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EnumVal shows how to enumerate the markup declarations in a DTD Grammar.
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This program parses the specified XML file, then shows how to
enumerate the contents of the DTD Grammar.
 |  |  |  | Usage:
EnumVal <XML file>
This program parses the specified XML file, then shows how to
enumerate the contents of the DTD Grammar. Essentially,
shows how one can access the DTD information stored in internal
data structures.
|  |  |  |  |
Here is a sample output from EnumVal
 |  |  |  | cd xerces-c-3.1.4/samples/data
EnumVal personal.xml
Name: personnel
Content Model: (person)+
Name: person
Content Model: (name,email*,url*,link?)
Name:id, Type: ID
Name: name
Content Model: (#PCDATA|family|given)*
Name: email
Content Model: (#PCDATA)*
Name: url
Content Model: EMPTY
Name:href, Type: CDATA
Name: link
Content Model: EMPTY
Name:subordinates, Type: IDREF(S)
Name:manager, Type: IDREF(S)
Name: family
Content Model: (#PCDATA)*
Name: given
Content Model: (#PCDATA)* |  |  |  |  |