""" The Regression Test framework code""" # This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus # # MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MAUS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import ROOT import collections import re import types #pylint: disable=C0103,E1101,R0913,W0102,R0903,R0903, #pylint: disable=W0232,E1002,R0912,R0914,R0915,E1001 def printhistos(hist_mon, hist_ref, results): """Method that prints out a comparison of the ref and mon histograms.""" canvas = ROOT.TCanvas(hist_ref.GetName(), hist_ref.GetName()) hist_ref.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) hist_ref.SetFillStyle(3005) hist_ref.SetFillColor(ROOT.kRed) hist_ref.SetName("Reference") hist_ref.Draw() hist_mon.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) hist_mon.SetFillStyle(3004) hist_mon.SetFillColor(ROOT.kBlue) hist_mon.SetName("Monitored") hist_mon.Draw("sames") ROOT.gPad.Update() try: stats_ref = hist_ref.FindObject("stats") stats_ref.SetTextColor(ROOT.kRed) stats_mon = hist_mon.FindObject("stats") stats_mon.SetTextColor(ROOT.kBlue) height = stats_mon.GetY2NDC() - stats_mon.GetY1NDC() stats_mon.SetY2NDC(stats_ref.GetY1NDC() - 0.03) stats_mon.SetY1NDC(stats_ref.GetY1NDC() - 0.03 - height) except AttributeError: pass l = ROOT.TLatex() l.SetTextSize(0.036) l.SetNDC() step_size = 0.05 pos = 0.01 for t, r in results.iteritems(): if r.status == 'Failure': stats_colour = ROOT.kRed elif r.status == 'Warning': stats_colour = ROOT.kYellow+2 #mustard yellow else: stats_colour = ROOT.kGreen l.DrawLatex(0., pos, '#color[{colour}]{{{test:<16}: '\ 'pVal={result.pval:<6.4f}, '\ 'warn={result.warning:<6.4f}, '\ 'fail={result.failure:<6.4f}}}'.\ format(colour = stats_colour, test = t, result = r) ) pos += step_size ROOT.gPad.Update() title = canvas.FindObject("title") status = [r.status for r in results.values()] if 'Failure' in status: title.SetTextColor(ROOT.kRed) elif 'Warning' in status: title.SetTextColor(ROOT.kYellow+2) else: title.SetTextColor(ROOT.kGreen) canvas.Write() def KS(mon, ref): """KS Test""" sum_mon = \ sum([mon.GetBinContent(i) for i in range (1, mon.GetXaxis().GetNbins())]) sum_ref = \ sum([ref.GetBinContent(i) for i in range (1, ref.GetXaxis().GetNbins())]) if sum_mon == 0 and sum_ref == 0: return 1. return ref.KolmogorovTest(mon) def X2(mon, ref): """ Chi^2 Test Appears to give false negatives in some cases; so I ignore """ sum_mon = \ sum([mon.GetBinContent(i) for i in range (1, mon.GetXaxis().GetNbins())]) sum_ref = \ sum([ref.GetBinContent(i) for i in range (1, ref.GetXaxis().GetNbins())]) if sum_mon == 0 and sum_ref == 0: return 1. return ref.Chi2Test(mon) Test = collections.namedtuple('Test', ['name', 'test', 'warning', 'failure']) TestResult = collections.namedtuple('TestResult', ['status', 'pval', 'warning', 'failure']) class KolmogorovTest(Test): """The KS test object""" __slots__ = () def __new__(cls, warning, failure): return super(cls, KolmogorovTest).__new__(cls, name = 'KolmogorovTest', test=KS, warning=warning, failure=failure) class Chi2Test(Test): """The Chi^2 test object""" __slots__ = () def __new__(cls, warning, failure): return super(cls, Chi2Test).