#!/bin/bash # g4blmovie -- create a movie from a G4beamline .root file # # As filenames cannot be passed on the Root command-line, use # environment variable MOVIE_IN to do so (see also G4blMovie.C). # # Workaround - root cannot handle a ++ in the pathname of a macro file, # so copy the macro to TMPDIR. export TMPDIR=/tmp/g4blmovie.$$ # verify root is in PATH if ! type root >/dev/null 2>&1 then echo >&2 "g4blmovie -- root not found " exit 1 fi # verify ffmpeg is in PATH if ! type ffmpeg >/dev/null 2>&1 then echo >&2 "g4blmovie -- ffmpeg not installed" exit 1 fi # find G4BL_DIR if test "$G4BL_DIR" = "" then G4BL_DIR=`dirname "$0"` G4BL_DIR=`\cd "$G4BL_DIR" >&- 2>&- && pwd` G4BL_DIR=`dirname "$G4BL_DIR"` if test -x /bin/cygpath then G4BL_DIR=`/bin/cygpath -m "$G4BL_DIR"` fi fi export G4BL_DIR # copy macro to TMPDIR mkdir $TMPDIR cat <<\! >$TMPDIR/G4blMovie.C // G4blMovie.C - Root ACLiC macro to generate a movie // // This macro must be compiled, as CINT cannot handle std::vector and // std::map correctly; the related root classes are too restrictive. #include #include #include #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TBox.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TPad.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TLine.h" #include "TPolyLine.h" #include "TMarker.h" #include "TColor.h" #include "TText.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TNtuple.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TTreeFormula.h" #include "TSystem.h" TPad *firstpad=0; // convenience for command-line users typedef std::map Args; class Setup *setup=0; class Particle *particle=0; class MoviePad; /// TrajIdType is 64-bit trajectory identifier typedef Long64_t TrajIdType; TrajIdType getTrajId(int eventID, int trackID) { return (((TrajIdType)eventID)<<16) | (((TrajIdType)trackID)&0xFFFF); } static int nError=0; /** class Command is the base class for a command in the input file **/ class Command { public: Command() { } virtual ~Command() { } bool handleArgs(TString cmd, Args args) { bool retval=true; for(Args::iterator i=args.begin(); i!=args.end(); ++i) { if(!defineArgs(i->first,i->second)) { retval = false; printf("Invalid argument to %s: '%s=%s'\n", cmd.Data(),i->first.Data(),i->second.Data()); ++nError; } } return retval; } virtual bool defineArgs(TString name, TString value) = 0; static void read(TString filename) { ifstream in(filename.Data()); if(!in.good()) { printf("Cannot open '%s'\n",filename.Data()); exit(1); } TString line; while(line.ReadLine(in).good()) { while(line.EndsWith("\\")) { line.Remove(TString::kTrailing,'\\'); line.Append(" "); TString tmp; if(!tmp.ReadLine(in).good()) break; line.Append(tmp); } line.ReplaceAll("\t"," "); if(line.BeginsWith("#")) continue; printf("\n%s\n",line.Data()); TObjArray *a=line.Tokenize(" "); a->SetOwner(1); int n=a->GetEntriesFast(); Args args; TString cmd=((TObjString *)a->At(0))->String(); for(int i=1; iAt(i))->String(); int j=word.Index("="); if(j > 0) { TString name = word(0,j); TString value = word(j+1,99999); args[name] = value; } else { printf("Invalid argument '%s' to command %s\n", word.Data(),cmd.Data()); ++nError; } /*** TObjArray *b=word.Tokenize("="); b->SetOwner(1); if(b->GetEntriesFast() == 2) { TString name=((TObjString *)b->At(0))->String(); TString val=((TObjString *)b->At(1))->String(); args[name] = val; } else { printf("Invalid argument '%s' to command %s\n", word.Data(),cmd.Data()); ++nError; } delete b; ***/ } delete a; doCommand(cmd,args); } } static void doCommand(TString cmd, Args args); }; /** the particle command assigns colors to PDGid-s **/ struct Particle : public Command { std::map colorMap; public: Particle() : Command(), colorMap() { colorMap[0] = "#000000"; } bool defineArgs(TString name, TString value) { colorMap[name.Atoi()] = value; return