/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * wchar.i * * Typemaps for the wchar_t type * These are mapped to a Lua string and are passed around by value. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // note: only support for pointer right now, not fixed length strings // TODO: determine how long a const wchar_t* is so we can write wstr2str() // & do the output typemap %{ #include wchar_t* str2wstr(const char *str, int len) { wchar_t* p; if (str==0 || len<1) return 0; p=(wchar *)malloc((len+1)*sizeof(wchar_t)); if (p==0) return 0; if (mbstowcs(p, str, len)==-1) { free(p); return 0; } p[len]=0; return p; } %} %typemap(in, checkfn="SWIG_lua_isnilstring", fragment="SWIG_lua_isnilstring") wchar_t * %{ $1 = str2wstr(lua_tostring( L, $input ),lua_strlen( L, $input )); if ($1==0) {lua_pushfstring(L,"Error in converting to wchar (arg %d)",$input);goto fail;} %} %typemap(freearg) wchar_t * %{ free($1); %} %typemap(typecheck) wchar_t * = char *;