\n\tsoap_initialize(%s);\n\t%s_init(SOAP_IO_DEFAULT, SOAP_IO_DEFAULT);\n}", name, soap, soap, name); if (iflag) { fprintf(fd, "\n\n#ifndef WITH_PURE_VIRTUAL\n%s *%s::copy()\n{\t%s *dup = SOAP_NEW_COPY(%s(*(struct soap*)%s));\n\treturn dup;\n}\n#endif", name, name, name, name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s& %s::operator=(const %s& rhs)\n{\tsoap_copy_context(this, &rhs);\n\treturn *this;\n}", name, name, name); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n\n#ifndef WITH_PURE_VIRTUAL\n%s *%s::copy()\n{\t%s *dup = SOAP_NEW_COPY(%s);\n\tif (dup)\n\t\tsoap_copy_context(dup->soap, this->soap);\n\treturn dup;\n}\n#endif", name, name, name, name); fprintf(fd, "\n\n%s& %s::operator=(const %s& rhs)\n{\tif (this->soap_own)\n\t\tsoap_free(this->soap);\n\tthis->soap = rhs.soap;\n\tthis->soap_own = false;\n\treturn *this;\n}", name, name, name); } fprintf(fd, "\n\nint %s::soap_close_socket()\n{\treturn soap_closesock(%s);\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nint %s::soap_force_close_socket()\n{\treturn soap_force_closesock(%s);\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nint %s::soap_senderfault(const char *string, const char *detailXML)\n{\treturn ::soap_sender_fault(%s, string, detailXML);\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nint %s::soap_senderfault(const char *subcodeQName, const char *string, const char *detailXML)\n{\treturn ::soap_sender_fault_subcode(%s, subcodeQName, string, detailXML);\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nint %s::soap_receiverfault(const char *string, const char *detailXML)\n{\treturn ::soap_receiver_fault(%s, string, detailXML);\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nint %s::soap_receiverfault(const char *subcodeQName, const char *string, const char *detailXML)\n{\treturn ::soap_receiver_fault_subcode(%s, subcodeQName, string, detailXML);\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nvoid %s::soap_print_fault(FILE *fd)\n{\t::soap_print_fault(%s, fd);\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\n#ifndef WITH_LEAN\n#ifndef WITH_COMPAT\nvoid %s::soap_stream_fault(std::ostream& os)\n{\t::soap_stream_fault(%s, os);\n}\n#endif", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nchar *%s::soap_sprint_fault(char *buf, size_t len)\n{\treturn ::soap_sprint_fault(%s, buf, len);\n}\n#endif", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nvoid %s::soap_noheader()\n{\t%s->header = NULL;\n}", name, soap); if (!namespaceid) { p = entry(classtable, lookup("SOAP_ENV__Header")); if (p) { t = (Table*)p->info.typ->ref; if (t && t->list && !is_void(t->list->info.typ)) { fprintf(fd, "\n\nvoid %s::soap_header(", name); gen_params(fd, t, NULL, 0); fprintf(fd, "\n{\t::soap_header(%s);", soap); for (param = t->list; param; param = param->next) { if (namespaceid) fprintf(fd, "\n\t((%s::SOAP_ENV__Header*)%s->header)->%s = %s;", namespaceid, soap, ident(param->sym->name), ident(param->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s->header->%s = %s;", soap, ident(param->sym->name), ident(param->sym->name)); } fprintf(fd, "\n}"); } } } fprintf(fd, "\n\n::SOAP_ENV__Header *%s::soap_header()\n{\treturn %s->header;\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nint %s::run(int port)\n{\tif (!soap_valid_socket(%s->master) && !soap_valid_socket(this->bind(NULL, port, 100)))\n\t\treturn %s->error;\n\tfor (;;)\n\t{\tif (!soap_valid_socket(this->accept()))\n\t\t{\tif (%s->errnum == 0) // timeout?\n\t\t\t\t%s->error = SOAP_OK;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (this->serve())\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tthis->destroy();\n\t}\n\treturn %s->error;\n}", name, soap, soap, soap, soap, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\n#if defined(WITH_OPENSSL) || defined(WITH_GNUTLS)"); fprintf(fd, "\nint %s::ssl_run(int port)\n{\tif (!soap_valid_socket(%s->master) && !soap_valid_socket(this->bind(NULL, port, 100)))\n\t\treturn %s->error;\n\tfor (;;)\n\t{\tif (!soap_valid_socket(this->accept()))\n\t\t{\tif (%s->errnum == 0) // timeout?\n\t\t\t\t%s->error = SOAP_OK;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (this->ssl_accept() || this->serve())\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tthis->destroy();\n\t}\n\treturn %s->error;\n}", name, soap, soap, soap, soap, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n#endif"); fprintf(fd, "\n\nSOAP_SOCKET %s::bind(const char *host, int port, int backlog)\n{\treturn soap_bind(%s, host, port, backlog);\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\nSOAP_SOCKET %s::accept()\n{\treturn soap_accept(%s);\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\n#if defined(WITH_OPENSSL) || defined(WITH_GNUTLS)"); fprintf(fd, "\nint %s::ssl_accept()\n{\treturn soap_ssl_accept(%s);\n}", name, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n#endif"); fprintf(fd, "\n\nint %s::serve()", name); fprintf(fd, "\n{\n#ifndef WITH_FASTCGI\n\tunsigned int k = %s->max_keep_alive;\n#endif\n\tdo\n\t{", soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\n#ifndef WITH_FASTCGI\n\t\tif (%s->max_keep_alive > 0 && !--k)\n\t\t\t%s->keep_alive = 0;\n#endif", soap, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\n\t\tif (soap_begin_serve(%s))\n\t\t{\tif (%s->error >= SOAP_STOP)\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\treturn %s->error;\n\t\t}", soap, soap, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\t\tif (dispatch() || (%s->fserveloop && %s->fserveloop(%s)))\n\t\t{\n#ifdef WITH_FASTCGI\n\t\t\tsoap_send_fault(%s);\n#else\n\t\t\treturn soap_send_fault(%s);\n#endif\n\t\t}", soap, soap, soap, soap, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\n#ifdef WITH_FASTCGI\n\t\tsoap_destroy(%s);\n\t\tsoap_end(%s);\n\t} while (1);\n#else\n\t} while (%s->keep_alive);\n#endif", soap, soap, soap); fprintf(fd, "\n\treturn SOAP_OK;"); fprintf(fd, "\n}\n"); for (method = table->list; method; method = method->next) { if (method->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(method->info.sto & Sextern) && has_ns_eq(ns->name, method->sym->name)) { if (jflag) fprintf(fd, "\nstatic int serve_%s(struct soap*, %s*);", ident(method->sym->name), name); else fprintf(fd, "\nstatic int serve_%s(%s*);", ident(method->sym->name), name); } } fprintf(fd, "\n\nint %s::dispatch()\n{", name); if (!iflag) { fprintf(fd, "\treturn dispatch(this->soap);\n}"); fprintf(fd, "\n\nint %s::dispatch(struct soap* soap)\n{", name); fprintf(fd, "\n\t%s_init(soap->imode, soap->omode);\n", name); soap = "soap"; } if (sflag) fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap->mode |= SOAP_XML_STRICT;"); fprintf(fd, "\n\tsoap_peek_element(%s);", soap); catch_method = NULL; catch_action = NULL; for (method = table->list; method; method = method->next) { const char *action = NULL; if (method->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(method->info.sto & Sextern) && has_ns_eq(ns->name, method->sym->name)) { if (aflag) { Service *sp; for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (has_ns_eq(sp->ns, method->sym->name)) { Method *m; for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) { if (is_eq_nons(m->name, method->sym->name)) { if (m->mess == ACTION || m->mess == REQUEST_ACTION) action = m->part; } } } } } if (is_invisible(method->sym->name)) { Entry *param = entry(classtable, method->sym); if (param) param = ((Table*)param->info.typ->ref)->list; if (action) { if (*action == '"') { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif ("); if (param && !Aflag) fprintf(fd, "(!%s->action && !soap_match_tag(%s, %s->tag, \"%s\")) || ", soap, soap, soap, ns_convert(param->sym->name)); else { catch_method = method; catch_action = action; } fprintf(fd, "(%s->action && !strcmp(%s->action, %s))", soap, soap, action); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif ("); if (param && !Aflag) fprintf(fd, "(!%s->action && !soap_match_tag(%s, %s->tag, \"%s\")) || ", soap, soap, soap, ns_convert(param->sym->name)); else { catch_method = method; catch_action = action; } fprintf(fd, "(%s->action && !strcmp(%s->action, \"%s\"))", soap, soap, action); } if (iflag) fprintf(fd, ")\n\t\treturn serve_%s(this);", ident(method->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, ")\n\t\treturn serve_%s(%s, this);", ident(method->sym->name), soap); } else { if (Aflag) compliancewarn("Option -A requires a SOAPAction where none is defined"); if (param) { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (!soap_match_tag(%s, %s->tag, \"%s\")", soap, soap, ns_convert(param->sym->name)); if (iflag) fprintf(fd, ")\n\t\treturn serve_%s(this);", ident(method->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, ")\n\t\treturn serve_%s(%s, this);", ident(method->sym->name), soap); } else { catch_method = method; catch_action = action; } } } else { if (action) { if (*action == '"') { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif ("); if (!Aflag) fprintf(fd, "(!%s->action && !soap_match_tag(%s, %s->tag, \"%s\")) || ", soap, soap, soap, ns_convert(method->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "(%s->action && !strcmp(%s->action, %s))", soap, soap, action); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif ("); if (!Aflag) fprintf(fd, "(!%s->action && !soap_match_tag(%s, %s->tag, \"%s\")) || ", soap, soap, soap, ns_convert(method->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "(%s->action && !strcmp(%s->action, \"%s\"))", soap, soap, action); } } else { if (Aflag) compliancewarn("Option -A requires a SOAPAction where none is defined"); fprintf(fd, "\n\tif (!soap_match_tag(%s, %s->tag, \"%s\")", soap, soap, ns_convert(method->sym->name)); } if (iflag) fprintf(fd, ")\n\t\treturn serve_%s(this);", ident(method->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, ")\n\t\treturn serve_%s(%s, this);", ident(method->sym->name), soap); } } } if (catch_method) { if (Aflag && catch_action) { if (*catch_action == '"') { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif ("); fprintf(fd, "(%s->action && !strcmp(%s->action, %s))", soap, soap, catch_action); if (iflag) fprintf(fd, ")\n\t\treturn serve_%s(this);", ident(catch_method->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, ")\n\t\treturn serve_%s(%s, this);", ident(catch_method->sym->name), soap); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n\tif ("); fprintf(fd, "(%s->action && !strcmp(%s->action, \"%s\"))", soap, soap, catch_action); if (iflag) fprintf(fd, ")\n\t\treturn serve_%s(this);", ident(catch_method->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, ")\n\t\treturn serve_%s(%s, this);", ident(catch_method->sym->name), soap); } fprintf(fd, "\n\treturn %s->error = SOAP_NO_METHOD;\n}", soap); } else if (iflag) fprintf(fd, "\n\treturn serve_%s(this);\n}", ident(catch_method->sym->name)); else fprintf(fd, "\n\treturn serve_%s(soap, this);\n}", ident(catch_method->sym->name)); } else fprintf(fd, "\n\treturn %s->error = SOAP_NO_METHOD;\n}", soap); for (method = table->list; method; method = method->next) if (method->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(method->info.sto & Sextern) && !is_imported(method->info.typ) && has_ns_eq(ns->name, method->sym->name)) gen_serve_method(fd, table, method, name); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fd, "\n\n} // namespace %s\n", namespaceid); fprintf(fd, "\n/* End of server object code */\n"); } void gen_response_begin(FILE *fd, int n, const char *s, int soap) { if (!is_invisible(s)) { fprintf(fd, "%*s<%sResponse", n, "", s); if (!soap || soap_version < 0) gen_xmlns(fd, 0); fprintf(fd, ">\n"); } } void gen_response_end(FILE *fd, int n, const char *s) { if (!is_invisible(s)) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, "", s); } void gen_element_begin(FILE *fd, int n, const char *s, const char *t) { if (!is_invisible(s)) { if (tflag && t && *t) fprintf(fd, "%*s<%s xsi:type=\"%s\"", n, "", s, t); else fprintf(fd, "%*s<%s", n, "", s); } } void gen_element_end(FILE *fd, int n, const char *s) { if (!is_invisible(s)) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, "", s); else fprintf(fd, "\n"); } void gen_data(const char *buf, Table *t, const char *ns, const char *encoding) { Entry *p, *q, *r; FILE *fd; const char *method_encoding = NULL; const char *method_response_encoding = NULL; if (t) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(p->info.sto & Sextern) && has_ns_eq(ns, p->sym->name)) { int get = 0, soap = 1, mime = 0; Service *sp; Method *m; const char *nse = ns_qualifiedElement(p->info.typ); const char *nsa = ns_qualifiedAttribute(p->info.typ); method_encoding = encoding; method_response_encoding = NULL; for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (!tagcmp(sp->ns, ns)) { for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) { if (is_eq_nons(m->name, p->sym->name)) { if (m->mess == ENCODING) method_encoding = m->part; else if (m->mess == RESPONSE_ENCODING) method_response_encoding = m->part; else if (m->mess&MIMEIN && !strcmp(m->part, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) mime = 1; else if (m->mess == PROTOCOL) { if (strncmp(m->part, "SOAP", 4)) soap = 0; if (strstr(m->part, "GET")) get = 1; } } } } } if (!method_response_encoding) method_response_encoding = method_encoding; /* request */ if (!get && !mime) { fd = gen_env(buf, ns_remove(p->sym->name), 0, method_encoding, soap); if (!fd) return; q = entry(classtable, p->sym); if (yflag) { fprintf(fd, "%*s\n"); } gen_element_begin(fd, 2, ns_convert(p->sym->name), NULL); if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name)) if (!soap || soap_version < 0) gen_xmlns(fd, 0); if (q) { if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name)) { gen_atts(fd, (Table*)q->info.typ->ref, nsa); fprintf(fd, "\n"); } for (q = ((Table*)q->info.typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) gen_field(fd, 3, q, nse, nsa, method_encoding); } gen_element_end(fd, 2, ns_convert(p->sym->name)); if (soap && soap_version >= 0) fprintf(fd, " \n\n"); fclose(fd); } /* response */ q = (Entry*)p->info.typ->ref; if (q && !is_transient(q->info.typ)) { fd = gen_env(buf, ns_remove(p->sym->name), 1, method_response_encoding, soap); if (!fd) return; if (!is_response(q->info.typ)) { if (is_XML((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)) { gen_response_begin(fd, 2, ns_convert(p->sym->name), soap); gen_response_end(fd, 2, ns_convert(p->sym->name)); } else { gen_response_begin(fd, 2, ns_convert(p->sym->name), soap); gen_field(fd, 3, q, nse, nsa, method_response_encoding); gen_response_end(fd, 2, ns_convert(p->sym->name)); } } else if (q->info.typ->ref && ((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->ref) { const char *xtag; nse = ns_qualifiedElement((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref); nsa = ns_qualifiedAttribute((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref); if (is_literal(method_response_encoding) && has_ns_eq(NULL, q->sym->name)) xtag = ns_convert(q->sym->name); else xtag = xml_tag(q->info.typ); if (yflag) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", 2, "", ident(p->sym->name), c_type_id(q->info.typ, q->sym->name)); gen_element_begin(fd, 2, xtag, NULL); if (!is_invisible(xtag)) { if (!soap || soap_version < 0) gen_xmlns(fd, 0); gen_atts(fd, (Table*)((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->ref, nsa); fprintf(fd, "\n"); } for (r = ((Table*)((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->ref)->list; r; r = r->next) gen_field(fd, 3, r, nse, nsa, method_response_encoding); gen_element_end(fd, 2, ns_addx(xtag, nse)); } fflush(fd); if (soap && soap_version >= 0) fprintf(fd, " \n\n"); fclose(fd); } } } } } void gen_field(FILE *fd, int n, Entry *p, const char *nse, const char *nsa, const char *encoding) { Entry *q; char tmp[32]; LONG64 i; int d; if (!(p->info.sto & (Sattribute | Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) && !is_transient(p->info.typ) && p->info.typ->type != Tfun && strncmp(p->sym->name, "__size", 6) && strncmp(p->sym->name, "__type", 6) && !is_choice(p)) { if (is_soap12(encoding) && (p->info.sto & Sreturn) && (nse || has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name)) && !is_literal(encoding)) fprintf(fd, "%*s%s\n", n, "", rpcURI, ns_add(p, nse)); if (is_XML(p->info.typ)) { if (yflag) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, "", c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); gen_element_begin(fd, n, ns_add(p, nse), NULL); if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name)) fprintf(fd, ">"); else fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, ""); gen_element_end(fd, n, ns_add(p, nse)); } else { if (n >= 8 && !is_string(p->info.typ) && p->info.minOccurs <= 0) { return; } else if (n >= 8 && p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && !is_string(p->info.typ) && !is_wstring(p->info.typ)) { gen_element_begin(fd, n, ns_add(p, nse), NULL); fprintf(fd, " xsi:nil=\"true\"/>"); return; } else if (n >= 16) { fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, ""); return; } else if (is_external(p->info.typ) && p->info.typ->sym) { gen_element_begin(fd, n, ns_add(p, nse), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fd, ">"); if (!strcmp(p->info.typ->sym->name, "xsd__boolean")) fprintf(fd, "false"); else if (!strcmp(p->info.typ->sym->name, "xsd__date")) fprintf(fd, "1999-12-31"); else if (!strcmp(p->info.typ->sym->name, "xsd__dateTime")) { char tmp[256]; time_t t = time(NULL), *p = &t; strftime(tmp, 256, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime(p)); fprintf(fd, "%s", tmp); } else if (!strcmp(p->info.typ->sym->name, "xsd__duration")) fprintf(fd, "PT0S"); else if (!strcmp(p->info.typ->sym->name, "xsd__time")) fprintf(fd, "12:34:56.789Z"); fflush(fd); } else if (is_fixedstring(p->info.typ)) { if (yflag) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, "", c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); gen_element_begin(fd, n, ns_add(p, nse), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fd, ">"); fflush(fd); if (p->info.hasval && p->info.val.s) fprintf(fd, "%s", xstring(p->info.val.s)); else gen_val(fd, n, p->info.typ, nse, nsa, encoding); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { i = ((Tnode*) p->info.typ->ref)->width; if (i) { i = p->info.typ->width / i; if (i > 100000) /* SOAP_MAXOCCURS */ i = 100000; } if (yflag) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, "", c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); gen_element_begin(fd, n, ns_add(p, nse), "SOAP-ENC:Array"); if (is_soap12(encoding)) fprintf(fd, " SOAP-ENC:itemType=\"%s\" SOAP-ENC:arraySize=\"" SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "\"", xsi_type_Tarray(p->info.typ), i); else if (!is_literal(encoding)) fprintf(fd, " SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"%s[" SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "]\"", xsi_type_Tarray(p->info.typ), i); fprintf(fd, ">"); fflush(fd); gen_val(fd, n, p->info.typ, nse, nsa, encoding); } else if ((q = is_dynamic_array(p->info.typ)) && !is_binary(p->info.typ)) { if (!eflag && (has_ns(p->info.typ) || is_untyped(p->info.typ))) { if (yflag) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, "", c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); gen_element_begin(fd, n, ns_add(p, nse), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); gen_atts(fd, (Table*)p->info.typ->ref, nsa); } else { d = get_Darraydims(p->info.typ); if (d) { for (i = 0; i < d-1; i++) { if (is_soap12(encoding)) tmp[2*i] = ' '; else tmp[2*i] = ','; tmp[2*i+1] = '1'; } tmp[2*d-2] = '\0'; } else *tmp = '\0'; if (yflag) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, "", c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); gen_element_begin(fd, n, ns_add(p, nse), "SOAP-ENC:Array"); if (q->info.minOccurs > 0) { if (is_soap12(encoding)) fprintf(fd, " SOAP-ENC:itemType=\"%s\" SOAP-ENC:arraySize=\"" SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "%s\"", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ""), q->info.minOccurs, tmp); else if (!is_literal(encoding)) fprintf(fd, " SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"%s[" SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "%s]\"", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ""), q->info.minOccurs, tmp); fprintf(fd, ">"); } else { if (is_soap12(encoding)) fprintf(fd, " SOAP-ENC:itemType=\"%s\" SOAP-ENC:arraySize=\"1%s\"", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ""), tmp); else if (!is_literal(encoding)) fprintf(fd, " SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"%s[1%s]\"", wsdl_type(q->info.typ, ""), tmp); fprintf(fd, ">"); } } fflush(fd); gen_val(fd, n, p->info.typ, nse, nsa, encoding); } else if ((p->info.typ->type == Tpointer || p->info.typ->type == Treference || p->info.typ->type == Trvalueref) && is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_binary((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) { if (!eflag && (has_ns((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) || is_untyped((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref))) { if (yflag) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, "", c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); gen_element_begin(fd, n, ns_add(p, nse), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); gen_atts(fd, (Table*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref, nsa); } else { d = get_Darraydims((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref); if (d) { for (i = 0; i < d-1; i++) { tmp[2*i] = ','; tmp[2*i+1] = '1'; } tmp[2*d-2] = '\0'; } else *tmp = '\0'; if (yflag) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, "", c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); gen_element_begin(fd, n, ns_add(p, nse), "SOAP-ENC:Array"); if (is_soap12(encoding)) { if ((((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct || ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass) && ((Table*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref)->list->info.minOccurs > 0) fprintf(fd, " SOAP-ENC:itemType=\"%s\" SOAP-ENC:arraySize=\"[" SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "%s\"", wsdl_type(((Table*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref)->list->info.typ, ""), ((Table*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref)->list->info.minOccurs, tmp); else fprintf(fd, " SOAP-ENC:itemType=\"%s\" SOAP-ENC:arraySize=\"1%s\"", wsdl_type(((Table*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref)->list->info.typ, ""), tmp); } else if (!is_literal(encoding)) { if ((((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct || ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass) && ((Table*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref)->list->info.minOccurs > 0) fprintf(fd, " SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"%s[" SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "%s]\"", wsdl_type(((Table*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref)->list->info.typ, ""), ((Table*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref)->list->info.minOccurs, tmp); else fprintf(fd, " SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"%s[1%s]\"", wsdl_type(((Table*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref)->list->info.typ, ""), tmp); } fprintf(fd, ">"); } fflush(fd); gen_val(fd, n, (Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref, nse, nsa, encoding); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tstruct || p->info.typ->type == Tclass) { /* if (!is_primclass(p->info.typ)) { const char *nse1 = ns_qualifiedElement(p->info.typ); const char *nsa1 = ns_qualifiedAttribute(p->info.typ); if (nse1) nse = nse1; if (nsa1) nsa = nsa1; } */ if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name)) { if (yflag) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, "", c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); gen_element_begin(fd, n, ns_add(p, nse), xsi_type_u(p->info.typ)); gen_atts(fd, (Table*)p->info.typ->ref, nsa); } else if (is_anyType(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, ""); } else if ((p->info.typ->type == Tpointer || p->info.typ->type == Treference || p->info.typ->type == Trvalueref) && (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct || ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass)) { /* if (!is_primclass(p->info.typ->ref)) { const char *nse1 = ns_qualifiedElement(p->info.typ->ref); const char *nsa1 = ns_qualifiedAttribute(p->info.typ->ref); if (nse1) nse = nse1; if (nsa1) nsa = nsa1; } */ if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name)) { if (yflag) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, "", c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); gen_element_begin(fd, n, ns_add(p, nse), xsi_type_u(p->info.typ)); gen_atts(fd, (Table*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref, nsa); } else if (is_anyType(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, ""); } else if (p->info.typ->type != Tunion) { if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name)) { if (yflag) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, "", c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); gen_element_begin(fd, n, ns_add(p, nse), xsi_type_u(p->info.typ)); if (p->info.typ->type == Ttemplate) { if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer && (((Tnode*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref)->type == Tclass || ((Tnode*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref)->type == Tstruct)) gen_atts(fd, (Table*)((Tnode*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref)->ref, nsa); else if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass || ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct) gen_atts(fd, (Table*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref, nsa); else fprintf(fd, ">"); } else fprintf(fd, ">"); } } if (!is_external(p->info.typ)) { switch (p->info.typ->type) { case Tchar: case Tshort: case Tint: case Tlong: case Tllong: case Tuchar: case Tushort: case Tuint: case Tulong: case Tullong: if (p->info.hasval) fprintf(fd, SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, p->info.val.i); else if (p->info.typ->hasmin) fprintf(fd, SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, (LONG64)p->info.typ->min + (p->info.typ->incmin == False)); else fprintf(fd, "0"); break; case Tfloat: case Tdouble: case Tldouble: if (p->info.hasval) fprintf(fd, "%g", p->info.val.r); else if (p->info.typ->hasmin && p->info.typ->min > 0) fprintf(fd, "%g", p->info.typ->min * (1 + (p->info.typ->incmin == False)/1000)); else if (p->info.typ->hasmax && p->info.typ->max > 0) fprintf(fd, "%g", p->info.typ->max * (1 - (p->info.typ->incmax == False)/1000)); else if (p->info.typ->hasmin && p->info.typ->min < 0) fprintf(fd, "%g", p->info.typ->min * (1 - (p->info.typ->incmin == False)/1000)); else if (p->info.typ->hasmax && p->info.typ->max < 0) fprintf(fd, "%g", p->info.typ->max * (1 + (p->info.typ->incmax == False)/1000)); else fprintf(fd, "0.0"); break; case Ttime: { char tmp[256]; time_t t = time(NULL), *p = &t; strftime(tmp, 256, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime(p)); fprintf(fd, "%s", tmp); } break; case Tenum: case Tenumsc: if (p->info.hasval && p->info.typ->ref) { for (q = ((Table*)p->info.typ->ref)->list; q; q = q->next) { if (p->info.val.i == q->info.val.i) { fprintf(fd, "%s", ns_remove2(q->sym->name, c_ident(p->info.typ))); break; } } } else gen_val(fd, n+1, p->info.typ, nse, nsa, encoding); break; case Tpointer: case Treference: case Trvalueref: if (is_string(p->info.typ) || is_wstring(p->info.typ)) { if (p->info.hasval && p->info.val.s) fprintf(fd, "%s", xstring(p->info.val.s)); else gen_val(fd, n, p->info.typ, nse, nsa, encoding); } else gen_val(fd, n, (Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref, nse, nsa, encoding); break; case Tclass: if (is_stdstr(p->info.typ)) { if (p->info.hasval && p->info.val.s) fprintf(fd, "%s", xstring(p->info.val.s)); else gen_val(fd, n, p->info.typ, nse, nsa, encoding); break; } case Tstruct: if (!is_dynamic_array(p->info.typ)) gen_val(fd, n, p->info.typ, nse, nsa, encoding); break; case Tunion: gen_val(fd, n, p->info.typ, nse, nsa, encoding); break; case Ttemplate: i = p->info.minOccurs; if (i < 4) i = 4; if (p->info.maxOccurs > 0 && i > p->info.maxOccurs) i = p->info.maxOccurs; do { /* a bit of a hack, with a copy of the code above */ { gen_val(fd, n, p->info.typ, nse, nsa, encoding); if (i > 1) { gen_element_end(fd, 0, ns_add(p, nse)); if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name)) { if (yflag) fprintf(fd, "%*s\n", n, "", c_type_id(p->info.typ, p->sym->name)); gen_element_begin(fd, n, ns_add(p, nse), xsi_type_u(p->info.typ)); if (p->info.typ->type == Ttemplate) { if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer && (((Tnode*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref)->type == Tclass || ((Tnode*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref)->type == Tstruct)) gen_atts(fd, (Table*)((Tnode*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref)->ref, nsa); else if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass || ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct) gen_atts(fd, (Table*)((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->ref, nsa); else fprintf(fd, ">"); } else fprintf(fd, ">"); } } fflush(fd); } } while (--i); break; default: break; } } if (p->info.typ->type != Tunion) gen_element_end(fd, 0, ns_add(p, nse)); fflush(fd); } } } void gen_atts(FILE *fd, Table *t, const char *nsa) { static unsigned long idnum = 0; Entry *q, *r; Tnode *p; int i; for (; t; t = t->prev) { for (q = t->list; q; q = q->next) { if (q->info.sto & Sattribute && !is_invisible(q->sym->name) && q->info.maxOccurs != 0) { fprintf(fd, " %s=\"", ns_add(q, nsa)); if ((q->info.typ->type == Tpointer || q->info.typ->type == Treference || q->info.typ->type == Trvalueref || q->info.typ->type == Ttemplate) && !is_string(q->info.typ) && !is_wstring(q->info.typ)) p = (Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref; else p = q->info.typ; if (is_eq(q->sym->name, "id")) fprintf(fd, "%lu", ++idnum); /* id="#" should be unique */ else if (is_external(p) && p->sym) { if (!strcmp(p->sym->name, "xsd__boolean")) fprintf(fd, "false"); else if (!strcmp(p->sym->name, "xsd__date")) fprintf(fd, "1999-12-31"); else if (!strcmp(p->sym->name, "xsd__dateTime")) { char tmp[256]; time_t t = time(NULL), *p = &t; strftime(tmp, 256, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime(p)); fprintf(fd, "%s", tmp); } else if (!strcmp(p->sym->name, "xsd__duration")) fprintf(fd, "PT0S"); else if (!strcmp(p->sym->name, "xsd__time")) fprintf(fd, "12:34:56.789Z"); fflush(fd); } else { switch (p->type) { case Tchar: case Tshort: case Tint: case Tuchar: case Tushort: case Tuint: case Tlong: case Tulong: case Tllong: case Tullong: if (q->info.hasval) fprintf(fd, SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, q->info.val.i); else if (q->info.typ->hasmin) fprintf(fd, SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, (LONG64)q->info.typ->min + (q->info.typ->incmin == False)); else fprintf(fd, "0"); break; case Tfloat: case Tdouble: case Tldouble: if (q->info.hasval) fprintf(fd, "%g", q->info.val.r); else if (q->info.typ->hasmin && q->info.typ->min > 0) fprintf(fd, "%g", q->info.typ->min * (1 + (q->info.typ->incmin == False)/1000)); else if (q->info.typ->hasmax && q->info.typ->max > 0) fprintf(fd, "%g", q->info.typ->max * (1 - (q->info.typ->incmax == False)/1000)); else if (q->info.typ->hasmin && q->info.typ->min < 0) fprintf(fd, "%g", q->info.typ->min * (1 - (q->info.typ->incmin == False)/1000)); else if (q->info.typ->hasmax && q->info.typ->max < 0) fprintf(fd, "%g", q->info.typ->max * (1 + (q->info.typ->incmax == False)/1000)); else fprintf(fd, "0.0"); break; case Ttime: { char tmp[256]; time_t T = time(NULL); strftime(tmp, 256, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime(&T)); fprintf(fd, "%s", tmp); } break; case Tenum: case Tenumsc: if (q->info.hasval && p->ref) { for (r = ((Table*)p->ref)->list; r; r = r->next) { if (r->info.val.i == q->info.val.i) { fprintf(fd, "%s", ns_remove2(r->sym->name, c_ident(p))); break; } } } else if (p->ref) fprintf(fd, "%s", ns_remove2((((Table*)p->ref)->list)->sym->name, c_ident(p))); else fprintf(fd, "0"); break; case Tpointer: case Treference: case Trvalueref: case Ttemplate: if (is_string(p) || is_wstring(p)) { if (q->info.hasval && q->info.val.s) fprintf(fd, "%s", xstring(q->info.val.s)); else if (p->min > 0 && p->min < 10000) for (i = 0; i < (int)p->min; i++) fprintf(fd, "X"); } else if (is_stdstr(p)) { if (p->min > 0 && p->min < 10000) for (i = 0; i < (int)p->min; i++) fprintf(fd, "X"); } break; case Tclass: if (is_stdstr(p)) { if (q->info.hasval && q->info.val.s) fprintf(fd, "%s", xstring(q->info.val.s)); else if (p->min > 0 && p->min < 10000) for (i = 0; i < (int)p->min; i++) fprintf(fd, "X"); } break; default: break; } } if (yflag) fprintf(fd, " // %s //", c_type_id(q->info.typ, q->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\""); } } } fprintf(fd, ">"); fflush(fd); } void gen_val(FILE *fd, int n, Tnode *p, const char *nse, const char *nsa, const char *encoding) { Entry *q; LONG64 i; if (!is_transient(p) && p->type != Tfun && !is_XML(p)) { if (is_fixedstring(p)) { for (i = 0; i < p->width / ((Tnode*)p->ref)->width - 1; i++) fprintf(fd, "X"); } else if (p->type == Tarray) { i = ((Tnode*) p->ref)->width; if (i) { i = p->width / i; if (i > 100000) /* SOAP_MAXOCCURS */ i = 100000; fprintf(fd, "\n"); for (; i > 0; i--) { fprintf(fd, "%*s", n+1, ""); gen_val(fd, n+1, (Tnode*)p->ref, nse, nsa, encoding); fprintf(fd, "\n"); } fprintf(fd, "%*s", n, ""); } } else if ((q = is_dynamic_array(p))) { if (!is_binary(p)) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); fprintf(fd, "%*s<%s>", n+1, "", q->sym->name[5]?q->sym->name+5:"item"); gen_val(fd, n+1, q->info.typ, nse, nsa, encoding); fprintf(fd, "\n", q->sym->name[5]?q->sym->name+5:"item"); fprintf(fd, "%*s", n, ""); } } switch (p->type) { case Tchar: case Tshort: case Tint: case Tlong: case Tllong: case Tuchar: case Tushort: case Tuint: case Tulong: case Tullong: fprintf(fd, "0"); break; case Tfloat: case Tdouble: case Tldouble: fprintf(fd, "0.0"); break; case Ttime: { char tmp[256]; time_t T = time(NULL); strftime(tmp, 256, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime(&T)); fprintf(fd, "%s", tmp); } break; case Tenum: case Tenumsc: if (p->ref && (q = ((Table*)p->ref)->list)) fprintf(fd, "%s", ns_remove2(q->sym->name, c_ident(p))); else fprintf(fd, "0"); break; case Tpointer: case Treference: case Trvalueref: case Ttemplate: if (is_string(p) || is_wstring(p)) { if (p->min > 0 && p->min < 10000) for (i = 0; i < (int)p->min; i++) fprintf(fd, "X"); } else if (is_stdstr(p)) { if (p->min > 0 && p->min < 10000) for (i = 0; i < (int)p->min; i++) fprintf(fd, "X"); } else gen_val(fd, n, (Tnode*)p->ref, nse, nsa, encoding); break; case Tclass: case Tstruct: nse = ns_qualifiedElement(p); nsa = ns_qualifiedAttribute(p); if (is_stdstr(p)) { if (p->min > 0 && p->min < 10000) for (i = 0; i < (int)p->min; i++) fprintf(fd, "X"); } else if (is_primclass(p)) { Table *t; for (t = (Table*)p->ref; t; t = t->prev) { Entry *r = entry(classtable, t->sym); r = t->list; while (r && !is_item(r)) r = r->next; if (r) { gen_val(fd, n, r->info.typ, nse, nsa, encoding); return; } } } else if (!is_dynamic_array(p) && p->ref) { Table *t; fprintf(fd, "\n"); for (t = (Table*)p->ref; t; t = t->prev) { for (q = t->list; q; q = q->next) { if (is_repetition(q)) { i = q->info.minOccurs; if (i < 4) i = 4; if (q->info.maxOccurs > 0 && i > q->info.maxOccurs) i = q->info.maxOccurs; do gen_field(fd, n+1, q->next, nse, nsa, encoding); while (--i); q = q->next; } else gen_field(fd, n+1, q, nse, nsa, encoding); } } fprintf(fd, "%*s", n, ""); } break; case Tunion: if (((Table*)p->ref)->list) gen_field(fd, n, ((Table*)p->ref)->list, nse, nsa, encoding); break; break; default: break; } } } void gen_header(FILE *fd, const char *method, int response, const char *encoding) { if (custom_header) { Service *sp; Method *m = NULL; Entry *q; Table *r; if (yflag) { if (cflag) fprintf(fd, " \n"); else fprintf(fd, " \n"); } fprintf(fd, " \n"); q = entry(classtable, lookup("SOAP_ENV__Header")); if (q) { r = (Table*)q->info.typ->ref; if (r) { for (q = r->list; q; q = q->next) { if (!is_transient(q->info.typ) && !(q->info.sto & Sattribute) && q->info.typ->type != Tfun) { for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) if (is_eq(m->name, method) && (!strcmp(m->part, q->sym->name) || is_eq_nons(m->part, q->sym->name)) && ((!response && (m->mess&HDRIN)) || (response && (m->mess&HDROUT)))) { gen_field(fd, 2, q, NULL, NULL, encoding); break; } } } fprintf(fd, " \n"); } } } } FILE * gen_env(const char *buf, const char *method, int response, const char *encoding, int soap) { char tmp[1024]; FILE *fd; strcpy(tmp, buf); if (!soap) strcat(tmp, "REST."); #ifdef __vms if (!response) { sprintf(strrchr(tmp, '.'), "_%s_req.xml", method); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s sample SOAP/XML request\n", tmp); } else { sprintf(strrchr(tmp, '.'), "_%s_res.xml", method); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s sample SOAP/XML response\n", tmp); } #else strcpy(strrchr(tmp, '.')+1, method); if (!response) { strcat(tmp, ".req.xml"); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s sample SOAP/XML request\n", tmp); } else { strcat(tmp, ".res.xml"); fprintf(fmsg, "Saving %s sample SOAP/XML response\n", tmp); } #endif fd = fopen(tmp, "w"); if (!fd) execerror("Cannot write XML file"); fprintf(fd, "\n"); if (soap && soap_version >= 0) { fprintf(fd, "\n"); gen_header(fd, method, response, encoding); fprintf(fd, " \n"); } return fd; } void gen_xmlns(FILE *fd, int soap) { Symbol *s; Service *sp = NULL; for (s = nslist; s; s = s->next) { for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) if (!tagcmp(sp->ns, s->name) && sp->URI) break; if (sp) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:%s=\"%s\"", ns_convert(s->name), sp->URI); else if (!strcmp(s->name, "SOAP-ENV")) { if (soap && soap_version >= 0) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"%s\"", envURI); } else if (!strcmp(s->name, "SOAP-ENC")) { if (soap && soap_version >= 0) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:SOAP-ENC=\"%s\"", encURI); } else if (!strcmp(s->name, "xsi")) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:xsi=\"%s\"", xsiURI); else if (!strcmp(s->name, "xsd")) fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:xsd=\"%s\"", xsdURI); else fprintf(fd, "\n xmlns:%s=\"%s/%s.xsd\"", ns_convert(s->name), tmpURI, ns_convert(s->name)); } } char * emalloc(size_t n) { char *p; if ((p = (char*)malloc(n)) == NULL) execerror("out of memory"); return p; } void soap_serve(Table *table) { if (!Sflag) { Entry *method; banner(fheader, "Client-Side Call Stub Functions"); if (rflag) { Service *sp; fprintf(freport, "## Web Client Operations {#doc-client}\n\n"); for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) if (sp->documentation) fprintf(freport, "%s\n\n", sp->documentation); } for (method = table->list; method; method = method->next) { if (method->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(method->info.sto & Sextern) && !is_imported(method->info.typ)) { if (rflag) gen_call_proto(freport, method); gen_call_proto(fheader, method); gen_call_method(fclient, method, NULL); } } } if (!Cflag) { Entry *method, *catch_method = NULL; const char *catch_action = NULL; if (rflag) { Service *sp; fprintf(freport, "## Web Server Operations {#doc-server}\n\n"); for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) if (sp->documentation) fprintf(freport, "%s\n\n", sp->documentation); } banner(fheader, "Server-Side Operations"); if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fserver, "extern \"C\" "); fprintf(fserver, "SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 %s_serve(struct soap *soap)", nflag?prefix:"soap"); fprintf(fserver, "\n{\n#ifndef WITH_FASTCGI\n\tunsigned int k = soap->max_keep_alive;\n#endif\n\tdo\n\t{"); fprintf(fserver, "\n#ifndef WITH_FASTCGI\n\t\tif (soap->max_keep_alive > 0 && !--k)\n\t\t\tsoap->keep_alive = 0;\n#endif"); fprintf(fserver, "\n\t\tif (soap_begin_serve(soap))\n\t\t{\tif (soap->error >= SOAP_STOP)\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t\t}"); if (namespaceid) fprintf(fserver, "\n\t\tif (%s::%s_serve_request(soap) || (soap->fserveloop && soap->fserveloop(soap)))\n\t\t{\n#ifdef WITH_FASTCGI\n\t\t\tsoap_send_fault(soap);\n#else\n\t\t\treturn soap_send_fault(soap);\n#endif\n\t\t}", namespaceid, nflag?prefix:"soap"); else fprintf(fserver, "\n\t\tif (%s_serve_request(soap) || (soap->fserveloop && soap->fserveloop(soap)))\n\t\t{\n#ifdef WITH_FASTCGI\n\t\t\tsoap_send_fault(soap);\n#else\n\t\t\treturn soap_send_fault(soap);\n#endif\n\t\t}", nflag?prefix:"soap"); fprintf(fserver, "\n\n#ifdef WITH_FASTCGI\n\t\tsoap_destroy(soap);\n\t\tsoap_end(soap);\n\t} while (1);\n#else\n\t} while (soap->keep_alive);\n#endif"); fprintf(fserver, "\n\treturn SOAP_OK;"); fprintf(fserver, "\n}"); fprintf(fserver, "\n\n#ifndef WITH_NOSERVEREQUEST\n"); if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fserver, "extern \"C\" "); fprintf(fserver, "SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 %s_serve_request(struct soap *soap)\n{", nflag?prefix:"soap"); if (sflag) fprintf(fserver, "\n\tsoap->mode |= SOAP_XML_STRICT;"); fprintf(fserver, "\n\tsoap_peek_element(soap);"); for (method = table->list; method; method = method->next) { const char *action = NULL; if (method->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(method->info.sto & Sextern)) { if (aflag) { Service *sp; for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (has_ns_eq(sp->ns, method->sym->name)) { Method *m; for (m = sp->list; m; m = m->next) { if (is_eq_nons(m->name, method->sym->name)) { if (m->mess == ACTION || m->mess == REQUEST_ACTION) action = m->part; } } } } } if (is_invisible(method->sym->name)) { Entry *param = entry(classtable, method->sym); if (param) param = ((Table*)param->info.typ->ref)->list; if (action) { if (*action == '"') { fprintf(fserver, "\n\tif ("); if (param && !Aflag) fprintf(fserver, "(soap->action == NULL && !soap_match_tag(soap, soap->tag, \"%s\")) || ", ns_convert(param->sym->name)); else { catch_method = method; catch_action = action; } fprintf(fserver, "(soap->action && !strcmp(soap->action, %s))", action); } else { fprintf(fserver, "\n\tif ("); if (param && !Aflag) fprintf(fserver, "(soap->action == NULL && !soap_match_tag(soap, soap->tag, \"%s\")) || ", ns_convert(param->sym->name)); else { catch_method = method; catch_action = action; } fprintf(fserver, "(soap->action && !strcmp(soap->action, \"%s\"))", action); } fprintf(fserver, ")\n\t\treturn soap_serve_%s(soap);", ident(method->sym->name)); } else { if (Aflag) compliancewarn("Option -A requires a SOAPAction where none is defined"); if (param) { fprintf(fserver, "\n\tif (!soap_match_tag(soap, soap->tag, \"%s\")", ns_convert(param->sym->name)); fprintf(fserver, ")\n\t\treturn soap_serve_%s(soap);", ident(method->sym->name)); } else { catch_method = method; catch_action = action; } } } else { if (action) { if (*action == '"') { fprintf(fserver, "\n\tif ("); if (!Aflag) fprintf(fserver, "(soap->action == NULL && !soap_match_tag(soap, soap->tag, \"%s\")) || ", ns_convert(method->sym->name)); fprintf(fserver, "(soap->action && !strcmp(soap->action, %s))", action); } else { fprintf(fserver, "\n\tif ("); if (!Aflag) fprintf(fserver, "(soap->action == NULL && !soap_match_tag(soap, soap->tag, \"%s\")) || ", ns_convert(method->sym->name)); fprintf(fserver, "(soap->action && !strcmp(soap->action, \"%s\"))", action); } } else { if (Aflag) compliancewarn("Option -A requires a SOAPAction where none is defined"); fprintf(fserver, "\n\tif (!soap_match_tag(soap, soap->tag, \"%s\")", ns_convert(method->sym->name)); } fprintf(fserver, ")\n\t\treturn soap_serve_%s(soap);", ident(method->sym->name)); } } } if (catch_method) { if (Aflag && catch_action) { if (*catch_action == '"') { fprintf(fserver, "\n\tif ("); fprintf(fserver, "(soap->action && !strcmp(soap->action, %s))", catch_action); fprintf(fserver, ")\n\t\treturn soap_serve_%s(soap);", ident(catch_method->sym->name)); } else { fprintf(fserver, "\n\tif ("); fprintf(fserver, "(soap->action && !strcmp(soap->action, \"%s\"))", catch_action); fprintf(fserver, ")\n\t\treturn soap_serve_%s(soap);", ident(catch_method->sym->name)); } fprintf(fserver, "\n\treturn soap->error = SOAP_NO_METHOD;"); } else fprintf(fserver, "\n\treturn soap_serve_%s(soap);", ident(catch_method->sym->name)); } else fprintf(fserver, "\n\treturn soap->error = SOAP_NO_METHOD;"); fprintf(fserver, "\n}\n#endif"); if (rflag) { fprintf(freport, "Use the service request dispatcher that is auto-generated in [%s](%s) to accept and process service requests:\n\n", soapServer, pathsoapServer); fprintf(freport, " SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 %s_serve(struct soap *soap);\n\n", nflag?prefix:"soap"); fprintf(freport, "This function serves requests by calling one of the service operations listed further below that matches the request. Returns `SOAP_OK` or an error code. This function supports CGI by accepting a request on stdin and sending the response to stdout, and FastCGI. To serve over HTTP(S), use the following functions to establish a connection:\n\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `SOAP_SOCKET soap_bind(struct soap *soap, const char *host, int port, int backlog)` returns master socket bound to port (and restricted to host name if not NULL) or `SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET`\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `SOAP_SOCKET soap_accept(struct soap *soap)` accepts connection and returns socket when accepted, or `SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET`\n"); fprintf(freport, "- `int soap_ssl_accept(struct soap *soap)` performs SSL handshake and returns `SOAP_OK` when successful or an error code, call this function after `soap_accept()` to accept SSL/TLS connection\n\n"); } for (method = table->list; method; method = method->next) { if (method->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(method->info.sto & Sextern)) { if (rflag) generate_proto(freport, table, method); generate_proto(fheader, table, method); } } if (rflag) fprintf(freport, "\n\n"); banner(fheader, "Server-Side Skeletons to Invoke Service Operations"); fprintf(fheader, "\n"); if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fheader, "extern \"C\" "); fprintf(fheader, "SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 %s_serve(struct soap*);", nflag?prefix:"soap"); fprintf(fheader, "\n\n"); if (!cflag && !namespaceid) fprintf(fheader, "extern \"C\" "); fprintf(fheader, "SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 %s_serve_request(struct soap*);", nflag?prefix:"soap"); for (method = table->list; method; method = method->next) if (method->info.typ->type == Tfun && !(method->info.sto & Sextern) && !is_imported(method->info.typ)) gen_serve_method(fserver, table, method, NULL); } } void generate_proto(FILE *fd, Table *table, Entry *param) { Entry *q, *pout; Table *output; Entry *result; result = (Entry*)param->info.typ->ref; q = entry(table, param->sym); if (q) pout = (Entry*)q->info.typ->ref; else { fprintf(stderr, "Internal error: no table entry\n"); return; } q = entry(classtable, param->sym); output = (Table*)q->info.typ->ref; if (fd == freport) gen_report_operation(NULL, param, 1); else fprintf(fd, "\n /** Web service operation '%s' (returns SOAP_OK or error code) */", ident(param->sym->name)); fprintf(fd, "\n SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 %s(struct soap*", ident(param->sym->name)); gen_params(fd, output, pout, 1); fprintf(fd, ";"); if (fd == freport) { fprintf(freport, "\n\nwhere:\n\n- `struct soap *soap` is the context\n"); gen_report_params(q, result, 1); if (!is_transient(result->info.typ)) fprintf(freport, "This service function should be implemented as part of the service back-end code and return `SOAP_OK` and set the last parameter `%s` to the result, or return an error code\n\n", ident(result->sym->name)); else fprintf(freport, "This service function should be implemented as part of the service back-end code and call `int soap_send_empty_response(struct soap *soap, int httpcode)` with a HTTP status/error code (200 to 999) to return, when communicating over HTTP to return a HTTP header.\n\n"); gen_report_hr(); } } int tagcmp(const char *s, const char *t) { size_t i, n; n = strlen(s); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int c = t[i]; if (c == '_' && s[i] != '_') c = '-'; if (s[i] > c) return 1; if (s[i] < c) return -1; } return -(t[i] != 0); } int tagncmp(const char *s, const char *t, size_t n) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int c = t[i]; if (c == '_' && s[i] != '_') c = '-'; if (s[i] > c) return 1; if (s[i] < c) return -1; } return 0; } int is_qname(Tnode *p) { if (p->sym && is_string(p) && (is_eq(p->sym->name, "xsd__QName") || is_eq(p->sym->name, "QName"))) return 1; return p->id && is_string(p) && (is_eq(p->id->name, "xsd__QName") || is_eq(p->id->name, "QName")); } int is_stdqname(Tnode *p) { if (p->sym && p->type == Tclass && is_volatile(p) && (is_eq(p->sym->name, "xsd__QName") || is_eq(p->sym->name, "QName"))) return 1; return p->id && p->type == Tclass && is_volatile(p) && (is_eq(p->id->name, "xsd__QName") || is_eq(p->id->name, "QName")); } int is_XML(Tnode *p) { if (is_synonym(p)) return (is_string(p) || is_wstring(p)) && is_eq(p->synonym->name, "XML"); return (p->sym && (is_string(p) || is_wstring(p)) && is_eq(p->sym->name, "XML")) || ((p->type == Tpointer || p->type == Treference || p->type == Trvalueref) && is_XML((Tnode*)p->ref)); } int is_stdXML(Tnode *p) { return p->sym && (is_stdstring(p) || is_stdwstring(p)) && is_eq(p->sym->name, "XML"); } int is_response(Tnode *p) { return (p->type == Tpointer || p->type == Treference || p->type == Trvalueref) && p->ref && has_ns((Tnode*)p->ref) && ((((Tnode*)p->ref)->type == Tstruct || ((Tnode*)p->ref)->type == Tclass) && !is_external((Tnode*)p->ref) && !is_primclass((Tnode*)p->ref) && !is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)p->ref) && !is_stdstring((Tnode*)p->ref) && !is_stdwstring((Tnode*)p->ref)); } Entry* get_response(Tnode *p) { if (p->type == Tfun) return p->response; return 0; } int is_unmatched(Symbol *sym) { return sym->name[0] == '_' && sym->name[1] != '_' && strncmp(sym->name, "_DOT", 4) && strncmp(sym->name, "_USCORE", 7) && (strncmp(sym->name, "_x", 2) || !isxdigit(sym->name[2]) || !isxdigit(sym->name[3]) || !isxdigit(sym->name[4]) || !isxdigit(sym->name[5])); } int is_invisible(const char *name) { return name[0] == '-' || (name[0] == '_' && name[1] == '_' && strncmp(name, "__ptr", 5)); } int is_invisible_empty(Tnode *p) { if (p->type == Tstruct || p->type == Tclass) if (is_invisible(p->id->name)) if (!p->ref || !