/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include "src/map/MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel/MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel.hh" #include <sstream> #include "src/common_cpp/API/PyWrapMapBase.hh" namespace MAUS { PyMODINIT_FUNC init_MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel(void) { PyWrapMapBase<MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel>::PyWrapMapBaseModInit ("MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel", "", "", "", ""); } MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel::MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel() : MapBase<Data>("MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel") { // Do nothing } MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel::~MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel() { delete _random; // Do nothing } void MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel::_birth(const std::string& argJsonConfigDocument) { // Pull out the global settings if (!Globals::HasInstance()) { GlobalsManager::InitialiseGlobals(argJsonConfigDocument); } Json::Value* json = Globals::GetConfigurationCards(); // _clusters_on = (*json)["SciFiClusterReconOn"].asBool(); _random = new TRandom3(); // Build the geometery helper instance MiceModule* module = Globals::GetReconstructionMiceModules(); std::vector<const MiceModule*> modules = module->findModulesByPropertyString("SensitiveDetector", "SciFi"); _geometry_helper = SciFiGeometryHelper(modules); _geometry_helper.Build(); _cavityBrightness = (*json)["SciFiRadiationNoise_CavityBrightness"].asDouble(); // Make a list of the cavities in the experment std::vector<double> cavityPositions; std::vector<const MiceModule*> cavity_modules = module->findModulesByPropertyExists("string", "CavityMode"); for (std::vector<const MiceModule*>::const_iterator it = cavity_modules.begin(); it != cavity_modules.end(); ++it) { cavityPositions.push_back((*it)->globalPosition().z()); } if (cavityPositions.size() == 0) { std::cerr << "No cavities found. No RF noise will be modelled.\n"; } else { // Cycle through planes, find the nearest cavity and apply 1/r^2 reduction to // the nominal rate. for (std::vector<const MiceModule*>::const_iterator it = modules.begin(); it != modules.end(); ++it) { int tracker = (*it)->propertyInt("Tracker"); int station = (*it)->propertyInt("Station"); int plane = (*it)->propertyInt("Plane"); int plane_id = (station-1)*3+plane+1; if (tracker == 0) plane_id *= -1; double plane_z = (*it)->globalPosition().z(); double nearestCavity = 1.0e300; for (std::vector<double>::iterator cav_it = cavityPositions.begin(); cav_it != cavityPositions.end(); ++cav_it) { double separation = fabs((*cav_it) - plane_z); if (separation < nearestCavity) { nearestCavity = separation; } } // 1/r^2 losses assuming spherical emission double planeRadius = (*it)->propertyDouble("ActiveRadius"); _planeNoiseRates[plane_id] = _cavityBrightness*planeRadius*planeRadius / (4.0*nearestCavity*nearestCavity); } } // Need a more precise determination - this will do for now! // for (int plane_it = -15; plane_it <= 15; ++plane_it) { // _planeNoiseRates[plane_it] = 100.0; // } _npe_mean = 10.0; _npe_rms = 5.0; _centralFibre = 106.5; } void MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel::_death() { // Do nothing } void MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel::_process(Data* data) const { Spill& spill = *(data->GetSpill()); /* return if not physics spill */ if (spill.GetDaqEventType() != "physics_event") return; if (spill.GetReconEvents()) { for (unsigned int k = 0; k < spill.GetReconEvents()->size(); k++) { SciFiEvent *event = spill.GetReconEvents()->at(k)->GetSciFiEvent(); if (!event) { continue; } int spillNum = spill.GetSpillNumber(); int eventNum = spill.GetReconEvents()->at(k)->GetPartEventNumber(); for (std::map<int, double>::const_iterator plane_it = _planeNoiseRates.begin(); plane_it != _planeNoiseRates.end(); ++plane_it) { int plane_id = plane_it->first; int tracker = (plane_id < 0?0:1); int temp_plane_id = abs(plane_id); int station = ((temp_plane_id - 1) / 3) + 1; int plane = (temp_plane_id - 1) % 3; int number_digits = _getNumberDigits(plane_id); for (int digit_num = 0; digit_num < number_digits; ++digit_num) { int channel = _getRandomChannel(); double npe = fabs(_random->Gaus(_npe_mean, _npe_rms)); double time = 0.0; SciFiDigit* digit = new SciFiDigit(spillNum, eventNum, tracker, station, plane, channel, npe, time); event->add_digit(digit); } } } } else { std::cout << "No recon events found\n"; } } int MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel::_getNumberDigits(int plane) const { std::map<int, double>::const_iterator result = _planeNoiseRates.find(plane); if (result == _planeNoiseRates.end()) { throw Exceptions::Exception(Exceptions::nonRecoverable, "Looking for a plane that doesn't exist!", "MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel::_getNumberDigits(int plane)"); } double rate = _planeNoiseRates.find(plane)->second; return _random->Poisson(rate); } int MapCppTrackerRadiationNoiseModel::_getRandomChannel() const { return static_cast<int>(_random->Uniform(0.0, _centralFibre*2.0)); } } // ~namespace MAUS