/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 1997-2013 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ /****************************************************************************** * Parser for VHDL subset * written by M. Kreis * supports VHDL-87/93/2008 * does not support VHDL-AMS ******************************************************************************/ // global includes #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <qcstring.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #ifdef DEBUGFLOW #include <qmap.h> #endif /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ // local includes #include "vhdldocgen.h" #include "message.h" #include "config.h" #include "doxygen.h" #include "util.h" #include "language.h" #include "commentscan.h" #include "index.h" #include "definition.h" #include "searchindex.h" #include "outputlist.h" #include "parserintf.h" #include "vhdlscanner.h" #include "layout.h" #include "arguments.h" #include "portable.h" #include "memberlist.h" #include "memberdef.h" #include "groupdef.h" #include "classlist.h" #include "namespacedef.h" #include "filename.h" #include "membergroup.h" #define theTranslator_vhdlType VhdlDocGen::trVhdlType static QDict<QCString> g_vhdlKeyDict0(17,FALSE); static QDict<QCString> g_vhdlKeyDict1(17,FALSE); static QDict<QCString> g_vhdlKeyDict2(17,FALSE); static QDict<QCString> g_xilinxUcfDict(17,FALSE); static void initUCF(Entry* root,const char* type,QCString & qcs,int line,QCString & fileName,QCString & brief); static void writeUCFLink(const MemberDef* mdef,OutputList &ol); static void assignBinding(VhdlConfNode* conf); static void addInstance(ClassDef* entity, ClassDef* arch, ClassDef *inst,Entry *cur,ClassDef* archBind=NULL); //---------- create svg ------------------------------------------------------------- static void createSVG(); static void startDot(FTextStream &t); static void startTable(FTextStream &t,const QCString &className); static QList<MemberDef>* getPorts(ClassDef *cd); static void writeVhdlEntityToolTip(FTextStream& t,ClassDef *cd); static void endDot(FTextStream &t); static void writeTable(QList<MemberDef>* port,FTextStream & t); static void endTabel(FTextStream &t); static void writeClassToDot(FTextStream &t,ClassDef* cd); static void writeVhdlDotLink(FTextStream &t,const QCString &a,const QCString &b,const QCString &style); //static void writeVhdlPortToolTip(FTextStream& t,QList<MemberDef>* port,ClassDef *cd); static const MemberDef *flowMember=0; void VhdlDocGen::setFlowMember( const MemberDef* mem) { flowMember=mem; } const MemberDef* VhdlDocGen::getFlowMember() { return flowMember; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void codify(FTextStream &t,const char *str) { if (str) { const char *p=str; char c; while (*p) { c=*p++; switch(c) { case '<': t << "<"; break; case '>': t << ">"; break; case '&': t << "&"; break; case '\'': t << "'"; break; case '"': t << """; break; default: t << c; break; } } } } static void writeLink(const MemberDef* mdef,OutputList &ol) { ol.writeObjectLink(mdef->getReference(), mdef->getOutputFileBase(), mdef->anchor(), mdef->name()); } static void startFonts(const QCString& q, const char *keyword,OutputList& ol) { ol.startFontClass(keyword); ol.docify(q.data()); ol.endFontClass(); } static QCString splitString(QCString& str,char c) { QCString n=str; int i=str.find(c); if (i>0) { n=str.left(i); str=str.remove(0,i+1); } return n; } static int compareString(const QCString& s1,const QCString& s2) { return qstricmp(s1.stripWhiteSpace(),s2.stripWhiteSpace()); } static void createSVG() { QCString ov =Config_getString("HTML_OUTPUT"); QCString dir="-o \""+ov+"/vhdl_design_overview.html\""; ov+="/vhdl_design.dot"; QRegExp ep("[\\s]"); QCString vlargs="-Tsvg \""+ov+"\" "+dir ; if (portable_system("dot",vlargs)!=0) { err("could not create dot file"); } } // Creates a svg image. All in/out/inout ports are shown with brief description and direction. // Brief descriptions for entities are shown too. void VhdlDocGen::writeOverview() { ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict); ClassDef *cd; bool found=FALSE; for ( ; (cd=cli.current()) ; ++cli ) { if ((VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)cd->protection()==VhdlDocGen::ENTITYCLASS ) { found=TRUE; break; } } if (!found) return; QCString ov =Config_getString("HTML_OUTPUT"); QCString fileName=ov+"/vhdl_design.dot"; QFile f(fileName); QStringList qli; FTextStream t(&f); if (!f.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Cannot open file %s for writing\n",fileName.data()); return; } startDot(t); for (cli.toFirst() ; (cd=cli.current()) ; ++cli ) { if ((VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)cd->protection()!=VhdlDocGen::ENTITYCLASS ) { continue; } QList<MemberDef>* port= getPorts(cd); if (port==0) { continue; } if (port->count()==0) { delete port; port=NULL; continue; } startTable(t,cd->name()); writeClassToDot(t,cd); writeTable(port,t); endTabel(t); // writeVhdlPortToolTip(t,port,cd); writeVhdlEntityToolTip(t,cd); delete port; BaseClassList *bl=cd->baseClasses(); if (bl) { BaseClassListIterator bcli(*bl); BaseClassDef *bcd; for ( ; (bcd=bcli.current()) ; ++bcli ) { ClassDef *bClass=bcd->classDef; QCString dotn=cd->name()+":"; dotn+=cd->name(); QCString csc=bClass->name()+":"; csc+=bClass->name(); // fprintf(stderr,"\n <%s| %s>",dotn.data(),csc.data()); writeVhdlDotLink(t,dotn,csc,0); } }// if bl }// for endDot(t); // writePortLinks(t); f.close(); createSVG(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static void startDot(FTextStream &t) { t << " digraph G { \n"; t << "rankdir=LR \n"; t << "concentrate=TRUE\n"; t << "stylesheet=\"doxygen.css\"\n"; } static void endDot(FTextStream &t) { t <<" } \n"; } static void startTable(FTextStream &t,const QCString &className) { t << className <<" [ shape=none , fontname=\"arial\", fontcolor=\"blue\" , \n"; t << "label=<<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\">\n"; } static void writeVhdlDotLink(FTextStream &t, const QCString &a,const QCString &b,const QCString &style) { t << a << "->" << b; if (!style.isEmpty()) { t << "[style=" << style << "];\n"; } t << "\n"; } static QCString formatBriefNote(const QCString &brief,ClassDef * cd) { QRegExp ep("[\n]"); QCString vForm; QCString repl("<BR ALIGN=\"LEFT\"/>"); QCString file=cd->getDefFileName(); int k=cd->briefLine(); QStringList qsl=QStringList::split(ep,brief); for(uint j=0;j<qsl.count();j++) { QCString qcs=qsl[j].data(); vForm+=parseCommentAsText(cd,NULL,qcs,file,k); k++; vForm+='\n'; } vForm.replace(ep,repl.data()); return vForm; } #if 0 static void writeVhdlPortToolTip(FTextStream& t,QList<MemberDef>* port,ClassDef *cd) { /* uint len=port->count(); MemberDef *md; for (uint j=0;j<len;j++) { md=(MemberDef*)port->at(j); QCString brief=md->briefDescriptionAsTooltip(); if (brief.isEmpty()) continue; QCString node="node"; node+=VhdlDocGen::getRecordNumber(); t << node <<"[shape=box margin=0.1, label=<\n"; t<<"<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"2\" >\n "; t<<"<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"lightcyan\"> "; t<<brief; t<<" </TD></TR></TABLE>>];"; QCString dotn=cd->name()+":"; dotn+=md->name(); // writeVhdlDotLink(t,dotn,node,"dotted"); } */ } #endif static void writeVhdlEntityToolTip(FTextStream& t,ClassDef *cd) { QCString brief=cd->briefDescription(); if (brief.isEmpty()) return; brief=formatBriefNote(brief,cd); QCString node="node"; node+=VhdlDocGen::getRecordNumber(); t << node <<"[shape=none margin=0.1, label=<\n"; t << "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"2\" >\n "; t << "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"lightcyan\"> "; t << brief; t << " </TD></TR></TABLE>>];"; QCString dotn=cd->name()+":"; dotn+=cd->name(); writeVhdlDotLink(t,dotn,node,"dotted"); } static void writeColumn(FTextStream &t,MemberDef *md,bool start) { QCString toolTip; static QRegExp reg("[%]"); bool bidir=(md!=0 &&( qstricmp(md->typeString(),"inout")==0)); if (md) { toolTip=md->briefDescriptionAsTooltip(); if (!toolTip.isEmpty()) { QCString largs = md->argsString(); if (!largs.isEmpty()) largs=largs.replace(reg," "); toolTip+=" ["; toolTip+=largs; toolTip+="]"; } } if (start) { t <<"<TR>\n"; } t << "<TD ALIGN=\"LEFT\" "; if (md) { t << "href=\""; t << md->getOutputFileBase()<< Doxygen::htmlFileExtension; t << "#" << md->anchor(); t<<"\" "; t<<" TOOLTIP=\""; if(!toolTip.isEmpty()) codify(t,toolTip.data()); else{ QCString largs = md->argsString(); if(!largs.isEmpty()){ largs=largs.replace(reg," "); codify(t,largs.data()); } } t << "\" "; t << " PORT=\""; t << md->name(); t << "\" "; } if (!toolTip.isEmpty()) { // if (!toolTip.isEmpty()) if (bidir) t << "BGCOLOR=\"orange\">"; else t << "BGCOLOR=\"azure\">"; } else if (bidir) { t << "BGCOLOR=\"pink\">"; } else { t << "BGCOLOR=\"lightgrey\">"; } if (md) { t << md->name(); } else { t << " \n"; } t << "</TD>\n"; if (!start) { t << "</TR>\n"; } } static void endTabel(FTextStream &t) { t << "</TABLE>>\n"; t << "] \n"; } static void writeClassToDot(FTextStream &t,ClassDef* cd) { t << "<TR><TD COLSPAN=\"2\" BGCOLOR=\"yellow\" "; t << "PORT=\""; t << cd->name(); t << "\" "; t << "href=\""; t << cd->getOutputFileBase() << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension; t << "\" "; t << ">"; t << cd->name(); t << " </TD></TR>\n"; } static QList<MemberDef>* getPorts(ClassDef *cd) { MemberDef* md; QList<MemberDef> *portList=new QList<MemberDef>; MemberList *ml=cd->getMemberList(MemberListType_variableMembers); if (ml==0) return NULL; MemberListIterator fmni(*ml); for (fmni.toFirst();(md=fmni.current());++fmni) { if (md->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::PORT) { portList->append(md); } } return portList; } //writeColumn(FTextStream &t,QCString name,bool start) static void writeTable(QList<MemberDef>* port,FTextStream & t) { QCString space(" "); MemberDef *md; uint len=port->count(); QList<MemberDef> inPorts; QList<MemberDef> outPorts; uint j; for (j=0;j<len;j++) { md=(MemberDef*)port->at(j); QCString qc=md->typeString(); if(qc=="in") { inPorts.append(md); } else { outPorts.append(md); } } int inp = inPorts.count(); int outp = outPorts.count(); int maxLen; if (inp>=outp) { maxLen=inp; } else { maxLen=outp; } int i; for(i=0;i<maxLen;i++) { //write inports if (i<inp) { md=(MemberDef*)inPorts.at(i); writeColumn(t,md,TRUE); } else { writeColumn(t,NULL,TRUE); } if (i<outp) { md=(MemberDef*)outPorts.at(i); writeColumn(t,md,FALSE); } else { writeColumn(t,NULL,FALSE); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VhdlDocGen::VhdlDocGen() { } VhdlDocGen::~VhdlDocGen() { } void VhdlDocGen::init() { // vhdl keywords inlcuded VHDL 2008 const char* g_vhdlKeyWordMap0[] = { "abs","access","after","alias","all","and","architecture","array","assert","assume","assume_guarantee","attribute", "begin","block","body","buffer","bus", "case","component","configuration","constant","context","cover", "default","disconnect","downto", "else","elsif","end","entity","exit", "fairness","file","for","force","function", "generate","generic","group","guarded", "if","impure","in","inertial","inout","is", "label","library","linkage","literal","loop", "map","mod", "nand","new","next","nor","not","null", "of","on","open","or","others","out", "package","parameter","port","postponed","procedure","process","property","proctected","pure", "range","record","register","reject","release","restrict","restrict_guarantee","rem","report","rol","ror","return", "select","sequence","severity","signal","shared","sla","sll","sra","srl","strong","subtype", "then","to","transport","type", "unaffected","units","until","use", "variable","vmode","vprop","vunit", "wait","when","while","with", "xor","xnor", 0 }; // type const char* g_vhdlKeyWordMap1[] = { "natural","unsigned","signed","string","boolean", "bit","bit_vector","character", "std_ulogic","std_ulogic_vector","std_logic","std_logic_vector","integer", "real","float","ufixed","sfixed","time",0 }; // logic const char* g_vhdlKeyWordMap2[] = { "abs","and","or","not","mod", "xor","rem","xnor","ror","rol","sla", "sll",0 }; int j=0; g_vhdlKeyDict0.setAutoDelete(TRUE); g_vhdlKeyDict1.setAutoDelete(TRUE); g_vhdlKeyDict2.setAutoDelete(TRUE); j=0; while (g_vhdlKeyWordMap0[j]) { g_vhdlKeyDict0.insert(g_vhdlKeyWordMap0[j], new QCString(g_vhdlKeyWordMap0[j])); j++; } j=0; while (g_vhdlKeyWordMap1[j]) { g_vhdlKeyDict1.insert(g_vhdlKeyWordMap1[j], new QCString(g_vhdlKeyWordMap1[j])); j++; } j=0; while (g_vhdlKeyWordMap2[j]) { g_vhdlKeyDict2.insert(g_vhdlKeyWordMap2[j], new QCString(g_vhdlKeyWordMap2[j])); j++; } }// buildKeyMap /*! * returns the color of a keyword */ QCString* VhdlDocGen::findKeyWord(const QCString& word) { static QCString g_vhdlkeyword("vhdlkeyword"); static QCString g_vhdltype("comment"); static QCString g_vhdllogic("vhdllogic"); if (word.isEmpty() || word.at(0)=='\0') return 0; if (g_vhdlKeyDict0.find(word.lower())) return &g_vhdlkeyword; if (g_vhdlKeyDict1.find(word.lower())) return &g_vhdltype; if (g_vhdlKeyDict2.find(word.lower())) return &g_vhdllogic; return 0; } ClassDef *VhdlDocGen::getClass(const char *name) { if (name==0 || name[0]=='\0') return 0; ClassDef *cd=0; QCString temp(name); //temp=temp.lower(); temp=temp.stripWhiteSpace(); cd= Doxygen::classSDict->find(temp.data()); return cd; } ClassDef* VhdlDocGen::getPackageName(const QCString & name) { ClassDef* cd=0; QStringList ql=QStringList::split(".",name,FALSE); cd=getClass(name); return cd; } MemberDef* VhdlDocGen::findMember(const QCString& className, const QCString& memName) { QDict<QCString> packages(17,FALSE); packages.setAutoDelete(TRUE); ClassDef* cd; MemberDef *mdef=0; cd=getClass(className); //printf("VhdlDocGen::findMember(%s,%s)=%p\n",className.data(),memName.data(),cd); if (cd==0) return 0; mdef=VhdlDocGen::findMemberDef(cd,memName,MemberListType_variableMembers); if (mdef) return mdef; mdef=VhdlDocGen::findMemberDef(cd,memName,MemberListType_pubMethods); if (mdef) return mdef; // nothing found so far // if we are an architecture or package body search in entitiy if ((VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)cd->protection()==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURECLASS || (VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)cd->protection()==VhdlDocGen::PACKBODYCLASS) { Definition *d = cd->getOuterScope(); // searching upper/lower case names QCString tt=d->name(); ClassDef *ecd =getClass(tt); if (!ecd) { tt=tt.upper(); ecd =getClass(tt); } if (!ecd) { tt=tt.lower(); ecd =getClass(tt); } if (ecd) //d && d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass) { //ClassDef *ecd = (ClassDef*)d; mdef=VhdlDocGen::findMemberDef(ecd,memName,MemberListType_variableMembers); if (mdef) return mdef; mdef=VhdlDocGen::findMemberDef(cd,memName,MemberListType_pubMethods); if (mdef) return mdef; } //cd=getClass(getClassName(cd)); //if (!cd) return 0; } // nothing found , so we are now searching all included packages VhdlDocGen::findAllPackages(className,packages); //cd=getClass(className.data()); if ((VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)cd->protection()==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURECLASS || (VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)cd->protection()==VhdlDocGen::PACKBODYCLASS) { Definition *d = cd->getOuterScope(); QCString tt=d->name(); ClassDef *ecd =getClass(tt); if (!ecd) { tt=tt.upper(); ecd =getClass(tt); } if (!ecd) { tt=tt.lower(); ecd =getClass(tt); } if (ecd) //d && d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass) { VhdlDocGen::findAllPackages(ecd->className(),packages); } } QDictIterator<QCString> packli(packages); QCString *curString; for (packli.toFirst();(curString=packli.current());++packli) { if (curString) { cd=VhdlDocGen::getPackageName(*curString); if (!cd) { *curString=curString->upper(); cd=VhdlDocGen::getPackageName(*curString); } if (!cd) { *curString=curString->lower(); cd=VhdlDocGen::getPackageName(*curString); } } if (cd) { mdef=VhdlDocGen::findMemberDef(cd,memName,MemberListType_variableMembers); if (mdef) return mdef; mdef=VhdlDocGen::findMemberDef(cd,memName,MemberListType_pubMethods); if (mdef) return mdef; } } // for return 0; }//findMember /** * This function returns the entity|package * in which the key (type) is found */ MemberDef* VhdlDocGen::findMemberDef(ClassDef* cd,const QCString& key,MemberListType type) { // return cd->getMemberByName(key);//does not work MemberDef *md=0; MemberList *ml= cd->getMemberList(type); if (ml==0) return 0; MemberListIterator fmni(*ml); for (fmni.toFirst();(md=fmni.current());++fmni) { if (qstricmp(key,md->name())==0) { return md; } } return 0; }//findMemberDef /*! * finds all included packages of an Entity or Package */ void VhdlDocGen::findAllPackages(const QCString& className,QDict<QCString>& qdict) { ClassDef *cdef=getClass(className); if (cdef) { MemberList *mem=cdef->getMemberList(MemberListType_variableMembers); MemberDef *md; if (mem) { MemberListIterator fmni(*mem); for (fmni.toFirst();(md=fmni.current());++fmni) { if (VhdlDocGen::isPackage(md)) { QCString *temp1=new QCString(md->name().data()); //*temp1=temp1->lower(); QCString p(md->name().data()); //p=p.lower(); ClassDef* cd=VhdlDocGen::getPackageName(*temp1); if (cd) { QCString *ss=qdict.find(*temp1); if (ss==0) { qdict.insert(p,temp1); QCString tmp=cd->className(); VhdlDocGen::findAllPackages(tmp,qdict); } else delete temp1; } else delete temp1; } }//for }//if }//cdef }// findAllPackages /*! * returns the function with the matching argument list * is called in vhdlcode.l */ MemberDef* VhdlDocGen::findFunction(const QList<Argument> &ql, const QCString& funcname, const QCString& package, bool /*type*/) { MemberDef* mdef=0; //int funcType; ClassDef *cdef=getClass(package.data()); if (cdef==0) return 0; MemberList *mem=cdef->getMemberList(MemberListType_pubMethods); if (mem) { MemberListIterator fmni(*mem); for (fmni.toFirst();(mdef=fmni.current());++fmni) { QCString mname=mdef->name(); if ((VhdlDocGen::isProcedure(mdef) || VhdlDocGen::isVhdlFunction(mdef)) && (compareString(funcname,mname)==0)) { ArgumentList *alp = mdef->argumentList(); // ArgumentList* arg2=mdef->getArgumentList(); if (alp==0) break; ArgumentListIterator ali(*alp); ArgumentListIterator ali1(ql); if (ali.count() != ali1.count()) break; Argument *arg,*arg1; int equ=0; for (;(arg=ali.current());++ali) { arg1=ali1.current(); ++ali1; equ+=abs(compareString(arg->type,arg1->type)); QCString s1=arg->type; QCString s2=arg1->type; VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(s1,' '); VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(s2,' '); equ+=abs(compareString(s1,s2)); s1=arg->attrib; s2=arg1->attrib; VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(s1,' '); VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(s2,' '); equ+=abs(compareString(s1,s2)); // printf("\n 1. type [%s] name [%s] attrib [%s]",arg->type,arg->name,arg->attrib); // printf("\n 2. type [%s] name [%s] attrib [%s]",arg1->type,arg1->name,arg1->attrib); } // for if (equ==0) return mdef; }//if }//for }//if return mdef; } //findFunction /*! * returns the class title+ref */ QCString VhdlDocGen::getClassTitle(const ClassDef *cd) { QCString pageTitle; if (cd==0) return ""; pageTitle+=cd->displayName(); pageTitle=VhdlDocGen::getClassName(cd); int ii=cd->protection(); pageTitle+=" "; pageTitle+=theTranslator_vhdlType(ii+2,TRUE); pageTitle+=" "; return pageTitle; } // getClassTitle /* returns the class name without their prefixes */ QCString VhdlDocGen::getClassName(const ClassDef* cd) { QCString temp; if (cd==0) return ""; if ((VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)cd->protection()==VhdlDocGen::PACKBODYCLASS) { temp=cd->name(); temp.stripPrefix("_"); return temp; } return substitute(cd->className(),"::","."); } /*! * writes an inline link form entity|package to architecture|package body and vice verca */ void VhdlDocGen::writeInlineClassLink(const ClassDef* cd ,OutputList& ol) { QList<QCString> ql; ql.setAutoDelete(TRUE); QCString nn=cd->className(); int ii=(int)cd->protection()+2; QCString type; if (ii==VhdlDocGen::ENTITY) type+=theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE,TRUE); else if (ii==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE) type+=theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ENTITY,TRUE); else if (ii==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY) type+=theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE,TRUE); else if (ii==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE) type+=theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY,TRUE); else type+=""; //type=type.lower(); type+=" >> "; ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF); ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man); if (ii==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY) { nn.stripPrefix("_"); cd=getClass(nn.data()); } else if (ii==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE) { nn.prepend("_"); cd=getClass(nn.data()); } else if (ii==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE) { QStringList qlist=QStringList::split("-",nn,FALSE); nn=qlist[1].utf8(); cd=VhdlDocGen::getClass(nn.data()); } QCString opp; if (ii==VhdlDocGen::ENTITY) { VhdlDocGen::findAllArchitectures(ql,cd); int j=ql.count(); for (int i=0;i<j;i++) { QCString *temp=ql.at(i); QStringList qlist=QStringList::split("-",*temp,FALSE); QCString s1=qlist[0].utf8(); QCString s2=qlist[1].utf8(); s1.stripPrefix("_"); if (j==1) s1.resize(0); ClassDef*cc = getClass(temp->data()); if (cc) { VhdlDocGen::writeVhdlLink(cc,ol,type,s2,s1); } } } else { VhdlDocGen::writeVhdlLink(cd,ol,type,nn,opp); } ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Man); ol.enable(OutputGenerator::RTF); }// write /* * finds all architectures which belongs to an entiy */ void VhdlDocGen::findAllArchitectures(QList<QCString>& qll,const ClassDef *cd) { ClassDef *citer; ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict); for ( ; (citer=cli.current()) ; ++cli ) { QCString jj=citer->className(); if (cd != citer && jj.contains('-')!=-1) { QStringList ql=QStringList::split("-",jj,FALSE); QCString temp=ql[1].utf8(); if (qstricmp(cd->className(),temp)==0) { QCString *cl=new QCString(jj); qll.insert(0,cl); } } }// for }//findAllArchitectures ClassDef* VhdlDocGen::findArchitecture(const ClassDef *cd) { ClassDef *citer; QCString nn=cd->name(); ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict); for ( ; (citer=cli.current()) ; ++cli ) { QCString jj=citer->name(); QStringList ql=QStringList::split(":",jj,FALSE); if (ql.count()>1) { if (ql[0].utf8()==nn ) { return citer; } } } return 0; } /* * writes the link entity >> .... or architecture >> ... */ void VhdlDocGen::writeVhdlLink(const ClassDef* ccd ,OutputList& ol,QCString& type,QCString& nn,QCString& behav) { if (ccd==0) return; QCString temp=ccd->getOutputFileBase(); ol.startBold(); ol.docify(type.data()); ol.endBold(); nn.stripPrefix("_"); ol.writeObjectLink(ccd->getReference(),ccd->getOutputFileBase(),0,nn.data()); if (!behav.isEmpty()) { behav.prepend(" "); ol.startBold(); ol.docify(behav.data()); ol.endBold(); } ol.lineBreak(); } /*! * strips the "--" prefixes of vhdl comments */ void VhdlDocGen::prepareComment(QCString& qcs) { const char* s="--!"; int index=0; while (TRUE) { index=qcs.find(s,0,TRUE); if (index<0) break; qcs=qcs.remove(index,qstrlen(s)); } qcs=qcs.stripWhiteSpace(); } /*! * parses a function proto * @param text function string * @param qlist stores the function types * @param name points to the function name * @param ret Stores the return type * @param doc ??? */ void VhdlDocGen::parseFuncProto(const char* text,QList<Argument>& qlist, QCString& name,QCString& ret,bool doc) { (void)qlist; //unused int index,end; QCString s1(text); QCString temp; index=s1.find("("); end=s1.findRev(")"); if ((end-index)>0) { QCString tt=s1.mid(index,(end-index+1)); temp=s1.mid(index+1,(end-index-1)); //getFuncParams(qlist,temp); } if (doc) { name=s1.left(index); name=name.stripWhiteSpace(); if ((end-index)>0) { ret="function"; } return; } else { QCString s1(text); s1=s1.stripWhiteSpace(); int i=s1.find("(",0,FALSE); int s=s1.find(QRegExp("[ \\t]")); if (i==-1 || i<s) s1=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(s1.data(),1); else // s<i, s=start of name, i=end of name s1=s1.mid(s,(i-s)); name=s1.stripWhiteSpace(); } index=s1.findRev("return",-1,FALSE); if (index !