((Table*)p->ref)->list) return 1; return 0; } int is_element(Tnode *typ) { if (is_XML(typ) || is_stdXML(typ) || is_qname(typ) || is_stdqname(typ)) return 0; if (typ->sym) return is_unmatched(typ->sym); if (typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass) return is_unmatched(typ->id); return 0; } int is_untyped(Tnode *typ) { Tnode *p; if (typ->sym) return is_unmatched(typ->sym); if (typ->type == Tpointer || typ->type == Treference || typ->type == Trvalueref || typ->type == Tarray) return is_untyped((Tnode*)typ->ref); if (typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass) { if (is_dynamic_array(typ) && !has_ns(typ) && !is_binary(typ)) { p = (Tnode*)((Table*)typ->ref)->list->info.typ->ref; return is_untyped(p); } else return is_unmatched(typ->id); } return 0; } int is_primclass(Tnode *typ) { Table *t; if (typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass) { if (!is_dynamic_array(typ)) { t = (Table*)typ->ref; while (t) { Entry *p = t->list; while (p && !is_item(p)) p = p->next; if (p) break; t = t->prev; } if (!t) return 0; t = (Table*)typ->ref; while (t) { Entry *p; for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) if (!is_item(p) && p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_transient(p->info.typ) && p->info.sto != Sattribute && p->info.sto != Sprivate && p->info.sto != Sprotected) return 0; t = t->prev; } return 1; } } else if (typ->type == Tpointer || typ->type == Treference || typ->type == Trvalueref) return is_primclass((Tnode*)typ->ref); return 0; } int is_mask(Tnode *typ) { return ((typ->type == Tenum || typ->type == Tenumsc) && typ->width == 9); } int is_void(Tnode *typ) { if (!typ) return 1; if (typ->type == Tvoid) return 1; if (typ->type == Tpointer || typ->type == Treference || typ->type == Trvalueref || typ->type == Tarray || typ->type == Ttemplate) return is_void((Tnode*)typ->ref); return 0; } int is_transient(Tnode *typ) { if (!typ) return 1; if (typ->type == Tstruct && typ->id == lookup("soap")) return 1; if (is_external(typ) || is_volatile(typ)) return 0; if (typ->transient > 0) return 1; if (is_wstring(typ)) /* wchar_t* is serializable but wchar_t is transient */ return 0; switch (typ->type) { case Tpointer: case Treference: case Trvalueref: case Tarray: case Ttemplate: return is_transient((Tnode*)typ->ref); case Tnone: case Tvoid: case Twchar: /* wchar_t is transient */ case Tsize: /* size_t is transient */ return 1; default: break; } return 0; } int is_imported(Tnode* typ) { return typ->imported != NULL; } int is_external(Tnode* typ) { return typ->transient == -1 || typ->transient == -3; } int is_anyType(Tnode* typ) { if (!typ) return 0; if (typ->type == Tpointer || typ->type == Ttemplate) return is_anyType((Tnode*)typ->ref); if (is_external(typ) && typ->type == Tstruct && !strcmp(typ->id->name, "soap_dom_element")) return is_anyType_flag = 1; return 0; } int is_anyAttribute(Tnode* typ) { if (!typ) return 0; if (typ->type == Tpointer || typ->type == Ttemplate) return is_anyAttribute((Tnode*)typ->ref); return is_external(typ) && typ->type == Tstruct && !strcmp(typ->id->name, "soap_dom_attribute"); } int is_volatile(Tnode* typ) { return typ->transient == -2 || typ->transient == -3; } int is_smart(Tnode *p) { return p->type == Ttemplate && p->ref && is_volatile(p); } int is_smart_shared(Tnode *p) { if (is_smart(p)) { const char *s = strstr(p->id->name, "::"); if (s) return !strcmp(s, "::shared_ptr"); /* support shared_ptr STL and Boost */ } return 0; } const char * make_shared(Tnode *p) { const char *s = ""; /* should produce make_shared only if is_smart_shared(p) is true */ if (is_smart_shared(p)) { char *t; s = strstr(p->id->name, "::"); t = emalloc(s - p->id->name + 14); strncpy(t, p->id->name, s - p->id->name + 2); strcat(t, "make_shared"); s = t; } return s; } int is_container(Tnode *p) { if (p->type == Tpointer) return is_container((Tnode*)p->ref); return p->type == Ttemplate && !is_smart(p); } int is_template(Tnode *p) { if (p->type == Tpointer) return is_template((Tnode*)p->ref); return p->type == Ttemplate; } int is_repetition(Entry *p) { if (p) return p->next && p->next->info.typ->type == Tpointer && ((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type != Tvoid && (p->info.typ->type == Tint || p->info.typ->type == Tsize) && ((p->info.sto & Sspecial) || !strncmp(p->sym->name, "__size", 6)); return 0; } int is_item(Entry *p) { if (p) return !strcmp(p->sym->name, "__item"); return 0; } int is_self(Entry *p) { if (p) return !strcmp(p->sym->name, "__self"); return 0; } int is_choice(Entry *p) { if (p) if (p->next && p->next->info.typ->type == Tunion && p->info.typ->type == Tint && ((p->info.sto & Sspecial) || !strncmp(p->sym->name, "__union", 7))) return 1; return 0; } int required_choice(Tnode *typ) { if (typ->type == Tunion) { Entry *p; for (p = ((Table*)typ->ref)->list; p; p = p->next) { if (!(p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) && !is_transient(p->info.typ) && (!(p->info.sto & Sattribute)) && !is_repetition(p) && !is_anytype(p)) { if (p->info.minOccurs <= 0) return 0; } } } return -1; } int is_sequence(Entry *p) { if (p) { Tnode *q = p->info.typ; if (q->type == Tpointer) q = (Tnode*)q->ref; if (q->type == Tstruct && is_invisible(p->sym->name) && is_invisible(q->id->name) && !is_transient(q)) return 1; } return 0; } int is_anytype(Entry *p) { if (p) { if (p->next && p->next->info.typ->type == Tpointer && ((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tvoid && p->info.typ->type == Tint && ((p->info.sto & Sspecial) || !strncmp(p->sym->name, "__type", 6))) { is_anytype_flag = 1; return 1; } } return 0; } int is_keyword(const char *name) { Symbol *s = lookup(name); if (s) return s->token != ID; return 0; } int has_ptr(Tnode *typ) { Tnode *p; if (typ->type == Tpointer || typ->type == Treference || typ->type == Trvalueref) return 0; for (p = Tptr[Tpointer]; p; p = p->next) if ((Tnode*)p->ref == typ && p->transient != 1) return 1; return 0; } int has_detail_string(void) { Entry *p = entry(classtable, lookup("SOAP_ENV__Fault")); if (p && p->info.typ->ref && (p->info.typ->type == Tstruct || p->info.typ->type == Tclass)) { Entry *e = entry((Table*)p->info.typ->ref, lookup("detail")); if (e && e->info.typ->ref && e->info.typ->type == Tpointer && ((Tnode*)e->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct) { Entry *e2 = entry((Table*)((Tnode*)e->info.typ->ref)->ref, lookup("__any")); return e2 && is_string(e2->info.typ); } } return 0; } int has_Detail_string(void) { Entry *p = entry(classtable, lookup("SOAP_ENV__Fault")); if (p && p->info.typ->ref && (p->info.typ->type == Tstruct || p->info.typ->type == Tclass)) { Entry *e = entry((Table*)p->info.typ->ref, lookup("SOAP_ENV__Detail")); if (e && e->info.typ->ref && e->info.typ->type == Tpointer && ((Tnode*)e->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct) { Entry *e2 = entry((Table*)((Tnode*)e->info.typ->ref)->ref, lookup("__any")); return e2 && is_string(e2->info.typ); } } return 0; } int has_class(Tnode *typ) { Entry *p; if (!cflag && typ->type == Tstruct && typ->ref) { for (p = ((Table*)typ->ref)->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.sto & Stypedef) continue; if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass || p->info.typ->type == Ttemplate) return 1; if (p->info.typ->type == Tstruct && has_class(p->info.typ)) return 1; } } return 0; } int has_external(Tnode *typ) { Entry *p; if ((typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass) && typ->ref) { for (p = ((Table*)typ->ref)->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tstruct || p->info.typ->type == Tclass) { if (is_external(p->info.typ) || has_external(p->info.typ)) return 1; } } } return 0; } int has_volatile(Tnode *typ) { Entry *p; if ((typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass) && typ->ref) { for (p = ((Table*)typ->ref)->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tstruct || p->info.typ->type == Tclass) { if (is_volatile(p->info.typ) || has_volatile(p->info.typ)) if (!is_stdstr(p->info.typ)) return 1; } } } return 0; } int has_ns(Tnode *typ) { if (typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass || typ->type == Tenum || typ->type == Tenumsc) return has_ns_eq(NULL, typ->id->name); return 0; } int has_ns_t(Tnode *typ) { if (typ->sym) return has_ns_eq(NULL, typ->sym->name); return has_ns(typ); } /* needs_lang adds xml:lang attribute to matching struct/class member name we should use an annotation for soapcpp2's input this in the future instead of a hard-coded member name */ void needs_lang(Entry *e) { if (!strcmp(e->sym->name, "SOAP_ENV__Text")) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->lang)\n\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"xml:lang\", soap->lang, 1);"); } int is_eq_nons(const char *s, const char *t) { size_t n, m; const char *r; while (*s == '_' || *s == ':') s++; while (*t == '_' || *t == ':') t++; if (!*s || !*t) return 0; r = strstr(t, "__"); if (r) t = r + 2; n = strlen(s) - 1; m = strlen(t) - 1; #ifdef SOAP_OLD_DIRECTIVE_NAME_MATCHING while (n > 0 && s[n] == '_') n--; while (m > 0 && t[m] == '_') m--; #endif if (n != m) return 0; return !strncmp(s, t, n + 1); } int is_eq(const char *s, const char *t) { size_t n, m; while (*s == '_' || *s == ':') s++; while (*t == '_' || *t == ':') t++; if (!*s || !*t) return 0; for (n = strlen(s) - 1; n && s[n] == '_'; n--) ; for (m = strlen(t) - 1; m && t[m] == '_'; m--) ; if (n != m) return 0; return !strncmp(s, t, n + 1); } int has_ns_eq(const char *ns, const char *s) { size_t n; while (*s == '_' || *s == ':') s++; if (!ns) { const char *t = strstr(s + 1, "__"); if (!t || (t[2] == 'x' && isxdigit(t[3]) && isxdigit(t[4]) && isxdigit(t[5]) && isxdigit(t[6])) || !strncmp(t+2, "DOT", 3) || !strncmp(t+2, "USCORE", 6)) { t = strchr(s, ':'); if (t && t[1] == ':') t = NULL; } return t && t[1] && t[2] && t[2] != '_'; } if ((n = strlen(ns)) < strlen(s)) return ((s[n] == '_' && s[n+1] == '_') || (s[n] == ':' && s[n+1] != ':')) && !tagncmp(ns, s, n); return 0; } const char * strict_check(void) { if (sflag) return ""; return "(soap->mode & SOAP_XML_STRICT) && "; } const char * ns_of(const char *name) { Service *sp; for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) if (has_ns_eq(sp->ns, name)) break; if (sp) return sp->URI; return NULL; } int eq_ns(const char *s, const char *t) { return ns_of(s) == ns_of(t); } const char * prefix_of(const char *s) { const char *t; if (*s == ':' && s[1] != ':') return NULL; while (*s == '_' || *s == ':') s++; t = strstr(s + 1, "__"); if (!t) { t = strchr(s, ':'); if (t && t[1] == ':') t = NULL; } if (t && t[1] && t[2] && t[2] != '_') { char *r = (char*)emalloc(t - s + 1); strncpy(r, s, t - s); r[t - s] = '\0'; return r; } return NULL; } const char * ns_add_overridden(Table *t, Entry *p, const char *ns) { Entry *q; Symbol *s = t->sym; if (s) { do { for (q = t->list; q; q = q->next) if (!strcmp(q->sym->name, p->sym->name)) return ns_add(p, ns ? prefix_of(t->sym->name) : NULL); } while ((t = t->prev) != NULL); } return ns_add(p, ns); } const char * c_ident(Tnode *typ) { if (typ->sym && strcmp(typ->sym->name, "/*?*/")) return res_remove(typ->sym->name); return t_ident(typ); } const char * soap_type(Tnode *typ) { const char *t = c_ident(typ); char *s; if (namespaceid && (Qflag || !is_external(typ))) { s = (char*)emalloc(strlen(t) + strlen(namespaceid) + 12); strcpy(s, "SOAP_TYPE_"); strcat(s, namespaceid); strcat(s, "_"); } else { s = (char*)emalloc(strlen(t) + 11); strcpy(s, "SOAP_TYPE_"); } strcat(s, t); return s; } const char * soap_union_member(Tnode *typ, Entry *p) { const char *t = c_ident(typ); const char *n = ident(p->sym->name); char *s; if (namespaceid) { s = (char*)emalloc(strlen(t) + strlen(n) + strlen(namespaceid) + 14); strcpy(s, "SOAP_UNION_"); strcat(s, namespaceid); strcat(s, "_"); } else { s = (char*)emalloc(strlen(t) + strlen(n) + 13); strcpy(s, "SOAP_UNION_"); } strcat(s, t); strcat(s, "_"); strcat(s, n); return s; } const char * ident(const char *name) { if (name) { const char *s = strrchr(name, ':'); if (s && *(s+1) && (s == name || *(s-1) != ':')) return s+1; } return name; } /*t_ident gives the base type name (e.g. when typedef'ed) of a type in identifier format*/ const char * t_ident(Tnode *typ) { char *p; const char *q; if (typ->extsym) return ident(typ->extsym->name); if (typ->synonym) return ident(typ->synonym->name); switch(typ->type) { case Tnone: return ""; case Tvoid: return "void"; case Tchar: return "byte"; case Twchar: return "wchar"; case Tshort: return "short"; case Tint: return "int"; case Tlong: return "long"; case Tllong: return "LONG64"; case Tfloat: return "float"; case Tdouble: return "double"; case Tldouble: return "decimal"; case Tuchar: return "unsignedByte"; case Tushort: return "unsignedShort"; case Tuint: return "unsignedInt"; case Tulong: return "unsignedLong"; case Tullong: return "ULONG64"; case Tsize: return "size_t"; case Ttime: return "dateTime"; case Tstruct: case Tclass: case Tunion: case Tenum: if (is_bool(typ)) return "bool"; case Tenumsc: return res_remove(typ->id->name); case Treference: case Trvalueref: return c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref); case Tpointer: if (is_string(typ)) return "string"; if (is_wstring(typ)) return "wstring"; p = (char*)emalloc((10+strlen(q = c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref))) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(p, "PointerTo"); strcat(p, q); return p; case Tarray: p = (char*)emalloc((16+strlen(c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref))) * sizeof(char)); if (((Tnode*)typ->ref)->width) sprintf(p, "Array%dOf%s", typ->width / ((Tnode*) typ->ref)->width, c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); else sprintf(p, "ArrayOf%s", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); return p; case Ttemplate: if (typ->ref) { p = (char*)emalloc((11+strlen(res_remove(typ->id->name))+strlen(q = c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref))) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(p, res_remove(typ->id->name)); strcat(p, "TemplateOf"); strcat(p, q); return p; } case Tfun: return "Function"; } return "anyType"; } void utf8(char **t, long c) { if (c < 0x0080) *(*t)++ = (char)c; else { if (c < 0x0800) *(*t)++ = (char)(0xC0 | ((c >> 6) & 0x1F)); else { if (c < 0x010000) *(*t)++ = (char)(0xE0 | ((c >> 12) & 0x0F)); else { if (c < 0x200000) *(*t)++ = (char)(0xF0 | ((c >> 18) & 0x07)); else { if (c < 0x04000000) *(*t)++ = (char)(0xF8 | ((c >> 24) & 0x03)); else { *(*t)++ = (char)(0xFC | ((c >> 30) & 0x01)); *(*t)++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 24) & 0x3F)); } *(*t)++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 18) & 0x3F)); } *(*t)++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3F)); } *(*t)++ = (char)(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)); } *(*t)++ = (char)(0x80 | (c & 0x3F)); } *(*t) = '\0'; } const char * ns_tag_convert(Entry *p) { if (p->tag) return p->tag; return ns_convert(p->sym->name); } const char * ns_convert(const char *tag) { const char *t; char *s; size_t i, n; if (*tag == '_') { if (!strncmp(tag, "__ptr", 5)) { if (tag[5]) tag += 5; else tag = "item"; } else if (strncmp(tag, "_DOT", 4) && strncmp(tag, "_USCORE", 7) && (strncmp(tag, "_x", 2) || !isxdigit(tag[2]) || !isxdigit(tag[3]) || !isxdigit(tag[4]) || !isxdigit(tag[5]))) tag++; /* skip leading _ */ } for (n = strlen(tag); n > 0; n--) { if (tag[n-1] != '_') break; } t = s = (char*)emalloc(n+1); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (tag[i] == '_') { if (tag[i+1] == '_' && !(tag[i+2] == 'x' && isxdigit(tag[i+3]) && isxdigit(tag[i+4]) && isxdigit(tag[i+5]) && isxdigit(tag[i+6]))) break; else if (!strncmp(tag+i, "_DOT", 4)) { *s++ = '.'; i += 3; } else if (!strncmp(tag+i, "_USCORE", 7)) { *s++ = '_'; i += 6; } else if (!strncmp(tag+i, "_x", 2) && isxdigit(tag[i+2]) && isxdigit(tag[i+3]) && isxdigit(tag[i+4]) && isxdigit(tag[i+5])) { char d[5]; strncpy(d, tag+i+2, 4); d[4] = '\0'; utf8(&s, strtoul(d, NULL, 16)); i += 5; } else *s++ = '-'; } else if (!strncmp(tag+i, "\\u", 2) && isxdigit(tag[i+2]) && isxdigit(tag[i+3]) && isxdigit(tag[i+4]) && isxdigit(tag[i+5])) { char d[5]; strncpy(d, tag+i+2, 4); d[4] = '\0'; utf8(&s, strtoul(d, NULL, 16)); i += 5; } else if (tag[i] == ':' && tag[i+1] == ':') break; else *s++ = tag[i]; } if (i < n) { *s++ = ':'; for (i += 2; i < n; i++) { if (tag[i] == '_') { if (!strncmp(tag+i, "_DOT", 4)) { *s++ = '.'; i += 3; } else if (!strncmp(tag+i, "_USCORE", 7)) { *s++ = '_'; i += 6; } else if (!strncmp(tag+i, "_x", 2) && isxdigit(tag[i+2]) && isxdigit(tag[i+3]) && isxdigit(tag[i+4]) && isxdigit(tag[i+5])) { char d[5]; strncpy(d, tag+i+2, 4); d[4] = '\0'; utf8(&s, strtoul(d, NULL, 16)); i += 5; } else *s++ = '-'; } else if (!strncmp(tag+i, "\\u", 2) && isxdigit(tag[i+2]) && isxdigit(tag[i+3]) && isxdigit(tag[i+4]) && isxdigit(tag[i+5])) { char d[5]; strncpy(d, tag+i+2, 4); d[4] = '\0'; utf8(&s, strtoul(d, NULL, 16)); i += 5; } else *s++ = tag[i]; } } *s = '\0'; return t; } const char * res_remove(const char *tag) { char *s; const char *t; if (!(t = strchr(tag, ':'))) return tag; if (t[1] != ':') tag = t + 1; if (!strchr(tag, ':')) return tag; s = (char*)emalloc(strlen(tag) + 1); t = strcpy(s, tag); while ((s = strchr(s, ':'))) *s = '_'; return t; } const char * ns_qualifiedElement(Tnode *typ) { Service *sp; const char *s = NULL; if (typ->sym) s = prefix_of(typ->sym->name); if (!s && typ->id) s = prefix_of(typ->id->name); if (!s) return NULL; for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (sp->elementForm && !tagcmp(sp->ns, s)) { if (!strcmp(sp->elementForm, "qualified")) return s; return NULL; } } return NULL; } const char * ns_qualifiedAttribute(Tnode *typ) { Service *sp; const char *s = NULL; if (typ->sym) s = prefix_of(typ->sym->name); if (!s && typ->id) s = prefix_of(typ->id->name); if (!s) return NULL; for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) { if (sp->attributeForm && !tagcmp(sp->ns, s)) { if (!strcmp(sp->attributeForm, "qualified")) return s; return NULL; } } return NULL; } const char * field(Entry *p, const char *ns) { const char *r; char *s; if (is_self(p)) return "tag"; r = ns_add(p, ns); s = (char*)emalloc(strlen(r) + 3); strcpy(s, "\""); strcat(s, r); strcat(s, "\""); return s; } const char * field_overridden(Table *t, Entry *p, const char *ns) { const char *r; char *s; if (is_self(p)) return "tag"; r = ns_add_overridden(t, p, ns); s = (char*)emalloc(strlen(r) + 3); strcpy(s, "\""); strcat(s, r); strcat(s, "\""); return s; } const char * ns_add(Entry *p, const char *ns) { return ns_addx(ns_tag_convert(p), ns); } const char * ns_addx(const char *tag, const char *ns) { const char *n; char *t; const char *s = tag; if (*s == ':') return s+1; if (!ns || *s == '-' || strchr(s, ':')) return s; n = ns_convert(ns); t = (char*)emalloc(strlen(n) + strlen(s) + 2); strcpy(t, n); strcat(t, ":"); strcat(t, s); return t; } const char * ns_name(const char *tag) { const char *t, *r, *s = tag; if (*s) { for (r = s+strlen(s)-1; r > s; r--) if (*r != '_') break; for (t = s + 1; t < r; t++) { if (t[0] == '_' && t[1] == '_') { s = t + 2; t++; } else if (t[0] == ':' && t[1] != ':') { s = t + 1; t++; } } } return s; } const char * ns_cname(const char *tag, const char *suffix) { char *s; const char *t; size_t i, n; if (!tag) return NULL; t = ns_name(tag); n = strlen(t); if (suffix) s = (char*)emalloc(n + strlen(suffix) + 2); else s = (char*)emalloc(n + 2); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!isalnum(t[i])) s[i] = '_'; else s[i] = t[i]; } s[i] = '\0'; if (suffix) strcat(s, suffix); if (is_keyword(t)) strcat(s, "_"); return s; } const char * ns_fname(const char *tag) { char *s; size_t i; s = (char*)emalloc(strlen(tag) + 1); strcpy(s, tag); for (i = 0; s[i]; i++) if (!isalnum(s[i])) s[i] = '_'; return s; } const char * ns_tag_remove(Entry *p) { if (p->tag) { const char *s = strchr(p->tag, ':'); if (s) return s + 1; return p->tag; } return ns_remove(p->sym->name); } const char * ns_remove(const char *tag) { return ns_convert(ns_name(tag)); } const char * ns_remove1(const char *tag) { const char *t, *s = tag; int n = 2; if (*s) { for (t = s + 1; *t && n; t++) if (t[0] == '_' && t[1] == '_') { s = t + 2; t++; n--; } if (n || (s[0] == '_' && s[1] != 'x' && strncmp(s, "_USCORE", 7)) || !*s) s = tag; } return s; } const char * ns_remove2(const char *tag, const char *type) { size_t n; if (tag && type && !strncmp(tag, type, n = strlen(type)) && strlen(tag) > n + 2) return ns_convert(tag + n + 2); return ns_convert(tag); } const char * xsi_type_cond(Tnode *typ, int flag) { if (flag) return xsi_type(typ); return ""; } const char * xsi_type_cond_u(Tnode *typ, int flag) { if (flag) return xsi_type_u(typ); return ""; } const char * xsi_type_u(Tnode *typ) { Service *sp; const char *s = NULL; if (tflag) return xsi_type(typ); if (typ->sym) s = prefix_of(typ->sym->name); if (!s && typ->id) s = prefix_of(typ->id->name); if (!s) return ""; s = xsi_type(typ); for (sp = services; sp; sp = sp->next) if (sp->xsi_type && has_ns_eq(sp->ns, s)) return s; return ""; } const char * xsi_type(Tnode *typ) { if (!typ) return "NULL"; if (is_dynamic_array(typ) && !has_ns(typ) && !is_binary(typ)) return xsi_type_Darray(typ); if (typ->type == Tarray) return xsi_type_Tarray(typ); if ((is_qname(typ) || is_stdqname(typ))) return "xsd:QName"; if (is_untyped(typ)) return ""; if (typ->sym) { if (!strncmp(typ->sym->name, "SOAP_ENV__", 10)) return ""; if (is_XML(typ)) return "xsd:anyType"; if (typ->type != Ttemplate) return ns_convert(typ->sym->name); } if (is_string(typ) || is_wstring(typ) || is_stdstring(typ) || is_stdwstring(typ)) return "xsd:string"; switch(typ->type) { case Tvoid: return "xsd:anyType"; case Tchar: return "xsd:byte"; case Twchar: return "wchar"; case Tshort: return "xsd:short"; case Tint: return "xsd:int"; case Tlong: case Tllong: return "xsd:long"; case Tfloat: return "xsd:float"; case Tdouble: return "xsd:double"; case Tldouble: return "xsd:decimal"; case Tuchar: return "xsd:unsignedByte"; case Tushort: return "xsd:unsignedShort"; case Tuint: return "xsd:unsignedInt"; case Tulong: case Tullong: return "xsd:unsignedLong"; case Ttime: return "xsd:dateTime"; case Tpointer: case Treference: case Trvalueref: return xsi_type((Tnode*)typ->ref); case Tenum: if (is_bool(typ)) return "xsd:boolean"; case Tenumsc: case Tstruct: case Tclass: if (!strncmp(typ->id->name, "SOAP_ENV__", 10)) return ""; return ns_convert(typ->id->name); case Ttemplate: if ((Tnode*)typ->ref) return xsi_type((Tnode*)typ->ref); break; default: break; } return ""; } const char * xml_tag(Tnode *typ) { if (!typ) return "NULL"; if ((typ->type == Tpointer && !is_string(typ) && !is_wstring(typ)) || typ->type == Treference || typ->type == Trvalueref) return xml_tag((Tnode*)typ->ref); if (typ->sym) return ns_convert(typ->sym->name); return the_type(typ); } const char * wsdl_type(Tnode *typ, const char *ns) { if (!typ) return "NULL"; if ((is_qname(typ) || is_stdqname(typ)) && ns) return "xsd:QName"; if (typ->sym) { if (is_XML(typ)) return "xsd:anyType"; else if (ns) return ns_convert(typ->sym->name); else return ns_remove(typ->sym->name); } return base_type(typ, ns); } const char * base_type(Tnode *typ, const char *ns) { int d; const char *s; char *t; if (is_string(typ) || is_wstring(typ) || is_stdstring(typ) || is_stdwstring(typ) || is_fixedstring(typ)) { if (ns) return "xsd:string"; return "string"; } if (is_dynamic_array(typ) && !is_binary(typ) && !has_ns(typ) && !is_untyped(typ)) { s = ns_remove(wsdl_type(((Table*)typ->ref)->list->info.typ, NULL)); if (ns && *ns) { t = (char*)emalloc(strlen(s)+strlen(ns_convert(ns))+13); strcpy(t, ns_convert(ns)); strcat(t, ":"); strcat(t, "ArrayOf"); } else { t = (char*)emalloc(strlen(s)+12); strcpy(t, "ArrayOf"); } strcat(t, s); d = get_Darraydims(typ); if (d) sprintf(t+strlen(t), "%dD", d); return t; } if (is_synonym(typ)) { if (ns) return ns_convert(typ->synonym->name); else return ns_remove(typ->synonym->name); } switch (typ->type) { case Tvoid : if (ns) return "xsd:anyType"; return "anyType"; case Tchar : if (ns) return "xsd:byte"; return "byte"; case Tshort : if (ns) return "xsd:short"; return "short"; case Tint : if (ns) return "xsd:int"; return "int"; case Tlong : case Tllong : if (ns) return "xsd:long"; return "long"; case Tfloat: if (ns) return "xsd:float"; return "float"; case Tdouble: if (ns) return "xsd:double"; return "double"; case Tldouble: if (ns) return "xsd:decimal"; return "decimal"; case Tuchar: if (ns) return "xsd:unsignedByte"; return "unsignedByte"; case Tushort: if (ns) return "xsd:unsignedShort"; return "unsignedShort"; case Tuint: if (ns) return "xsd:unsignedInt"; return "unsignedInt"; case Tulong: case Tullong: if (ns) return "xsd:unsignedLong"; return "unsignedLong"; case Ttime: if (ns) return "xsd:dateTime"; return "dateTime"; case Tpointer: case Treference: case Trvalueref: return wsdl_type((Tnode*)typ->ref, ns); case Tarray: if (is_fixedstring(typ)) { if (typ->sym) { if (ns) return ns_convert(typ->sym->name); return ns_remove(typ->sym->name); } if (ns) return "xsd:string"; return "string"; } if (ns && *ns) { t = (char*)emalloc((strlen(ns_convert(ns))+strlen(c_ident(typ))+2) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(t, ns_convert(ns)); strcat(t, ":"); strcat(t, c_ident(typ)); return t; } else return c_ident(typ); case Tenum: if (is_bool(typ)) { if (ns) return "xsd:boolean"; return "boolean"; } case Tenumsc: case Tstruct: case Tclass: if (!has_ns(typ) && ns && *ns) { t = (char*)emalloc((strlen(ns_convert(ns))+strlen(typ->id->name)+2) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(t, ns_convert(ns)); strcat(t, ":"); strcat(t, ns_convert(typ->id->name)); return t; } else if (ns) return ns_convert(typ->id->name); else return ns_remove(typ->id->name); case Tunion: if (ns) return "xsd:choice"; return "choice"; case Ttemplate: if ((Tnode*)typ->ref) return wsdl_type((Tnode*)typ->ref, ns); break; default: break; } return ""; } const char * the_type(Tnode *typ) { if (!typ) return "NULL"; if (typ->type == Tarray || (is_dynamic_array(typ) && !is_binary(typ) && (eflag || (!has_ns(typ) && !is_untyped(typ))))) return "SOAP-ENC:Array"; if (is_string(typ) || is_wstring(typ) || is_stdstring(typ) || is_stdwstring(typ)) return "string"; switch (typ->type) { case Tchar: return "byte"; case Twchar: return "wchar"; case Tshort: return "short"; case Tint : return "int"; case Tlong : case Tllong : return "long"; case Tfloat: return "float"; case Tdouble: return "double"; case Tldouble: return "decimal"; case Tuchar: return "unsignedByte"; case Tushort: return "unsignedShort"; case Tuint: return "unsignedInt"; case Tulong: case Tullong: return "unsignedLong"; case Ttime: return "dateTime"; case Tpointer: case Treference: case Trvalueref: return the_type((Tnode*)typ->ref); case Tarray: return "SOAP-ENC:Array"; case Tenum: if (is_bool(typ)) return "boolean"; case Tenumsc: case Tstruct: case Tclass: return ns_convert(typ->id->name); default: break; } return ""; } /* c_type returns the type to be used in parameter declaration*/ const char * c_type(Tnode *typ) { char *p = NULL; const char *q, *r; char tempBuf[10]; Tnode *temp; Entry *e; if (typ == NULL) return "NULL"; switch(typ->type) { case Tnone: return ""; case Tvoid: return "void"; case Tchar: return "char"; case Twchar: return "wchar_t"; case Tshort: return "short"; case Tint : return "int"; case Tlong : return "long"; case Tllong : return "LONG64"; case Tfloat: return "float"; case Tdouble: return "double"; case Tldouble: return "long double"; case Tuchar: return "unsigned char"; case Tushort: return "unsigned short"; case Tuint: return "unsigned int"; case Tulong: return "unsigned long"; case Tullong: return "ULONG64"; case Tsize: return "size_t"; case Ttime: return "time_t"; case Tstruct: q = ident(typ->id->name); p = (char*)emalloc((8+strlen(q)) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(p, "struct "); strcat(p, q); return p; case Tclass: return ident(typ->id->name); case Tunion: q = ident(typ->id->name); p = (char*)emalloc((7+strlen(q)) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(p, "union "); strcat(p, q); return p; case Tenum: if (is_bool(typ)) return "bool"; q = ident(typ->id->name); p = (char*)emalloc((6+strlen(q)) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(p, "enum "); strcat(p, q); return p; case Tenumsc: return ident(typ->id->name); case Tpointer: return c_type_id((Tnode*)typ->ref, "*"); case Treference: return c_type_id((Tnode*)typ->ref, "&"); case Trvalueref: return c_type_id((Tnode*)typ->ref, "&&"); case Tarray: temp = typ; while (((Tnode*) (typ->ref))->type == Tarray) typ = (Tnode*)typ->ref; p = (char*)emalloc((12 + strlen(q = c_type((Tnode*)typ->ref))) * sizeof(char)); if (((Tnode*)typ->ref)->type == Tpointer) sprintf(p, "%s", c_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); else strcpy(p, q); typ = temp; while (typ->type == Tarray) { if (((Tnode*) typ->ref)->width) { sprintf(tempBuf, "[%d]", (typ->width / ((Tnode*) typ->ref)->width)); strcat(p, tempBuf); } typ = (Tnode*)typ->ref; } break; case Tfun: p = (char*)emalloc(1024); strcpy(p, c_type(((FNinfo*)typ->ref)->ret)); strcat(p, "("); for (e = ((FNinfo*)typ->ref)->args->list; e; e = e->next) { strcat(p, c_storage(e->info.sto)); if (e->info.typ->type != Tvoid) { strcat(p, c_type_id(e->info.typ, e->sym->name)); strcat(p, c_init(e)); } else strcat(p, "void"); if (e->next) strcat(p, ", "); } strcat(p, ")"); return p; case Ttemplate: if (typ->ref) { p = (char*)emalloc((strlen(q = c_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)) + strlen(r = ident(typ->id->name)) + 4) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(p, r); strcat(p, "<"); strcat(p, q); strcat(p, "> "); return p; } default: return "UnknownType"; } return p; } const char * c_storage(Storage sto) { static char buf[256]; buf[0] = '\0'; if (sto & Smutable) strcat(buf, "mutable "); if (sto & Sinline) strcat(buf, "inline "); if (sto & Sfriend) strcat(buf, "friend "); if (sto & Svirtual) strcat(buf, "virtual "); if (sto & Stypedef) strcat(buf, "typedef "); if (sto & Sexplicit) strcat(buf, "explicit "); if (sto & Sstatic) strcat(buf, "static "); if (sto & Sregister) strcat(buf, "register "); if (sto & Sauto) strcat(buf, "auto "); if (sto & Sconstptr) strcat(buf, "const "); if (sto & Sconst) strcat(buf, "const "); return buf; } const char * c_const(Storage sto) { if (sto & Sconst) return "const "; if (sto & Sconstptr) return "const "; return ""; } const char * c_init(Entry *e) { static char buf[4096]; buf[0] = '\0'; if (e && e->info.hasval) { switch (e->info.typ->type) { case Tchar: case Twchar: case Tuchar: case Tshort: case Tushort: case Tint: case Tuint: case Ttime: sprintf(buf, " = " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, e->info.val.i); break; case Tlong: sprintf(buf, " = " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "L", e->info.val.i); break; case Tulong: sprintf(buf, " = " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "UL", e->info.val.i); break; case Tllong: sprintf(buf, " = " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "LL", e->info.val.i); break; case Tullong: case Tsize: sprintf(buf, " = " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "ULL", e->info.val.i); break; case Tfloat: case Tdouble: sprintf(buf, " = %g", e->info.val.r); break; case Tldouble: sprintf(buf, " = %gL", e->info.val.r); break; case Tenum: case Tenumsc: if (e->info.val.i <= 0x7FFFLL && e->info.val.i >= -0x8000LL) sprintf(buf, " = (%s)" SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, c_type(e->info.typ), e->info.val.i); else sprintf(buf, " = (%s)" SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "LL", c_type(e->info.typ), e->info.val.i); break; default: if (is_stdstring(e->info.typ) && e->info.val.s && strlen(e->info.val.s) < sizeof(buf)-6) sprintf(buf, " = \"%s\"", cstring(e->info.val.s, 0)); else if (is_stdwstring(e->info.typ) && e->info.val.s && strlen(e->info.val.s) < sizeof(buf)-6) sprintf(buf, " = L\"%s\"", cstring(e->info.val.s, 0)); else if (is_wstring(e->info.typ) && e->info.val.s && strlen(e->info.val.s) < sizeof(buf)-6) sprintf(buf, " = (wchar_t*)L\"%s\"", cstring(e->info.val.s, 0)); else if (e->info.val.s && strlen(e->info.val.s) < sizeof(buf)-6) sprintf(buf, " = (char*)\"%s\"", cstring(e->info.val.s, 0)); else if (e->info.typ->type == Tpointer) sprintf(buf, " = NULL"); break; } } return buf; } /* c_type_constptr_id returns the const* type to be used in parameter declaration */ const char * c_type_constptr_id(Tnode *typ, const char *name) { return c_type_id(typ, name); } /* c_type_id returns the type to be used in parameter declaration */ const char * c_type_id(Tnode *typ, const char *name) { const char *id; char *p = NULL; const char *q; char tempBuf[10]; Tnode *temp; Entry *e; if (!typ) return "NULL"; id = ident(name); switch(typ->type) { case Tnone: return id; case Tvoid: p = (char*)emalloc(6+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "void "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tchar: p = (char*)emalloc(6+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "char "); strcat(p, id); break; case Twchar: p = (char*)emalloc(9+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "wchar_t "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tshort: p = (char*)emalloc(7+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "short "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tint : p = (char*)emalloc(5+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "int "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tlong : p = (char*)emalloc(6+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "long "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tllong : p = (char*)emalloc(8+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "LONG64 "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tfloat: p = (char*)emalloc(7+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "float "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tdouble: p = (char*)emalloc(8+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "double "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tldouble: p = (char*)emalloc(13+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "long double "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tuchar: p = (char*)emalloc(15+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "unsigned char "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tushort: p = (char*)emalloc(16+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "unsigned short "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tuint: p = (char*)emalloc(14+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "unsigned int "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tulong: p = (char*)emalloc(15+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "unsigned long "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tullong: p = (char*)emalloc(9+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "ULONG64 "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tsize: p = (char*)emalloc(8+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "size_t "); strcat(p, id); break; case Ttime: p = (char*)emalloc(8+strlen(id)); strcpy(p, "time_t "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tstruct: q = ident(typ->id->name); p = (char*)emalloc((9+strlen(q)+strlen(id)) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(p, "struct "); strcat(p, q); strcat(p, " "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tclass: q = ident(typ->id->name); p = (char*)emalloc((2+strlen(q)+strlen(id)) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(p, q); strcat(p, " "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tunion: q = ident(typ->id->name); p = (char*)emalloc((8+strlen(q)+strlen(id)) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(p, "union "); strcat(p, q); strcat(p, " "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tenum: if (is_bool(typ)) { p = (char*)emalloc((strlen(id)+6)* sizeof(char)); strcpy(p, "bool "); strcat(p, id); return p; } q = ident(typ->id->name); p = (char*)emalloc((7+strlen(q)+strlen(id)) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(p, "enum "); strcat(p, q); strcat(p, " "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tenumsc: q = ident(typ->id->name); p = (char*)emalloc((7+strlen(q)+strlen(id)) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(p, q); strcat(p, " "); strcat(p, id); break; case Tpointer: p = (char*)emalloc(strlen(id)+2); p[0] = '*'; strcpy(p+1, id); return c_type_id((Tnode*)typ->ref, p); case Treference: p = (char*)emalloc(strlen(id)+2); p[0] = '&'; strcpy(p+1, id); return c_type_id((Tnode*)typ->ref, p); case Trvalueref: p = (char*)emalloc(strlen(id)+3); p[0] = '&'; p[1] = '&'; strcpy(p+2, id); return c_type_id((Tnode*)typ->ref, p); case Tarray: temp = typ; while (((Tnode*) (typ->ref))->type == Tarray) typ = (Tnode*)typ->ref; p = (char*)emalloc((12+strlen(q = c_type_id((Tnode*)typ->ref, id))) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(p, q); typ = temp; while (typ->type == Tarray) { if (((Tnode*) typ->ref)->width) { sprintf(tempBuf, "[%d]", (typ->width / ((Tnode*) typ->ref)->width)); strcat(p, tempBuf); } typ = (Tnode*)typ->ref; } break; case Tfun: if (id && strncmp(id, "operator ", 9)) q = c_type_id(((FNinfo*)typ->ref)->ret, id); else q = id; p = (char*)emalloc(1024); if (q) strcpy(p, q); strcat(p, "("); for (e = ((FNinfo*)typ->ref)->args->list; e; e = e->next) { strcat(p, c_storage(e->info.sto)); if (e->info.typ->type != Tvoid) { strcat(p, c_type_id(e->info.typ, e->sym->name)); strcat(p, c_init(e)); } else strcat(p, "void"); if (e->next) strcat(p, ", "); } strcat(p, ")"); break; case Ttemplate: if (typ->ref) { p = (char*)emalloc((strlen(q = c_type((Tnode*)typ->ref))+strlen(ident(typ->id->name))+strlen(id)+4) * sizeof(char)); strcpy(p, ident(typ->id->name)); strcat(p, "<"); strcat(p, q); strcat(p, "> "); strcat(p, id); break; } default: return "UnknownType"; } return p; } const char * c_type_sym(Tnode *typ) { if (typ->sym) return ident(typ->sym->name); return c_type(typ); } /* c_type_synonym_id returns the typedef synonym name as a type (if present) to be used in parameter declaration */ const char * c_type_synonym_id(Tnode *typ, const char *name) { if (typ->synonym) { const char *synonym = ident(typ->synonym->name); const char *id = ident(name); char *p = (char*)emalloc(strlen(synonym) + strlen(id) + 2); strcpy(p, synonym); strcat(p, " "); strcat(p, id); return p; } return c_type_id(typ, name); } const char * xsi_type_Tarray(Tnode *typ) { Tnode *t; int cardinality; char *p; const char *s; t = (Tnode*)typ->ref; if (is_fixedstring(typ)) { if (typ->sym) return ns_convert(typ->sym->name); return "xsd:string"; } cardinality = 1; while (t->type == Tarray || (is_dynamic_array(t) && !has_ns(t) && !is_untyped(t) && !is_binary(t))) { if (t->type == Tarray) t = (Tnode*)t->ref; else t = (Tnode*)((Table*)t->ref)->list->info.typ->ref; cardinality++; } s = xsi_type(t); if (!*s) s = wsdl_type(t, ""); p = (char*)emalloc(strlen(s)+cardinality+3); strcpy(p, s); if (cardinality > 1) { strcat(p, "["); for (; cardinality > 2; cardinality--) strcat(p, ", "); strcat(p, "]"); } return p; } const char * xsi_type_Darray(Tnode *typ) { #if 0 /* deprecated behavior */ Tnode *t; int cardinality; char *p; const char *s; #endif Entry *q; if (!typ->ref) return ""; q = ((Table*)typ->ref)->list; while (q && q->info.typ->type == Tfun) q = q->next; return xsi_type(q->info.typ->ref); #if 0 /* deprecated behavior */ t = (Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref; cardinality = 1; while (t->type == Tarray || (is_dynamic_array(t) && !has_ns(t) && !is_untyped(t) && !is_binary(t))) { if (t->type == Tarray) t = (Tnode*)t->ref; else { q = ((Table*)t->ref)->list; while (q && q->info.typ->type == Tfun) q = q->next; t = (Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref; } cardinality++; } s = xsi_type(t); if (!*s) s = wsdl_type(t, ""); p = (char*)emalloc(strlen(s)+cardinality*2+1); strcpy(p, s); if (cardinality > 1) { strcat(p, "["); for (; cardinality > 2; cardinality--) strcat(p, ", "); strcat(p, "]"); } return p; #endif } void generate_type(Tnode *typ) { if (is_transient(typ) || typ->type == Twchar || is_void(typ)) return; if (lflag && typ->type == Tint && !typ->sym) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifndef %s_DEFINED", soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fhead, "\n#define %s_DEFINED", soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_default_int(struct soap*, int*);"); fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_out_int(struct soap*, const char*, int, const int*, const char*);"); fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 int* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_in_int(struct soap*, const char*, int*, const char*);"); fprintf(fhead, "\n#endif"); return; /* do not generate int serializers in libs */ } else if (is_imported(typ) && (typ->type != Tint || typ->sym)) return; if (is_typedef(typ) && (is_element(typ) || is_synonym(typ))) fprintf(fhead, "\n/* %s is a typedef synonym for %s */", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); if (is_primitive(typ) || is_string(typ) || is_wstring(typ)) { if (!Qflag && is_external(typ) && namespaceid) { const char *id = namespaceid; namespaceid = NULL; fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifndef %s_DEFINED", soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fhead, "\n#define %s_DEFINED", soap_type(typ)); namespaceid = id; fprintf(fhead, "\n\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\n}"); } else { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifndef %s_DEFINED", soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fhead, "\n#define %s_DEFINED", soap_type(typ)); } fflush(fhead); soap_default(typ); soap_serialize(typ); if (Etflag) soap_traverse(typ); soap_out(typ); soap_in(typ); if (!Qflag && is_external(typ) && namespaceid) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\nnamespace %s {", namespaceid); fprintf(fout, "\n\nnamespace %s {", namespaceid); } if (is_string(typ) || is_wstring(typ)) { soap_dup(typ); soap_del(typ); } soap_instantiate(typ); soap_put(typ); soap_get(typ); fprintf(fhead, "\n#endif"); return; } switch(typ->type) { case Ttemplate: case Tpointer: case Tarray: case Tstruct: case Tclass: case Tunion: if (is_header_or_fault(typ) || is_body(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL"); fprintf(fout, "\n\n#ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL"); } if (!Qflag && is_external(typ) && namespaceid) { const char *id = namespaceid; namespaceid = NULL; fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifndef %s_DEFINED", soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fhead, "\n#define %s_DEFINED", soap_type(typ)); namespaceid = id; fprintf(fhead, "\n\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\n}"); } else { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifndef %s_DEFINED", soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fhead, "\n#define %s_DEFINED", soap_type(typ)); } fflush(fhead); soap_default(typ); soap_serialize(typ); if (Etflag) soap_traverse(typ); soap_out(typ); soap_in(typ); if (!Qflag && is_external(typ) && namespaceid) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\nnamespace %s {", namespaceid); fprintf(fout, "\n\nnamespace %s {", namespaceid); } soap_dup(typ); soap_del(typ); soap_instantiate(typ); soap_put(typ); soap_get(typ); fprintf(fhead, "\n#endif"); if (is_header_or_fault(typ) || is_body(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#endif"); fprintf(fout, "\n\n#endif"); } break; default: break; } } void matlab_gen_sparseStruct(void) { fprintf(fmheader, "\nstruct soapSparseArray{\n"); fprintf(fmheader, " int *ir;\n"); fprintf(fmheader, " int *jc;\n"); fprintf(fmheader, " double *pr;\n"); fprintf(fmheader, " int num_columns;\n"); fprintf(fmheader, " int num_rows;\n"); fprintf(fmheader, " int nzmax;\n"); fprintf(fmheader, "};\n"); } void matlab_c_to_mx_sparse(void) { fprintf(fmheader, "\nmxArray* c_to_mx_soapSparseArray(struct soapSparseArray);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\nmxArray* c_to_mx_soapSparseArray(struct soapSparseArray a)\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "{\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " mxArray *b;\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " b = mxCreateSparse(a.num_rows, a.num_columns, a.nzmax, mxREAL);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " mxSetIr(b,a.ir);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " mxSetJc(b,a.jc);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " mxSetPr(b,a.pr);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " return b;\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "}\n"); } void matlab_mx_to_c_sparse(void) { fprintf(fmheader, "\nmxArray* mx_to_c_soapSparseArray(const mxArray *, struct soapSparseArray *);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\nmxArray* mx_to_c_soapSparseArray(const mxArray *a, struct soapSparseArray *b)\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "{\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " if (!mxIsSparse(a))\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " {\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " mexErrMsgTxt(\"Input should be a sparse array.\");\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " }\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " /* Get the starting positions of the data in the sparse array. */ \n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " b->pr = mxGetPr(a);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " b->ir = mxGetIr(a);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " b->jc = mxGetJc(a);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " b->num_columns = mxGetN(a);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " b->num_rows = mxGetM(a);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, " b->nzmax = mxGetNzmax(a);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "}\n"); } void matlab_mx_to_c_dynamicArray(Tnode* typ) { int d; Entry *p; p = is_dynamic_array(typ); fprintf(fmatlab, "{\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tint i, numdims;\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tconst int *dims;\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tdouble *temp;\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tint size = 1;\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tint ret;\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tnumdims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(a);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tdims = mxGetDimensions(a);\n"); d = get_Darraydims(typ); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tif (numdims != %d)\n", d); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t\tmexErrMsgTxt(\"Incompatible array specifications in C and mx.\");\n"); /* fprintf(fmatlab, "\tfor (i=0;i__size[i] = dims[i];\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t}\n"); */ if ((((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)->type != Tchar) && (((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)->type != Tuchar)) { fprintf(fmatlab, "\ttemp = (double*)mxGetPr(a);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tif (!temp)\n\t\tmexErrMsgTxt(\"mx_to_c_ArrayOfdouble: Pointer to data is NULL\");\n"); } fprintf(fmatlab, "\tfor (i = 0; i < numdims; i++) {\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t\tif (b->__size[i] < dims[i])\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t\t\tmexErrMsgTxt(\"Incompatible array dimensions in C and mx.\");\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t\tsize *= dims[i];\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t}\n"); if ((((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)->type != Tchar) && (((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)->type != Tuchar)) { fprintf(fmatlab, "\tfor (i = 0; i < size; i++)\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t\tb->__ptr[i] = (%s)*temp++;\n", c_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); } else { fprintf(fmatlab, "\tret = mxGetString(a, b->__ptr, size + 1);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tmexPrintf(\"ret = %%d, b->__ptr = %%s, size = %%d\", ret, b->__ptr, size);\n"); } fprintf(fmatlab, "\n}\n"); fflush(fmatlab); } void matlab_c_to_mx_dynamicArray(Tnode* typ) { int d, i; Entry *p; p = is_dynamic_array(typ); fprintf(fmatlab, "{\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tmxArray *out;\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t%s;\n", c_type_id((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref, "*temp")); d = get_Darraydims(typ); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tint i;\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tint ndim = %d, dims[%d] = {", d, d); for (i = 0; i < d; i++) { if (i == 0) fprintf(fmatlab, "a.__size[%d]", i); else fprintf(fmatlab, ", a.__size[%d]", i); } fprintf(fmatlab, "};\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tint size = "); for (i = 0; i < d; i++) { if (i == 0) fprintf(fmatlab, "dims[%d]", i); else fprintf(fmatlab, "*dims[%d]", i); } fprintf(fmatlab, ";\n"); if ((((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)->type != Tchar) && (((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)->type != Tuchar)) { fprintf(fmatlab, "\tout = mxCreateNumericArray(ndim, dims, %s, mxREAL);\n", get_mxClassID((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tif (!out)\n\t\tmexErrMsgTxt(\"Could not create mxArray.\");\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\ttemp = (%s) mxGetPr(out);\n", c_type_id((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref, "*")); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tif (!temp)\n\t\tmexErrMsgTxt(\"matlab_array_c_to_mx: Pointer to data is NULL\");\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tfor (i = 0; i < size; i++)\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t\t*temp++ = a.__ptr[i];\n"); } else { fprintf(fmatlab, "\tout = mxCreateString(a.__ptr);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tif (!out)\n\t\tmexErrMsgTxt(\"Could not create mxArray.\");\n"); } fprintf(fmatlab, "\treturn out;\n}\n"); fflush(fmatlab); } const char* get_mxClassID(Tnode* typ) { switch(typ->type) { case Tdouble: return "mxDOUBLE_CLASS"; case Tfloat: return "mxSINGLE_CLASS"; case Tshort: return "mxINT16_CLASS"; case Tushort: return "mxUINT16_CLASS"; case Tint: return "mxINT32_CLASS"; case Tuint: return "mxUINT32_CLASS"; case Tlong: return "mxINT32_CLASS"; case Tulong: return "mxUINT32_CLASS"; case Tllong: return "mxINT64_CLASS"; case Tullong: return "mxUINT64_CLASS"; case Tchar: return "mxCHAR_CLASS"; case Tuchar: return "mxCHAR_CLASS"; default: return ""; } } /*Function not in use.*/ void matlab_array_c_to_mx(Tnode* typ) { Tnode* temp; int d, i; fprintf(fmatlab, "{\n\tint rows, r, cols, c;\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tmxArray* out;\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tdouble* temp;\n"); d = get_dimension(typ); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tint ndim = %d, dims[%d] = {", d, d); temp=typ; for (i = 0; i < d; i++) { if (i == 0) fprintf(fmatlab, "%d", temp->width / ((Tnode*) temp->ref)->width); else fprintf(fmatlab, ", %d", temp->width / ((Tnode*) temp->ref)->width); temp=(Tnode*)typ->ref; } fprintf(fmatlab, "};\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tout = mxCreateNumericArray(ndim, dims, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\ttemp = (double *) mxGetPr(out);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tif (!out)\n\t\tmexErrMsgTxt(\"Could not create mxArray.\");\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tif (!temp)\n\t\tmexErrMsgTxt(\"matlab_array_c_to_mx: Pointer to data is NULL\");\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\trows = mxGetM(out);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tif (!rows)\n\t\tmexErrMsgTxt(\"matlab_array_c_to_mx: Data has zero rows\");\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tcols = mxGetN(out);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tif (!cols)\n\t\tmexErrMsgTxt(\"matlab_array_c_to_mx: Data has zero columns\");\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tfor (c = 0; c < cols; c++)\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t\tfor (r = 0; r < rows; r++)\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t\t\t*temp++ = z->a[r][c];\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\treturn out;\n}\n"); fflush(fmatlab); } void matlab_c_to_mx_pointer(Tnode* typ) { if (!typ->ref) return; fprintf(fmheader, "\nmxArray* c_to_mx_%s(%s);\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "")); fprintf(fmatlab, "\nmxArray* c_to_mx_%s(%s)\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "a")); fprintf(fmatlab, "{\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tmxArray *fout;\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tfout = c_to_mx_%s(*a);\n", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); fprintf(fmatlab, "\treturn fout;\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "}\n"); } void matlab_mx_to_c_pointer(Tnode* typ) { if (!typ->ref) return; fprintf(fmheader, "\nvoid mx_to_c_%s(const mxArray*, %s);\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fmatlab, "\nvoid mx_to_c_%s(const mxArray* a, %s)\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*b")); fprintf(fmatlab, "{\n\tmx_to_c_%s(a, *b);\n", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); fprintf(fmatlab, "\n}\n"); } void func2(Tnode* typ) { Table *table, *t; Entry *p; fprintf(fmatlab, "\tif (!mxIsStruct(a))\n\t\tmexErrMsgTxt(\"Input must be a structure.