// MAUS WARNING: THIS IS LEGACY CODE. // XMLMessage.hh // // Interface to handle the XML messages that will travel between G4MICE and the Configuration DB's API // // M.Ellis June 2010 #ifndef XMLMESSAGE_HH #define XMLMESSAGE_HH 1 #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <vector> using namespace std; class XMLMessage { public : XMLMessage(); XMLMessage( const std::string& text ); virtual ~XMLMessage(); void readFile( const std::string& filename ); void MakeRunInfoRequest(int run); void MakeCalibRequest(string v1, string detector); void NewTOFCalibRequest(string v1, int trigger, string xml); string text() const; int size() const; string GetValueString(string name, bool raw=false); string GetRValueString(string name1, string name2, bool raw=false); string GetCalibElement(int n, vector<string>& params); //! The element n is returned. All parameters of this element are pushed in the vector params. string GetCalibHeader(string& name, string& detector); //! The header of the calibration is returned. int GetValueInt(string name); double GetValueDouble(string name); int GetRValueInt(string name1, string name2); double GetRValueDouble(string name1, string name2); private : string beginRequest(); string endRequest(); string _message; }; #endif