=-1) { ret=s1.mid(index+6,s1.length()); ret=ret.stripWhiteSpace(); VhdlDocGen::deleteCharRev(ret,';'); } } /* * returns the n'th word of a string */ QCString VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(const char* c,int index) { QStringList ql; QCString temp(c); QRegExp reg("[\\s:|]"); ql=QStringList::split(reg,temp,FALSE); if (ql.count() > (unsigned int)index) { return ql[index].utf8(); } return ""; } QCString VhdlDocGen::getProtectionName(int prot) { if (prot==VhdlDocGen::ENTITYCLASS) return "entity"; else if (prot==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURECLASS) return "architecture"; else if (prot==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGECLASS) return "package"; else if (prot==VhdlDocGen::PACKBODYCLASS) return "package body"; return ""; } QCString VhdlDocGen::trTypeString(uint64 type) { switch(type) { case VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY: return "Library"; case VhdlDocGen::ENTITY: return "Entity"; case VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY: return "Package Body"; case VhdlDocGen::ATTRIBUTE: return "Attribute"; case VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE: return "Package"; case VhdlDocGen::SIGNAL: return "Signal"; case VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT: return "Component"; case VhdlDocGen::CONSTANT: return "Constant"; case VhdlDocGen::TYPE: return "Type"; case VhdlDocGen::SUBTYPE: return "Subtype"; case VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION: return "Function"; case VhdlDocGen::RECORD: return "Record"; case VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE: return "Procedure"; case VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE: return "Architecture"; case VhdlDocGen::USE: return "Package"; case VhdlDocGen::PROCESS: return "Process"; case VhdlDocGen::PORT: return "Port"; case VhdlDocGen::GENERIC: return "Generic"; case VhdlDocGen::UNITS: return "Units"; //case VhdlDocGen::PORTMAP: return "Port Map"; case VhdlDocGen::SHAREDVARIABLE: return "Shared Variable"; case VhdlDocGen::GROUP: return "Group"; case VhdlDocGen::VFILE: return "File"; case VhdlDocGen::INSTANTIATION: return "Instantiation"; case VhdlDocGen::ALIAS: return "Alias"; case VhdlDocGen::CONFIG: return "Configuration"; case VhdlDocGen::MISCELLANEOUS: return "Miscellaneous"; case VhdlDocGen::UCF_CONST: return "Constraints"; default: return ""; } } // convertType /*! * deletes a char backwards in a string */ bool VhdlDocGen::deleteCharRev(QCString &s,char c) { int index=s.findRev(c,-1,FALSE); if (index > -1) { QCString qcs=s.remove(index,1); s=qcs; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(QCString &s,char c) { int index=s.findRev(c,-1,FALSE); while (index > -1) { QCString qcs=s.remove(index,1); s=qcs; index=s.findRev(c,-1,FALSE); } } static int recordCounter=0; /*! * returns the next number of a record|unit member */ QCString VhdlDocGen::getRecordNumber() { char buf[12]; sprintf(buf,"%d",recordCounter++); QCString qcs(&buf[0]); return qcs; } /*! * returns the next number of an anonymous process */ QCString VhdlDocGen::getProcessNumber() { static int stringCounter; char buf[8]; QCString qcs("PROCESS_"); sprintf(buf,"%d",stringCounter++); qcs.append(&buf[0]); return qcs; } /*! * writes a colored and formatted string */ void VhdlDocGen::writeFormatString(const QCString& s,OutputList&ol,const MemberDef* mdef) { QRegExp reg("[\\[\\]\\.\\/\\:\\<\\>\\:\\s\\,\\;\\'\\+\\-\\*\\|\\&\\=\\(\\)\"]"); QCString qcs = s; qcs+=QCString(" ");// parsing the last sign QCString *ss; QCString find=qcs; QCString temp=qcs; char buf[2]; buf[1]='\0'; int j; int len; j = reg.match(temp.data(),0,&len); ol.startBold(); if (j>=0) { while (j>=0) { find=find.left(j); buf[0]=temp[j]; ss=VhdlDocGen::findKeyWord(find); bool k=isNumber(find); // is this a number if (k) { ol.docify(" "); startFonts(find,"vhdldigit",ol); ol.docify(" "); } else if (j != 0 && ss) { startFonts(find,ss->data(),ol); } else { if (j>0) { VhdlDocGen::writeStringLink(mdef,find,ol); } } startFonts(&buf[0],"vhdlchar",ol); QCString st=temp.remove(0,j+1); find=st; if (!find.isEmpty() && find.at(0)=='"') { int ii=find.find('"',2); if (ii>1) { QCString com=find.left(ii+1); startFonts(com,"keyword",ol); temp=find.remove(0,ii+1); } } else { temp=st; } j = reg.match(temp.data(),0,&len); }//while }//if else { startFonts(find,"vhdlchar",ol); } ol.endBold(); }// writeFormatString /*! * returns TRUE if this string is a number */ bool VhdlDocGen::isNumber(const QCString& s) { static QRegExp regg("[0-9][0-9eEfFbBcCdDaA_.#-+?xXzZ]*"); if (s.isEmpty()) return FALSE; int j,len; j = regg.match(s.data(),0,&len); if ((j==0) && (len==(int)s.length())) return TRUE; return FALSE; }// isNumber /*! * inserts white spaces for better readings * and writes a colored string to the output */ void VhdlDocGen::formatString(const QCString &s, OutputList& ol,const MemberDef* mdef) { QCString qcs = s; QCString temp(qcs.length()); qcs.stripPrefix(":"); qcs.stripPrefix("is"); qcs.stripPrefix("IS"); qcs.stripPrefix("of"); qcs.stripPrefix("OF"); // VhdlDocGen::deleteCharRev(qcs,';'); //char white='\t'; int len = qcs.length(); unsigned int index=1;//temp.length(); for (int j=0;j<len;j++) { char c=qcs[j]; char b=c; if (j>0) b=qcs[j-1]; if (c=='"' || c==',' || c=='\''|| c=='(' || c==')' || c==':' || c=='[' || c==']' ) // || (c==':' && b!='=')) // || (c=='=' && b!='>')) { if (temp.at(index-1) != ' ') { temp+=" "; } temp+=c; temp+=" "; } else if (c=='=') { if (b==':') // := operator { temp.replace(index-1,1,"="); temp+=" "; } else // = operator { temp+=" "; temp+=c; temp+=" "; } } else { temp+=c; } index=temp.length(); }// for temp=temp.stripWhiteSpace(); // printf("\n [%s]",qcs.data()); VhdlDocGen::writeFormatString(temp,ol,mdef); } /*! * writes a procedure prototype to the output */ void VhdlDocGen::writeProcedureProto(OutputList& ol,const ArgumentList* al,const MemberDef* mdef) { ArgumentListIterator ali(*al); Argument *arg; bool sem=FALSE; int len=al->count(); ol.docify("( "); if (len > 2) { ol.lineBreak(); } for (;(arg=ali.current());++ali) { ol.startBold(); if (sem && len <3) ol.writeChar(','); QCString nn=arg->name; nn+=": "; QCString *str=VhdlDocGen::findKeyWord(arg->defval); arg->defval+=" "; if (str) { startFonts(arg->defval,str->data(),ol); } else { startFonts(arg->defval,"vhdlchar",ol); // write type (variable,constant etc.) } startFonts(nn,"vhdlchar",ol); // write name if (qstricmp(arg->attrib,arg->type) != 0) { startFonts(arg->attrib.lower(),"stringliteral",ol); // write in|out } ol.docify(" "); VhdlDocGen::formatString(arg->type,ol,mdef); sem=TRUE; ol.endBold(); if (len > 2) { ol.lineBreak(); ol.docify(" "); } }//for ol.docify(" )"); } /*! * writes a function prototype to the output */ void VhdlDocGen::writeFunctionProto(OutputList& ol,const ArgumentList* al,const MemberDef* mdef) { if (al==0) return; ArgumentListIterator ali(*al); Argument *arg; bool sem=FALSE; int len=al->count(); ol.startBold(); ol.docify(" ( "); ol.endBold(); if (len>2) { ol.lineBreak(); } for (;(arg=ali.current());++ali) { ol.startBold(); QCString att=arg->defval; bool bGen=att.stripPrefix("gen!"); if (sem && len < 3) { ol.docify(" , "); } if (bGen) { VhdlDocGen::formatString(QCString("generic "),ol,mdef); } if (!att.isEmpty()) { QCString *str=VhdlDocGen::findKeyWord(att); att+=" "; if (str) VhdlDocGen::formatString(att,ol,mdef); else startFonts(att,"vhdlchar",ol); } QCString nn=arg->name; nn+=": "; QCString ss=arg->type.stripWhiteSpace(); //.lower(); QCString w=ss.stripWhiteSpace();//.upper(); startFonts(nn,"vhdlchar",ol); startFonts("in ","stringliteral",ol); QCString *str=VhdlDocGen::findKeyWord(ss); if (str) VhdlDocGen::formatString(w,ol,mdef); else startFonts(w,"vhdlchar",ol); if (arg->attrib) startFonts(arg->attrib,"vhdlchar",ol); sem=TRUE; ol.endBold(); if (len > 2) { ol.lineBreak(); } } ol.startBold(); ol.docify(" )"); const char *exp=mdef->excpString(); if (exp) { ol.insertMemberAlign(); ol.startBold(); ol.docify("[ "); ol.docify(exp); ol.docify(" ]"); ol.endBold(); } ol.endBold(); } /*! * writes a process prototype to the output */ void VhdlDocGen::writeProcessProto(OutputList& ol,const ArgumentList* al,const MemberDef* mdef) { if (al==0) return; ArgumentListIterator ali(*al); Argument *arg; bool sem=FALSE; ol.startBold(); ol.docify(" ( "); for (;(arg=ali.current());++ali) { if (sem) { ol.docify(" , "); } QCString nn=arg->name; // startFonts(nn,"vhdlchar",ol); VhdlDocGen::writeFormatString(nn,ol,mdef); sem=TRUE; } ol.docify(" )"); ol.endBold(); } /*! * writes a function|procedure documentation to the output */ bool VhdlDocGen::writeFuncProcDocu( const MemberDef *md, OutputList& ol, const ArgumentList* al, bool /*type*/) { if (al==0) return FALSE; //bool sem=FALSE; ol.enableAll(); ArgumentListIterator ali(*al); int index=ali.count(); if (index==0) { ol.docify(" ( ) "); return FALSE; } ol.endMemberDocName(); ol.startParameterList(TRUE); //ol.startParameterName(FALSE); Argument *arg; bool first=TRUE; for (;(arg=ali.current());++ali) { ol.startParameterType(first,""); // if (first) ol.writeChar('('); QCString attl=arg->defval; bool bGen=attl.stripPrefix("gen!"); if (bGen) VhdlDocGen::writeFormatString(QCString("generic "),ol,md); if (VhdlDocGen::isProcedure(md)) { startFonts(arg->defval,"keywordtype",ol); ol.docify(" "); } ol.endParameterType(); ol.startParameterName(TRUE); VhdlDocGen::writeFormatString(arg->name,ol,md); if (VhdlDocGen::isProcedure(md)) { startFonts(arg->attrib,"stringliteral",ol); } else if (VhdlDocGen::isVhdlFunction(md)) { startFonts(QCString("in"),"stringliteral",ol); } ol.docify(" "); ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man); ol.startEmphasis(); ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Man); if (!VhdlDocGen::isProcess(md)) { // startFonts(arg->type,"vhdlkeyword",ol); VhdlDocGen::writeFormatString(arg->type,ol,md); } ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man); ol.endEmphasis(); ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Man); if (--index) { ol.docify(" , "); } else { // ol.docify(" ) "); ol.endParameterName(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE); break; } ol.endParameterName(FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); //sem=TRUE; first=FALSE; } //ol.endParameterList(); return TRUE; } // writeDocFunProc QCString VhdlDocGen::convertArgumentListToString(const ArgumentList* al,bool func) { QCString argString; bool sem=FALSE; ArgumentListIterator ali(*al); Argument *arg; for (;(arg=ali.current());++ali) { if (sem) argString.append(", "); if (func) { argString+=arg->name; argString+=":"; argString+=arg->type; } else { argString+=arg->defval+" "; argString+=arg->name+" :"; argString+=arg->attrib+" "; argString+=arg->type; } sem=TRUE; } return argString; } void VhdlDocGen::writeVhdlDeclarations(MemberList* ml, OutputList& ol,GroupDef* gd,ClassDef* cd,FileDef *fd,NamespaceDef* nd) { static ClassDef *cdef; //static GroupDef* gdef; if (cd && cdef!=cd) { // only one inline link VhdlDocGen::writeInlineClassLink(cd,ol); cdef=cd; } /* if (gd && gdef==gd) return; if (gd && gdef!