true; } TString color(int pdgId) { TString v = colorMap[pdgId]; if(v == "") v = colorMap[0]; return v; } }; /** the row command defines a new row in the movie. **/ struct Row : public Command { float height; int firstPad; int lastPad; int pixelHeight; public: Row(int n) : Command() { height = 1.0; firstPad = n; lastPad = -99; pixelHeight = 0; } Row(Args args, int n) : Command() { height = 1.0; firstPad = n; lastPad = -99; pixelHeight = 0; handleArgs("row",args); } bool defineArgs(TString name, TString value) { if(name == "height") { height = value.Atof(); return true; } return false; } }; /** the setup command specifies basic parameters for the movei **/ struct Setup : public Command { TString borderColor; int borderSize; TString outputFile; TString pictureType; float tMin; float tMax; float duration; float frameRate; int marker; float markerSize; int windowWidth; int windowHeight; int textHeight; TString background; std::vector rows; std::vector pads; TCanvas *canvas; public: Setup() : Command(), rows(), pads() { borderColor="#C0C0C0"; borderSize=5; outputFile = "m.mov"; pictureType="jpg"; tMin = 0.001; tMax = 20.0; duration = 20.0; frameRate = 24.0; marker = 21; markerSize = 1.0; windowWidth = 500; windowHeight = 500; textHeight = 15; background = "#F3F3F3"; canvas = 0; rows.push_back(new Row(pads.size())); } bool defineArgs(TString name, TString value) { if(name=="borderColor") { borderColor = value; return true; } if(name=="borderSize") { borderSize = value.Atoi(); return true; } if(name=="outputFile") { outputFile = value; return true; } if(name=="pictureType") { pictureType = value; return true; } if(name=="tMin") { tMin = value.Atof(); return true; } if(name=="tMax") { tMax = value.Atof(); return true; } if(name=="duration") { duration = value.Atof(); return true; } if(name=="frameRate") { frameRate = value.Atof(); return true; } if(name=="marker") { marker = value.Atoi(); return true; } if(name=="markerSize") { markerSize = value.Atof(); return true; } if(name=="windowWidth") { windowWidth = value.Atoi(); return true; } if(name=="windowHeight") { windowHeight = value.Atoi(); return true; } if(name=="textHeight") { textHeight = value.Atoi(); return true; } if(name=="background") { background = value; return true; } return false; } void layout(); void drawOneFrame(double t); void drawMovie(); }; /** class MoviePad is a base class for a pad that is displayed in the movie. * * NOTE: the pad title must be set before MoviePad::prepareForDrawing() * is called. This happens in MoviePad::defineArgs() for the title * argument, so it only needs to be done if it is to be changed. **/ class MoviePad : public Command, public TPad { protected: TString cmdName; TString title; float xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax; // coordinate limits TString background; int textHeight; public: MoviePad(TString name) : Command(), TPad(), title("_") { cmdName = name; xMin = -100.0; xMax = 100.0; yMin = -100.0; yMax = 100.0; background = setup->background; textHeight = setup->textHeight; setup->pads.push_back(this); } virtual ~MoviePad() { } virtual bool defineArgs(TString name, TString value) { if(name=="background") printf("MoviePad::defineArgs background=%s\n",value.Data()); if(name=="title") { title=value; SetTitle(title); return true; } if(name=="xMin") { xMin=value.Atof(); return true; } if(name=="xMax") { xMax=value.Atof(); return true; } if(name=="yMin") { yMin=value.Atof(); return true; } if(name=="yMax") { yMax=value.Atof(); return true; } if(name=="background") { background=value; return true; } if(name=="textHeight") { textHeight = value.Atoi(); return true; } return false; } virtual void init(Args args) { handleArgs(cmdName,args); } virtual void prepareForDrawing() { cd(); Range(xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax); SetFillColor(TColor::GetColor(background)); TString