// MAUS WARNING: THIS IS LEGACY CODE. /** * @author Takashi Matsushita * @date $Date: 2007-05-29 01:55:09 $ * @version $Revision: 1.22 $ */ /* * Copyright: (c) 2006 Takashi Matsushita * Licence: All rights reserved. * Created: 1 Jan 2006 * Credits: */ /** @todo debug check existence of key for map check range of array index */ /** @warnings */ /*====================================================================* * declarations *====================================================================*/ #define test_VlpcCableImperial_cc #undef test_VlpcCableImperial_cc #define NDEBUG #undef NDEBUG /*--------------------------------------------------------------------* * headers *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "Config/VlpcCableImperial.hh" #include "Config/tmUtil.hpp" /*====================================================================* * implementation *====================================================================*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Decode *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------- VlpcCableImperial::VlpcCableImperial(const std::string configFileName) : isValid_(false), configFileName_(configFileName) { // add the MICEFILES path to the configFileName configFileName_ = std::string( getenv( "MICEFILES" ) ) + "/Cabling/SciFi/" + configFileName; //std::cout << "configFileName_ = " << configFileName_ << std::endl; this->parse(); this->showSetup(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void VlpcCableImperial::setConfigFileName(const std::string& name) { // add the MICEFILES path to the configFileName configFileName_ = std::string( getenv( "MICEFILES" ) ) + "/Cabling/SciFi/" + name; } const std::string VlpcCableImperial::getConfigFileName() { return configFileName_; } bool VlpcCableImperial::parse() { bool rc = true; rc &= parseConfig(); rc &= parseReadout(config_.roLeft, readout_.left); rc &= parseReadout(config_.roRight, readout_.right); rc &= parseConnection(); rc &= parseFibremap(); isValid_ = rc; showSetup(); return rc; } void VlpcCableImperial::showSetup() { if (not isValid_) { //TM_LOG_WAR("fibre mapping is not ready"); } else { showConfig(); } } bool VlpcCableImperial::isValid() { return isValid_; } bool VlpcCableImperial::readout2fibre(int afe, int mcm, int channel, int& stationId, int& view, int& fibre) { stationId = view = fibre = -1; if (not isValid_) { //TM_LOG_WAR("fibre mapping is not ready"); return false; } #if 0 //TM_LOG_INF("afe = " << afe); //TM_LOG_INF("mcm = " << mcm); //TM_LOG_INF("channel = " << channel); #endif // TODO: key check [afe] and range check [mcm] int external = intAfePtrMap_[afe]->externalWaveguide[mcm]; int d0hole; // TODO: range check [channel] if (intAfePtrMap_[afe]->isLeft) { d0hole = readout_.left[channel]; } else { d0hole = readout_.right[channel]; } int key = encodeExternal(external, d0hole); if( externalWaveguide_.find(key) == externalWaveguide_.end() ) { stationId = view = fibre = -1; return false; } int internal = externalWaveguide_[key]; int station = internalWaveguide_[internal]; fibre = stationConnector_[station]; decodeStation(station, stationId, view); if( fibre < 1 ) { stationId = view = fibre = -1; return false; } return true; } void VlpcCableImperial::statPlanFib(int afe, int mcm, int channel, int& station, int& view, int& fibre) { if (not readout2fibre(afe, mcm-1, channel-1, station, view, fibre)) { // mcmId and channelId start from ONE instead of ZERO, that's why we subtract one from the value // before calling readout2fibre } return; } bool VlpcCableImperial::testExternalCoding( int waveguideId, int holeId ) { int encoded = encodeExternal( waveguideId, holeId ); int newWgID, newHoleID; decodeExternal( encoded, newWgID, newHoleID ); return( ( waveguideId == newWgID ) && ( holeId == newHoleID ) ); } bool VlpcCableImperial::testInternalCoding( int waveguideId, int connectorId, int holeId ) { int encoded = encodeInternal( waveguideId, connectorId, holeId ); int newWgID, newConID, newHoleID; decodeInternal( encoded, newWgID, newConID, newHoleID ); return( ( waveguideId == newWgID ) && ( connectorId == newConID ) && ( holeId == newHoleID ) ); } bool VlpcCableImperial::testStationCoding( int stationId, int viewId, int connectorId, int holeId ) { int encoded = encodeStation( stationId, viewId, connectorId, holeId ); int newStatID, newViewID, newConID, newHoleID; decodeStation( encoded, newStatID, newViewID, newConID, newHoleID ); return( ( stationId == newStatID ) && ( viewId == newViewID ) && ( connectorId == newConID )&& ( holeId == newHoleID ) ); } void VlpcCableImperial::decodeExternal( int encodedExternal, int& waveguideId, int& holeId ) { waveguideId = encodedExternal/1000; holeId = encodedExternal%1000; } void VlpcCableImperial::decodeInternal( int encodedInternal, int& waveguideId, int& connectorId, int& holeId ) { waveguideId = encodedInternal/10000; connectorId = (encodedInternal%10000)/100; holeId = encodedInternal%100; } void VlpcCableImperial::decodeStation( int encodedStation, int& stationId, int& viewId, int& connectorId, int& holeId ) { stationId = encodedStation/100000; viewId = (encodedStation%100000)/10000; connectorId = (encodedStation%10000)/100; holeId = encodedStation%100; } void VlpcCableImperial::readout2cassette(int afe, int mcm, int channel, int& cassette, int& module, int& channelCassette) { cassette = module = channelCassette = -1; //find the cassette number from the board number bool isLeft = true; for( int i = 0; i < cassettes(); ++i ) if( LeftHandBoard(i) == afe || RightHandBoard(i) == afe ) { cassette = cassetteNum(i); if( RightHandBoard(i) == afe ) isLeft = false; } // find the module number module = mcm; if( ! isLeft ) module = 9 - mcm; // find the channel number on the cassette if (intAfePtrMap_[afe]->isLeft) channelCassette = readout_.left[channel-1]; else channelCassette = readout_.right[channel-1]; return; } void VlpcCableImperial::readout2waveguide(int afe, int mcm, int channel, int& waveguide, int& channelWaveguide) { waveguide = channelWaveguide = -1; // find the waveguide number waveguide = intAfePtrMap_[afe]->externalWaveguide[mcm-1]; // find channel number on the waveguide if (intAfePtrMap_[afe]->isLeft) { channelWaveguide = readout_.left[channel-1]; } else { channelWaveguide = readout_.right[channel-1]; } return; } void VlpcCableImperial::readout2patchpanel(int afe, int mcm, int channel, int& patchPanelCon, int& channelPatchPanel) { patchPanelCon = channelPatchPanel = -1; // find the patch panel connector number /* for (std::map<int, Afe *>::iterator it = intAfePtrMap_.begin(); it != intAfePtrMap_.end(); it++) { int afe = it->first; for (int mcm = 0; mcm < NUMBER_OF_MODULES; ++mcm ) { */ patchPanelCon = intAfePtrMap_[afe]->externalWaveguide[mcm-1]; // find channel number on the patch panel // for (int channel = 0; channel < NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_PER_MCM; ++channel ) { if (intAfePtrMap_[afe]->isLeft) { channelPatchPanel = readout_.left[channel-1]; } else { channelPatchPanel = readout_.right[channel-1]; } // } // } // } return; } bool VlpcCableImperial::readouthaspatchpanel(int afe, int mcm, int channel ) { //ME - at the moment, it does not look like the current // data structure can actually distinguish between stations // that had a patch panel interface and those that did not. // Do we need this to be implemented correctly? return false; } void VlpcCableImperial::readout2station(int afe, int mcm, int channel, int& stat, int& statCon, int& channelStation) { stat = statCon = channelStation = -1; // find station number int external = intAfePtrMap_[afe]->externalWaveguide[mcm-1]; int d0hole; if (intAfePtrMap_[afe]->isLeft) { d0hole = readout_.left[channel-1]; } else { d0hole = readout_.right[channel-1]; } int key = encodeExternal(external, d0hole); if( externalWaveguide_.find(key) == externalWaveguide_.end() ) { return; } int internal = externalWaveguide_[key]; int estat = internalWaveguide_[internal]; int view; decodeStation( estat, stat, view ); /* int external = intAfePtrMap_[afe]->externalWaveguide[mcm]; int d0hole; if (intAfePtrMap_[afe]->isLeft) { d0hole = readout_.left[channel-1]; } else { d0hole = readout_.right[channel-1]; } // ExternalWaveguideMap::iterator it = externalWaveguide_.find(encodeExternal(external, d0hole)); // if (it == externalWaveguide_.end()) { // return false; // } for (std::map<int, int>::iterator it = externalWaveguide_.begin(); it != externalWaveguide_.end(); it++) { int internal = externalWaveguide_[encodeExternal(external, d0hole)]; stat = internalWaveguide_[internal]; */ // find station connector number int wg; decodeInternal( estat, wg, statCon, channelStation ); return; } int VlpcCableImperial::cassettes() const { return( intAfePtrMap_.size() / 2 ); // AfePtrMap map has 2 boards per cassette } int VlpcCableImperial::cassetteNum( int i ) const { int pos = 0; for( std::map<int,Afe*>::const_iterator it = intAfePtrMap_.begin(); it != intAfePtrMap_.end(); ++it ) if( it->second->isLeft ) { if( pos == i ) return it->second->cassette; ++pos; } // haven't found the correct cassette return -1; } int VlpcCableImperial::LeftHandBoard( int i ) const { int pos = 0; for( std::map<int,Afe*>::const_iterator it = intAfePtrMap_.begin(); it != intAfePtrMap_.end(); ++it ) if( it->second->isLeft ) { if( pos == i ) return it->first; ++pos; } // haven't found the correct board return -1; } int VlpcCableImperial::RightHandBoard( int i ) const { int pos = 0; for( std::map<int,Afe*>::const_iterator it = intAfePtrMap_.begin(); it != intAfePtrMap_.end(); ++it ) if( ! it->second->isLeft ) { if( pos == i ) return it->first; ++pos; } // haven't found the correct board return -1; } bool VlpcCableImperial::toOsaka() { for (std::map<int, Afe *>::iterator it = intAfePtrMap_.begin(); it != intAfePtrMap_.end(); it++) { int afe = it->first; for (int mcm = 0; mcm < NUMBER_OF_MODULES; mcm++) { int external = intAfePtrMap_[afe]->externalWaveguide[mcm]; int d0holeId; for (int channel = 0; channel < NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_PER_MCM; channel++) { if (intAfePtrMap_[afe]->isLeft) { d0holeId = readout_.left[channel]; } else { d0holeId = readout_.right[channel]; } int key = encodeExternal(external, d0holeId); if (externalWaveguide_.find(key) == externalWaveguide_.end()) { //TM_LOG_WAR("skip (ext., hole.) = " << external << "," << d0holeId); continue; } int internal = externalWaveguide_[key]; int station = internalWaveguide_[internal]; int stationId, viewId; decodeStation(station, stationId, viewId); int fibre = stationConnector_[station]; // convert to osaka convention int afeOsaka = 0; if (afe == 0) { afeOsaka = 104; } else if (afe == 1) { afeOsaka = 107; } else if (afe == 2) { afeOsaka = 106; } else if (afe == 3) { afeOsaka = 105; } else { //TM_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR(); } if (stationId == 0) { stationId = 1; } else if (stationId == 1) { stationId = 2; } else if (stationId == 2) { stationId = 3; } else if (stationId == 3) { stationId = 4; } else { //TM_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR(); } if (viewId == 0) { viewId = 1; } else if (viewId == 1) { viewId = 3; } else if (viewId == 2) { viewId = 2; } else { //TM_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR(); } std::cout << afeOsaka << "\t" << mcm+1 << "\t" << channel+1 << "\t" << stationId << "\t" << viewId << "\t" << fibre+1 << std::endl; } } } return true; } bool VlpcCableImperial::parseConfig() { //TM_LOG_DBG("parseConfig()"); bool rc = true; std::ifstream file; file.open(configFileName_.c_str()); if (!file.is_open()) { //TM_FATAL_ERROR("could not open a file = " << configFileName_); } while (!file.eof()) { std::vector<std::string> tokens; std::string line; getline(file, line); line = TM::trim(line); if (line.length() == 0) { continue; } if (line[0] == COMMENT_CHAR) { continue; } tokens.clear(); TM::tokenise(line, tokens, "="); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = tokens.begin(); it != tokens.end(); it++) { std::string key = TM::trim(*it); if (key == "FIBRE_MAP") { config_.fibreMap = TM::trim(*++it); } else if (key == "CONNECTION") { config_.connection = TM::trim(*++it); } else if (key == "RO_RIGHT") { config_.roRight = TM::trim(*++it); } else if (key == "RO_LEFT") { config_.roLeft = TM::trim(*++it); } else { rc = false; } } } return rc; } bool VlpcCableImperial::parseReadout(const std::string& fileName, int *array) { //TM_LOG_DBG("parseReadout()"); bool rc = true; std::string fnam = std::string( getenv( "MICEFILES" ) ) + "/Cabling/SciFi/" + fileName; std::ifstream file; file.open(fnam.c_str()); if (!file.is_open()) { TM_FATAL_ERROR("could not open a file = " << fileName); } //TM_LOG_INF(fileName); for (int ii = 0; ii < NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_PER_MCM; ii++) { array[ii] = -1; } while (!file.eof()) { std::vector<std::string> tokens; std::string line; getline(file, line); line = TM::trim(line); if (line.length() == 0) { continue; } if (line[0] == COMMENT_CHAR) { continue; } tokens.clear(); TM::tokenise(line, tokens, "="); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = tokens.begin(); it != tokens.end(); it++) { std::string key = TM::trim(*it); if (key == "TYPE") { //TM_LOG_INF(" TYPE = " << TM::trim(*++it); } else if (key == "VERSION") { //TM_LOG_INF(" VERSION = " << TM::trim(*++it); } else { int index, value; index = atoi((*it).c_str()) - 1; value = atoi((*++it).c_str()) - 1; if (index < 0 || index >= NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_PER_MCM) { // TM_FATAL_ERROR("index error: (" << index << "," << value << ")"); } if (value < 0 || value >= NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_PER_MCM*2) { // TM_FATAL_ERROR("value error: (" << index << "," << value << ")"); } array[index] = value; } } } return rc; } bool VlpcCableImperial::parseConnection() { //TM_LOG_DBG("parseConnection()"); bool rc = true; std::string fnam = std::string( getenv( "MICEFILES" ) ) + "/Cabling/SciFi/" + config_.connection; std::ifstream file; file.open( fnam.c_str() ); if (!file.is_open()) { TM_FATAL_ERROR("could not open a file = " << config_.connection); } //TM_LOG_INF(config_.connection); while (!file.eof()) { std::vector<std::string> tokens; std::string line; getline(file, line); line = TM::trim(line); if (line.length() == 0) { continue; } if (line[0] == COMMENT_CHAR) { continue; } tokens.clear(); TM::tokenise(line, tokens, "="); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = tokens.begin(); it != tokens.end(); it++) { std::string key = TM::trim(*it); if (key == "TYPE") { //TM_LOG_INF(" TYPE = " << TM::trim(*++it); } else if (key == "VERSION") { //TM_LOG_INF(" VERSION = " << TM::trim(*++it); } else { std::vector<std::string> subTokens; int waveguide = -1; int cassette = -1; int module = -1; int afeLeft = -1; int afeRight = -1; waveguide = atoi((*it).c_str()); subTokens.clear(); TM::tokenise(*++it, subTokens, " "); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator its = subTokens.begin(); its != subTokens.end(); its++) { cassette = atoi((*its).c_str()); module = atoi((*++its).c_str()) - 1; } subTokens.clear(); TM::tokenise(*++it, subTokens, " "); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator its = subTokens.begin(); its != subTokens.end(); its++) { afeLeft = atoi((*its).c_str()); afeRight = atoi((*++its).c_str()); } #if 0 //TM_LOG_DBG(" waveguide = " << waveguide); //TM_LOG_DBG(" cassette = " << cassette); //TM_LOG_DBG(" module = " << module); //TM_LOG_DBG(" afeLeft = " << afeLeft); //TM_LOG_DBG(" afeRight = " << afeRight); #endif int mcm = module; #if 0 //TM_LOG_DBG(" count = " << intAfePtrMap_.count(afeLeft)); //TM_LOG_DBG(" mcm = " << mcm); #endif if (intAfePtrMap_.count(afeLeft) == 0) { Afe *afe = new Afe(); intAfePtrMap_.insert(std::make_pair(afeLeft, afe)); } intAfePtrMap_[afeLeft]->isLeft = true; intAfePtrMap_[afeLeft]->externalWaveguide[mcm] = waveguide; intAfePtrMap_[afeLeft]->cassette = cassette; mcm = NUMBER_OF_MODULES - module - 1; key = afeRight; #if 0 //TM_LOG_DBG(" count = " << intAfePtrMap_.count(afeRight)); //TM_LOG_DBG(" mcm = " << mcm); #endif if (intAfePtrMap_.count(afeRight) == 0) { Afe *afe = new Afe(); intAfePtrMap_.insert(std::make_pair(afeRight, afe)); } intAfePtrMap_[afeRight]->isLeft = false; intAfePtrMap_[afeRight]->externalWaveguide[mcm] = waveguide; intAfePtrMap_[afeRight]->cassette = cassette; } } } return rc; } bool VlpcCableImperial::parseFibremap() { //TM_LOG_DBG("parseFibremap()"); bool rc = true; std::string fnam = std::string( getenv( "MICEFILES" ) ) + "/Cabling/SciFi/" + config_.fibreMap; std::ifstream