=gd) { gdef=gd; } */ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::USE,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::USE); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::CONSTANT,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::CONSTANT); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::TYPE,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::TYPE); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::SUBTYPE,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::SUBTYPE); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::GENERIC,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::GENERIC); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::PORT,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::PORT); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::PROCESS,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::PROCESS); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::SIGNAL,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::SIGNAL); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ATTRIBUTE,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::ATTRIBUTE); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::RECORD,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::RECORD); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::UNITS,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::UNITS); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::SHAREDVARIABLE,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::SHAREDVARIABLE); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::VFILE,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::VFILE); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::GROUP,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::GROUP); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::INSTANTIATION,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::INSTANTIATION); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ALIAS,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::ALIAS); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::MISCELLANEOUS),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::MISCELLANEOUS); // configurations must be added to global file definitions. VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::CONFIG,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::CONFIG); VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::UCF_CONST,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::UCF_CONST); } static void setGlobalType(MemberList *ml) { if (ml==0) return; MemberDef *mdd=0; MemberListIterator mmli(*ml); for ( ; (mdd=mmli.current()); ++mmli ) { QCString l=mdd->typeString(); if (qstrcmp(mdd->argsString(),"package")==0) { mdd->setMemberSpecifiers(VhdlDocGen::INSTANTIATION); } else if (qstrcmp(mdd->argsString(),"configuration")==0) { mdd->setMemberSpecifiers(VhdlDocGen::CONFIG); } else if (qstrcmp(mdd->typeString(),"library")==0) { mdd->setMemberSpecifiers(VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY); } else if (qstrcmp(mdd->typeString(),"use")==0) { mdd->setMemberSpecifiers(VhdlDocGen::USE); } else if (qstricmp(mdd->typeString(),"misc")==0) { mdd->setMemberSpecifiers(VhdlDocGen::MISCELLANEOUS); } else if (qstricmp(mdd->typeString(),"ucf_const")==0) { mdd->setMemberSpecifiers(VhdlDocGen::UCF_CONST); } } } /* writes a vhdl type documentation */ bool VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLTypeDocumentation(const MemberDef* mdef, const Definition *d, OutputList &ol) { ClassDef *cd=(ClassDef*)d; bool hasParams = FALSE; if (cd==0) return hasParams; QCString ttype=mdef->typeString(); QCString largs=mdef->argsString(); if ((VhdlDocGen::isVhdlFunction(mdef) || VhdlDocGen::isProcedure(mdef) || VhdlDocGen::isProcess(mdef))) { QCString nn=mdef->typeString(); nn=nn.stripWhiteSpace(); QCString na=cd->name(); MemberDef* memdef=VhdlDocGen::findMember(na,nn); if (memdef && memdef->isLinkable()) { ol.docify(" "); ol.startBold(); writeLink(memdef,ol); ol.endBold(); ol.docify(" "); } else { ol.docify(" "); VhdlDocGen::formatString(ttype,ol,mdef); ol.docify(" "); } ol.docify(mdef->name()); hasParams = VhdlDocGen::writeFuncProcDocu(mdef,ol, mdef->argumentList()); } if (mdef->isVariable()) { if (VhdlDocGen::isConstraint(mdef)) { writeLink(mdef,ol); ol.docify(" "); largs=largs.replace(QRegExp("#")," "); VhdlDocGen::formatString(largs,ol,mdef); return hasParams; } else { writeLink(mdef,ol); if (VhdlDocGen::isLibrary(mdef) || VhdlDocGen::isPackage(mdef)) { return hasParams; } ol.docify(" "); } // QCString largs=mdef->argsString(); bool c=largs=="context"; bool brec=largs.stripPrefix("record") ; if (!brec && !c) VhdlDocGen::formatString(ttype,ol,mdef); if (c || brec || largs.stripPrefix("units")) { if (c) largs=ttype; VhdlDocGen::writeRecUnitDocu(mdef,ol,largs); return hasParams; } ol.docify(" "); if (VhdlDocGen::isPort(mdef) || VhdlDocGen::isGeneric(mdef)) { // QCString largs=mdef->argsString(); VhdlDocGen::formatString(largs,ol,mdef); ol.docify(" "); } } return hasParams; } /* writes a vhdl type declaration */ void VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclaration(MemberDef* mdef,OutputList &ol, ClassDef *cd,NamespaceDef *nd,FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd, bool /*inGroup*/) { static QRegExp reg("[%]"); Definition *d=0; /* some vhdl files contain only a configuration description library work; configuration cfg_tb_jtag_gotoBackup of tb_jtag_gotoBackup is for RTL end for; end cfg_tb_jtag_gotoBackup; in this case library work does not belong to an entity, package ... */ ASSERT(cd!=0 || nd!=0 || fd!=0 || gd!=0 || mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY || mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::USE ); // member should belong to something if (cd) d=cd; else if (nd) d=nd; else if (fd) d=fd; else if (gd) d=gd; else d=(Definition*)mdef; // write tag file information of this member if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty()) { Doxygen::tagFile << " <member kind=\""; if (VhdlDocGen::isGeneric(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "generic"; if (VhdlDocGen::isPort(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "port"; if (VhdlDocGen::isEntity(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "entity"; if (VhdlDocGen::isComponent(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "component"; if (VhdlDocGen::isVType(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "type"; if (VhdlDocGen::isConstant(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "constant"; if (VhdlDocGen::isSubType(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "subtype"; if (VhdlDocGen::isVhdlFunction(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "function"; if (VhdlDocGen::isProcedure(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "procedure"; if (VhdlDocGen::isProcess(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "process"; if (VhdlDocGen::isSignals(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "signal"; if (VhdlDocGen::isAttribute(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "attribute"; if (VhdlDocGen::isRecord(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "record"; if (VhdlDocGen::isLibrary(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "library"; if (VhdlDocGen::isPackage(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "package"; if (VhdlDocGen::isVariable(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "shared variable"; if (VhdlDocGen::isFile(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "file"; if (VhdlDocGen::isGroup(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "group"; if (VhdlDocGen::isCompInst(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << " instantiation"; if (VhdlDocGen::isAlias(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "alias"; if (VhdlDocGen::isCompInst(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "configuration"; Doxygen::tagFile << "\">" << endl; Doxygen::tagFile << " <type>" << convertToXML(mdef->typeString()) << "</type>" << endl; Doxygen::tagFile << " <name>" << convertToXML(mdef->name()) << "</name>" << endl; Doxygen::tagFile << " <anchorfile>" << convertToXML(mdef->getOutputFileBase()+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension) << "</anchorfile>" << endl; Doxygen::tagFile << " <anchor>" << convertToXML(mdef->anchor()) << "</anchor>" << endl; if (VhdlDocGen::isVhdlFunction(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << " <arglist>" << convertToXML(VhdlDocGen::convertArgumentListToString(mdef->argumentList(),TRUE)) << "</arglist>" << endl; else if (VhdlDocGen::isProcedure(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << " <arglist>" << convertToXML(VhdlDocGen::convertArgumentListToString(mdef->argumentList(),FALSE)) << "</arglist>" << endl; else Doxygen::tagFile << " <arglist>" << convertToXML(mdef->argsString()) << "</arglist>" << endl; mdef->writeDocAnchorsToTagFile(); Doxygen::tagFile << " </member>" << endl; } // write search index info if (Doxygen::searchIndex) { Doxygen::searchIndex->setCurrentDoc(mdef,mdef->anchor(),FALSE); Doxygen::searchIndex->addWord(mdef->localName(),TRUE); Doxygen::searchIndex->addWord(mdef->qualifiedName(),FALSE); } QCString cname = d->name(); QCString cfname = d->getOutputFileBase(); //HtmlHelp *htmlHelp=0; // bool hasHtmlHelp = Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTML") && Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTMLHELP"); // if (hasHtmlHelp) htmlHelp = HtmlHelp::getInstance(); // search for the last anonymous scope in the member type ClassDef *annoClassDef=mdef->getClassDefOfAnonymousType(); // start a new member declaration bool isAnonymous = annoClassDef; // || m_impl->annMemb || m_impl->annEnumType; ///printf("startMemberItem for %s\n",name().data()); int mm=mdef->getMemberSpecifiers(); if (mm==VhdlDocGen::MISCELLANEOUS) isAnonymous=TRUE; ol.startMemberItem( mdef->anchor(), isAnonymous ); //? 1 : m_impl->tArgList ? 3 : 0); // If there is no detailed description we need to write the anchor here. bool detailsVisible = mdef->isDetailedSectionLinkable(); if (!detailsVisible) // && !m_impl->annMemb) { QCString doxyName=mdef->name().copy(); if (!cname.isEmpty()) doxyName.prepend(cname+"::"); QCString doxyArgs=mdef->argsString(); ol.startDoxyAnchor(cfname,cname,mdef->anchor(),doxyName,doxyArgs); ol.pushGeneratorState(); ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man); ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex); ol.docify("\n"); ol.popGeneratorState(); } // *** write type /*VHDL CHANGE */ bool bRec,bUnit; QCString ltype(mdef->typeString()); // ltype=ltype.replace(reg," "); QCString largs(mdef->argsString()); // largs=largs.replace(reg," "); mdef->setType(ltype.data()); mdef->setArgsString(largs.data()); //ClassDef * plo=mdef->getClassDef(); ClassDef *kl=0; ArgumentList *alp = mdef->argumentList(); QCString nn; //VhdlDocGen::adjustRecordMember(mdef); if (gd) gd=0; switch (mm) { case VhdlDocGen::MISCELLANEOUS: VhdlDocGen::writeSource(mdef,ol,nn); break; case VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE: case VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION: ol.startBold(); VhdlDocGen::formatString(ltype,ol,mdef); ol.endBold(); ol.insertMemberAlign(); ol.docify(" "); writeLink(mdef,ol); if (alp!=0 && mm==VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION) VhdlDocGen::writeFunctionProto(ol,alp,mdef); if (alp!