\");\n"); table=(Table*)typ->ref; for (t = table; t != (Table*)0; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p != (Entry*)0; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ) && !is_XML(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fmatlab, "\t{mxArray *tmp = mxGetField(a, 0, \"%s\");\n", ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tif (!tmp) {\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t\tmexErrMsgTxt(\"Above member field is empty!\");\n\t}\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tmx_to_c_%s(tmp, &b->%s);}\n", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name)); } } } } void matlab_mx_to_c_struct(Tnode* typ) { if (!typ->ref) return; if (is_dynamic_array(typ)) { fprintf(fmheader, "\nvoid mx_to_c_%s(const mxArray*, %s);\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fmatlab, "\nvoid mx_to_c_%s(const mxArray* a, %s)\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*b")); matlab_mx_to_c_dynamicArray(typ); return; } else if (strstr(c_type_id(typ, ""), "soapSparseArray")) { return; } fprintf(fmheader, "\nvoid mx_to_c_%s(const mxArray*, %s);\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fmatlab, "\nvoid mx_to_c_%s(const mxArray* a, %s)\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*b")); fprintf(fmatlab, "{\n"); func2(typ); fprintf(fmatlab, "\n}\n"); return; } void matlab_c_to_mx_struct(Tnode* typ) { Table *table, *t; Entry *p; int number_of_fields=0; if (!typ->ref) return; if (is_dynamic_array(typ)) { fprintf(fmheader, "\nmxArray* c_to_mx_%s(%s);\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "")); fprintf(fmatlab, "\nmxArray* c_to_mx_%s(%s)\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "a")); matlab_c_to_mx_dynamicArray(typ); return; } else if (strstr(c_type_id(typ, ""), "soapSparseArray")) return; fprintf(fmheader, "\nmxArray* c_to_mx_%s(%s);\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "")); fprintf(fmatlab, "\nmxArray* c_to_mx_%s(%s)\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "a")); table=(Table*)typ->ref; fprintf(fmatlab, "{\n\tconst char* fnames[] = {"); for (t = table; t != (Table*)0; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p != (Entry*)0; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ) && !is_XML(p->info.typ)) { if (number_of_fields) fprintf(fmatlab, ", \"%s\"", ident(p->sym->name)); else fprintf(fmatlab, "\"%s\"", ident(p->sym->name)); number_of_fields++; } } } fprintf(fmatlab, "}; /* pointers to member field names */\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tint rows = 1, cols = 1;\n\tint index = 0;\n\tint number_of_fields = %d;\n\tmxArray *struct_array_ptr;\n", number_of_fields); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t/* Create a 1x1 struct matrix for output */\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tstruct_array_ptr = mxCreateStructMatrix(rows, cols, number_of_fields, fnames);\n\tmexPrintf(\"6\");\n\tif (struct_array_ptr == NULL) {\n\t\tmexPrintf(\"COULDNT CREATE A MATRIX\");}\n\tmexPrintf(\"7\");\n"); for (t = table; t != (Table*)0; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p != (Entry*)0; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ) && !is_XML(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fmatlab, "\t{mxArray *fout = c_to_mx_%s(a.%s);\n", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tmxSetField(struct_array_ptr, index, \"%s\" , fout);}\n", ident(p->sym->name)); } } } fprintf(fmatlab, "\treturn struct_array_ptr;\n}\n"); } void matlab_c_to_mx_primitive(Tnode *typ) { fprintf(fmheader, "\nmxArray* c_to_mx_%s(%s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "")); fprintf(fmatlab, "\nmxArray* c_to_mx_%s(%s)\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "a")); fprintf(fmatlab, "{\n\tmxArray *fout;\n"); if ((typ->type == Tchar) || (typ->type == Tuchar)) { fprintf(fmatlab, "\tchar buf[2];\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tbuf[0] = a;\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tbuf[1] = \'\\0\';\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tfout = mxCreateString(buf);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tif (!fout)\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t\tmexErrMsgTxt(\"Could not create mxArray.\");\n"); } else { fprintf(fmatlab, "\tint ndim = 1, dims[1] = {1};\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tfout = mxCreateNumericArray(ndim, dims, %s, mxREAL);\n", get_mxClassID(typ)); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t%s = (%s)mxGetPr(fout);\n", c_type_id(typ, "*temp"), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tif (!fout)\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t\tmexErrMsgTxt(\"Could not create mxArray.\");\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tif (!temp) \n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t\tmexErrMsgTxt(\"matlab_array_c_to_mx: Pointer to data is NULL\");\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t*temp++= a;\n"); } fprintf(fmatlab, "\treturn fout;\n}\n"); } void matlab_mx_to_c_primitive(Tnode *typ) { fprintf(fmheader, "\nvoid mx_to_c_%s(const mxArray *, %s);\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fmatlab, "\nvoid mx_to_c_%s(const mxArray *a, %s)\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*b")); if ((typ->type == Tchar) || (typ->type == Tuchar)) { fprintf(fmatlab, "{\n\tint ret;\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tchar buf[2];\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tret = mxGetString(a, buf, 2);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\tmexPrintf(\"ret = %%d, buf = %%s\", ret, buf);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t*b = buf[0];\n"); } else { fprintf(fmatlab, "{\n\tdouble* data = (double*)mxGetData(a);\n"); fprintf(fmatlab, "\t*b = (%s)*data;\n", c_type(typ)); } fprintf(fmatlab, "\n}\n"); } void matlab_out_generate(Tnode *typ) { if (is_transient(typ) || typ->type == Twchar || is_XML(typ)) return; /* typeNO++; if (typeNO>=1024) execerror("Too many user-defined data types"); */ if (is_primitive(typ)) { matlab_c_to_mx_primitive(typ); matlab_mx_to_c_primitive(typ); return; } switch(typ->type) { case Tstruct: matlab_c_to_mx_struct(typ); matlab_mx_to_c_struct(typ); break; case Tpointer: matlab_c_to_mx_pointer(typ); matlab_mx_to_c_pointer(typ); break; default: break; } } /*his function is called first it first generates all routines and then in the second pass calls all routines to generate matlab_out for the table*/ void func1(Table *table, Entry *param) { Entry *q, *pout, *response=NULL; q=entry(table, param->sym); if (q) pout = (Entry*)q->info.typ->ref; else { fprintf(stderr, "Internal error: no table entry\n"); return; } q=entry(classtable, param->sym); if (!is_response(pout->info.typ)) { response = get_response(param->info.typ); } fprintf(fmheader, "\n\toutside loop struct %s soap_tmp_%s;", param->sym->name, param->sym->name); if (!is_response(pout->info.typ) && response) { fprintf(fmheader, "\n\tif..inside loop struct %s *soap_tmp_%s;", c_ident(response->info.typ), c_ident(response->info.typ)); } fflush(fmheader); } void matlab_def_table(Table *table) { Entry *q, *pout, *e, *response=NULL; int i; Tnode *p; /* for (q1 = table->list; q1 != (Entry*) 0; q1 = q1->next) if (q1->info.typ->type == Tfun) func1(table, q1); */ /* Sparse matrix code will be present by default */ matlab_gen_sparseStruct(); matlab_c_to_mx_sparse(); matlab_mx_to_c_sparse(); for (i = 0; i < TYPES; i++) { for (p = Tptr[i]; p != (Tnode*)0 ; p = p->next) { /* This is generated for everything declared in the ".h" file. To make sure that it doesnt get generated for functions do a comparison with p->sym->name, so that its not generated for functions. */ if (is_XML(p)) continue; if (strstr(c_ident(p), "SOAP_ENV_") != NULL) continue; for (q = table->list; q != (Entry*) 0; q = q->next) { if (strcmp(c_ident(p), q->sym->name) == 0) break; e=entry(table, q->sym); if (e) pout = (Entry*)e->info.typ->ref; else { fprintf(stderr, "Internal error: no table entry\n"); return; } if (!is_response(pout->info.typ)) { response = get_response(q->info.typ); } if (!is_response(pout->info.typ) && response) { if (strcmp(c_ident(p), c_ident(response->info.typ)) == 0) break; } } if (q == (Entry*) 0) matlab_out_generate(p); } } } void detect_cycles(void) { Tnode *p; for (p = Tptr[Tclass]; p; p = p->next) detect_recursive_type(p); for (p = Tptr[Tstruct]; p; p = p->next) detect_recursive_type(p); } void detect_recursive_type(Tnode *p) { if (p->type == Tclass || p->type == Tstruct || p->type == Tunion) { if (!p->recursive) { if (!p->visited) { Table *t; Entry *e; p->visited = True; for (t = (Table*)p->ref; t; t = t->prev) for (e = t->list; e; e = e->next) detect_recursive_type(e->info.typ); if ((p->type == Tclass || p->type == Tstruct) && p->base && !is_transient(p)) { e = entry(classtable, p->base); if (e && e->info.typ->recursive) p->recursive = True; else if (e && !e->info.typ->visited) { e->info.typ->visited = True; detect_recursive_type(e->info.typ); e->info.typ->visited = False; if (e->info.typ->recursive) p->recursive = True; } } p->visited = False; } else p->recursive = True; } } else if (p->type == Tpointer || p->type == Treference || p->type == Trvalueref || p->type == Tarray || p->type == Ttemplate) detect_recursive_type(p->ref); } void generate_defs(void) { int i; Tnode *p; for (i = 0; i < TYPES; i++) { for (p = Tptr[i]; p; p = p->next) { if (!p->generated && !is_transient(p) && p->type != Twchar && !is_void(p)) { p->generated = True; generate_type(p); if (fflag) if (--partnum == 0) return; } } } } int no_of_var(Tnode *typ) { Entry *p; Table *t; int i=0; if (typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass) { t = (Table*)typ->ref; for (p = t->list; p != (Entry*) 0; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer) i++; } } if ((((Tnode *)(typ->ref))->type == Tstruct) || (((Tnode *)(typ->ref))->type == Tclass) ) { t = (Table*)((Tnode*)(typ->ref))->ref; for (p = t->list; p != (Entry*) 0; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer) i++; } } return i; } void in_defs(void) { int i; Tnode *p; for (i = 0; i < TYPES; i++) { for (p = Tptr[i]; p; p = p->next) { if (!is_element(p) && !is_transient(p) && p->type != Twchar && p->type != Tfun && p->type != Treference && p->type != Trvalueref && p->type != Tunion && !is_XML(p) && !is_header_or_fault(p) && !is_body(p) && !is_template(p)) { const char *s = xsi_type(p); if (!*s) s = wsdl_type(p, ""); if (*s == '-') continue; if (is_string(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t{\tchar **s;\n\t\ts = soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, NULL, \"%s\");\n\t\treturn s ? *s : NULL;\n\t}", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), s); else if (is_wstring(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t{\twchar_t **s;\n\t\ts = soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, NULL, \"%s\");\n\t\treturn s ? *s : NULL;\n\t}", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), s); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, NULL, \"%s\");", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), s); } } } } void in_defs2(void) { int i, j; Tnode *p; const char *s; for (i = 0; i < TYPES; i++) { /* make sure (wrapper) classes are checked first */ if (i == 0) j = Tclass; else if (i == Tclass) continue; else j = i; for (p = Tptr[j]; p; p = p->next) { if (!is_element(p) && !is_transient(p) && !is_template(p) && p->type != Twchar && p->type != Tfun && p->type != Treference && p->type != Trvalueref && p->type != Tunion && !is_XML(p) && !is_header_or_fault(p) && !is_body(p)) { s = xsi_type(p); if (!*s) s = wsdl_type(p, ""); if (*s == '-') continue; if (*s) { if (is_dynamic_array(p) && !is_binary(p) && !has_ns(p) && !is_untyped(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (*soap->arrayType && !soap_match_array(soap, \"%s\"))\n\t\t{\t*type = %s;\n\t\t\treturn soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, NULL, NULL);\n\t\t}", s, soap_type(p), c_ident(p)); else if (is_string(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!soap_match_tag(soap, t, \"%s\"))\n\t\t{\tchar **s;\n\t\t\t*type = %s;\n\t\t\ts = soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, NULL, NULL);\n\t\t\treturn s ? *s : NULL;\n\t\t}", s, soap_type(p), c_ident(p)); else if (is_wstring(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!soap_match_tag(soap, t, \"%s\"))\n\t\t{\twchar_t **s;\n\t\t\t*type = %s;\n\t\t\ts = soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, NULL, NULL);\n\t\t\treturn s ? *s : NULL;\n\t\t}", s, soap_type(p), c_ident(p)); else if (p->type != Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!soap_match_tag(soap, t, \"%s\"))\n\t\t{\t*type = %s;\n\t\t\treturn soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, NULL, NULL);\n\t\t}", s, soap_type(p), c_ident(p)); } } } } } void in_defs3(void) { int i; Tnode *p; const char *s; for (i = 0; i < TYPES; i++) { for (p = Tptr[i]; p; p = p->next) { if (is_element(p) && !is_transient(p) && !is_template(p) && p->type != Twchar && p->type != Tfun && p->type != Treference && p->type != Trvalueref && p->type != Tunion && !is_XML(p) && !is_header_or_fault(p) && !is_body(p)) { s = xsi_type(p); if (!*s) s = wsdl_type(p, ""); if (*s == '-') continue; if (*s) { if (is_dynamic_array(p) && !is_binary(p) && !has_ns(p) && !is_untyped(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (*soap->arrayType && !soap_match_array(soap, \"%s\"))\n\t\t{\t*type = %s;\n\t\t\treturn soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, NULL, NULL);\n\t\t}", s, soap_type(p), c_ident(p)); else if (is_string(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!soap_match_tag(soap, t, \"%s\"))\n\t\t{\tchar **s;\n\t\t\t*type = %s;\n\t\t\ts = soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, NULL, NULL);\n\t\t\treturn s ? *s : NULL;\n\t\t}", s, soap_type(p), c_ident(p)); else if (is_wstring(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!soap_match_tag(soap, t, \"%s\"))\n\t\t{\twchar_t **s;\n\t\t\t*type = %s;\n\t\t\ts = soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, NULL, NULL);\n\t\t\treturn s ? *s : NULL;\n\t\t}", s, soap_type(p), c_ident(p)); else if (p->type != Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!soap_match_tag(soap, t, \"%s\"))\n\t\t{\t*type = %s;\n\t\t\treturn soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, NULL, NULL);\n\t\t}", s, soap_type(p), c_ident(p)); } } } } } void out_defs(void) { int i; const char *s; Tnode *p; for (i = 0; i < TYPES; i++) { for (p = Tptr[i]; p; p = p->next) { if (is_transient(p) || is_template(p) || is_XML(p) || is_header_or_fault(p) || is_body(p)) continue; if (is_element(p)) { s = wsdl_type(p, ""); if (*s == '-') continue; if (p->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", id, (%s)ptr, NULL);", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), s, c_type_id((Tnode*)p->ref, "(*)")); else if (p->type == Tclass && !is_external(p) && !is_volatile(p) && !is_typedef(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn ((%s)ptr)->soap_out(soap, \"%s\", id, NULL);", soap_type(p), c_type_id(p, "*"), s); else if (is_string(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn soap_out_string(soap, \"%s\", id, (char*const*)(void*)&ptr, NULL);", soap_type(p), s); else if (is_wstring(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn soap_out_wstring(soap, \"%s\", id, (wchar_t*const*)(void*)&ptr, NULL);", soap_type(p), s); else if (p->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", id, (%s)ptr, NULL);", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), s, c_type_constptr_id(p, "const*")); else if (p->type != Tnone && p->type != Ttemplate && p->type != Twchar && !is_void(p) && p->type != Tfun && p->type != Treference && p->type != Trvalueref && p->type != Tunion) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", id, (const %s)ptr, NULL);", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), s, c_type_id(p, "*")); } else { s = xsi_type(p); if (!*s) s = wsdl_type(p, ""); if (*s == '-') continue; if (p->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (%s)ptr, \"%s\");", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), c_type_id((Tnode*)p->ref, "(*)"), s); else if (p->type == Tclass && !is_external(p) && !is_volatile(p) && !is_typedef(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn ((%s)ptr)->soap_out(soap, tag, id, \"%s\");", soap_type(p), c_type_id(p, "*"), s); else if (is_string(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn soap_out_string(soap, tag, id, (char*const*)(void*)&ptr, \"%s\");", soap_type(p), s); else if (is_wstring(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn soap_out_wstring(soap, tag, id, (wchar_t*const*)(void*)&ptr, \"%s\");", soap_type(p), s); else if (p->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (%s)ptr, \"%s\");", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), c_type_constptr_id(p, "const*"), s); else if (p->type != Tnone && p->type != Ttemplate && p->type != Twchar && !is_void(p) && p->type != Tfun && p->type != Treference && p->type != Trvalueref && p->type != Tunion) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (const %s)ptr, \"%s\");", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), c_type_id(p, "*"), s); } } } } void mark_defs() { int i; Tnode *p; for (i = 0; i < TYPES; i++) { for (p = Tptr[i]; p; p = p->next) { if (is_transient(p) || is_template(p) || is_XML(p) || is_header_or_fault(p) || is_body(p) || is_void(p)) continue; if (p->type == Tarray) continue; else if (p->type == Tclass && !is_external(p) && !is_volatile(p) && !is_typedef(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\t((%s)ptr)->soap_serialize(soap);\n\t\tbreak;", soap_type(p), c_type_id(p, "*")); else if (is_string(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\tsoap_serialize_string(soap, (char*const*)(void*)&ptr);\n\t\tbreak;", soap_type(p)); else if (is_wstring(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\tsoap_serialize_wstring(soap, (wchar_t*const*)(void*)&ptr);\n\t\tbreak;", soap_type(p)); else if (p->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, (%s)ptr);\n\t\tbreak;", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), c_type_constptr_id(p, "const*")); else if (p->type == Ttemplate && p->ref) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, (const %s)ptr);\n\t\tbreak;", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), c_type_id(p, "*")); else if (!is_primitive(p) && p->type != Tnone && p->type != Ttemplate && !is_void(p) && p->type != Tfun && p->type != Treference && p->type != Trvalueref && p->type != Tunion) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, (const %s)ptr);\n\t\tbreak;", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), c_type_id(p, "*")); } } } void dup_defs() { int i; Tnode *p; for (i = 0; i < TYPES; i++) { for (p = Tptr[i]; p; p = p->next) { if (is_transient(p) || is_template(p) || is_XML(p) || is_header_or_fault(p) || is_body(p) || is_void(p)) continue; if (p->type == Tarray) continue; else if (p->type == Tclass && !is_external(p) && !is_volatile(p) && !is_typedef(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn (void*)((%s)ptr)->soap_dup(soap);", soap_type(p), c_type_id(p, "*")); else if (is_string(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn (void*)soap_strdup(soap, (const char*)ptr);", soap_type(p)); else if (is_wstring(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn (void*)soap_wstrdup(soap, (const wchar_t*)ptr);", soap_type(p)); else if (p->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn (void*)soap_dup_%s(soap, NULL, (%s)ptr);", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), c_type_constptr_id(p, "const*")); else if (p->type == Ttemplate && p->ref) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn (void*)soap_dup_%s(soap, NULL, (const %s)ptr);", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), c_type_id(p, "*")); else if (!is_primitive(p) && p->type != Tnone && p->type != Ttemplate && !is_void(p) && p->type != Tfun && p->type != Treference && p->type != Trvalueref && p->type != Tunion) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn (void*)soap_dup_%s(soap, NULL, (const %s)ptr);", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), c_type_id(p, "*")); else if (p->type != Tnone && p->type != Ttemplate && !is_void(p) && p->type != Tfun && p->type != Treference && p->type != Trvalueref && p->type != Tunion) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\treturn soap_memdup(soap, ptr, sizeof(%s));", soap_type(p), c_type(p)); } } } void del_defs() { int i; Tnode *p; for (i = 0; i < TYPES; i++) { for (p = Tptr[i]; p; p = p->next) { if (is_transient(p) || is_template(p) || is_XML(p) || is_header_or_fault(p) || is_body(p) || is_void(p)) continue; if (p->type == Tarray) continue; else if (p->type == Tclass && !is_external(p) && !is_volatile(p) && !is_typedef(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\tstatic_cast(ptr)->soap_del();\n\t\tSOAP_DELETE(static_cast(ptr));\n\t\tbreak;", soap_type(p), c_type(p), c_type(p)); else if (is_string(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\tsoap_del_string((char*const*)(void*)&ptr);\n\t\tbreak;", soap_type(p)); else if (is_wstring(p)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\tsoap_del_wstring((wchar_t*const*)(void*)&ptr);\n\t\tbreak;", soap_type(p)); else if (p->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\tsoap_del_%s((%s)ptr);\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, ptr);\n\t\tbreak;", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), c_type_constptr_id(p, "const*")); else if (p->type == Ttemplate && p->ref) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\tsoap_del_%s((const %s)ptr);\n\t\tSOAP_DELETE(static_cast(ptr));\n\t\tbreak;", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), c_type_id(p, "*"), c_type(p)); else if (!is_primitive(p) && p->type != Tnone && p->type != Ttemplate && !is_void(p) && p->type != Tfun && p->type != Treference && p->type != Trvalueref && p->type != Tunion) { if (!cflag && p->type == Tstruct) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\tsoap_del_%s((const %s)ptr);\n\t\tSOAP_DELETE(static_cast(ptr));\n\t\tbreak;", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), c_type_id(p, "*"), c_type(p)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\tsoap_del_%s((const %s)ptr);\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, ptr);\n\t\tbreak;", soap_type(p), c_ident(p), c_type_id(p, "*")); } else if (p->type != Tnone && p->type != Ttemplate && !is_void(p) && p->type != Tfun && p->type != Treference && p->type != Trvalueref && p->type != Tunion) fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, (const %s)ptr);\n\t\tbreak;", soap_type(p), c_type_id(p, "*")); } } } void in_attach(void) { int i; Tnode *p; for (i = 0; i < TYPES; i++) { for (p = Tptr[i]; p; p = p->next) { if (is_attachment(p)) { if (p->type == Tclass) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tcase %s:\n\t\t{\t%s a;\n\t\t\ta = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->dime.id, NULL, %s, sizeof(%s), NULL, NULL, %s_instantiate, %s_fbase);\n\t\t\tif (a)\n\t\t\t{\ta->__ptr = (unsigned char*)soap->dime.ptr;\n\t\t\t\ta->__size = soap->dime.size;\n\t\t\t\ta->id = (char*)soap->dime.id;\n\t\t\t\ta->type = (char*)soap->dime.type;\n\t\t\t\ta->options = (char*)soap->dime.options;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}", soap_type(p), c_type_id(p, "*"), c_type_id(p, "*"), soap_type(p), c_type(p), prefix, prefix); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tcase %s:\n\t\t{\t%s a;\n\t\t\ta = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->dime.id, NULL, %s, sizeof(%s), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);\n\t\t\tif (!a)\n\t\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t\t\ta->__ptr = (unsigned char*)soap->dime.ptr;\n\t\t\ta->__size = soap->dime.size;\n\t\t\ta->id = (char*)soap->dime.id;\n\t\t\ta->type = (char*)soap->dime.type;\n\t\t\ta->options = (char*)soap->dime.options;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}", soap_type(p), c_type_id(p, "*"), c_type_id(p, "*"), soap_type(p), c_type(p)); } else if (is_binary(p) && !is_transient(p)) { if (p->type == Tclass) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tcase %s:\n\t\t{\t%s a;\n\t\t\ta = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->dime.id, NULL, %s, sizeof(%s), NULL, NULL, %s_instantiate, %s_fbase);\n\t\t\tif (!a)\n\t\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t\t\ta->__ptr = (unsigned char*)soap->dime.ptr;\n\t\t\ta->__size = soap->dime.size;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}", soap_type(p), c_type_id(p, "*"), c_type_id(p, "*"), soap_type(p), c_type(p), prefix, prefix); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tcase %s:\n\t\t{\t%s a;\n\t\t\ta = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->dime.id, NULL, %s, sizeof(%s), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);\n\t\t\tif (!a)\n\t\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t\t\ta->__ptr = (unsigned char*)soap->dime.ptr;\n\t\t\ta->__size = soap->dime.size;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}", soap_type(p), c_type_id(p, "*"), c_type_id(p, "*"), soap_type(p), c_type(p)); } } } } void soap_instantiate(Tnode *typ) { Table *Tptr; Entry *Eptr; int derclass = 0, flag = 0; const char *s; if (cflag) return; if (typ->type == Tenum || typ->type == Tenumsc) fprintf(fhead, "\n\ninline %s * soap_new_%s(struct soap *soap, int n = -1)\n{\treturn static_cast<%s *>(soap_malloc(soap, (n < 0 ? 1 : n) * sizeof(%s)));\n}", c_type(typ), c_ident(typ), c_type(typ), c_type(typ)); if (typ->type != Tstruct && typ->type != Tclass && typ->type != Ttemplate) return; if (typ->type != Tclass || !typ->sym || !is_eq(typ->sym->name, "xsd__QName") || is_imported(typ)) { if ((is_typedef(typ) && !is_external(typ)) || is_synonym(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define %s_instantiate_%s %s_instantiate_%s\n", namespaceid ? "soap" : prefix, c_ident(typ), namespaceid ? "soap" : prefix, t_ident(typ)); fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_new_%s soap_new_%s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); if ((typ->type == Tclass || typ->type == Tstruct) && typ->ref) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_new_req_%s soap_new_req_%s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_new_set_%s soap_new_set_%s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); } return; } } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 %s * SOAP_FMAC2 %s_instantiate_%s(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);", c_type(typ), namespaceid ? "soap" : prefix, c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fhead, "\n\ninline %s * soap_new_%s(struct soap *soap, int n = -1)\n{\treturn %s_instantiate_%s(soap, n, NULL, NULL, NULL);\n}", c_type(typ), c_ident(typ), namespaceid ? "soap" : prefix, c_ident(typ)); if (typ->type == Tclass || typ->type == Tstruct) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\ninline %s * soap_new_req_%s(\n\tstruct soap *soap", c_type(typ), c_ident(typ)); if (!is_dynamic_array(typ)) { for (Tptr = (Table*)typ->ref, derclass = 0; Tptr; Tptr = Tptr->prev, derclass++) { for (Eptr = Tptr->list; Eptr; Eptr = Eptr->next) { if (is_repetition(Eptr) || is_anytype(Eptr)) flag = 2; if ((Eptr->info.minOccurs > 0 || flag) && !(Eptr->info.sto & (Sprivate | Sprotected | Sconst | Sstatic | Stypedef)) && Eptr->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_soapref(Eptr->info.typ)) { if (flag) flag--; if (is_smart(Eptr->info.typ)) { if (is_smart_shared(Eptr->info.typ)) fprintf(fhead, ",\n\t%s %s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ, "&"), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else fprintf(fhead, ",\n\t%s %s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ->ref, "*"), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); } else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Ttemplate && is_smart(Eptr->info.typ->ref) && !is_smart_shared(Eptr->info.typ->ref)) continue; else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Tclass || Eptr->info.typ->type == Tstruct || Eptr->info.typ->type == Tunion || Eptr->info.typ->type == Ttemplate) fprintf(fhead, ",\n\tconst %s& %s", c_type(Eptr->info.typ), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else if ((Eptr->info.sto & Sconstptr)) fprintf(fhead, ",\n\tconst %s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ, Eptr->sym->name)); else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fhead, ",\n\t%s const*%s", c_type(Eptr->info.typ->ref), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else fprintf(fhead, ",\n\t%s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ, Eptr->sym->name)); if (derclass) fprintf(fhead, "%d", derclass); } } } } fprintf(fhead, ")\n{\t%s = soap_new_%s(soap);\n\tif (_p)\n\t{\t", c_type_id(typ, "*_p"), c_ident(typ)); if (!is_external(typ)) { if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_volatile(typ)) fprintf(fhead, "_p->soap_default(soap);"); else fprintf(fhead, "soap_default_%s(soap, _p);", c_ident(typ)); } flag = 0; if (!is_dynamic_array(typ)) { for (Tptr = (Table*)typ->ref, derclass = 0; Tptr; Tptr = Tptr->prev, derclass++) { for (Eptr = Tptr->list; Eptr; Eptr = Eptr->next) { if (is_repetition(Eptr) || is_anytype(Eptr)) flag = 2; if ((Eptr->info.minOccurs > 0 || flag) && !(Eptr->info.sto & (Sprivate | Sprotected | Sconst | Sstatic | Stypedef)) && Eptr->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_soapref(Eptr->info.typ)) { if (flag) flag--; if (is_smart(Eptr->info.typ) && !is_smart_shared(Eptr->info.typ)) /* smart but not shared */ { if (typ->type == Tclass) fprintf(fhead, "\n\t\t_p->%s::%s = %s(%s", ident(Tptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name), c_type(Eptr->info.typ), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else fprintf(fhead, "\n\t\t_p->%s = %s(%s", ident(Eptr->sym->name), c_type(Eptr->info.typ), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); } else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Tarray) { if (is_fixedstring(Eptr->info.typ)) fprintf(fhead, "\n\t\tsoap_strcpy(_p->%s::%s, %d, %s", ident(Tptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name), get_dimension(Eptr->info.typ), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else if (typ->type == Tclass) fprintf(fhead, "\n\t\tfor (int i = 0; i < %d; i++) _p->%s::%s[i] = %s", get_dimension(Eptr->info.typ), ident(Tptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else fprintf(fhead, "\n\t\tfor (int i = 0; i < %d; i++) _p->%s[i] = %s", get_dimension(Eptr->info.typ), ident(Eptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); } else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Ttemplate && is_smart(Eptr->info.typ->ref) && !is_smart_shared(Eptr->info.typ->ref)) continue; else if (typ->type == Tclass) fprintf(fhead, "\n\t\t_p->%s::%s = %s", ident(Tptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else fprintf(fhead, "\n\t\t_p->%s = %s", ident(Eptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); if (derclass) fprintf(fhead, "%d", derclass); if (is_fixedstring(Eptr->info.typ)) fprintf(fhead, ");"); else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fhead, "[i];"); else if (is_smart(Eptr->info.typ) && !is_smart_shared(Eptr->info.typ)) /* smart but not shared */ fprintf(fhead, ");"); else fprintf(fhead, ";"); } } } } fprintf(fhead, "\n\t}\n\treturn _p;\n}"); fprintf(fhead, "\n\ninline %s * soap_new_set_%s(\n\tstruct soap *soap", c_type(typ), c_ident(typ)); for (Tptr = (Table*)typ->ref, derclass = 0; Tptr; Tptr = Tptr->prev, derclass++) { for (Eptr = Tptr->list; Eptr; Eptr = Eptr->next) { if (!(Eptr->info.sto & (Sprivate | Sprotected | Sconst | Sstatic | Stypedef)) && Eptr->info.typ->type != Tfun && strcmp(Eptr->sym->name, "soap")) { if (is_smart(Eptr->info.typ)) { if (is_smart_shared(Eptr->info.typ)) fprintf(fhead, ",\n\t%s %s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ, "&"), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else fprintf(fhead, ",\n\t%s %s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ->ref, "*"), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); } else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Ttemplate && is_smart(Eptr->info.typ->ref) && !is_smart_shared(Eptr->info.typ->ref)) continue; else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Tclass || Eptr->info.typ->type == Tstruct || Eptr->info.typ->type == Tunion || Eptr->info.typ->type == Ttemplate) fprintf(fhead, ",\n\tconst %s& %s", c_type(Eptr->info.typ), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else if ((Eptr->info.sto & Sconstptr)) fprintf(fhead, ",\n\tconst %s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ, Eptr->sym->name)); else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fhead, ",\n\t%s const*%s", c_type(Eptr->info.typ->ref), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else fprintf(fhead, ",\n\t%s", c_type_id(Eptr->info.typ, Eptr->sym->name)); if (derclass) fprintf(fhead, "%d", derclass); } } } fprintf(fhead, ")\n{\t%s = soap_new_%s(soap);\n\tif (_p)\n\t{\t", c_type_id(typ, "*_p"), c_ident(typ)); if (!is_external(typ)) { if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_volatile(typ)) fprintf(fhead, "_p->soap_default(soap);"); else fprintf(fhead, "soap_default_%s(soap, _p);", c_ident(typ)); } for (Tptr = (Table*)typ->ref, derclass = 0; Tptr; Tptr = Tptr->prev, derclass++) { for (Eptr = Tptr->list; Eptr; Eptr = Eptr->next) { if (!(Eptr->info.sto & (Sprivate | Sprotected | Sconst | Sstatic | Stypedef)) && Eptr->info.typ->type != Tfun && strcmp(Eptr->sym->name, "soap")) { if (is_smart(Eptr->info.typ) && !is_smart_shared(Eptr->info.typ)) /* smart but not shared */ { if (typ->type == Tclass) fprintf(fhead, "\n\t\t_p->%s::%s = %s(%s", ident(Tptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name), c_type(Eptr->info.typ), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else fprintf(fhead, "\n\t\t_p->%s = %s(%s", ident(Eptr->sym->name), c_type(Eptr->info.typ), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); } else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Tarray) { if (is_fixedstring(Eptr->info.typ)) fprintf(fhead, "\n\t\tsoap_strcpy(_p->%s::%s, %d, %s", ident(Tptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name), get_dimension(Eptr->info.typ), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else if (typ->type == Tclass) fprintf(fhead, "\n\t\tfor (int i = 0; i < %d; i++) _p->%s::%s[i] = %s", get_dimension(Eptr->info.typ), ident(Tptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else fprintf(fhead, "\n\t\tfor (int i = 0; i < %d; i++) _p->%s[i] = %s", get_dimension(Eptr->info.typ), ident(Eptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); } else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Ttemplate && is_smart(Eptr->info.typ->ref) && !is_smart_shared(Eptr->info.typ->ref)) continue; else if (typ->type == Tclass) fprintf(fhead, "\n\t\t_p->%s::%s = %s", ident(Tptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); else fprintf(fhead, "\n\t\t_p->%s = %s", ident(Eptr->sym->name), ident(Eptr->sym->name)); if (derclass) fprintf(fhead, "%d", derclass); if (is_fixedstring(Eptr->info.typ)) fprintf(fhead, ");"); else if (Eptr->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fhead, "[i];"); else if (is_smart(Eptr->info.typ) && !is_smart_shared(Eptr->info.typ)) /* smart but not shared */ fprintf(fhead, ");"); else fprintf(fhead, ";"); } } } fprintf(fhead, "\n\t}\n\treturn _p;\n}"); } /* deprecated fprintf(fhead, "\n\ninline void soap_delete_%s(struct soap *soap, %s) { soap_delete(soap, p); }", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*p")); */ fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC1 %s * SOAP_FMAC2 %s_instantiate_%s(struct soap *soap, int n, const char *type, const char *arrayType, size_t *size)", c_type(typ), namespaceid ? "soap" : prefix, c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n{"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tDBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, \"%s_instantiate_%s(%%p, %%d, %%s, %%s)\\n\", soap, n, type?type:\"\", arrayType?arrayType:\"\"));", namespaceid ? "soap" : prefix, c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)type; (void)arrayType; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); for (Eptr = classtable->list; Eptr; Eptr = Eptr->next) { Tptr = ((Table *) Eptr->info.typ->ref); if (Tptr == ((Table *) typ->ref)) { continue; } derclass = 0; while (Tptr) { if (Tptr == (Table*)typ->ref) { derclass = 1; } Tptr = Tptr->prev; } if (derclass == 1 && !is_transient(Eptr->info.typ)) { if (is_dynamic_array(Eptr->info.typ) && !is_binary(Eptr->info.typ) && !has_ns(Eptr->info.typ) && !is_untyped(Eptr->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap && arrayType && !soap_match_tag(soap, arrayType, \"%s\"))", xsi_type(Eptr->info.typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap && type && !soap_match_tag(soap, type, \"%s\"))", the_type(Eptr->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn %s_instantiate_%s(soap, n, NULL, NULL, size);", namespaceid ? "soap" : prefix, c_ident(Eptr->info.typ)); derclass = 0; } } fprintf(fout, "\n\t%s;\n\tsize_t k = sizeof(%s);", c_type_id(typ, "*p"), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (n < 0)"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tp = SOAP_NEW(%s);", c_type(typ)); if ((s = has_soapref(typ))) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p)\n\t\t\t((%s*)p)->%s = soap;", c_type(typ), s); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\telse"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tp = SOAP_NEW_ARRAY(%s, n);", c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tk *= n;"); if (s) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p)\n\t\t\tfor (int i = 0; i < n; i++)\n\t\t\t\t((%s*)p)[i].%s = soap;", c_type(typ), s); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tDBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, \"Instantiated %s location=%%p n=%%d\\n\", p, n));", c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_link(soap, p, %s, n, %s_fdelete);", soap_type(typ), prefix); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (size)\n\t\t*size = k;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn p;"); fprintf(fout, "\n}"); } void soap_dup(Tnode *typ) { if (!Ecflag) return; if (is_XML(typ)) return; if (typ->type != Tstruct && typ->type != Tclass && typ->type != Ttemplate && typ->type != Tpointer) return; if (typ->type != Tclass || !(typ->sym && (is_stdstring(typ) || is_stdwstring(typ)) && is_eq(typ->sym->name, "xsd__QName")) || is_imported(typ)) { if ((is_typedef(typ) && !is_external(typ)) || is_synonym(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_dup_%s soap_dup_%s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); return; } } if (typ->type == Tstruct && (is_anyType(typ) || is_anyAttribute(typ))) return; fprintf(fhead, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_dup_%s(struct soap*, %s*, %s);", c_type(typ), c_ident(typ), c_type(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_dup_%s(struct soap *soap, %s *d, %s)\n{", c_type(typ), c_ident(typ), c_type(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*a")); if (typ->type == Tclass || typ->type == Tstruct) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tstruct soap_plist *pp = NULL;"); if (typ->recursive) fprintf(fout, "\n\tchar *mark = NULL;"); } fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a)\n\t\treturn NULL;"); if (typ->type == Tclass || typ->type == Tstruct) { if (typ->recursive) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!d && ((d = (%s*)soap_mark_lookup(soap, (const void*)a, %s, &pp, &mark)) || soap_mark_cycle(soap, pp)))\n\t\treturn d;", c_type(typ), soap_type(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!d && (d = (%s*)soap_mark_lookup(soap, (const void*)a, %s, &pp, NULL)))\n\t\treturn d;", c_type(typ), soap_type(typ)); } if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!d && !(d = (%s*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(%s))))\n\t\treturn NULL; /* ERROR */", c_type(typ), c_type(typ)); else if (typ->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!d && !(d = (%s*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(%s))))\n\t\treturn NULL; /* ERROR */", c_type(typ), c_type(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!d && !(d = soap_new_%s(soap)))\n\t\treturn NULL; /* ERROR */", c_ident(typ)); if (typ->type == Tclass || typ->type == Tstruct) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_mark_dup(soap, (void*)d, pp);"); fflush(fout); if (is_string(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t*d = NULL;\n\tif (*a)\n\t{\tstruct soap_plist *pp = NULL;\n\t\tif (!(*d = (%s)soap_mark_lookup(soap, (const void*)*a, %s, &pp, NULL)))", c_type(typ), soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_mark_dup(soap, *d = soap_strdup(soap, *a), pp);\n\t}\n\telse\n\t\t*d = NULL;"); } else if (is_wstring(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t{\tstruct soap_plist *pp = NULL;\n\t\tif (!(*d = (%s)soap_mark_lookup(soap, (const void*)*a, %s, &pp, NULL)))", c_type(typ), soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_mark_dup(soap, *d = soap_wstrdup(soap, *a), pp);\n\t}\n\telse\n\t\t*d = NULL;"); } else if (typ->type == Tpointer) { Tnode *ref = typ->ref; if (ref->type == Tclass && !is_external(ref) && !is_volatile(ref) && !is_typedef(ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t\t*d = (*a)->soap_dup(soap);\n\telse\n\t\t*d = NULL;"); } else if (is_XML(ref) && is_string(ref)) { if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a && (*d = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(%s))))\n\t\t**d = soap_strdup(soap, **a);\n\telse\n\t\t*d = NULL;", c_type(typ), c_type(ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a && (*d = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(%s))))\n\t\t**d = soap_strdup(soap, **a);\n\telse\n\t\t*d = NULL;", c_type(typ), c_type(ref)); } else if (is_XML(ref) && is_wstring(ref)) { if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a && (*d = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(%s))))\n\t\t**d = soap_wstrdup(soap, **a);\n\telse\n\t\t*d = NULL;", c_type(typ), c_type(ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a && (*d = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(%s))))\n\t\t**d = soap_wstrdup(soap, **a);\n\telse\n\t\t*d = NULL;", c_type(typ), c_type(ref)); } else if (is_primitive(ref) || is_external(typ) || is_volatile(ref) || is_transient(ref)) { if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a && (*d = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(%s))))\n\t\t**d = **a;\n\telse\n\t\t*d = NULL;", c_type(typ), c_type(ref)); else if (is_primitive(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a && (*d = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(%s))))\n\t\t**d = **a;\n\telse\n\t\t*d = NULL;", c_type(typ), c_type(ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a && (*d = soap_new_%s(soap)))\n\t\t**d = **a;\n\telse\n\t\t*d = NULL;", c_ident(ref)); if (!is_primitive(ref) && is_transient(ref)) fprintf(fout, " /* transient (shallow copy) */"); } else if (ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Ttemplate || ref->type == Tpointer) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t\t*d = soap_dup_%s(soap, NULL, *a);\n\telse\n\t\t*d = NULL;", c_ident(ref)); } } else if (is_smart(typ)) { Tnode *ref = typ->ref; if (is_smart_shared(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t{\tstruct soap_plist *pp = NULL;\n\t\tchar *mark = NULL;\n\t\t%s *sp = (%s*)soap_mark_lookup(soap, (const void*)a->get(), %s, &pp, &mark);\n\t\tif (sp)\n\t\t\t*d = *sp;\n\t\telse if (soap_mark_cycle(soap, pp))\n\t\t\treturn d;\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\t", c_type(typ), c_type(typ), soap_type(typ)); if (ref->type == Tclass && !is_external(ref) && !is_volatile(ref) && !is_typedef(ref) && !is_transient(ref)) fprintf(fout, "*d = %s((*a)->soap_alloc());\n\t\t\tsoap_mark_dup(soap, (void*)d, pp);\n\t\t\t(*a)->soap_dup(soap, (void*)d->get());", c_type(typ)); else if (is_primitive(ref) || is_external(ref) || is_volatile(ref) || is_transient(ref)) fprintf(fout, "*d = %s<%s>(**a);", make_shared(typ), c_type(ref)); else if (ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Ttemplate || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "*d = %s<%s>();\n\t\t\tsoap_mark_dup(soap, (void*)d, pp);\n\t\t\tsoap_dup_%s(soap, d->get(), a->get());", make_shared(typ), c_type(ref), c_ident(ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_unmark(soap, mark);\n\t\t}\n\t}"); } else { if (ref->type == Tclass && !is_external(ref) && !is_volatile(ref) && !is_typedef(ref) && !is_transient(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t\t*d = %s((*a)->soap_dup(soap, (void*)(*a)->soap_alloc()));", c_type(typ)); else if (is_primitive(ref) || is_transient(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a && (*d = %s(SOAP_NEW(%s))))\n\t\t**d = **a;", c_type(typ), c_type(ref)); else if (ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Ttemplate || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t\t*d = %s(soap_dup_%s(soap, SOAP_NEW(%s), a->get()));", c_type(typ), c_ident(ref), c_type(ref)); } } else if (typ->type == Ttemplate) { Tnode *ref = typ->ref; if (strcmp(typ->id->name, "std::set") || is_primitive(ref) || is_external(ref) || is_volatile(ref) || is_transient(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t*d = *a;"); if (!is_primitive(ref) && !is_external(ref) && !is_volatile(ref) && !is_transient(ref)) { if (!strcmp(typ->id->name, "std::set")) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t%s v;\n\tfor (%s::const_iterator i = a->begin(); i != a->end(); ++i)\n\t{\t", c_type(ref), c_type(typ)); if (is_XML(ref) && is_string(ref)) fprintf(fout, "v = soap_strdup(soap, *i);\n\t\td->insert(v);"); else if (is_XML(ref) && is_wstring(ref)) fprintf(fout, "v = soap_wstrdup(soap, *i);\n\t\td->insert(v);"); else if (ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Ttemplate || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "soap_dup_%s(soap, &v, &*i);\n\t\td->insert(v);", c_ident(ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\td->insert(*i);"); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t%s::iterator j = d->begin();\n\tfor (%s::const_iterator i = a->begin(); i != a->end(); ++i, ++j)\n\t{\t", c_type(typ), c_type(typ)); if (is_XML(ref) && is_string(ref)) fprintf(fout, "*j = soap_strdup(soap, *i);"); else if (is_XML(ref) && is_wstring(ref)) fprintf(fout, "*j = soap_wstrdup(soap, *i);"); else if (ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Ttemplate || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "soap_dup_%s(soap, &*j, &*i);", c_ident(ref)); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); } } else if (typ->ref) { Entry *p = is_dynamic_array(typ); if (p) { if (is_binary(typ)) { if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\td->__ptr = NULL;\n\td->__size = a->__size;\n\tif (a->__ptr && a->__size > 0)\n\t{\td->__ptr = (unsigned char*)soap_malloc(soap, a->__size);\n\t\tsoap_memcpy(d->__ptr, d->__size, a->__ptr, a->__size);\n\t}"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\td->__ptr = NULL;\n\td->__size = a->__size;\n\tif (a->__ptr && a->__size > 0)\n\t{\td->__ptr = (unsigned char*)soap_malloc(soap, a->__size);\n\t\tsoap_memcpy(d->__ptr, d->__size, a->__ptr, a->__size);\n\t}"); if (is_attachment(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\td->id = soap_strdup(soap, a->id);\n\td->type = soap_strdup(soap, a->type);\n\td->options = soap_strdup(soap, a->options); /* WARNING: cannot copy binary DIME attachment options correctly, MIME/MTOM is OK */"); } else { Tnode *ref = p->info.typ->ref; int dim = get_Darraydims(typ); const char *d = ident(p->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s)\n\t{", d); if (dim) fprintf(fout, "\tsize_t i, n = soap_size(a->__size, %d);", dim); else fprintf(fout, "\tint i, n = a->__size;"); if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\td->%s = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, n * sizeof(%s));", d, c_type(p->info.typ), c_type(ref)); else if (is_primitive(ref) || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\td->%s = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, n * sizeof(%s));", d, c_type(p->info.typ), c_type(ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\td->%s = soap_new_%s(soap, n);", d, c_ident(ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < n; i++)"); if (is_XML(ref) && is_string(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\td->%s[i] = soap_strdup(soap, a->%s[i]);", d, d); else if (is_XML(ref) && is_wstring(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\td->%s[i] = soap_wstrdup(soap, a->%s[i]);", d, d); else if (is_primitive(ref) || is_transient(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\td->%s[i] = a->%s[i];", d, d); else if (ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Ttemplate || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_dup_%s(soap, &d->%s[i], &a->%s[i]);", c_ident(ref), d, d); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\telse\n\t\td->%s = NULL;", d); if (dim) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_memcpy(&d->__size, sizeof(d->__size), &a->__size, sizeof(a->__size));"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\td->__size = a->__size;"); if (has_offset(typ)) { if (dim) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_memcpy(&d->__offset, sizeof(d->__offset), &a->__offset, sizeof(a->__offset));"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\td->__offset = a->__offset;"); } } } else { Table *t = (Table*)typ->ref; const char *b = ""; const char *c = ""; if (typ->type == Tclass) { b = ident(t->sym->name); c = "::"; } if (t->prev) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_dup_%s(soap, d, a);", ident(t->prev->sym->name)); for (p = ((Table*)typ->ref)->list; p; p = p->next) { const char *d = ident(p->sym->name); if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion) { continue; } else if (p->info.sto & Sconst) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* const %s skipped */", d); } else if (p->info.sto & Sstatic) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* static %s skipped */", d); } else if (p->info.sto & Stypedef) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* typedef %s skipped */", d); } else if (is_repetition(p)) { Tnode *ref = p->next->info.typ->ref; const char *e = ident(p->next->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\td->%s%s%s = a->%s%s%s;\n\tif (a->%s%s%s > 0 && a->%s%s%s)", b, c, d, b, c, d, b, c, d, b, c, e); if (cflag) { if (ref->type == Tpointer && (p->next->info.sto & Sconstptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint i;\n\t\td->%s%s%s = (const %s)soap_malloc(soap, a->%s%s%s * sizeof(%s));", b, c, e, c_type(p->next->info.typ), b, c, d, c_type(ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint i;\n\t\td->%s%s%s = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, a->%s%s%s * sizeof(%s));", b, c, e, c_type(p->next->info.typ), b, c, d, c_type(ref)); } else if (is_primitive(ref) || ref->type == Tpointer) { if (ref->type == Tpointer && (p->next->info.sto & Sconstptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint i;\n\t\td->%s%s%s = (const %s)soap_malloc(soap, a->%s%s%s * sizeof(%s));", b, c, e, c_type(p->next->info.typ), b, c, d, c_type(ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint i;\n\t\td->%s%s%s = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, a->%s%s%s * sizeof(%s));", b, c, e, c_type(p->next->info.typ), b, c, d, c_type(ref)); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint i;\n\t\td->%s%s%s = soap_new_%s(soap, a->%s%s%s);", b, c, e, c_ident(ref), b, c, d); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < (int)a->%s%s%s; i++)", b, c, d); if (is_XML(ref) && is_string(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\td->%s%s%s[i] = soap_strdup(soap, a->%s%s%s[i]);", b, c, e, b, c, e); else if (is_XML(ref) && is_wstring(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\td->%s%s%s[i] = soap_wstrdup(soap, a->%s%s%s[i]);", b, c, e, b, c, e); else if (is_primitive(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\td->%s%s%s[i] = a->%s%s%s[i];", b, c, e, b, c, e); else if (ref->type == Tpointer && (p->next->info.sto & Sconstptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_dup_%s(soap, (%s)&d->%s%s%s[i], (%s)&a->%s%s%s[i]);", c_ident(ref), c_type_id(ref, "*"), b, c, e, c_type_id(ref, "const*"), b, c, e); else if (ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Ttemplate || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_dup_%s(soap, &d->%s%s%s[i], &a->%s%s%s[i]);", c_ident(ref), b, c, e, b, c, e); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\telse\n\t\td->%s%s%s = NULL;", b, c, e); p = p->next; } else if (is_anytype(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\td->%s%s%s = a->%s%s%s ? soap_dupelement(soap, a->%s%s%s, d->%s%s%s = a->%s%s%s) : NULL;", b, c, ident(p->next->sym->name), b, c, ident(p->next->sym->name), b, c, ident(p->next->sym->name), b, c, d, b, c, d); p = p->next; } else if (is_choice(p)) { Entry *q; const char *e = ident(p->next->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\td->%s%s%s = a->%s%s%s;", b, c, d, b, c, d); fprintf(fout, "\n\tswitch (a->%s%s%s)\n\t{", b, c, d); t = (Table*)p->next->info.typ->ref; if (t) { for (q = t->list; q; q = q->next) { const char *f = ident(q->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(p->next->info.typ, q)); if (is_XML(q->info.typ) && is_string(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\td->%s%s%s.