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// ********************************************************************
#ifndef G4ParaFissionModel_h
#define G4ParaFissionModel_h 1

#include "G4CompetitiveFission.hh"
#include "G4ExcitationHandler.hh"
#include "G4HadronicInteraction.hh"
#include "G4NucleiProperties.hh"
//#include "G4ParticleTable.hh"

// Class Description
// Final state production model for (based on evaluated data
// libraries) description of neutron induced fission below 60 MeV; 
// In case you need the fission fragments, use this model.
// To be used in your physics list in case you need this physics.
// In this case you want to register an object of this class with 
// the corresponding process.

class G4ParaFissionModel : public G4HadronicInteraction

    SetMinEnergy( 0.0 );
    SetMaxEnergy( 60.*MeV );

  virtual ~G4ParaFissionModel() {};
  virtual G4HadFinalState* ApplyYourself(const G4HadProjectile& aTrack, 
					 G4Nucleus& theNucleus)
    theParticleChange.SetStatusChange( stopAndKill );
    theParticleChange.SetEnergyChange( 0.0 );
    // prepare the fragment

    G4int A = theNucleus.GetA_asInt();
    G4int Z = theNucleus.GetZ_asInt();
    G4double nucMass = G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass(A, Z);
    G4int numberOfEx = aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetBaryonNumber();
    G4int numberOfCh = G4int(aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge() + 0.5);
    G4int numberOfHoles = 0;

    A += numberOfEx;
    Z += numberOfCh;
    G4LorentzVector v = aTrack.Get4Momentum() + G4LorentzVector(0.0,0.0,0.0,nucMass);
    G4Fragment anInitialState(A,Z,v);

    // do the fission
    G4FragmentVector * theFissionResult = theFission.BreakUp(anInitialState);
    // deexcite the fission fragments and fill result

    G4int ll = theFissionResult->size();
    for(G4int i=0; i<ll; i++)
      G4ReactionProductVector* theExcitationResult = 0; 
      G4Fragment* aFragment = (*theFissionResult)[i];
      if(aFragment->GetExcitationEnergy() > keV)
	theExcitationResult = theHandler.BreakItUp(*aFragment);

	// add secondaries
	for(G4int j = 0; j < G4int(theExcitationResult->size()); j++)
	  G4ReactionProduct* rp0 = (*theExcitationResult)[j];
	  G4DynamicParticle* p0 = 
	    new G4DynamicParticle(rp0->GetDefinition(),rp0->GetMomentum());
	  delete rp0;
	delete theExcitationResult;
	// add secondary
	G4DynamicParticle* p0 = 
	  new G4DynamicParticle(aFragment->GetParticleDefinition(),
      delete aFragment;

    delete theFissionResult;
    return &theParticleChange;

  G4CompetitiveFission theFission;
  G4ExcitationHandler theHandler;
  G4HadFinalState theParticleChange;