tmp=GetTitle(); if(tmp != "") { TText *txt=new TText(0.5,0.97,tmp); txt->SetTextAlign(23); // h=centered, v=top txt->SetNDC(); txt->SetTextSize(getTextSize()); txt->Draw(); } // draw border as a TPolyLine SetBorderMode(0); float cornerX[5],cornerY[5]; cornerX[0] = cornerX[1] = cornerX[4] = 0.0001; cornerX[2] = cornerX[3] = 0.9999; cornerY[0] = cornerY[3] = cornerY[4] = 0.0001; cornerY[1] = cornerY[2] = 0.9999; TPolyLine *p = new TPolyLine(5,cornerX,cornerY); p->SetNDC(); p->SetLineWidth(setup->borderSize); p->SetLineColor(TColor::GetColor(setup->borderColor)); p->Draw(); } virtual void drawPadContents(double t) { (void)t; } double getTextSize() { return (double)textHeight / (double)(GetAbsHNDC()*GetWh()); } ClassDef(MoviePad,1); }; /// Trajectory contains 1 trajectory, can interpolate between points struct Trajectory { float tMin, tMax; // values for existence of this trajectory float t, v1, v2; // values of trajectory at most recent setT() struct TrajPoint { float t; float v1, v2; TrajPoint() { t=v1=v2=-7.0e30; } TrajPoint(float _t, float _v1, float _v2) { t=_t; v1=_v1, v2=_v2; } }; std::vector points; int index; bool bookends; // bookends simplify the logic in setT (high usage) public: Trajectory() : points() { v1=0; v2=0; tMin=1.0e30, tMax=-1.0e30; index=0; bookends=false;} void appendPoint(float _t, float _v1, float _v2) { if(_t < tMin) tMin = _t; if(_t > tMax) tMax = _t; points.push_back(TrajPoint(_t,_v1,_v2)); } void setBookends() { if(bookends || points.size() < 2) return; bookends = true; tMin -= 1.0e-6; points[0].t -= 2.0e-6; points[points.size()-1].t += 1.0e-6; } // interpolate trajectory values; returns false if should not be drawn bool setT(float _t) { // interpolate trajecory to time _t setBookends(); if(_t < tMin || _t > tMax || points.size() < 2) return false; if(_t < points[index].t) index = 0; while(index < (int)points.size()-2 && _t > points[index+1].t) ++index; assert(index>=0 && index+1<(int)points.size()); TrajPoint *a=&points[index], *b=&points[index+1]; assert(_t>=a->t && _t <= b->t); float f=(_t-a->t) / (b->t-a->t); t = _t; v1 = (1.0-f)*a->v1 + f*b->v1; v2 = (1.0-f)*a->v2 + f*b->v2; return true; } }; /// ReferenceTrack contains the reference track; can interpolate /// between points. struct ReferenceTrack { float t, Zref, Ptot; // trajectory values at most recent setT() Trajectory traj; public: ReferenceTrack(TNtuple *ntuple) : traj() { ntuple->SetBranchAddress("T",&t); ntuple->SetBranchAddress("Zref",&Zref); ntuple->SetBranchAddress("Ptot",&Ptot); long nEntries = ntuple->GetEntries(); for(long i=0; iGetEntry(i); traj.appendPoint(t,Zref,Ptot); } printf("The Reference Track has %ld points, %.3f to %.3f ns\n", traj.points.size(),traj.tMin, traj.tMax); } bool setT(float _t) { // interpolate trajectory to time _t if(!traj.setT(_t)) return false; t = traj.t; Zref = traj.v1; Ptot = traj.v2; return true; } }; /// TrackSet contains a set of Tracks; can interpolate between the /// points of each track. class TrackSet { std::map trajMap; std::map markerMap; std::map pdgIdMap; public: TrackSet(TNtuple *nt, TString exprX, TString exprY) : trajMap(), markerMap(), pdgIdMap() { TTreeFormula *fx = new TTreeFormula("x",exprX,nt); if(fx->GetTree() == 0) { printf("Invalid formula for X '%s'\n",exprX.Data()); exit(2); } TTreeFormula *fy = new TTreeFormula("y",exprY,nt); if(fy->GetTree() == 0) { printf("Invalid formula for Y '%s'\n",exprY.Data()); exit(2); } Long64_t nEntries = nt->GetEntries(); float t, EventID, TrackID, PDGid; nt->SetBranchAddress("t",&t); nt->SetBranchAddress("EventID",&EventID); nt->SetBranchAddress("TrackID",&TrackID); nt->SetBranchAddress("PDGid",&PDGid); float earliest=1.0e30, latest=-1.0e30; for(Long64_t i=0; iGetEntry(i) < 0) continue; float v1 = fx->EvalInstance(); float v2 = fy->EvalInstance(); TrajIdType id = getTrajId(EventID,TrackID); trajMap[id].appendPoint(t,v1,v2); pdgIdMap[id] = (int)PDGid; if(t < earliest) earliest = t; if(t > latest) latest = t; } printf("Found %ld tracks, from %.3f to %.3f ns\n", trajMap.size(),earliest,latest); } /// draws on the current TPad -- successive calls MUST use the same /// TPad. void draw(double _t) { std::map::iterator i; for(i=trajMap.begin(); i!