ZOOM Exception Mechanism Design ------------------------------- The Zoom exception mechanism is intended to be the tools used by ZOOM modules to handle exceptions in a useful way and provide the user with interfaces to control how to react to problems. It is not (at this time) intended to be a mechanism for the user to hook into to define his own exceptions, although that may come later. Frankly, successful implementation and use by ZOOM modules will be necessary to sell this structure to our users as potentially useful, anyway. We need the mechanism "now" because we are trying to deliver at least two packages which will have to be re-instrumented when the mechanism is finally adopted. This is not a "signal handler" mechanism, which could be used to establish behavior for segment violations, arthmetic exceptions, and so forth. It would be nice to have this but C++ does not provide generic support for those activities. A **later** possibility will be to provide this support for POSIX-compliant operating systems, and coordinate it with the exception mechanism. We need to be able to cope with the following realities: -------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Users will not, in every case, imbed calls into a try block. 2 - Frameworks will incorporate code from multiple users and in some circumstances cannot afford to abort the entire job if some rare path in one user's code blows up. To the extent we can help with this, we must. 3 - Framework creators CAN be expected to imbed portions in try blocks, or set up behaviors for various exceptions, assuming we give them the necessary tools. In the remainder of this document, the "user" who sets things up is assmued to be such a framework manager. 4 - There is need for coordinated logging and related behavior. To be able to satisfy this, the goal is to allow: ------------------------------------------------- 1 - The user should be able to specify, for a given sort of exception, whether she wants to: a - Throw the exception via the C++ mechanism, thus aborting unless she in the framework or a lower-level user responsible catchs the problem. b - Invoke a user-written handler when the exception occurs, which may itself determine it is necessary to throw the exception. c - Ignore the exception RETURNING TO THE SPOT IN THE ZOOM MODULE THAT DETECTED THE PROBLEM. This can happen with or without a handler being invoked. Typically, the module will then return some approriate pseudo-value to the user. 2 - In cases where exceptions are to be handled or ignored, there should be a well-known way to get information about the existance of a problem, analogous to the errno mechanism in C. 3 - Explanatory strings should be associated with the problem at the point of origin. 4 - The exceptions are organized in a hierarchical manner, which uniformly applies one simple category philosophy that the users can understand, across the various ZOOM packages. With this in mind, our mechanism has the following structure: ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Upon detecting a problem for which it would like to (potential) throw an exception, the module code will instead invoke the ZMthrow macro. 2 - ZMthrow takes as its argument a ZMexception object constructor, which has as ITS first argument a const char*. The intent is for the ZMexception object actually do be derived from the base ZMexception class, and for the char* first argument to contain an explanatory message. Particular ZMexceptions can also have construction forms taking a second string, or whatever. For example, ZMthrow ( HepTuple::ZMxCapture( "Column not found", name ) ); 3 - The ZMthrow macro appends __LINE__, __FILE__ and calls ZMexcept. 4 - ZMexcept has signature void ZMexcept ( ZMexception x, int line, char file[], char data[], char time[]); It does the following: a - Places x.ZMexceptionId into a circular buffer ZMerrno. Actually, constructing the ZMexcept object does that. More about ZMerrno later. b - Determines for this exception what sort of logging is enabled, and logs it. Note that derived exceptions must modify the general logging method if they wish to include information beyond the message and file/line/time stamp. c - Determines whether a handler has been established, and if so invokes it. The handler will be passed the exception object, and can be set up to also take the line/file/time arguments. The handler returns a bool which if true will say to throw the exception. d - Determines (after any handler has been invoked) whether to ignore the exception. It will do either throw x; or return; 5 - ZMerrno is analogous to the C/Unix errno mechanism, but allows viewing a history of the last N problems detected. We anticipate using it like errno, via exception id, but we copies of place the whole exception object onto ZMerrno to provide more info if desired. The interface is: a - ((creation somehow, specifying N)) b - ZMerrno.write (ZMexcption* x); // copy an exception onto ZMerrno The user would not use a and b but would use: c - int ZMerrno.read (); // read the last id value on ZMerrno int ZMerrno.read (int k); // read the last-but-k id value on ZMerrno d - void ZMerrno.clear(); // put a zero (indicating no current error) // on ZMerrno. e - void ZMerrno.pop(); // remove an entry setting the top to the // previous entry. For instance, if you // have a loop in which some known ignorable // happening places a value on ZMerrno, you // can pop each one so as not to wipe out // the history for others. f - ZMexception* ZMerrno.get() // Return pointer to the last or ZMexception* ZMerrno.get(int k) // last-but-k exception on ZMerrno. // Allows perusal of things like the // message and the logger and handler // used when the exception was // encountered. Thus after the start, or after ZMerrno.clear(), the user can always find out whether any ignored exceptions had occured by doing if (ZMerrno.read()) { ... then something has happened } If we later incorporate signal handling, this ZMerrno stack is where the user can find out whether he has had his arithmetic error since the last clear. ZMerrno is pronounced "oops." 6 - The id 0 indicates no error. Each upper 16-bit value is assigned to a module to avoid conflicts; the values starting with upper bit set are reserved for user definition at a later date. The lower 16 bits distinguish the specific error. Each ZMexception object class has its own error id which is established (hardwired) at construction. The ZMexception codes for the upper 16 bits are defined in ZMexception.h. The lower 16 bits, for each module are defined in files with names like HepTupleZMexception.h. 7 - When a ZMexcept exception is thrown it does a ZMerrno.write(this.id). Thus ZMerrno tracks these exceptions even if they are explicitly thrown and caught by the user outside the ZMthrow/ZMexception mechanism. 8 - Logging is discussed separately. The user interface to control exception behavior is: ----------------------------------------------------- By the way, this is an interface for the framework manager to use; the lower level user would generally never establish handlers or ignores, and would only use the ZMerrno.read() and .clear(). 1 - To establish a handler for a particular exception type, say for ZMexceptCapture: HepTuple::ZMxCapture.setHandler ( myhandler, "handlerName" ); The handlerName string gives a convenient way to tell about the handling in log messages ("... was handled by mySuperHandler"). The signature of the handler must be: bool myhandler ( ZMexception x ); We will have a ZMhandler class to contain that and the handlerName. Note that the handler has access to the fields of x including for all ZMexception objects: char* message; int line; char* sourceFileName; int serialNumber; ZMhandler handler; ZMlogger logger; // and class-wide data: static int id; static char* messagePreamble; static int count; and, for particular derived ZMexception objects, any secondary messages or other information provided to the constructor and kept in the object. The handler should return false to ignore the exception and return to the user code (from ZMexcept), or true to throw the exception after the handler returns. The user can also throw an exception explicitly in the handler. 2 - You may establish a handler for an entire base class, which applies to any ZMexceptions derived from in that class for which no specific handler is established. For example, HepTuple::ZMxNewColumn is derived from HepTuple::ZMxGeneral so HepTuple::ZMxGeneral.setHandler ( myDefaultHandler ); will apply to HepTuple::ZMxNewColumn if that is ever ZMthrown. 3 - Note that if a handler is established for a subclass it takes precedence over that for the base class. If you instead wish to call the base class handler after executing the specific handler, you must invoke it explicitly. Only if no handler has been established will the exception check for and invoke a handler in its base class automatically. 3a- At times you may wish to prevent the calling of the base class handler yet have no need for explicit handling. The mechanism provides ZMtrivialHandler which merely checks whether (in the absense of a handler) the exception would be ignored or thrown, and returns false or true accordingly. Conversely, setting the handler to NULL will cause it to revert to the initial behavior of defering to the handler of the parent class. 4 - The user can tell the system to whether or not to ignore an unhandled ZMexception: HepTuple::ZMxCapture.ignore() HepTuple::ZMxCapture.dontIgnore() The default is don't ignore -- meaning throw the exception unless a handler is invoked and comes back false. The same rules for inheritance apply as in the handler case: If you haven't specifically said anything about a subclass, then what you have said about the parent class will apply. Thus calling dontIgnore() is NOT the same as not calling ignore(). In analogy with handling, we need a way to say "pretend I never said ignore or dont; use the parent class decision". This is: HepTuple::ZMxCapture.useParentIgnore() 5 - Sometimes you may want to ignore an exception the first N times and then react differently. The handler can have a static count variable to implement this behavior. Alternatively, there is a call to establish this behavior even if no handler is used: HepTuple::ZMxCapture.ignore(N) The part of the interface seen by non-framework-manager users is simpler: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - The ZMerrno methods may be used to see if (ignored) exceptions have happened. Typically, the user used to Unix exceptions would call ZNerrno.read() and maybe ZMerrno.clear(). 2 - The ordinary user can try, and catch, these ZMexceptions. We ask that usrs not throw ZMexceptions that the ZOOM modules throw. Later we may extend support to include user-defined subclasses of ZMexception. 3 - When an exception occurs and is not ignored, the user will know the message given for the exception, as well as the and line number where the ZMthrow macro was invoked. This is inside ZOOM code. By doing debug core the user can get a traceback into the user routines to find which line of his code encountered the problem. 