%s = soap_strdup(soap, a->%s%s%s.%s);", b, c, e, f, b, c, e, f); else if (is_XML(q->info.typ) && is_wstring(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\td->%s%s%s.%s = soap_wstrdup(soap, a->%s%s%s.%s);", b, c, e, f, b, c, e, f); else if (is_primitive(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\td->%s%s%s.%s = a->%s%s%s.%s;", b, c, e, f, b, c, e, f); else if (is_transient(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\td->%s%s%s.%s = a->%s%s%s.%s; /* transient (shallow copy) */", b, c, e, f, b, c, e, f); else if (q->info.typ->type == Tclass || q->info.typ->type == Tstruct || q->info.typ->type == Ttemplate || q->info.typ->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_dup_%s(soap, &d->%s%s%s.%s, &a->%s%s%s.%s);", c_ident(q->info.typ), b, c, e, f, b, c, e, f); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tbreak;"); } } fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); p = p->next; } else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\td->%s%s%s = soap_strdup(soap, (char*)a->%s%s%s);", b, c, d, b, c, d); } else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\td->%s%s%s = soap_wstrdup(soap, (char*)a->%s%s%s);", b, c, d, b, c, d); } else if (is_soapref(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\td->%s%s%s = soap;", b, c, d); } else if (is_primitive(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\td->%s%s%s = a->%s%s%s;", b, c, d, b, c, d); } else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\td->%s%s%s = a->%s%s%s; /* transient (shallow copy) */", b, c, d, b, c, d); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { Tnode *ref = p->info.typ->ref; fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint i;\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < %d; i++)", get_dimension(p->info.typ)); if (is_XML(ref) && is_string(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\td->%s%s%s[i] = soap_strdup(soap, a->%s%s%s[i]);", b, c, d, b, c, d); else if (is_XML(ref) && is_wstring(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\td->%s%s%s[i] = soap_wstrdup(soap, a->%s%s%s[i]);", b, c, d, b, c, d); else if (is_primitive(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\td->%s%s%s[i] = a->%s%s%s[i];", b, c, d, b, c, d); else if (is_transient(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\td->%s%s%s[i] = a->%s%s%s[i]; /* transient (shallow copy) */", b, c, d, b, c, d); else if (ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Ttemplate || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_dup_%s(soap, &d->%s%s%s[i], &a->%s%s%s[i]);", c_ident(ref), b, c, d, b, c, d); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && (p->info.sto & Sconstptr)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_dup_%s(soap, (%s)&d->%s%s%s, (%s)&a->%s%s%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type_id(p->info.typ, "*"), b, c, d, c_type_id(p->info.typ, "const*"), b, c, d); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass || p->info.typ->type == Tstruct || p->info.typ->type == Ttemplate || p->info.typ->type == Tpointer) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_dup_%s(soap, &d->%s%s%s, &a->%s%s%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), b, c, d, b, c, d); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* %s skipped */", d); } } } } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t*d = *a;"); } if ((typ->type == Tclass || typ->type == Tstruct) && typ->recursive) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_unmark(soap, mark);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn d;\n}"); fflush(fout); } void soap_del(Tnode *typ) { if (!Edflag) return; if (is_XML(typ)) return; if (typ->type != Tstruct && typ->type != Tclass && typ->type != Ttemplate && typ->type != Tpointer) return; if (typ->type != Tclass || !(typ->sym && (is_stdstring(typ) || is_stdwstring(typ)) && is_eq(typ->sym->name, "xsd__QName")) || is_imported(typ)) { if ((is_typedef(typ) && !is_external(typ)) || is_synonym(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_del_%s soap_del_%s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); return; } } if (typ->type == Tstruct && (is_anyType(typ) || is_anyAttribute(typ))) return; fprintf(fhead, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_del_%s(%s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_del_%s(%s)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*a")); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a)\n\t\treturn;"); fflush(fout); if (is_string(typ) || is_wstring(typ)) { if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, *a);"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, *a);"); } else if (typ->type == Tpointer) { Tnode *ref = typ->ref; if (ref->type == Tclass && !is_external(ref) && !is_volatile(ref) && !is_typedef(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t{\t(*a)->soap_del();\n\t\tSOAP_DELETE(*a);\n\t}"); else if (is_XML(ref)) { if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t{\tif (**a)\n\t\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, **a);\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, *a);\n\t}"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t{\tif (**a)\n\t\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, **a);\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, *a);\n\t}"); } else if (is_primitive(ref) || is_external(typ) || is_volatile(ref) || is_transient(ref)) { if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, *a);"); else if (is_primitive(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, *a);"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t\tSOAP_DELETE(*a);"); } else if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t{\tsoap_del_%s(*a);\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, *a);\n\t}", c_ident(ref)); else if (ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t{\tsoap_del_%s(*a);\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, *a);\n\t}", c_ident(ref)); else if (ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Ttemplate) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t{\tsoap_del_%s(*a);\n\t\tSOAP_DELETE(*a);\n\t}", c_ident(ref)); } else if (is_smart(typ)) { Tnode *ref = typ->ref; if (is_smart_shared(typ)) { if (ref->type == Tclass && !is_external(ref) && !is_volatile(ref) && !is_typedef(ref) && !is_transient(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t\t(*a)->soap_del();"); else if (is_primitive(ref) || is_transient(ref)) ; else if (ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Ttemplate || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t\tsoap_del_%s(a->get());", c_ident(ref)); } else { if (ref->type == Tclass && !is_external(ref) && !is_volatile(ref) && !is_typedef(ref) && !is_transient(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t\t(*a)->soap_del();"); else if (is_primitive(ref) || is_transient(ref)) ; else if (ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Ttemplate || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)\n\t\tsoap_del_%s(a->get());", c_ident(ref)); } } else if (typ->type == Ttemplate) { Tnode *ref = typ->ref; if (!is_primitive(ref) && !is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(ref) && !is_transient(ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tfor (%s::const_iterator i = a->begin(); i != a->end(); ++i)", c_type(typ)); if (is_XML(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, *i);"); else if (ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Ttemplate || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_del_%s(&*i);", c_ident(ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t; /* skipped */"); } } else if (typ->ref) { Entry *p = is_dynamic_array(typ); if (p) { if (is_binary(typ)) { if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->__ptr)\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->__ptr);"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->__ptr)\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->__ptr);"); if (is_attachment(typ)) { if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->id)\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->id);\n\tif (a->type)\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->type);\n\tif (a->options)\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->options);"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->id)\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->id);\n\tif (a->type)\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->type);\n\tif (a->options)\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->options);"); } } else { Tnode *ref = p->info.typ->ref; int dim = get_Darraydims(typ); const char *d = ident(p->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s)\n\t{", d); if (!is_primitive(ref) && !is_transient(ref)) { if (dim) fprintf(fout, "\tsize_t i, n = soap_size(a->__size, %d);", dim); else fprintf(fout, "\tint i, n = a->__size;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < n; i++)"); if (is_XML(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->%s[i]);", d); else if (ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Ttemplate || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_del_%s(&a->%s[i]);", c_ident(ref), d); } if (cflag || is_primitive(ref) || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->%s);\n\t}", d); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tSOAP_DELETE_ARRAY(a->%s);\n\t}", d); } } else { Table *t = (Table*)typ->ref; const char *b = ""; const char *c = ""; if (typ->type == Tclass) { b = ident(t->sym->name); c = "::"; } if (t->prev) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_del_%s(a);", ident(t->prev->sym->name)); for (p = ((Table*)typ->ref)->list; p; p = p->next) { const char *d = ident(p->sym->name); if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion || is_soapref(p->info.typ)) { continue; } else if (p->info.sto & Sconst) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* const %s skipped */", d); } else if (p->info.sto & Sstatic) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* static %s skipped */", d); } else if (p->info.sto & Stypedef) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* typedef %s skipped */", d); } else if (is_repetition(p)) { Tnode *ref = p->next->info.typ->ref; const char *e = ident(p->next->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s%s%s)\n\t{", b, c, e); if (!is_primitive(ref) && !is_transient(ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\tint i;\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < (int)a->%s%s%s; i++)", b, c, d); if (is_XML(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->%s%s%s[i]);", b, c, e); else if (ref->type == Tpointer && (p->next->info.sto & Sconstptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_del_%s((%s)&a->%s%s%s[i]);", c_ident(ref), c_type_id(ref, "*"), b, c, e); else if (ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Ttemplate || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_del_%s(&a->%s%s%s[i]);", c_ident(ref), b, c, e); } if (cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->%s%s%s);\n\t}", b, c, e); else if (is_primitive(ref) || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->%s%s%s);\n\t}", b, c, e); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tSOAP_DELETE_ARRAY(a->%s%s%s);\n\t}", b, c, e); p = p->next; } else if (is_anytype(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s%s%s)\n\t\tsoap_delelement(a->%s%s%s, a->%s%s%s);", b, c, ident(p->next->sym->name), b, c, ident(p->next->sym->name), b, c, d); p = p->next; } else if (is_choice(p)) { Entry *q; const char *e = ident(p->next->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\tswitch (a->%s%s%s)\n\t{", b, c, d); t = (Table*)p->next->info.typ->ref; if (t) { for (q = t->list; q; q = q->next) { if (!is_primitive(q->info.typ) && !is_transient(q->info.typ)) { const char *f = ident(q->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(p->next->info.typ, q)); if (is_XML(q->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (a->%s%s%s.%s)\n\t\t\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->%s%s%s.%s);", b, c, e, f, b, c, e, f); else if (q->info.typ->type == Tclass || q->info.typ->type == Tstruct || q->info.typ->type == Ttemplate || q->info.typ->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_del_%s(&a->%s%s%s.%s);", c_ident(q->info.typ), b, c, e, f); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tbreak;"); } } } fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); p = p->next; } else if (is_XML(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s%s%s)\n\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->%s%s%s);", b, c, d, b, c, d); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && (p->info.sto & Sconstptr)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_del_%s((%s)&a->%s%s%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), c_type_id(p->info.typ, "*"), b, c, d); } else if (is_primitive(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* %s skipped */", d); } else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* transient %s skipped */", d); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { Tnode *ref = p->info.typ->ref; if (!is_primitive(ref) && !is_transient(ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint i;\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < %d; i++)", get_dimension(p->info.typ)); if (is_XML(ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (a->%s%s%s[i])\n\t\t\t\tSOAP_FREE(NULL, a->%s%s%s[i]);", b, c, d, b, c, d); else if (ref->type == Tclass || ref->type == Tstruct || ref->type == Ttemplate || ref->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_del_%s(&a->%s%s%s[i]);", c_ident(ref), b, c, d); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); } } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass || p->info.typ->type == Tstruct || p->info.typ->type == Ttemplate || p->info.typ->type == Tpointer) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_del_%s(&a->%s%s%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), b, c, d); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* %s skipped */", d); } } } } fprintf(fout, "\n}"); fflush(fout); } int get_dimension(Tnode *typ) { if (((Tnode*)typ->ref)->width) return typ->width / ((Tnode*) typ->ref)->width; return 0; } void soap_serialize(Tnode *typ) { int d; Table *table, *t; Entry *p; Tnode* temp; int cardinality; const char *self; if (is_XML(typ)) return; if (is_primitive(typ)) return; if (is_typedef(typ) && (is_template(typ) || is_element(typ) || is_synonym(typ) || is_external(typ) || is_imported(typ)) && (!is_external(typ) || is_volatile(typ))) { if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_stdstring(typ) && !is_stdwstring(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_serialize_%s(soap, a) (a)->soap_serialize(soap)\n", c_ident(typ)); else fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_serialize_%s soap_serialize_%s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); return; } if ((p = is_dynamic_array(typ))) { if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_typedef(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { if (is_external(typ)) return; fprintf(fout, "\n\nvoid %s::soap_serialize(struct soap *soap) const\n{", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF"); if (is_binary(typ)) { if (is_attachment(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (this->__ptr && !soap_array_reference(soap, this, this->__ptr, this->__size, %s))", soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (this->id || this->type)\n\t\t\tsoap->mode |= SOAP_ENC_DIME;\n#endif\n}"); } else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (this->__ptr)\n\t\tsoap_array_reference(soap, this, this->__ptr, this->__size, %s);\n#endif\n}", soap_type(typ)); fflush(fout); return; } else { d = get_Darraydims(typ); if (d) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (this->%s && !soap_array_reference(soap, this, this->%s, %s, %s))", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), get_Darraysize("this", d), soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tsize_t i, n = soap_size(this->__size, %d);", d); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < n; i++)"); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (this->%s && !soap_array_reference(soap, this, this->%s, this->__size, %s))", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tfor (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)this->__size; i++)"); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t{"); if (has_ptr((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\tsoap_embedded(soap, this->%s + i, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_external((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tthis->%s[i].soap_serialize(soap);", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, (char*const*)(this->%s + i));", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, (wchar_t*const*)(this->%s + i));", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (!is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_primitive((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, this->%s + i);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}\n\t}\n#endif\n}"); return; } } else { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap*, const %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap*, const %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap *soap, const %s)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); if (is_binary(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; (void)a; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF"); if (is_attachment(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s && !soap_array_reference(soap, a, a->%s, a->__size, %s))", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->id || a->type)\n\t\t\tsoap->mode |= SOAP_ENC_DIME;\n#endif\n}"); } else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s)\n\t\tsoap_array_reference(soap, a, a->%s, a->__size, %s);\n#endif\n}", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(typ)); fflush(fout); return; } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; (void)a; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF"); d = get_Darraydims(typ); if (d) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s && !soap_array_reference(soap, a, a->%s, %s, %s))", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), get_Darraysize("a", d), soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tsize_t i, n = soap_size(a->__size, %d);", d); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < n; i++)"); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s && !soap_array_reference(soap, a, a->%s, a->__size, %s))", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint i;\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < a->__size; i++)"); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t{"); if (has_ptr((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\tsoap_embedded(soap, a->%s + i, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_external((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->%s[i].soap_serialize(soap);", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, (char*const*)(a->%s + i));", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, (wchar_t*const*)(a->%s + i));", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (!is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_primitive((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, a->%s + i);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}\n\t}\n#endif\n}"); fflush(fout); return; } } } if (is_stdstring(typ) || is_stdwstring(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap*, const %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap *soap, const %s)\n{\t(void)soap; (void)a; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n}", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); return; } switch(typ->type) { case Tclass: if (!is_volatile(typ) && typ->ref) /* fall through to switch case Tstruct */ { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap*, const %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } if (!is_typedef(typ)) { self = "this"; fprintf(fout, "\n\nvoid %s::soap_serialize(struct soap *soap) const\n{\n\t(void)soap; /* appease -Wall -Werror */", ident(typ->id->name)); } else { self = "p"; fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap*, const %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap *soap, const %s)\n{\n\t(void)soap; (void)p; /* appease -Wall -Werror */", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*p")); } fprintf(fout, "\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF"); table = (Table*)typ->ref; for (p = table->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion || is_soapref(p->info.typ)) ; else if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* non-serializable %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) ; else if (is_repetition(p)) { if (!is_XML(p->next->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (%s->%s::%s)", self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint i;\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < (int)%s->%s::%s; i++)\n\t\t{", self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); if (!is_invisible(p->next->sym->name)) if (has_ptr((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_embedded(soap, %s->%s::%s + i, %s);", self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), soap_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t%s->%s::%s[i].soap_serialize(soap);", self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, (char*const*)(%s->%s::%s + i));", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, (wchar_t*const*)(%s->%s::%s + i));", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (!is_primitive((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, %s->%s::%s + i);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}\n\t}"); } p = p->next; } else if (is_anytype(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_markelement(soap, %s->%s, %s->%s);", self, ident(p->next->sym->name), self, ident(p->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else if (is_choice(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, %s->%s::%s, &%s->%s::%s);", c_ident(p->next->info.typ), self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* transient %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_embedded(soap, %s->%s::%s, %s);", self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, %s->%s::%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) { if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_embedded(soap, &%s->%s::%s, %s);", self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t%s->%s::%s.soap_serialize(soap);", self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (!is_void(p->info.typ) && !is_XML(p->info.typ)) { if (!is_template(p->info.typ)) if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_embedded(soap, &%s->%s::%s, %s);", self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); if (is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, (char*const*)&%s->%s::%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, (wchar_t*const*)&%s->%s::%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if ((p->info.typ->type == Treference || p->info.typ->type == Trvalueref) && ((Tnode*)(p->info.typ->ref))->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t%s->%s::%s.soap_serialize(soap);", self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if ((p->info.typ->type == Treference || p->info.typ->type == Trvalueref) && !is_primitive(p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, &%s->%s::%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (!is_primitive(p->info.typ) && p->info.typ->type != Treference && p->info.typ->type != Trvalueref) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, &%s->%s::%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), self, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (!is_primitive(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); } } if (table && table->prev) fprintf(fout, "\n\t%s->%s::soap_serialize(soap);", self, ident(table->prev->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n#endif\n}"); break; } /* fall through to next case when class is volatile, since serializers cannot be member functions */ case Tstruct: if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap*, const %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap*, const %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap *soap, const %s)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; (void)a; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF"); table = (Table*)typ->ref; for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion || is_soapref(p->info.typ)) ; else if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* non-serializable %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) ; else if (is_repetition(p)) { if (!is_XML(p->next->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s)", ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint i;\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < (int)a->%s; i++)\n\t\t{", ident(p->sym->name)); if (!is_invisible(p->next->sym->name)) if (has_ptr((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_embedded(soap, a->%s + i, %s);", ident(p->next->sym->name), soap_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->%s[i].soap_serialize(soap);", ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, (char*const*)(a->%s + i));", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, (wchar_t*const*)(a->%s + i));", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (!is_primitive((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, a->%s + i);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}\n\t}"); } p = p->next; } else if (is_anytype(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_markelement(soap, a->%s, a->%s);", ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else if (is_choice(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, a->%s, &a->%s);", c_ident(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* transient %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_embedded(soap, a->%s, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, a->%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) { if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_embedded(soap, &a->%s, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->%s.soap_serialize(soap);", ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (!is_void(p->info.typ) && !is_XML(p->info.typ)) { if (!is_template(p->info.typ)) if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_embedded(soap, &a->%s, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); if (is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, (char*const*)&a->%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name)); else if ((p->info.typ->type == Treference || p->info.typ->type == Trvalueref) && ((Tnode*)(p->info.typ->ref))->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->%s.soap_serialize(soap);", ident(p->sym->name)); else if ((p->info.typ->type == Treference || p->info.typ->type == Trvalueref) && !is_primitive(p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, &a->%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (!is_primitive(p->info.typ) && p->info.typ->type != Treference && p->info.typ->type != Trvalueref) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, &a->%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (!is_primitive(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); } } } fprintf(fout, "\n#endif\n}"); break; case Tunion: if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap*, int, const %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap*, int, const %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); if (!typ->ref) return; fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap *soap, int choice, const %s)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; (void)choice; (void)a; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tswitch (choice)\n\t{"); table = (Table*)typ->ref; for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion) ; else if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* non-serializable %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) ; else if (is_repetition(p)) ; else if (is_anytype(p)) ; else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* transient %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(typ, p)); if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_embedded(soap, a->%s, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, a->%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tbreak;"); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(typ, p)); if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_embedded(soap, &a->%s, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\ta->%s.soap_serialize(soap);", ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tbreak;"); } else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ) && !is_XML(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(typ, p)); if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_embedded(soap, &a->%s, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); if (!is_primitive(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, &a->%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tbreak;"); } } } fprintf(fout, "\n\tdefault:\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n#endif\n}"); break; case Tpointer: if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap *soap, %s)\n{\n\t(void)soap; (void)a; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF", c_ident(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*a")); temp = (Tnode*)typ->ref; if (!temp) return; if (is_string(typ) || is_wstring(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_reference(soap, *a, %s);", soap_type(typ)); else if (is_primitive(temp)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_reference(soap, *a, %s);", soap_type(temp)); else { if (is_dynamic_array(temp)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_reference(soap, *a, %s))", soap_type(temp)); if (temp->type == Tclass && !is_external(temp) && !is_volatile(temp) && !is_typedef(temp)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t(*a)->soap_serialize(soap);"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, *a);", c_ident(temp)); } fprintf(fout, "\n#endif\n}"); break; case Tarray: if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "const")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "const")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap *soap, %s)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "const a")); if (!is_primitive((Tnode*)typ->ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tint i;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; (void)a; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tfor (i = 0; i < %d; i++)", get_dimension(typ)); temp = (Tnode*)typ->ref;; cardinality = 1; while (temp->type == Tarray) { temp=(Tnode*)temp->ref; cardinality++; } fprintf(fout, "\n\t{"); if (has_ptr((Tnode*)typ->ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\tsoap_embedded(soap, a"); if (cardinality > 1) fprintf(fout, "[i]"); else fprintf(fout, "+i"); fprintf(fout, ", %s);", soap_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); } if (((Tnode *)typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)typ->ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\ta[i].soap_serialize(soap)"); } else if (!is_primitive((Tnode*)typ->ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, a", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); if (cardinality > 1) { fprintf(fout, "[i])"); } else { fprintf(fout, "+i)"); } } fprintf(fout, ";\n\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n#endif\n}"); } else fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; (void)a; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n}"); break; case Ttemplate: if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap*, const %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap*, const %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); temp = (Tnode*)typ->ref; if (!temp) return; fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serialize_%s(struct soap *soap, const %s)\n{\n\t(void)soap; (void)a;/* appease -Wall -Werror */\n#ifndef WITH_NOIDREF", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); if (!is_XML(temp) && temp->type != Tfun && !is_void(temp)) { if (is_smart(typ)) { if (is_primitive(temp)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_reference(soap, a->get(), %s);", soap_type(temp)); else { if (is_dynamic_array(temp)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_reference(soap, a->get(), %s))", soap_type(temp)); if (temp->type == Tclass && !is_external(temp) && !is_volatile(temp) && !is_typedef(temp)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t(*a)->soap_serialize(soap);"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, a->get());", c_ident(temp)); } } else if (!is_primitive(temp)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tfor (%s::const_iterator i = a->begin(); i != a->end(); ++i)", c_type(typ)); if (temp->type == Tclass && !is_external(temp) && !is_volatile(temp) && !is_typedef(temp)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t(*i).soap_serialize(soap);"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_serialize_%s(soap, &(*i));", c_ident(temp)); } } fprintf(fout, "\n#endif\n}"); default: break; } } void soap_default(Tnode* typ) { int i, d; Table *table, *t; Entry *p; Tnode *temp; const char *s; int cardinality; if (is_XML(typ)) return; if (typ->type == Tpointer && !is_string(typ) && !is_wstring(typ)) return; if (is_typedef(typ) && (is_template(typ) || is_element(typ) || is_synonym(typ) || is_external(typ) || is_imported(typ)) && (!is_external(typ) || is_volatile(typ))) { if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_stdstring(typ) && !is_stdwstring(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_default_%s(soap, a) (a)->%s::soap_default(soap)\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); else if (typ->type == Tclass && is_eq(typ->sym->name, "xsd__QName")) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_default_%s(soap, a) soap_default_std__string(soap, a)\n", c_ident(typ)); else fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_default_%s(soap, a) soap_default_%s(soap, a)\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); return; } p = is_dynamic_array(typ); if (p) { if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_typedef(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { if (is_external(typ)) return; fprintf(fout, "\n\nvoid %s::soap_default(struct soap *soap)\n{", c_ident(typ)); if ((s = has_soapref(typ))) fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s = soap;", s); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); if (is_smart(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s.reset();", ident(p->sym->name)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s = NULL;", ident(p->sym->name)); d = get_Darraydims(typ); if (d) { for (i = 0; i < d; i++) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->__size[%d] = 0;", i); if (has_offset(typ) && (((Table*)typ->ref)->list->next->next->info.sto & Sconst) == 0) fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->__offset[%d] = 0;", i); } } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->__size = 0;"); if (has_offset(typ) && (((Table*)typ->ref)->list->next->next->info.sto & Sconst) == 0) fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->__offset = 0;"); } if (is_attachment(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->id = NULL;\n\tthis->type = NULL;\n\tthis->options = NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n}"); } else { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_default_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_default_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_default_%s(struct soap *soap, %s)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); if ((s = has_soapref(typ))) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->%s = soap;", s); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->%s = NULL;", ident(p->sym->name)); d = get_Darraydims(typ); if (d) { for (i = 0; i < d; i++) { fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->__size[%d] = 0;", i); if (has_offset(typ) && (((Table*)typ->ref)->list->next->next->info.sto & Sconst) == 0) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->__offset[%d] = 0;", i); } } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->__size = 0;"); if (has_offset(typ) && (((Table*)typ->ref)->list->next->next->info.sto & Sconst) == 0) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->__offset = 0;"); } if (is_attachment(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->id = NULL;\n\ta->type = NULL;\n\ta->options = NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n}"); } fflush(fout); return; } if (is_primitive(typ) || is_string(typ)) { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_default_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_default_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_default_%s(struct soap *soap, %s)\n{\n\t(void)soap; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n#ifdef SOAP_DEFAULT_%s\n\t*a = SOAP_DEFAULT_%s;\n#else\n\t*a = (%s)0;\n#endif\n}", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a"), c_ident(typ), c_ident(typ), c_type(typ)); return; } if (is_fixedstring(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_default_%s(struct soap*, char[]);", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_default_%s(struct soap *soap, char a[])\n{\n\t(void)soap; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n\ta[0] = '\\0';\n}", c_ident(typ)); return; } if (is_stdstring(typ) || is_stdwstring(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_default_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_default_%s(struct soap *soap, %s)\n{\n\t(void)soap; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n\tp->erase();\n}", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*p")); return; } switch(typ->type) { case Tclass: if (!is_volatile(typ) && !is_typedef(typ) && typ->ref) /* fall through to switch case Tstruct */ { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_default_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } table=(Table*)typ->ref; fprintf(fout, "\n\nvoid %s::soap_default(struct soap *soap)\n{", ident(typ->id->name)); if ((s = has_soapref(typ))) fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s = soap;", s); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); fflush(fout); if (table) { if (table->prev) fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s::soap_default(soap);", ident(table->prev->sym->name)); for (p = table->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion) continue; if (p->info.sto & Sconst) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* const %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_choice(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s::%s = %d;", ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), required_choice(p->next->info.typ)); p = p->next; } else if (is_repetition(p) || is_anytype(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s::%s = 0;\n\tthis->%s::%s = NULL;", ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else { if (is_fixedstring(p->info.typ)) { if (p->info.hasval) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_strcpy(this->%s::%s, %d, \"%s\");", ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), get_dimension(p->info.typ), cstring(p->info.val.s, 0)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s::%s[0] = '\\0';", ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, this->%s::%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ) && !is_transient(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s::%s.%s::soap_default(soap);", ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), c_ident(p->info.typ)); else if (p->info.hasval) { if (is_smart(p->info.typ)) { if (is_smart_shared(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s::%s = %s<%s>(%s\"%s\");", ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), make_shared(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ->ref), is_stdwstring(p->info.typ->ref) ? "L" : "", p->info.val.s); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s::%s = %s(SOAP_NEW(%s)(%s\"%s\"));", ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), c_type(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ->ref), is_stdwstring(p->info.typ->ref) ? "L" : "", p->info.val.s); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_stdstring((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tstatic std::string soap_tmp_%s(\"%s\");\n\tthis->%s::%s = &soap_tmp_%s;", ident(p->sym->name), p->info.val.s, ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s::%s%s;", ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), c_init(p)); } else if (is_transient(p->info.typ) || is_void(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* transient %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && (!is_string(p->info.typ) || is_XML(p->info.typ) || (p->info.sto & Sconstptr))) fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s::%s = NULL;", ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type != Treference && p->info.typ->type != Trvalueref) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, &this->%s::%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); } } } fprintf(fout, "\n}"); fflush(fout); break; } case Tstruct: if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_default_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_default_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_default_%s(struct soap *soap, %s)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); fflush(fout); if ((s = has_soapref(typ))) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->%s = soap;", s); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; (void)a; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); table = (Table*)typ->ref; for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion) continue; if (p->info.sto & Sconst) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* const %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.sto & (Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* private/protected %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_choice(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->%s = %d;", ident(p->sym->name), required_choice(p->next->info.typ)); p = p->next; } else if (is_repetition(p) || is_anytype(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->%s = 0;\n\ta->%s = NULL;", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else { if (is_fixedstring(p->info.typ)) { if (p->info.hasval) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_strcpy(a->%s, %d, \"%s\");", ident(p->sym->name), get_dimension(p->info.typ), cstring(p->info.val.s, 0)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->%s[0] = '\\0';", ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a->%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ) && !is_transient(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->%s.%s::soap_default(soap);", ident(p->sym->name), c_ident(p->info.typ)); else if (p->info.hasval) { if (is_smart(p->info.typ)) { if (is_smart_shared(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s = %s<%s>(%s\"%s\");", ident(p->sym->name), make_shared(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ->ref), is_stdwstring(p->info.typ->ref) ? "L" : "", p->info.val.s); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s = %s(SOAP_NEW(%s)(%s\"%s\"));", ident(p->sym->name), c_type(p->info.typ), c_type(p->info.typ->ref), is_stdwstring(p->info.typ->ref) ? "L" : "", p->info.val.s); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_stdstring((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tstatic std::string soap_tmp_%s(\"%s\");\n\ta->%s = &soap_tmp_%s;", ident(p->sym->name), p->info.val.s, ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->%s%s;", ident(p->sym->name), c_init(p)); } else if (is_transient(p->info.typ) || is_void(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* transient %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && (!is_string(p->info.typ) || is_XML(p->info.typ) || (p->info.sto & Sconstptr))) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->%s = NULL;", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type != Treference && p->info.typ->type != Trvalueref) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, &a->%s);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); } } } fprintf(fout, "\n}"); fflush(fout); break; case Tarray: if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_default_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type(typ)); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_default_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_default_%s(struct soap *soap, %s)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "a")); fprintf(fout, "\n\tint i;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tfor (i = 0; i < %d; i++)", get_dimension(typ)); temp = (Tnode*)typ->ref; cardinality = 1; while (temp->type == Tarray) { temp = (Tnode*)temp->ref; cardinality++; } if (((Tnode *)typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)typ->ref)) { if (cardinality>1) fprintf(fout, "a[i].%s::soap_default(soap)", t_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "(a+i)->soap_default(soap)"); } else if (((Tnode*)typ->ref)->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\ta[i] = NULL"); else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); if (cardinality>1) fprintf(fout, "[i])"); else fprintf(fout, "+i)"); } fprintf(fout, ";\n}"); break; case Ttemplate: if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_default_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_default_%s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_default_%s(struct soap *soap, %s)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*p")); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); if (is_smart(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tp->reset();"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tp->clear();"); fprintf(fout, "\n}"); fflush(fout); break; default: break; } } void soap_traverse(Tnode* typ) { int d; Table *table, *t; Entry *p; Tnode* temp; int cardinality; if (is_primitive_or_string(typ) || is_fixedstring(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap *soap, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q)\n{\t(void)soap; (void)q; /* appease -Wall -Werror */", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");\n}", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); return; } if (typ->type != Tclass || !