// BLCMDmovie.cc /* This source file is part of G4beamline, http://g4beamline.muonsinc.com Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005,2006 by Tom Roberts, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ #include <stdio.h> #include <vector> #include "G4VisAttributes.hh" #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh" #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh" #include "G4PVPlacement.hh" #include "G4Color.hh" #include "G4Polymarker.hh" #include "G4VVisManager.hh" #include "BLAssert.hh" #include "BLCommand.hh" #include "BLNTuple.hh" #include "BLParam.hh" #include "BLCoordinates.hh" const int N_POINTS_ON_SURFACE = 200; const char OutlineFields[] = "type:Xcl:Ycl:Zcl:Xg:Yg:Zg:Height:Width:Length:XZAngle:YZangle:Red:Green:Blue"; const int NOutlineFields = 15; const char ReferenceFields[] = "T:Zref:Xcl:Ycl:Zcl:Xg:Yg:Zg:Ptot"; const int NReferenceFields = 9; const char TrackFields[] = "x:y:z:Px:Py:Pz:t:PDGid:EventID:TrackID:ParentID:Weight"; const unsigned NTrackFields = 12; const char ElementFields[] = "ID:Xmin:Xmax:Ymin:Ymax:Zmin:Zmax:R:G:B"; const unsigned NElementFields = 10; /** class BLCMDmovie - output NTuple-s suitable for a movie * **/ class BLCMDmovie : public BLCommand, public BLCallback, public BLManager::SteppingAction, public BLManager::TrackingAction { G4String coordinates; BLCoordinateType coordinateType; BLNTuple *outline; // NTuple giving outlines of beamline elements BLNTuple *reference; // NTuple giving reference particle coords BLNTuple *trace; // NTuple tracing all beam tracks BLNTuple *elements; // NTuple containing all BLElements BLManager *manager; std::vector<double> timeV; // for interpolating in time the values std::vector<double> ZrefV; // of Zref and Ptot for the std::vector<double> PtotV; // reference particle. public: BLCMDmovie(); G4String commandName() { return "movie"; } int command(BLArgumentVector& argv, BLArgumentMap& namedArgs); void defineNamedArgs(); // interpolate t in the interpolation vectors, returning Zref and Ptot. void interpolate(double t, double &Zref, double &Ptot); // dumpGeometry() dumps the geometry to the Movie/Elements NTuple. void dumpGeometry(G4VPhysicalVolume *phys, G4ThreeVector &parent_offset, G4RotationMatrix &parent_rot); void dumpGeometry(G4VPhysicalVolume *phys); /// callback() from BLCallback. void callback(int type); /// UserSteppingAction() from BLManager::SteppingAction. void UserSteppingAction(const G4Step *step); /// from BLManager::TrackingAction virtual void PreUserTrackingAction(const G4Track *track); virtual void PostUserTrackingAction(const G4Track *track); void referenceStep(const G4Track *track); void beamStep(const G4Track *track); void generateFakeReference(); }; BLCMDmovie defaultMovieCommand; BLCMDmovie::BLCMDmovie() : BLCallback(), BLManager::SteppingAction(), timeV(), ZrefV(), PtotV() { registerCommand(BLCMDTYPE_OTHER); setSynopsis("Generate movie NTuple."); setDescription("This command outputs a set of NTuples suitable for " "generating a movie."); // initialize class variables here coordinates = "Reference"; outline = 0; reference = 0; trace = 0; elements = 0; manager = 0; } int BLCMDmovie::command(BLArgumentVector& argv, BLArgumentMap& namedArgs) { manager = BLManager::getObject(); handleNamedArgs(namedArgs); print(""); coordinateType = BLCoordinates::getCoordinateType(coordinates); // register reference coords before registering ourselves if(coordinateType == BLCOORD_REFERENCE) BLCoordinates::useReferenceCoordinates(); manager->registerTrackingAction(this); manager->registerReferenceParticleStep(0,this); manager->registerBeamStep(0,this); manager->registerCallback(this,0); manager->registerCallback(this,1); manager->registerCallback(this,4); //outline = BLNTuple::create("root", "Movie", "Outline", // OutlineFields, ""); reference = BLNTuple::create("root", "Movie", "Reference", ReferenceFields, ""); trace = BLNTuple::create("root", "Movie", "Tracks", TrackFields, ""); elements = BLNTuple::create("root","Movie","Elements",ElementFields,""); if(coordinateType != BLCOORD_REFERENCE) generateFakeReference(); print(""); return 0; } void BLCMDmovie::defineNamedArgs() { argString(coordinates,"coordinates","Coordinates: global, centerline, or reference (default=r)."); } void BLCMDmovie::interpolate(double t, double &Zref, double &Ptot) { if(timeV.size() < 2) { Zref = 0.0; Ptot = 0.0; return; } // simple linear search unsigned i; for(i=1; i<timeV.size(); ++i) { if(t < timeV[i]) break; } if(i >= timeV.size()) i = timeV.size() - 1; // now i points to the second entry to use for linear interpolation // (extrapolates the first or last pair if t is too small or too big). BLAssert(i > 0 && i < timeV.size()); double f = (t - timeV[i-1])/(timeV[i] - timeV[i-1]); Zref = (1.0-f)*ZrefV[i-1] + f*ZrefV[i]; Ptot = (1.0-f)*PtotV[i-1] + f*PtotV[i]; } #ifdef DISPLAY_VISIBLE_MARKERS static void display_dot(G4ThreeVector *p) { static G4VVisManager* pVM=0; static G4Polymarker *marker=0; if(!p) { if(!!pVM && !!marker) { marker->SetMarkerType(G4Polymarker::circles); marker->SetScreenSize(5); marker->SetFillStyle(G4VMarker::filled); G4VisAttributes va(G4Colour(1.,1.,1.)); // white marker->SetVisAttributes(&va); pVM->Draw(*marker); } return; } else if(!pVM) { pVM = G4VVisManager::GetConcreteInstance(); if(!pVM) return; marker = new G4Polymarker(); } marker->push_back(*p); } #endif //DISPLAY_VISIBLE_MARKERS void BLCMDmovie::dumpGeometry(G4VPhysicalVolume *phys, G4ThreeVector &parent_offset, G4RotationMatrix &parent_rot) { static BLCoordinates coord; static int number=0; G4ThreeVector my_offset = parent_offset + parent_rot * phys->GetObjectTranslation(); G4RotationMatrix my_rot = parent_rot * phys->GetObjectRotationValue(); G4LogicalVolume *log = phys->GetLogicalVolume(); const G4VisAttributes *va = log->GetVisAttributes(); if(va->IsVisible()) { G4VSolid *solid = log->GetSolid(); double Xmin=DBL_MAX, Xmax=-DBL_MAX, Ymin=DBL_MAX, Ymax=-DBL_MAX; double Zmin=DBL_MAX, Zmax=-DBL_MAX; // find the element's extent in the desired coordinates by // generating points on its surface -- simple but slow. for(int i=0; i<N_POINTS_ON_SURFACE; ++i) { G4ThreeVector p = solid->GetPointOnSurface(); p = my_rot * p + my_offset; #ifdef DISPLAY_VISIBLE_MARKERS display_dot(&p); #endif coord.setGlobal(p,0.0); coord.getCoords(coordinateType,p); if(Xmin > p[0]) Xmin = p[0]; if(Xmax < p[0]) Xmax = p[0]; if(Ymin > p[1]) Ymin = p[1]; if(Ymax < p[1]) Ymax = p[1]; if(Zmin > p[2]) Zmin = p[2]; if(Zmax < p[2]) Zmax = p[2]; } BLAssert(NElementFields == 10); double data[NElementFields]; data[0] = ++number; data[1] = Xmin; data[2] = Xmax; data[3] = Ymin; data[4] = Ymax; data[5] = Zmin; data[6] = Zmax; data[7] = va->GetColor().GetRed(); data[8] = va->GetColor().GetGreen(); data[9] = va->GetColor().GetBlue(); elements->appendRow(data,NElementFields); } int n = log->GetNoDaughters(); for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) { G4VPhysicalVolume *p = log->GetDaughter(i); if(!p) continue; dumpGeometry(p,my_offset,my_rot); } } void BLCMDmovie::callback(int type) { if(type == 0) { // pre-tune callback } else if(type == 1) { // post-reference callback G4ThreeVector offset; G4RotationMatrix rot; printf("Generating Movie/Elements NTuple... "); fflush(stdout); dumpGeometry(manager->getWorldPhysicalVolume(),offset,rot); printf("Done.