=trajMap.end(); ++i) { TrajIdType id=i->first; Trajectory &traj=i->second; TMarker *m = markerMap[id]; if(traj.setT(_t)) { if(!m) { markerMap[id] = m = particleMarker(pdgIdMap[id]); m->Draw(); } m->SetX(traj.v1); m->SetY(traj.v2); } else { if(m) gPad->RecursiveRemove(m); delete m; markerMap[id] = 0; } } } TMarker * particleMarker(int pdgId) { // mark=20 (solid circle) slows it down by an enormous factor // mark=21 is good int mark=setup->marker; // smaller marks make color hard to see, and increase artifacts float size=setup->markerSize; TMarker *m = new TMarker(0.0,0.0,mark); m->SetMarkerColor(TColor::GetColor(particle->color(pdgId))); m->SetMarkerSize(size); return m; } }; /** the plot command plots a scatter-plot of two expressions in a pad of the movie. **/ class Plot : public MoviePad { TString filename; TString x; TString y; TFile *file; TrackSet *trackSet; public: Plot() : MoviePad("plot") { filename = ""; x = "x"; y = "y"; file = 0; trackSet = 0; } bool defineArgs(TString name, TString value) { if(name=="filename") { filename = value; return true; } if(name=="x") { x = value; return true; } if(name=="y") { y = value; return true; } return MoviePad::defineArgs(name,value); } void init(Args args) { handleArgs(cmdName,args); if(filename == "" && gFile != 0 && !gFile->IsZombie() && gFile->IsOpen()) { file = gFile; } else { file = new TFile(filename); if(file->IsZombie()) { printf("Cannot open '%s'\n",file->GetPath()); exit(3); } } file->cd(); TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)file->Get("Movie/Tracks"); if(!nt) { printf("cannot find NTuple " "Movie/Tracks in Root file\n"); exit(4); } trackSet = new TrackSet(nt,x,y); } void prepareForDrawing() { if(title == "_") { TString tmp(y); tmp.Append(" vs. ").Append(x); SetTitle(tmp); } MoviePad::prepareForDrawing(); } void drawPadContents(double t) { trackSet->draw(t); } ClassDef(Plot,1); }; /** the sideview command plots a side view of the apparatus with a moving marker indicating the current reference particle location. **/ class SideView : public MoviePad { TString filename; TFile *file; std::vector list; TMarker *marker1, *marker2; ReferenceTrack *reference; float markerSize; public: SideView() : MoviePad("sideview"), list() { filename = ""; file = 0; marker1 = marker2 = 0; reference = 0; markerSize = 1.0; } bool defineArgs(TString name, TString value) { if(name=="filename") { filename = value; return true; } if(name=="markerSize") { markerSize = value.Atof(); return true; } if(name=="zMin") { xMin=value.Atof(); return true; } if(name=="zMax") { xMax=value.Atof(); return true; } return MoviePad::defineArgs(name,value); } void init(Args args) { handleArgs(cmdName,args); if(filename == "" && gFile != 0 && !gFile->IsZombie() && gFile->IsOpen()) { file = gFile; } else { file = new TFile(filename); if(file->IsZombie()) { printf("Cannot open '%s'\n",file->GetPath()); exit(3); } } file->cd(); TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)file->Get("Movie/Reference"); if(!nt) { printf("cannot find NTuple " "Movie/Reference in Root file\n"); exit(4); } reference = new ReferenceTrack(nt); } void prepareForDrawing() { MoviePad::prepareForDrawing(); file->cd(); TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)file->Get("Movie/Elements"); if(!nt) { printf("cannot find NTuple " "Movie/Elements in Root file\n"); exit(4); } float