__new__(cls, name = 'Chi2Test', test=X2, warning=warning, failure=failure) #note: adding multiple tests with the same name will result in the # 'results' dict being updated each time # therefore only the LAST tests results will be returned. #note: the addition of the ROOT.TH1 causes an annoying (Bool_t) 1 # to be printed when imporing, worse if done in function # then get printed out when running before actual output! Grr... def RegressionTest( mon, ref, config={}, default_config=[Chi2Test(0.1,0.05), KolmogorovTest(0.1,0.05)], type_to_extract = ROOT.TH1, fail_on_missing = False, printer = printhistos, printed_filename=None ): """ Perform regression tests on the contents of two ROOT files This method takes a filename of a 'monitored' file which is to be regressed against a known and validated standard 'reference' file. """ if not isinstance(mon, str): raise Exception("'mon' should be of type 'str' and represent the "\ "filename of the monitored root file") if not isinstance(ref, str): raise Exception("'ref' should be of type 'str' and represent the "\ "filename of the reference root file") if not isinstance(default_config, list): raise Exception("'default_config' should be a 'list' of 'Test' "\ "objects to perform by default") if not isinstance(config, dict): raise Exception("'config' should be a 'dict' mapping a regex pattern "\ "to a 'list' of 'Test' objects") if False in (isinstance(i, Test) for i in default_config): raise Exception("An entry in 'default_config' was not a 'Test' object") if False in (isinstance(i, str) for i in config.keys()): raise Exception("A key in 'config' was not of type 'str'") if False in (isinstance(i, list) for i in config.values()): raise Exception("A value in 'config' was not of type 'list'") for i in config.values(): if False in (isinstance(j, Test) for j in i ): raise Exception("Within the list of tests defined in 'config' an "\ "object not of type 'Test' was found") if printer is not None and not isinstance(printer, types.FunctionType): raise Exception("'printer' should be of type 'types.FunctionType' "\ "taking two extracted objects and a results dict.") ref_file = ROOT.TFile(ref) mon_file = ROOT.TFile(mon) if printer is not None: if printed_filename is None: printed_filename = mon.replace('.root', '_compared.root') print "Printing output to ", printed_filename output_file = ROOT.TFile(printed_filename, "RECREATE") histo_list = [item.GetName() for item in ref_file.GetListOfKeys() \ if isinstance(ref_file.Get(item.GetName()), type_to_extract)] results = {} for histo in histo_list: hist_ref = ref_file.Get(histo) hist_mon = mon_file.Get(histo) if hist_mon == None: if fail_on_missing: raise Exception("Object '%s' doesn't exist in the "\ "monitored file." % histo) print "Skipping object %s as doesn't exist in "\ "monitored file" % histo continue tests = [value for key, value in config.iteritems() \ if re.match(key, histo) is not None] if len(tests) > 1: print "Skipping object %s as too many test configs "\ "found that match" % histo continue elif len(tests) < 1: tests = [default_config] results[histo] = {} for t in tests[0]: status = 'Pass' if hist_mon.GetMaximum() > 1e-3 or hist_ref.GetMaximum() > 1e-3: pVal = t.test(hist_mon, hist_ref) if pVal < t.warning: status = 'Warning' if pVal < t.failure: status = 'Failure' results[histo].update({t.name: TestResult(status, pVal, t.warning, t.failure)}) print histo, t.name, hist_mon.GetMaximum(), \ hist_ref.GetMaximum(), pVal, status if printer is not None: printer(hist_mon, hist_ref, results[histo]) ref_file.Close() mon_file.Close() if printer is not None: output_file.Close() return results def AggregateRegressionTests( mon, ref, config={}, default_config=[Chi2Test(0.1,0.05), KolmogorovTest(0.1,0.05)], type_to_extract = ROOT.TH1, fail_on_missing = False, printer = printhistos, printed_filename=None): """Agregates all tests and returns whether passes true/false""" results = RegressionTest( mon, ref, config, default_config, type_to_extract, fail_on_missing, printer, printed_filename) for histo_info in results.values(): for test_info in histo_info.values(): if test_info.status != 'Pass': return False return True