(typ->sym && (is_stdstring(typ) || is_stdwstring(typ)) && is_eq(typ->sym->name, "xsd__QName")) || is_external(typ) || is_imported(typ)) if (is_typedef(typ) && !is_external(typ)) { if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_stdstring(typ) && !is_stdwstring(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_traverse_%s(soap, a, s, p, q) (a)->soap_traverse(soap, s, p, q)\n", c_ident(typ)); else if (typ->type == Tclass && is_eq(typ->sym->name, "xsd__QName")) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_traverse_%s(soap, a, s, p, q) soap_traverse_std__string(soap, a, s, p, q)\n", c_ident(typ)); else fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_traverse_%s(soap, a, s, p, q) soap_traverse_%s(soap, a, s, p, q)\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); return; } if (is_XML(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_traverse_%s(soap, a, s, p, q) soap_traverse_%s(soap, a, s, p, q)\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); return; } if ((p = is_dynamic_array(typ))) { if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_volatile(typ)) { if (is_external(typ)) return; fprintf(fout, "\n\nvoid %s::soap_traverse(struct soap *soap, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q)\n{", c_ident(typ)); if (is_binary(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (this->%s && !soap_array_reference(soap, this, this->%s, this->__size, %s))\n\t{", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)this, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)this->%s, 0, \"%s\", NULL);", ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); if (is_attachment(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (this->id || this->type)\n\t\t\tsoap->mode |= SOAP_ENC_DIME;\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)this->id, SOAP_TYPE_string, \"id\", NULL);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)this->id, SOAP_TYPE_string, \"id\", NULL);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)this->type, SOAP_TYPE_string, \"type\", NULL);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)this->type, SOAP_TYPE_string, \"type\", NULL);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)this->options, 0, \"options\", NULL);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)this->options, 0, \"options\", NULL);"); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)this->%s, 0, \"%s\", NULL);", ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)this, %s, s, \"%s\");\n\t}\n}", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fflush(fout); return; } else { d = get_Darraydims(typ); if (d) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (this->%s && !soap_array_reference(soap, this, this->%s, %s, %s))\n\t{", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), get_Darraysize("this", d), soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)this, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tfor (size_t i = 0; i < soap_size(this->__size, %d); i++)", d); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (this->%s && !soap_array_reference(soap, this, this->%s, this->__size, %s))\n\t{", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)this, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tfor (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)this->__size; i++)"); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t{"); if (has_ptr((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\tsoap_embedded(soap, this->%s + i, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tthis->%s[i].soap_traverse(soap, \"%s\", p, q);", ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, this->%s + i, \"%s\", p, q);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)this, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n}"); return; } } else { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap *soap, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); if (is_binary(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s && !soap_array_reference(soap, a, a->%s, a->__size, %s))\n\t{", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)a->%s, 0, \"%s\", NULL);", ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); if (is_attachment(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->id || a->type)\n\t\t\tsoap->mode |= SOAP_ENC_DIME;\n}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)a->id, SOAP_TYPE_string, \"id\", NULL);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)a->id, SOAP_TYPE_string, \"id\", NULL);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)a->type, SOAP_TYPE_string, \"type\", NULL);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)a->type, SOAP_TYPE_string, \"type\", NULL);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)a->options, 0, \"options\", NULL);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)a->options, 0, \"options\", NULL);"); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)a->%s, 0, \"%s\", NULL);", ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");\n\t}\n}", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fflush(fout); return; } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\tsize_t i;"); d = get_Darraydims(typ); if (d) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s && !soap_array_reference(soap, a, a->%s, %s, %s))\n\t{", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), get_Darraysize("a", d), soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < soap_size(a->__size, %d); i++)", d); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s && !soap_array_reference(soap, a, a->%s, a->__size, %s))\n\t{", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < (size_t)a->__size; i++)"); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t{"); if (has_ptr((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\tsoap_embedded(soap, a->%s + i, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->%s[i].soap_traverse(soap, \"%s\", p, q);", ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, a->%s + i, \"%s\", p, q);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n}"); fflush(fout); return; } } } switch(typ->type) { case Tclass: if (!is_volatile(typ)) { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } table=(Table*)typ->ref; fprintf(fout, "\n\nvoid %s::soap_traverse(struct soap *soap, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q)\n{", ident(typ->id->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)this, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion || is_soapref(p->info.typ)) ; else if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* non-serializable %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* transient %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) ; else if (is_repetition(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (this->%s::%s)", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint i;\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < (int)this->%s::%s; i++)\n\t\t{", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); if (!is_invisible(p->next->sym->name)) if (has_ptr((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_embedded(soap, this->%s::%s + i, %s);", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), soap_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tthis->%s::%s[i].soap_traverse(soap, \"%s\", p, q);", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), p->next->sym->name); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, this->%s::%s + i, \"%s\", p, q);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), p->next->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}\n\t}"); p = p->next; } else if (is_anytype(p)) { p = p->next; } else if (is_choice(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, this->%s::%s, &this->%s::%s, \"%s\", p, q);", c_ident(p->next->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), p->next->sym->name); p = p->next; } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_embedded(soap, this->%s::%s, %s);", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, this->%s::%s, \"%s\", p, q);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) { if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_embedded(soap, &this->%s::%s, %s);", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tthis->%s::%s.soap_traverse(soap, \"%s\", p, q);", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); } else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { if (!is_template(p->info.typ)) if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_embedded(soap, &this->%s::%s, %s);", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, &this->%s::%s, \"%s\", p, q);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); } } } fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)this, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n}"); break; } /* fall through to next case when class is volatile, since serializers cannot be member functions */ case Tstruct: if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); if (!typ->ref) return; fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap *soap, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); table=(Table*)typ->ref; for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion || is_soapref(p->info.typ)) ; else if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* non-serializable %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* transient %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) ; else if (is_repetition(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s)", ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint i;\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < (int)a->%s; i++)\n\t\t{", ident(p->sym->name)); if (!is_invisible(p->next->sym->name)) if (has_ptr((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_embedded(soap, a->%s + i, %s);", ident(p->next->sym->name), soap_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->%s[i].soap_traverse(soap, \"%s\", p, q);", ident(p->next->sym->name), p->next->sym->name); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, a->%s + i, \"%s\", p, q);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name), p->next->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}\n\t}"); p = p->next; } else if (is_anytype(p)) { p = p->next; } else if (is_choice(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, a->%s, &a->%s, \"%s\", p, q);", c_ident(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), p->next->sym->name); p = p->next; } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_embedded(soap, a->%s, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, a->%s, \"%s\", p, q);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) { if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_embedded(soap, &a->%s, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->%s.soap_traverse(soap, \"%s\", p, q);", ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); } else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { if (!is_template(p->info.typ)) if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_embedded(soap, &a->%s, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, &a->%s, \"%s\", p, q);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); } } } fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n}"); break; case Tunion: if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, int, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } table = (Table*)typ->ref; fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, int, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap *soap, int choice, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tswitch (choice)\n\t{"); for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion) ; else if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* non-serializable %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* transient %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) ; else if (is_repetition(p)) ; else if (is_anytype(p)) ; else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(typ, p)); if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_embedded(soap, a->%s, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, a->%s, \"%s\", p, q);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tbreak;"); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(typ, p)); if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_embedded(soap, &a->%s, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\ta->%s.soap_traverse(soap, \"%s\", p, q);", ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tbreak;"); } else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(typ, p)); if (has_ptr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_embedded(soap, &a->%s, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, &a->%s, \"%s\", p, q);", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), p->sym->name); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tbreak;"); } } } fprintf(fout, "\n\tdefault:\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n}"); break; case Tpointer: if (((Tnode*)typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)typ->ref)) { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap *soap, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); p = is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)typ->ref); if (p) { d = get_Darraydims((Tnode*)typ->ref); if (d) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)"); } else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_reference(soap, *a, %s))", soap_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t(*a)->soap_traverse(soap, s, p, q);\n}"); } else { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap *soap, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); if (is_primitive((Tnode*)typ->ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_reference(soap, *a, %s))\n\t{", soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)*a, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type((Tnode*)typ->ref), c_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)*a, %s, s, \"%s\");\n\t}\n}", soap_type((Tnode*)typ->ref), c_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); } else if ((p = is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)typ->ref)) != NULL) { d = get_Darraydims((Tnode*)typ->ref); if (d) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*a)"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, *a, s, p, q);\n}", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_reference(soap, *a, %s))", soap_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, *a, s, p, q);\n}", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); } } break; case Tarray: if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type(typ)); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap *soap, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q)", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "a")); if (is_primitive((Tnode*)typ->ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\n{"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; (void)a; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n{\tsize_t i;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tfor (i = 0; i < %d; i++)", get_dimension(typ)); temp=(Tnode*)typ->ref;; cardinality = 1; while (temp->type == Tarray) { temp=(Tnode*)temp->ref; cardinality++; } fprintf(fout, "\n\t{"); if (has_ptr((Tnode*)typ->ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\tsoap_embedded(soap, a"); if (cardinality > 1) fprintf(fout, "[i]"); else fprintf(fout, "+i"); fprintf(fout, ", %s);", soap_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); } if (((Tnode *)typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)typ->ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\ta[i].soap_traverse(soap, s, p, q)"); } else if (!is_primitive((Tnode*)typ->ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, a", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); if (cardinality > 1) fprintf(fout, "[i], s, p, q)"); else fprintf(fout, "+i, s, p, q)"); } fprintf(fout, ";\n\t}"); } fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n}"); break; case Ttemplate: if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); temp = (Tnode*)typ->ref; if (!temp) return; fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_traverse_%s(struct soap *soap, %s, const char *s, soap_walker p, soap_walker q)\n{\n\t(void)soap; (void)a; (void)s; (void)p; (void)q; /* appease -Wall -Werror */", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); if (!is_primitive(temp) && temp->type != Tfun && !is_void(temp)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (p) p(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tfor (%s::iterator i = a->begin(); i != a->end(); ++i)", c_type(typ)); if (temp->type == Tclass && !is_external(temp) && !is_volatile(temp) && !is_typedef(temp)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t(*i).soap_traverse(soap, s, p, q);"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_traverse_%s(soap, &(*i), s, p, q);", c_ident(temp)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (q) q(soap, (void*)a, %s, s, \"%s\");", soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); } fprintf(fout, "\n}"); default: break; } } void soap_put(Tnode *typ) { const char *ci = c_ident(typ); const char *ct = c_type(typ); if (is_XML(typ)) return; if (typ->type == Ttemplate || typ->type == Tunion) return; if (is_typedef(typ) && (is_template(typ) || is_element(typ) || is_synonym(typ) || is_external(typ) || is_imported(typ)) && (!is_external(typ) || is_volatile(typ))) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_put_%s soap_put_%s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_write_%s soap_write_%s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); return; } if (typ->type == Tarray) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_put_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char*, const char*);", ci, c_type_id(typ, "const")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_put_%s(struct soap *soap, %s, const char *tag, const char *type)\n{", ci, c_type_id(typ, "const a")); } else if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ) && !is_typedef(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\nint %s::soap_put(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, const char *type) const\n{", ct); else if (typ->type == Tpointer) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_put_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char*, const char*);", ci, c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_put_%s(struct soap *soap, %s, const char *tag, const char *type)\n{", ci, c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*a")); } else { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_put_%s(struct soap*, const %s, const char*, const char*);", ci, c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_put_%s(struct soap *soap, const %s, const char *tag, const char *type)\n{", ci, c_type_id(typ, "*a")); } fflush(fout); if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ) && !is_typedef(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (this->soap_out(soap, tag?tag:\"%s\", -2, type))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", xml_tag(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, tag?tag:\"%s\", -2, a, type))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", ci, xml_tag(typ)); if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_putindependent(soap);\n}"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}"); #if 0 /* some compilers cannot handle this inlined function */ if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) fprintf(fhead, "\n\ninline int soap_write_%s(struct soap *soap, %s) { if (p->soap_put(soap, \"%s\", NULL) || soap_end_send(soap)) return soap->error; return SOAP_OK; }\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*p"), xml_tag(typ)); else if (typ->type != Treference) fprintf(fhead, "\n\ninline int soap_write_%s(struct soap *soap, %s) { if (soap_begin_send(soap) || soap_put_%s(soap, p, \"%s\", NULL) || soap_end_send(soap)) return soap->error; return SOAP_OK; }\n", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*p"), c_ident(typ), xml_tag(typ)); #endif if ((typ->type != Tpointer || is_string(typ) || is_wstring(typ)) && typ->type != Tarray && typ->type != Treference && typ->type != Trvalueref && !is_template(typ)) { if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ) && !is_typedef(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\ninline int soap_write_%s(struct soap *soap, %s)\n{\tsoap_free_temp(soap);\n\tif (p)\n\t{\tif (soap_begin_send(soap) || (p->soap_serialize(soap), 0) || p->soap_put(soap, \"%s\", NULL) || soap_end_send(soap))\n\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t}\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}", c_ident(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const *p"), xml_tag(typ)); } else if (is_primitive_or_string(typ)) { if (cflag) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifndef soap_write_%s\n#define soap_write_%s(soap, data) ( soap_free_temp(soap), soap_begin_send(soap) || soap_put_%s(soap, data, \"%s\", NULL) || soap_end_send(soap), (soap)->error )\n#endif\n", c_ident(typ), c_ident(typ), c_ident(typ), xml_tag(typ)); else fprintf(fhead, "\n\ninline int soap_write_%s(struct soap *soap, %s)\n{\tsoap_free_temp(soap);\n\tif (p)\n\t{\tif (soap_begin_send(soap) || soap_put_%s(soap, p, \"%s\", NULL) || soap_end_send(soap))\n\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t}\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}", c_ident(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const *p"), c_ident(typ), xml_tag(typ)); } else { if (cflag) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifndef soap_write_%s\n#define soap_write_%s(soap, data) ( soap_free_temp(soap), soap_begin_send(soap) || (soap_serialize_%s(soap, data), 0) || soap_put_%s(soap, data, \"%s\", NULL) || soap_end_send(soap), (soap)->error )\n#endif\n", c_ident(typ), c_ident(typ), c_ident(typ), c_ident(typ), xml_tag(typ)); else fprintf(fhead, "\n\ninline int soap_write_%s(struct soap *soap, %s)\n{\tsoap_free_temp(soap);\n\tif (p)\n\t{\tif (soap_begin_send(soap) || (soap_serialize_%s(soap, p), 0) || soap_put_%s(soap, p, \"%s\", NULL) || soap_end_send(soap))\n\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t}\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}", c_ident(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const *p"), c_ident(typ), c_ident(typ), xml_tag(typ)); } } fflush(fout); } Entry * is_dynamic_array(Tnode *typ) { Entry *p; Table *t; if ((typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass) && typ->ref) { for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { p = t->list; while (p && p->info.typ->type == Tfun) p = p->next; if (p && (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer || is_smart(p->info.typ)) && !strncmp(ident(p->sym->name), "__ptr", 5)) if (p->next && (p->next->info.typ->type == Tint || (p->next->info.typ->type == Tarray && (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tint))) && !strcmp(ident(p->next->sym->name), "__size")) return p; } } return NULL; } Entry * is_discriminant(Tnode *typ) { Entry *p; Table *t; if ((typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass) && typ->ref) { t = (Table*)typ->ref; /* only if this struct/class has a union and is not derived */ if (t && !t->prev) { p = t->list; if (p && p->info.typ->type == Tint && ((p->info.sto & Sspecial) || !strncmp(ident(p->sym->name), "__union", 7))) if (p->next && p->next->info.typ->type == Tunion) { Entry *q; for (q = p->next->next; q; q = q->next) { if (q->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(q->info.typ) && !is_transient(q->info.typ)) return NULL; } return p; } } } return NULL; } int get_Darraydims(Tnode *typ) { Entry *p; Table *t; if ((typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass) && typ->ref) { for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { p = t->list; while (p && p->info.typ->type == Tfun) p = p->next; if (p && (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer || is_smart(p->info.typ)) && !strncmp(ident(p->sym->name), "__ptr", 5)) if (p->next && p->next->info.typ->type == Tarray && ((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tint && !strcmp(ident(p->next->sym->name), "__size")) return get_dimension(p->next->info.typ); } } return 0; } const char* get_Darraysize(const char *a, int d) { int i; char *s = (char*)emalloc(d * (strlen(a) + 16) + 1); *s = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < d; i++) { size_t l = strlen(s); sprintf(s + l, "%s%s->__size[%d]", i ? " * " : "", a, i); } return s; } int has_offset(Tnode *typ) { Entry *p; Table *t; if (typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass) { for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if ((p->info.typ->type == Tint || (p->info.typ->type == Tarray && ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tint)) && !strcmp(ident(p->sym->name), "__offset")) return 1; } } } return 0; } int is_bool(Tnode *typ) { return (typ->type == Tenum && (Table*)typ->ref == booltable); } int is_boolean(Tnode *typ) { if (typ->type == Tenum) { if ((Table*)typ->ref == booltable) return 1; else { size_t n = strlen(ident(typ->id->name)); return n >= 7 && is_eq(ident(typ->id->name) + n - 7, "boolean"); } } return 0; } int is_hexBinary(Tnode *typ) { if (!is_binary(typ)) return 0; if (typ->sym) return typ->sym->name && strstr(typ->sym->name, "hex"); return typ->id && typ->id->name && strstr(typ->id->name, "hex"); } int is_binary(Tnode *typ) { if (!has_ns(typ) && !is_element(typ)) return 0; if (typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass) { Table *t; for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { Entry *p; p = t->list; while (p && p->info.typ->type == Tfun) p = p->next; if (p && (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer || is_smart(p->info.typ)) && ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tuchar && !strcmp(ident(p->sym->name), "__ptr")) { p = p->next; return p && p->info.typ->type == Tint && !strcmp(ident(p->sym->name), "__size"); } } } return 0; } int is_attachment(Tnode *typ) { Entry *p; Table *t; if (!is_binary(typ) || is_transient(typ)) return 0; for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (is_string(p->info.typ) && !strcmp(p->sym->name, "id")) { p = p->next; if (!p || !is_string(p->info.typ) || strcmp(p->sym->name, "type")) break; p = p->next; if (!p || !is_string(p->info.typ) || strcmp(p->sym->name, "options")) break; return 1; } } } return 0; } int is_mutable(Entry *e) { return e->info.typ->transient == -4 || is_header_or_fault(e->info.typ); } int is_header_or_fault(Tnode *typ) { if (typ->type == Tpointer || typ->type == Treference) return is_header_or_fault((Tnode*)typ->ref); return (typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass) && (!strcmp(ident(typ->id->name), "SOAP_ENV__Header") || !strcmp(ident(typ->id->name), "SOAP_ENV__Fault") || !strcmp(ident(typ->id->name), "SOAP_ENV__Text") || !strcmp(ident(typ->id->name), "SOAP_ENV__Code") || !strcmp(ident(typ->id->name), "SOAP_ENV__Detail") || !strcmp(ident(typ->id->name), "SOAP_ENV__Reason")); } int is_body(Tnode *typ) { if (typ->type == Tpointer || typ->type == Treference) return is_body((Tnode*)typ->ref); return (typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass) && !strcmp(ident(typ->id->name), "SOAP_ENV__Body"); } long minlen(Tnode *typ) { if (!typ->hasmin || typ->min < 0 || typ->min > 2147483647) return 0; if (typ->incmin) return (long)typ->min; return (long)typ->min + 1; } long maxlen(Tnode *typ) { if (!typ->hasmax || typ->max < 0 || typ->max > 2147483647) return -1; if (typ->incmax) return (long)typ->max; return (long)typ->max - 1; } const char* pattern(Tnode *typ) { if (!typ->pattern || (typ->pattern[0] == '%' && typ->pattern[1])) return "NULL"; return cstring(typ->pattern, 1); } int is_soap12(const char *enc) { return !strcmp(envURI, "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope") || (enc && !strcmp(enc, "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-encoding")); } int is_document(const char *style) { return soap_version < 0 || (!eflag && !style) || (style && !strcmp(style, "document")); } int is_literal(const char *encoding) { return soap_version < 0 || (!eflag && !encoding) || (encoding && !strcmp(encoding, "literal")); } const char * has_soapref(Tnode *typ) { Entry *p; Table *t; if (typ->type == Tstruct || typ->type == Tclass) for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) if (is_soapref(p->info.typ) && (t == (Table*)typ->ref || !(p->info.sto & Sprivate))) return ident(p->sym->name); return NULL; } int is_soapref(Tnode *typ) { return typ->type == Tpointer && ((Tnode*)typ->ref)->type == Tstruct && ((Tnode*)typ->ref)->id == lookup("soap"); } const char * union_member(Tnode *typ) { Table *t; Entry *p, *q; for (p = classtable->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tunion) { for (t = (Table*)p->info.typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) for (q = t->list; q; q = q->next) if (typ == q->info.typ) return p->info.typ->id->name; } else { for (t = (Table*)p->info.typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { for (q = t->list; q; q = q->next) { if (typ == q->info.typ) { const char *s = union_member(p->info.typ); if (s) return s; } } } } } return NULL; } int has_union(Tnode *typ) { Table *t; Entry *p; if (typ->type == Tclass || typ->type == Tstruct) { for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tunion) return 1; else if ((p->info.typ->type == Tstruct || p->info.typ->type == Tclass) && has_union(p->info.typ)) return 1; } } } return 0; } int has_constructor(Tnode *typ) { Table *t; Entry *p; if (typ->type == Tclass || typ->type == Tstruct) for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun && !strcmp(p->sym->name, typ->id->name) && ((FNinfo *)p->info.typ->ref)->ret->type == Tnone) if (!((FNinfo*)p->info.typ->ref)->args->list) return 1; return 0; } int has_destructor(Tnode *typ) { Entry *p; Table *t; if (typ->type == Tclass || typ->type == Tstruct) for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun && strchr(p->sym->name, '~')) return 1; return 0; } int has_getter(Tnode *typ) { Entry *p, *q; Table *t; if (typ->type == Tclass || (!cflag && typ->type == Tstruct)) { for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun && !strcmp(p->sym->name, "get") && ((FNinfo *)p->info.typ->ref)->ret->type == Tint) { q = ((FNinfo*)p->info.typ->ref)->args->list; if (q && q->info.typ->type == Tpointer && ((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct && ((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->id == lookup("soap")) return 1; } } } } return 0; } int has_setter(Tnode *typ) { Entry *p, *q; Table *t; if (typ->type == Tclass || (!cflag && typ->type == Tstruct)) { for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun && !strcmp(p->sym->name, "set") && ((FNinfo *)p->info.typ->ref)->ret->type == Tint) { q = ((FNinfo*)p->info.typ->ref)->args->list; if (q && q->info.typ->type == Tpointer && ((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct && ((Tnode*)q->info.typ->ref)->id == lookup("soap")) return 1; } } } } return 0; } const char* kind_of(Tnode *typ) { if (is_bool(typ)) return "bool"; if (is_attachment(typ)) return "base64 binary or attachment"; if (is_hexBinary(typ)) return "hex binary"; if (is_binary(typ)) return "base64 binary"; if (is_stdstring(typ)) return "std::string"; if (is_stdwstring(typ)) return "std::wstring"; if (is_external(typ)) return "custom"; if (is_string(typ)) return "string"; if (is_wstring(typ)) return "wide string"; if (typ->type == Tenum || typ->type == Tenumsc) return "enum"; if (is_primitive(typ)) return c_type(typ); if (typ->type == Tclass) return "class"; if (typ->type == Tstruct) return "struct"; if (is_smart(typ)) return "smart pointer"; if (is_template(typ)) return "container"; return ""; } int is_primitive_or_string(Tnode *typ) { return is_primitive(typ) || is_string(typ) || is_wstring(typ) || is_stdstring(typ) || is_stdwstring(typ) || is_qname(typ) || is_stdqname(typ); } int is_primitive(Tnode *typ) { return typ->type >= Tchar && typ->type <= Tenumsc; } int is_string(Tnode *typ) { return typ->type == Tpointer && ((Tnode*)typ->ref)->type == Tchar && !((Tnode*)typ->ref)->sym; } int is_fixedstring(Tnode *typ) { return bflag && typ->type == Tarray && ((Tnode*)typ->ref)->type == Tchar; } int is_wstring(Tnode *typ) { return typ->type == Tpointer && ((Tnode*)typ->ref)->type == Twchar; } int is_stdstring(Tnode *typ) { return typ->type == Tclass && typ->id == lookup("std::string"); } int is_stdwstring(Tnode *typ) { return typ->type == Tclass && typ->id == lookup("std::wstring"); } int is_stdstr(Tnode *typ) { if (typ->type == Tpointer) return is_stdstring((Tnode*)typ->ref) || is_stdwstring((Tnode*)typ->ref); return is_stdstring(typ) || is_stdwstring(typ); } int is_typedef(Tnode *typ) { return typ->sym && !is_transient(typ); } /* synonym is a typedef of another typedef */ int is_synonym(Tnode *typ) { return is_typedef(typ) && typ->synonym != NULL; } int reflevel(Tnode *typ) { int level; for (level = 0; typ->type == Tpointer || is_smart(typ); level++) typ = (Tnode*)typ->ref; return level; } Tnode * reftype(Tnode *typ) { while ((typ->type == Tpointer && !is_string(typ) && !is_wstring(typ)) || typ->type == Treference || typ->type == Trvalueref || is_smart(typ)) typ = (Tnode*)typ->ref; return typ; } void soap_set_attr(Entry *p, const char *obj, const char *name, const char *tag) { Tnode *typ = p->info.typ; int flag = (p->info.minOccurs == 0 && !p->info.hasval); int pat = 0; if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) return; if (typ->type == Treference || typ->type == Trvalueref) typ = typ->ref; if (p->info.typ->pattern && p->info.typ->pattern[0] == '%' && p->info.typ->pattern[1]) { if (typ->type == Tfloat) fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tconst char *%s_tmp = soap->float_format;\n\t\tsoap->float_format = \"%s\";", name, p->info.typ->pattern); else if (typ->type == Tdouble) fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tconst char *%s_tmp = soap->double_format;\n\t\tsoap->double_format = \"%s\";", name, p->info.typ->pattern); else if (typ->type == Tldouble) fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tconst char *%s_tmp = soap->long_double_format;\n\t\tsoap->long_double_format = \"%s\";", name, p->info.typ->pattern); pat = 1; } if ((is_external(typ) || is_typedef(typ)) && !is_anyAttribute(typ) && !is_anyType(typ) && !is_smart(typ) && typ->type != Tpointer && !is_stdstr(typ) && !is_string(typ) && !is_wstring(typ) && !is_binary(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_%s2s(soap, %s->%s), 1);", tag, c_ident(typ), obj, name); else if (is_qname(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (%s->%s)\n\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_QName2s(soap, (char*)%s->%s), 1);", obj, name, tag, obj, name); else if (is_string(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (%s->%s)\n\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", (char*)%s->%s, 1);", obj, name, tag, obj, name); else if (is_wstring(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (%s->%s)\n\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_wchar2s(soap, (wchar_t*)%s->%s), 2);", obj, name, tag, obj, name); else if (is_stdqname(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!%s->%s.empty())\n\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_QName2s(soap, %s->%s.c_str()), 1);", obj, name, tag, obj, name); else if (is_stdstring(typ)) { if (flag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!%s->%s.empty())", obj, name); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", %s->%s.c_str(), 1);", tag, obj, name); } else if (is_stdwstring(typ)) { if (flag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!%s->%s.empty())", obj, name); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_wchar2s(soap, %s->%s.c_str()), 2);", tag, obj, name); } else if (typ->type == Tllong || typ->type == Tullong) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_%s2s(soap, %s->%s), 1);", tag, c_type(typ), obj, name); else if (typ->type == Tenum || typ->type == Tenumsc) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_%s2s(soap, %s->%s), 1);", tag, c_ident(typ), obj, name); else if (is_smart(typ) || typ->type == Tpointer) { Tnode *ptr = (Tnode*)typ->ref; fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (%s->%s)", obj, name); if ((is_external(ptr) || is_typedef(ptr)) && !is_anyAttribute(ptr) && !is_anyType(ptr) && !is_stdstr(ptr) && !is_string(ptr) && !is_wstring(ptr) && !is_binary(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_%s2s(soap, *%s->%s), 1);", tag, c_ident(ptr), obj, name); else if (is_qname(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (*%s->%s)\n\t\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_QName2s(soap, *(char**)%s->%s), 1);", obj, name, tag, obj, name); else if (is_string(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (*%s->%s)\n\t\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", *(char**)%s->%s, 1);", obj, name, tag, obj, name); else if (is_wstring(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (*%s->%s)\n\t\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_wchar2s(soap, *(wchar_t**)%s->%s), 2);", obj, name, tag, obj, name); else if (ptr->type == Tllong || ptr->type == Tullong) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_%s2s(soap, *%s->%s), 1);", tag, c_type(ptr), obj, name); else if (ptr->type == Tenum || ptr->type == Tenumsc) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_%s2s(soap, *%s->%s), 1);", tag, c_ident(ptr), obj, name); else if (is_stdqname(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_QName2s(soap, %s->%s->c_str()), 1);", tag, obj, name); else if (is_stdstring(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", %s->%s->c_str(), 1);", tag, obj, name); else if (is_stdwstring(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_wchar2s(soap, %s->%s->c_str()), 2);", tag, obj, name); else if (is_primitive(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_%s2s(soap, *%s->%s), 1);", tag, the_type(ptr), obj, name); else if (is_hexBinary(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s->%s->__ptr)\n\t\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_s2hex(soap, %s->%s->__ptr, NULL, %s->%s->__size), 1);", obj, name, tag, obj, name, obj, name); else if (is_binary(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s->%s->__ptr)\n\t\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_s2base64(soap, %s->%s->__ptr, NULL, %s->%s->__size), 1);", obj, name, tag, obj, name, obj, name); else if (is_anyAttribute(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, %s->%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(ptr), tag, obj, name, xsi_type_u(ptr)); else { sprintf(errbuf, "Member '%s' cannot be serialized as an XML attribute", name); semwarn(errbuf); } } else if (is_primitive(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_%s2s(soap, %s->%s), 1);", tag, the_type(typ), obj, name); else if (is_hexBinary(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (%s->%s.__ptr)\n\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_s2hex(soap, %s->%s.__ptr, NULL, %s->%s.__size), 1);", obj, name, tag, obj, name, obj, name); else if (is_binary(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (%s->%s.__ptr)\n\t\tsoap_set_attr(soap, \"%s\", soap_s2base64(soap, %s->%s.__ptr, NULL, %s->%s.__size), 1);", obj, name, tag, obj, name, obj, name); else if (is_anyAttribute(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, &%s->%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(typ), tag, obj, name, xsi_type_u(typ)); else { sprintf(errbuf, "Member '%s' cannot be serialized as an XML attribute", name); semwarn(errbuf); } if (pat) { if (typ->type == Tfloat) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap->float_format = %s_tmp;\n\t}", name); else if (typ->type == Tdouble) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap->double_format = %s_tmp;\n\t}", name); else if (typ->type == Tldouble) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap->long_double_format = %s_tmp;\n\t}", name); } } void soap_attr_value(Entry *p, const char *obj, const char *name, const char *tag) { int flag = 0; Tnode *typ = p->info.typ; if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) return; if (typ->type == Treference || typ->type == Trvalueref) typ = typ->ref; if (p->info.maxOccurs == 0) flag = 2; /* prohibited */ else if (p->info.minOccurs >= 1 && !p->info.hasval) flag = 1; /* required */ if (sflag && flag) flag += 2; /* prohibited/required if SOAP_XML_STRICT */ if ((is_external(typ) || is_typedef(typ)) && !is_anyAttribute(typ) && !is_anyType(typ) && !is_smart(typ) && typ->type != Tpointer && !is_stdstr(typ) && !is_string(typ) && !is_wstring(typ) && !is_binary(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_s2%s(soap, soap_attr_value(soap, \"%s\", %d), &%s->%s))\n\t\treturn NULL;", c_ident(typ), tag, flag, obj, name); else if (typ->type == Tllong || typ->type == Tullong) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_s2%s(soap, soap_attr_value(soap, \"%s\", %d), &%s->%s))\n\t\treturn NULL;", c_type(typ), tag, flag, obj, name); else if (typ->type == Tenum || typ->type == Tenumsc) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_s2%s(soap, soap_attr_value(soap, \"%s\", %d), &%s->%s))\n\t\treturn NULL;", c_ident(typ), tag, flag, obj, name); else if (is_qname(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_s2QName(soap, soap_attr_value(soap, \"%s\", %d), (char**)&%s->%s, %ld, %ld))\n\t\treturn NULL;", tag, flag, obj, name, minlen(typ), maxlen(typ)); else if (is_string(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_s2string(soap, soap_attr_value(soap, \"%s\", %d), (char**)&%s->%s, %ld, %ld))\n\t\treturn NULL;", tag, flag, obj, name, minlen(typ), maxlen(typ)); else if (is_wstring(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_s2wchar(soap, soap_attr_value(soap, \"%s\", %d), (wchar_t**)&%s->%s, %ld, %ld))\n\t\treturn NULL;", tag, flag, obj, name, minlen(typ), maxlen(typ)); else if (is_stdqname(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_s2std__QName(soap, soap_attr_value(soap, \"%s\", %d), &%s->%s, %ld, %ld))\n\t\treturn NULL;", tag, flag, obj, name, minlen(typ), maxlen(typ)); else if (is_stdstring(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_s2std__string(soap, soap_attr_value(soap, \"%s\", %d), &%s->%s, %ld, %ld))\n\t\treturn NULL;", tag, flag, obj, name, minlen(typ), maxlen(typ)); else if (is_stdwstring(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_s2std__wstring(soap, soap_attr_value(soap, \"%s\", %d), &%s->%s, %ld, %ld))\n\t\treturn NULL;", tag, flag, obj, name, minlen(typ), maxlen(typ)); else if (is_smart(typ) || typ->type == Tpointer) { Tnode *ptr = (Tnode*)typ->ref; const char *get = ""; if (!is_anyAttribute(ptr) && !is_anyType(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tconst char *t = soap_attr_value(soap, \"%s\", %d);\n\t\tif (t)\n\t\t{", tag, flag); if (is_smart(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t%s->%s = %s(SOAP_NEW(%s));", obj, name, c_type(typ), c_type(ptr)); get = ".get()"; } else if (is_stdstr(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (!(%s->%s = soap_new_%s(soap)))\n\t\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_EOM;\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t}", obj, name, c_ident(ptr)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (!(%s->%s = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(%s))))\n\t\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_EOM;\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t}", obj, name, c_type(typ), c_type(ptr)); if ((is_external(ptr) || is_typedef(ptr)) && !is_anyAttribute(ptr) && !is_anyType(ptr) && !is_stdstr(ptr) && !is_string(ptr) && !is_wstring(ptr) && !is_binary(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_s2%s(soap, t, %s->%s%s))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", c_ident(ptr), obj, name, get); else if (ptr->type == Tllong || ptr->type == Tullong) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_s2%s(soap, t, %s->%s%s))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", c_type(ptr), obj, name, get); else if (ptr->type == Tenum || ptr->type == Tenumsc) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_s2%s(soap, t, %s->%s%s))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", c_ident(ptr), obj, name, get); else if (is_qname(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_s2QName(soap, t, (char**)%s->%s%s, %ld, %ld))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", obj, name, get, minlen(ptr), maxlen(ptr)); else if (is_string(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_s2string(soap, t, (char**)%s->%s%s, %ld, %ld))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", obj, name, get, minlen(ptr), maxlen(ptr)); else if (is_wstring(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_s2wchar(soap, t, (wchar_t**)%s->%s%s, %ld, %ld))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", obj, name, get, minlen(ptr), maxlen(ptr)); else if (is_stdqname(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_s2std__QName(soap, t, %s->%s%s, %ld, %ld))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", obj, name, get, minlen(ptr), maxlen(ptr)); else if (is_stdstring(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_s2std__string(soap, t, %s->%s%s, %ld, %ld))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", obj, name, get, minlen(ptr), maxlen(ptr)); else if (is_stdwstring(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_s2std__wstring(soap, t, %s->%s%s, %ld, %ld))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", obj, name, get, minlen(ptr), maxlen(ptr)); else if (is_hexBinary(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (!(%s->%s->__ptr = (unsigned char*)soap_hex2s(soap, t, NULL, 0, &%s->%s->__size)))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", obj, name, obj, name); else if (is_binary(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (!(%s->%s->__ptr = (unsigned char*)soap_base642s(soap, t, NULL, 0, &%s->%s->__size)))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", obj, name, obj, name); else if (is_smart(typ) && is_anyAttribute(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, \"%s\", %s->%s%s, \"%s\")\n\t\t\t\t%s->%s.reset();", c_ident(ptr), tag, obj, name, get, xsi_type(ptr), obj, name); else if (is_anyAttribute(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t%s->%s = soap_in_%s(soap, \"%s\", %s->%s, \"%s\");", obj, name, c_ident(ptr), tag, obj, name, xsi_type(ptr)); else if (is_primitive(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_s2%s(soap, t, %s->%s%s))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", the_type(ptr), obj, name, get); if (!is_anyAttribute(ptr) && !is_anyType(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if (soap->error)\n\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}"); } else if (is_hexBinary(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!(%s->%s.__ptr = (unsigned char*)soap_hex2s(soap, soap_attr_value(soap, \"%s\", %d), NULL, 0, &%s->%s.__size)))\n\t\treturn NULL;", obj, name, tag, flag, obj, name); else if (is_binary(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!(%s->%s.__ptr = (unsigned char*)soap_base642s(soap, soap_attr_value(soap, \"%s\", %d), NULL, 0, &%s->%s.__size)))\n\t\treturn NULL;", obj, name, tag, flag, obj, name); else if (is_anyAttribute(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_in_%s(soap, \"%s\", &%s->%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(typ), tag, obj, name, xsi_type(typ)); else if (is_primitive(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_s2%s(soap, soap_attr_value(soap, \"%s\", %d), &%s->%s))\n\t\treturn NULL;", the_type(typ), tag, flag, obj, name); if (is_smart(typ) || typ->type == Tpointer) { if (!is_string(typ) && !is_wstring(typ)) { Tnode *ptr = (Tnode*)typ->ref; if (!is_string(ptr) && !is_wstring(ptr) && !is_stdstr(ptr)) { if (ptr->hasmin) { if ((ptr->type >= Tfloat && ptr->type <= Tldouble) || is_external(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (%s->%s && *%s->%s %s %lG)\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_LENGTH;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}", obj, name, obj, name, ptr->incmin ? "<" : "<=", ptr->min); else if (ptr->min > 0 || ptr->type < Tuchar || ptr->type > Tullong) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (%s->%s && *%s->%s %s " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_LENGTH;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}", obj, name, obj, name, ptr->incmin ? "<" : "<=", (LONG64)ptr->min); } if (ptr->hasmax) { if ((ptr->type >= Tfloat && ptr->type <= Tldouble) || is_external(ptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (%s->%s && *%s->%s %s %lG)\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_LENGTH;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}", obj, name, obj, name, ptr->incmax ? ">" : ">=", ptr->max); else if (ptr->max >= 0 || ptr->type < Tuchar || ptr->type > Tullong) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (%s->%s && *%s->%s %s " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_LENGTH;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}", obj, name, obj, name, ptr->incmax ? ">" : ">=", (LONG64)ptr->max); } } } } else if (!is_stdstr(typ)) { if (typ->hasmin) { if ((typ->type >= Tfloat && typ->type <= Tldouble) || is_external(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (%s->%s %s %lG)\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_LENGTH;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}", obj, name, typ->incmin ? "<" : "<=", typ->min); else if (typ->min > 0 || typ->type < Tuchar || typ->type > Tullong) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (%s->%s %s " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_LENGTH;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}", obj, name, typ->incmin ? "<" : "<=", (LONG64)typ->min); } if (typ->hasmax) { if ((typ->type >= Tfloat && typ->type <= Tldouble) || is_external(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (%s->%s %s %lG)\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_LENGTH;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}", obj, name, typ->incmax ? ">" : ">=", typ->max); else if (typ->max >= 0 || typ->type < Tuchar || typ->type > Tullong) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (%s->%s %s " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_LENGTH;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}", obj, name, typ->incmax ? ">" : ">=", (LONG64)typ->max); } } } const char * ptr_cast(Table *t, const char *name) { const char *type = ident(t->sym->name); char *s = (char*)emalloc(strlen(type) + strlen(name) + 6); sprintf(s, "((%s*)%s)", type, name); return s; } void soap_out(Tnode *typ) { Table *table, *t; Entry *p = NULL; int cardinality, i, j, d; Tnode *n; const char *nse = ns_qualifiedElement(typ); const char *nsa = ns_qualifiedAttribute(typ); if (is_XML(typ)) return; if (is_dynamic_array(typ)) { soap_out_Darray(typ); return; } if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3S const char* SOAP_FMAC4S soap_%s2s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type(typ)); if (is_typedef(typ) && (!is_external(typ) || is_volatile(typ)) && !is_qname(typ) && !is_stdqname(typ)) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_%s2s soap_%s2s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); if (is_typedef(typ) && (is_element(typ) || is_synonym(typ) || is_external(typ)) && (!is_external(typ) || is_volatile(typ))) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_out_%s soap_out_%s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); return; } if (is_primitive(typ) && typ->type != Tenum && typ->type != Tenumsc) { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const %s, const char*);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const %s, const char*);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const %s, const char *type)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); if (typ->pattern && typ->pattern[0] == '%' && typ->pattern[1]) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tint err;"); if (typ->type == Tfloat) fprintf(fout, "\n\tconst char *s = soap->float_format;\n\tsoap->float_format = \"%s\";", typ->pattern); else if (typ->type == Tdouble) fprintf(fout, "\n\tconst char *s = soap->double_format;\n\tsoap->double_format = \"%s\";", typ->pattern); else if (typ->type == Tldouble) fprintf(fout, "\n\tconst char *s = soap->long_double_format;\n\tsoap->long_double_format = \"%s\";", typ->pattern); if (typ->type == Tllong || typ->type == Tullong) fprintf(fout, "\n\terr = soap_out%s(soap, tag, id, a, type, %s);", c_type(typ), soap_type(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\terr = soap_out%s(soap, tag, id, a, type, %s);", the_type(typ), soap_type(typ)); if (typ->type == Tfloat) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap->float_format = s;"); else if (typ->type == Tdouble) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap->double_format = s;"); else if (typ->type == Tldouble) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap->long_double_format = s;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn err;\n}"); } else { if (typ->type == Tllong || typ->type == Tullong) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out%s(soap, tag, id, a, type, %s);\n}", c_type(typ), soap_type(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out%s(soap, tag, id, a, type, %s);\n}", the_type(typ), soap_type(typ)); } return; } if (is_fixedstring(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const char[], const char*);", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const char a[], const char *type)\n{", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_outstring(soap, tag, id, (char*const*)(void*)&a, type, %s);\n}", soap_type(typ)); return; } if (is_string(typ)) { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, char*const*, const char*);", c_ident(typ)); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, char*const*, const char*);", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, char *const*a, const char *type)\n{", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_outstring(soap, tag, id, a, type, %s);\n}", soap_type(typ)); return; } if (is_wstring(typ)) { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, wchar_t*const*, const char*);", c_ident(typ)); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, wchar_t*const*, const char*);", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, wchar_t *const*a, const char *type)\n{", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_outwstring(soap, tag, id, a, type, %s);\n}", soap_type(typ)); return; } if (is_stdstring(typ)) { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const std::string*, const char*);", c_ident(typ)); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const std::string*, const char*);", c_ident(typ)); if (is_stdXML(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const std::string *s, const char *type)\n{\n\tconst char *t = s->c_str();\n\treturn soap_outliteral(soap, tag, (char*const*)(void*)&t, type);\n}", c_ident(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const std::string *s, const char *type)\n{\n\tif ((soap->mode & SOAP_C_NILSTRING) && s->empty())\n\t\treturn soap_element_null(soap, tag, id, type);\n\tif (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, s, %s), type) || soap_string_out(soap, s->c_str(), 0) || soap_element_end_out(soap, tag))\n\t\treturn soap->error;\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}", c_ident(typ), soap_type(typ)); return; } if (is_stdwstring(typ)) { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const std::wstring*, const char*);", c_ident(typ)); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const std::wstring*, const char*);", c_ident(typ)); if (is_stdXML(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const std::wstring *s, const char *type)\n{\n\tconst wchar_t *t = s->c_str();\n\treturn soap_outwliteral(soap, tag, (wchar_t*const*)(void*)&t, type);\n}", c_ident(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const std::wstring *s, const char *type)\n{\n\tif ((soap->mode & SOAP_C_NILSTRING) && s->empty())\n\t\treturn soap_element_null(soap, tag, id, type);\n\tif (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, s, %s), type) || soap_wstring_out(soap, s->c_str(), 0) || soap_element_end_out(soap, tag))\n\t\treturn soap->error;\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}", c_ident(typ), soap_type(typ)); return; } switch(typ->type) { case Tstruct: if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const %s, const char*);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const %s, const char*);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const %s, const char *type)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); if (has_setter(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (((%s)a)->set(soap))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_type_id(typ, "*")); table = (Table*)typ->ref; for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (is_repetition(p)) p = p->next; else if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) soap_set_attr(p, "a", ident(p->sym->name), ns_add(p, nsa)); else if (is_qname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tconst char *soap_tmp_%s = soap_QName2s(soap, a->%s);", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_stdqname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tstd::string soap_tmp_%s(soap_QName2s(soap, a->%s.c_str()));", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_qname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tconst char *soap_tmp_%s = a->%s ? soap_QName2s(soap, *a->%s) : NULL;", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_stdqname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tstd::string soap_temp_%s(a->%s ? soap_QName2s(soap, a->%s->c_str()) : \"\"), *soap_tmp_%s = a->%s ? &soap_temp_%s : NULL;", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); } } fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; (void)tag; (void)id; (void)a; (void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); if (!table) { fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}"); } else if (is_primclass(typ)) { for (table = (Table*)typ->ref; table; table = table->prev) { p = table->list; while (p && !is_item(p)) p = p->next; if (p) break; } if ((p->info.sto & SmustUnderstand) && !