// BLTrackNTuple.cc /* This source file is part of G4beamline, http://g4beamline.muonsinc.com Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005,2006 by Tom Roberts, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ #include <ctype.h> #include "BLAssert.hh" #include "BLTrackNTuple.hh" #include "BLNTuple.hh" static const int STANDARD=12, TRACE=18, EXTENDED=28; static const char *fieldNames[] = { "x", "y", "z", "Px", "Py", "Pz", "t", "PDGid", "EventID", "TrackID", "ParentID", "Weight", "Bx", "By", "Bz", "Ex", "Ey", "Ez", "ProperTime", "PathLength", "PolX", "PolY", "PolZ", "InitX", "InitY", "InitZ", "InitT", "InitKE" }; BLTrackNTuple::BLTrackNTuple() { ntuple = 0; require = ""; eval = 0; noSingles = 0; nFields = 0; coordinateType = BLCOORD_CENTERLINE; } BLTrackNTuple *BLTrackNTuple::create(G4String format, G4String category, G4String name, G4String filename, BLCoordinateType _coordinateType, G4String _require, int _noSingles) { BLTrackNTuple *t = new BLTrackNTuple(); t->require = _require; t->noSingles = _noSingles; t->coordinateType = _coordinateType; t->nFields = STANDARD; if(t->require != "") t->eval = new BLEvaluator(); // get nFields and fields based on format for(G4String::size_type i=0; i<format.size(); ++i) format[i] = tolower(format[i]); G4String::size_type j=format.find("trace"); if(j != format.npos) { t->nFields = TRACE; format.erase(j,format.npos); } j=format.find("extended"); if(j != format.npos) { t->nFields = EXTENDED; format.erase(j,format.npos); } j=format.find("for009"); if(j != format.npos) { t->nFields = TRACE; } G4String fields=fieldNames[0]; for(int i=1; i<t->nFields; ++i) { fields += ":"; fields += fieldNames[i]; } t->ntuple = BLNTuple::create(format,category,name,fields,filename); if(!t->ntuple) { delete t; t = 0; } return t; } bool BLTrackNTuple::appendTrack(const G4Track *track) { return appendTrack(track,track->GetGlobalTime(),track->GetPosition(), track->GetMomentum(),track->GetProperTime(), track->GetTrackLength()); } bool BLTrackNTuple::appendTrack(const G4Track *track, double time, G4ThreeVector position, G4ThreeVector momentum, double properTime, double trackLength) { G4RunManager* runmgr = G4RunManager::GetRunManager(); const G4Event* event = runmgr->GetCurrentEvent(); int evId = event->GetEventID(); G4ThreeVector globalPosition = position; // transform to desired coordinates, if available BLCoordinates *coord = (BLCoordinates *)track->GetUserInformation(); if(coord && coord->isValid()) { coord->getCoords(coordinateType,position); momentum = coord->getRotation() * momentum; } else { printf("BLCMDvirtualdetector::SteppingAction: track has no " "BLCoordinates object\n"); } double data[EXTENDED]; BLAssert((unsigned int)nFields <= sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0])); data[0] = position[0]/mm; // x (mm) data[1] = position[1]/mm; // y (mm) data[2] = position[2]/mm; // z (mm) data[3] = momentum[0]/MeV; // Px (MeV/c) data[4] = momentum[1]/MeV; // Py (MeV/c) data[5] = momentum[2]/MeV; // Pz (MeV/c) data[6] = time/ns; // t (ns) data[7] = track->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding(); data[8] = evId; // Event ID data[9] = BLManager::getObject()->getExternalTrackID(track); data[10] = BLManager::getObject()->getExternalParentID(track); data[11] = track->GetWeight(); // Weight if(nFields > STANDARD) { G4double field[6], point[4]; point[0] = globalPosition[0]; point[1] = globalPosition[1]; point[2] = globalPosition[2]; point[3] = time; BLGlobalField::getObject()->GetFieldValue(point,field); G4ThreeVector B(field[0],field[1],field[2]); G4ThreeVector E(field[3],field[4],field[5]); if(coord && coord->isValid()) { B = coord->getRotation() * B; E = coord->getRotation() * E; } data[12] = B[0]/tesla; data[13] = B[1]/tesla; data[14] = B[2]/tesla; data[15] = E[0]/(megavolt/meter); data[16] = E[1]/(megavolt/meter); data[17] = E[2]/(megavolt/meter); } if(nFields > TRACE) { G4ThreeVector pol, vertexPosition; pol = track->GetPolarization(); if(coord && coord->isValid()) { pol = coord->getRotation() * pol; } vertexPosition = track->GetVertexPosition(); data[18] = properTime/ns; data[19] = trackLength/mm; data[20] = pol[0]; data[21] = pol[1]; data[22] = pol[2]; data[23] = vertexPosition[0]/mm; data[24] = vertexPosition[1]/mm; data[25] = vertexPosition[2]/mm; data[26] = (time - track->GetLocalTime())/ns; data[27] = track->GetVertexKineticEnergy()/MeV; } // implement require if(eval) { for(int i=0; i<nFields; ++i) eval->setVariable(fieldNames[i],data[i]); double v=eval->evaluate(require.c_str()); if(!eval->isOK()) G4Exception("BLTrackNTuple", "Invalid require expression", FatalException,require); if(fabs(v) < 1.0e-16) return false; } if(noSingles) ntuple->doCallbacks(data,nFields); else ntuple->appendRow(data,nFields); // calls coCallbacks() return true; } G4String BLTrackNTuple::getFormatList() { G4String s = BLNTuple::getFormatList(); s += " Extended asciiExtended"; if(s.find("root") != s.npos) s += " rootExtended"; return s; }