=0 && mm==VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE) VhdlDocGen::writeProcedureProto(ol,alp,mdef); break; case VhdlDocGen::USE: kl=VhdlDocGen::getClass(mdef->name()); if (kl && ((VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)kl->protection()==VhdlDocGen::ENTITYCLASS)) break; writeLink(mdef,ol); ol.insertMemberAlign(); ol.docify(" "); if (kl) { nn=kl->getOutputFileBase(); ol.pushGeneratorState(); ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html); ol.docify(" "); QCString name=theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE,TRUE); ol.startBold(); ol.docify(name.data()); name.resize(0); ol.endBold(); name+=" <"+mdef->name()+">"; ol.startEmphasis(); ol.writeObjectLink(kl->getReference(),kl->getOutputFileBase(),0,name.data()); ol.popGeneratorState(); } break; case VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY: writeLink(mdef,ol); ol.insertMemberAlign(); if (largs=="context") { VhdlDocGen::writeRecorUnit(ltype,ol,mdef); } break; case VhdlDocGen::GENERIC: case VhdlDocGen::PORT: case VhdlDocGen::ALIAS: writeLink(mdef,ol); ol.docify(" "); ol.insertMemberAlign(); if (mm==VhdlDocGen::GENERIC) { ol.startBold(); VhdlDocGen::formatString(largs,ol,mdef); ol.endBold(); } else { ol.docify(" "); ol.startBold(); VhdlDocGen::formatString(ltype,ol,mdef); ol.endBold(); ol.docify(" "); VhdlDocGen::formatString(largs,ol,mdef); } break; case VhdlDocGen::PROCESS: writeLink(mdef,ol); ol.insertMemberAlign(); VhdlDocGen::writeProcessProto(ol,alp,mdef); break; case VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE: case VhdlDocGen::ENTITY: case VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT: case VhdlDocGen::INSTANTIATION: case VhdlDocGen::CONFIG: if (VhdlDocGen::isCompInst(mdef) ) { nn=largs; if(nn.stripPrefix("function") || nn.stripPrefix("package")) { VhdlDocGen::formatString(largs,ol,mdef); ol.insertMemberAlign(); writeLink(mdef,ol); ol.docify(" "); VhdlDocGen::formatString(ltype,ol,mdef); break; } largs.prepend("::"); largs.prepend(mdef->name().data()); ol.writeObjectLink(mdef->getReference(), cfname, mdef->anchor(), mdef->name()); } else writeLink(mdef,ol); ol.insertMemberAlign(); ol.docify(" "); ol.startBold(); ol.docify(ltype); ol.endBold(); ol.docify(" "); if (VhdlDocGen::isComponent(mdef) || VhdlDocGen::isConfig(mdef) || VhdlDocGen::isCompInst(mdef)) { if (VhdlDocGen::isConfig(mdef) || VhdlDocGen::isCompInst(mdef)) { nn=mdef->getOutputFileBase(); nn=ltype; } else { nn=mdef->name(); } kl=getClass(nn.data()); if (kl) { nn=kl->getOutputFileBase(); ol.pushGeneratorState(); ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html); ol.startEmphasis(); QCString name("<Entity "); if (VhdlDocGen::isConfig(mdef) || VhdlDocGen::isCompInst(mdef)) { name+=ltype+">"; } else { name+=mdef->name()+"> "; } ol.writeObjectLink(kl->getReference(),kl->getOutputFileBase(),0,name.data()); ol.endEmphasis(); ol.popGeneratorState(); } } break; case VhdlDocGen::UCF_CONST: mm=mdef->name().findRev('_'); if (mm>0) { mdef->setName(mdef->name().left(mm)); } writeUCFLink(mdef,ol); break; case VhdlDocGen::SIGNAL: case VhdlDocGen::ATTRIBUTE: case VhdlDocGen::SUBTYPE: case VhdlDocGen::CONSTANT: case VhdlDocGen::SHAREDVARIABLE: case VhdlDocGen::VFILE: case VhdlDocGen::GROUP: writeLink(mdef,ol); ol.docify(" "); ol.insertMemberAlign(); VhdlDocGen::formatString(ltype,ol,mdef); break; case VhdlDocGen::TYPE: bRec=largs.stripPrefix("record") ; bUnit=largs.stripPrefix("units") ; ol.startBold(); if (bRec) ol.docify("record: "); if (bUnit) ol.docify("units: "); writeLink(mdef,ol); ol.insertMemberAlign(); if (!bRec) VhdlDocGen::formatString(ltype,ol,mdef); if (bUnit) ol.lineBreak(); if (bRec || bUnit) writeRecorUnit(largs,ol,mdef); ol.endBold(); break; default: break; } bool htmlOn = ol.isEnabled(OutputGenerator::Html); if (htmlOn && /*Config_getBool("HTML_ALIGN_MEMBERS") &&*/ !ltype.isEmpty()) { ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html); } if (!ltype.isEmpty()) ol.docify(" "); if (htmlOn) { ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Html); } if (!detailsVisible)// && !m_impl->annMemb) { ol.endDoxyAnchor(cfname,mdef->anchor()); } //printf("endMember %s annoClassDef=%p annEnumType=%p\n", // name().data(),annoClassDef,annEnumType); ol.endMemberItem(); if (!mdef->briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC") /* && !annMemb */) { ol.startMemberDescription(mdef->anchor()); ol.generateDoc(mdef->briefFile(),mdef->briefLine(), mdef->getOuterScope()?mdef->getOuterScope():d, mdef,mdef->briefDescription(),TRUE,FALSE,0,TRUE,FALSE); if (detailsVisible) { ol.pushGeneratorState(); ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html); //ol.endEmphasis(); ol.docify(" "); if (mdef->getGroupDef()!=0 && gd==0) // forward link to the group { ol.startTextLink(mdef->getOutputFileBase(),mdef->anchor()); } else // local link { ol.startTextLink(0,mdef->anchor()); } ol.endTextLink(); //ol.startEmphasis(); ol.popGeneratorState(); } //ol.newParagraph(); ol.endMemberDescription(); } mdef->warnIfUndocumented(); }// end writeVhdlDeclaration void VhdlDocGen::writePlainVHDLDeclarations( MemberList* mlist,OutputList &ol, ClassDef *cd,NamespaceDef *nd,FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd,int specifier) { SDict<QCString> pack(1009); bool first=TRUE; MemberDef *md; MemberListIterator mli(*mlist); for ( ; (md=mli.current()); ++mli ) { int mems=md->getMemberSpecifiers(); if (md->isBriefSectionVisible() && (mems==specifier) && (mems!=VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY) ) { if (first) {ol.startMemberList();first=FALSE;} VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclaration(md,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,FALSE); } //if else if (md->isBriefSectionVisible() && (mems==specifier)) { if (!pack.find(md->name().data())) { if (first) ol.startMemberList(),first=FALSE; VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclaration(md,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,FALSE); pack.append(md->name().data(),new QCString(md->name().data())); } } //if } //for if (!first) ol.endMemberList(); pack.clear(); }//plainDeclaration static bool membersHaveSpecificType(MemberList *ml,uint64 type) { if (ml==0) return FALSE; MemberDef *mdd=0; MemberListIterator mmli(*ml); for ( ; (mdd=mmli.current()); ++mmli ) { if (mdd->getMemberSpecifiers()==type) //is type in class { return TRUE; } } if (ml->getMemberGroupList()) { MemberGroupListIterator mgli(*ml->getMemberGroupList()); MemberGroup *mg; while ((mg=mgli.current())) { if (mg->members()) { if (membersHaveSpecificType(mg->members(),type)) return TRUE; } ++mgli; } } return FALSE; } void VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(MemberList* ml,OutputList &ol, ClassDef *cd,NamespaceDef *nd,FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd, const char *title,const char *subtitle,bool /*showEnumValues*/,int type) { setGlobalType(ml); if (!membersHaveSpecificType(ml,type)) return; if (title) { ol.startMemberHeader(title); ol.parseText(title); ol.endMemberHeader(); ol.docify(" "); } if (subtitle && subtitle[0]!=0) { ol.startMemberSubtitle(); ol.generateDoc("[generated]",-1,0,0,subtitle,FALSE,FALSE,0,TRUE,FALSE); ol.endMemberSubtitle(); } //printf("memberGroupList=%p\n",memberGroupList); VhdlDocGen::writePlainVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,type); if (ml->getMemberGroupList()) { MemberGroupListIterator mgli(*ml->getMemberGroupList()); MemberGroup *mg; while ((mg=mgli.current())) { if (membersHaveSpecificType(mg->members(),type)) { //printf("mg->header=%s\n",mg->header().data()); bool hasHeader=mg->header()!="[NOHEADER]"; ol.startMemberGroupHeader(hasHeader); if (hasHeader) { ol.parseText(mg->header()); } ol.endMemberGroupHeader(); if (!mg->documentation().isEmpty()) { //printf("Member group has docs!\n"); ol.startMemberGroupDocs(); ol.generateDoc("[generated]",-1,0,0,mg->documentation()+"\n",FALSE,FALSE); ol.endMemberGroupDocs(); } ol.startMemberGroup(); //printf("--- mg->writePlainDeclarations ---\n"); VhdlDocGen::writePlainVHDLDeclarations(mg->members(),ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,type); ol.endMemberGroup(hasHeader); } ++mgli; } } }// writeVHDLDeclarations bool VhdlDocGen::writeClassType( ClassDef *& cd, OutputList &ol ,QCString & cname) { int id=cd->protection(); QCString qcs = VhdlDocGen::trTypeString(id+2); cname=VhdlDocGen::getClassName(cd); ol.startBold(); ol.writeString(qcs.data()); ol.writeString(" "); ol.endBold(); //ol.insertMemberAlign(); return FALSE; }// writeClassLink QCString VhdlDocGen::trVhdlType(uint64 type,bool sing) { switch(type) { case VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY: if (sing) return "Library"; else return "Libraries"; case VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE: if (sing) return "Package"; else return "Packages"; case VhdlDocGen::SIGNAL: if (sing) return "Signal"; else return "Signals"; case VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT: if (sing) return "Component"; else return "Components"; case VhdlDocGen::CONSTANT: if (sing) return "Constant"; else return "Constants"; case VhdlDocGen::ENTITY: if (sing) return "Entity"; else return "Entities"; case VhdlDocGen::TYPE: if (sing) return "Type"; else return "Types"; case VhdlDocGen::SUBTYPE: if (sing) return "Subtype"; else return "Subtypes"; case VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION: if (sing) return "Function"; else return "Functions"; case VhdlDocGen::RECORD: if (sing) return "Record"; else return "Records"; case VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE: if (sing) return "Procedure"; else return "Procedures"; case VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE: if (sing) return "Architecture"; else return "Architectures"; case VhdlDocGen::ATTRIBUTE: if (sing) return "Attribute"; else return "Attributes"; case VhdlDocGen::PROCESS: if (sing) return "Process"; else return "Processes"; case VhdlDocGen::PORT: if (sing) return "Port"; else return "Ports"; case VhdlDocGen::USE: if (sing) return "use clause"; else return "Use Clauses"; case VhdlDocGen::GENERIC: if (sing) return "Generic"; else return "Generics"; case VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY: return "Package Body"; case VhdlDocGen::UNITS: return "Units"; case VhdlDocGen::SHAREDVARIABLE: if (sing) return "Shared Variable"; return "Shared Variables"; case VhdlDocGen::VFILE: if (sing) return "File"; return "Files"; case VhdlDocGen::GROUP: if (sing) return "Group"; return "Groups"; case VhdlDocGen::INSTANTIATION: if (sing) return "Instantiation"; else return "Instantiations"; case VhdlDocGen::ALIAS: if (sing) return "Alias"; return "Aliases"; case VhdlDocGen::CONFIG: if (sing) return "Configuration"; return "Configurations"; case VhdlDocGen::MISCELLANEOUS: return "Miscellaneous"; case VhdlDocGen::UCF_CONST: return "Constraints"; default: return "Class"; } } QCString VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitHierarchy() { return "Design Unit Hierarchy"; } QCString VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitList() { return "Design Unit List"; } QCString VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitMembers() { return "Design Unit Members"; } QCString VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitListDescription() { return "Here is a list of all design unit members with links to " "the Entities they belong to:"; } QCString VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitIndex() { return "Design Unit Index"; } QCString VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnits() { return "Design Units"; } QCString VhdlDocGen::trFunctionAndProc() { return "Functions/Procedures/Processes"; } /*! writes a link if the string is linkable else a formatted string */ void VhdlDocGen::writeStringLink(const MemberDef *mdef,QCString mem, OutputList& ol) { if (mdef) { ClassDef *cd=mdef->getClassDef(); if (cd) { QCString n=cd->name(); MemberDef* memdef=VhdlDocGen::findMember(n,mem); if (memdef && memdef->isLinkable()) { ol.startBold(); writeLink(memdef,ol); ol.endBold(); ol.docify(" "); return; } } } startFonts(mem,"vhdlchar",ol); }// found component void VhdlDocGen::writeSource(MemberDef *mdef,OutputList& ol,QCString & cname) { ParserInterface *pIntf = Doxygen::parserManager->getParser(".vhd"); pIntf->resetCodeParserState(); QCString codeFragment=mdef->documentation(); if (cname.isEmpty()) { writeLink(mdef,ol); int fi=0; int j=0; do { fi=codeFragment.find("\n",++fi); } while(fi>=0 && j++ <3); // show only the first four lines if (j==4) { codeFragment=codeFragment.left(fi); codeFragment.append("\n .... "); } } codeFragment.prepend("\n"); ol.pushGeneratorState(); ol.startCodeFragment(); pIntf->parseCode(ol, // codeOutIntf 