Zmin, Zmax, Ymin, Ymax, R, G, B; float extra = (xMax - xMin) / (GetWw()-1); nt->SetBranchAddress("Zmin",&Zmin); nt->SetBranchAddress("Zmax",&Zmax); nt->SetBranchAddress("Ymin",&Ymin); nt->SetBranchAddress("Ymax",&Ymax); nt->SetBranchAddress("R",&R); nt->SetBranchAddress("G",&G); nt->SetBranchAddress("B",&B); long nEntries = nt->GetEntries(); for(long i=0; iGetEntry(i); float cornerX[5],cornerY[5]; cornerX[0] = cornerX[1] = cornerX[4] = Zmin-extra; cornerX[2] = cornerX[3] = Zmax+extra; cornerY[0] = cornerY[3] = cornerY[4] = Ymin; cornerY[1] = cornerY[2] = Ymax; list.push_back(TPolyLine(5,cornerX,cornerY)); list.back().SetFillColor(TColor::GetColor(R,G,B)); list.back().SetFillStyle(4100); list.back().SetLineColor(TColor::GetColor(R,G,B)); list.back().SetLineWidth(1); } for(unsigned i=0; iSetMarkerColor(10); // white marker1->SetMarkerSize(markerSize); marker1->Draw(); marker2 = new TMarker(0.0,0.0,28); marker2->SetMarkerColor(1); // black marker2->SetMarkerSize(markerSize); marker2->Draw(); } void drawPadContents(double t) { reference->setT(t); marker1->SetX(reference->Zref); marker2->SetX(reference->Zref); } ClassDef(SideView,1); }; /** the space command displays a blank pad in the movie. **/ class Space : public MoviePad { public: Space() : MoviePad("space") { } bool defineArgs(TString name, TString value) { return MoviePad::defineArgs(name,value); } void init(Args args) { (void)args; } void prepareForDrawing() { SetTitle(""); MoviePad::prepareForDrawing(); TText *text = new TText(0.5,0.5,title); text->SetNDC(); text->SetTextAlign(22); // centered H and V text->SetTextFont(102); // Courier New, high quality text->SetTextSize(getTextSize()); text->Draw(); } void drawPadContents(double t) { (void)t; } ClassDef(Space,1); }; /** the time command displays the current time in a pad in the movie. **/ class Time : public MoviePad { TText *text; public: Time() : MoviePad("time") { } bool defineArgs(TString name, TString value) { return MoviePad::defineArgs(name,value); } void init(Args args) { (void)args; } void prepareForDrawing() { MoviePad::prepareForDrawing(); text = new TText(0.5,0.5,""); text->SetNDC(); text->SetTextAlign(22); // centered H and V text->SetTextFont(102); // Courier New, high quality text->SetTextSize(getTextSize()); text->Draw(); } void drawPadContents(double t) { text->SetText(0.5,0.5,TString::Format("t=%.3f ns",t)); } ClassDef(Time,1); }; /** the position command displays the current Z position in a pad in the movie. **/ class Position : public MoviePad { TString filename; TFile *file; TText *text; ReferenceTrack *reference; public: Position() : MoviePad("position") { filename = ""; file = 0; text = 0; reference = 0; } bool defineArgs(TString name, TString value) { if(name=="filename") { filename = value; return true; } return MoviePad::defineArgs(name,value); } void init(Args args) { handleArgs(cmdName,args); if(filename == "" && gFile != 0 && !gFile->IsZombie() && gFile->IsOpen()) { file = gFile; } else { file = new TFile(filename); if(file->IsZombie()) { printf("Cannot open '%s'\n",file->GetPath()); exit(3); } } file->cd(); TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)file->Get("Movie/Reference"); if(!nt) { printf("cannot find NTuple " "Movie/Reference in Root file\n"); exit(4); } reference = new ReferenceTrack(nt); } void prepareForDrawing() { MoviePad::prepareForDrawing(); text = new TText(0.5,0.5,""); text->SetNDC(); text->SetTextAlign(22); // centered H and V text->SetTextFont(102); // Courier New, high quality text->SetTextSize(getTextSize()); text->Draw(); } void drawPadContents(double t) { reference->setT(t); text->SetText(0.5,0.5,TString::Format("z=%.1f mm", reference->Zref)); } ClassDef(Position,1); }; void Setup::layout() { if(pads.size() == 0) { printf("Nothing to layout\n"); exit(1); } canvas = new