/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk/projects/maus
* MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MAUS. If not, see .
#ifndef recon_global_materialmodelaxiallookup_hh_
#define recon_global_materialmodelaxiallookup_hh_
#include "src/common_cpp/Recon/Global/MaterialModel.hh"
class G4Material;
namespace MAUS {
class GeometryNavigator;
/** Material model that builds a lookup table to determine materials at a given
* z position; assumes cylinders of infinite radius, based on a search for
* materials on axis done using the MAUS internal geometry.
* The lookup table is stored as a static class member.
class MaterialModelAxialLookup : public MaterialModel {
/** Constructor - does nothing */
MaterialModelAxialLookup() {}
/** Constructor that performs a lookup on construction
* @param x: horizontal position of the material to be found
* @param y: vertical position of the material to be found
* @param z: longitudinal position of the material to be found; note that x
* and y is ignored and only z is used for axial lookup.
* Sets up the material model for material at the corresponding position.
* If z is out of the lookup table bounds, material is set to the nearest
* material (e.g. the material at the upstream or downstream end of the
* lookup table)
MaterialModelAxialLookup(double x, double y, double z);
/** Copy constructor */
MaterialModelAxialLookup(const MaterialModelAxialLookup& mat);
/** Destructor does nothing - there is no memory to clean up */
virtual ~MaterialModelAxialLookup() {}
/** Assignment operator */
MaterialModelAxialLookup& operator=(const MaterialModelAxialLookup& mat);
/** Inheritable copy constructor */
MaterialModelAxialLookup* Clone();
/** Sets the material according to a lookup
* @param x: horizontal position of the material to be found
* @param y: vertical position of the material to be found
* @param z: longitudinal position of the material to be found; note that x
* and y is ignored and only z is used for axial lookup.
* Sets up the material model for material at the corresponding position.
* If z is out of the lookup table bounds, material is set to the nearest
* material (e.g. the material at the upstream or downstream end of the
* lookup table)
void SetMaterial(double x, double y, double z);
/** Set up the lookup table
* @param z_start: start position for material lookup
* @param z_end: end position for material lookup
* Walk along the line from z_start to z_end, in steps of _z_tolerance, and
* record the position and new material each time the material changes.
static void BuildLookupTable(double z_start, double z_end);
/** Get the position of the boundaries for a given z position
* @param: z_pos: the position at which the lookup is performed
* @param: lower_bound: filled with the lowest z position with contiguous
* material as material at z_pos
* @param: upper_bound: filled with the highest z position with contiguous
* material as material at z_pos
* This is used for e.g. setting dynamic step size. If z_pos is off the end
* of the lookup table, fills the appropriate bound with the appropriate
* numeric limit.
static void GetBounds(double z_pos, double& lower_bound, double& upper_bound);
/** Print the lookup table, i.e. print what material was found where.
static void PrintLookupTable(std::ostream& out);
/** Return a pointer to the lookup table.
* @returns a pointer to the lookup table. MaterialModelAxialLookup owns
* the returned memory.
static const std::vector >* GetLookupTable() {
return &_lookup;
/** @return true if a lookup table exists (with more than 0 elements).
static bool IsReady() {return _lookup.size() > 0;}
/** @return the z_tolerance used to construct the lookup table
static double GetZTolerance() {return _z_tolerance;}
/** Set the z tolerance used to construct the lookup table
static void SetZTolerance(double z_tolerance) {_z_tolerance = z_tolerance;}
static double _z_tolerance;
// references start position of the volume and material
static std::vector > _lookup;