/* multimin/conjugate_pr.c * * Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Fabrice Rossi * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* conjugate_pr.c -- Conjugate gradient Polak-Ribiere algorithm */ /* Modified by Brian Gough to use single iteration structure */ #include <config.h> #include <gsl/gsl_multimin.h> #include <gsl/gsl_blas.h> #include "directional_minimize.c" typedef struct { int iter; double step; double max_step; double tol; gsl_vector *x1; gsl_vector *dx1; gsl_vector *x2; double pnorm; gsl_vector *p; double g0norm; gsl_vector *g0; } conjugate_pr_state_t; static int conjugate_pr_alloc (void *vstate, size_t n) { conjugate_pr_state_t *state = (conjugate_pr_state_t *) vstate; state->x1 = gsl_vector_calloc (n); if (state->x1 == 0) { GSL_ERROR ("failed to allocate space for x1", GSL_ENOMEM); } state->dx1 = gsl_vector_calloc (n); if (state->dx1 == 0) { gsl_vector_free (state->x1); GSL_ERROR ("failed to allocate space for dx1", GSL_ENOMEM); } state->x2 = gsl_vector_calloc (n); if (state->x2 == 0) { gsl_vector_free (state->dx1); gsl_vector_free (state->x1); GSL_ERROR ("failed to allocate space for x2", GSL_ENOMEM); } state->p = gsl_vector_calloc (n); if (state->p == 0) { gsl_vector_free (state->x2); gsl_vector_free (state->dx1); gsl_vector_free (state->x1); GSL_ERROR ("failed to allocate space for p", GSL_ENOMEM); } state->g0 = gsl_vector_calloc (n); if (state->g0 == 0) { gsl_vector_free (state->p); gsl_vector_free (state->x2); gsl_vector_free (state->dx1); gsl_vector_free (state->x1); GSL_ERROR ("failed to allocate space for g0", GSL_ENOMEM); } return GSL_SUCCESS; } static int conjugate_pr_set (void *vstate, gsl_multimin_function_fdf * fdf, const gsl_vector * x, double *f, gsl_vector * gradient, double step_size, double tol) { conjugate_pr_state_t *state = (conjugate_pr_state_t *) vstate; state->iter = 0; state->step = step_size; state->max_step = step_size; state->tol = tol; GSL_MULTIMIN_FN_EVAL_F_DF (fdf, x, f, gradient); /* Use the gradient as the initial direction */ gsl_vector_memcpy (state->p, gradient); gsl_vector_memcpy (state->g0, gradient); { double gnorm = gsl_blas_dnrm2 (gradient); state->pnorm = gnorm; state->g0norm = gnorm; } return GSL_SUCCESS; } static void conjugate_pr_free (void *vstate) { conjugate_pr_state_t *state = (conjugate_pr_state_t *) vstate; gsl_vector_free (state->g0); gsl_vector_free (state->p); gsl_vector_free (state->x2); gsl_vector_free (state->dx1); gsl_vector_free (state->x1); } static int conjugate_pr_restart (void *vstate) { conjugate_pr_state_t *state = (conjugate_pr_state_t *) vstate; state->iter = 0; return GSL_SUCCESS; } static int conjugate_pr_iterate (void *vstate, gsl_multimin_function_fdf * fdf, gsl_vector * x, double *f, gsl_vector * gradient, gsl_vector * dx) { conjugate_pr_state_t *state = (conjugate_pr_state_t *) vstate; gsl_vector *x1 = state->x1; gsl_vector *dx1 = state->dx1; gsl_vector *x2 = state->x2; gsl_vector *p = state->p; gsl_vector *g0 = state->g0; double pnorm = state->pnorm; double g0norm = state->g0norm; double fa = *f, fb, fc; double dir; double stepa = 0.0, stepb, stepc = state->step, tol = state->tol; double g1norm; double pg; if (pnorm == 0.0 || g0norm == 0.0) { gsl_vector_set_zero (dx); return GSL_ENOPROG; } /* Determine which direction is downhill, +p or -p */ gsl_blas_ddot (p, gradient, &pg); dir = (pg >= 0.0) ? +1.0 : -1.0; /* Compute new trial point at x_c= x - step * p, where p is the current direction */ take_step (x, p, stepc, dir / pnorm, x1, dx); /* Evaluate function and gradient at new point xc */ fc = GSL_MULTIMIN_FN_EVAL_F (fdf, x1); if (fc < fa) { /* Success, reduced the function value */ state->step = stepc * 2.0; *f = fc; gsl_vector_memcpy (x, x1); GSL_MULTIMIN_FN_EVAL_DF (fdf, x1, gradient); return GSL_SUCCESS; } #ifdef DEBUG printf ("got stepc = %g fc = %g\n", stepc, fc); #endif /* Do a line minimisation in the region (xa,fa) (xc,fc) to find an intermediate (xb,fb) satisifying fa > fb < fc. Choose an initial xb based on parabolic interpolation */ intermediate_point (fdf, x, p, dir / pnorm, pg, stepa, stepc, fa, fc, x1, dx1, gradient, &stepb, &fb); if (stepb == 0.0) { return GSL_ENOPROG; } minimize (fdf, x, p, dir / pnorm, stepa, stepb, stepc, fa, fb, fc, tol, x1, dx1, x2, dx, gradient, &(state->step), f, &g1norm); gsl_vector_memcpy (x, x2); /* Choose a new conjugate direction for the next step */ state->iter = (state->iter + 1) % x->size; if (state->iter == 0) { gsl_vector_memcpy (p, gradient); state->pnorm = g1norm; } else { /* p' = g1 - beta * p */ double g0g1, beta; gsl_blas_daxpy (-1.0, gradient, g0); /* g0' = g0 - g1 */ gsl_blas_ddot(g0, gradient, &g0g1); /* g1g0 = (g0-g1).g1 */ beta = g0g1 / (g0norm*g0norm); /* beta = -((g1 - g0).g1)/(g0.g0) */ gsl_blas_dscal (-beta, p); gsl_blas_daxpy (1.0, gradient, p); state->pnorm = gsl_blas_dnrm2 (p); } state->g0norm = g1norm; gsl_vector_memcpy (g0, gradient); #ifdef DEBUG printf ("updated conjugate directions\n"); printf ("p: "); gsl_vector_fprintf (stdout, p, "%g"); printf ("g: "); gsl_vector_fprintf (stdout, gradient, "%g"); #endif return GSL_SUCCESS; } static const gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_type conjugate_pr_type = { "conjugate_pr", /* name */ sizeof (conjugate_pr_state_t), &conjugate_pr_alloc, &conjugate_pr_set, &conjugate_pr_iterate, &conjugate_pr_restart, &conjugate_pr_free }; const gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_type * gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_conjugate_pr = &conjugate_pr_type;