TCanvas("Movie", "Movie", windowWidth, windowHeight); canvas->SetWindowSize(windowWidth + (windowWidth - canvas->GetWw()), windowHeight + (windowHeight - canvas->GetWh())); canvas->SetBorderMode(0); canvas->SetFillColor(TColor::GetColor(setup->borderColor)); double totalHeight=0.0; for(unsigned i=0; iheight; rows[i]->lastPad = (i+1firstPad : pads.size())-1; } for(unsigned i=0; ipixelHeight = windowHeight*rows[i]->height/totalHeight; printf("Row %d: %d pads %d pixels high\n",i+1, rows[i]->lastPad-rows[i]->firstPad+1,rows[i]->pixelHeight); } unsigned row=0; double height=rows[row]->height/totalHeight; double bottom=1.0-height; double w=1.0/(double)(rows[row]->lastPad-rows[row]->firstPad+1); double x=0.0; for(unsigned i=0; i rows[row]->lastPad) { ++row; height=rows[row]->height/totalHeight; bottom -= height; w=1.0/(double)(rows[row]->lastPad-rows[row]->firstPad+1); x = 0.0; } canvas->cd(); pads[i]->Draw(); pads[i]->SetPad(x,bottom,x+w,bottom+height); pads[i]->prepareForDrawing(); x += w; } } void Setup::drawOneFrame(double t) { for(unsigned i=0; icd(); pads[i]->drawPadContents(t); } } void Setup::drawMovie() { int nFrames = duration*frameRate; double dt=(tMax-tMin)/(double)nFrames; canvas->cd(); for(int i=0; i<=nFrames; ++i) { double t = tMin + i*dt; printf("frame %d/%d t=%.3f ns\r",i,nFrames,t); fflush(stdout); drawOneFrame(t); canvas->cd(); char tmp[64]; sprintf(tmp,"movie_%d.%s",i,pictureType.Data()); canvas->Update(); canvas->SaveAs(tmp); } printf("\n"); } void Command::doCommand(TString cmd, Args args) { if(cmd == "setup") { setup->handleArgs("setup",args); return; } if(cmd == "particle") { particle->handleArgs("particle",args); return; } if(cmd == "pad") { MoviePad *p = new MoviePad("pad"); p->init(args); return; } if(cmd == "plot") { Plot *p = new Plot(); p->init(args); return; } if(cmd == "sideview") { SideView *p = new SideView(); p->init(args); return; } if(cmd == "row") { setup->rows.push_back(new Row(args,setup->pads.size())); return; } if(cmd == "space") { (new Space())->handleArgs("space",args); return; } if(cmd == "time") { (new Time())->handleArgs("time",args); return; } if(cmd == "position") { (new Position())->init(args); return; } // unknown command - just print it and its args printf("Unknown cmd=%s\n",cmd.Data()); for(Args::iterator i=args.begin(); i!=args.end(); ++i) { TString name=i->first; TString value=i->second; printf(" %s=%s\n",name.Data(),value.Data()); } ++nError; } /// G4blMovie() -- the macro function that gets called to create the movie. void G4blMovie() { gROOT->GetStyle("Video"); setup = new Setup(); particle = new Particle(); // the g4blmovie script puts its $1 into the environment MOVIE_IN TString movieIn=gSystem->Getenv("MOVIE_IN"); printf("\nG4blMovie starting: Reading '%s'\n",movieIn.Data()); Command::read(movieIn); if(nError > 0) { printf("%d errors found\n",nError); exit(1); } printf("\nRemoving old movie_*.%s and output file '%s'\n", setup->pictureType.Data(),setup->outputFile.Data()); TString cmd="rm -f movie_*."; cmd.Append(setup->pictureType).Append(" ").Append(setup->outputFile); gSystem->Exec(cmd); printf("\nLaying out the pads into the movie\n"); setup->layout(); firstpad = setup->pads[0]; printf("\nDrawing movie\n"); setup->drawMovie(); cmd = "ffmpeg -an -r "; cmd.Append(TString::Format("%.0f",setup->frameRate)). Append(" -i movie_%d.").Append(setup->pictureType). Append(" ").Append(setup->outputFile); printf("\nRunning %s\n",cmd.Data()); gSystem->Exec(cmd); printf("\nRemoving old movie_*.%s\n",setup->pictureType.Data()); cmd="rm -f movie_*."; cmd.Append(setup->pictureType); gSystem->Exec(cmd); printf("G4blMovie exiting.\n"); } ! # generate the movie, using the input file in $1 MOVIE_IN="$1" root -n -b -q -l $TMPDIR/G4blMovie.C++ # clean up TMPDIR and Root dictionaries rm -fr $TMPDIR AutoDict*