file; file.open( fnam.c_str() ); if (!file.is_open()) { TM_FATAL_ERROR("could not open a file = " << config_.fibreMap); } //TM_LOG_INF(config_.fibreMap); while (!file.eof()) { std::vector<std::string> tokens; std::string line; getline(file, line); line = TM::trim(line); if (line.length() == 0) { continue; } if (line[0] == COMMENT_CHAR) { continue; } tokens.clear(); TM::tokenise(line, tokens, "="); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = tokens.begin(); it != tokens.end(); it++) { std::string key = TM::trim(*it); if (key == "TYPE") { //TM_LOG_INF(" TYPE = " << TM::trim(*++it); } else if (key == "VERSION") { // TM_LOG_INF(" VERSION = " << TM::trim(*++it); } else { std::vector<std::string> subTokens; int station = -1; int view = -1; int fibre = -1; int stConnId = -1; int stHoleId = -1; int inGuideId = -1; int inConnId = -1; int inHoleId = -1; int inPpId = -1; int exGuideId = -1; int exHoleId = -1; int d0holeId = -1; subTokens.clear(); TM::tokenise(*it, subTokens, " "); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator its = subTokens.begin(); its != subTokens.end(); its++) { station = atoi((*its).c_str()); view = atoi((*++its).c_str()); fibre = atoi((*++its).c_str()); } #if 0 //TM_LOG_DBG(" station = " << station); //TM_LOG_DBG(" view = " << view); //TM_LOG_DBG(" fibre = " << fibre); #endif subTokens.clear(); TM::tokenise(*++it, subTokens, " "); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator its = subTokens.begin(); its != subTokens.end(); its++) { stConnId = atoi((*its).c_str()) - 1; stHoleId = atoi((*++its).c_str()) - 1; } #if 0 //TM_LOG_DBG(" stConnId = " << stConnId); //TM_LOG_DBG(" stHoleId = " << stHoleId); #endif subTokens.clear(); TM::tokenise(*++it, subTokens, " "); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator its = subTokens.begin(); its != subTokens.end(); its++) { inGuideId = atoi((*its).c_str()); inConnId = atoi((*++its).c_str()) - 1; inHoleId = atoi((*++its).c_str()) - 1; } #if 0 //TM_LOG_DBG(" inGuideId = " << inGuideId); //TM_LOG_DBG(" inConnId = " << inConnId); //TM_LOG_DBG(" inHoleId = " << inHoleId); #endif inPpId = atoi((*++it).c_str()); // TM_LOG_DBG(" inPpId = " << inPpId); subTokens.clear(); TM::tokenise(*++it, subTokens, " "); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator its = subTokens.begin(); its != subTokens.end(); its++) { exGuideId = atoi((*its).c_str()); exHoleId = atoi((*++its).c_str()) - 1; } #if 0 //TM_LOG_DBG(" exGuideId = " << exGuideId); //TM_LOG_DBG(" exHoleId = " << exHoleId); #endif d0holeId = atoi((*++it).c_str()) - 1; // TM_LOG_DBG(" d0holeId = " << d0holeId); if (d0holeId < 0) { //TM_LOG_WAR("skip (ext., hole.) = " << exGuideId << "," << d0holeId); continue; } externalWaveguide_.insert(std::make_pair( encodeExternal(exGuideId, d0holeId), encodeInternal(inGuideId, inConnId, inHoleId))); internalWaveguide_.insert(std::make_pair( encodeInternal(inGuideId, inConnId, inHoleId), encodeStation(station, view, stConnId, stHoleId))); stationConnector_.insert(std::make_pair( encodeStation(station, view, stConnId, stHoleId), fibre)); } } } return rc; } void VlpcCableImperial::showConfig() { /* ME std::cout << "Decoding configuration: "<< std::endl; std::cout << " Fibre map: " << config_.fibreMap << std::endl; std::cout << " Fibre to read-out connection map: " << config_.connection << std::endl; std::cout << " read-out map (right): " << config_.roRight << std::endl; std::cout << " read-out map (left): " << config_.roLeft << std::endl; */ } void VlpcCableImperial::showReadout() { std::cout << " read-out map (left): " << std::endl; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_PER_MCM; ii++) { std::cout << ii << " = " << readout_.left[ii] << std::endl; } std::cout << " read-out map (right): " << std::endl; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_PER_MCM; ii++) { std::cout << ii << " = " << readout_.right[ii] << std::endl; } } void VlpcCableImperial::showConnection() { for (std::map<int, Afe *>::iterator it = intAfePtrMap_.begin(); it != intAfePtrMap_.end(); it++) { std::cout << " afe board = " << it->first << std::endl; std::cout << " cassette = " << it->second->cassette << std::endl; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUMBER_OF_MODULES; ii++) { std::cout << " mcm = " << ii; std::cout << " <-> waveguide = " << it->second->externalWaveguide[ii] << std::endl; } } } void VlpcCableImperial::showFibremap() { for (std::map<int, int>::iterator it = externalWaveguide_.begin(); it != externalWaveguide_.end(); it++) { printExternal(it->first); printInternal(it->second); printStation(internalWaveguide_[it->second]); std::cout << " ch = " << stationConnector_[internalWaveguide_[it->second]] << std::endl; } } int VlpcCableImperial::encodeExternal(int waveguideId, int d0holeId) { if (d0holeId < 0 || d0holeId > 127) { TM_LOG_WAR("d0holeId = " << d0holeId); TM_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR(); } return waveguideId*1000 + d0holeId; } int VlpcCableImperial::encodeInternal(int waveguideId, int connectorId, int holeId) { return waveguideId*10000 + connectorId*100 + holeId; } int VlpcCableImperial::encodeStation(int stationId, int viewId, int connectorId, int holeId) { return stationId*100000 + viewId*10000 + connectorId*100 + holeId; } void VlpcCableImperial::printExternal(int encoded) { std::cout << " ex = " << encoded/1000 << " " << encoded % 1000; } void VlpcCableImperial::printInternal(int encoded) { int waveguide = encoded/1000; int connector = (encoded%1000)/100; int hole = (encoded%1000)%100; std::cout << " in = " << waveguide << " " << connector << " " << hole; } void VlpcCableImperial::printStation(int encoded) { int station = encoded/100000; int view = (encoded%100000)/10000; int connector = ((encoded%100000)%10000)/100; int hole = ((encoded%100000)%10000)%100; std::cout << " st = " << station << " " << view << " " << connector << " " << hole; } void VlpcCableImperial::decodeStation(int encoded, int& station, int& view) { station = encoded/100000; view = (encoded%100000)/10000; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // functions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace TM { std::string trim(std::string const& source, char const* whites) { std::string result(source); std::string::size_type index = result.find_last_not_of(whites); if (index != std::string::npos) { result.erase(++index); } index = result.find_first_not_of(whites); if (index != std::string::npos) { result.erase(0, index); } else { result.erase(); } return result; } void tokenise(const std::string& str, std::vector<std::string>& tokens, const std::string& delimiters) { std::string::size_type lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, 0); std::string::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos); while (std::string::npos != pos || std::string::npos != lastPos) { tokens.push_back(str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos)); lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, pos); pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos); } } } // namespace TM #ifdef test_VlpcCableImperial_cc #include <unistd.h> #include <iterator> using namespace std; void usage(char *argv[]) { cout << "usage: " << argv[0] << " -i <decode configuration file>" << " [-h (for this message)]" << endl; return; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { string fileName(CONFIG_FILE); int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hi:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h': usage(argv); return EXIT_SUCCESS; break; case 'i': fileName = optarg; break; default: usage(argv); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } VlpcCableImperial decode; decode.setConfigFileName(fileName); //TM_LOG_INF("parse()"); decode.parse(); // showSetup(); // showReadout(); // showConnection(); // showFibremap(); //TM_LOG_INF("toOsaka()"); decode.toOsaka(); //decode.readout2fibre(afe, mcm, channel, station, plane, fibre); //int station, plane, fibre; //decode.readout2fibre(1, 7, 63, station, plane, fibre); //std::cout << "(2 8 64) -> (" << //station << " " << plane << " " << fibre << ")" << std::endl; // sleep(10); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #endif // test_VlpcCableImperial_cc /* eof */