0, // scope codeFragment, // input SrcLangExt_VHDL, // lang FALSE, // isExample 0, // exampleName mdef->getFileDef(), // fileDef mdef->getStartBodyLine(), // startLine mdef->getEndBodyLine(), // endLine TRUE, // inlineFragment mdef, // memberDef TRUE // show line numbers ); ol.endCodeFragment(); ol.popGeneratorState(); if (cname.isEmpty()) return; mdef->writeSourceDef(ol,cname); mdef->writeSourceRefs(ol,cname); mdef->writeSourceReffedBy(ol,cname); } QCString VhdlDocGen::convertFileNameToClassName(QCString name) { QCString n=name; n=n.remove(0,6); int i=0; while((i=n.find("__"))>0) { n=n.remove(i,1); } while((i=n.find("_1"))>0) { n=n.replace(i,2,":"); } return n; } void VhdlDocGen::parseUCF(const char* input, Entry* entity,QCString fileName,bool altera) { QCString ucFile(input); int lineNo=0; QCString newLine="\n"; QCString comment("#!"); QCString brief; while (!ucFile.isEmpty()) { int i=ucFile.find("\n"); if (i<0) break; lineNo++; QCString temp=ucFile.left(i); temp=temp.stripWhiteSpace(); bool bb=temp.stripPrefix("//"); if (!temp.isEmpty()) { if (temp.stripPrefix(comment) ) { brief+=temp; brief.append("\\n"); } else if (!temp.stripPrefix("#") && !bb) { if (altera) { int i=temp.find("-name"); if (i>0) { temp=temp.remove(0,i+5); } temp.stripPrefix("set_location_assignment"); initUCF(entity,0,temp,lineNo,fileName,brief); } else { QRegExp ee("[\\s=]"); int i=temp.find(ee); QCString ff=temp.left(i); temp.stripPrefix(ff.data()); ff.append("#"); if (!temp.isEmpty()) { initUCF(entity,ff.data(),temp,lineNo,fileName,brief); } } } }//temp ucFile=ucFile.remove(0,i+1); }// while } static void initUCF(Entry* root,const char* type,QCString & qcs,int line,QCString & fileName,QCString & brief) { if (qcs.isEmpty())return; QRegExp sp("\\s"); QRegExp reg("[\\s=]"); QCString n; // bool bo=(qstricmp(type,qcs.data())==0); VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(qcs,';'); qcs=qcs.stripWhiteSpace(); int i= qcs.find(reg); if (i<0) return; if (i==0) { n=type; VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(n,'#'); type=""; } else { n=qcs.left(i); } qcs=qcs.remove(0,i+1); // qcs.prepend("|"); qcs.stripPrefix("="); Entry* current=new Entry; current->spec=VhdlDocGen::UCF_CONST; current->section=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC; current->bodyLine=line; current->fileName=fileName; current->type="ucf_const"; current->args+=qcs; current->lang= SrcLangExt_VHDL ; // adding dummy name for constraints like VOLTAGE=5,TEMPERATURE=20 C if (n.isEmpty()) { n="dummy"; n+=VhdlDocGen::getRecordNumber(); } current->name= n+"_"; current->name.append(VhdlDocGen::getRecordNumber().data()); if (!brief.isEmpty()) { current->brief=brief; current->briefLine=line; current->briefFile=fileName; brief.resize(0); } root->addSubEntry(current); } static void writeUCFLink(const MemberDef* mdef,OutputList &ol) { QCString largs(mdef->argsString()); QCString n= splitString(largs, '#'); // VhdlDocGen::adjustRecordMember(mdef); bool equ=(n.length()==largs.length()); if (!equ) { ol.writeString(n.data()); ol.docify(" "); ol.insertMemberAlign(); } if (mdef->name().contains("dummy")==0) { writeLink(mdef,ol); } if (equ) { ol.insertMemberAlign(); } ol.docify(" "); VhdlDocGen::formatString(largs,ol,mdef); } bool VhdlDocGen::findConstraintFile(LayoutNavEntry *lne) { //LayoutNavEntry *cc = LayoutDocManager::instance().rootNavEntry()->find(LayoutNavEntry::Files); LayoutNavEntry *kk = lne->parent();// find(LayoutNavEntry::Files); // LayoutNavEntry *kks = kk->parent();// find(LayoutNavEntry::Files); QCString file; QCString co("Constraints"); if (Config_getBool("HAVE_DOT") && Config_getEnum("DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT")=="svg") { QCString ov = theTranslator->trDesignOverview(); QCString ofile("vhdl_design_overview"); LayoutNavEntry *oo=new LayoutNavEntry( lne,LayoutNavEntry::MainPage,TRUE,ofile,ov,""); kk->addChild(oo); } FileNameListIterator fnli(*Doxygen::inputNameList); FileName *fn; for (fnli.toFirst();(fn=fnli.current());++fnli) { FileNameIterator fni(*fn); FileDef *fd; for (;(fd=fni.current());++fni) { if (fd->name().contains(".ucf") || fd->name().contains(".qsf")) { file = convertNameToFile(fd->name().data(),FALSE,FALSE); LayoutNavEntry *ucf=new LayoutNavEntry(lne,LayoutNavEntry::MainPage,TRUE,file,co,""); kk->addChild(ucf); break; } } } return FALSE; } // for cell_inst : [entity] work.proto [ (label|expr) ] QCString VhdlDocGen::parseForConfig(QCString & entity,QCString & arch) { int index; QCString label; QCString ent("entity"); if (!entity.contains(":")) return ""; QRegExp exp("[:()\\s]"); QStringList ql=QStringList::split(exp,entity,FALSE); //int ii=ql.findIndex(ent); assert(ql.count()>=2); label = ql[0].utf8(); entity = ql[1].utf8(); if ((index=entity.findRev("."))>=0) { entity.remove(0,index+1); } if (ql.count()==3) { arch= ql[2].utf8(); ql=QStringList::split(exp,arch,FALSE); if (ql.count()>1) // expression { arch=""; } } return label; // label } // use (configuration|entity|open) work.test [(cellfor)]; QCString VhdlDocGen::parseForBinding(QCString & entity,QCString & arch) { int index; QRegExp exp("[()\\s]"); QCString label=""; QStringList ql=QStringList::split(exp,entity,FALSE); if (ql.contains("open")) { return "open"; } label=ql[0].utf8(); entity = ql[1].utf8(); if ((index=entity.findRev("."))>=0) { entity.remove(0,index+1); } if (ql.count()==3) { arch=ql[2].utf8(); } return label; } // find class with upper/lower letters ClassDef* VhdlDocGen::findVhdlClass(const char *className ) { ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict); ClassDef *cd; for (;(cd=cli.current());++cli) { if (qstricmp(className,cd->name().data())==0) { return cd; } } return 0; } //@param arch bit0:flipflop //@param binding e.g entity work.foo(bar) //@param label |label0|label1 // label0:architecture name //@param confVhdl of configuration file (identifier::entity_name) or // the architecture if isInlineConf TRUE //@param isInlineConf //@param confN List of configurations void assignBinding(VhdlConfNode * conf) { QList<Entry> instList= getVhdlInstList(); QListIterator<Entry> eli(instList); Entry *cur=0; ClassDef *archClass=0,*entClass=0; QCString archName,entityName; QCString arcBind,entBind; bool others,all; entBind=conf->binding; QCString conf2=VhdlDocGen::parseForBinding(entBind,arcBind); if (qstricmp(conf2,"configuration")==0) { QList<VhdlConfNode> confList = getVhdlConfiguration(); VhdlConfNode* vconf; // bool found=false; for (uint iter=0;iter<confList.count(); iter++) { vconf= (VhdlConfNode *)confList.at(iter); QCString n=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(vconf->confVhdl.data(),0); if (n==entBind) { // found=true; entBind=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(vconf->confVhdl.data(),1); QCString a=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(conf->compSpec.data(),0); QCString e=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(conf->confVhdl.data(),1); a=e+"::"+a; archClass= VhdlDocGen::findVhdlClass(a.data());//Doxygen::classSDict->find(a.data()); entClass= VhdlDocGen::findVhdlClass(e.data());//Doxygen::classSDict->find(e.data()); break; } } } else // conf2!=configuration { QCString a,c,e; if (conf->isInlineConf) { c=conf->confVhdl; e=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(conf->confVhdl.data(),0); } else { a=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(conf->compSpec.data(),0); e=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(conf->confVhdl.data(),1); c=e+"::"+a; } archClass= VhdlDocGen::findVhdlClass(c.data());//Doxygen::classSDict->find(a.data()); entClass= VhdlDocGen::findVhdlClass(e.data()); //Doxygen::classSDict->find(e.data()); } QCString label=conf->compSpec.lower(); //label.prepend("|"); if (!archClass) { // err("architecture %s not found ! ",conf->confVhdl.data()); return; } archName=archClass->name(); QCString allOt=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(conf->arch.data(),0); all=allOt.lower()=="all" ; others= allOt.lower()=="others"; for (;(cur=eli.current());++eli) { if (cur->exception.lower()==label || conf->isInlineConf) { QCString sign,archy; if (all || others) { archy=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(conf->arch.data(),1); } else { archy=conf->arch; } QCString inst1=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(archy.data(),0).lower(); QCString comp=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(archy.data(),1).lower(); QStringList ql=QStringList::split(",",inst1); for (uint j=0;j<ql.count();j++) { QCString archy1,sign1; if (all || others) { archy1=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(conf->arch.data(),1); sign1=cur->type; } else { archy1=comp+":"+ql[j].utf8(); sign1=cur->type+":"+cur->name; } if (archy1==sign1.lower() && !cur->stat) { // fprintf(stderr," \n label [%s] [%s] [%s]",cur->exception.data(),cur->type.data(),cur->name.data()); ClassDef *ent= VhdlDocGen::findVhdlClass(entBind.data());//Doxygen::classSDict->find(entBind.data()); if (entClass==0 || ent==0) { continue; } addInstance(ent,archClass,entClass,cur); cur->stat=TRUE; break; } }// for } }//for each element in instList }//assignBinding /* // file foo.vhd // enitity foo // ..... // end entity // file foo_arch.vhd // architecture xxx of foo is // ........ // end architecture */ void VhdlDocGen::computeVhdlComponentRelations() { QCString entity,arch,inst; QList<VhdlConfNode> confList = getVhdlConfiguration(); for (uint iter=0;iter<confList.count(); iter++) { VhdlConfNode* conf= (VhdlConfNode *)confList.at(iter); if (!(conf->isInlineConf || conf->isLeaf)) { continue; } assignBinding(conf); } QList<Entry> qsl= getVhdlInstList(); QListIterator<Entry> eli(qsl); Entry *cur; for (eli.toFirst();(cur=eli.current());++eli) { if (cur->stat ) // was bind { continue; } if (cur->includeName=="entity" || cur->includeName=="component" ) { entity=cur->includeName+" "+cur->type; QCString rr=VhdlDocGen::parseForBinding(entity,arch); } else if (cur->includeName.isEmpty()) { entity=cur->type; } ClassDef *classEntity= VhdlDocGen::findVhdlClass(entity.data());//Doxygen::classSDict->find(entity); inst=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(cur->args.data(),0); ClassDef *cd=Doxygen::classSDict->find(inst); ClassDef *ar=Doxygen::classSDict->find(cur->args); if (cd==0) { continue; } // if (classEntity==0) // err("%s:%d:Entity:%s%s",cur->fileName.data(),cur->startLine,entity.data()," could not be found"); addInstance(classEntity,ar,cd,cur); } } static void addInstance(ClassDef* classEntity, ClassDef* ar, ClassDef *cd , Entry *cur,ClassDef* /*archBind*/) { QCString bName,n1; if (ar==0) return; if (classEntity==0) { //add component inst n1=cur->type; goto ferr; } if (classEntity==cd) return; bName=classEntity->name(); // fprintf(stderr,"\naddInstance %s to %s %s %s\n", classEntity->name().data(),cd->name().data(),ar->name().data(),cur->name); n1=classEntity->name().data(); if (!cd->isBaseClass(classEntity, true, 0)) { cd->insertBaseClass(classEntity,n1,Public,Normal,0); } else { VhdlDocGen::addBaseClass(cd,classEntity); } if (!VhdlDocGen::isSubClass(classEntity,cd,true,0)) { classEntity->insertSubClass(cd,Public,Normal,0); classEntity->setLanguage(SrcLangExt_VHDL); } ferr: QCString uu=cur->name; MemberDef *md=new MemberDef( ar->getDefFileName(), cur->startLine,cur->startColumn, n1,uu,uu, 0, Public, Normal, cur->stat,Member, MemberType_Variable, 0, 0); if (ar->getOutputFileBase()) { TagInfo tg; tg.anchor = 0; tg.fileName = ar->getOutputFileBase(); tg.tagName = 0; md->setTagInfo(&tg); } //fprintf(stderr,"\n%s%s%s\n",md->name().data(),cur->brief.data(),cur->doc.data()); md->setLanguage(SrcLangExt_VHDL); md->setMemberSpecifiers(VhdlDocGen::INSTANTIATION); md->setBriefDescription(cur->brief,cur->briefFile,cur->briefLine); md->setBodySegment(cur->startLine,-1) ; md->setDocumentation(cur->doc.data(),cur->docFile.data(),cur->docLine); FileDef *fd=ar->getFileDef(); md->setBodyDef(fd); QCString info="Info: Elaborating entity "+n1; fd=ar->getFileDef(); info+=" for hierarchy "; QRegExp epr("[|]"); QCString label=cur->type+":"+cur->write+":"+cur->name; label.replace(epr,":"); info+=label; fprintf(stderr,"\n[%s:%d:%s]\n",fd->fileName().data(),cur->startLine,info.data()); ar->insertMember(md); } void VhdlDocGen::writeRecorUnit(QCString & largs,OutputList& ol ,const MemberDef *mdef) { QStringList ql=QStringList::split("#",largs,FALSE); uint len=ql.count(); for(uint i=0;i<len;i++) { QCString n=ql[i].utf8(); VhdlDocGen::formatString(n,ol,mdef); if ((len-i)>1) ol.lineBreak(); } } void VhdlDocGen::writeRecUnitDocu( const MemberDef *md, OutputList& ol, QCString largs) { QStringList ql=QStringList::split("#",largs,FALSE); uint len=ql.count(); ol.startParameterList(TRUE); bool first=TRUE; for(uint i=0;i<len;i++) { QCString n=ql[i].utf8(); ol.startParameterType(first,""); ol.endParameterType(); ol.startParameterName(TRUE); VhdlDocGen::formatString(n,ol,md); if ((len-i)>1) { ol.endParameterName(FALSE,FALSE,FALSE); } else { ol.endParameterName(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE); } first=FALSE; } }//# bool VhdlDocGen::isSubClass(ClassDef* cd,ClassDef *scd, bool followInstances,int level) { bool found=FALSE; //printf("isBaseClass(cd=%s) looking for %s\n",name().data(),bcd->name().data()); if (level>255) { err("Possible recursive class relation while inside %s and looking for %s\n",qPrint(cd->name()),qPrint(scd->name())); abort(); return FALSE; } if (cd->subClasses()) { BaseClassListIterator bcli(*cd->subClasses()); for ( ; bcli.current() && !found ; ++bcli) { ClassDef *ccd=bcli.current()->classDef; if (!followInstances && ccd->templateMaster()) ccd=ccd->templateMaster(); //printf("isSubClass() subclass %s\n",ccd->name().data()); if (ccd==scd) { found=TRUE; } else { if (level <256) { found=ccd->isBaseClass(scd,followInstances,level+1); } } } } return found; } void VhdlDocGen::addBaseClass(ClassDef* cd,ClassDef *ent) { if (cd->baseClasses()) { BaseClassListIterator bcli(*cd->baseClasses()); for ( ; bcli.current() ; ++bcli) { ClassDef *ccd=bcli.current()->classDef; if (ccd==ent) { QCString n = bcli.current()->usedName; int i = n.find('('); if(i<0) { bcli.current()->usedName.append("(2)"); return; } static QRegExp reg("[0-9]+"); QCString s=n.left(i); QCString r=n.right(n.length()-i); QCString t=r; VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(r,')'); VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(r,'('); r.setNum(r.toInt()+1); t.replace(reg,r.data()); s.append(t.data()); bcli.current()->usedName=s; bcli.current()->templSpecifiers=t; } } } } static QList<MemberDef> mdList; static MemberDef* findMemFlow(const MemberDef* mdef) { for(uint j=0;j<mdList.count();j++) { MemberDef* md=(MemberDef*)mdList.at(j); if (md->name()==mdef->name() && md->getStartBodyLine()==mdef->getStartBodyLine()) return md; } return 0; } void VhdlDocGen::createFlowChart(const MemberDef *mdef) { if (mdef==0) return; QCString codeFragment; MemberDef* mm=0; if((mm=findMemFlow(mdef))!=0) { // don't create the same flowchart twice VhdlDocGen::setFlowMember(mm); return; } else { mdList.append(mdef); } //fprintf(stderr,"\n create flow mem %s %p\n",mdef->name().data(),mdef); int actualStart= mdef->getStartBodyLine(); int actualEnd=mdef->getEndBodyLine(); FileDef* fd=mdef->getFileDef(); bool b=readCodeFragment( fd->absFilePath().data(), actualStart,actualEnd,codeFragment); if (!b) return; VHDLLanguageScanner *pIntf =(VHDLLanguageScanner*) Doxygen::parserManager->getParser(".vhd"); VhdlDocGen::setFlowMember(mdef); Entry root; QStrList filesInSameTu; pIntf->startTranslationUnit(""); pIntf->parseInput("",codeFragment.data(),&root,FALSE,filesInSameTu); pIntf->finishTranslationUnit(); } bool VhdlDocGen::isConstraint(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::UCF_CONST; } bool VhdlDocGen::isConfig(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::CONFIG; } bool VhdlDocGen::isAlias(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::ALIAS; } bool VhdlDocGen::isLibrary(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY; } bool VhdlDocGen::isGeneric(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::GENERIC; } bool VhdlDocGen::isPort(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::PORT; } bool VhdlDocGen::isComponent(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT; } bool VhdlDocGen::isPackage(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::USE; } bool VhdlDocGen::isEntity(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::ENTITY; } bool VhdlDocGen::isConstant(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::CONSTANT; } bool VhdlDocGen::isVType(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::TYPE; } bool VhdlDocGen::isSubType(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::SUBTYPE; } bool VhdlDocGen::isVhdlFunction(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION; } bool VhdlDocGen::isProcess(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::PROCESS; } bool VhdlDocGen::isSignal(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::SIGNAL; } bool VhdlDocGen::isAttribute(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::ATTRIBUTE; } bool VhdlDocGen::isSignals(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::SIGNAL; } bool VhdlDocGen::isProcedure(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE; } bool VhdlDocGen::isRecord(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::RECORD; } bool VhdlDocGen::isArchitecture(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE; } bool VhdlDocGen::isUnit(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::UNITS; } bool VhdlDocGen::isPackageBody(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY; } bool VhdlDocGen::isVariable(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::SHAREDVARIABLE; } bool VhdlDocGen::isFile(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::VFILE; } bool VhdlDocGen::isGroup(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::GROUP; } bool VhdlDocGen::isCompInst(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::INSTANTIATION; } bool VhdlDocGen::isMisc(const MemberDef *mdef) { return mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::MISCELLANEOUS; } //############################## Flowcharts ################################################# #define STARTL (FlowChart::WHILE_NO | FlowChart::IF_NO | \ FlowChart::FOR_NO | FlowChart::CASE_NO | \ FlowChart::LOOP_NO | WHEN_NO) #define DECLN (FlowChart::WHEN_NO | \ FlowChart::ELSIF_NO | FlowChart::IF_NO | \ FlowChart::FOR_NO | FlowChart::WHILE_NO | \ FlowChart::CASE_NO | FlowChart::LOOP_NO ) #define STARTFIN (FlowChart::START_NO | FlowChart::END_NO) #define LOOP (FlowChart::FOR_NO | FlowChart::WHILE_NO | \ FlowChart::LOOP_NO ) #define ENDCL (FlowChart::END_CASE | FlowChart::END_LOOP) #define EEND (FlowChart::ENDIF_NO | FlowChart::ELSE_NO ) #define IFF (FlowChart::ELSIF_NO | FlowChart::IF_NO) #define EXITNEXT (FlowChart::EXIT_NO | FlowChart::NEXT_NO ) #define EMPTY (EEND | FlowChart::ELSIF_NO) #define EE (FlowChart::ELSE_NO | FlowChart::ELSIF_NO) #define EMPTNODE (ENDCL | EEND | FlowChart::ELSIF_NO) #define FLOWLEN (flowList.count()-1) static int ifcounter=0; static int nodeCounter=0; static struct { // link colors const char *textNodeLink; const char *yesNodeLink; const char *noNodeLink; // node colors const char* comment; const char* decisionNode; const char* varNode; const char *startEndNode; const char* textNode; } flowCol = { "green", // textNodeLink "red", // yesNodeLink "black", // noNodeLink "khaki", // comment "0.7 0.3 1.0", // decisionNode "lightyellow", // varNode "white", // startEndNode "lightcyan" // textNode }; QList<FlowChart> FlowChart::flowList; #ifdef DEBUGFLOW static QMap<QCString,int> keyMap; #endif void alignText(QCString & q) { if (q.length()<=80) return; if (q.length()>200) { q.resize(200); } q.append(" ..."); QRegExp reg("[\\s|]"); QCString str(q.data()); QCString temp; while (str.length()>80) { int j=str.findRev(reg,80); if (j<=0) { temp+=str; q=temp; return; } else { QCString qcs=str.left(j); temp+=qcs+"\\"; temp+="n"; str.remove(0,j); } }//while q=temp+str; // #endif } void FlowChart::printNode(const FlowChart* flo) { if (flo==0) return; QCString ui="-"; QCString q,t; QRegExp ep("[\t\n\r]"); ui.fill('-',255); if (flo->type & STARTL) { if (flo->stamp>0) { q=ui.left(2*flo->stamp); } else { q=" "; } QCString nn=flo->exp.stripWhiteSpace(); printf("\nYES: %s%s[%d,%d]",q.data(),nn.data(),flo->stamp,flo->id); } else { if (flo->type & COMMENT_NO) { t=flo->label; } else { t=flo->text; } t=t.replace(ep,""); if (t.isEmpty()) { t=" "; } if (flo->stamp>0) { q=ui.left(2*flo->stamp); } else { q=" "; } if (flo->type & EMPTNODE) { printf("\n NO: %s%s[%d,%d]",q.data(),FlowChart::getNodeType(flo->type),flo->stamp,flo->id); } else if (flo->type & COMMENT_NO) { printf("\n NO: %s%s[%d,%d]",t.data(),FlowChart::getNodeType(flo->type),flo->stamp,flo->id); } else { printf("\n NO: %s%s[%d,%d]",q.data(),t.data(),flo->stamp,flo->id); } } } void FlowChart::printFlowTree() { uint size=flowList.count(); for (uint j=0;j<size;j++) { printNode(flowList.at(j)); } } void FlowChart::colTextNodes() { QCString text; FlowChart *flno; bool found=FALSE; for (uint j=0;j<flowList.count();j++) { FlowChart *flo=flowList.at(j); if (flo->type&TEXT_NO) { text+=flo->text+'\n'; if (!found) { flno=flo; } if (found) { flno->text+=flo->text; flowList.remove(flo); if (j>0) j=j-1; } found=TRUE; } else found=FALSE; } // find if..endif without text // if..elseif without text for (uint j=0;j<flowList.count()-1;j++) { FlowChart *flo=flowList.at(j); int kind=flo->type; if ( (kind & IFF) || (flo->type & ELSE_NO)) { FlowChart *ftemp=flowList.at(j+1); if (ftemp->type & EMPTY) { FlowChart *fNew = new FlowChart(TEXT_NO,"empty ",0); fNew->stamp=flo->stamp; flowList.insert(j+1,fNew); } } } }// colTextNode QCString FlowChart::getNodeName(int n) { QCString node; node.setNum(n); return node.prepend("node"); } void FlowChart::delFlowList() { ifcounter=0; nodeCounter=0; uint size=flowList.count(); for (uint j=0;j <size ;j++) { FlowChart *fll=flowList.at(j); delete fll; } flowList.clear(); } void FlowChart::alignCommentNode(FTextStream &t,QCString com) { uint max=0; QCString s; QStringList ql=QStringList::split("\n",com); for (uint j=0;j<ql.count();j++) { s=(QCString)ql[j].utf8(); if (max<s.length()) max=s.length(); } s=ql.last().utf8(); int diff=max-s.length(); QCString n(1); if (diff>0) { n.fill(' ',2*diff); n.append("."); s+=n; ql.remove(ql.last()); ql.append(s); } for (uint j=0;j<ql.count();j++) { s=(QCString)ql[j].utf8(); if (j<ql.count()-1) { s+="\n"; } FlowChart::codify(t,s.data()); } } void FlowChart::buildCommentNodes(FTextStream & t) { uint size=flowList.count(); bool begin=false; for (uint j=0;j < size-1 ;j++) { FlowChart *fll=flowList.at(j); if (fll->type & COMMENT_NO) { FlowChart* to=flowList.at(j+1); if (to->type & COMMENT_NO) { fll->label+="\n"; QCString temp=fll->label+to->label; to->label=temp; flowList.remove(j); size--; if (j>0) j--; } } }// for for (uint j=0;j <flowList.count() ;j++) { FlowChart *fll=flowList.at(j); if (fll->type & BEGIN_NO) { begin = true; continue; } if (fll->type & COMMENT_NO) { FlowChart* to; if (!begin) { // comment between function/process .. begin is linked to start node to=flowList.at(0); } else { if (j>0 && flowList.at(j-1)->line==fll->line) to=flowList.at(j-1); else to=flowList.at(j+1); } t << getNodeName(fll->id); t << "[shape=none, label=<\n"; t << "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"2\" >\n "; t << "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\""; t << flowCol.comment; t << "\" > "; FlowChart::alignCommentNode(t,fll->label); t << " </TD></TR></TABLE>>];"; writeEdge(t,fll->id,to->id,2); } }// for // delete comment nodes; size=flowList.count(); for (uint j=0;j < size;j++) { FlowChart *fll=flowList.at(j); if (fll->type & (COMMENT_NO | BEGIN_NO)) { flowList.remove(j); delete fll; fll=0; size--; if (j>0) j--; } }// for; } void FlowChart::codify(FTextStream &t,const char *str) { if (str) { const char *p=str; char c; while (*p) { c=*p++; switch(c) { case '<': t << "<"; break; case '>': t << ">"; break; case '&': t << "&"; break; case '\'': t << "'"; break; case '"': t << """; break; case '\n': t <<"<BR ALIGN=\"LEFT\"/>"; break; default: t << c; break; } } } }//codify FlowChart::~FlowChart() { } FlowChart::FlowChart(int typ,const char * t,const char* ex,const char* lab) { stamp=ifcounter; if (typ & STARTL) { ifcounter++; } text=t; exp=ex; type=typ; label=lab; if (typ & (ELSE_NO | ELSIF_NO)) { stamp--; } if (typ & (START_NO | END_NO | VARIABLE_NO)) { stamp=0; } id=nodeCounter++; } void FlowChart::addFlowChart(int type,const char* text,const char* exp, const char *label) { static QRegExp reg("[;]"); static QRegExp reg1("[\"]"); if (!VhdlDocGen::getFlowMember()) return; QCString typeString(text); QCString expression(exp); if (text) { typeString=typeString.replace(reg,"\n"); } if (exp) { expression=expression.replace(reg1,"\\\""); } FlowChart *fl=new FlowChart(type,typeString.data(),expression.data(),label); fl->line=getVhdlCont()->yyLineNr; if (type & (START_NO | VARIABLE_NO)) { flowList.prepend(fl); } else { flowList.append(fl); } } void FlowChart::moveToPrevLevel() { if (!VhdlDocGen::getFlowMember()) return; ifcounter--; } QCString FlowChart::convertNameToFileName() { static QRegExp exp ("[^][a-z_A-Z0-9]"); QCString temp,qcs; const MemberDef* md=VhdlDocGen::getFlowMember(); temp.sprintf("%p",md); qcs=md->name(); if (qcs.find(exp,0)>=0) { qcs.prepend("Z"); qcs=qcs.replace(exp,"_"); } return qcs+temp; } const char* FlowChart::getNodeType(int c) { switch(c) { case IF_NO: return "if "; case ELSIF_NO: return "elsif "; case ELSE_NO: return "else "; case CASE_NO: return "case "; case WHEN_NO: return "when "; case EXIT_NO: return "exit "; case END_NO: return "end "; case TEXT_NO: return "text "; case START_NO: return "start "; case ENDIF_NO: return "endif "; case FOR_NO: return "for "; case WHILE_NO: return "while "; case END_LOOP: return "end_loop "; case END_CASE: return "end_case "; case VARIABLE_NO: return "variable_decl "; case RETURN_NO: return "return "; case LOOP_NO: return "infinte loop "; case NEXT_NO: return "next "; case COMMENT_NO: return "comment "; case EMPTY_NO: return "empty "; case BEGIN_NO: return "<begin> "; default: return "--failure--"; } } void FlowChart::createSVG() { QCString qcs("/"); QCString ov = Config_getString("HTML_OUTPUT"); qcs+=FlowChart::convertNameToFileName()+".svg"; //const MemberDef *m=VhdlDocGen::getFlowMember(); //if (m) // fprintf(stderr,"\n creating flowchart : %s %s in file %s \n",VhdlDocGen::trTypeString(m->getMemberSpecifiers()),m->name().data(),m->getFileDef()->name().data()); QCString dir=" -o "+ov+qcs; ov+="/flow_design.dot"; QCString vlargs="-Tsvg "+ov+dir ; if (portable_system("dot",vlargs)!=0) { err("could not create dot file"); } } void FlowChart::startDot(FTextStream &t) { t << " digraph G { \n"; t << "rankdir=TB \n"; t << "concentrate=true\n"; t << "stylesheet=\"doxygen.css\"\n"; } void FlowChart::endDot(FTextStream &t) { t << " } \n"; } void FlowChart::writeFlowChart() { // assert(VhdlDocGen::flowMember); QCString ov = Config_getString("HTML_OUTPUT"); QCString fileName = ov+"/flow_design.dot"; QFile f(fileName); FTextStream t(&f); if (!f.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { err("Cannot open file %s for writing\n",fileName.data()); return; } colTextNodes(); #ifdef DEBUGFLOW printFlowTree(); #endif startDot(t); buildCommentNodes(t); uint size=flowList.count(); for (uint j=0;j <size ;j++) { FlowChart *fll=flowList.at(j); writeShape(t,fll); } writeFlowLinks(t); FlowChart::endDot(t); delFlowList(); f.close(); FlowChart::createSVG(); }// writeFlowChart void FlowChart::writeShape(FTextStream &t,const FlowChart* fl) { if (fl->type & EEND) return; QCString var; if (fl->type & LOOP) { var=" loop"; } else if (fl->type & IFF) { var=" then"; } else { var=""; } t<<getNodeName(fl->id).data(); QCString q=getNodeType(fl->type); #ifdef DEBUGFLOW QCString qq(getNodeName(fl->id).data()); keyMap.insert(qq,fl->id); #endif bool dec=(fl->type & DECLN); bool exit=(fl->type & EXITNEXT); if (exit && !fl->exp.isEmpty()) { dec=TRUE; } if (dec) { QCString exp=fl->exp; alignText(exp); t << " [shape=diamond,style=filled,color=\""; t << flowCol.decisionNode; t << "\",label=\" "; QCString kl; if (exit) kl=fl->text+" "; if (fl->label) { kl+=fl->label+":"+exp+var; } else { kl+=exp+var; } FlowChart::alignCommentNode(t,kl); t << "\"]\n"; } else if (fl->type & ENDCL) { QCString val=fl->text; t << " [shape=ellipse ,label=\""+val+"\"]\n"; } else if (fl->type & STARTFIN) { QCString val=fl->text; t << "[shape=box , style=rounded label=<\n"; t << "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\" >\n "; t << "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\""; t<< flowCol.startEndNode; t<< "\"> "; FlowChart::alignCommentNode(t,val); t << " </TD></TR></TABLE>>];"; } else { if (fl->text.isEmpty()) return; bool var=(fl->type & FlowChart::VARIABLE_NO); QCString repl("<BR ALIGN=\"LEFT\"/>"); QCString q=fl->text; if (exit) { q+=" "+fl->label; } int z=q.findRev("\n"); if (z==(int)q.length()-1) { q=q.remove(z,2); } t << "[shape=none margin=0.1, label=<\n"; t << "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"2\" >\n "; if (var) { t << "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"" << flowCol.varNode << "\" > "; } else { t << "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"" << flowCol.textNode << "\" > "; } FlowChart::alignCommentNode(t,q); t << " </TD></TR></TABLE>>];"; } } void FlowChart::writeEdge(FTextStream &t,const FlowChart* fl_from,const FlowChart* fl_to,int i) { bool b=fl_from->type & STARTL; bool c=fl_to->type & STARTL; #ifdef DEBUGFLOW QCString s1(getNodeName(fl_from->id).data()); QCString s2(getNodeName(fl_to->id).data()); QMap<QCString, int>::Iterator it = keyMap.find(s1); QMap<QCString, int>::Iterator it1 = keyMap.find(s2); // checks if the link is connected to a valid node assert(it.key()); assert(it1.key()); #endif writeEdge(t,fl_from->id,fl_to->id,i,b,c); } void FlowChart::writeEdge(FTextStream &t,int fl_from,int fl_to,int i,bool bFrom,bool bTo) { QCString label,col; if (i==0) { col=flowCol.yesNodeLink; label="yes"; } else if (i==1) { col=flowCol.noNodeLink; label="no"; } else { col=flowCol.textNodeLink; label=""; } t << "edge [color=\""+col+"\",label=\""+label+"\"]\n"; t << getNodeName(fl_from).data(); if (bFrom) t << ":s"; t << "->"; t << getNodeName(fl_to).data(); if (bTo) t << ":n"; t << "\n"; } void FlowChart::alignFuncProc( QCString & q,const ArgumentList* al,bool isFunc) { if (al==0) return; ArgumentListIterator ali(*al); int index=ali.count(); if (index==0) return; int len=q.length()+VhdlDocGen::getFlowMember()->name().length(); QCString prev,temp; prev.fill(' ',len+1); Argument *arg; q+="\n"; for (;(arg=ali.current());++ali) { QCString attl=arg->defval+" "; attl+=arg->name+" "; if (!isFunc) { attl+=arg->attrib+" "; } else { attl+=" in "; } attl+=arg->type; if (--index) attl+=",\n"; else attl+="\n"; attl.prepend(prev.data()); temp+=attl; } q+=temp; } int FlowChart::findNextLoop(int index,int stamp) { for (uint j=index+1;j<flowList.count();j++) { FlowChart *flo=flowList.at(j); if (flo->stamp==stamp) { continue; } if (flo->type&END_LOOP) { return j; } } return flowList.count()-1; } int FlowChart::findPrevLoop(int index,int stamp,bool endif) { for (uint j=index;j>0;j--) { FlowChart *flo=flowList.at(j); if (flo->type & LOOP) { if (flo->stamp==stamp && endif) { return j; } else { if (flo->stamp<stamp) { return j; } } } } return flowList.count()-1; } int FlowChart::findLabel(int index,QCString &label) { for (uint j=index;j>0;j--) { FlowChart *flo=flowList.at(j); if ((flo->type & LOOP) && !flo->label.isEmpty() && qstricmp(flo->label,label)==0) { return j; } } err("could not find label: ",label.data()); return 0; } int FlowChart::findNode(int index,int stamp,int type) { for (uint j=index+1;j<flowList.count();j++) { FlowChart *flo=flowList.at(j); if (flo->type==type && flo->stamp==stamp) { return j; } } return 0; }// findNode int FlowChart::getNextNode(int index,int stamp) { for (uint j=index+1;j<flowList.count();j++) { FlowChart *flo=flowList.at(j); int kind=flo->type; int s=flo->stamp; if (s>stamp) { continue; } if (kind & ENDIF_NO) { if (s<stamp && stamp>0) { stamp--; continue; } } if (kind & (ELSE_NO | ELSIF_NO)) { if (s<stamp && stamp>0) { stamp--; } j=findNode(j,stamp,ENDIF_NO); continue; } if (kind & WHEN_NO) { if (s<stamp && stamp>0) { stamp--; } return findNode(j,stamp-1,END_CASE); } return j; } return FLOWLEN; } int FlowChart::getNextIfLink(const FlowChart* fl,uint index) { int stamp=fl->stamp; uint start = index+1; int endifNode = findNode(start,stamp,ENDIF_NO); int elseifNode = findNode(start,stamp,ELSIF_NO); int elseNode = findNode(start,stamp,ELSE_NO); assert(endifNode>-1); if (elseifNode>0 && elseifNode<endifNode) { return elseifNode; } if (elseNode>0 && elseNode<endifNode) { return elseNode+1; } stamp=flowList.at(endifNode)->stamp; return getNextNode(endifNode,stamp); } void FlowChart::writeFlowLinks(FTextStream &t) { uint size=flowList.count(); if (size<2) return; // write start link writeEdge(t,flowList.at(0),flowList.at(1),2); for (uint j=0;j<size;j++) { FlowChart *fll=flowList.at(j); int kind=fll->type; int stamp=fll->stamp; if (kind & EEND) { continue; } if (kind & IFF) { writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(j+1),0); int z=getNextIfLink(fll,j); // assert(z>-1); writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(z),1); } else if (kind & LOOP_NO) { writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(j+1),2); continue; } else if (kind & (CASE_NO | FOR_NO | WHILE_NO)) { if (kind & CASE_NO) { writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(j+1),2); continue; } else { writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(j+1),0); } kind=END_LOOP; int z=findNode(j+1,fll->stamp,kind); z=getNextNode(z,flowList.at(z)->stamp); // assert(z>-1); writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(z),1); continue; } else if (kind & (TEXT_NO | VARIABLE_NO)) { int z=getNextNode(j,stamp); writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(z),2); } else if (kind & WHEN_NO) { // default value if (qstricmp(fll->text.simplifyWhiteSpace().data(),"others")==0) { writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(j+1),2); continue; } writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(j+1),0); int u=findNode(j,stamp,WHEN_NO); int v=findNode(j,stamp-1,END_CASE); if (u>0 && u<v) { writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(u),1); } else { writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(v),1); } } else if (kind & END_CASE) { int z=FlowChart::getNextNode(j,fll->stamp); writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(z),2); } else if (kind & END_LOOP) { int z=findPrevLoop(j,fll->stamp,true); writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(z),2); } else if (kind & RETURN_NO) { writeEdge(t,fll,FlowChart::flowList.at(size-1),2); } else if (kind & (EXIT_NO | NEXT_NO)) { int z; bool b = kind==NEXT_NO; if (fll->exp) { writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(j+1),1); } if (!fll->label.isEmpty()) { z=findLabel(j,fll->label); if (b) { writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(z),0); } else { z=findNode(z,flowList.at(z)->stamp,END_LOOP); z=getNextNode(z,flowList.at(z)->stamp); writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(z),0); } continue; } else { if (b) { z=findPrevLoop(j,fll->stamp); writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(z),0); continue; } else { z =findNextLoop(j,fll->stamp-1); } z=getNextNode(z,flowList.at(z)->stamp); } writeEdge(t,fll,flowList.at(z),0); } } //for } //writeFlowLinks