* Study2Cooling.g4bl * * Simple example g4beamline file: * There are 4 Study2 cooling cells. * This version uses a Gaussian beam # trace the first 10 tracks trace nTrace=10 # QGSP is the "default" physics use-case for HEP physics QGSP disable=Decay beam gaussian meanMomentum=200 sigmaP=-10 sigmaXp=0.01 sigmaYp=0.01 \ nEvents=100 beamZ=0 reference particle=mu+ referenceMomentum=200.0 beamZ=0 trackcuts kineticEnergyCut=50.0 killSecondaries=1 # define the solenoids (use individual Focus solenoids for alternate=1 to work) coil default material=Cu dR=5.0 dZ=5.0 solenoid default alternate=1 color=1,1,0 coil Focus1 innerRadius=330.0 outerRadius=505.0 length=167.0 maxR=330.0 coil Coupl1 innerRadius=770.0 outerRadius=850.0 length=330.0 maxR=770.0 solenoid USFocus coilName=Focus1 current=75.20 solenoid DSFocus coilName=Focus1 current=-75.20 solenoid Coupl coilName=Coupl1 current=-98.25 # define a detector for the center of each absorber virtualdetector Det radius=179.9 length=1 # define the absorber with flat Al windows tubs Win1 outerRadius=180.0 length=0.360 material=Al color=0.0,1.0,0.0 tubs LH2 length=350.0 outerRadius=180.0 color=1.0,0.0,1.0 material=LH2 # place the virtualdetector into the absorber, so its front is in the center place Det z=0.5 parent=LH2 color=1,1,1 group Abs radius=0 place Win1 place LH2 place Win1 endgroup # tune the RF Gradient tune Grad z0=100 z1=11300 initial=15 step=0.1 expr=Pz1-Pz0 tolerance=0.001 # define the pillbox RF cavity, and put 4 of them into a linac pillbox RF innerLength=466.0 frequency=0.20125 maxGradient=Grad \ irisRadius=160.0 win1Thick=0.300 win2Thick=0.700 wallThick=5.0 \ winMat=Be collarThick=5.0 phaseAcc=40.0 maxStep=10.0 group Linac1 radius=0 place RF rename=RF# copies=4 endgroup # define one cooling cell group Cell length=2750.0 place Abs z=-1033.0 place USFocus z=-1291.5 rename=Focus place DSFocus z=-774.5 rename=Focus place Coupl z=342.0 rename=Coupl place Linac1 z=342.0 rename='' endgroup tubs Spacer length=200 outerRadius=300 material=Vacuum place Spacer z=100 # place 4 cells place Cell copies=4 rename=C# place Spacer