(p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) && !(p->info.sto & Sattribute) && !is_transient(p->info.typ) && !is_void(p->info.typ) && p->info.typ->type != Tfun) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap->mustUnderstand = 1;"); if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, a->%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn a->%s.soap_out(soap, tag, id, \"%s\");", ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (is_qname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (char*const*)(void*)&soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (is_stdqname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_qname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (char*const*)soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\");", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_stdqname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_outliteral(soap, tag, (char*const*)&a->%s, NULL);", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_outwliteral(soap, tag, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s, NULL);", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (char*const*)&a->%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, &a->%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn SOAP_OK;"); fprintf(fout, "\n}"); } else { if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, a, %s), type))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", soap_type(typ)); fflush(fout); for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.sto & Sreturn) { if (nse || has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name)) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s)\n\t\tsoap_element_result(soap, \"%s\");", ident(p->sym->name), ns_add(p, nse)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_element_result(soap, \"%s\");", ns_add(p, nse)); } } if ((p->info.sto & SmustUnderstand) && !(p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) && !is_transient(p->info.typ) && !is_void(p->info.typ) && p->info.typ->type != Tfun) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap->mustUnderstand = 1;"); needs_lang(p); if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion || is_soapref(p->info.typ)) ; else if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* non-serializable %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) ; else if (is_repetition(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s)", ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint i;\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < (int)a->%s; i++)", ident(p->sym->name)); if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (a->%s[i].soap_out(soap, \"%s\", -1, \"%s\"))\n\t\t\t\treturn soap->error;", ident(p->next->sym->name), ns_add(p->next, nse), xsi_type_cond_u((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->next->sym->name))); else if (is_qname((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t{\tconst char *soap_tmp_%s = soap_QName2s(soap, a->%s[i]);\n\t\t\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, (char*const*)(void*)&soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t\t}", ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ns_add(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->next->sym->name))); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_outliteral(soap, \"%s\", (char*const*)(a->%s + i), NULL);", ns_add(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_outwliteral(soap, \"%s\", (wchar_t*const*)(a->%s + i), NULL);", ns_add(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_out_string(soap, \"%s\", -1, (char*const*)(a->%s + i), \"%s\");", ns_add(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->next->sym->name))); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_out_wstring(soap, \"%s\", -1, (wchar_t*const*)(a->%s + i), \"%s\");", ns_add(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->next->sym->name))); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, a->%s + i, \"%s\"))\n\t\t\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ns_add(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->next->sym->name))); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); p = p->next; } else if (is_anytype(p) && is_invisible(p->next->sym->name)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_putelement(soap, a->%s, tag, -1, a->%s))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else if (is_anytype(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_putelement(soap, a->%s, \"%s\", -1, a->%s))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", ident(p->next->sym->name), ns_add(p->next, nse), ident(p->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else if (is_choice(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, a->%s, &a->%s))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* transient %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, a->%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s.soap_out(soap, %s, -1, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", ident(p->sym->name), field(p, nse), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (is_stdqname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else { if (zflag != 2 && p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && !is_void(p->info.typ) && p->info.minOccurs > 0) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a->%s)\n\t{\tif (soap_element_nil(soap, %s))\n\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t}\n\telse", ident(p->sym->name), field(p, nse)); if (is_qname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, (char*const*)(void*)&soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_qname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, (char*const*)(void*)&soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_stdqname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_outliteral(soap, %s, (char*const*)&a->%s, NULL);", field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_outwliteral(soap, %s, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s, NULL);", field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, (char*const*)&a->%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, &a->%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); } } } if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_element_end_out(soap, tag);\n}"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}"); } fflush(fout); break; case Tclass: if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const %s, const char*);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } if (!is_volatile(typ) && !is_typedef(typ)) { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const %s, const char*);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fout, "\n\nint %s::soap_out(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const char *type) const", ident(typ->id->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n{\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, this, type);\n}", c_ident(typ)); } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const %s, const char*);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const %s, const char *type)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); fflush(fout); if (has_setter(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (((%s)a)->set(soap))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_type_id(typ, "*")); table = (Table*)typ->ref; for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { Entry *e = entry(classtable, t->sym); const char *nsa1 = e ? ns_qualifiedAttribute(e->info.typ) : nsa; for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (is_repetition(p)) p = p->next; else if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) soap_set_attr(p, ptr_cast(t, "a"), ident(p->sym->name), ns_add(p, nsa1)); else if (is_qname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tconst char *soap_tmp_%s = soap_QName2s(soap, a->%s);", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_stdqname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tstd::string soap_tmp_%s(soap_QName2s(soap, a->%s.c_str()));", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_qname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tconst char *soap_tmp_%s = a->%s ? soap_QName2s(soap, *a->%s) : NULL;", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_stdqname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tstd::string soap_temp_%s(a->%s ? soap_QName2s(soap, a->%s->c_str()) : \"\"), *soap_tmp_%s = a->%s ? &soap_temp_%s : NULL;", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); } } fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; (void)tag; (void)id; (void)a; (void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); if (!table) { fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}"); } else if (is_primclass(typ)) { for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { p = t->list; while (p && !is_item(p)) p = p->next; if (p) break; } if ((p->info.sto & SmustUnderstand) && !(p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) && !(p->info.sto & Sattribute) && !is_transient(p->info.typ) && !is_void(p->info.typ) && p->info.typ->type != Tfun) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap->mustUnderstand = 1;"); if (table && table->prev) { if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_outliteral(soap, tag, (char*const*)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\");", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_outwliteral(soap, tag, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\");", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (is_qname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (char*const*)(void*)&soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (char*const*)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, a->%s::%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn (a->%s::%s).soap_out(soap, tag, id, \"%s\");", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (is_stdqname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_qname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (char*const*)(void*)&soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\");", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_stdqname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, &a->%s::%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn SOAP_OK;"); } else { if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_outliteral(soap, tag, (char*const*)&a->%s::%s, NULL);", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_outwliteral(soap, tag, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s::%s, NULL);", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_qname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (char*const*)(void*)&soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (char*const*)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, a->%s::%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn (a->%s::%s).soap_out(soap, tag, id, \"%s\");", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (is_stdqname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_qname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (char*const*)(void*)&soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\");", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_stdqname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\");", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, &a->%s::%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn SOAP_OK;"); } fprintf(fout, "\n}"); } else { if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name)) { if (table && table->prev) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, a, %s), \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", soap_type(typ), xsi_type(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, a, %s), type))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", soap_type(typ)); } fflush(fout); i = 0; /* Get the depth of the inheritance hierarchy */ for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) i++; /* Call routines to output the member data of the class */ /* Data members of the Base Classes are outputed first followed by the data members of the Derived classes. Overridden data members are output twice once for the base class they are defined in and once for the derived class that overwrites them */ for (; i > 0; i--) { Entry *e; const char *nse1; t = table; for (j = 0; j < i-1; j++) t = t->prev; e = entry(classtable, t->sym); nse1 = e ? ns_qualifiedElement(e->info.typ) : nse; for (p = t->list; p != (Entry*) 0; p = p->next) { if (p->info.sto & Sreturn) { if (nse1 || has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name)) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s)\n\t\tsoap_element_result(soap, \"%s\");", ident(p->sym->name), ns_add(p, nse1)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_element_result(soap, \"%s\");", ns_add(p, nse1)); } } if ((p->info.sto & SmustUnderstand) && !(p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) && !(p->info.sto & Sattribute) && !is_transient(p->info.typ) && !is_void(p->info.typ) && p->info.typ->type != Tfun) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap->mustUnderstand = 1;"); needs_lang(p); if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion || is_soapref(p->info.typ)) ; else if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* non-serializable %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) ; else if (is_repetition(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->%s::%s)", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint i;\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < (int)a->%s::%s; i++)", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (a->%s::%s[i].soap_out(soap, %s, -1, \"%s\"))\n\t\t\t\treturn soap->error;", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), field_overridden(t, p->next, nse1), xsi_type_cond_u((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->next->sym->name))); else if (is_qname((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t{\tconst char *soap_tmp_%s = soap_QName2s(soap, a->%s[i]);\n\t\t\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, (char*const*)(void*)&soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t\t}", ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), field_overridden(t, p->next, nse1), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->next->sym->name))); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_outliteral(soap, %s, (char*const*)(a->%s::%s + i), NULL);", field_overridden(t, p->next, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_outwliteral(soap, %s, (wchar_t*const*)(a->%s::%s + i), NULL);", field_overridden(t, p->next, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_out_string(soap, \"%s\", -1, (char*const*)(a->%s::%s + i), \"%s\");", ns_add(p->next, nse), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->next->sym->name))); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_out_wstring(soap, \"%s\", -1, (wchar_t*const*)(a->%s::%s + i), \"%s\");", ns_add(p->next, nse), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->next->sym->name))); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, a->%s::%s + i, \"%s\"))\n\t\t\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), field_overridden(t, p->next, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->next->sym->name))); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); p = p->next; } else if (is_anytype(p) && is_invisible(p->next->sym->name)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_putelement(soap, a->%s::%s, tag, -1, a->%s::%s))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else if (is_anytype(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_putelement(soap, a->%s::%s, %s, -1, a->%s::%s))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else if (is_choice(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, a->%s::%s, &a->%s::%s))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->next->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else if (is_item(p)) ; else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* transient %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, a->%s::%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif ((a->%s::%s).soap_out(soap, %s, -1, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (is_stdqname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else { if (zflag != 2 && p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && !is_void(p->info.typ) && p->info.minOccurs > 0) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a->%s::%s)\n\t{\tif (soap_element_nil(soap, %s))\n\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t}\n\telse", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), field_overridden(t, p, nse1)); if (is_qname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, (char*const*)(void*)&soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_qname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, (char*const*)(void*)&soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_stdqname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_outliteral(soap, %s, (char*const*)&a->%s::%s, NULL))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_outwliteral(soap, %s, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s::%s, NULL))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, (char*const*)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, &a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); } } } i = 0; /* Get the depth of the inheritance hierarchy */ for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) i++; /* output __item(s) and inherited DOM at the end */ for (; i > 0; i--) { Entry *e; const char *nse1; t = table; for (j = 0; j < i-1; j++) t = t->prev; e = entry(classtable, t->sym); if (!t->prev && e && e->info.typ && e->info.typ->base && !strcmp(e->info.typ->base->name, "soap_dom_element")) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_xsd__anyType(soap, NULL, -1, static_cast(a), NULL))\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); nse1 = e ? ns_qualifiedElement(e->info.typ) : nse; for (p = t->list; p != (Entry*) 0; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion) ; else if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected | Sattribute)) ; else if (is_repetition(p) || is_anytype(p) || is_choice(p)) p = p->next; else if (!is_item(p)) ; else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) ; else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, a->%s::%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif ((a->%s::%s).soap_out(soap, %s, -1, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (is_stdqname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else { if (zflag != 2 && p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && !is_void(p->info.typ) && p->info.minOccurs > 0) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif(a->%s::%s)\n\t{\tif (soap_element_nil(soap, %s))\n\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t}\n\telse", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), field_overridden(t, p, nse1)); if (is_qname(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, (char*const*)(void*)&soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_qname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, (char*const*)(void*)&soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer && is_stdqname((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, &soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_outliteral(soap, %s, (char*const*)&a->%s::%s, NULL))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_outwliteral(soap, %s, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s::%s, NULL))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, (char*const*)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, %s, -1, &a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); } fflush(fout); } } if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_element_end_out(soap, tag);\n}"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}"); } fflush(fout); break; case Tunion: if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, int, const %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, int, const %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, int choice, const %s)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); table = (Table*)typ->ref; fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; (void)a; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tswitch (choice)\n\t{"); for (p = table->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion) ; else if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* non-serializable %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) ; else if (is_repetition(p)) ; else if (is_anytype(p)) ; else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* transient %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(typ, p)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, a->%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ns_add(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(typ, p)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn a->%s.soap_out(soap, \"%s\", -1, \"%s\");", ident(p->sym->name), ns_add(p, nse), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); } else if (is_qname(p->info.typ) || is_stdqname(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(typ, p)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tconst char *soap_tmp_%s = soap_QName2s(soap, a->%s);", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, (char*const*)(void*)&soap_tmp_%s, \"%s\");\n\t}", c_ident(p->info.typ), ns_add(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); } else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(typ, p)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn soap_outliteral(soap, \"%s\", (char*const*)&a->%s, NULL);", ns_add(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(typ, p)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn soap_outwliteral(soap, \"%s\", (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s, NULL);", ns_add(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (is_string(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(typ, p)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, (char*const*)&a->%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ns_add(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); } else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(typ, p)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ns_add(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); } else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tcase %s:", soap_union_member(typ, p)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, &a->%s, \"%s\");", c_ident(p->info.typ), ns_add(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_cond_u(p->info.typ, !has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name))); } } fprintf(fout, "\n\tdefault:\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}"); fflush(fout); break; case Tpointer: if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char *, int, %s, const char *);", c_ident(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char *, int, %s, const char *);", c_ident(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, %s, const char *type)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_constptr_id(typ, "const*a")); if (is_template(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!*a)"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn soap_element_null(soap, tag, id, type);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, *a, type);", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); } else { p = is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)typ->ref); if (p) { d = get_Darraydims((Tnode*)typ->ref); if (d) fprintf(fout, "\n\tid = soap_element_id(soap, tag, id, *a, *s ? (*a)->%s : NULL, *s ? %s : 0, type, %s, NULL);", ident(p->sym->name), get_Darraysize("(*a)", d), soap_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tid = soap_element_id(soap, tag, id, *a, *a ? (*a)->%s : NULL, *a ? (*a)->__size : 0, type, %s, NULL);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); } else { if (((Tnode*)typ->ref)->recursive) fprintf(fout, "\n\tchar *mark;\n\tid = soap_element_id(soap, tag, id, *a, NULL, 0, type, %s, &mark);", soap_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tid = soap_element_id(soap, tag, id, *a, NULL, 0, type, %s, NULL);", soap_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); } fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (id < 0)\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); if (((Tnode *) typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)typ->ref)) { if (!p && ((Tnode*)typ->ref)->recursive) fprintf(fout, "\n\t(*a)->soap_out(soap, tag, id, type);\n\tsoap_unmark(soap, mark);\n\treturn soap->error;"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn (*a)->soap_out(soap, tag, id, type);"); } else { if (!p && ((Tnode*)typ->ref)->recursive) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, *a, type);\n\tsoap_unmark(soap, mark);\n\treturn soap->error;", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, *a, type);", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); } } fprintf(fout, "\n}"); break; case Tarray: if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, %s, const char*);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "const")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, %s, const char*);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "const")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, %s, const char *type)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "const a")); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsize_t i;\n\t(void)type;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_array_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, a, %s), \"%s[%d]\", 0);", soap_type(typ), xsi_type_Tarray(typ), get_dimension(typ)); n=(Tnode*)typ->ref; cardinality = 1; while (n->type == Tarray) { n = (Tnode*)n->ref; cardinality++; } fprintf(fout, "\n\tfor (i = 0; i < %d; i++)\n\t{", get_dimension(typ)); if (((Tnode *)typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)typ->ref)) { if (cardinality>1) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\ta[i].soap_out(soap, \"item\", -1, \"%s\")", xsi_type_u((Tnode*)typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t(a+i)->soap_out(soap, \"item\", -1, \"%s\")", xsi_type_u((Tnode*)typ->ref)); } else { if (((Tnode *)typ->ref)->type != Tarray) { if (((Tnode *)typ->ref)->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap->position = 1;\n\t\tsoap->positions[0] = i;\n\t\tsoap_out_%s(soap, \"item\", -1, a", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_out_%s(soap, \"item\", -1, a", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); } else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_out_%s(soap, \"item\", -1, a", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); if (cardinality>1) fprintf(fout, "[i], \"%s\")", xsi_type_u((Tnode*)typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "+i, \"%s\")", xsi_type_u((Tnode*)typ->ref)); } if (((Tnode *)typ->ref)->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, ";\n\t}\n\tsoap->position = 0;\n\treturn soap_element_end_out(soap, tag);\n}"); else fprintf(fout, ";\n\t}\n\treturn soap_element_end_out(soap, tag);\n}"); break; case Tenum: case Tenumsc: if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const %s, const char*);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const %s, const char*);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); if (!is_typedef(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\nstatic const struct soap_code_map soap_codes_%s[] =\n{", c_ident(typ)); for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (typ->type == Tenumsc) fprintf(fout, "\t{ (LONG64)%s::%s, \"%s\" },\n", c_ident(typ), ident(p->sym->name), ns_remove2(p->sym->name, c_ident(typ))); else fprintf(fout, "\t{ (LONG64)%s, \"%s\" },\n", ident(p->sym->name), ns_remove2(p->sym->name, c_ident(typ))); } } fprintf(fout, "\t{ 0, NULL }\n"); fprintf(fout, "};"); } if (!is_typedef(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3S const char* SOAP_FMAC4S soap_%s2s(struct soap*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3S const char* SOAP_FMAC4S soap_%s2s(struct soap *soap, %s)", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "n")); if (is_boolean(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n{\n\t(void)soap; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\nreturn soap_code_str(soap_codes_%s, n != 0);\n}", c_ident(typ)); else if (!is_mask(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n{\tconst char *s = soap_code_str(soap_codes_%s, (long)n);", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (s)\n\t\treturn s;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_long2s(soap, (long)n);"); fprintf(fout, "\n}"); } else fprintf(fout, "\n{\n\treturn soap_code_list(soap, soap_codes_%s, (long)n);\n}", c_ident(typ)); } fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const %s, const char *type)", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); fprintf(fout, "\n{\tif (soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, soap_embedded_id(soap, id, a, %s), type)", soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, " || soap_send(soap, soap_%s2s(soap, *a)))\n\t\treturn soap->error;", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_element_end_out(soap, tag);\n}"); break; case Ttemplate: if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const %s, const char*);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } if (is_typedef(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_out_%s soap_out_%s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const %s, const char*);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); n = (Tnode*)typ->ref; if (!n) return; fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const %s, const char *type)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)id; (void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); if (is_smart(typ)) { p = is_dynamic_array((Tnode*)typ->ref); if (p) { d = get_Darraydims((Tnode*)typ->ref); if (d) fprintf(fout, "\n\tid = soap_element_id(soap, tag, id, a->get(), *a ? (*a)->%s : NULL, *a ? %s : 0, type, %s, NULL);", ident(p->sym->name), get_Darraysize("(*a)", d), soap_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tid = soap_element_id(soap, tag, id, a->get(), *a ? (*a)->%s : NULL, *a ? (*a)->__size : 0, type, %s, NULL);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); } else if (((Tnode*)typ->ref)->recursive) fprintf(fout, "\n\tchar *mark;\n\tid = soap_element_id(soap, tag, id, a->get(), NULL, 0, type, %s, &mark);", soap_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tid = soap_element_id(soap, tag, id, a->get(), NULL, 0, type, %s, NULL);", soap_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (id < 0)\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); if (((Tnode *) typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)typ->ref)) { if (!p && ((Tnode*)typ->ref)->recursive) fprintf(fout, "\n\t(*a)->soap_out(soap, tag, id, type);\n\tsoap_unmark(soap, mark);\n\treturn soap->error;"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn (*a)->soap_out(soap, tag, id, type);"); } else { if (!p && ((Tnode*)typ->ref)->recursive) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, a->get(), type);\n\tsoap_unmark(soap, mark);\n\treturn soap->error;", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, a->get(), type);", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); } fprintf(fout, "\n}"); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\tfor (%s::const_iterator i = a->begin(); i != a->end(); ++i)\n\t{", c_type(typ)); if (n->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, *i, \"%s\"))", c_ident(n), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (n->type == Tclass && !is_external(n) && !is_volatile(n) && !is_typedef(n)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif ((*i).soap_out(soap, tag, id, \"%s\"))", xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (is_qname(n)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tconst char *soap_tmp = soap_QName2s(soap, *i);\n\t\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, (char*const*)(void*)&soap_tmp, \"%s\"))", c_ident(n), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (is_stdqname(n)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tstd::string soap_tmp(soap_QName2s(soap, (*i).c_str()));\n\t\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, &soap_tmp, \"%s\"))", c_ident(n), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (is_XML(n) && is_string(n)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap_outliteral(soap, tag, (char*const*)&(*i), NULL))"); else if (is_XML(n) && is_wstring(n)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap_outwliteral(soap, tag, (wchar_t*const*)&(*i), NULL))"); else if (is_string(n)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, tag, -1, (char*const*)&(*i), \"%s\"))", c_ident(n), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (is_wstring(n)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, tag, -1, (wchar_t*const*)&(*i), \"%s\"))", c_ident(n), xsi_type_u(typ)); else if (is_bool(n)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tbool b = (*i);\n\t\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, &b, \"%s\"))", c_ident(n), xsi_type_u(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, &(*i), \"%s\"))", c_ident(n), xsi_type_u(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\treturn soap->error;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}"); } break; default: break; } } void soap_out_Darray(Tnode *typ) { int i, j, d = 0; Table *t, *table; Entry *p; const char *nse = ns_qualifiedElement(typ); const char *nsa = ns_qualifiedAttribute(typ); const char *item; table = (Table*)typ->ref; fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap*, const char*, int, const %s, const char*);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); if (is_external(typ)) return; if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_volatile(typ) && !is_typedef(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\nint %s::soap_out(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const char *type) const", c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n{\treturn soap_out_%s(soap, tag, id, this, type);\n}", c_ident(typ)); } fflush(fout); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const %s, const char *type)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); if (has_setter(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t((%s)a)->set(soap);", c_type_id(typ, "*")); if (!is_binary(typ)) { p = is_dynamic_array(typ); d = get_Darraydims(typ); if (d) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsize_t i, n = soap_size(a->__size, %d);", d); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tint i, n = a->__size;"); } if (typ->type == Tclass) { for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) soap_set_attr(p, ptr_cast(t, "a"), ident(p->sym->name), ns_add(p, nsa)); } } } else { for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) soap_set_attr(p, "a", ident(p->sym->name), ns_add(p, nsa)); } } } p = is_dynamic_array(typ); if (p->sym->name[5]) item = ns_addx(ns_convert(p->sym->name + 5), nse); else item = ns_addx("item", nse); if (!has_ns(typ) && !is_untyped(typ) && !is_binary(typ)) { const char *s = xsi_type(typ); if (is_untyped(p->info.typ)) s = wsdl_type(p->info.typ, "xsd"); if (d) { if (has_offset(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tchar *t = a->%s ? soap_putsizesoffsets(soap, \"%s\", a->__size, a->__offset, %d) : NULL;", ident(p->sym->name), s, d); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tchar *t = a->%s ? soap_putsizesoffsets(soap, \"%s\", a->__size, NULL, %d) : NULL;", ident(p->sym->name), s, d); } else { if (has_offset(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tchar *t = a->%s ? soap_putsizesoffsets(soap, \"%s\", &a->__size, &a->__offset, 1) : NULL;", ident(p->sym->name), s); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tchar *t = a->%s ? soap_putsizesoffsets(soap, \"%s\", &a->__size, NULL, 1) : NULL;", ident(p->sym->name), s); } } if (d) fprintf(fout, "\n\tid = soap_element_id(soap, tag, id, a, a->%s, %s, type, %s, NULL);", ident(p->sym->name), get_Darraysize("a", d), soap_type(typ)); else if (is_attachment(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n#ifndef WITH_LEANER\n\tid = soap_attachment(soap, tag, id, a, a->%s, a->__size, a->id, a->type, a->options, type, %s);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n#else\n\tid = soap_element_id(soap, tag, id, a, a->%s, a->__size, type, %s, NULL);\n#endif", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(typ)); } else fprintf(fout, "\n\tid = soap_element_id(soap, tag, id, a, a->%s, a->__size, type, %s, NULL);", ident(p->sym->name), soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (id < 0)\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif ("); if (has_ns(typ) || is_untyped(typ) || is_binary(typ)) { if (table && table->prev) fprintf(fout, "soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, id, \"%s\")", xsi_type(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "soap_element_begin_out(soap, tag, id, type)"); } else if (has_offset(typ)) { if (d) fprintf(fout, "soap_array_begin_out(soap, tag, id, t, soap_putoffsets(soap, a->__offset, %d))", d); else fprintf(fout, "soap_array_begin_out(soap, tag, id, t, soap_putoffsets(soap, &a->__offset, 1))"); } else fprintf(fout, "soap_array_begin_out(soap, tag, id, t, NULL)"); fprintf(fout, ")\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); if (is_hexBinary(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_puthex(soap, a->__ptr, a->__size))\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); else if (is_binary(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_putbase64(soap, a->__ptr, a->__size))\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); else { fprintf(fout, "\n\tfor (i = 0; i < n; i++)\n\t{"); if (!has_ns(typ) && !is_untyped(typ)) { if (d) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap->position = %d;", d); for (i = 0; i < d; i++) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap->positions[%d] = i", i); for (j = i+1; j < d; j++) fprintf(fout, "/a->__size[%d]", j); fprintf(fout, "%%a->__size[%d];", i); } if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_outliteral(soap, \"%s\", (char*const*)&a->%s[i], NULL);", item, ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_outwliteral(soap, \"%s\", (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s[i], NULL);", item, ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, (char*const*)&a->%s[i], \"%s\");", c_ident(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)), item, ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref))); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s[i], \"%s\");", c_ident(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)), item, ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref))); else if (((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\ta->%s[i].soap_out(soap, \"%s\", -1, \"%s\");", ident(p->sym->name), item, xsi_type_u(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref))); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, &a->%s[i], \"%s\");", c_ident(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)), item, ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref))); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap->position = 1;\n\t\tsoap->positions[0] = i;"); if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_outliteral(soap, \"%s\", &a->%s[i], NULL);", item, ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_outwliteral(soap, \"%s\", &a->%s[i], NULL);", item, ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, (char*const*)&a->%s[i], \"%s\");", c_ident(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)), item, ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref))); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s[i], \"%s\");", c_ident(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)), item, ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref))); else if (((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\ta->%s[i].soap_out(soap, \"%s\", -1, \"%s\");", ident(p->sym->name), item, xsi_type_u(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref))); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, &a->%s[i], \"%s\");", c_ident(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)), item, ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref))); } } else { if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_outliteral(soap, \"%s\", &a->%s[i], NULL);", item, ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_outwliteral(soap, \"%s\", &a->%s[i], NULL);", item, ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, (char*const*)&a->%s[i], \"%s\");", c_ident(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)), item, ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref))); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, (wchar_t*const*)&a->%s[i], \"%s\");", c_ident(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)), item, ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref))); else if (((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\ta->%s[i].soap_out(soap, \"%s\", -1, \"%s\");", ident(p->sym->name), item, xsi_type_u(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref))); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_out_%s(soap, \"%s\", -1, &a->%s[i], \"%s\");", c_ident(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref)), item, ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type_u(((Tnode *)p->info.typ->ref))); } } if (is_binary(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn soap_element_end_out(soap, tag);\n}"); else if (!has_ns(typ) && !is_untyped(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\tsoap->position = 0;\n\treturn soap_element_end_out(soap, tag);\n}"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\treturn soap_element_end_out(soap, tag);\n}"); } void soap_get(Tnode *typ) { Tnode *temp; if (is_XML(typ)) return; if (typ->type == Ttemplate || typ->type == Tunion) return; if (is_typedef(typ) && (is_template(typ) || is_element(typ) || is_synonym(typ) || is_external(typ) || is_imported(typ)) && (!is_external(typ) || is_volatile(typ))) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_get_%s soap_get_%s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_read_%s soap_read_%s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); return; } if (typ->type == Tarray) { /* ARRAY */ temp = typ; while (temp->type == Tarray) { temp = (Tnode*)temp->ref; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_get_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char*, const char*);", c_type(temp), c_ident(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_get_%s(struct soap *soap, %s, const char *tag, const char *type)", c_type(temp), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "a")); fprintf(fout, "\n{\t%s;", c_type_id(temp, "(*p)")); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif ((p = soap_in_%s(soap, tag, a, type)))", c_ident(typ)); } else if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ) && !is_typedef(typ)) { /* CLASS */ fprintf(fout, "\n\nvoid *%s::soap_get(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, const char *type)", c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n{\n\treturn soap_get_%s(soap, this, tag, type);\n}", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_get_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char*, const char*);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_get_%s(struct soap *soap, %s, const char *tag, const char *type)\n{", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*p")); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif ((p = soap_in_%s(soap, tag, p, type)))", c_ident(typ)); } else { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_get_%s(struct soap*, %s, const char*, const char*);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_get_%s(struct soap *soap, %s, const char *tag, const char *type)\n{", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*p")); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif ((p = soap_in_%s(soap, tag, p, type)))", c_ident(typ)); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap_getindependent(soap))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn p;\n}"); if ((typ->type != Tpointer || is_string(typ) || is_wstring(typ)) && typ->type != Tarray && typ->type != Treference && typ->type != Trvalueref && !is_template(typ)) { if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ) && !is_typedef(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\ninline int soap_read_%s(struct soap *soap, %s)\n{\tif (p)\n\t{\tp->soap_default(soap);\n\t\tif (soap_begin_recv(soap) || soap_get_%s(soap, p, NULL, NULL) == NULL || soap_end_recv(soap))\n\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t}\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*p"), c_ident(typ)); } else if (is_primitive_or_string(typ)) { if (cflag) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifndef soap_read_%s\n#define soap_read_%s(soap, data) ( soap_begin_recv(soap) || !soap_get_%s(soap, (data), NULL, NULL) || soap_end_recv(soap), (soap)->error )\n#endif\n", c_ident(typ), c_ident(typ), c_ident(typ)); else fprintf(fhead, "\n\ninline int soap_read_%s(struct soap *soap, %s)\n{\tif (p)\n\t{\tif (soap_begin_recv(soap) || soap_get_%s(soap, p, NULL, NULL) == NULL || soap_end_recv(soap))\n\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t}\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*p"), c_ident(typ)); } else { if (cflag) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#ifndef soap_read_%s\n#define soap_read_%s(soap, data) ( ((data) ? (soap_default_%s(soap, (data)), 0) : 0) || soap_begin_recv(soap) || !soap_get_%s(soap, (data), NULL, NULL) || soap_end_recv(soap), (soap)->error )\n#endif\n", c_ident(typ), c_ident(typ), c_ident(typ), c_ident(typ)); else fprintf(fhead, "\n\ninline int soap_read_%s(struct soap *soap, %s)\n{\tif (p)\n\t{\tsoap_default_%s(soap, p);\n\t\tif (soap_begin_recv(soap) || soap_get_%s(soap, p, NULL, NULL) == NULL || soap_end_recv(soap))\n\t\t\treturn soap->error;\n\t}\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*p"), c_ident(typ), c_ident(typ)); } } fflush(fout); } void soap_in(Tnode *typ) { Entry *p = NULL; Table *table, *t; int total, strict, nonempty, flag, cardinality, i, j; long min, max; Tnode *n, *temp; const char *nse = ns_qualifiedElement(typ); const char *nsa = ns_qualifiedAttribute(typ); if (is_XML(typ)) return; if (is_dynamic_array(typ)) { soap_in_Darray(typ); return; } if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3S int SOAP_FMAC4S soap_s2%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); if (is_typedef(typ) && (!is_external(typ) || is_volatile(typ)) && !is_qname(typ) && !is_stdqname(typ)) fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_s2%s soap_s2%s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); if (is_typedef(typ) && (is_element(typ) || is_synonym(typ)) && (!is_external(typ) || is_volatile(typ))) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_in_%s soap_in_%s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); return; } if ((is_primitive_or_string(typ) && typ->type != Tenum && typ->type != Tenumsc) || (is_external(typ) && is_volatile(typ))) { if (is_stdqname(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 std::string * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, std::string*, const char*);", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC1 std::string * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_in_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, std::string *s, const char *type)\n{\n\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 1, type))\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\tif (!s)\n\t\ts = soap_new_std__string(soap, -1);\n\tif (soap->null)\n\t\tif (s)\n\t\t\ts->erase();", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->body && !*soap->href)\n\t{\tchar *t;\n\t\ts = (std::string*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, s, %s, sizeof(std::string), soap->type, soap->arrayType, %s_instantiate, %s_fbase);\n\t\tif (s)\n\t\t{\tif (!