// $Id: RandBreitWigner.h,v 1.5 2010/06/16 17:24:53 garren Exp $ // -*- C++ -*- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // HEP Random // --- RandBreitWigner --- // class header file // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file is part of Geant4 (simulation toolkit for HEP). // // Class defining methods for shooting numbers according to the // Breit-Wigner distribution algorithms (plain or mean^2). // Default values are set: mean=1, gamma=.2, cut=1. // Plain algorithm is used for shootArray() and fireArray(). // Plain algorithm with default values is used for operator()(). // ======================================================================= // Gabriele Cosmo - Created: 5th September 1995 // - Added methods to shoot arrays: 28th July 1997 // J.Marraffino - Added default arguments as attributes and // operator() with arguments: 16th Feb 1998 // M Fischler - put and get to/from streams 12/10/04 // ======================================================================= #ifndef RandBreitWigner_h #define RandBreitWigner_h 1 #include "CLHEP/Random/defs.h" #include "CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h" #include "CLHEP/Utility/memory.h" namespace CLHEP { /** * @author <Gabriele.Cosmo@cern.ch> * @ingroup random */ class RandBreitWigner : public HepRandom { public: inline RandBreitWigner ( HepRandomEngine& anEngine, double a=1.0, double b=0.2 ); inline RandBreitWigner ( HepRandomEngine* anEngine, double a=1.0, double b=0.2 ); // These constructors should be used to instantiate a RandBreitWigner // distribution object defining a local engine for it. // The static generator will be skipped using the non-static methods // defined below. // If the engine is passed by pointer the corresponding engine object // will be deleted by the RandBreitWigner destructor. // If the engine is passed by reference the corresponding engine object // will not be deleted by the RandBreitWigner destructor. virtual ~RandBreitWigner(); // Destructor // Static methods to shoot random values using the static generator static double shoot( double a=1.0, double b=0.2 ); static double shoot( double a, double b, double c ); static double shootM2( double a=1.0, double b=0.2 ); static double shootM2( double a, double b, double c ); static void shootArray ( const int size, double* vect); static void shootArray ( const int size, double* vect, double a, double b ); static void shootArray ( const int size, double* vect, double a, double b, double c ); // Static methods to shoot random values using a given engine // by-passing the static generator. static double shoot( HepRandomEngine* anEngine, double a=1.0, double b=0.2 ); static double shoot( HepRandomEngine* anEngine, double a, double b, double c ); static double shootM2( HepRandomEngine* anEngine, double a=1.0, double b=0.2 ); static double shootM2( HepRandomEngine* anEngine, double a, double b, double c ); static void shootArray ( HepRandomEngine* anEngine, const int size, double* vect ); static void shootArray ( HepRandomEngine* anEngine, const int size, double* vect, double a, double b ); static void shootArray ( HepRandomEngine* anEngine, const int size, double* vect, double a, double b, double c ); // Methods using the localEngine to shoot random values, by-passing // the static generator. These methods respect distribution parameters // passed by the user at instantiation unless superseded by actual // arguments in the call. double fire(); double fire( double a, double b ); double fire( double a, double b, double c ); double fireM2(); double fireM2( double a, double b ); double fireM2( double a, double b, double c ); void fireArray ( const int size, double* vect); void fireArray ( const int size, double* vect, double a, double b ); void fireArray ( const int size, double* vect, double a, double b, double c ); double operator()(); double operator()( double a, double b ); double operator()( double a, double b, double c ); // Save and restore to/from streams std::ostream & put ( std::ostream & os ) const; std::istream & get ( std::istream & is ); std::string name() const; HepRandomEngine & engine(); static std::string distributionName() {return "RandBreitWigner";} // Provides the name of this distribution class private: shared_ptr<HepRandomEngine> localEngine; double defaultA; double defaultB; }; } // namespace CLHEP #ifdef ENABLE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY // backwards compatibility will be enabled ONLY in CLHEP 1.9 using namespace CLHEP; #endif #include "CLHEP/Random/RandBreitWigner.icc" #endif