//	BLCMDtrackcuts.cc
This source file is part of G4beamline, http://g4beamline.muonsinc.com
Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005,2006 by Tom Roberts, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.


#include <set>

#include "globals.hh"
#include "G4Track.hh"
#include "G4Step.hh"
#include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
#include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
#include "BLCommand.hh"
#include "BLParam.hh"
#include "BLManager.hh"

/**	class BLCMDtrackcuts implements the trackcuts command
class BLCMDtrackcuts : public BLCommand, public BLManager::SteppingAction,
					public BLManager::StackingAction {
	G4double kineticEnergyCut;
	G4double kineticEnergyMax;
	G4int steppingVerbose;
	G4int killSecondaries;
	G4String kill;
	G4String keep;
	G4double maxTime;
	G4int keepPrimaries;
	std::set<G4int> killPDG;
	std::set<G4int> keepPDG;
	bool stepping;
	BLManager *manager;
	/// Constructor

	BLCMDtrackcuts(const BLCMDtrackcuts &r);

	G4String commandName() { return "trackcuts"; }
	int command(BLArgumentVector& argv, BLArgumentMap& namedArgs);

	void defineNamedArgs();

	/// UserSteppingAction() from BLManager::SteppingAction.
	void UserSteppingAction(const G4Step *step);

	/// ClassifyNewTrack() from BLManager::StackingAction.
	G4ClassificationOfNewTrack ClassifyNewTrack(const G4Track *track);
BLCMDtrackcuts defaultTrackCuts;

BLCMDtrackcuts::BLCMDtrackcuts() : BLCommand(), BLManager::SteppingAction(), 
BLManager::StackingAction(), kill(), keep()
	setSynopsis("Specifies per-track cuts.");
	setDescription("Applied to each track before tracking, and at each step.");

	kineticEnergyCut = 0.0;
	kineticEnergyMax = DBL_MAX;
	steppingVerbose = 0;
	killSecondaries = 0;
	maxTime = 1.0*millisecond;
	keepPrimaries = 0;
	stepping = false;
	manager = BLManager::getObject();

BLCMDtrackcuts::BLCMDtrackcuts(const BLCMDtrackcuts& r) : BLCommand(r), 
BLManager::SteppingAction(), BLManager::StackingAction(), kill(), keep()
	kineticEnergyCut = r.kineticEnergyCut;
	kineticEnergyMax = r.kineticEnergyMax;
	steppingVerbose = r.steppingVerbose;
	killSecondaries = r.killSecondaries;
	maxTime = r.maxTime;
	keepPrimaries = r.keepPrimaries;
	stepping = r.stepping;
	manager = BLManager::getObject();

int BLCMDtrackcuts::command(BLArgumentVector& argv, BLArgumentMap& namedArgs)
	G4ParticleTable *pt = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();

	if(namedArgs.size() == 0) {
		int n = pt->entries();
		for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
			G4ParticleDefinition *d = pt->GetParticle(i);
			G4String name = d->GetParticleName();
			G4String type = d->GetParticleType();
			G4String subtype = d->GetParticleSubType();
			G4int pdg = d->GetPDGEncoding();
			printf("%15.15s  %s/%s  PDGEncoding=%d\n",
		return 0;

	BLCMDtrackcuts *t = new BLCMDtrackcuts(defaultTrackCuts);

	int retval = t->handleNamedArgs(namedArgs);

	// get PDGid-s for particles to kill into killPDG
	std::vector<G4String> v=splitString(t->kill,",",true);
	for(unsigned i=0; i<v.size(); ++i) {
		if(v[i].size() == 0) continue;
		G4ParticleDefinition *d = pt->FindParticle(v[i]);
		if(!d) {
			printError("Cannot find particle '%s' (physics must come first)",v[i].c_str());

	// get PDGid-s for particles to keep into keepPDG
	for(unsigned i=0; i<v.size(); ++i) {
		if(v[i].size() == 0) continue;
		G4ParticleDefinition *d = pt->FindParticle(v[i]);
		if(!d) {
			printError("Cannot find particle '%s' (physics must come first)",v[i].c_str());



	return retval;

void BLCMDtrackcuts::defineNamedArgs()
	argString(kill,"kill","List of particles to kill (comma separated).");
	argString(keep,"keep","List of particles to keep (kill all others).");
	argInt(killSecondaries,"killSecondaries","Set nonzero to kill all secondaries.");
	argDouble(kineticEnergyCut,"kineticEnergyCut","Minimum K.E. to track (0 MeV).",MeV);
	argDouble(kineticEnergyMax,"kineticEnergyMax","Maximum K.E. to track (infinite MeV).",MeV);
	argDouble(maxTime,"maxTime","Maximum lab time to track (1000000 ns).");
	argInt(keepPrimaries,"keepPrimaries","Set nonzero to keep tracks with ParentID==0 regardless of other tests.");
	argInt(steppingVerbose,"steppingVerbose","Set nonzero to print kills\n"
		"(defaults to parameter value).");

void BLCMDtrackcuts::UserSteppingAction(const G4Step *step)
	stepping = true;

	G4Track *track = step->GetTrack();
	if(ClassifyNewTrack(track) == fKill)

	stepping = false;

G4ClassificationOfNewTrack BLCMDtrackcuts::ClassifyNewTrack(
							const G4Track *track)
	// handle keepPrimaries independent of other tests
	if(keepPrimaries != 0 && track->GetParentID() == 0)
		return fUrgent;

	if(manager->getSteppingVerbose() > 0) steppingVerbose = 1;

	// Kill particle if Kinetic Energy is below the threshold
	G4double kineticEnergy = track->GetKineticEnergy();
	if(kineticEnergy < kineticEnergyCut)  {
		if(steppingVerbose != 0)
			printf("Track killed: K.E. %.6f < %.6f MeV\n",
				kineticEnergy/MeV, kineticEnergyCut/MeV);
		return fKill;

	// Kill particle if Kinetic Energy is above the Maximum
	if(kineticEnergy > kineticEnergyMax)  {
		if(steppingVerbose != 0)
			printf("Track killed: K.E. %.3f > %.3f MeV\n",
				kineticEnergy/MeV, kineticEnergyMax/MeV);
		return fKill;

	// Kill particle if time is too large
	G4double time = track->GetGlobalTime();
	if(time > maxTime)  {
		if(steppingVerbose != 0)
			printf("Track killed: time %.3f > %.3f ns\n",
				time/ns, maxTime/ns);
		return fKill;

	// shortcut while stepping, avoid unnecessary tests
	if(stepping) return fUrgent;

	// kill secondaries, unless in tune particle mode (the tune particle
	// is frequently re-tracked as a "secondary")
	if(BLManager::getObject()->getState() != TUNE &&
			killSecondaries != 0 && track->GetParentID() != 0) {
		if(steppingVerbose != 0) printf("Secondary Track killed\n");
		return fKill;

	// kill particles in kill
	G4ParticleDefinition *pdg = track->GetDefinition();
	if(killPDG.count(pdg->GetPDGEncoding()) > 0) {
		if(steppingVerbose != 0) 
			printf("Track killed because it's a %s\n",
		return fKill;

	// kill particles not in keep
	if(keepPDG.size() > 0 && keepPDG.count(pdg->GetPDGEncoding()) == 0) {
		if(steppingVerbose != 0) 
			printf("Track killed because it's a %s\n",
		return fKill;

	return fUrgent;