(t = soap_string_in(soap, 2, %ld, %ld, %s)))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\ts->assign(t);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\telse\n\t\ts = (std::string*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, s, %s, sizeof(std::string), soap->type, soap->arrayType, %s_instantiate, %s_fbase), 0, %s, %s, sizeof(std::string), 0, %s_finsert, NULL);\n\tif (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\treturn s;\n}", soap_type(typ), prefix, prefix, minlen(typ), maxlen(typ), pattern(typ), soap_type(typ), prefix, prefix, soap_type(typ), soap_type(typ), prefix); return; } if (is_stdstring(typ)) { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 std::string * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, std::string*, const char*);", c_ident(typ)); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 std::string * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, std::string*, const char*);", c_ident(typ)); if (is_stdXML(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 std::string * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, std::string *s, const char *type)\n{\n\tchar *t;\n\t(void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n\tif (soap_inliteral(soap, tag, &t))\n\t{\tif (!s)\n\t\t\ts = soap_new_std__string(soap, -1);\n\t\ts->assign(t);\n\t\treturn s;\n\t}\n\treturn NULL;\n}", c_ident(typ)); else { fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 std::string * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, std::string *s, const char *type)\n{\n\t(void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 1, NULL))\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\tif (!s)\n\t\ts = soap_new_std__string(soap, -1);\n\tif (soap->null)\n\t\tif (s)\n\t\t\ts->erase();", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->body && !*soap->href)\n\t{\tchar *t;\n\t\ts = (std::string*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, s, %s, sizeof(std::string), soap->type, soap->arrayType, %s_instantiate, %s_fbase);\n\t\tif (s)\n\t\t{\tif (!(t = soap_string_in(soap, 1, %ld, %ld, %s)))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\ts->assign(t);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\telse\n\t\ts = (std::string*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, s, %s, sizeof(std::string), soap->type, soap->arrayType, %s_instantiate, %s_fbase), 0, %s, %s, sizeof(std::string), 0, %s_finsert, NULL);\n\tif (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\treturn s;\n}", soap_type(typ), prefix, prefix, minlen(typ), maxlen(typ), pattern(typ), soap_type(typ), prefix, prefix, soap_type(typ), soap_type(typ), prefix); } return; } if (is_stdwstring(typ)) { if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 std::wstring * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, std::wstring*, const char*);", c_ident(typ)); return; } if (is_stdXML(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 std::wstring * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, std::wstring *s, const char *type)\n{\n\twchar_t *t;\n\t(void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n\tif (soap_inwliteral(soap, tag, &t))\n\t{\tif (!s)\n\t\t\ts = soap_new_std__wstring(soap, -1);\n\t\ts->assign(t);\n\t\treturn s;\n\t}\n\treturn NULL;\n}", c_ident(typ)); else { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 std::wstring * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, std::wstring*, const char*);", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 std::wstring * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, std::wstring *s, const char *type)\n{\n\t(void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 1, NULL))\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\tif (!s)\n\t\ts = soap_new_std__wstring(soap, -1);\n\tif (soap->null)\n\t\tif (s)\n\t\t\ts->erase();", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->body && !*soap->href)\n\t{\twchar_t *t;\n\t\ts = (std::wstring*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, s, %s, sizeof(std::wstring), soap->type, soap->arrayType, %s_instantiate, %s_fbase);\n\t\tif (s)\n\t\t{\tif (!(t = soap_wstring_in(soap, 1, %ld, %ld, %s)))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\ts->assign(t);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\telse\n\t\ts = (std::wstring*)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, s, %s, sizeof(std::wstring), soap->type, soap->arrayType, %s_instantiate, %s_fbase), 0, %s, %s, sizeof(std::wstring), 0, %s_finsert, NULL);\n\tif (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\treturn s;\n}", soap_type(typ), prefix, prefix, minlen(typ), maxlen(typ), pattern(typ), soap_type(typ), prefix, prefix, soap_type(typ), soap_type(typ), prefix); } return; } if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 %s * SOAP_FMAC2 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type(typ), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type(typ), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s * SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, %s, const char *type)\n{", c_type(typ), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); if (is_wstring(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta = soap_inwstring(soap, tag, a, type, %s, %ld, %ld, %s);", soap_type(typ), minlen(typ), maxlen(typ), pattern(typ)); else if (is_string(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta = soap_instring(soap, tag, a, type, %s, %d, %ld, %ld, %s);", soap_type(typ), is_qname(typ)+1, minlen(typ), maxlen(typ), pattern(typ)); else { if (typ->type == Tllong || typ->type == Tullong) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta = soap_in%s(soap, tag, a, type, %s);", c_type(typ), soap_type(typ)); else if (is_primitive_or_string(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta = soap_in%s(soap, tag, a, type, %s);", the_type(typ), soap_type(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\ta = soap_in_%s(soap, tag, a, type);", t_ident(typ)); if (typ->hasmin) { if ((typ->type >= Tfloat && typ->type <= Tldouble) || is_external(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a && *a %s %lG)\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_LENGTH;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}", typ->incmin ? "<" : "<=", typ->min); else if (typ->min > 0 || typ->type < Tuchar || typ->type > Tullong) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a && *a %s " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_LENGTH;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}", typ->incmin ? "<" : "<=", (LONG64)typ->min); } if (typ->hasmax) { if ((typ->type >= Tfloat && typ->type <= Tldouble) || is_external(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a && *a %s %lG)\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_LENGTH;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}", typ->incmax ? ">" : ">=", typ->max); else if (typ->max >= 0 || typ->type < Tuchar || typ->type > Tullong) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a && *a %s " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_LENGTH;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}", typ->incmax ? ">" : ">=", (LONG64)typ->max); } } fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn a;\n}"); fflush(fout); return; } if (is_fixedstring(typ)) { int n = typ->width / ((Tnode*)typ->ref)->width; fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 char* SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, char[], const char*);", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 char* SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, char a[], const char *type)\n{\tchar *p = NULL;\n\tif (!soap_instring(soap, tag, &p, type, %s, 1, 0, %d, %s))\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\tif (!p)\n\t{\tif (*soap->href)\n\t\t\tsoap_id_nullify(soap, soap->href);\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tsoap->error = SOAP_NULL;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}\n\tsoap_strncpy(a, %d, p, %d);\n\treturn a;\n}", c_ident(typ), soap_type(typ), n - 1, pattern(typ), n, n - 1); return; } switch(typ->type) { case Tstruct: if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 %s SOAP_FMAC2 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, %s, const char *type)\n{", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); table = (Table*)typ->ref; if (!typ->ref) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; (void)tag; (void)a; (void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a)\n\t\tsoap->error = SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH;\n\treturn a;\n}"); } else if (is_primclass(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 1, NULL))\n\t\treturn NULL;"); if (!cflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!(a = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, a, %s, sizeof(%s), soap->type, soap->arrayType, %s_instantiate, %s_fbase)))\n\t\treturn NULL;", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ), prefix, prefix); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!(a = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, a, %s, sizeof(%s), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)))\n\t\treturn NULL;", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_revert(soap);\n\t*soap->id = '\\0';"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a);", c_ident(typ)); for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) soap_attr_value(p, "a", ident(p->sym->name), ns_add(p, nsa)); } fflush(fout); for (table = (Table*)typ->ref; table; table = table->prev) { p = table->list; while (p && !is_item(p)) p = p->next; if (p) break; } if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_inliteral(soap, tag, (char**)&a->%s))", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_inwliteral(soap, tag, (wchar_t**)&a->%s))", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, (char**)&a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, (wchar_t**)&a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a->%s.soap_in(soap, tag, \"%s\"))", ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, &a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn NULL;"); if (has_getter(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->get(soap))\n\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn a;\n}"); } else { table = (Table*)typ->ref; if (!is_discriminant(typ)) { for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (!(p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) && !(p->info.sto & Sattribute) && p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { if (is_anytype(p) || is_choice(p)) { p = p->next; fprintf(fout, "\n\tsize_t soap_flag_%s = " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ";", ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs); } else if (is_repetition(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tstruct soap_blist *soap_blist_%s = NULL;", ident(p->next->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else if (!is_transient(p->info.typ) && !is_container(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsize_t soap_flag_%s = " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ";", ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs); } } } } if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0, type))\n\t\treturn NULL;"); } else if (!is_discriminant(typ)) { if (table && (table->prev || table->list)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tshort soap_flag;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)tag; (void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); } else fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)tag; (void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); if (has_class(typ)) { if (is_invisible(typ->id->name)) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, \"\", a, %s, sizeof(%s), soap->type, soap->arrayType, %s_instantiate, %s_fbase);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ), prefix, prefix); else fprintf(fout, "\n\ta = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, a, %s, sizeof(%s), soap->type, soap->arrayType, %s_instantiate, %s_fbase);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ), prefix, prefix); } else if (is_invisible(typ->id->name)) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, \"\", a, %s, sizeof(%s), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\ta = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, a, %s, sizeof(%s), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a)\n\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a);", c_ident(typ)); for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) soap_attr_value(p, "a", ident(p->sym->name), ns_add(p, nsa)); } if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name)) { if (!is_discriminant(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->body && !*soap->href)\n\t{"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tfor (;;)\n\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH;"); } else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!tag || *tag == '-' || (soap->body && !*soap->href))\n\t{"); } else if (!is_discriminant(typ)) { if (table && (table->prev || table->list)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tfor (soap_flag = 0;; soap_flag = 1)\n\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH;"); } flag = 0; for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion || is_soapref(p->info.typ)) ; else if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t/* non-serializable %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) ; else if (is_repetition(p)) { if (is_unmatched(p->next->sym) || is_invisible(p->next->sym->name)) { p = p->next; continue; } flag = 1; fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && "); fprintf(fout, "!soap_element_begin_in(soap, %s, 1, NULL))", field(p->next, nse)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t{\tif (a->%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t{\tif (soap_blist_%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsoap_blist_%s = soap_new_block(soap);", ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass || ((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Ttemplate || has_class((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) || (!cflag && ((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s = soap_block<%s>::push(soap, soap_blist_%s);\n\t\t\t\t\tif (a->%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer && (p->next->info.sto & Sconstptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s = (const %s)soap_push_block_max(soap, soap_blist_%s, sizeof(%s));\n\t\t\t\t\tif (a->%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s = (%s)soap_push_block_max(soap, soap_blist_%s, sizeof(%s));\n\t\t\t\t\tif (a->%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name)); if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s->soap_default(soap);", ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type != Tpointer && !is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a->%s);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\t*a->%s = NULL;", ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tsoap_revert(soap);"); if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inliteral(soap, %s, (char**)a->%s))", field(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inwliteral(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)a->%s))", field(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (char**)a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), field(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), field(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), field(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\ta->%s++;\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s = NULL;\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else if (is_anytype(p)) { flag = 1; fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_flag_%s && soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH)", ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif ((a->%s = soap_getelement(soap, &a->%s)))", ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\tsoap_flag_%s = 0;", ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); p = p->next; } else if (is_discriminant(typ) && p->next) { flag = 1; fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, &a->%s, &a->%s))", c_ident(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); break; } else if (is_choice(p)) { flag = 1; fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_flag_%s && soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH)", ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, &a->%s, &a->%s))", c_ident(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\tsoap_flag_%s = 0;", ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); p = p->next; } else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t/* transient %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); } else { flag = 1; if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name) && !is_primclass(typ) && p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { if (is_string(p->info.typ) || is_wstring(p->info.typ) || is_stdstr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_flag_%s && (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH || soap->error == SOAP_NO_TAG))", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_container(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH)"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_flag_%s && soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH)", ident(p->sym->name)); } if (is_unmatched(p->sym)) { if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inliteral(soap, NULL, (char**)&a->%s))", ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inwliteral(soap, NULL, (wchar_t**)&a->%s))", ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (is_string(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, (char**)&a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, (wchar_t**)&a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (a->%s.soap_in(soap, NULL, \"%s\"))", ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, &a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } } else if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name)) { if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inliteral(soap, %s, (char**)&a->%s))", field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inwliteral(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)&a->%s))", field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (is_string(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (char**)&a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)&a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (a->%s.soap_in(soap, %s, \"%s\"))", ident(p->sym->name), field(p, nse), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, &a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } } if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name) && !is_primclass(typ) && p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { if (is_container(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;"); else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\tsoap_flag_%s--;", ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); } } } fflush(fout); } } if (!is_discriminant(typ)) { for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (is_repetition(p) && (is_unmatched(p->next->sym) || (is_invisible(p->next->sym->name)))) { flag = 1; fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && "); if (is_unmatched(p->next->sym)) fprintf(fout, "!soap_element_begin_in(soap, NULL, 1, NULL))"); else if (is_invisible(p->next->sym->name)) fprintf(fout, "!soap_peek_element(soap))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t{\tif (a->%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t{\tif (soap_blist_%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsoap_blist_%s = soap_new_block(soap);", ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass || ((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Ttemplate || has_class((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) || (!cflag && ((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s = soap_block<%s>::push(soap, soap_blist_%s);\n\t\t\t\t\tif (a->%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer && (p->next->info.sto & Sconstptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s = (const %s)soap_push_block_max(soap, soap_blist_%s, sizeof(%s));\n\t\t\t\t\tif (a->%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s = (%s)soap_push_block_max(soap, soap_blist_%s, sizeof(%s));\n\t\t\t\t\tif (a->%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name)); if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s->soap_default(soap);", ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type != Tpointer && !is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a->%s);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\t*a->%s = NULL;", ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); if (!is_invisible(p->next->sym->name)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tsoap_revert(soap);"); if (is_unmatched(p->next->sym)) { if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inliteral(soap, NULL, (char**)a->%s))", ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inwliteral(soap, NULL, (wchar_t**)a->%s))", ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, (char**)a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, (wchar_t**)a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); } else { if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inliteral(soap, %s, (char**)a->%s))", field(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inwliteral(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)a->%s))", field(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (char**)a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), field(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), field(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), field(p->next, nse), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\ta->%s++;\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s = NULL;\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else if (is_repetition(p) || is_anytype(p) || is_choice(p)) { p = p->next; continue; } else if (is_invisible(p->sym->name) && !(p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) && !is_transient(p->info.typ) && !(p->info.sto & Sattribute)) { flag = 1; if (is_string(p->info.typ) || is_wstring(p->info.typ) || is_stdstr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_flag_%s && (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH || soap->error == SOAP_NO_TAG))", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_container(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH)"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_flag_%s && soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH)", ident(p->sym->name)); if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inliteral(soap, %s, (char**)&a->%s))", field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inwliteral(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)&a->%s))", field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (char**)&a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)&a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (a->%s.soap_in(soap, %s, \"%s\"))", ident(p->sym->name), field(p, nse), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, &a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); if (is_container(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;"); else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\tsoap_flag_%s--;", ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); } } } } for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) if (p->info.sto & Sreturn) if (nse || has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_check_result(soap, \"%s\");", ns_add(p, nse)); if (!flag && is_invisible(typ->id->name)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap->error = SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH;\n\ta = NULL;"); if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name) || (table && (table->prev || table->list))) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH)"); if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name) || is_discriminant(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tsoap->error = soap_ignore_element(soap);"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_flag)\n\t\t\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OK;\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}"); if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->error == SOAP_NO_TAG)"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_flag && soap->error == SOAP_NO_TAG)"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tbreak;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->error)\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}"); } } if (table && !is_discriminant(typ)) { for (p = table->list; p; p = p->next) { if (is_repetition(p)) { if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass || ((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Ttemplate || has_class((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) || (!cflag && ((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->%s)\n\t\t\tsoap_block<%s>::pop(soap, soap_blist_%s);", ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->%s)\n\t\t{\ta->%s = soap_new_%s(soap, a->%s);\n\t\t\tif (!a->%s)\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\tsoap_block<%s>::save(soap, soap_blist_%s, a->%s);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\ta->%s = NULL;\n\t\t\tif (soap_blist_%s)\n\t\t\t\tsoap_block<%s>::end(soap, soap_blist_%s);\n\t\t}", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_ident(p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name)); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->%s)\n\t\t\tsoap_pop_block(soap, soap_blist_%s);", ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); if ((((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer && (p->next->info.sto & Sconstptr))) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->%s)\n\t\t{\ta->%s = (const %s)soap_save_block(soap, soap_blist_%s, NULL, 1);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\ta->%s = NULL;\n\t\t\tif (soap_blist_%s)\n\t\t\t\tsoap_end_block(soap, soap_blist_%s);\n\t\t}", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->%s)\n\t\t{\ta->%s = (%s)soap_save_block(soap, soap_blist_%s, NULL, 1);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\ta->%s = NULL;\n\t\t\tif (soap_blist_%s)\n\t\t\t\tsoap_end_block(soap, soap_blist_%s);\n\t\t}", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); } p = p->next; } } } if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name)) { if (is_discriminant(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (tag && *tag != '-')\n\t\t{\tsoap->error = soap_ignore_element(soap);\n\t\t\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH || soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t}"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); } strict = 0; nonempty = 0; if (table && !is_discriminant(typ)) { for (p = table->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.minOccurs > 0 && p->info.maxOccurs >= 0 && !(p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) && !(p->info.sto & Sattribute) && p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ) && !is_transient(p->info.typ) && !is_container(p->info.typ) && !is_repetition(p) && !is_choice(p) && p->info.hasval == False) { if (is_item(p)) continue; if (is_anytype(p)) p = p->next; if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s(soap_flag_%s > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "", strict_check(), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs - p->info.minOccurs); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || soap_flag_%s > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "", ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs - p->info.minOccurs); nonempty = 1; } else if (is_container(p->info.typ)) { if (p->info.minOccurs > 0) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer) { if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s(!a->%s || a->%s->size() < " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, strict_check(), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.minOccurs); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || !a->%s || a->%s->size() < " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.minOccurs); } else { if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s(a->%s.size() < " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, strict_check(), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.minOccurs); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || a->%s.size() < " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, ident(p->sym->name), p->info.minOccurs); } nonempty = 1; } if (p->info.maxOccurs > 1) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer) { if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s((a->%s && a->%s->size() > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")", strict_check(), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || (a->%s && a->%s->size() > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")", ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs); } else { if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s(a->%s.size() > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, strict_check(), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || a->%s.size() > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs); } } } else if (is_repetition(p)) { if (p->info.minOccurs > 0) { if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s(a->%s < " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, strict_check(), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.minOccurs); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || a->%s < " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, ident(p->sym->name), p->info.minOccurs); nonempty = 1; } if (p->info.maxOccurs > 1) { if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s(a->%s > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, strict_check(), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || a->%s > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs); } p = p->next; } else if (is_choice(p)) { if (p->info.minOccurs != 0 && required_choice(p->next->info.typ) < 0) { if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s(soap_flag_%s", strict_check(), ident(p->next->sym->name)); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || soap_flag_%s", ident(p->next->sym->name)); nonempty = 1; } p = p->next; } } if (strict) fprintf(fout, "))\n\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OCCURS;\n\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t}"); } if (has_getter(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->get(soap))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name)) { if (nonempty) fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\telse if (%s!*soap->href)\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OCCURS;\n\t\treturn NULL;", strict_check()); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\t"); if (!cflag) fprintf(fout, "a = (%s)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, (void*)a, 0, %s, %s, sizeof(%s), 0, %s_finsert, NULL);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ), prefix); else fprintf(fout, "a = (%s)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, (void*)a, 0, %s, %s, sizeof(%s), 0, NULL, NULL);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); } fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn a;\n}"); } break; case Tclass: if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 %s SOAP_FMAC2 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); if (!is_volatile(typ) && !is_typedef(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\nvoid *%s::soap_in(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, const char *type)", c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n{\treturn soap_in_%s(soap, tag, this, type);\n}", c_ident(typ)); fflush(fout); } fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, %s, const char *type)\n{", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)tag; (void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); if (!typ->ref) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; (void)a; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a)\n\t\tsoap->error = SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH;\n\treturn a;\n}"); } else if (is_primclass(typ)) { table = (Table*)typ->ref; fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 1, NULL))\n\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!(a = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, a, %s, sizeof(%s), soap->type, soap->arrayType, %s_instantiate, %s_fbase)))\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ), prefix, prefix); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_revert(soap);\n\t*soap->id = '\\0';"); if (table && table->prev) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->alloced && soap->alloced != %s)", soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn (%s)a->soap_in(soap, tag, type);", c_type_id(typ, "*")); } fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->alloced)\n\t\ta->soap_default(soap);"); for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { Entry *e = entry(classtable, t->sym); const char *nsa1 = e ? ns_qualifiedAttribute(e->info.typ) : nsa; for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) soap_attr_value(p, ptr_cast(t, "a"), ident(p->sym->name), ns_add(p, nsa1)); } fflush(fout); for (table = (Table*)typ->ref; table; table = table->prev) { p = table->list; while (p && !is_item(p)) p = p->next; if (p) break; } if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_inliteral(soap, tag, (char**)&a->%s::%s))", ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_inwliteral(soap, tag, (wchar_t**)&a->%s::%s))", ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, (char**)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, (wchar_t**)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!(a->%s::%s).soap_in(soap, tag, \"%s\"))", ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, &a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(table->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn NULL;"); if (has_getter(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (a->get(soap))\n\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn a;\n}"); } else { if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0, NULL))\n\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\ta = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, a, %s, sizeof(%s), soap->type, soap->arrayType, %s_instantiate, %s_fbase);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ), prefix, prefix); } else fprintf(fout, "\n\ta = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, \"\", a, %s, sizeof(%s), soap->type, soap->arrayType, %s_instantiate, %s_fbase);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ), prefix, prefix); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a)\n\t\treturn NULL;"); table = (Table*)typ->ref; if (!is_discriminant(typ)) { if (table && table->prev && !is_invisible(typ->id->name)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->alloced && soap->alloced != %s)", soap_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tsoap_revert(soap);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t*soap->id = '\\0';"); if (is_volatile(typ) || is_typedef(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn soap_in_%s(soap, tag, a, type);", c_ident(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn (%s)a->soap_in(soap, tag, type);", c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); } } fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->alloced)"); if (is_volatile(typ) || is_typedef(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a);", c_ident(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\ta->soap_default(soap);"); for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { Entry *e = entry(classtable, t->sym); const char *nsa1 = e ? ns_qualifiedAttribute(e->info.typ) : nsa; for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) soap_attr_value(p, ptr_cast(t, "a"), ident(p->sym->name), ns_add(p, nsa1)); } fflush(fout); i = 0; if (!is_discriminant(typ)) { for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) i++; for (; i > 0; i--) { t = table; for (j = 0; j < i-1; j++) t = t->prev; if (!t->prev) { Entry *e = entry(classtable, t->sym); if (e && e->info.typ && e->info.typ->base && !strcmp(e->info.typ->base->name, "soap_dom_element")) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsize_t soap_flag_soap_dom_element = 1;"); } for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (!(p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) && !(p->info.sto & Sattribute) && p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { if (is_anytype(p) || is_choice(p)) { p = p->next; fprintf(fout, "\n\tsize_t soap_flag_%s%d = " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ";", ident(p->sym->name), i, p->info.maxOccurs); } else if (is_repetition(p)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tstruct soap_blist *soap_blist_%s%d = NULL;", ident(p->next->sym->name), i); p = p->next; } else if (!is_transient(p->info.typ) && !is_container(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsize_t soap_flag_%s%d = " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ";", ident(p->sym->name), i, p->info.maxOccurs); } } } } fflush(fout); if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name)) { if (!is_discriminant(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->body && !*soap->href)\n\t{"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tfor (;;)\n\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH;"); } else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!tag || *tag == '-' || (soap->body && !*soap->href))\n\t{"); } else if (!is_discriminant(typ)) { if (table && (table->prev || table->list)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tfor (short soap_flag = 0;; soap_flag = 1)\n\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH;"); } table = (Table*)typ->ref; i = 0; flag = 0; for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) i++; for (; i > 0; i--) { Entry *e; const char *nse1; t = table; for (j = 0; j < i-1; j++) t = t->prev; e = entry(classtable, t->sym); nse1 = e ? ns_qualifiedElement(e->info.typ) : nse; for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion || is_soapref(p->info.typ)) ; else if (is_item(p)) ; else if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t/* non-serializable %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) ; else if (is_repetition(p)) { if (is_unmatched(p->next->sym) || is_invisible(p->next->sym->name)) { p = p->next; continue; } flag = 1; fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && "); fprintf(fout, "!soap_element_begin_in(soap, %s, 1, NULL))", field(p->next, nse1)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t{\tif (a->%s::%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t{\tif (soap_blist_%s%d == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsoap_blist_%s%d = soap_new_block(soap);", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), i, ident(p->next->sym->name), i); if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass || ((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Ttemplate || has_class((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) || (!cflag && ((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s::%s = soap_block<%s>::push(soap, soap_blist_%s%d);\n\t\t\t\t\tif (a->%s::%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name), i, ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer && (p->next->info.sto & Sconstptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s::%s = (const %s)soap_push_block_max(soap, soap_blist_%s%d, sizeof(%s));\n\t\t\t\t\tif (a->%s::%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->next->sym->name), i, c_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s::%s = (%s)soap_push_block_max(soap, soap_blist_%s%d, sizeof(%s));\n\t\t\t\t\tif (a->%s::%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->next->sym->name), i, c_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s::%s->soap_default(soap);", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type != Tpointer && !is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a->%s::%s);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\t*a->%s::%s = NULL;", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tsoap_revert(soap);"); if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inliteral(soap, %s, (char**)a->%s::%s))", field(p->next, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inwliteral(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)a->%s::%s))", field(p->next, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (char**)a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), field(p->next, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), field(p->next, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), field(p->next, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\ta->%s::%s++;\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s::%s = NULL;\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else if (is_anytype(p)) { flag = 1; fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_flag_%s%d && soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH)", ident(p->next->sym->name), i); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif ((a->%s::%s = soap_getelement(soap, &a->%s::%s)))", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\tsoap_flag_%s%d = 0;", ident(p->next->sym->name), i); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); p = p->next; } else if (is_discriminant(typ) && p->next) { flag = 1; fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, &a->%s, &a->%s))", c_ident(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); i = 0; break; } else if (is_choice(p)) { flag = 1; fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_flag_%s%d && soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH)", ident(p->next->sym->name), i); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, &a->%s::%s, &a->%s::%s))", c_ident(p->next->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\tsoap_flag_%s%d = 0;", ident(p->next->sym->name), i); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); p = p->next; } else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t/* transient %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); } else { flag = 1; if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name) && !is_primclass(typ) && p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { if (is_string(p->info.typ) || is_wstring(p->info.typ) || is_stdstr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_flag_%s%d && (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH || soap->error == SOAP_NO_TAG))", ident(p->sym->name), i); else if (is_container(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH)"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_flag_%s%d && soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH)", ident(p->sym->name), i); } if (is_unmatched(p->sym)) { if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inliteral(soap, NULL, (char**)&a->%s::%s))", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inwliteral(soap, NULL, (wchar_t**)&a->%s::%s))", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (is_string(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, (char**)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, (wchar_t**)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif ((a->%s::%s).soap_in(soap, NULL, \"%s\"))", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, &a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } } else if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name)) { if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inliteral(soap, %s, (char**)&a->%s::%s))", field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inwliteral(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)&a->%s::%s))", field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (is_string(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (char**)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif ((a->%s::%s).soap_in(soap, %s, \"%s\"))", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, &a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } } if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name) && !is_primclass(typ) && p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { if (is_container(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;"); else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\tsoap_flag_%s%d--;", ident(p->sym->name), i); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); } } fflush(fout); } } } if (!is_discriminant(typ)) { Entry *e; const char *nse1; i = 0; for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) { i++; e = entry(classtable, t->sym); nse1 = e ? ns_qualifiedElement(e->info.typ) : nse; for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (is_repetition(p) && (is_unmatched(p->next->sym) || is_invisible(p->next->sym->name))) { flag = 1; fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && "); if (is_unmatched(p->next->sym)) fprintf(fout, "!soap_element_begin_in(soap, NULL, 1, NULL))"); else if (is_invisible(p->next->sym->name)) fprintf(fout, "!soap_peek_element(soap))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t{\tif (a->%s::%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t{\tif (soap_blist_%s%d == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsoap_blist_%s%d = soap_new_block(soap);", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), i, ident(p->next->sym->name), i); if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass || ((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Ttemplate || has_class((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) || (!cflag && ((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s::%s = soap_block<%s>::push(soap, soap_blist_%s%d);\n\t\t\t\t\tif (a->%s::%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name), i, ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer && (p->next->info.sto & Sconstptr)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s::%s = (const %s)soap_push_block_max(soap, soap_blist_%s%d, sizeof(%s));\n\t\t\t\t\tif (a->%s::%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->next->sym->name), i, c_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s::%s = (%s)soap_push_block_max(soap, soap_blist_%s%d, sizeof(%s));\n\t\t\t\t\tif (a->%s::%s == NULL)\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->next->sym->name), i, c_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s::%s->soap_default(soap);", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type != Tpointer && !is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a->%s::%s);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\t*a->%s::%s = NULL;", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); if (!is_invisible(p->next->sym->name)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tsoap_revert(soap);"); if (is_unmatched(p->next->sym)) { if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inliteral(soap, NULL, (char**)a->%s::%s))", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inwliteral(soap, NULL, (wchar_t**)a->%s::%s))", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, (char**)a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, (wchar_t**)a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); } else { if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inliteral(soap, %s, (char**)a->%s::%s))", field(p->next, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inwliteral(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)a->%s::%s))", field(p->next, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (char**)a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), field(p->next, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), field(p->next, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref), field(p->next, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\ta->%s::%s++;\n\t\t\t\t\ta->%s::%s = NULL;\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name)); p = p->next; } else if (is_repetition(p) || is_anytype(p) || is_choice(p)) { p = p->next; continue; } else if (is_invisible(p->sym->name) && !(p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) && !is_transient(p->info.typ) && !(p->info.sto & Sattribute)) { flag = 1; if (is_string(p->info.typ) || is_wstring(p->info.typ) || is_stdstr(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_flag_%s%d && (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH || soap->error == SOAP_NO_TAG))", ident(p->sym->name), i); else if (is_container(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH)"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_flag_%s%d && soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH)", ident(p->sym->name), i); if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inliteral(soap, %s, (char**)&a->%s::%s))", field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_inwliteral(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)&a->%s::%s))", field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (is_string(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (char**)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (is_wstring(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, (wchar_t**)&a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif ((a->%s::%s).soap_in(soap, %s, \"%s\"))", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_%s(soap, %s, &a->%s::%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), field_overridden(t, p, nse1), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } if (is_container(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;"); else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\tsoap_flag_%s%d--;", ident(p->sym->name), i); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); } } } if (!t->prev && e && e->info.typ && e->info.typ->base && !strcmp(e->info.typ->base->name, "soap_dom_element")) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_flag_soap_dom_element && soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH)\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_in_xsd__anyType(soap, NULL, static_cast(a), NULL))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\tsoap_flag_soap_dom_element = 0;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); } } for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) if (p->info.sto & Sreturn) if (nse || has_ns_eq(NULL, p->sym->name)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_check_result(soap, \"%s\");", ns_add(p, nse)); if (!flag && is_invisible(typ->id->name)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap->error = SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH;\n\ta = NULL;"); if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name) || (table && (table->prev || table->list))) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH)"); if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name) || is_discriminant(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tsoap->error = soap_ignore_element(soap);"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (soap_flag)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tsoap->error = SOAP_OK;\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}"); if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->error == SOAP_NO_TAG)"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap_flag && soap->error == SOAP_NO_TAG)"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tbreak;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->error)\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}"); } } if (!is_discriminant(typ)) { i = 0; for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) i++; for (; i > 0; i--) { t = table; for (j = 0; j < i-1; j++) t = t->prev; for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (is_repetition(p)) { if (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass || ((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Ttemplate || has_class((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref) || (((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct && !cflag)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->%s::%s)\n\t\t\tsoap_block<%s>::pop(soap, soap_blist_%s%d);", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name), i); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->%s::%s)\n\t\t{\ta->%s::%s = soap_new_%s(soap, a->%s::%s);\n\t\t\tif (!a->%s::%s)\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\tsoap_block<%s>::save(soap, soap_blist_%s%d, a->%s::%s);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\ta->%s::%s = NULL;\n\t\t\tif (soap_blist_%s%d)\n\t\t\t\tsoap_block<%s>::end(soap, soap_blist_%s%d);\n\t\t}", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_ident(p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name), i, ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), i, c_type(p->next->info.typ->ref), ident(p->next->sym->name), i); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->%s::%s)\n\t\t\tsoap_pop_block(soap, soap_blist_%s%d);", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), i); if ((((Tnode*)p->next->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer && (p->next->info.sto & Sconstptr))) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->%s::%s)\n\t\t{\ta->%s::%s = (const %s)soap_save_block(soap, soap_blist_%s%d, NULL, 1);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\ta->%s::%s = NULL;\n\t\t\tif (soap_blist_%s%d)\n\t\t\t\tsoap_end_block(soap, soap_blist_%s%d);\n\t\t}", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->next->sym->name), i, ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), i, ident(p->next->sym->name), i); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->%s::%s)\n\t\t{\ta->%s::%s = (%s)soap_save_block(soap, soap_blist_%s%d, NULL, 1);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\ta->%s::%s = NULL;\n\t\t\tif (soap_blist_%s%d)\n\t\t\t\tsoap_end_block(soap, soap_blist_%s%d);\n\t\t}", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), c_type(p->next->info.typ), ident(p->next->sym->name), i, ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), ident(p->next->sym->name), i, ident(p->next->sym->name), i); } p = p->next; } } } } if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name)) { if (is_discriminant(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (tag && *tag != '-')\n\t\t{\tsoap->error = soap_ignore_element(soap);\n\t\t\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH || soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t}"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); } strict = 0; nonempty = 0; if (!is_discriminant(typ)) { i = 0; for (t = table; t; t = t->prev) i++; for (; i > 0; i--) { t = table; for (j = 0; j < i-1; j++) t = t->prev; for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.minOccurs > 0 && p->info.maxOccurs >= 0 && !