\n"); fflush(stdout); } else if(type == 4) { // visualization #ifdef DISPLAY_VISIBLE_MARKERS G4ThreeVector offset; G4RotationMatrix rot; printf("Generating Movie/Elements NTuple... "); fflush(stdout); dumpGeometry(manager->getWorldPhysicalVolume(),offset,rot); printf("Done.\n"); fflush(stdout); display_dot(0); #endif } } void BLCMDmovie::UserSteppingAction(const G4Step *step) { switch(manager->getState()) { case IDLE: break; case VISUAL: break; case TUNE: break; case REFERENCE: if(coordinateType == BLCOORD_REFERENCE) referenceStep(step->GetTrack()); break; case BEAM: beamStep(step->GetTrack()); break; case SPECIAL: break; } } void BLCMDmovie::PreUserTrackingAction(const G4Track *track) { if(manager->getState() == REFERENCE && coordinateType == BLCOORD_REFERENCE) referenceStep(track); //@ if(manager->getState() == BEAM) beamStep(track); } void BLCMDmovie::PostUserTrackingAction(const G4Track *track) { if(manager->getState() == REFERENCE && coordinateType == BLCOORD_REFERENCE) referenceStep(track); if(manager->getState() == BEAM) beamStep(track); } void BLCMDmovie::referenceStep(const G4Track *track) { G4ThreeVector posGlobal = track->GetPosition(); G4ThreeVector posCL = posGlobal; G4double Zref = BLCoordinates::getMostRecentReferenceZ(); G4double time = track->GetGlobalTime(); G4ThreeVector momentum = track->GetMomentum(); // transform to centerline coordinates BLCoordinates *c = (BLCoordinates *)track->GetUserInformation(); if(c && c->isValid()) { c->getCoords(BLCOORD_CENTERLINE,posCL); } // enter this step into interpolation vectors. if(timeV.size() == 0 || time-timeV.back() > 1.0*picosecond) { timeV.push_back(time); ZrefV.push_back(Zref); PtotV.push_back(momentum.mag()); } BLAssert(NReferenceFields == 9); double data[NReferenceFields]; data[0] = time/ns; data[1] = Zref/mm; data[2] = posCL[0]/mm; data[3] = posCL[1]/mm; data[4] = posCL[2]/mm; data[5] = posGlobal[0]/mm; data[6] = posGlobal[1]/mm; data[7] = posGlobal[2]/mm; data[8] = momentum.mag()/MeV; reference->appendRow(data,NReferenceFields); } void BLCMDmovie::beamStep(const G4Track *track) { G4RunManager* runmgr = G4RunManager::GetRunManager(); const G4Event* event = runmgr->GetCurrentEvent(); int evNum = event->GetEventID(); G4ThreeVector position = track->GetPosition(); G4double time = track->GetGlobalTime(); G4ThreeVector momentum = track->GetMomentum(); // transform to desired coordinates BLCoordinates *c = (BLCoordinates *)track->GetUserInformation(); if(c && c->isValid()) { c->getCoords(coordinateType,position); momentum = c->getRotation() * momentum; } // subtract interpolated Zref and Pref for reference coords if(coordinateType == BLCOORD_REFERENCE) { double Zref, Pref; interpolate(time,Zref,Pref); position[2] -= Zref; momentum[2] -= Pref; } BLAssert(NTrackFields == 12); double data[NTrackFields]; data[0] = position[0]/mm; // x (mm) data[1] = position[1]/mm; // y (mm) data[2] = position[2]/mm; // z (mm) data[3] = momentum[0]/MeV; // Px (MeV/c) data[4] = momentum[1]/MeV; // Py (MeV/c) data[5] = momentum[2]/MeV; // Pz (MeV/c) data[6] = time/ns; // t (ns) data[7] = track->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding(); data[8] = evNum; // Event ID data[9] = BLManager::getObject()->getExternalTrackID(track); data[10] = BLManager::getObject()->getExternalParentID(track); data[11] = track->GetWeight(); // Weight trace->appendRow(data,NTrackFields); } void BLCMDmovie::generateFakeReference() { BLAssert(NReferenceFields == 9); double data[NReferenceFields]; data[0] = -(DBL_MAX/4.0); data[1] = -(DBL_MAX/4.0); data[2] = 0.0; data[3] = 0.0; data[4] = 0.0; data[5] = 0.0; data[6] = 0.0; data[7] = 0.0; data[8] = 0.0; reference->appendRow(data,NReferenceFields); data[0] = (DBL_MAX/4.0); data[1] = (DBL_MAX/4.0); reference->appendRow(data,NReferenceFields); }