# ROOT CMake Configuration File for External Projects # This file is configured by ROOT for use by an external project # As this file is configured by ROOT's CMake system it SHOULD NOT BE EDITED # It defines the following variables # ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS - include directories for ROOT # ROOT_DEFINITIONS - compile definitions needed to use ROOT # ROOT_LIBRARIES - libraries to link against # ROOT_USE_FILE - path to a CMake module which may be included to help # setup CMake variables and useful Macros # Addional variables: # ROOT_${lib}_LIBRARY - library full path # ROOT_${tool}_CMD - executable full path # ROOT_EXECUTABLE - same as ${ROOT_root_CMD} # # You may supply a version number through find_package which will be checked # against the version of this build. Standard CMake logic is used so that # the EXACT flag may be passed, and otherwise this build will report itself # as compatible with the requested version if: # # VERSION_OF_THIS_BUILD >= VERSION_REQUESTED # # # If you specify components and use the REQUIRED option to find_package, then # the module will issue a FATAL_ERROR if this build of ROOT does not have # the requested component(s). Components are any optional ROOT library, which # will be added into the ROOT_LIBRARIES variable. # # The list of options available generally corresponds to the optional extras # that ROOT can be built are also made available to the dependent project as # ROOT_{option}_FOUND # # # =========================================================================== #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEBUG : print out the variables passed via find_package arguments # if(ROOT_CONFIG_DEBUG) message(STATUS "ROOTCFG_DEBUG : ROOT_VERSION = ${ROOT_VERSION}") message(STATUS "ROOTCFG_DEBUG : ROOT_FIND_VERSION = ${ROOT_FIND_VERSION}") message(STATUS "ROOTCFG_DEBUG : ROOT_FIND_REQUIRED = ${ROOT_FIND_REQUIRED}") message(STATUS "ROOTCFG_DEBUG : ROOT_FIND_COMPONENTS = ${ROOT_FIND_COMPONENTS}") foreach(_cpt ${ROOT_FIND_COMPONENTS}) message(STATUS "ROOTCFG_DEBUG : ROOT_FIND_REQUIRED_${_cpt} = ${ROOT_FIND_REQUIRED_${_cpt}}") endforeach() endif() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Locate ourselves, since all other config files should have been installed # alongside us... # get_filename_component(_thisdir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Provide *recommended* compiler flags used by this build of ROOT # Don't mess with the actual CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS!!! # It's up to the user what to do with these # set(ROOT_CXX_FLAGS " -pipe -m64 -Wall -W -Woverloaded-virtual -fPIC -pthread -Wno-deprecated-declarations") set(ROOT_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "") #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configure the path to the ROOT headers, using a relative path if possible. # This is only known at CMake time, so we expand a CMake supplied variable. # # ROOT configured for use from the build tree - absolute paths are used. set(ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS /home/mice/Grid/MAUS-v3.1.3/third_party/build/root_v5.34.36/include) # ROOT configured for use from the build tree - absolute paths are used. set(ROOT_LIBRARY_DIR /home/mice/Grid/MAUS-v3.1.3/third_party/build/root_v5.34.36/lib) # ROOT configured for use from the build tree - absolute paths are used. set(ROOT_BINARY_DIR /home/mice/Grid/MAUS-v3.1.3/third_party/build/root_v5.34.36/bin) # ROOT configured for use CMake modules from source tree set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} /home/mice/Grid/MAUS-v3.1.3/third_party/source/root_v5.34.36/cmake/modules) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Include the file listing all the imported targets and options if(NOT CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME STREQUAL ROOT) include("${_thisdir}/ROOTConfig-targets.cmake") endif() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup components and options set(_root_options asimage astiff builtin_afterimage builtin_ftgl builtin_freetype builtin_glew builtin_pcre builtin_lzma cintex exceptions explicitlink fortran genvector gsl_shared krb5 mathmore memstat minuit2 opengl python reflex shadowpw shared sqlite ssl thread tmva vdt xft xml x11) foreach(_opt ${_root_options}) set(ROOT_${_opt}_FOUND TRUE) endforeach() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Now set them to ROOT_LIBRARIES set(ROOT_LIBRARIES) foreach(_cpt Core Cint RIO Net Hist Graf Graf3d Gpad Tree Rint Postscript Matrix Physics MathCore Thread ${ROOT_FIND_COMPONENTS}) find_library(ROOT_${_cpt}_LIBRARY NAMES ${_cpt} lib{_cpt} HINTS ${ROOT_LIBRARY_DIR}) if(ROOT_${_cpt}_LIBRARY) mark_as_advanced(ROOT_${_cpt}_LIBRARY) list(APPEND ROOT_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_${_cpt}_LIBRARY}) list(REMOVE_ITEM ROOT_FIND_COMPONENTS ${_cpt}) endif() endforeach() if(ROOT_LIBRARIES) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES ROOT_LIBRARIES) endif() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Locate the tools set(ROOT_ALL_TOOLS genreflex genmap root rootcint) foreach(_cpt ${ROOT_ALL_TOOLS}) if(NOT ROOT_${_cpt}_CMD) find_program(ROOT_${_cpt}_CMD ${_cpt} HINTS ${ROOT_BINARY_DIR}) if(ROOT_${_cpt}_CMD) mark_as_advanced(ROOT_${_cpt}_CMD) list(REMOVE_ITEM ROOT_FIND_COMPONENTS ${_cpt}) endif() endif() endforeach() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set(ROOT_DEFINITIONS -pipe -m64 -Wall -W -Woverloaded-virtual -fPIC -pthread -Wno-deprecated-declarations) set(ROOT_EXECUTABLE ${ROOT_root_CMD}) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Point the user to the ROOTUseFile.cmake file which they may wish to include # to help them with setting up ROOT # set(ROOT_USE_FILE ${_thisdir}/ROOTUseFile.cmake) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Finally, handle any remaining components. # We should have dealt with all available components above, and removed them # from the list of FIND_COMPONENTS so any left we either didn't find or don't # know about. Emit a warning if REQUIRED isn't set, or FATAL_ERROR otherwise # list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES ROOT_FIND_COMPONENTS) foreach(_remaining ${ROOT_FIND_COMPONENTS}) if(ROOT_FIND_REQUIRED_${_remaining}) message(FATAL_ERROR "ROOT component ${_remaining} not found") elseif(NOT ROOT_FIND_QUIETLY) message(WARNING " ROOT component ${_remaining} not found") endif() unset(ROOT_FIND_REQUIRED_${_remaining}) endforeach()