(p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) && !(p->info.sto & Sattribute) && p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ) && !is_transient(p->info.typ) && !is_container(p->info.typ) && !is_repetition(p) && !is_choice(p) && p->info.hasval == False) { if (is_item(p)) continue; if (is_anytype(p)) p = p->next; if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s(soap_flag_%s%d > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, strict_check(), ident(p->sym->name), i, p->info.maxOccurs - p->info.minOccurs); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || soap_flag_%s%d > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, ident(p->sym->name), i, p->info.maxOccurs - p->info.minOccurs); nonempty = 1; } else if (is_container(p->info.typ)) { if (p->info.minOccurs > 0) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer) { if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s(!a->%s::%s || a->%s::%s->size() < " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, strict_check(), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.minOccurs); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || !a->%s::%s || a->%s::%s->size() < " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.minOccurs); } else { if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s(a->%s::%s.size() < " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, strict_check(), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.minOccurs); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || a->%s::%s.size() < " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.minOccurs); } nonempty = 1; } if (p->info.maxOccurs > 1) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer) { if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s((a->%s::%s && a->%s::%s->size() > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")", strict_check(), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || (a->%s::%s && a->%s::%s->size() > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")", ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs); } else { if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s(a->%s::%s.size() > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, strict_check(), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || a->%s::%s.size() > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs); } } } else if (is_repetition(p)) { if (p->info.minOccurs > 0) { if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s(a->%s::%s < " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, strict_check(), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.minOccurs); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || a->%s::%s < " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.minOccurs); nonempty = 1; } if (p->info.maxOccurs > 1) { if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s(a->%s::%s > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, strict_check(), ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || a->%s::%s > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT, ident(t->sym->name), ident(p->sym->name), p->info.maxOccurs); } p = p->next; } else if (is_choice(p)) { if (p->info.minOccurs != 0 && required_choice(p->next->info.typ) < 0) { if (strict == 0) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (%s(soap_flag_%s%d", strict_check(), ident(p->next->sym->name), i); strict = 1; } else fprintf(fout, " || soap_flag_%s%d", ident(p->next->sym->name), i); nonempty = 1; } p = p->next; } } } if (strict) fprintf(fout, "))\n\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OCCURS;\n\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t}"); } if (has_getter(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->get(soap))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); if (!is_invisible(typ->id->name)) { if (nonempty) fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\telse if (%s!*soap->href)\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OCCURS;\n\t\treturn NULL;", strict_check()); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{"); fprintf(fout, "\ta = (%s)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, (void*)a, 0, %s, %s, sizeof(%s), 0, %s_finsert, %s_fbase);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ), prefix, prefix); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); } fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn a;\n}"); } break; case Tunion: if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 %s SOAP_FMAC2 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, int*, %s);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, int*, %s);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap *soap, int *choice, %s)\n{", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)a; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); fprintf(fout, "\tsoap->error = SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH;"); table = (Table *)typ->ref; for (p = table->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion) ; else if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* non-serializable %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) ; else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t/* transient %s skipped */", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (!is_invisible(p->sym->name)) { if (is_unmatched(p->sym)) { if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && soap_inliteral(soap, NULL, (char**)&a->%s))", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && soap_inwliteral(soap, NULL, (wchar_t**)&a->%s))", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && a->%s.soap_in(soap, NULL, \"%s\"))", ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->%s = NULL;", ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, &a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } } else { if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && soap_inliteral(soap, \"%s\", (char**)&a->%s))", ns_add(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && soap_inwliteral(soap, \"%s\", (wchar_t**)&a->%s))", ns_add(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && soap_in_%s(soap, \"%s\", a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ns_add(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && a->%s.soap_in(soap, \"%s\", \"%s\"))", ident(p->sym->name), ns_add(p, nse), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->%s = NULL;", ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && soap_in_%s(soap, \"%s\", &a->%s, \"%s\"))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ns_add(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type(p->info.typ)); } } fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\t*choice = %s;", soap_union_member(typ, p)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn a;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); fflush(fout); } } table = (Table *)typ->ref; for (p = table->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tfun || p->info.typ->type == Tunion) ; else if (p->info.sto & (Sconst | Sprivate | Sprotected)) ; else if (is_transient(p->info.typ)) ; else if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) ; else if (is_invisible(p->sym->name)) { if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_string(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && soap_inliteral(soap, \"%s\", (char**)&a->%s))", ns_add(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_XML(p->info.typ) && is_wstring(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && soap_inwliteral(soap, \"%s\", (wchar_t**)&a->%s))", ns_add(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && soap_in_%s(soap, \"%s\", a->%s, NULL))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ns_add(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name)); else if (p->info.typ->type == Tclass && !is_external(p->info.typ) && !is_volatile(p->info.typ) && !is_typedef(p->info.typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && a->%s.soap_in(soap, \"%s\", NULL))", ident(p->sym->name), ns_add(p, nse)); else if (p->info.typ->type != Tfun && !is_void(p->info.typ)) { if (p->info.typ->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->%s = NULL;", ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH && soap_in_%s(soap, \"%s\", &a->%s, NULL))", c_ident(p->info.typ), ns_add(p, nse), ident(p->sym->name)); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\t*choice = %s;", soap_union_member(typ, p)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn a;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); fflush(fout); } } fprintf(fout, "\n\t*choice = %d;", required_choice(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap->error)\n\t\tsoap->error = SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH;\n\treturn NULL;\n}"); break; case Tpointer: if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 %s SOAP_FMAC2 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, %s, const char *type)\n{", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 1, NULL))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn NULL;"); if (is_template(typ->ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_revert(soap);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a)\n\t{\tif (!(a = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(%s))))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t*a = NULL;\n\t}", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!(*a = soap_in_%s(soap, tag, *a, type)))\n\t\treturn NULL;", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn a;\n}"); } else if (((Tnode *) typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)typ->ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a)\n\t\tif (!(a = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(%s))))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t*a = NULL;\n\tif (!soap->null && *soap->href != '#')"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tsoap_revert(soap);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!(*a = (%s)%s_instantiate_%s(soap, -1, soap->type, soap->arrayType, NULL)))", c_type(typ), namespaceid ? "soap" : prefix, c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t(*a)->soap_default(soap);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!(*a)->soap_in(soap, tag, NULL))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t{\t*a = NULL;\n\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\ta = (%s)soap_id_lookup(soap, soap->href, (void**)a, %s, sizeof(%s), %d, %s_fbase);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(reftype(typ->ref)), c_type(reftype(typ->ref)), reflevel(typ->ref), prefix); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\treturn a;\n}"); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a)\n\t\tif (!(a = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(%s))))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t*a = NULL;\n\tif (!soap->null && *soap->href != '#')"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tsoap_revert(soap);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!(*a = soap_in_%s(soap, tag, *a, type)))", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\ta = (%s)soap_id_lookup(soap, soap->href, (void**)a, %s, sizeof(%s), %d, NULL);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(reftype(typ->ref)), c_type(reftype(typ->ref)), reflevel(typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\treturn a;\n}"); } break; case Tarray: temp = typ; while (temp->type == Tarray) temp = (Tnode*)temp->ref; if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 %s SOAP_FMAC2 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type_id(temp, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type(typ)); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type_id(temp, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, %s, const char *type)\n{", c_type_id(temp, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "a")); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0, NULL))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_match_array(soap, type))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_TYPE;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\ta = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, a, %s, sizeof(%s), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);", c_type_id((Tnode*)typ->ref, "(*)"), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a)\n\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a);", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->body && !*soap->href)"); total = get_dimension(typ); n = (Tnode*)typ->ref; cardinality = 1; while (n->type == Tarray) { total=total*get_dimension(n); n = (Tnode*)n->ref; cardinality++; } fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tint i;\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < %d; i++)", get_dimension(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t{\tsoap_peek_element(soap);\n\t\t\tif (soap->position)\n\t\t\t{\ti = soap->positions[0];\n\t\t\t\tif (i < 0 || i >= %d)\n\t\t\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_IOB;\n\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}", get_dimension(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, a", c_ident((Tnode*)typ->ref)); if (cardinality > 1) fprintf(fout, "[i]"); else fprintf(fout, "+i"); fprintf(fout, ", \"%s\"))", xsi_type((Tnode*)typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t{\tif (soap->error != SOAP_NO_TAG)\n\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tsoap->error = SOAP_OK;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tbreak;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap->mode & SOAP_C_NOIOB)\n\t\t\twhile (soap_element_end_in(soap, tag) == SOAP_SYNTAX_ERROR)\n\t\t\t{\tsoap->peeked = 1;\n\t\t\t\tsoap_ignore_element(soap);\n\t\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\telse if (soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t{\tif (soap->error == SOAP_SYNTAX_ERROR)\n\t\t\t\tsoap->error = SOAP_IOB;\n\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\ta = (%s)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, (void*)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, a, %s, sizeof(%s), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), 0, %s, %s, sizeof(%s), 0, NULL, NULL);", c_type_id((Tnode*)typ->ref, "(*)"), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ), soap_type(typ), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\treturn (%s)a;\n}", c_type_id(temp, "*")); break; case Tenum: case Tenumsc: if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 %s SOAP_FMAC2 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); if (!is_typedef(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3S int SOAP_FMAC4S soap_s2%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s);", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3S int SOAP_FMAC4S soap_s2%s(struct soap *soap, const char *s, %s)\n{", c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); if (!is_mask(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tconst struct soap_code_map *map;"); t = (Table*)typ->ref; if (t && t->list && has_ns_eq(NULL, ns_remove2(t->list->sym->name, c_ident(typ)))) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tchar *t;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!s)\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_s2QName(soap, s, &t, %ld, %ld);", minlen(typ), maxlen(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tmap = soap_code(soap_codes_%s, t);", c_ident(typ)); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!s)\n\t\treturn soap->error;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tmap = soap_code(soap_codes_%s, s);", c_ident(typ)); } min = 0; max = 0; for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->info.val.i < min) min = (unsigned long)p->info.val.i; if (p->info.val.i > max) max = (unsigned long)p->info.val.i; } } if (is_boolean(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (map)\n\t\t*a = (%s)(map->code != 0);\n\telse\n\t{\tlong n;\n\t\tif (soap_s2long(soap, s, &n) || n < 0 || n > 1)\n\t\t\treturn soap->error = SOAP_TYPE;\n\t\t*a = (%s)(n != 0);\n\t}\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}", c_type(typ), c_type(typ)); else if (sflag) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (map)\n\t\t*a = (%s)map->code;\n\telse\n\t\treturn soap->error = SOAP_TYPE;\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}", c_type(typ)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (map)\n\t\t*a = (%s)map->code;\n\telse\n\t{\tlong n;\n\t\tif (soap_s2long(soap, s, &n) || ((soap->mode & SOAP_XML_STRICT) && (n < %ld || n > %ld)))\n\t\t\treturn soap->error = SOAP_TYPE;\n\t\t*a = (%s)n;\n\t}\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}", c_type(typ), min, max, c_type(typ)); } else { t = (Table*)typ->ref; if (t && t->list && has_ns_eq(NULL, ns_remove1(t->list->sym->name))) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tchar *t;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_s2QName(soap, s, &t, %ld, %ld);", minlen(typ), maxlen(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t*a = (%s)soap_code_bits(soap_codes_%s, t);", c_type(typ), c_ident(typ)); } else fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)soap; /* appease -Wall -Werror */\n\t*a = (%s)soap_code_bits(soap_codes_%s, s);", c_type(typ), c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn SOAP_OK;\n}"); } } fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, %s, const char *type)\n{", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); if (is_boolean(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0, NULL))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*soap->type && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, \":boolean\"))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_TYPE;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}"); } else if (typ->sym) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0, NULL))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*soap->type && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, \"%s\"))", base_type(typ, "")); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_TYPE;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}"); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 0, type))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn NULL;"); } fprintf(fout, "\n\ta = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, a, %s, sizeof(%s), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a)\n\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->body && !*soap->href)\n\t{"); fprintf(fout, "\tif (soap_s2%s(soap, soap_value(soap), a) || soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\ta = (%s)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, (void*)a, 0, %s, %s, sizeof(%s), 0, NULL, NULL);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\treturn a;\n}"); break; case Ttemplate: if (is_external(typ) && !is_volatile(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 %s SOAP_FMAC2 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } if (is_typedef(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\n\n#define soap_in_%s soap_in_%s\n", c_ident(typ), t_ident(typ)); return; } n = (Tnode*)typ->ref; if (n->type == Tfun || is_void(n)) return; fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, %s, const char *type)\n{", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); fprintf(fout, "\n\t(void)type; /* appease -Wall -Werror */"); if (is_smart(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 1, NULL))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a && !(a = soap_new_%s(soap)))\n\t\treturn NULL;", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!soap->null && *soap->href != '#')\n\t{"); if (is_smart_shared(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\tvoid **x = soap_id_smart(soap, soap->id, %s, sizeof(%s));", soap_type(n), c_type(n)); if (n->type == Tclass && !is_external(n) && !is_volatile(n) && !is_typedef(n)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (x && *x)\n\t\t\t*a = *(%s)(*x);\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\t*a = %s(%s_instantiate_%s(soap, SOAP_NO_LINK_TO_DELETE, soap->type, soap->arrayType, NULL));\n\t\t\tif (x)\n\t\t\t\t*x = (void*)a;\n\t\t}", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_type(typ), namespaceid ? "soap" : prefix, c_ident(n)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (x && *x)\n\t\t\t*a = *(%s)(*x);\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\t*a = %s<%s>();\n\t\t\tif (x)\n\t\t\t\t*x = (void*)a;\n\t\t}", c_type_id(typ, "*"), make_shared(typ), c_type(n)); } else if (n->type == Tclass && !is_external(n) && !is_volatile(n) && !is_typedef(n)) fprintf(fout, "\t*a = %s(%s_instantiate_%s(soap, SOAP_NO_LINK_TO_DELETE, soap->type, soap->arrayType, NULL));", c_type(typ), namespaceid ? "soap" : prefix, c_ident(n)); else fprintf(fout, "\t*a = %s(SOAP_NEW(%s));", c_type(typ), c_type(n)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_revert(soap);"); if (is_XML(n) && is_string(n)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!soap_inliteral(soap, tag, (char*const*)a->get()))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); else if (is_XML(n) && is_wstring(n)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!soap_inwliteral(soap, tag, (wchar_t*const*)a->get()))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); else if (n->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, a->get(), \"%s\"))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;", c_ident(n), xsi_type(n)); else if (n->type == Tclass && !is_external(n) && !is_volatile(n) && !is_typedef(n)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t(*a)->soap_default(soap);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!(*a)->soap_in(soap, tag, NULL))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a->get());", c_ident(n)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, a->get(), \"%s\"))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;", c_ident(n), xsi_type(n)); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{"); fprintf(fout, "\tif (!soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, a, 0, %s, %s, sizeof(%s), %d, %s_finsert, %s_fbase))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;", soap_type(reftype(n)), soap_type(typ), c_type(reftype(n)), reflevel(n) + 1, prefix, prefix); /* reflevel + 1 since smart pointer accepts derived types */ fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\treturn a;\n}"); } else if (c11flag && (!strcmp(typ->id->name, "std::deque") || !strcmp(typ->id->name, "std::list") || (!strcmp(typ->id->name, "std::vector") && !is_bool(n)))) /* use C++11 emplace_back */ { fprintf(fout, "\n\tshort soap_flag;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tfor (soap_flag = 0;; soap_flag = 1)\n\t{"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (tag && *tag != '-')\n\t\t{\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 1, NULL))\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tsoap_revert(soap);\n\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!a && !(a = soap_new_%s(soap)))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;", c_ident(typ)); if (!strcmp(typ->id->name, "std::vector") && !is_primitive(n) && n->type != Tpointer) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!a->empty() && a->size() == a->capacity())\n\t\t{\tconst void *p = &a->front();"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->emplace_back();"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tDBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, \"Vector capacity increased to %%lu to fit %%lu items: updating pointers\\n\", a->capacity(), a->size()));"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_update_pointers(soap, (const char*)&a->front(), (const char*)p, (a->size() - 1) * sizeof(%s));", c_type(n)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\ta->emplace_back();\n\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t%s *n = &a->back();\n\t\t", c_type(n)); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\ta->emplace_back();\n\t\t%s *n = &a->back();\n\t\t", c_type(n)); } if (n->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "*n = NULL;"); else if (n->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "soap_default_%s(soap, n);", c_ident(n)); else if (n->type == Tclass && !is_external(n) && !is_volatile(n) && !is_typedef(n)) fprintf(fout, "n->soap_default(soap);"); else if (n->type != Tfun && !is_void(n) && !is_XML(n)) fprintf(fout, "soap_default_%s(soap, n);", c_ident(n)); if (!is_primitive(n) && n->type != Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tshort soap_shaky = soap_begin_shaky(soap);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (tag && *tag != '-' && (*soap->id || *soap->href))\n\t\t{\tif ("); fprintf(fout, "!soap_id_forward(soap, *soap->id?soap->id:soap->href, a, (size_t)a->size() - 1, %s, %s, sizeof(%s), %d, %s_finsert, %s_fbase))\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tif (", soap_type(reftype(n)), soap_type(typ), c_type(reftype(n)), reflevel(n), prefix, prefix); if (is_XML(n) && is_string(n)) fprintf(fout, "!soap_inliteral(soap, tag, NULL)"); else if (is_XML(n) && is_wstring(n)) fprintf(fout, "!soap_inwliteral(soap, tag, NULL)"); else if (n->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, NULL, \"%s\")", c_ident(n), xsi_type(n)); else fprintf(fout, "!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, NULL, \"%s\")", c_ident(n), xsi_type(n)); fprintf(fout, ")\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\t"); if (is_XML(n) && is_string(n)) fprintf(fout, "if (!soap_inliteral(soap, tag, n))"); else if (is_XML(n) && is_wstring(n)) fprintf(fout, "if (!soap_inwliteral(soap, tag, n))"); else if (n->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "if (!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, n, \"%s\"))", c_ident(n), xsi_type(n)); else fprintf(fout, "if (!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, n, \"%s\"))", c_ident(n), xsi_type(n)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t{\ta->pop_back();\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}"); if (!is_primitive(n) && n->type != Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_end_shaky(soap, soap_shaky);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!tag || *tag == '-')\n\t\t\treturn a;\n\t}\n\tif (soap_flag && (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH || soap->error == SOAP_NO_TAG))\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OK;\n\t\treturn a;\n\t}\n\treturn NULL;\n}"); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\tshort soap_flag;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tfor (soap_flag = 0;; soap_flag = 1)\n\t{"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (tag && *tag != '-')\n\t\t{\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 1, NULL))\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tsoap_revert(soap);\n\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!a && !(a = soap_new_%s(soap)))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;", c_ident(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\telse if (a->size() >= soap->maxoccurs)\n\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OCCURS;\n\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t%s;\n\t\t", c_type_id(n, "n")); if (n->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "n = NULL;"); else if (n->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "soap_default_%s(soap, &n);", c_ident(n)); else if (n->type == Tclass && !is_external(n) && !is_volatile(n) && !is_typedef(n)) fprintf(fout, "n.soap_default(soap);"); else if (n->type != Tfun && !is_void(n) && !is_XML(n)) fprintf(fout, "soap_default_%s(soap, &n);", c_ident(n)); if (!is_primitive(n) && n->type != Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tshort soap_shaky = soap_begin_shaky(soap);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (tag && *tag != '-' && (*soap->id || *soap->href))\n\t\t{\tif ("); fprintf(fout, "!soap_id_forward(soap, *soap->id?soap->id:soap->href, a, (size_t)a->size(), %s, %s, sizeof(%s), %d, %s_finsert, %s_fbase))\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tif (", soap_type(reftype(n)), soap_type(typ), c_type(reftype(n)), reflevel(n), prefix, prefix); if (is_XML(n) && is_string(n)) fprintf(fout, "!soap_inliteral(soap, tag, NULL)"); else if (is_XML(n) && is_wstring(n)) fprintf(fout, "!soap_inwliteral(soap, tag, NULL)"); else if (n->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, NULL, \"%s\")", c_ident(n), xsi_type(n)); else fprintf(fout, "!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, NULL, \"%s\")", c_ident(n), xsi_type(n)); fprintf(fout, ")\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\t"); if (is_XML(n) && is_string(n)) fprintf(fout, "if (!soap_inliteral(soap, tag, &n))"); else if (is_XML(n) && is_wstring(n)) fprintf(fout, "if (!soap_inwliteral(soap, tag, &n))"); else if (n->type == Tarray) fprintf(fout, "if (!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, &n, \"%s\"))", c_ident(n), xsi_type(n)); else fprintf(fout, "if (!soap_in_%s(soap, tag, &n, \"%s\"))", c_ident(n), xsi_type(n)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}"); if (!is_primitive(n) && n->type != Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_end_shaky(soap, soap_shaky);"); if (!(!strcmp(typ->id->name, "std::list") || !strcmp(typ->id->name, "std::deque") || !strcmp(typ->id->name, "std::set")) && !is_primitive(n) && n->type != Tpointer) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->size())\n\t\t{\tconst void *p = &*a->begin();\n\t\t\tsoap_update_pointers(soap, (const char*)&(*a->insert(a->end(), n)), (const char*)&n, sizeof(%s));", c_type(n)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (p != &*a->begin())\n\t\t\t{\tDBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, \"Container capacity increased: updating pointers\\n\"));"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tsoap_update_pointers(soap, (const char*)&*a->begin(), (const char*)p, (a->size() - 1) * sizeof(%s));\n\t\t\t}", c_type(n)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n\t\t{\tsoap_update_pointers(soap, (const char*)&(*a->insert(a->end(), n)), (const char*)&n, sizeof(%s));", c_type(n)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}"); } else { if (is_primitive(n) || n->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\ta->insert(a->end(), n);"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tsoap_update_pointers(soap, (const char*)&(*a->insert(a->end(), n)), (const char*)&n, sizeof(%s));", c_type(n)); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (!tag || *tag == '-')\n\t\t\treturn a;\n\t}\n\tif (soap_flag && (soap->error == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH || soap->error == SOAP_NO_TAG))\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OK;\n\t\treturn a;\n\t}\n\treturn NULL;\n}"); } break; default: break; } fflush(fout); } void soap_in_Darray(Tnode *typ) { int i, j, d; Entry *p; Table *t, *table; const char *nsa = ns_qualifiedAttribute(typ); table=(Table *)typ->ref; p = is_dynamic_array(typ); d = get_Darraydims(typ); if (is_external(typ)) { fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC1 %s SOAP_FMAC2 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); return; } fprintf(fhead, "\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap*, const char*, %s, const char*);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*")); if (typ->type == Tclass && !is_volatile(typ) && !is_typedef(typ)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\nvoid *%s::soap_in(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, const char *type)", c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n{\treturn soap_in_%s(soap, tag, this, type);\n}", c_ident(typ)); } fflush(fout); fprintf(fout, "\n\nSOAP_FMAC3 %s SOAP_FMAC4 soap_in_%s(struct soap *soap, const char *tag, %s, const char *type)", c_type_id(typ, "*"), c_ident(typ), c_type_id(typ, "*a")); if (is_binary(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n{"); else if (d) fprintf(fout, "\n{\tsize_t i, n;\n\tint j;\n\t%s;", c_type_id(p->info.typ, "p")); else fprintf(fout, "\n{\tint i, j;\n\t%s;", c_type_id(p->info.typ, "p")); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_element_begin_in(soap, tag, 1, NULL))\n\t\treturn NULL;"); if (is_hexBinary(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*soap->type && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, \":hexBinary\"))"); else if (is_binary(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*soap->type && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type) && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, \":base64Binary\") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, \":base64\"))"); else if (has_ns(typ) || is_untyped(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (*soap->type && soap_match_array(soap, \"%s\") && soap_match_tag(soap, soap->type, type))", xsi_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap_match_array(soap, type))"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_TYPE;\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}"); if (typ->type == Tclass) { fprintf(fout, "\n\ta = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, a, %s, sizeof(%s), soap->type, soap->arrayType, %s_instantiate, %s_fbase);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ), prefix, prefix); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a)\n\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\ta->soap_default(soap);"); for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) soap_attr_value(p, ptr_cast(t, "a"), ident(p->sym->name), ns_add(p, nsa)); } } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\ta = (%s)soap_id_enter(soap, soap->id, a, %s, sizeof(%s), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (!a)\n\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a);", c_ident(typ)); for (t = (Table*)typ->ref; t; t = t->prev) { for (p = t->list; p; p = p->next) if (p->info.sto & Sattribute) soap_attr_value(p, "a", ident(p->sym->name), ns_add(p, nsa)); } } fprintf(fout, "\n\tif (soap->body && !*soap->href)\n\t{"); p = is_dynamic_array(typ); if (is_binary(typ)) { if (is_hexBinary(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\ta->__ptr = soap_gethex(soap, &a->__size);"); else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\ta->__ptr = soap_getbase64(soap, &a->__size, 0);"); if (is_attachment(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n#ifndef WITH_LEANER\n\t\tif (soap_xop_forward(soap, &a->__ptr, &a->__size, &a->id, &a->type, &a->options))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;\n#endif"); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif ((!a->__ptr && soap->error) || soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (*soap->arraySize)\n\t\t{"); if (d) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tn = soap_getsizes(soap->arraySize, a->__size, %d);", d); if (has_offset(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tn -= j = soap_getoffsets(soap->arrayOffset, a->__size, a->__offset, %d);", d); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tn -= j = soap_getoffsets(soap->arrayOffset, a->__size, NULL, %d);", d); if (p->info.minOccurs > 0) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (%sn < " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")\n\t\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OCCURS;\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t}", strict_check(), p->info.minOccurs); if (p->info.maxOccurs > 1) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (%sn > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")\n\t\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OCCURS;\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t}", strict_check(), p->info.maxOccurs); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (n > soap->maxoccurs)\n\t\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OCCURS;\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t}"); if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass || (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct && !cflag)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->%s = soap_new_%s(soap, n);", ident(p->sym->name), c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); if (!is_external((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < n; i++)\n\t\t\t\t(a->%s+i)->%s::soap_default(soap);", ident(p->sym->name), c_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); else if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < n; i++)\n\t\t\t\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a->%s+i);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (has_class((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->%s = soap_new_%s(soap, n);", ident(p->sym->name), c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < n; i++)\n\t\t\t\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a->%s+i);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name)); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->%s = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, n * sizeof(%s));", ident(p->sym->name), c_type_id((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref, "*"), c_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < n; i++)\n\t\t\t\ta->%s[i] = NULL;", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (!is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < n; i++)\n\t\t\t\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a->%s+i);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name)); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < n; i++)"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t{\tsoap_peek_element(soap);\n\t\t\t\tif (soap->position == %d)", d); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\ti = (size_t)("); for (i = 0; i < d; i++) { fprintf(fout, "soap->positions[%d]", i); for (j = 1; j < d-i; j++) fprintf(fout, "*a->__size[%d]", j); if (i < d-1) fprintf(fout, "+"); } fprintf(fout, "-j);"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tif (i >= n)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_IOB;\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, a->%s + i, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\tif (soap->error != SOAP_NO_TAG)\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tsoap->error = SOAP_OK;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_getsizes(soap->arraySize, &a->__size, 1);"); if (has_offset(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->__size -= j = soap_getoffsets(soap->arrayOffset, &a->__size, &a->__offset, 1);"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->__size -= j = soap_getoffsets(soap->arrayOffset, &a->__size, NULL, 1);"); if (p->info.minOccurs > 0) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (%sa->__size < " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")\n\t\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OCCURS;\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t}", strict_check(), p->info.minOccurs); if (p->info.maxOccurs > 1) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (%sa->__size > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")\n\t\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OCCURS;\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t}", strict_check(), p->info.maxOccurs); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif ((size_t)a->__size > soap->maxoccurs)\n\t\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OCCURS;\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t}"); if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass || (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct && !cflag)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->%s = soap_new_%s(soap, a->__size);", ident(p->sym->name), c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); if (!is_external((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < a->__size; i++)\n\t\t\t\t(a->%s+i)->%s::soap_default(soap);", ident(p->sym->name), c_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < a->__size; i++)\n\t\t\t\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a->%s+i);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name)); } else if (has_class((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->%s = soap_new_%s(soap, a->__size);", ident(p->sym->name), c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < a->__size; i++)\n\t\t\t\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a->%s+i);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name)); } else { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->%s = (%s)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(%s) * a->__size);", ident(p->sym->name), c_type_id((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref, "*"), c_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < a->__size; i++)\n\t\t\t\ta->%s[i] = NULL;", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (!is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < a->__size; i++)\n\t\t\t\tsoap_default_%s(soap, a->%s+i);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name)); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < a->__size; i++)"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t{\tsoap_peek_element(soap);\n\t\t\t\tif (soap->position)\n\t\t\t\t{\ti = soap->positions[0]-j;\n\t\t\t\t\tif (i < 0 || i >= a->__size)\n\t\t\t\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_IOB;\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}"); if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (!soap_inliteral(soap, NULL, (char**)(a->%s + i)))", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (!soap_inwliteral(soap, NULL, (wchar_t**)(a->%s + i)))", ident(p->sym->name)); else if (is_string((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, (char**)(a->%s + i), \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); else if (is_wstring((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, (wchar_t**)(a->%s + i), \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, a->%s + i, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\tif (soap->error != SOAP_NO_TAG)\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tsoap->error = SOAP_OK;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); } fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t{\tif (soap_new_block(soap) == NULL)\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;"); if (p->info.maxOccurs > 1) { if (d) { for (i = 1; i < d; i++) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->__size[%d] = 1;", i); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (a->__size[0] = 0; a->__size[0] <= " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "; a->__size[0]++)", p->info.maxOccurs); } else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (a->__size = 0; a->__size <= " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT "; a->__size++)", p->info.maxOccurs); } else { if (d) { for (i = 1; i < d; i++) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->__size[%d] = 1;", i); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (a->__size[0] = 0; (size_t)a->__size[0] < soap->maxoccurs; a->__size[0]++)"); } else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tfor (a->__size = 0; (size_t)a->__size < soap->maxoccurs; a->__size++)"); } if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass || ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Ttemplate || has_class((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) || (!cflag && ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t{\tp = soap_block<%s>::push(soap, NULL);\n\t\t\t\tif (!p)\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;", c_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t{\tp = (%s)soap_push_block(soap, NULL, sizeof(%s));\n\t\t\t\tif (!p)\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;", c_type(p->info.typ), c_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass && !is_external((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_volatile((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && !is_typedef((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tp->soap_default(soap);"); else if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tpointer) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t*p = NULL;"); else if (!is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tsoap_default_%s(soap, p);", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && is_string((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (!soap_inliteral(soap, NULL, p))"); else if (is_XML((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) && is_wstring((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (!soap_inwliteral(soap, NULL, p))"); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\tif (!soap_in_%s(soap, NULL, p, \"%s\"))", c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), xsi_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t{\tif (soap->error == SOAP_NO_TAG)"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsoap->error = SOAP_OK;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\t}"); if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass || ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Ttemplate || has_class((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) || (!cflag && ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_block<%s>::pop(soap, NULL);", c_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tsoap_pop_block(soap, NULL);"); if (p->info.minOccurs > 0) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (%sa->__size < " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")\n\t\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OCCURS;\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t}", strict_check(), p->info.minOccurs); if (p->info.maxOccurs > 1) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (%sa->__size > " SOAP_LONG_FORMAT ")\n\t\t\t{\tsoap->error = SOAP_OCCURS;\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t\t}", strict_check(), p->info.maxOccurs); if (((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tclass || ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Ttemplate || has_class((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref) || (!cflag && ((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)->type == Tstruct)) { fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (soap->blist->size)\n\t\t\t\ta->%s = soap_new_%s(soap, soap->blist->size/sizeof(%s));\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\ta->%s = NULL;", ident(p->sym->name), c_ident((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), c_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\tif (a->%s)\n\t\t\t\tsoap_block<%s>::save(soap, NULL, a->%s);\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tsoap_block<%s>::end(soap, NULL);", ident(p->sym->name), c_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref), ident(p->sym->name), c_type((Tnode*)p->info.typ->ref)); } else fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t\ta->%s = (%s)soap_save_block(soap, NULL, NULL, 1);", ident(p->sym->name), c_type(p->info.typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap->error || soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); } if (has_getter(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (a->get(soap))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}\n\telse\n\t{\t"); if (is_attachment(typ)) fprintf(fout, "\n#ifndef WITH_LEANER\n\t\tif (*soap->href != '#')\n\t\t{\tif (soap_attachment_forward(soap, &a->__ptr, &a->__size, &a->id, &a->type, &a->options))\n\t\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse\n#endif\n\t\t\t"); if (typ->type == Tclass || (!cflag && typ->type == Tstruct)) fprintf(fout, "a = (%s)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, (void*)a, 0, %s, %s, sizeof(%s), 0, %s_finsert, %s_fbase);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ), prefix, prefix); else fprintf(fout, "a = (%s)soap_id_forward(soap, soap->href, (void*)a, 0, %s, %s, sizeof(%s), 0, NULL, NULL);", c_type_id(typ, "*"), soap_type(typ), soap_type(typ), c_type(typ)); fprintf(fout, "\n\t\tif (soap->body && soap_element_end_in(soap, tag))\n\t\t\treturn NULL;"); fprintf(fout, "\n\t}"); fprintf(fout, "\n\treturn a;\n}"); } const char * cstring(const char *s, int q) { size_t n; char *t; const char *r; for (n = 0, r = s; *r; n++, r++) { if (*r == '"' || *r == '\\') n++; else if (*r < 32) n += 3; } r = t = (char*)emalloc(n + 2*q + 1); if (q) *t++ = '"'; for (; *s; s++) { if (*s == '"' || *s == '\\') { *t++ = '\\'; *t++ = *s; } else if (*s < 32) { sprintf(t, "\\%03o", (unsigned int)(unsigned char)*s); t += 4; } else *t++ = *s; } if (q) *t++ = '"'; *t = '\0'; return r; } const char * xstring(const char *s) { size_t n; char *t; const char *r; for (n = 0, r = s; *r; n++, r++) { if (*r < 32 || *r >= 127) n += 4; else if (*r == '<' || *r == '>') n += 3; else if (*r == '&') n += 4; else if (*r == '"') n += 5; else if (*r == '\\') n += 1; } r = t = (char*)emalloc(n + 1); for (; *s; s++) { if (*s < 32 || *s >= 127) { sprintf(t, "&#%.2x;", (unsigned char)*s); t += 5; } else if (*s == '<') { strcpy(t, "<"); t += 4; } else if (*s == '>') { strcpy(t, ">"); t += 4; } else if (*s == '&') { strcpy(t, "&"); t += 5; } else if (*s == '"') { strcpy(t, """); t += 6; } else if (*s == '\\') { strcpy(t, "\\\\"); t += 2; } else *t++ = *s; } *t = '\0'; return r; }