/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of SWIG, which is licensed as a whole under version 3 * (or any later version) of the GNU General Public License. Some additional * terms also apply to certain portions of SWIG. The full details of the SWIG * license and copyrights can be found in the LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files * included with the SWIG source code as distributed by the SWIG developers * and at http://www.swig.org/legal.html. * * xml.cxx * * An Xml parse tree generator. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char cvsroot_xml_cxx[] = "$Id: xml.cxx 11876 2010-02-27 23:53:33Z wsfulton $"; #include "swigmod.h" static const char *usage = "\ XML Options (available with -xml)\n\ -xmllang - Typedef language\n\ -xmllite - More lightweight version of XML\n\ ------\n\ deprecated (use -o): -xml - Use as output file (extension .xml mandatory)\n"; static File *out = 0; static int xmllite = 0; class XML:public Language { public: int indent_level; long id; XML() :indent_level(0) , id(0) { } virtual ~ XML() { } virtual void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SWIG_typemap_lang("xml"); for (int iX = 0; iX < argc; iX++) { if (strcmp(argv[iX], "-xml") == 0) { char *extension = 0; if (iX + 1 >= argc) continue; extension = argv[iX + 1] + strlen(argv[iX + 1]) - 4; if (strcmp(extension, ".xml")) continue; iX++; Swig_mark_arg(iX); String *outfile = NewString(argv[iX]); out = NewFile(outfile, "w", SWIG_output_files()); if (!out) { FileErrorDisplay(outfile); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } continue; } if (strcmp(argv[iX], "-xmllang") == 0) { Swig_mark_arg(iX); iX++; SWIG_typemap_lang(argv[iX]); Swig_mark_arg(iX); continue; } if (strcmp(argv[iX], "-help") == 0) { fputs(usage, stdout); } if (strcmp(argv[iX], "-xmllite") == 0) { Swig_mark_arg(iX); xmllite = 1; } } // Add a symbol to the parser for conditional compilation Preprocessor_define("SWIGXML 1", 0); } /* Top of the parse tree */ virtual int top(Node *n) { if (out == 0) { String *outfile = Getattr(n, "outfile"); Replaceall(outfile, ".cxx", ".xml"); Replaceall(outfile, ".cpp", ".xml"); Replaceall(outfile, ".c", ".xml"); out = NewFile(outfile, "w", SWIG_output_files()); if (!out) { FileErrorDisplay(outfile); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } Printf(out, " \n"); Xml_print_tree(n); return SWIG_OK; } void print_indent(int l) { int i; for (i = 0; i < indent_level; i++) { Printf(out, " "); } if (l) { Printf(out, " "); } } void Xml_print_tree(DOH *obj) { while (obj) { Xml_print_node(obj); obj = nextSibling(obj); } } void Xml_print_attributes(Node *obj) { String *k; indent_level += 4; print_indent(0); Printf(out, "\n", ++id, obj); indent_level += 4; Iterator ki; ki = First(obj); while (ki.key) { k = ki.key; if ((Cmp(k, "nodeType") == 0) || (Cmp(k, "firstChild") == 0) || (Cmp(k, "lastChild") == 0) || (Cmp(k, "parentNode") == 0) || (Cmp(k, "nextSibling") == 0) || (Cmp(k, "previousSibling") == 0) || (*(Char(k)) == '$')) { /* Do nothing */ } else if (Cmp(k, "module") == 0) { Xml_print_module(Getattr(obj, k)); } else if (Cmp(k, "baselist") == 0) { Xml_print_baselist(Getattr(obj, k)); } else if (!xmllite && Cmp(k, "typescope") == 0) { Xml_print_typescope(Getattr(obj, k)); } else if (!xmllite && Cmp(k, "typetab") == 0) { Xml_print_typetab(Getattr(obj, k)); } else if (Cmp(k, "kwargs") == 0) { Xml_print_kwargs(Getattr(obj, k)); } else if (Cmp(k, "parms") == 0 || Cmp(k, "pattern") == 0) { Xml_print_parmlist(Getattr(obj, k)); } else { DOH *o; print_indent(0); if (DohIsString(Getattr(obj, k))) { String *ck = NewString(k); o = Str(Getattr(obj, k)); Replaceall(ck, ":", "_"); Replaceall(ck, "<", "<"); /* Do first to avoid aliasing errors. */ Replaceall(o, "&", "&"); Replaceall(o, "<", "<"); Replaceall(o, "\"", """); Replaceall(o, "\\", "\\\\"); Replaceall(o, "\n", " "); Printf(out, "\n", ck, o, ++id, o); Delete(o); Delete(ck); } else { o = Getattr(obj, k); String *ck = NewString(k); Replaceall(ck, ":", "_"); Printf(out, "\n", ck, o, ++id, o); Delete(ck); } } ki = Next(ki); } indent_level -= 4; print_indent(0); Printf(out, "\n"); indent_level -= 4; } void Xml_print_node(Node *obj) { Node *cobj; print_indent(0); Printf(out, "<%s id=\"%ld\" addr=\"%x\" >\n", nodeType(obj), ++id, obj); Xml_print_attributes(obj); cobj = firstChild(obj); if (cobj) { indent_level += 4; Printf(out, "\n"); Xml_print_tree(cobj); indent_level -= 4; } else { print_indent(1); Printf(out, "\n"); } print_indent(0); Printf(out, "\n", nodeType(obj)); } void Xml_print_parmlist(ParmList *p) { print_indent(0); Printf(out, "\n", ++id, p); indent_level += 4; while (p) { print_indent(0); Printf(out, "\n", ++id); Xml_print_attributes(p); print_indent(0); Printf(out, "\n"); p = nextSibling(p); } indent_level -= 4; print_indent(0); Printf(out, "\n"); } void Xml_print_baselist(List *p) { print_indent(0); Printf(out, "\n", ++id, p); indent_level += 4; Iterator s; for (s = First(p); s.item; s = Next(s)) { print_indent(0); String *item_name = Xml_escape_string(s.item); Printf(out, "\n", item_name, ++id, s.item); Delete(item_name); } indent_level -= 4; print_indent(0); Printf(out, "\n"); } String *Xml_escape_string(String *str) { String *escaped_str = 0; if (str) { escaped_str = NewString(str); Replaceall(escaped_str, "&", "&"); Replaceall(escaped_str, "<", "<"); Replaceall(escaped_str, "\"", """); Replaceall(escaped_str, "\\", "\\\\"); Replaceall(escaped_str, "\n", " "); } return escaped_str; } void Xml_print_module(Node *p) { print_indent(0); Printf(out, "\n", Getattr(p, "name"), ++id, p); } void Xml_print_kwargs(Hash *p) { Xml_print_hash(p, "kwargs"); } void Xml_print_typescope(Hash *p) { Xml_print_hash(p, "typescope"); } void Xml_print_typetab(Hash *p) { Xml_print_hash(p, "typetab"); } void Xml_print_hash(Hash *p, const char *markup) { print_indent(0); Printf(out, "<%s id=\"%ld\" addr=\"%x\" >\n", markup, ++id, p); Xml_print_attributes(p); indent_level += 4; Iterator n = First(p); while (n.key) { print_indent(0); Printf(out, "<%ssitem id=\"%ld\" addr=\"%x\" >\n", markup, ++id, n.item); Xml_print_attributes(n.item); print_indent(0); Printf(out, "\n", markup); n = Next(n); } indent_level -= 4; print_indent(0); Printf(out, "\n", markup); } }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Swig_print_xml * * Dump an XML version of the parse tree. This is different from using the -xml * language module normally as it allows the real language module to process the * tree first, possibly stuffing in new attributes, so the XML that is output ends * up being a post-processing version of the tree. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Swig_print_xml(DOH *obj, String *filename) { XML xml; xmllite = 1; if (!filename) { out = stdout; } else { out = NewFile(filename, "w", SWIG_output_files()); if (!out) { FileErrorDisplay(filename); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } Printf(out, " \n"); xml.Xml_print_tree(obj); } static Language *new_swig_xml() { return new XML(); } extern "C" Language *swig_xml(void) { return new_swig_xml(); }