4 - The status of what was set up for ignoring and handling may be probed, so temporary control behavior can be set and then put back to what it was: handler() returns the established handler. logger() returns the established logger. int ignoreStatus(); // -2 - ignore was specified (or ignore N was // specified but have none left) // -1 - dontIgnore was specified // positive integer - ignore N times was specified // and have this number left // 0 - neither was specified; use policy from // parent void setIgnorePolicy(int); Logging is handled as follows: ------------------------------ 0 - The connection between a class of ZMexceptions and logging that is through a ZMlogger. The (framework) user may create her own logger but typically will use our provided class ZMlog, which has is a ZMlogger and has a constructor taking a file name. Any actions taken by the logger we describe below will refer to how ZMlog behaves. 1 - Every individual ZMexception object can have a method for creating (from the other arguments aside from messge) a string to put into a log. (Of course, it may be inherited from its base class.) But the message as well as time, line, id, and so forth is not to be handled by each; instead, ZMthrow handles this. The method to create the string is logMessage(). ZMexcept will at various points call the logThis() method of the established logger when it wants to log information. 1a- The user assgns a ZMlogger to an exception class by ZMexception::setLogger(ZMlogger*). For example, ZMlog* mylog ("logfilename.txt"); ZMxCapture::setLogger(mylog); The pointer returned should be checked. In the case of ZMlog, it can be NULL for two reasons: The file cannot be opened for append, or the file is already open for some other purpose. (If it is already opened for logging, that is fine; this logger will also cause logging of messages there). 2 - ZMexception has a method setLogger(ZMlogger) which will open a log using that logger for that type of exception. This will establish this logger to be used for exceptions of this class. In the case of ZMlog, that means it will establish the file which was provided when the logger was constructed, as a logging point for exceptions of this class. (This is class static information.) 2a- The ZMlog object will log to a file: its constructor will open a log to that file for that type of exception. A user can provide a different logger which, for example, ties into the CDF or D0 general logging mechanism instead of writing to a file. 3 - If no logging is specified for a class the file defaults to the base class. Thus HepTuple::ZMxCapture might log to the file for HepTuple::ZMxGeneral, or if no logging is established there, for ZMexception. It is possible (the default) that no logging is established anywhere. 4 - You may log to multiple files; each ZMexception (sub)class has a class static linked list of log files. - - - - up to here 5 - Aside from single files, you can also establish a "rolling log" pair of files: bool ZMexception::log(const char filename1[], int n, const char filename2[], ); The way this works is that the first file is opened (still for append), and up to n exception instances are logged into it, at which point it is closed, renamed to the second file, and re-created (empty) for more logging. A script can detect when this has happended and archive the second file if desired. 6 - If you wish to cease logging a particular exception type in general or to a particular log file, you may: HepTuple::ZMxCapture.stopLog(); HepTuple::ZMxCapture.stopLog(filename); If no exceptions are logging to a particular log anymore, that file will be closed. 7 - To be able to temporarily modify logging behavior for an exception, you may call int saveLogInstructions(), and later call restoreLogInstructions(int). The following usage recommendations pertain to writers of ZOOM code: -------------------------------------------------------------------- As shown in the examples, place your definitions of the exception objects inside the class definition for the class. That way, methods within this class can simply call the shorter name -- ZMxCapture rather than ZMxHepTupleCapture. Don't create too many types of exceptions. The error codes appearing on the ZMerrno stack are defined per each type, but unless you envision the user needing to AUTOMATICALLY distinguish between one problem and another in the same submodule via ZMerrno, don't define them as two separate exception types. In cases where the user interface promises a routine will not throw an exception (but might return false if something goes awry) the ZOOM code itself should enclose any possible ZMthrows in try blocks, to catch the problem in case the user has not specified ignoring the exception. Note that the argument to the constructor of the ZMexception in ZMthrow can (and often will) be a string formed by concatenating some fixed informatory message with some variable information, as in ZMthrow ( ZMxCapture( "Column not found", name ) ); To do this, one should have a constructor for that sort of ZMexceptoin object with the extra argument in its signature, as well as the one with just a const char[]. One could alternatively do someting like ZMthrow ( ZMxCapture( strcat("Column not found", name) ) ); but if you use the exception in more than one place, the recommended second constructor is less work. When returning a pointer, in circumstances where things have gone wrong, the usual action is to return a null pointer. In many cases this is appropriate, especially if the user interface defines it. However, the sloppy user might cause an (uncatchable) bus error if he does not check for null pointer. Consider returning a pointer to a braindead object (whose methods throw ignorable ZMthrows) rather than NULL -- then the job might not abort. Documentation should be layered: 1 - How the user interacts with the mechanism (VERY brief). 2 - How the framework manager user interacts (settting up handlers, logs, ignores). 3 - How to define a ZMx class. 4 - Usage recommendations for writers of ZOOM code.